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The national control programme for Salmonella in Danish swine herds introduced in 1993 has led to a large decrease in pork-associated human cases of salmonellosis. The pork industry is increasingly focused on the cost-effectiveness of surveillance while maintaining consumer confidence in the pork food supply. Using national control programme data from 2003 and 2004, we developed a zero-inflated binomial model to predict which farms were most at risk of Salmonella. We preferentially sampled these high-risk farms using two sampling schemes based on model predictions resulting from a farm's covariate pattern and its random effect. Zero-inflated binomial modelling allows assessment of similarities and differences between factors that affect herd infection status (introduction), and those that affect the seroprevalence in infected herds (persistence and spread). Both large (producing greater than 5000 pigs per annum), and small herds (producing less than 2000 pigs per annum) were at significantly higher risk for infection and subsequent seroprevalence, when compared with medium sized herds (producing between 2000 and 5000 pigs per annum). When compared with herds being located elsewhere, being located in the south of Jutland significantly decreased the risk of herd infection, but increased the risk of a pig from an infected herd being seropositive. The model suggested that many of the herds where Salmonella was not detected were infected, but at a low prevalence. Using cost and sensitivity, we compared the results of our model based sampling schemes with those under the standard sampling scheme, based on herd size, and the recently introduced risk-based approach. Model-based results were less sensitive but show significant cost savings. Further model refinements, sampling schemes and the methods to evaluate their performance are important areas for future work, and these should continue to occur in direct consultation with Danish authorities.  相似文献   

Risk factors associated with high or low long-term incidence of displaced abomasum (DA) or clinical ketosis were studied in 60 Swedish dairy herds, using multivariable logistic regression modelling. Forty high-incidence herds were included as cases and 20 low-incidence herds as controls. Incidence rates were calculated based on veterinary records of clinical diagnoses. During the 3-year period preceding the herd classification, herds with a high incidence had a disease incidence of DA or clinical ketosis above the 3rd quartile in a national database for disease recordings. Control herds had no cows with DA or clinical ketosis. All herds were visited during the housing period and herdsmen were interviewed about management routines, housing, feeding, milk yield, and herd health. Target groups were heifers in late gestation, dry cows, and cows in early lactation. Univariable logistic regression was used to screen for factors associated with being a high-incidence herd. A multivariable logistic regression model was built using stepwise regression. A higher maximum daily milk yield in multiparous cows and a large herd size (p = 0.054 and p = 0.066, respectively) tended to be associated with being a high-incidence herd. Not cleaning the heifer feeding platform daily increased the odds of having a high-incidence herd twelvefold (p < 0.01). Keeping cows in only one group in the dry period increased the odds of having a high incidence herd eightfold (p = 0.03). Herd size was confounded with housing system. Housing system was therefore added to the final logistic regression model. In conclusion, a large herd size, a high maximum daily milk yield, keeping dry cows in one group, and not cleaning the feeding platform daily appear to be important risk factors for a high incidence of DA or clinical ketosis in Swedish dairy herds. These results confirm the importance of housing, management and feeding in the prevention of metabolic disorders in dairy cows around parturition and in early lactation.  相似文献   

Distribution of finite levels of resources between multiple competing tasks can be a challenging problem. Resources need to be distributed across time periods and geographic locations to increase the probability of detection of a disease incursion or significant change in disease pattern. Efforts should focus primarily on areas and populations where risk factors for a given disease reach relatively high levels. In order to target resources into these areas, the overall risk level can be evaluated periodically across locations to create a dynamic national risk landscape. Methods are described to integrate the levels of various risk factors into an overall risk score for each area, to account for the certainty or variability around those measures and then to allocate surveillance resources across this risk landscape. In addition to targeting resources into high risk areas, surveillance continues in lower risk areas where there is a small yet positive chance of disease occurrence. In this paper we describe the application of portfolio theory concepts, routinely used in finance, to design surveillance portfolios for a series of examples. The appropriate level of resource investment is chosen for each disease or geographical area and time period given the degree of disease risk and uncertainty present.  相似文献   

