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Six susceptible and six preimmunized heifers were inseminated with semen from a bull persistently infected with bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV). They had poor rates of conception, but ultimately, all but one conceived. Eleven, apparently normal, calves were born, none of which showed evidence of BVDV infection.  相似文献   

Previous reports on the spread of bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) from animals primarily infected with the agent are contradictory. In this study, the possibility of transmission of BVDV from calves simultaneously subjected to acute BVDV and bovine coronavirus (BCV) infection was investigated. Ten calves were inoculated intranasally with BVDV Type 1. Each of the 10 calves was then randomly allocated to one of two groups. In each group there were four additional calves, resulting in five infected and four susceptible calves per group. Virulent BCV was actively introduced in one of the groups by means of a transmitter calf. Two calves, susceptible to both BVDV and BCV, were kept in a separate group, as controls. All ten calves actively inoculated with BVDV became infected as shown by seroconversions, and six of them also shed the virus in nasal secretions. However, none of the other eight calves in the two groups (four in each) seroconverted to this agent. In contrast, it proved impossible to prevent the spread of BCV infection between the experimental groups and consequently all 20 study calves became infected with the virus. Following infection, BCV was detected in nasal secretions and in faeces of the calves and, after three weeks in the study, all had seroconverted to this virus. All calves, including the controls, showed at least one of the following clinical signs during days 3-15 after the trial started: fever (> or =40 degrees C), depressed general condition, diarrhoea, and cough. The study showed that BVDV primarily infected cattle, even when co-infected with an enteric and respiratory pathogen, are inefficient transmitters of BVDV. This finding supports the principle of the Scandinavian BVDV control programmes that elimination of BVDV infection from cattle populations can be achieved by identifying and removing persistently infected (PI) animals, i.e. that long-term circulation of the virus without the presence of PI animals is highly unlikely.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to study differences and similarities in the acute phase response of calves experimentally infected in the respiratory tract with either bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) or Mannheima haemolytica (Mh), or with a combination of both (BVDV/Mh). A non-inoculated control group was also included. The acute phase response was measured by serum or plasma concentrations of the acute phase proteins (APPs) haptoglobin, serum amyloid A (SAA) and fibrinogen, and of cortisol, prostaglandin F2alpha-metabolite and interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) activity. Clinical symptoms were also recorded and were most severe in the BVDV/Mh group. The symptoms were mild to moderate in the BVDV group, while none, or very mild symptoms were observed in the Mh group. In all inoculated groups, a significant acute phase response was observed, with elevated values of haptoglobin, SAA and fibrinogen, while the control group remained unaffected throughout the study. In general, the magnitude of the response was similar, but the duration of elevated concentrations of APPs was significantly longer in the BVDV/Mh group than in the BVDV group, reflecting the duration of the clinical symptoms. However, in the single infection groups, the APP response and the clinical symptoms were not correlated. The IFN-alpha activity increased in all BVDV-inoculated animals, but no response in cortisol and PGF2alpha-metabolite concentrations was observed after infection. Basal levels of serum concentrations of haptoglobin, SAA and fibrinogen were established and may be used for evaluating calf health in herds. The duration of elevated haptoglobin, SAA and fibrinogen values did not differ significantly within groups indicating that their value as indicator of disease is equal.  相似文献   

Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) persistently infected (PI) calves represent significant sources of infection to susceptible cattle. The objectives of this study were to determine if PI calves transmitted infection to vaccinated and unvaccinated calves, to determine if BVDV vaccine strains could be differentiated from the PI field strains by subtyping molecular techniques, and if there were different rates of recovery from peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) versus serums for acutely infected calves. Calves PI with BVDV1b were placed in pens with nonvaccinated and vaccinated calves for 35 d. Peripheral blood leukocytes, serums, and nasal swabs were collected for viral isolation and serology. In addition, transmission of Bovine herpes virus 1 (BHV-1), Parainfluenza-3 virus (PI-3V), and Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) was monitored during the 35 d observation period. Bovine viral diarrhea virus subtype 1b was transmitted to both vaccinated and nonvaccinated calves, including BVDV1b seronegative and seropositive calves, after exposure to PI calves. There was evidence of transmission by viral isolation from PBL, nasal swabs, or both, and seroconversions to BVDV1b. For the unvaccinated calves, 83.2% seroconverted to BVDV1b. The high level of transmission by PI calves is illustrated by seroconversion rates of nonvaccinated calves in individual pens: 70% to 100% seroconversion to the BVDV1b. Bovine viral diarrhea virus was isolated from 45 out of 202 calves in this study. These included BVDV1b in ranch and order buyer (OB) calves, plus BVDV strains identified as vaccinal strains that were in modified live virus (MLV) vaccines given to half the OB calves 3 d prior to the study. The BVDV1b isolates in exposed calves were detected between collection days 7 and 21 after exposure to PI calves. Bovine viral diarrhea virus was recovered more frequently from PBL than serum in acutely infected calves. Bovine viral diarrhea virus was also isolated from the lungs of 2 of 7 calves that were dying with pulmonary lesions. Two of the calves dying with pneumonic lesions in the study had been BVDV1b viremic prior to death. Bovine viral diarrhea virus 1b was isolated from both calves that received the killed or MLV vaccines. There were cytopathic (CP) strains isolated from MLV vaccinated calves during the same time frame as the BVDV1b isolations. These viruses were typed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and genetic sequencing, and most CP were confirmed as vaccinal origin. A BVDV2 NCP strain was found in only 1 OB calf, on multiple collections, and the calf seroconverted to BVDV2. This virus was not identical to the BVDV2 CP 296 vaccine strain. The use of subtyping is required to differentiate vaccinal strains from the field strains. This study detected 2 different vaccine strains, the BVDV1b in PI calves and infected contact calves, and a heterologous BVDV2 subtype brought in as an acutely infected calf. The MLV vaccination, with BVDV1a and BVDV2 components, administered 3 d prior to exposure to PI calves did not protect 100% against BVDV1b viremias or nasal shedding. There were other agents associated with the bovine respiratory disease signs and lesions in this study including Mannheimia haemolytica, Mycoplasma spp., PI-3V, BRSV, and BHV-1.  相似文献   

