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During an investigation into a chronic wasting disease in southern Sudanese cattle, a participatory appraisal method called a ‘seasonal calendar’ was used to understand local perceptions of seasonal variations in cattle diseases, disease vectors, intermediate hosts and rainfall. Repetition of a standardized seasonal calendar with Dinka informants demonstrated good reproducibility of the method. Comparison of rainfall data produced by seasonal calendars and objective measures of rainfall demonstrated good validity of the seasonal calendar method. Subjective assessment of seasonal calendar scoring patterns by veterinarians indicated that herders’ perceptions of seasonal populations of biting flies, ticks and snails were similar to modern veterinary knowledge. The uses of seasonal calendars in veterinary epidemiology are discussed.  相似文献   

Because of severe resource and logistical constraints in large areas of Africa, disease surveillance systems need to maximize the use of information provided by livestock keepers and make correct interpretations of indigenous livestock knowledge. This paper describes the use of participatory epidemiology (PE) to compare the names, clinical signs and epidemiological features of cattle diseases as perceived by pastoralists and veterinarians. Using results from two previous studies with pastoralists in southern Sudan and Kenya, provisional translations of local disease names into modern veterinary terminology were used to develop a matrix scoring method for use with veterinarians. Matrix scoring data from pastoralists and veterinarians were then compared using simple visual comparison of summarized matrices, hierarchical cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling. The results showed good agreement between pastoralists' and veterinarians' disease names and diagnostic criteria. The matrix scoring method was easy to use and appropriate for use in under-resourced areas with minimal professional support or laboratory services. Matrix scoring could be used to assist livestock disease surveillance workers to design surveillance systems that make better use of pastoralist's indigenous knowledge and correctly interpret local disease names. The method should be combined with conventional veterinary investigation methods where feasible.  相似文献   

Rapid Rural Appraisal methods were used to collate and code the indigenous knowledge on animal healthcare of Tsonga speaking people of South Africa. There was a rapport between local disease names as described by their clinical signs by the farmers and the local veterinary services important disease list. The perceived causes of diseases were physico-biological elements and no reference to ancestral guidance was recorded. Males and old people were more knowledgeable but females and young people did show a certain degree of confidence during general discussions. Plants were more frequently used than other non-conventional remedies with cattle being the most treated animals. Farmers reported using 19 plant species belonging to 12 families. Plants were collected from the wild when needed and no specific storage system was used. They were administered as decoctions or infusions of single plants. These remedies were used not only as alternatives to expensive pharmaceutical products but also because in certain diseases or chronic cases, they were thought to be more efficacious.  相似文献   

现代养牛中前胃疾病是制约牛产业发展的一类重要内科疾病,特别是舍饲半舍饲状态下,肉牛、奶牛、育肥牛较为常见。笔者通过长期兽医临床实践、查阅相关文献、结合传统中医学理论,就牛常见前胃疾病定义、发病原因、症候群展开论述、典型案例介绍,提出了相应预防和控制措施。采用西兽药、中兽药、中西兽药联合用药,缩短治疗周期,达到标本兼治,降低经济损失。  相似文献   

Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is the most economically important disease of livestock that still affects extensive areas of the world. This study described the use of participatory appraisal tools such as pair-wise ranking, matrix scoring and proportional piling to assess the perception of livestock keepers about the clinical signs and epidemiological features of cattle diseases with particular emphasis on FMD. Strong agreement among informant groups (W?=?0.710; P?=?0.000) in pair wise ranking indicated that the diseases were common problem to all the selected districts. Matrix scoring of disease indicators/signs also showed strong agreement (W?=?0.504 to 0.955; P?=?0.000) that implied significant current veterinary knowledge by Afar pastoralists. Age specific means of annual incidence rates estimated by proportional piling were significantly (P?<?0.05) different but negatively correlated for FMD, CBPP and pasteurellosis. However, correlation was not significant for anthrax, blackleg and other important diseases. Age specific means of annual mortality was significantly (P?<?0.05) but negatively correlated for FMD, CBPP, pasteurellosis and other important cattle diseases with correlation coefficients of ?0.72, ?0.81, ?0.8 and ?0.55, respectively. However, correlation (r?=?0.12) was not significant for anthrax and not correlated at all for blackleg. This study indicated that pastoralists have detailed knowledge about their livestock health problems, and hence the combined use of participatory appraisal and conventional methods is essential for an ultimate disease control strategy.  相似文献   

