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Summary The relationship between the genetic distance of parents and both the heterosis of F1 hybrids and the variance of F5 lines was investigated in 72 crosses of pea (Pisum sativum L.). The genetic distance between each pair of parents was estimated, using isozyme (GDi), morphological (GDm) or quantitative (GDq) markers and finally a combination of isozyme and morphological markers (GDi+m). GDm was poorly correlated with the other measures of genetic distance, which in turn were strongly correlated with each other. Genetic distance was moderately correlated with the level of heterosis for yield over midparent in the F1 generation, with the highest correlation obtained from GDi+m. GD was not significantly correlated with heterosis for yield over the better or best parent but it was significantly correlated with all three measures of heterosis for pods per plant and hundred seed weight. There was no correlation between genetic distance and the level of heterosis for yield and total dry matter in the F2 generation, but GDi, GDi+m and GDq were predictive for the level of inbreeding depression in grain yield and total dry matter. When parents were high in genetic distance, crosses produced highly transgressive segregants for basal branches per plant, hundred seed weight, harvest index and onset of flowering. Genetic distance between parents was thus a useful measure for predicting a portion of hybrid performance and also of the variance of derived inbred lines. It was concluded that when choosing parents for a cross, consideration should be given to their genetic distance as well as their overall adaptation and their yield. There is considerable potential for optimising choice of parental combinations in the development of improved pea cultivars.  相似文献   

A major production constraint in Jerusalem artichoke ( Helianthus tuberosus L.) is caused by tubers which are not recovered at harvest. Such lost tubers raise a serious weed problem the following season. Winter wheat, oat, spring oilseed rape, sugarbeet, maize and ryegrass were grown in a field which had Jerusalem artichoke as the preceding crop in order to obtain information about their competitive ability and the efficacy of various control measurements against Jerusalem artichoke infestation. The Jerusalem artichoke treatments in these crops were: total control by regular hand weeding (TOC), mechanical/chemical control (MCC), and no control (NOC). Under the NOC treatment, Jerusalem artichoke infestation at harvest was variable among crops, with the number of shoots ranging from 9 to 25 m−2 in oat and maize stands respectively. The number of Jerusalem artichoke shoots in the MCC plots was reduced by 50 to 99 % in oat and maize, respectively. The highest crop yields in each of the six species were realized under the TOC treatment. Insignificant yield reductions were observed in the NOC treatment of wheat, oat, rape and ryegrass. However, under this management yield reductions of 91 and 81 % occurred in sugarbeet and maize respectively. Depending on the preceding crop, 1–9 shoots m−2 of Jerusalem artichoke were still recorded under the MCC plots in the following season. Consequently, for complete elimination of infestation, volunteers must be controlled in the second and probably in the third year following a Jerusalem artichoke crop.  相似文献   

In a pot experiment two varieties of Jerusalem artichoke ( Helianths tuberosus L., cv. Topianka and cv. Violet de Rennes ) were exposed to different supplies of N, P and K. Nitrogen supply increased tuber yield more than the productivity of aerial parts. Violet de Rennes responded better to N than Topianka. Nutrient regimes without P or K addition but including N to some extent depressed the yields of tubers only (by 8–23 %). Carbohydrate concentrations (78–81 % of d.m.) and molecular fructan distributions were neither influenced by fertilizer regimes nor by mineral concentrations in the tubers.
Genotypic differences were significant for yield, for concentrations of N, P, Ca, S and Cu, and for fructan concentration in the tubers. At harvest time the fructose/glucose ratio in tubers of Violet de Rennes was about 10 % higher than in Topianka and remained on a higher level during storage.
Harvest time had the greatest influence on carbohydrate composition. Depolymerization of fructan proceeded at a high rate in November and slowed down during subsequent storage, accompanied by a decline in polydispersity. Simultaneously osmolanty increased, resulting in a freezing point depression of < 0.5 °C.  相似文献   

Summary Breeding to improve stem strength is a major objective of researchers of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). This study was undertaken to investigate genetic factors controlling reduced plant height and increased stem diameter in three sources of sunflower, DDR, Donsky, and Donskoi 47, crossed with a conventional height line, HA 89. As these two characters may lead to improved standability, knowledge of their inheritance will assist researchers in utilizing proper breeding methods. Estimates of additive, dominance, and epistatic genetic effects controlling reduced height indicated that the additive component was most important in two of the three crosses with the additive and epistatic component nearly equal in the third cross. Breeding efforts to reduce height of sunflower hybrids utilizing these lines in crosses could be effective due to the magnitude of additive effects. The dominance component of genetic effects controlling stem diameter was the most important for two crosses, with both dominance and additive components important for the third cross. Epistasis was present, but minor, for controlling stem diameter. The high relative importance of the dominance component indicates that testcross evaluation of lines in early generations could identify lines for producing increased stem diameter in hybrids. Even though the three sources of sunflower with reduced height were different in morphologic and agronomic characteristics, they had similar genetic control of plant height and stem diameter. Each could be utilized in a breeding program to develop lines with reduced height and larger stem diameter.  相似文献   