Increasing demands for cost-effectiveness in surveillance for human health hazards from animal origins can be met by introducing risk-based principles. This e.g. implies targeting subpopulations with higher risk of infection compared to the whole population. Furthermore, historical data from surveillance can be collated and used to assess future risk of infection. To demonstrate the effectiveness of combining these two approaches, we used a model called “Discounting historical evidence”. It depends mainly on the annual risk of introduction (PIntro) and the surveillance system sensitivity (SSe) (ability to detect infection if present). The model implies simulations that reiterate for a number of years. For each year the output is updated with the confidence on absence in infection. Trichinella spiralis infection in pigs is used as an example. In Denmark, more than 20 million pigs are tested annually. Despite more than 70 years of testing no pigs have been found positive for Trichinella. Hence, PIntro is low. SSe can be estimated from the maximum number of infected carcasses expected under the specified design prevalence, and the sensitivity of the test applied. According to our assessment, the current prevalence of Trichinella in Danish pigs is less than one case per million, which we interpret as negligible risk. Based on this, a risk-based surveillance programme for Trichinella is designed that targets all out-door reared pigs as well as all sows and boars (current total 610,000 slaughtered annually). These subpopulations are judged to have higher risk of getting Trichinella. Again, SSe and PIntro are estimated and the model results show that risk-based surveillance can be applied without jeopardizing human health. Finally, we incorporate wildlife surveys and test quality assurance in the programme. The results of the simulation model were included in an application to the European Commission concerning Denmark's status as a region with negligible risk of Trichinella. In July 2007, the European Commission granted status as “negligible risk” to Danish pigs and pork.  相似文献   

Risk-based surveillance systems reveal occurrence of disease or infection in a sample of population units, which are selected on the basis of risk factors for the condition under study. The purpose of such systems for supporting practical animal disease policy formulations and management decisions are: A: to detect an emerging disease or infection, if it becomes introduced into a population; or B: to substantiate freedom from a condition in a population; or C: to detect cases and estimate the prevalence of an endemic condition in a population. In risk-based surveillance these aims should be met with prudent use of resources while maintaining acceptable system performance. High-risk category units are selected for testing by identification of the presence of specific high-risk factor(s), while disregarding other factors that might also influence the risk. On this basis we argue that the most applicable risk estimate for use in designing and evaluating a risk-based surveillance system would be a crude (unadjusted) relative risk, odds ratio or apparent prevalence. Risk estimates found in the published literature, however, are often the results of multivariable analyses implicitly adjusting the estimates for confounding from other risk factors. We describe some potential unintentional effects when using adjusted risk estimates in evaluating the efficacy and sensitivity of risk-based surveillance systems (SSe). In two examples, we quantify and compare the efficacy and SSe using adjusted and crude risk estimates. The examples use Danish surveillance data from previously published studies to evaluate systems aimed at risk-based detection of new cases of an endemic infection, i.e. Salmonella in dairy cattle herds (Example 1), and for substantiating the absence of a specific infection, i.e. Trichinella in the national slaughter pig population (Example 2), respectively.  相似文献   

Vector-borne diseases pose a special challenge to veterinary authorities due to complex and time-consuming surveillance programs taking into account vector habitat. Using stochastic scenario tree modelling, each possible surveillance activity of a future surveillance system can be evaluated with regard to its sensitivity and the expected cost. The overall sensitivity of various potential surveillance systems, composed of different combinations of surveillance activities, is calculated and the proposed surveillance system is optimized with respect to the considered surveillance activities, the sensitivity and the cost. The objective of this project was to use stochastic scenario tree modelling in combination with a simple cost analysis in order to develop the national surveillance system for Bluetongue in Switzerland. This surveillance system was established due to the emerging outbreak of Bluetongue virus serotype 8 (BTV-8) in Northern Europe in 2006. Based on the modelling results, it was decided to implement an improved passive clinical surveillance in cattle and sheep through campaigns in order to increase disease awareness alongside a targeted bulk milk testing strategy in 200 dairy cattle herds located in high-risk areas. The estimated median probability of detection of cases (i.e. sensitivity) of the surveillance system in this combined approach was 96.4%. The evaluation of the prospective national surveillance system predicted that passive clinical surveillance in cattle would provide the highest probability to detect BTV-8 infected animals, followed by passive clinical surveillance in sheep and bulk milk testing of 200 dairy cattle farms in high-risk areas. This approach is also applicable in other countries and to other epidemic diseases.  相似文献   

