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张金辉 《猪业科学》2022,39(2):26-26
不同脂肪酸的抗菌活性在实践中是众所周知的。脂肪酸和其他物质的靶向组合可以广泛改善动物肠道健康,减少抗生素的使用。由于法律法规要求在畜牧业生产中要减少抗生素的使用,不同的脂肪酸在动物营养中发挥着越来越重要的作用。由于中链脂肪酸(MCFA)具有很强的抗菌活性和能量供应成分,因此在猪生产中,寻找抗生素的替代品激发了人们对MCFA的兴趣。其不但可促进肠道绒毛的生长,还可增加饲料的消化率,也可以改善断奶后仔猪的肠道发育。  相似文献   

不同脂肪酸的抗菌活性在实践中是众所周知的.脂肪酸和其他物质的靶向组合可以广泛改善动物肠道健康,减少抗生素的使用.由于法律法规要求在畜牧业生产中要减少抗生素的使用,不同的脂肪酸在动物营养中发挥着越来越重要的作用.由于中链脂肪酸(MCFA)具有很强的抗菌活性和能量供应成分,因此在猪生产中,寻找抗生素的替代品激发了人们对MC...  相似文献   

动物免疫、消化道健康和饲料原料的相互作用是非常复杂的。功能性饲料成分如甘露寡糖作为天然生长促进剂对动物的促生长作用以及与肠道微生物菌群、免疫系统功能的相互作用的研究已取得很大的进展。因此,本文就甘露寡糖改善猪肠道健康、提高免疫功能和对疾病的抵抗力以及提高生  相似文献   

肠道健康是一个由营养学、微生物学、免疫学和生理学组成的错综复杂的领域,且在动物生产中起着重要作用。当肠道健康受到影响时,消化和养分的吸收会受到影响,这反过来会对采食量产生不良的作用,进而引发经济损失,使动物对疾病产生较大的敏感性(图1、2)。  相似文献   

正以亚治疗剂量将抗生素用作生长促进剂在全世界的动物生产上已经行不通。欧盟在2006年禁止了将抗生素用作生长促进剂,每天还是有新的无抗动物生产情况的出现。这种情况对人类的健康有好处,因为这不太可能会导致细菌对治疗用抗生素产生耐药性。然而,动物的生产性能达不到其最佳水平。目前人们越来越多地关注可提高猪生产性能的抗生素替代方法,主要是通过改善动物健康,随后是通过减少动物用于应对感染和健康问题的能量、蛋白质和其他营养素,或通过使用各种不同种类的功能性原料、添加剂甚至新的饲料管理方法。  相似文献   

饲料发酵和酶制剂添加增加了猪饲料替代来源的营养价值,特别是提高了猪对纤维和磷的消化率。猪传统饲料原料大麦、小麦和大豆的浮动价格使人们对更为便宜的猪替代饲料原料更为关注。然而, 这些饲料原料纤维含量高, 致使猪群难以消化。饲料中的纤维降低了猪群对其他营养物质的消化率, 尤其是蛋白质。  相似文献   

马桂燕 《饲料广角》2012,(18):40-40,45
肠道性能保持在最佳状态的家禽,通常其生产性能和健康状况也会保持在较高水平。刚出生的雏鸡,其肠道的健康运行对后期的生长和发育是非常重要的,因此,当前对于新生雏鸡肠道健康以及其功能正常的运行愈来愈受到人们的重视。通常,人工孵化的雏鸡在育雏阶段其肠道重量的增速较快,是鸡雏其他脏器增速的5倍之多,且肠黏膜上的绒毛、肠隐窝和肠细胞的快速发育可为雏鸡吸收营养奠定基础,同时也为之后的生产性能发挥到最大化提供了先决条件。  相似文献   

托布洛輔斯基国家良種養成所建立於1951年5月,它的任務是把个别集体农荘农场的育种工作联合成为统一的计划,准备卡里金斯基种的純種鑑定,目的是確定它成為祖國新的油用猪種。  相似文献   

日粮纤维是猪日粮中重要的组成成分。日粮纤维在维持猪的正常肠道形态、调节肠道菌群稳态、增强肠道免疫方面具有积极作用。文章综述日粮纤维对日粮营养物质表观消化率、猪生产性能及肠道健康的影响,为日粮纤维在养猪生产中的合理利用、开发富含纤维的非粮型饲料、发展"绿色、节粮、安全"的生猪养殖提供参考。  相似文献   