Summary Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars grown in the southern Great Plains of the U.S.A. are exposed to a wide range of moisture conditions due to large fluctuations in the amount and frequency of rainfall. Yield stability under those conditions is therefore a desirable trait for wheat breeders. Our primary objective was to quantify various genetic parameters for grain production in drought-stressed and irrigated environments. We also attempted to predict and measure yield responses when selection is practiced in either drought-stressed or irrigated environments, or both. Seventy F2-derived lines from the cross, TAM W-101/Sturdy, were evaluated at Goodwell, OK, under irrigated and naturally drought-stressed conditions in 1987 and 1988. Genetic variance and heritability estimates were higher in the irrigated environment than in the drought-stressed environment. The genetic correlation coefficient for yields in the two environments was 0.20±0.16, indicating that selection of widely adapted genotypes requires testing in both environments. Based on the genetic variance/covariance structure of this particular population, the linear index which maximized the combined expected gain in both environments was 0.66Y1 + 0.34Y2, in which Y1 and Y2 are yields in the irrigated and drought-stressed environments. This index is not expected to apply across all populations; rather, it further supports the hypothesis that testing in either environment alone (drought stressed or irrigated) may not be most effective for increasing either mean productivity or yield under drought stress.  相似文献   

Pham X. Tung 《Euphytica》1992,61(1):73-80
Summary Genetic variance components and heritability were estimated for resistance to bacterial wilt in a population of tetraploid potato with resistance derived from several specific sources. Both additive and non-additive variance components were significant. Their relative magnitudes indicated the importance of non-additive gene action in the genetic control of the resistance. Narrow-sense heritability was relatively low for both disease index and % survival indicating that progress in population development would be slow. Broad-sense heritability was, however, relatively high which promises success of clonal selection in developing clonal resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

Adventitious buds were induced from in vitro culture of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cotyledons. Four inbred lines (G1, G2, G3 and HA89), an open pollinated variety (‘Argentario’) and two hybrids with specific genetic markers were used. Cotyledons were cultured in vitro on MS medium (Murashlge and Skoog 1962) containing various concentrations of kinetin and indole 3-acetic acid (IAA). The quantitative interactions between auxin and cytokinin, the age of the cotyledons and the 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) treatments have been found to influence shoot regeneration. The plantlets, after rooting, were successfully established on soil. Qualitative variation was noted in self-pollinated progeny of plants regenerated from culture of two inbreds. Chimerism in regenerated plants was indicated by sectoring of the genetic markers. Some culture-induced variant phenotypes were similar to known spontaneous mutation in sunflower but others have been not yet described. Preliminary data indicate that most of them may have single-gene recessive inheritance.  相似文献   

Summary Intraspecific variation for osmotic adjustment in sunflower was examined using a collection of 33 genotypes of different origin which were exposed to water stress at the 8-leaf stage. Changes in osmotic adjustment with ontogeny were also evaluated in the pre- and post-anthesis phases using seven genotypes drawn from this collection. Estimates of osmotic adjustment were derived from measurements of leaf relative water content (RWC) and osmotic potential () during a period in which the soil was allowed to dry out gradually. The degree of osmotic adjustment, expressed as the value of RWC for a of –1.7 MPa (RWCe), was derived from the ln RWC/ln relationship. Both monophasic and biphasic ln RWC/ln relationships were found. Irrespective of the form of the relationship, all genotypes at the 8-leaf stage showed some degree of osmotic adjustment. This was also true for the cultivars included in the subset examined in pre- and post-anthesis phases. Significant differences (P=0.05) in RWCe were found between extreme genotypes in all three phases.Significant (P=0.05) linear relationships were found between RWCe measured in the 8-leaf stage and that measured in the pre- and post-anthesis phases, establishing the viability of measurements in the 8-leaf stage as a means of selection for osmotic adjustment in later developmental stages. Genotype rank order was stable (P=0.01) across the three ontogenetic phases examined.Abbreviations ETp potential evapotranspiration - osmotic potential - RWC relative water content - RWCe value of RWC for a of –1.7 MPa  相似文献   

