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在调查大峡谷自然保护区植被和植物资源的基础上,对该区的植物区系和植被类型进行了分析.结果表明:该保护区的原生植被种类丰富,具有从南亚热带向中亚热带过渡的特点;区内植物区系成分复杂,组成以热带-亚热带和热带成分为主,热带性分布的植物类群甚多,使得区内沟谷常绿阔叶林具有某些雨林特征,小型板根、茎花现象、附生植物、藤萝密布等随处可见,而在其它中亚热带地区这种现象很少见;保护区内的植被有8个类型,包括具有雨林特征的常绿阔叶林、山地常绿针阔叶混交林、山顶常绿阔叶矮林、崖壁常绿矮林、亚热带针叶林、亚热带竹丛、亚热带灌丛草坡等,以及假苹婆、榕树林等18个群系;大峡谷自然保护区多样性植被类型具有与其独特的地形地貌相适应的特点.  相似文献   

据调查,羊台山森林公园共有维管植物114科452种,其中蕨类植物13科26种,裸子植物3科4种,被子植物98科422种;国家重点保护植物5种,古树77株。公园分布有南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林、南亚热带沟谷季雨林、亚热带针阔混交林、南亚热带常绿阔叶灌丛及人工果林等5种植被类型。文章通过分析植物多样性及植被景观特色,提出其在森林游憩中的价值及应用建议。  相似文献   

黄藤生态生物学特性的研究*   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
热带山地雨林、热带常绿季雨林亚热带常绿阔叶林是黄藤天然分布的主要植被类型,在热带山地雨林和季雨林的不同林型中,黄藤分布密度变化大,10-1700株/hm^2;黄藤为强萌蘖丛生植物,1-3年生幼藤生长缓慢,3年生植株生长加快,茎长生长量大于1.0m/a,4-5a开花结果;藤丛由茎长不一的异龄植株所组成,不同长度级的株数分配及其茎长占藤丛总株数的比例具有一定规律:各长度级的藤株数量随长度级的增加而减少  相似文献   

麻栗坡珍稀树种资源调查及其保护建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
麻栗坡是云南一个集老、少、边、穷为一体的边境小县,由于地形复杂,水系众多,形成了北热带、南亚热带、中亚热带和北亚热带等4种气候类型,孕育了丰富的植被类型。全县共有雨林、季雨林、常绿阔叶林等10种以上植被类型,多样的植被类型使得麻栗坡分布有众多的珍稀树种,经初步调查,全县共有珍稀植物种类55种,在分析麻栗坡县珍稀树种特点的基础上,并对如何有效保护这些珍稀树种资源提出了建议,为云南珍稀植物资源的保护与利用提供基础研究资料。  相似文献   

海南岛粉蝶的区系及其生态分布的研究*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
1989~1991年,在海南岛收集到粉蝶35种,加上文献记载的2种共37种,它们隶属于13个属,大多是典型的东洋区种类(占67.57%)。这些粉蝶多分布于植物种类较丰富的热带山地雨林、热带常绿季雨林和热带半落叶季雨林中。在热带山地雨林中收集到粉蝶31种,占总种数的83.78%。亚洲热带区域的特有种有10种,热带山地雨林中就有9种分布。每年4~6月为多数粉蝶的盛发期。  相似文献   

广州市森林群落特征与物种多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广州市的天然次生林,其植物种类丰富,主要的植被类型有常绿季雨林、常绿阔叶林、针阔混交林和常绿灌丛,其地带性植被为南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林;植被组成种类丰富,具有较强的热带性,主要的科有豆科、茜草科、大戟科、樟科、桑科、山茶科、壳斗科、紫金牛科、芸香科、金缕梅科、冬青科等一些以热带亚热带为分布中心的类群;根据实地调查和收集的有关资料统计,目前一些珍稀濒危植物几乎都分布在森林公园内得以很好的保护;建议将兰花40种和另外52种植物列为广州市重点保护植物。    相似文献   

儋州市雅星林场植被调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儋州市地方国营雅星林场建于1984年,总面积1784.73ha,其中示范区751.2ha,现有职187人;现据植被调查材料证实,该场生境适宜弓1养坡鹿(cervuseldihainanusThomas)。在植物区系上,据不完全统计,该场存在维管束植物91科、230属、284种(包括亚种、变种、变型在内).其中,坡鹿喜食植物有98种。占植物总数的35%.同时,按植物群落组成成分、外貌结构以及种群特征等可将该场植被划分为五个类型:(一)热带次生常绿季雨林,(二)热带常绿针叶林,(三)热带常绿阔叶林,(四)热带常绿灌丛,(五)热带丘陵草坡  相似文献   

