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伊维菌素是兽医临床的常用药,对犬的耳螨、疥螨等都有特效,是一种高效、广谱、价廉的抗寄生虫药物。因其具有低毒性,且部分犬种对伊维菌素较敏感,易造成伊维菌素中毒。伊维菌素中毒目前没有特效药,只能通过对症治疗,同时加大静注剂量,促进代谢。  相似文献   

伊维菌素是一类半合成大环内酯类多组分广谱抗寄生虫药,对动物体内线虫及疥螨、蜱、血虱等体外寄生虫都具有良好的驱杀效果。由于伊维菌素具有用药剂量小、抗虫效果好的特点,随着城镇宠物犬和农户厂矿看护犬养殖规模的扩大,犬寄生虫病感染愈来愈引起人们的重视。伊维菌素作为防治犬体内外寄生虫病的首选药物,在兽医临床上得到了广泛应用。但不合理地使用本品,导致犬发生依维菌素中毒的报道时有出现。本文通过浅析伊维菌素中毒的机理及解救措施,以此引起广大兽医人员在使用伊维菌素时的高度重视。  相似文献   

在犬的皮肤病中,由疥螨或蠕形螨引起的病例占相当大的比重。首选治疗药物是伊维菌素,但一般禁用于柯利犬,而新一代灭螨药物通灭可以用于柯利犬的皮肤治疗。然而,在应用的过程中,却发现偶有柯利犬中毒的现象发生,对柯利犬通灭中毒的临床症状和治疗方法进行了介绍供参考。  相似文献   

伊维菌素中毒,在犬病临床上经常发现。许多人对伊维菌素的药性和适用范围并不清楚,剂量控制不好,因此,容易引起犬中毒。本文通过对2例犬伊维菌素中毒的救治浅谈体会。  相似文献   

<正>伊维菌素是一种大环内酯类抗寄生虫药,能驱除犬的钩虫、蛔虫、心丝虫及其蚴,对螨、蜱、虱、蝇等也有较强的驱杀作用。因其具有广谱、高效、用量小、副反应轻等优点广泛应用于兽医临床。在宠物临床中,它常常被作为首选药物来驱杀体内线虫和体外寄生虫。在正常情况下,按照推荐剂量使用伊维菌素不易致使犬猫发生中毒反应(柯利犬除外),但是,如果用药量过大、短时间重复用药或因犬猫个体差异,也会发生中毒。伊维菌素致犬中毒病例  相似文献   

<正>伊维菌素是驱杀犬体内外寄生虫的首选药物,在兽医临床上时有因用药量过大或短时间内重复用药而造成伊维菌素中毒的情况发生。笔者  相似文献   

伊维菌素是一种强力、广谱、低毒性的驱肠道线虫药,它不仅对畜禽及犬猫多种线虫有较好的驱虫效果,而且对螨、蜱、虱、蝇类等寄生物也有较强的驱杀作用,因此,在宠物临床中,它常常被作为首选药物来驱杀体内线虫和体外寄生虫.伊维菌素药量过大或短时间重复用药导致的犬中毒病例时有报道,而由于对伊维菌素敏感导致的伊维菌素中毒报道尚少见.2003年4月,作者在邯农畜牧兽医专家服务中心动物门诊,接诊1例因过敏体质导致的伊维菌素中毒病例,经过救治现已痊愈,现将诊治情况报道如下:  相似文献   

正1病因1.1动物伊维菌素用量过大或用药间隔时间过短可引起中毒。1.2伊维菌素注射液供皮下注射,若采用肌肉、静脉注射则易引起中毒。1.3伊维菌素中毒与动物品种和年龄有关,有的品种的犬对其异常敏感,药物小剂量使用即可引起中毒,甚至死亡。伊维菌素对虾、鱼等水生生物为剧毒药物。2中毒症状2.1犬、猫中毒犬、猫表现出神经症状,轻者中枢神经受抑制,重者中枢神经兴奋,因中毒程度不同,犬、猫可出现运动麻痹和共济失调。急性病  相似文献   

正伊维菌素是驱杀犬体内线虫和体外寄生虫的首选药物,有时在临床上因为药量过大或短时间内重复用药而造成犬伊维菌素中毒。前几天笔者接诊了一例斗牛犬伊维菌素中毒的病例,经过治疗已痊愈,笔者将诊疗过程加以总结,供大家参考。1临床症状几天前的上午10点,一犬主携一斗牛犬前来应诊,询问得知,犬2.5月龄,体重2.5千克,早上8点左右刚刚口服了驱虫药。笔者观察到,  相似文献   