Summary Grain amaranth populations from their centers of origin in the New World had shown a pattern of allozyme variation that suggested most landraces to be highly homozygous mixtures of genotypes. To compare this pattern of variation with the variation for morphological traits, 15 selfed families from each of six populations were grown in a replicated field experiment. Four pigmentation traits known to be smiply inherited were scored along 18 other morphological traits. Populations varied for the amount of polymorphism for marker loci, and exhibited little heterozygosity. Analysis of variance for the quantitative traits showed significant interpopulation differences for each of the observed characters. Populations differed for the number of metric traits showing significant between-family differences for just one of the metric traits whereas another had between-family differences for all ten. These results suggested high levels of homozygosity within these landraces; thus, variation for quantitative traits conformed well with the allozyme variation patterns.Stepwise multiple regression of all characters on yield as the dependent variable was used to compare the relative contributions of specific characters to yield within individual populations. Plant height, days to flowering, and leaf length were included in the regression equations for 6, 5, and 5, of the populations, respectively. Days to floweing was negatively correlated with yield, while plant height and leaf length were positively correlated. These correlations suggest the potential for developing early flowering, high yielding cultivars having short stature, selected by breaking its correlation with yield. Several breeding strategies based on these findings on genetic resources are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of resistance to soybean cyst nematode in PI 438489B   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) plant introduction PI 438489B is a unique source that has resistance to all known populations of soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe, SCN). This PI line also has many desirable agronomic characteristics, which makes it an attractive source of SCN resistance for use in a soybean breeding program. However, characterization of SCN resistance genes in this PI line have not been fully researched. In this study, we investigated the inheritance of resistance to populations of SCN races 1, 2, 3, 5, and 14 in PI 438489B. PI 438489B was crossed to the susceptible cultivar ‘Hamilton’ to generate F1 hybrids. The random F2 plants and F3 lines were evaluated in the greenhouse for reaction to these five populations of SCN races. Resistance to SCN races 1, 3, and 5 were mostly conditioned by three genes (Rhg Rhg rhg). Resistance to race 2 was controlled by four genes (Rhg rhg rgh rgh). Three recessive genes were most likely involved in giving resistance to race 14. We further concluded that resistance to different populations of SCN races may share some common genes or pleiotropic effects may be involved. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Data from a trial of 40 cultivars clonallyreplicated over five locations were used to estimatebroad-sense heritability and genetic and phenotypiccorrelations for important nut and kernel traits inmacadamia (Macadamia integrifolia and M.tetraphylla). Location averages for each cultivarwere available from 4 to 10 years after planting fornut mass, kernel mass, kernel recovery, percentage1st grade kernels and percentage whole kernels,with individual tree measurements only available forone year. Heritability estimated from locationaverages was inflated for all traits due tounderestimation of the phenotypic variance. Un-confounded estimates of individual broad-senseheritability, obtained by combining information fromboth data sources, was high (H = 0.63) fornut and kernel mass, and kernel recovery, moderatefor percentage whole kernels (H 0.30) and low for percentage 1stgrade kernel (H 0.20). There waslittle interaction between cultivar and location orage; however, for percentage 1st grade and wholekernels, there were large 3-way and 4-wayinteractions. The only strong genetic correlation wasbetween nut and kernel mass (r g = 0.80). Theimplications of the results for cultivar selection andbreeding programs are discussed.  相似文献   

The results of this study indicated a great deal of genetic variation in a number of characters of horticultural interest in kiwifruit seedling populations, and therefore, a potential to improve kiwifruit by vine selection. High narrow sense heritability was shown for pedicel length(0.62) and flowering duration (0.50) in male vines, and pedicel length (0.67),floral shoot percentage (0.54), leaf length-width ratio (0.64), fruit elongation (0.64) and fruit weight (0.52) in female vines. For these traits, selection of superior seedlings should lead to rapid genetic improvement in these populations. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Zhang  Xiao-ming  Shi  Chun-hai  Yue  Shen-Hai  Wu  Jian-guo  Bao  Geng-liang 《Euphytica》2004,139(3):249-256
Genetics of methionine content in indica-japonica hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) was studied in 35 F1 hybrids derived from crossing 7 male-sterile indica rice cultivars with 5 restorer japonica rice cultivars. Two genetic models and their corresponding statistical methods for quantitative traits of triploid endosperm in cereal crops were used for the analysis. One is the unconditional model, which refers to the analysis of cumulative measurements along the developmental stages, while another is the conditional model, which relates to analysis throughout the developmental stages. Results showed that methionine content of indica-japonica hybrid rice was controlled by expression of triploid endosperm nuclear genes, cytoplasm genes, diploid maternal plant nuclear genes, and their genotype-environment interaction effects. Dominant effects were important at the first three developmental stages, while additive effects were important at the next two stages of grain development under both unconditional and conditional analyses. With regard to the components of heritability, maternal and cytoplasm general heritabilities and their environmental interaction heritabilities were important. It was suggested that enhancing methionine content could be more efficient when selection is based on maternal plants in early breeding generations.  相似文献   