九连山碟斗青冈群落结构及小气候特征分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
根据16个样方共1600m2面积调查统计,九连山碟斗青冈(Cyclobalanopsis disciformis)群落共有维管束植物45科64属83种,区系地理成分以热带、泛热带分布的热带性成分为主,占总属数的75.81%。群落最小面积为1600m2。物种多样性Shannon-Wiener指数为4.58,均匀度为84.4%。高位芽植物占总数的82%,以中型叶、革质叶、单叶和全缘叶占优势。该群落与中亚热带常绿阔叶林有显著区别,具有典型的亚热带常绿阔叶林沟谷雨林的特征,属于从中亚热带向南亚热带常绿阔叶林过渡的类型。群落垂直结构层次明显,可分为乔木层、灌木层和草本层,并有非常丰富的层间植物。目前几个优势种群的年龄结构趋于暂时的稳定。茂密而结构复杂的常绿阔叶林,调节夏季最高和平均气温的能力较强,调节冬季最低和平均气温的能力较弱,林内较林外极值呈现夏低冬高的特点。茂密而结构复杂的常绿阔叶林具有较大的促进降水作用,保持空气湿度具有较大作用。  相似文献   

热带珍贵树种——擎天树北移引种抗逆性强   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
擎天树(Parashorea chinensis var. kwangsinensis)为国家二级珍稀濒危保护植物,主要分布于我区南部北热带季雨林地带海拔250~750米的石灰岩及带钙质的平而关砂页岩山地,是我国典型的热带常绿高大稀有珍贵的龙脑香科赛沙罗双属植物新种。自五六十年代,我区林业和植物科学研究工作者先  相似文献   

中国热带次生林分布、类型与面积研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热带林的保护问题已受到世界各国的高度重视,由于占世界热带林面积约三分之一的热带次生林,其经济和生态效益通常较差,处于相对被忽视的状态,因此也往往被进一步破坏。将次生林经营纳入可持续经营的轨道,是实现热带林可持续经营目标的重要战略。通过对中国热带森林研究、经营和统计资料的分析,结合本项目实施过程的实地调研取得的结果,文章对中国热带地区次生林分布、面积和类型作了阐述。热带森林主要分布在海南、广东、广西、云南、台湾,以及福建和西藏的部分地区,包括124个县市的全部和50个县市的部分地区。据可认可的资料统计,中国热带林地面积(不含台湾省)约1125.66万hm^2。其中有林地面积1074.49万hm^2,次生林面积544万hm^2。次生林占热带地区林地面积的48.33%,占有林地总面积的50.63%。中国热带林地和次生林的实际数字估计要比这一数值大6%以上,因为中国这几年高度重视林业建设,森林植被特别是热带森林植被恢复得很快,林地和次生林一直在不断增加。热带森林类型主要有:热带雨林(包括湿润雨林、山地雨林);热带季雨林(包括半常绿季雨林、落叶季雨林、石灰岩季雨林);南海珊瑚岛植被;海岸红树林等。从森林经理的角度,中国热带次生林的类型可分为:(1)次生阔叶林,包括次生常绿阔叶雨林、次生季雨林和次生季风常绿阔叶林;(2)次生灌木林;(3)次生针叶林;(4)次生红树林及次生珊瑚岛林等四大类型。  相似文献   

Assessing the characteristics of seed supply will be vital to better understand the dynamics of forest regeneration. In this study, we surveyed the aboveground vegetation, the seed rain, the seed bank, and natural seedling emergence in four typical 24-year-old plantations (eucalyptus, mixed-native, mixed-legume, and mixed-conifer) and a naturally successioned shrubland in southern China. The dominant species in the understory were similar among the five plant communities. The seed rain and the seed bank were dominated by shrubs and herbs but indigenous tree species were rare. Species that were common to all five-plant communities represented a great proportion of the seeds in the seed rain and seed bank. The seed rain consisted mostly of seeds derived from the local plant community. Seed abundance was greater in the seed bank than in the seed rain, and species richness was greater in the seed bank and in the corresponding plant community than in the seed rain. Species composition similarity between the seed rain, the seed bank, and the aboveground vegetation was low, because the seed rain contained much fewer species, and the seed bank and aboveground vegetation contained many different species, respectively. These findings indicate that both the seed rain and the seed bank play important roles in providing seeds for plant recruitment in the understory, but the seed bank contributes more than the current seed rain to the diversity of recruited plants. The current plant community has little impact on the qualitative composition of the seed rain and seed bank. Based on these data, it appears that succession to the desired zonal, mature forest community is unlikely to result from seeds in the seed rain or seed bank. Lack of seed availability of desired zonal mature forest species is the main bottleneck currently limiting succession in the plantations. Reintroduction of late-successional species could facilitate the desired succession.  相似文献   