在农业动物产品的生产中,由于政府条例的限制和消费者的选择,选用抗生素作为促生长剂日益受到限制.用抗生素作为促生长剂越来越少.为了出口欧盟国家和其它一些海外市场,许多国家的生产商不得不放弃使用抗生素.……  相似文献   

<正>荐语:该文总结了二甲酸钾对改善养分消化利用率和生产性能指标的试验,结果表明,二甲酸钾作为猪用饲料添加剂,可减少氮、磷的排泄,提高猪业养殖的经济效益,促进环保和养猪业的可持续发展。在养猪生产中,抗生素的滥用及后果日益受到关注,人们不得不重点寻求抗生素促生长剂的替代方案。甲酸及其双盐的应用成为重点研究课题,大部分研究是关于不同环境条件、日粮配方下  相似文献   

Sustainable animal production requires a healthy production system including healthy animals producing wholesome products. Epidemiology as a discipline is concerned with the occurrence of disease or disease indicators in populations as well as with factors influencing disease occurrence. By providing this information, epidemiology contributes significantly to the development and maintenance of healthy livestock. This is illustrated with the example of the enzootic pneumonia (EP) eradication programme of Switzerland. A series of observational studies were conducted in order to obtain the necessary knowledge to implement an area-wide EP eradication programme. The issues of economical eradication strategies at the herd level and the risk of re-infections were addressed. Simulation modelling and economical analysis were also applied. These research projects led to the successful start of a national eradication programme. The example of the EP eradication programme illustrates that applied epidemiological research provides critical information for the planning, implementation and evaluation of disease control programmes and is thus a key tool in developing sustainable animal production.  相似文献   

植物提取物对猪健康性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
饲料安全是保证畜禽类食品安全的基本条件,发展无公害的绿色饲料添加剂,是养殖业的当务之急。植物提取物饲料添加剂具有促进动物生长、提高饲料转化效率、降低疾病发生率等优点,而且无抗药性、无毒副作用及残留,有益于动物和人类健康,在饲料工业中日益受到重视。文中综述了植物提取物饲料添加剂对猪肠道微生物、肠道免疫和猪生产性能的影响,并对植物提取物饲料添加剂的发展前景及研发进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Immune system activation begins a host of physiological responses. Infectious agents are recognized by monocytes and macrophages which in turn stimulate cytokine production. It is the hormone-like factors called cytokines that orchestrate the immune response. The classic responses observed with immune system activation and cytokine production include: anorexia, fever, lethargy, recruitment of other immune cells, and phagocytosis. While production of immune system components is known to require some amino acids, increases in amino acid requirements are more than offset by the associated decrease in protein accretion and increased muscle protein degradation that also accompanies immune system activation. However, the biggest impact of cytokine production is a decrease in feed intake. Therefore, as feed intake decreases, the energy needed to drive protein synthesis is also decreased. This suggests that diets should still be formulated on a similar calorie:lysine ratio as those formulated for non-immune challenged pigs. The evidence is sparse or equivocal for increasing nutrient requirements during an immune challenge. Nutritionists and swine producers should resist the pressure to alter the diet, limit feed, or add expensive feed additives during an immune challenge. While immune stimulation does not necessitate changes in diet formulation, when pigs are challenged with non-pathogenic diarrhea there are potential advantages on gut health with the increased use of crystalline amino acids rather than intact protein sources (i.e., soybean meal). This is because reducing crude protein decreases the quantity of fermentable protein entering the large intestine, which lowers post weaning diarrhea. It also lowers the requirement for expensive specialty protein sources or other protein sources such as soybean meal that present immunological challenges to the gut. The objective of this review is two-fold. The first is to discuss immunity by nutrition interactions, or lack thereof, and secondly, to review amino acid re  相似文献   