Since Spring 1999, a number of dairy farms have reported problems with wasting in cattle. After calving, the physical condition of the cows deteriorated for reasons unknown. Chronic wasting is also associated with disorders such as lameness, abortion, endometritis, mastitis, and respiratory problems. Between April 1999 and March 2000, 19 cows were sent to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for further investigation of the chronic wasting. Clinical and pathological investigations resulted in a broad range of diagnoses such as mastitis, abomasal displacement, and claw disorders. The latter, characterised severe laminitis, were predominant and could explain a number of secondary symptoms (inflammation of the bursa, metastatic processes). There were no clear consistent changes compatible with a certain agent, with the exception of one case in which a virus was shown to be the causative agent. The results indicate that wasting disease is not a distinct entity but is characterized by a broad range of diseases in which acute laminitis may be the original problem. The disease profile of chronic wasting disease is very similar to that of 'concrete disease' described by Rebhun in 1995.  相似文献   

Research in control of tick-borne diseases and trypanosomosis, and their vectors, namely, ticks and tsetse flies respectively, has been on going for decades. However, very little attention has been paid to the socio-economic factors that are likely to influence the outcome of the interventions in the control of these diseases. Thus, this study was designed to investigate these factors, mainly the intra-household factors influencing decision-making in the control of Vector-borne diseases in the pastoralist areas of Uganda. These factors included: indigenous technical knowledge, household economic factors, and gender. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in the collection and analysis of data. The tools used for data collection included among others, participatory learning and action (PLA), and Case studies. The findings included the following: In pastoralist households, a big proportion of the household budget was allocated to vector-borne diseases control. In the male-headed households, men dominated decision-making on vector-borne diseases control, although the goals and priorities of men and women in these households were not the same. Also, vector-borne disease control was predominantly by use of modern veterinary drugs, and pastoralists treated sick cattle by themselves even in situations where there were veterinary personnel.  相似文献   

郏县红牛结节病是牛养殖业中的常见疾病,是由病毒引起郏县红牛的一种急性、亚急性或慢性、传染病。该病的临床特征是病牛发热、消瘦,淋巴结肿大,皮肤、水肿、局部形成坚硬的结节或溃疡为主要特征。  相似文献   

Formal systems of inquiry are of limited value when working with rural communities in developing countries. The current research used alternative systems of inquiry and learning that involved applying participatory epidemiology (PE) techniques to collect veterinary information about Newcastle disease (ND) in rural areas. Results indicated that poultry constituted the largest proportion (42.4%) of livestock species kept, and the poultry diseases that local farmers callbingiri, ciwon-sufe,dankanoman-kaji, dangari, andgurdumu are consistent with modern veterinary knowledge of Newcastle disease, respiratory disease, coccidiosis, fowl pox, and ectoparasitism, respectively.Tsuwen zaki (lion's testicle;Cucumuis pustulatus) andgarafuni (balsam pear;Momordica balsamina) are traditional remedies used to prevent Newcastle disease. Local farmers are knowledgeable about common disease that affect their poultry; they have good diagnostic abilities and can recognize clinical signs. There should be improved veterinary outreach to share some of this information via active community participation, and PE should be incorporated into state and national disease surveillance systems.  相似文献   

《活兽慈舟》(清·李南晖)是继《元享疗法马集》之后,受到我国畜牧兽医界普通重视的一部清代中兽医专著,也是我国现存中兽医古书中内容比较全面的一部著作。《活兽慈舟》继承和发扬了中医药事业,辩证正确,立法恰当,遵循自然规律,集诊治牛、马、羊、猪、犬、猫等六畜疾病和它们的正确饲养方法,及相牛和相马常识于一体,主要流传于四川南部,甘肃通渭县乃至全国,为畜牧养殖生产发展保驾护航,一直为中兽医爱好者和学者提供兽疾病治疗的思路和方法。  相似文献   