海南岛霸王岭热带山地雨林林隙更新生态位的研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
通过对海南岛霸王岭热带山地雨林林隙更新生态位的研究表明:同一树种在不同大小和年龄级林隙内的优势度不同,不同树种在同一大小和年龄级林隙内的优势度不同。根据树种在不同大小级林隙内的生态位宽度的变化,可分为生态位幅度宽、中等、较小和狭小4类;根据树种在不同年龄级林隙内的生态位宽度的变化,可分为对林隙时间生态资源利用充分、利用较充分、利用不充分和利用很少的4类树种。不同的树种或树种组对不同大小和年龄阶段林隙生态资源利用的不一致性,表明热带山地雨林中不同树种的林隙大小级生态位和林隙时间段生态位是相对分离的。分析表明,海南岛热带山地雨林中有很大一部分树种是属于低密度、狭生态位的树种。从物种多样性的角度来看,大量低密度、狭生态位树种的存在表明热带山地雨林是一种较为脆弱的生态系统类型。  相似文献   

Natural forests have been increasingly replaced by artificial plantations around the world. Some research results suggest that artificial plantations can promote natural regeneration. The efforts in establishing protective forests in Hong Kong over the last 50 years after the Second World War have resulted in many exotic tree plantations which are ideal sites for the study of natural regeneration. This study looked at the seed rain and understorey woody plant diversity in three Lophostemon confertus plantations (25–40 years old) in Hong Kong. All the plantations were > 1 km from the nearest seed sources. Two of the plantations had a seed rain comparable in density and diversity to unplanted grasslands, and the understorey plant diversity was also low and dominated by shrubs. The other site had a higher and more diverse seed rain, as well as higher understorey stem density, but both the seed rain and the understorey were dominated by the shrub Psychotria asiatica. The poor seed rain at two sites and the rarity of potential canopy tree species in both the seed rain and understory regeneration at all sites suggest that planting exotic monocultures does not promote succession. Enrichment planting will be needed to restore forest diversity.  相似文献   

勐腊县傣族“龙山”森林植被类型分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2008年12月对勐腊县傣族"龙山"林进行了样方调查.分析了其森林群落结构的现状及组成,认定其为残存的半原始片断热带季节雨林和热带季雨林,以热带季节雨林为主.傣族"龙山"林仍保持了热带季节雨林的外貌结构特征和基本种类组成.但随着人为干扰的加剧,"龙山"热带季节雨林的群落结构已变得不完整,植物丰富程度降低,物种多样性指数显著下降,片段热带季节雨林中的雨林成分也将在一定程度上被其他先锋植被类型替代.  相似文献   

森林植物物种多样性的巨大价值对于促进森林可持续发展至关重要。文中通过梳理生物多样性的研究进展,对森林植物物种多样性的定义、价值分类、价值机理和评价方法进行阐述,对以往研究成果进行总结并做出展望,指出森林植物物种多样性承担着森林生物多样性的主要价值功能,当前对其价值评估较少,还需要利用双向思维,加强对经济社会和森林植物物种多样性之间相互关系的研究,以推动森林可持续发展。  相似文献   

