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中国果品流通协会综合各产区情况,预计今年苹果总产量为2100万t.比去年减产10%左右。但是,今年苹果减产是相对于2004年丰产而言的,市场供大干求的局面不会从根本上得到改变。预计今年梨的产量将略有增加,总产量将达到1100万t左吉,增幅约3%。由于存在着各种涨价因素,与2004年相比,价格水平将合理回归;市场形势不容乐观,可能出现一些下可忽视的问题。  相似文献   

去年果季,在全国不少地方苹果滞销积压的情况下,陕西苹果出现了历年来销售最快、价格最高的情况。主要原因有三:一是2007年中国苹果年会暨陕西果品推介会在陕召开,吸引了大量客商。二是陕西苹果加工业快速发展,果汁厂大量大幅度提价收购原料果。三是因2006年贮果赚钱,加之预测2007年苹果减产,产生了抬价抢购、加大库存的现象。  相似文献   

1产量:比2006年有明显下降一般来讲,每年苹果产量的高低,主要由春季开花多少和坐果率高低决定。同时,果树的大小年现象也会对苹果市场供给构成影响。今年为苹果园普遍性小年。2006年,全国苹果为历史上产量最高的一年,虽然全国总产量还未见  相似文献   

2011年中国苹果产销形势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨杰 《烟台果树》2011,(4):11-12
12010年我国苹果产销形势回顾1.1生产状况根据国家2010年苹果产业统计数据,全国苹果面积达到21.40千hm^2;全国苹果总产量3326万t,比上年增加158.2万t,增幅4.99%。近5年来全国苹果产量见图1。各省近年产量见表1。  相似文献   

我省的苹果以国光为主栽品种,目前其产量约占苹果总产的70%以上。为了提高果品的产量和质量,我们于1988—1990年“北方优质果品开发”研究中,在果树所、瓦房店市、新金县和盖县各建一基点进行人工摘叶试验。处理分为:全部摘除莲座状枝叶片;全部摘除果台上短副梢叶片和托叶;果台上中、长副梢摘除二分之一叶片和全部托叶;果台上中、长副梢摘除三分之二叶片和全部托叶;以不摘叶为对照。各处理选在同株同枝上,各重复10次  相似文献   

静宁县是农业部划定的西北黄土高原苹果优势产区之一。2010年全县果园种植面积达5.1万hm2,占耕地面积的51.6%,总产量36万t,产值达14.7亿元,果品纯收入10.3亿元,农民人均果品纯收入2350元,占农民人均纯收入的54%。  相似文献   

中国果品流通协会近日在青岛召开了2006全国的苹果产销形势分析和市场协调会议,对我国2006年苹果的产销形势进行了分析,并作出如下预测:  相似文献   

2003~2004年,进行喷施氨基酸液肥提高苹果产量及品质的试验,取得了显著效果。  相似文献   

2004年我国苹果面积达到210.05万hm^2(3150.82万亩,2003年2850万亩),产量2050.3万t(2003年2110万t)。据海关统计,2004年全国苹果出口77.42万t(2003年43.9万t),其中山东34.8万t,辽宁4.1万t,陕西1.9万t;苹果汁出口48.7万t(2003年40万t),其中山东17.7万t,陕西16.9万t。2004年苹果面积、产量及出口量和2003年相比,面积略有增加,  相似文献   

苜蓿芽菜的高产技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着人们生活水平的不断提高,消费者不再满足于蔬菜的数量,而对蔬菜质量、营养成分、风味等有了更高的要求.苜蓿芽菜富含营养、洁净安全、风味独特,倍受人们青睐.在大中城市悄然兴起,产品极为走俏.苜蓿芽菜是著名的碱性食品,可中和人体因食肉、谷物等引起的酸度过大现象.此外,苜蓿芽菜含多种氨基酸,可预防和治疗高血压、关节炎、癌、便秘等多种疾病.生食、拼盘、作三明治夹菜等风味极佳,因而在欧美国家已成为广大消费者的时髦食品.  相似文献   