A questionnaire was sent to 270 veterinary surgeons and 135 cattle foot trimmers, investigating their perceptions on lameness and associated pain, with particular emphasis on dairy cattle. Response rates were 58 and 51%, respectively, but the number of respondents fully answering each question varied. Cattle foot trimming methods, opinions on pain associated with lameness and methods used to control pain were investigated. Responses of both groups were compared. No veterinary surgeon attended more than 50 lame cattle per month. The 'Dutch Method' of foot trimming was always used by 47% of veterinary respondents and 89% of trimmers. Both groups considered lameness to be potentially painful. Orthopaedic shoes were used by 79% of responding veterinary surgeons and 97% of trimmers (P < 0.001) to alleviate weightbearing by diseased digits. Housing lame cows on straw was regularly recommended by approximately one-third of both groups. Around a third of veterinary surgeons used local anaesthetics when treating lame cattle. Only 27% used analgesics when treating lame cattle.  相似文献   

From early 1999 onwards, cattle health problems accompanied by chronic wasting of unknown aetiology were reported on a number of dairy farms. An association between these health problems and the compulsory use of gE-negative marker vaccines against bovine herpesvirus 1 was presumed by farmers. On one dairy farm an increased milk production of 50% was reported within a few days after parenteral vitamin B12 treatment. Therefore, the current study was designed to determine the effect of parenteral vitamin B12 treatment on the milk production of dairy herds with wasting cattle. A randomized blind trial was performed in five problem herds and two control herds. On each farm five lactating cows were injected intramuscularly with 20 mg vitamin B12 and paired with five untreated lactating cows. The milk production of treated and untreated animals was measured for 19 days following treatment and compared to pre-treatment production. No effect of vitamin B12 treatment on milk production was established on either problem farms or control farms. Neither was a difference detected in the response to vitamin B12 treatment between problem herds and control herds. In a second experiment, parenteral vitamin B12 treatment was applied in three problem herds by local veterinary practitioners. The results of this experiment were in line with the results of the first experiment.  相似文献   

Disease control must be part of the management system in any beef cattle enterprise where improved net returns are a constant goal. A current view of the importance of disease is reflected in the research portfolio of the Australian Meat and Live-stock Research and Development Corporation (AMLRDC), where only 14% of projects relate to cattle health problems. Our relative freedom from epidemics is partly responsible for this balance, but the profession should continue to be alert to the range of actual or potential threats to the national herds and those predisposing factors, both managerial and environmental, that influence their effects. In Australia with its crucial beef export component, several priority areas can be identified. They are (i) completion of the Brucellosis and Tuberculosis Eradication Campaign (BTEC) (ii) improved knowledge of the effects of production of subclinical disease including deficiency states (iii) better understanding of the infertility complex from conception to birth. Congenital viral infections such as mucosal disease and the arbovirus group are slowly emerging from their epidemiological obscurity (iv) constant awareness of the potential threat of exotic diseases and defensive methods available to meet them. There is a particular need to understand the epidemiology of the large tropical cattle herd, which interfaces with South-East Asia. Our comparative freedom from epidemics should not cause any relaxation of vigilance by the veterinary services in the private or public sectors. Nor should government be allowed to minimise the critical role of the veterinary profession in our defense against animal disease (v) increased liaison with our trading partners in livestock exports.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The prevalence of chronic wasting in cattle in March and April 2000 was studied on 218 dairy farms with a history of health problems accompanied by wasting, following reports in the media suggesting that chronic wasting was a substantial problem on Dutch dairy farms. A telephone call revealed that the health problems had resolved on 41 farms; 16 of these farms had culled all cattle. Two farmers refused co-operation. On the remaining 175 farms the animals were inspected and was completed a questionnaire. A high percentage of culling for of health reasons (on average 18.1% of young stock and adult cattle) and an increased mortality rate (4.8%) were reported on the farms visited. In only two of the 175 inspected herds, more than 20 percent of cattle were found showing signs of wasting. These two herds were identified as 'chronic wasting herds'. The prevalence of such herds was low in this study. Consequently, it is likely that there were very few 'chronic wasting herds' among the whole Dutch dairy population in March/April 2000.  相似文献   