Immune system activation begins a host of physiological responses. Infectious agents are recognized by monocytes and macrophages which in turn stimulate cytokine production. It is the hormone-like factors called cytokines that orchestrate the immune response. The classic responses observed with immune system activation and cytokine production include: anorexia, fever, lethargy, recruitment of other immune cells, and phagocytosis. While production of immune system components is known to require some amino acids, increases in amino acid requirements are more than offset by the associated decrease in protein accretion and increased muscle protein degradation that also accompanies immune system activation. However, the biggest impact of cytokine production is a decrease in feed intake. Therefore, as feed intake decreases, the energy needed to drive protein synthesis is also decreased. This suggests that diets should still be formulated on a similar calorie:lysine ratio as those formulated for non-immune challenged pigs. The evidence is sparse or equivocal for increasing nutrient requirements during an immune challenge. Nutritionists and swine producers should resist the pressure to alter the diet, limit feed, or add expensive feed additives during an immune challenge. While immune stimulation does not necessitate changes in diet formulation, when pigs are challenged with non-pathogenic diarrhea there are potential advantages on gut health with the increased use of crystalline amino acids rather than intact protein sources (i.e., soybean meal). This is because reducing crude protein decreases the quantity of fermentable protein entering the large intestine, which lowers post weaning diarrhea. It also lowers the requirement for expensive specialty protein sources or other protein sources such as soybean meal that present immunological challenges to the gut. The objective of this review is two-fold. The first is to discuss immunity by nutrition interactions, or lack thereof, and secondly, to review amino acid requirement estimates for nursery pigs.  相似文献   

为研究五粮肽对断奶乳猪生长和肠道菌群的影响,本试验选取5日龄杜长大三元杂交乳猪240头,随机分成5组,分别添加0.0%、8.0%、12.0%、16.0%和20.0%五粮肽等量代替饲料中的乳清粉、蔗糖、葡萄糖和发酵豆粕,观察各组仔猪的生产性能和肠道菌群变化。结果表明:五粮肽使用量达到12%~16%时,能够完全等量代替乳清粉、脂肪粉、蔗糖、葡萄糖和发酵豆粕,可明显改善乳猪的生产性能,促进乳猪生长,提高日增重,增加采食量。  相似文献   

将80头杜×长×大三元杂交猪(20kg左右)分为试验组和对照组,每个处理4个重复,试验组添加“健长灵”。与对照组比较,试验组增重速度提高18.43%;饲料转化效率提高15.4%;增重耗料成本下降9.44%;组间差异极显著(p<0.01)。试验组表现出良好的饲喂效果与收益优势。  相似文献   

Three growth trials and one digestion trial were conducted to compare the effect of dietary fat sources and combinations on starter pig performance, nutrient digestibility and intestinal morphology. Growth trials 1 and 2, utilizing a total of 324 weanling pigs (21 +/- 3 d), were conducted to determine the influence of addition of soybean oil, coconut oil, choice white grease, 50% soybean oil: 50% coconut oil or 50% choice white grease: 50% coconut oil on starter pig performance. Diets were supplemented with 10% fat for the first 2 wk of the study and with 5% for the final 3 wk. The third growth trial, utilizing a total of 210 weanling pigs, was conducted to evaluate the effects of addition of soybean oil, coconut oil, 50% soybean oil: 50% coconut oil, 75% soybean oil: 25% coconut oil or 25% soybean oil: 75% coconut oil on starter pig performance and nutrient digestibility. Average daily gain and feed/gain were not changed during wk 0 to 2, but they were improved from 3 to 5 wk postweaning when fat was added to the diets. The combination of 50% soybean oil and 50% coconut oil resulted in higher ADG than the other fat combinations. A digestion trial utilizing 24 weanling pigs (21 +/- 3 d) was conducted to evaluate the effects of soybean oil, coconut oil, or combination of soybean oil and coconut oil on morphology of the small intestine and ileal and total tract apparent digestibilities of individual fatty acids, total fatty acids, N, DM and GE from d 5 to 8 postweaning. Pigs fed the combination of soybean oil and coconut oil tended to have increased (P less than .08) villus height compared with pigs fed soybean oil or coconut oil alone. Micrographs revealed intestinal morphology with long, round villi when this combination of oils was fed. These trials demonstrated that a combination of soybean oil and coconut oil improved (P less than .05) pig growth performance over coconut oil alone or with added choice white grease and tended to improve (P less than .12) ileal digestibility of medium-chain fatty acids (less than or equal to 14 C) compared to diets without added fat or containing soybean oil or coconut oil alone.  相似文献   

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