一、2 0 0 3年饲料工业基本情况(一)生产持续发展。2 0 0 3年我国饲料工业遇到了前所未有的困难。非典疫情一度造成饲料物流受阻,原料短缺,市场萎缩。1 0月份以后,饲料工业遭遇罕见的原料价格暴涨,豆粕和赖氨酸等产品价格涨幅创历史最高水平。在艰难的形势下,各级饲料管理部门积极与有关方面协调,落实国家对饲料企业的税收优惠政策,降低了生产成本。积极协调增加大豆进口配额,保证豆粕原料的有效供应,抑制了豆粕价格的恶性上涨。以市场为导向调整产品结构,压缩一般性饲料品种,加快发展浓缩饲料和添加剂预混合饲料,开发新型饲料资源和饲料品…  相似文献   

Financial resources may limit the number of samples that can be collected and analysed in disease surveillance programmes. When the aim of surveillance is disease detection and identification of case herds, a risk-based approach can increase the sensitivity of the surveillance system. In this paper, the association between two network analysis measures, i.e. 'in-degree' and 'ingoing infection chain', and signs of infection is investigated. It is shown that based on regression analysis of combined data from a recent cross-sectional study for endemic viral infections and network analysis of animal movements, a positive serological result for bovine coronavirus (BCV) and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) is significantly associated with the purchase of animals. For BCV, this association was significant also when accounting for herd size and regional cattle density, but not for BRSV. Examples are given for different approaches to include cattle movement data in risk-based surveillance by selecting herds based on network analysis measures. Results show that compared to completely random sampling these approaches increase the number of detected positives, both for BCV and BRSV in our study population. It is concluded that network measures for the relevant time period based on updated databases of animal movements can provide a simple and straight forward tool for risk-based sampling.  相似文献   

Our aim was to compare the efficiency of different surveillance strategies for detecting scrapie-infected sheep flocks in the Norwegian population using simulation modelling.The dynamic Monte Carlo simulation model has the flock as the unit. The input parameters include properties of the sheep population (number of flocks, flock size, age distribution, reasons for culling, breeds, prion protein-allele distribution); properties of scrapie (genotype-dependent infection rate and incubation periods, and age- and genotype-dependent prevalence of scrapie); properties of the surveillance strategy (selection of sheep for examination, period in which infected sheep are detectable, and properties of the diagnostic tests). For simplification, the prion protein-alleles were grouped into three allele groups: VRQ, ARR, and ARQ' (ARQ' represents ARQ, ARH and AHQ).Through either abattoir surveillance or surveillance of fallen stock, 70% of the detected sheep (compared to 33% in the underlying population). The model output was sensitive to the susceptibility of infection for the genotype ARQ'/ARQ'. The effect was large for abattoir surveillance (increased susceptibility increased the efficiency of abattoir surveillance).  相似文献   

The strategy how new drugs are being developed has dramatically changed during the last decade. Until then a rational, target-aimed design of drugs was not possible, because the molecular basis of disease was largely unexplored. The progress in basic science has revealed that many diseases are caused by the malfunction of proteins. These proteins are targets for drugs, which should bind to the protein and inhibit its function. Knowledge of the three dimensional structure of the target protein is helpful to find binding pockets for the drug on the molecular surface. The strategy of this knowledge-based or structure-based drug-design is explained with the help of several examples for recently approved drugs, antivirals against influenza and AIDS, and a drug against a rare cancer, chronic myeloic leukemia.  相似文献   

2002年的国内乳业市场硝烟四起,在国内乳业巨头纷纷争夺市场份额的时候,国外乳业洋品牌却悄无声息的退出了国内市场。目前达能已把乳业的管理权和品牌使用权交予光明;卡夫也将股权卖给了三元;帕玛拉特也将其设在黑龙江的乳品厂以5年契约期租赁给伊利。国内乳业市场似乎被光明、三元、伊利等几大乳业巨头瓜分,而地处青藏高原的青海乳业却在硝烟之外安静地成长。  相似文献   