作者在某宠物疾病门诊部收集到犬猫伊维菌素中毒病例7例,报告本病以神经症状为主的临床表现和相应的治疗措施。为确证病因,作者选用健康犬猫以大剂量伊维菌素作人工发病。全部供试犬猫均出现与临床病例相似的症状。尸体部检及组织学检查可见脑、脊髓及外用神经的病变以水肿为主。外周血液白细胞分类见单核细胞数量增多。作者就犬猫伊维菌素中毒剂量与个体的关系,临床表现与病理的联系等问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

伊维菌素脂质体的急性毒性试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解伊维菌素脂质体的毒性,将伊维菌素脂质体给试验小鼠按一定浓度一次腹腔注射,连续观察7-14d,用改良寇氏法计算半数致死量(LD50)及95%的可信限,并在同一方法和条件下与伊维菌素注射剂相比较。结果表明,伊维菌素脂质体(脂质体组)的LD50(92.1516mg/kg.BW)显著高于伊维菌素注射剂(原药组)的LD50(24.2493mg/kg.BW),是原药组的3.80倍。证明伊维菌素脂质体的毒性更低,刺激性更小,安全范围更广。  相似文献   

Ivermectin toxicosis in a dog   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 5-year-old male Doberman Pinscher was examined after ingesting an equine paste dewormer containing approximately 115 mg of ivermectin. Clinical signs consisted of profound hypothermia, mild dehydration, dilated unresponsive pupils, localized muscle group fasciculations around the face and hind limbs, and no response to any external stimuli. Twelve days after parenteral administration of isotonic fluids and IV administration of dexamethasone and dimethyl sulfoxide, the dog returned to a clinically normal neurologic state. Ivermectin toxicosis has been reported frequently in Collies; however, other breeds may have idiosyncratic reactions to low doses. Patients with severe toxicosis should eventually recover completely if given appropriate intensive care.  相似文献   

伊维菌素脂质体的制备及质量控制研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为研究伊维菌素脂质体 ,以卵磷脂和胆固醇为载体 ,采用注入法制备了伊维菌素脂质体 ,并应用紫外倍率系数法测定脂质体中伊维菌素的含量 ,采用高速离心法测定其包封率。结果表明 ,采用注入法制备的伊维菌素脂质体稳定性好 ,大小均匀 ,包封率效果良好 (77.42 %以上 ) ,紫外倍率系数法能消除辅料干扰 ,可作为伊维菌素脂质体质量控制的有效方法  相似文献   

Forty dog-faced fruit bats (Cynopterus brachyotis) were administered 1 drop of 1% ivermectin topically as part of a routine physical exam and deworming program, and 11 developed sudden generalized paresis. Six of the bats recovered within 24-48 hr, and the remaining 5 were presented recumbent and weak to the University of Florida Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. Ivermectin toxicosis was suspected, and the admitted bats died or were euthanatized within 3-5 days of the development of clinical signs despite supportive care. Three of the dead bats had renal tubular necrosis.  相似文献   

Mortalities among birds of prey from anticoagulant rodenticide (AR) toxicosis have been documented in several countries. Reports on extent of exposure within regions of the United States are limited. This study investigated AR exposure and toxicosis in four species of birds of prey (red-tailed hawks [Buteo jamaicensis], barred owls [Strix varia], eastern screech owls [Megascops asio] and great horned owls [Bubo virginianus]) presented to a wildlife clinic in Massachusetts. The aims of this study are to document the proportion of these four species that died or were euthanized due to their presenting injuries that had detectable amounts of ARs in liver tissue; to identify and quantify ARs present; to describe clinical, postmortem, and histopathologic signs of toxicosis; to evaluate potential sublethal effects of AR exposure; and to associate liver AR level with toxicosis. Birds included in the study were sampled without regard to signs of AR toxicosis. Postmortem examinations were conducted, and liver samples were analyzed for AR residues. Of 161 birds tested, 86% had AR residues in liver tissue. The second-generation AR (SGAR) brodifacoum was identified in 99% of positive birds. Mortality from AR toxicosis was diagnosed in 6% of birds. No indications of sublethal effects of exposure were found, and no association between liver brodifacoum level and signs of toxicosis was apparent. Given the high proportion of birds in this study exposed to ARs, specifically brodifacoum, continued monitoring is warranted as new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations on the sale and use of SGARs are enacted.  相似文献   