Utilization of Genetic Variability of Resynthesized Rapeseed   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
K. Kräling 《Plant Breeding》1987,99(3):209-217
The performance of single cross hybrids between resynthesized (resyn.) genotypes and varieties of rapeseed was tested in microplots. The results revealed strong, genetic differences between the artificially synthesized rapeseed forms for all the characters investigated, as well as for g.c.a. values. In particular, hybrids with resyn rapeseed exhibited a vigorous vegetative growth. It should therefore, be beneficial to use resyn forms directly in fodder rape breeding programmes. Disturbances in fertility of the resyn material resulted in a low number of seeds per pod and consequently in an inferior seed yield as compared to the varieties, although some high yielding combinations were also identified. Three-way hybrids with a 25% genome share of the resyn rapessed reached only lower vegetative performance as compared 10 the hybrids with a 50% resyn genome but their performance in generative traits was general superior- In respect to seed yield some progenies of three-way hybrids showed a higher plot performance than even the high yielding varieties. A further comparison between single-cross combinations of resyn × variety on the one hand and variety × variety on the other hand demonstrated that resyn genotypes, due to a distinct apical dominance, exhibited a pronounced expression of characters measured on the main stem. But in total, ii is evident from the present findings that any hybridization with this resyn material does not promise immediate short-term varietal improvement.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters of growth and stemstraightness to seven years of age wereestimated from two field populations ofpure Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis provenances and theirintraspecific hybrids, (Mountain Pine Ridge(MPR) × coastal provenances). There were noconsistent differences in the geneticparameter estimates obtained for theparental provenances compared to those fromthe MPR × coastal inter-provenance hybridcrosses. Narrow-sense heritabilities ofgrowth traits (0.06–0.33) andstraightness (0.21–0.50) were within therange of estimates that have beenpreviously reported for this species andother tropical pines. In general, additivevariance was found to be more importantthan dominance variance for growth andstraightness traits. There was no strongevidence to affirm that the superiority ofthe MPR × coastal hybrid could be caused bydominance variance. The low magnitude ofthe type-B genetic correlations within theMPR × coastal hybrid crosses suggested thatthe genotype-by-environment interactionmight be of practical importance inbreeding. For future hybridization of theMPR and coastal provenances, a recurrentselection scheme based on the utilizationof additive genetic variance of both parentpopulations is recommended.  相似文献   

Summary Forage quality of various alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars has been determined under different environmental conditions, and numerous trials with alfalfa have documented an inverse relationship between forage quality and maturity. Little information is available, however, regarding the comparative forage quality of the germplasm sources from which most USA cultivars were developed. We compared forage quality of these germplasm sources at four phenological stages under disease- and insect-free conditions in a greenhouse. Germplasm sources (cultivars) tested were: Indian (Sirsa #9), African (African), Peruvian (Hairy Peruvian), Flemish (DuPuits), Turkistan (Lahontan), Chilean (Kansas Common), M. varia (Grimm), and Ladak (Ladak). Four harvests were taken and forage was separated into four phenological stages: vegetative, early bud (1–3 buds-per-stem), late bud (>3 buds-per-stem), and bloom. The germplasm source X phenological stage interaction was significant for crude protein (CP) and in vitro digestible dry matter (IVDDM) concentrations. M. varia showed the least decline in IVDDM and CP with increasing maturity. M. varia had higher IVDDM than did African and Indian at late bud and bloom stages. Indian and Flemish had higher CP than did Turkistan and Peruvian at late bud and bloom stages. Alfalfa germplasm sources differ in forage quality when comparisions are made within similar stages of phenological development.Joint contribution of the Dept. of Agronomy and USDA-ARS, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA. Contribution no. 90-475-J.  相似文献   