Bovine brucellosis is caused by Brucella abortus and induces abortions in female cattle, with other cattle at risk of infection from the aborted fetus or contaminated placenta. In Japan, the number of cases has dramatically reduced due to national surveillance and eradication strategies. Bovine brucellosis is now believed to be eradicated in Japan. Here, we examine the surveillance strategies currently in place for early detection of infected cattle in the event of a future reintroduction of the disease. We compared current serological surveillance for the dairy population with bulk-milk surveillance and abortion surveillance, and used time to detection as the main criterion of surveillance efficacy. A stochastic individual-based model (IBM) was developed to simulate disease transmission within and between farms. Using outputs from the transmission model, a comparison of surveillance strategies was simulated. For evaluation of the robustness of the parameter values used in the transmission model, a sensitivity analysis was conducted. For the purpose of evaluating the direct costs of each surveillance strategy, the annual number of samples to be tested and the annual number of farms to be visited were estimated. Our results indicated that current serological surveillance with 60-month test intervals is not effective enough for rapid detection of a brucellosis outbreak. Bulk-milk surveillance appeared the most effective method based on the early detection of infected cows and a reduced number of samples required. The time to detection for abortion surveillance was greater than that of bulk-milk surveillance but varied widely depending on the reported ratio of abortions. Results from the surveillance model were consistent when alternative scenarios were applied to the transmission model. Although our model cannot exactly replicate an actual brucellosis outbreak, or the results of surveillance, our results may help decision-makers to choose the most effective surveillance strategy.  相似文献   

安徽省巢湖市居巢区畜牧业在全区农村经济中一直占有举足轻重的地位,是农民致富奔小康的支柱产业。2008年全区生猪饲养量26.4万头,其中出栏17.27万头;家禽饲养量1540万只,其中出栏1075万只;肉类总产3.21万吨,禽蛋总产1.75万吨,畜牧业产值7.91亿元,占农业总产值的25.86%。  相似文献   

<正>肉牛产业是宁夏回族自治区石嘴山市平罗县的重点特色产业,对持续增加农民收入、推动乡村振兴战略的实施发挥了重要作用。平罗县以促进农民持续增收为核心,持续推进肉牛产业区域化布局、规模化经营、标准化生产、产业化发展,肉牛综合生产能力稳步提高,肉牛产业已成为平罗县乡村振兴和脱贫增收的主导产业。  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent progress in the development of syndromic surveillance systems for veterinary medicine. Peer-reviewed and grey literature were searched in order to identify surveillance systems that explicitly address outbreak detection based on systematic monitoring of animal population data, in any phase of implementation. The review found that developments in veterinary syndromic surveillance are focused not only on animal health, but also on the use of animals as sentinels for public health, representing a further step towards One Medicine. The main sources of information are clinical data from practitioners and laboratory data, but a number of other sources are being explored. Due to limitations inherent in the way data on animal health is collected, the development of veterinary syndromic surveillance initially focused on animal health data collection strategies, analyzing historical data for their potential to support systematic monitoring, or solving problems of data classification and integration. Systems based on passive notification or data transfers are now dealing with sustainability issues. Given the ongoing barriers in availability of data, diagnostic laboratories appear to provide the most readily available data sources for syndromic surveillance in animal health. As the bottlenecks around data source availability are overcome, the next challenge is consolidating data standards for data classification, promoting the integration of different animal health surveillance systems, and also the integration to public health surveillance. Moreover, the outputs of systems for systematic monitoring of animal health data must be directly connected to real-time decision support systems which are increasingly being used for disease management and control.  相似文献   

辽宁草业现状及发展对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
庄文发 《草业科学》2003,20(3):75-78
①  辽宁省地处东北地区南端 ,从西北到东北部分别与内蒙古、河北、吉林等省 (区 )接壤 ,东南部有漫长的海岸线 ,辽宁既是沿海省分 ,又有典型的内陆以及高原地区的特点。气候从西北的冷凉半干旱到南部温暖半湿润。植被具有典型的长白、华北和内蒙植物区系特点 ,从东南到西北依次为森林、草甸草原、次生干草原。全省有天然草地32 4万hm2 ,约占土地总面积的 2 2 2 % ,草地类型丰富 ,植被种类繁多 ,分为 9类、6个亚类、34个组、1 2 9个型 ,饲用牧草近千个品种 ,野生优良牧草32 0多种。丰富的天然草地资源 ,不仅为动植物的多样性提供了基…  相似文献   

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