Plant and bird diversity in the Indonesian jungle rubber agroforestry system was compared to that in primary forest and rubber plantations by integrating new and existing data from a lowland rain forest area in Sumatra. Jungle rubber gardens are low-input rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) agroforests that structurally resemble secondary forest and in which wild species are tolerated by the farmer. As primary forests have almost completely disappeared from the lowlands of the Sumatra peneplain, our aim was to assess the contribution of jungle rubber as a land use type to the conservation of plant and bird species, especially those that are associated with the forest interior of primary and old secondary forest. Species-accumulation curves were compiled for terrestrial and epiphytic pteridophytes, trees and birds, and for subsets of ‘forest species’ of terrestrial pteridophytes and birds. Comparing jungle rubber and primary forest, groups differed in relative species richness patterns. Species richness in jungle rubber was slightly higher (terrestrial pteridophytes), similar (birds) or lower (epiphytic pteridophytes, trees, vascular plants as a whole) than in primary forest. For subsets of ‘forest species’ of terrestrial pteridophytes and birds, species richness in jungle rubber was lower than in primary forest. For all groups, species richness in jungle rubber was generally higher than in rubber plantations. Although species conservation in jungle rubber is limited by management practices and by a slash-and-burn cycle for replanting of about 40 years, this forest-like land use does support species diversity in an impoverished landscape increasingly dominated by monoculture plantations.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of disturbance on seed rain is critical to predict changes in forest species composition and diversity.Logging effects on seed rain in a mixed conifer-hardwood forest complex in southern Brazil were evaluated.One year of seed rain data were collected from a large-scale observational experiment in logged and protected forests and quantity and average seed size weighted by species abundance(CWM) were compared between old-growth and logged stands 55 years after logging activities.Using these data,variations in frequency of functional groups of species in the seed rain were examined to see if they could be attributed to logging.Results show that the number of seeds per trap was highly right-skewed,ranging from 13 to 12,788 seeds per trap in one year.Seed rain was affected by logging history,with seed traps in old-growth plots receiving significantly less seeds than traps in logged plots.All species included mean seed size weighted by species abundance were significantly smaller in logged than in old-growth forests.This difference persisted after the exclusion of Arawcaria a large-seeded pioneer which was intensively logged,although the difference of seed size between the two forest classes was greatly reduced.Species abundance in the seed rain differed significantly from the established tree community,between logged and oldgrowth stands.The composition of the seed rain was much more variable than the composition of the established tree community and its points more scattered over the ordination space than the points corresponding to the protected forests.The number of collected seeds across different functional groups of species significantly differed between logged and old-growth plots.The seed rain of logged forests reflects their arrested succes sion as indicated by reduced abundance of functional groups such as pioneers,large seeded pioneers and A raucaria,as well as reduced functional diversity.S eed rain differences between logged and old-growth stands reflect the intensive logging of A.angustifolia.  相似文献   

In the last 10 years the Sri Lankan government has changed its policy regarding its remaining rain forest from one that promoted commercial exploitation to one of conservation. The growing importance of uplands as catchments for water production, biodiversity conservation and other downstream services has been recognized by the Sri Lankan government. It is therefore timely that we review 15 years of research investigating rain forest dynamics of southwest Sri Lanka with the objective of using this knowledge for forest restoration. We provide six common principles for understanding the integrity of rain forest dynamics in southwest Sri Lanka. The principles are: (i) disturbances provide the simultaneous initiation and/or release of a new forest stand; (ii) that disturbances are generally non-lethal to the groundstory vegetation; (iii) disturbances are variable in severity, type and extent across rain forest topography; (iv) guild diversity (habitat diversity) is dependent upon “advance regeneration”; (v) tree canopy stratification is based on both “static” and “dynamic” processes; and (vi) canopy dominant late-successional tree species are site specialists restricted to particular topographic positions of the rain forest. These principles are applied to determine effects of two rain forest degradation processes that have been characterized as chronic (continuous detrimental impacts) and acute (one-time detrimental impacts). Restoration pathways are suggested that range from: (i) the simple prevention of disturbance to promote release of rain forest succession; (ii) site-specific enrichment planting protocols for canopy trees; (iii) sequential amelioration of arrested fern and grasslands by use of plantation analogs of old field pine to facilitate secondary succession of rain forest, and plantings of late-seral rain forest tree species; and (iv) establishment and release of successionally compatible mixed-species plantations. We summarize with a synthesis of the restoration techniques proposed for reforestation using native vegetation on cleared conservation areas and parks, and for the stabilization of eroded upland watersheds. We conclude with a comparative analysis with restoration work done in other tropical forest regions.  相似文献   

格氏栲群落的结构特征   总被引:40,自引:4,他引:40  
樊后保 《林业科学》2000,36(2):6-12
在 1hm2 样地调查材料的基础上 ,分析了福建三明格氏栲自然保护区森林群落的种类组成、群落外貌、水平结构和垂直结构特征。该群落共有维管束植物 1 1 0种 ,隶属于 42科 6 8属 ,其中单种属占 6 7% ,包括藤本在内的高位芽植物占总数的 87 3%。除格氏栲种群符合随机分布外 ,其它乔木种群均服从聚集分布 ,在垂直空间上可分为 3个亚层。物种多样性指数介于南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林和中亚热带常绿阔叶林之间  相似文献   

世界生物多样性面临危机及其保护的重要性   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
生物多样性问题已被联合国确认为全球4大环境问题之一,受到国际社会的高度重视。文章介绍了世界物种概况,生物多样性概念和内涵,物种多样性保护的重点与野生物种的价值;指出了全球生物物种所面临的危机,阐述了森林锐减与物种消失的关系以及保护生物多样性的重要性。  相似文献   

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