Under controlled environment conditions the influence of four soil temperatures (7°, 14°, 21°, and 28°C) on vegetative development and flower-bud formation of apple trees (cvs ‘Rode Boskoop’ and ‘Elstar’) were evaluated in the first year after budding. Relative air humidity was high, air temperature was 20°C. Broadly speaking, for both cultivars shoot growth clearly increased with increasing soil temperature. The effects on growth were mainly reflected in the number (not length) of the lateral shoots; the growth of the main shoot was little influenced by soil temperature. At 7°C the lateral shoots usually occurred higher along the main stem than at the higher temperatures. Flowering on the parent stem and on the lateral shoots was little affected by the soil temperatures tested. In general, flower-cluster quality was rather poor. If only clusters having more than four well-developed flowers are considered, flowering was favoured by higher soil temperatures; at 28°C, especially, cluster quality was much better than at the other soil temperatures. It is concluded that soil temperature is important in controlling the degree of lateral shoot-formation as well as the formation of well-developed flower clusters.  相似文献   

清香核桃是20世纪80年代日本核桃专家赠送给河北农业大学的优良核桃品种。河北农大经过二十年的栽培实践表明,该品种具有生长势旺,适应性广,抗病性强,丰产性能好,坚果外形美观等优点。2001年引进我市进行该品种的丰产栽培实验,2003年开始挂果,到2005年每株结果在63-98个之间,平均株结果81.87个,每667m^2产量103.25kg,收入1817.2元,经济效益非常高,现将主要栽培技术总结如下。  相似文献   

苹果SSR反应体系的建立   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
为摸索适宜苹果的SSR反应体系,以金冠苹果为试验材料,研究了苹果SSR技术中PCR反应体系的主要成分对SSR扩增结果的影响。对SSR反应体系中的Mg2+浓度、引物浓度、dNTP浓度、TaqDNA聚合酶浓度、模板浓度以及退火温度进行了探索,确立了适合苹果的SSR反应体系为:在20μL反应体系中,Mg2+、引物和dNTP的最适浓度分别为2.5mmol/L、0.8μmol/L、0.10mmol/L;反应体系中TaqDNA聚合酶宜加入1U,模板DNA应加入15-30ng;引物的最佳退火温度为48.5-52.0℃。并利用该反应体系对10个苹果代表品种进行SSR反应,用8%的非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测,不同品种间DNA谱带多态性丰富,证实该体系稳定可靠。  相似文献   

莱芜市莱城区凤城街道办事处2000年大量引进中华寿桃,种植5年来中华寿桃在我处表现出突出的特点:其果实极大,平均单果重350g,500g以上的果占30%以上,最大果重达1100g.果实近圆形,果面光滑,茸毛极少,套袋后果面底色乳白,着色鲜红,着色面可达75%以上.果皮稍厚,成熟后不易剥离,果肉黄白色,硬溶质,近核有红丝,粘核,肉质细腻,风味香甜,具清香气,含可溶性固形物18%-23%,品质极上.同时耐瘠薄、果实丰产、耐贮运性好,经济价值高,因而深受广大消费者和栽培者的青睐,为目前国内晚熟桃中的最优品种之一.其主要栽培措施如下:  相似文献   

The most important Phytophthora pathogens of apple are P. cactorum and P. syringae, although other species may be locally significant. P. cactorum is widespread in the apple growing regions of the world and causes girdling bark rots on the scion (collar rot) and on the rootstock (crown rot), necrosis of the fine root system (root rot) and fruit rot. P. syringae is a significant pathogen of apple only in north-western Europe, where it causes collar rot but is most damaging as a cause of rot in stored fruit. Several other species of Phytophthora have been implicated in crown rot and root rot.

Bark rots due to Phytophthora spp. have distinctive features, such as mottled green/ orange/brown coloration of necrotic tissue, but may be confused with other causes of bark death. Isolation of the pathogen is therefore essential for diagnosis, and is now made easier than formerly by the use of selective media. Phytophthora fruit rot is usually distinctive, and isolation from diseased tissue is readily achieved by conventional methods.

P. cactorum and P. syringae are homothallic, soil-borne species. The principal peren- nating structure is the oospore. Zoospores are the main infective structures and are relatively short-lived. Mycelium and sporangia have intermediate survival characteristics. The longevity of ephemeral stages is favoured by moderate soil moisture and low temperatures. Growth and reproduction is associated with the colonization of living tissues. The two species have different temperature/growth characteristics. Oospore germination and sporangium production require soil moisture near to saturation, while zoospore release and motility depend on the presence of free water. The flexible growth response of these pathogens permits them to cope with fluctuating soil conditions.

P. cactorum and P. syringae cause diseases of a range of other economic plants, woody and herbaceous. There is evidence for host adapted strains in P. cactorum.

Phytophthora pathogens may be present in the soil when apples are planted or enter with planting material, in irrigation water, on animals or on implements. Once present, they may regenerate and produce durable increases in inoculum content of soil by colonizing live, abscissed apple organs such as leaves and fruit. Other plant species in orchards may also be important in inoculum regeneration.