牛呼吸道症状疾病在牛场中十分高发且危害严重,在我国,根据调查发现在养牛业中65%牛疾病是感染牛呼吸系统病~([1])。本文对一些能引起呼吸道症状的病原进行了一个梳理,希望能给广大养牛户和基层兽医工作者在疫病防控方面一些中帮助。  相似文献   

Study of the epidemiology of animal diseases in Africa should only be envisaged when the veterinary diagnosis laboratories and the cattle development structures in the field are fully operational. Veterinary epidemiology may be approached using all usual laboratory techniques. In spite of some limitations described by the author, current diagnosis, intervention in outbreaks, retrospective and prospective surveys all contribute to the knowledge of animal disease epidemiology. In fact, considering the difficulties met in Africa, it seems advisable to combine a mixed approach to maximise the use of field visits. The author concludes that until new techniques allow a decentralised diagnosis, the African veterinary laboratories must play a determinant part in the study of the epidemiology of animal diseases; furthermore current diagnosis, sanitary surveillance and epidemiological surveys have now become almost inseparable.  相似文献   

Scrapie is a fatal, neurodegenerative disease of sheep and goats. It is also the earliest known member in the family of diseases classified as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) or prion diseases, which includes Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), and chronic wasting disease in cervids. The recent revelation of naturally occurring BSE in a goat has brought the issue of TSE in goats to the attention of the public. In contrast to scrapie, BSE presents a proven risk to humans. The risk of goat BSE, however, is difficult to evaluate, as our knowledge of TSE in goats is limited. Natural caprine scrapie has been discovered throughout Europe, with reported cases generally being greatest in countries with the highest goat populations. As with sheep scrapie, susceptibility and incubation period duration of goat scrapie are most likely controlled by the prion protein (PrP) gene (PRNP). Like the PRNP of sheep, the caprine PRNP shows significantly greater variability than that of cattle and humans. Although PRNP variability in goats differs from that observed in sheep, the two species share several identical alleles. Moreover, while the ARR allele associated with enhancing resistance in sheep is not present in the goat PRNP, there is evidence for the existence of other PrP variants related to resistance. This review presents the current knowledge of the epidemiology of caprine scrapie within the major European goat populations, and compiles the current data on genetic variability of PRNP.  相似文献   

The examination of presenting signs has always played an important role in the diagnosis of diseases in animal populations. In the case of diseases of tropical cattle, such expertise is often scarce and confined to those experts with many years of experience. To capture, conserve and disseminate such valuable expert knowledge remains a key challenge to the application of knowledge-based systems in veterinary medicine. In this communication, we explore the use of a Bayesian belief network to quantify expert opinion with a view to estimating the likelihood of various diseases in the presence and absence of certain signs. Information was elicited from a panel of 44 experienced veterinarians to provide the response matrix of 27 signs associated with 20 commonly occurring diseases in sub-Saharan cattle. Using this prior information, estimates of the probability of certain signs occurring with each disease were calculated from which the Bayesian belief network was able to propagate the posterior probability of each of the diseases based on the observed signs. The method as an aid in making diagnosis is discussed. It is recognised that such an approach is but one strand in the process of arriving at a diagnosis. For ease of use and accessibility, the approach has been converted into the software program CaDDiS (Cattle Disease Diagnosis System) which is available for consultation on the World Wide Web.  相似文献   

在牛疾病中,母牛产后疾病占有较高比例,具有高发病的特点,且对牛养殖造成较大的危害。本文重点从中兽医学角度阐述母牛产后疾病的类型、病因、临床症状、治疗原则以及中药处方等相关知识。  相似文献   

A questionnaire survey of 315 cattle owners from the rural districts of KwaZulu-Natal was carried out. The aim of the survey was to improve our understanding of local farmers' perceptions and practices of animal disease prevention and control and to establish the extent of their relationship with veterinary services. The survey showed that many owners practice preventive measures such as deworming, tick control and vaccination. Traditional medicines were in use by over half the respondents (58.9 %). Diseases are regarded as an important management problem (56.1 %); ticks, worms and diarrhoea dominated the mentioned health problems in cattle. Veterinary services still play an important role and are a frequent source of advice to owners. The findings of the survey and their context are discussed.  相似文献   

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