The greenbug has been a major insect pest of sorghum since 1968. Although sources of genetic resistance have been identified to combat this pest, new and virulent biotypes have successfully overcome these resistance genes. KS 97 was developed and released by the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station as a new germplasm source of biotype I greenbug resistance in sorghum. The objectives of this study were to evaluate combining ability effects for greenbug resistance in KS 97 and to determine the number of genes responsible for this trait. Six inbred lines, including KS 97 and greenbug resistant and susceptible checks, were intercrossed using a Design-II mating scheme to produce nine F1 hybrids. Responses of seedlings of parent lines and hybrids to biotype I greenbug were evaluated in replicated growth chamber experiments. The results of these studies indicated significant effects of general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA). Greenbug resistance derived from KS 97 was found to be incompletely dominant, and the GCA effect for resistance associated with KS 97 was superior to that associated with PI550610, the resistant check. Segregation studies to determine the number of genes responsible for greenbug resistance in KS 97 were conducted in BC1F1 populations. KS 97 was introgressed into three greenbug-susceptible genetic backgrounds. Segregation analysis indicated a consistent 1:3 (resistant:susceptible) segregation ratio for greenbug resistance across populations. The simplest explanation for these results is that two dominant genes requiring complementary gene action control resistance. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Rust resistance in the sunflower line P386 is controlled by Pu6, a gene which was reported to segregate independently from other rust resistant genes, such as R4. The objectives of this work were to map Pu6, to provide and validate molecular tools for its identification, and to determine the linkage relationship of Pu6 and R4. Genetic mapping of Pu6 with six markers covered 24.8 cM of genetic distance on the lower end of linkage Group 13 of the sunflower consensus map. The marker most closely linked to Pu6 was ORS316 at 2.5 cM in the distal position. ORS316 presented five alleles when was assayed with a representative set of resistant and susceptible lines. Allelism test between Pu6 and R4 indicated that both genes are linked at a genetic distance of 6.25 cM. This is the first confirmation based on an allelism test that at least two members of the Radv/R4/R11/ R13a/R13b/Pu6 cluster of genes are at different loci. A fine elucidation of the architecture of this complex locus will allow designing and constructing completely new genomic regions combining genes from different resistant sources and the elimination of the linkage drag around each resistant gene.  相似文献   

Broad-sense heritability, and genetic and phenotypic correlations were estimated for yield (nut-in-shell; kernel yield; and net present value of crop) per tree in macadamia to 10 years after planting from a trial of 40 cultivars replicated over 4locations. In addition, canopy width at 10years of age was measured and used to calculate yield efficiency as yield per square metre of projected canopy area. Stem girth above the graft union was also measured. There was a low broad-sense heritability (0.06 < H <0.22) and correlation of cultivars across locations (r gloc = 0.14–0.52) for yield per tree. However, the genetic correlation of cumulative yield was high among 3 of the 4locations (g ≥ 0.75), suggesting the higher genetic variance at Rockhampton was the main cause of the genotype by environmental interaction. Heritability was higher for canopy width (H = 0.28) and yield efficiency (H ≈ 0.47) and cultivar performance was highly correlated across locations (r gloc ≈ 0.70) for these traits. There was a strong genetic correlation (r g ≥ 0.90) between cumulative yield per tree of cultivars to 7 years and cumulative yield per tree to 10 years. Genetic correlation among all measures of yield per tree were high (r g ≥ 0.73), but there was no genetic correlation with canopy width. On the other hand, small cultivars tended to have higher yield efficiency (r g <–0.62). There was also a slight negative correlation between nut-in-shell yield per tree and kernel recovery (r g = –0.37). These results suggest the use of family information and index selection may improve the efficiency of selection and breeding programs in macadamia. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The objective of this study was to investigate the response to selection for chip colour after harvest (CH), storage at 12.8°C (CR) and at 3°C (CC) in three hybrid populations. Population 1 was derived from crossing ND860-2 (cold chipper) with F58089 (regular chipper), Population 2 was obtained from crossing ND860-2 with Russette (nonchipper), and Population 3 was derived from crossing Russette with F58089. Eighty-five to ninety-six random clones for each population plus ten check cultivars were planted in 1991 at two locations in East Canada. For CH, Population 3 had the highest predicted gain. No genetic variation for this trait was detected in Population 1. The potential genetic advance by selection within Population 1, as measured by the predicted mean of the selected clones, however, was similar to the others because Population 1 has a higher mean. For CR, Populations 2 and 3 had similar expected response estimates. Population 1 had no genetic variation for CR but showed similar potential advance to Population 2 and higher than Population 3. For CC, Population 2 had the highest predicted gain. The predicted means of selected clones of Populations 1 and 2 were higher than that of Population 3. Consequently, Populations 1 and 2 had greater potential for improvement for CC than Population 3.  相似文献   

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