Pyrethroids have a wide spectrum of insecticidal potency, vertebrate toxicity, and environmental stability. The exceptionally high selectivity ratios of pyrethrins and pyrethroids have resulted in their use for insect control in numerous formulations. A primary effect of pyrethroids is to slow the closing of the sodium activation gate in nerve cells. All pyrethroids have essentially the same basic mechanism of action on voltage-dependent sodium channels but differ in the magnitude of effect. Based on clinical signs, electrophysiologic responses, and chemical structure, pyrethroids can be classified as Type I or Type II. Inhibition of the GABAA receptor appears to be an additional mechanism of Type II pyrethroids. Clinical signs in small animals during a pyrethroid toxicosis vary but are generally attributable to neural dysfunction. Treatment consists of decontamination procedures and application of appropriate symptomatic care, including control of seizures if necessary.  相似文献   

2007年四川省雅安市某兔场75只兔发生痒螨病,采用长效伊维菌素注射液按0.3 mL/kg体重一次性大腿肌肉注射,治愈率为98.67%,连续观察5个月内复发率为1.52%(1/66)。同时, 采用长效伊维菌素注射液按0.2 mL/kg体重一次性大腿肌肉注射对该兔场未发病的327只肉兔和216只长毛兔进行了净化处理,处理后5个月内痒螨病发生率为0.37%(2/543)。  相似文献   

Although the incidence of lead toxicosis in small animals continues to decrease, it remains a significant malady. We have reviewed the literature of the past 45 years, which revealed 70 cases involving cats. Sources, signs, diagnosis, pathology and treatment of feline lead toxicosis are reviewed. In 84% of these cases the source of lead was old paint usually from home renovation. The most common signs in cats are anorexia, vomiting, and seizures. The younger individuals seem more likely to show CNS signs. Since signs are often vague, lead toxicosis may be significantly under diagnosed in cats. The gold standard of diagnostic tests is blood lead concentration, although it does not necessarily correlate with total body burden of lead or with metabolic effects including clinical signs. Diagnostic tests including erythropoietic protoporphyrin (EPP), urine aminolevulinic acid, and others are discussed. Gross findings on necropsy are few and include a yellow-brown discoloration of the liver often with a nutmeg-like appearance. Histological examination may reveal pathognomonic inclusion bodies in liver and renal tissues. Characteristic histological changes in the CNS include neuronal necrosis and demyelination. Treatment of lead toxicosis in cats, as in any species, involves removing the exposure, decontaminating the individual and the environment, supportive care and chelation therapy. The most recently available chelator is succimer (meso 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid). Succimer given orally is well tolerated and has a wide margin of safety. A high index of suspicion of lead toxicosis is warranted in cats since they often present with vague and non-specific signs. With any consistent history owners need to be asked about home renovation. Early diagnosis and treatment affords a good prognosis.  相似文献   

Ivermectin given in a single subcutaneous dose of 300 μg/kg was tested for safety and efficacy against swine hyperkeratotic scabies in a large breeding piggery. Approximately 15% of the adult population was showing severe clinical mange. Skin scrapings were taken from 40 affected animals to provide parasite counts. Eight of 40 animals were used as untreated controls; all test animals were injected subcutaneously on day 0 with Ivermectin. General improvement was noted as early as eight days after treatment. Scratching stopped by day 21 in all treated animals. The results are discussed in regard to a control program for Sarcoptes scabiei infestation in pigs.  相似文献   

伊维菌素对圈养羊的驱虫试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的观察维菌素对圈养羊的驱虫疗效。方法用伊维菌素0.25mg/kg体重,间隔7天2次给圈养羊口服进行体内外寄生虫驱治试验和安全性观察。结果该药对圈养羊的胃肠道内线虫以及体外痒螨、羊虱、羊狂蝇蛆、羊蜱等都具有较好的驱虫效果。结论该药具有疗效高,驱虫谱广,生产上使用安全和药价低廉等特点,具有较大的社会效益和经济效益,适合大面积推广应用。  相似文献   

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