Infection of unthickened tissues is direct or via stomata or lenticels. Bark may be infected directly through wounds, growth cracks or lenticels, or indirectly via unthickened roots.

Growth of the pathogens in host tissues is intercellular and intracellular. Susceptibility to bark rot is related to the effectiveness of phelloderm barriers in walling-off fungal growth. Attempts to relate the biochemical constituents of bark to resistance have been inconclusive.

Disease incidence and development is affected by the availability of water above ground and in the soil, soil type, tree age, the height of the graft union, the interaction between scion and rootstock and soil management techniques. Seasonal influences on disease reflect climatic effects on pathogen activity and cyclic changes in tissue resistance. Bark diseases due to P. cactorum are associated with the growing season, while those due to P. syringae are associated with dormancy of the host.

Host resistance and the manipulation of cultural conditions are the most effective means of disease control. The early selection for resistance in breeding material is complicated by the fact that susceptibility to collar rot develops only in mature trees, and the conditions required to induce crown rot experimentally in susceptible rootstocks are not fully understood. Other methods of control are the use of chemicals protectively or cura- tively and the use of Phytophthora-iree planting material. The possibilities of biological control are at an early stage of investigation.  相似文献   

对我国55个苹果生产重点县的165个富士苹果样品进行了检测,测得果实硬度、可溶性固形物和总酸量等3项理化指标的平均值为7.50kgf/cm^2、13.50%和0.306%,与1995年和1999年的检测结果相比,富士苹果的理化质量有所下降。同时,对影响我国富士苹果理化质量的主要因素进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

富士苹果理化品质分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国55个苹果生产重点县的165个富士苹果样品进行了检测,测得果实硬度、可溶性固形物和总酸量等3项理化指标的平均值为7.50kgf/cm2、13.50%和0.306%,与1995年和1999年的检测结果相比,富士苹果的理化质量有所下降。同时,对影响我国富士苹果理化质量的主要因素进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

【目的】分离克隆苹果MdRCD1基因,分析其蛋白结构和逆境响应,并初步鉴定MdRCD1在苹果愈伤中的功能。【方法】同源克隆MdRCD1并测序,用DNAman和MEGA5相关软件分析MdRCD1氨基酸序列以及进化关系,不同逆境处理‘嘎拉’苹果组培苗,qRT-PCR分析MdRCD1在逆境条件下的表达量。农杆菌介导的遗传转化方法获得过量表达MdRCD1的转基因愈伤,不同盐浓度处理野生型和转基因愈伤,观察愈伤的长势,检测愈伤的鲜质量、脯氨酸和丙二醛含量,鉴定MdRCD1的初步功能。【结果】从‘嘎拉’苹果中克隆了MdRCD1(MDP0000234325)基因。该基因ORF为1 803 bp。通过进化树和蛋白同源性分析,表明苹果MdRCD1和中国白梨PbRCD1进化亲缘关系最近。在MdRCD1的N端有1个保守的WWE结构域,1个PARP催化中心,在C端有1个RST结构域。qRT-PCR实验表明MdRCD1在苹果各个组织器官中都有表达,在茎中的表达量高于其他组织;同时MdRCD1的表达受Na Cl、ABA、渗透胁迫等逆境胁迫的诱导。通过农杆菌侵染获得过量表达MdRCD1转基因苹果愈伤。盐胁迫处理条件下,过量表达MdRCD1的抗性明显提高。【结论】MdRCD1在进化过程中比较保守,苹果不同组织中都有表达,过量表达MdRCD1苹果愈伤的抗盐性得到提高。  相似文献   

蛋白质样品制备方法是蛋白质组学分析的关键。为建立适于苹果花器官总蛋白提取及分析方法,以10年生‘华月’苹果花序为试材,通过优化提取条件,确立了适于苹果花器官总蛋白提取的技术方法。基于此,开展了苹果花器官蛋白双向电泳分析,并对随机筛选的32个蛋白点进行质谱(MALDI-TOF-TOF/MS)鉴定,经数据库检索,32个蛋白点均得到成功鉴定,按照功能划分为代谢及能量产生相关、抗性相关、蛋白质合成相关、细胞结构相关、调节相关及未知功能蛋白等6类。该研究通过优化蛋白质样品制备方法,进而完成双向电泳分析及质谱鉴定,为进一步利用苹果花器官开展苹果抗病蛋白质组学研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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