Concurrent bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) and systemic infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) are reported from two neonatal (11 and 15 days old) calves. The diseases occurred sporadically in a large-scale herd which may have been due to the calves' heterogeneous immunobiological status. Gross pathological and histopathological examinations revealed focal interstitial pneumonia with acidophilic intranuclear inclusions in the alveolar epithelial cells and necrotic foci in the liver with a few intranuclear inclusions in the hepatocytes. There were subserous haemorrhages in the forestomachs and intestine, necrotic changes in the rumen, enteritis, lymphocytic necrosis in the Peyer's patches, and fibrinoid necrosis in the wall of some of the neighbouring blood vessels. BVD virus was demonstrated by immunofluorescence (IF), whereas IBR virus by electron microscopy, immunofluorescence and virus isolation.  相似文献   

Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) is an economically important pathogen of cattle worldwide. Infection of a pregnant animal may lead to persistent infection of the foetus and birth of a persistently infected (PI) calf that sheds the virus throughout its life. However, BVD viruses are not strictly species specific. BVDV has been isolated from many domesticated and wild ruminants. This is of practical importance as virus reservoirs in non-bovine hosts may hamper BVDV control in cattle. A goat given as a social companion to a BVDV PI calf gave birth to a PI goat kid. In order to test if goat to goat infections were possible, seronegative pregnant goats were exposed to the PI goat. In parallel, seronegative pregnant goats were kept together with the PI calf. Only the goat to goat transmission resulted in the birth of a next generation of BVDV PI kids whereas all goats kept together with the PI calf aborted. To our knowledge, this is the first report which shows that a PI goat cannot only transmit BVD virus to other goats but that such transmission may indeed lead to the birth of a second generation of PI goats. Genetic analyses indicated that establishment in the new host species may be associated with step-wise adaptations in the viral genome. Thus, goats have the potential to be a reservoir for BVDV. However, the PI goats showed growth retardation and anaemia and their survival under natural conditions remains questionable.  相似文献   

Six cattle persistently infected with bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) and seronegative, and two control, virus negative seropositive cattle were inoculated with lymphocytes infected with bovine leukosis virus (BLV). The two controls produced a normal immune response to BLV, developing antibodies at four and five weeks after inoculation. Two of the six cattle persistently infected with BVDV developed a strong antibody response by six weeks after inoculation with BLV. Four developed a depressed response to BLV, characterised in three by a 'hooking' reaction in the immunodiffusion test which persisted in successive bleedings but was interspersed occasionally by a weak positive reaction. In one of these animals, a series of 'hooking' reactions was followed by a number of negative results. The fourth animal remained serologically negative until 16 weeks after inoculation when a 'hooking' reaction was observed followed by a series of negative results. BLV was isolated from all the cattle persistently infected with BVDV at 42 or 58 weeks after inoculation regardless of whether the serum samples gave negative, 'hooking', weak positive or positive reactions in the immunodiffusion test. BLV was consistently isolated from the nasal secretions of a steer which was BVDV negative but seropositive. The possibility of decreased immune responsiveness to BLV in animals persistently infected with BVDV should be considered when formulating regulations governing the testing of animals for freedom from BLV.  相似文献   

The relationship between bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infection and thrombocytopenia was studied in 18 veal calves experimentally infected with BVDV. All calves were free of BVDV, and 13 calves were free of serum neutralizing antibodies to BVDV before virus inoculation. Calves were inoculated at approximately 10 days of age, and platelet counts were monitored over a period of several weeks. Ten additional calves housed in close proximity were kept as uninoculated controls. A profound decrease in platelet counts by 3 to 11 days after inoculation was seen in all calves that had neutralizing antibody titers less than 1:32 before infection. Severe thrombocytopenia (less than 5,000 platelets/microliter) was seen in 12 calves, 11 of which also developed hemorrhages. Necropsy findings in 3 severely thrombocytopenic calves that died included multiple hemorrhages throughout the body. Calves that recovered had increased platelet counts, and in most instances, a corresponding increase in neutralizing antibody titers to BVDV. At 11 days after inoculation, BVDV was detected on platelets by use of immunofluorescence, but evidence of surface-bound immunoglobulin was not found. The results suggest that a nonimmunoglobulin-mediated method of platelet destruction or sequestration develops as a sequela to BVDV infection.  相似文献   

Seven of nine colostrum deprived calves, free from bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV), were vaccinated with a commercially available vaccine containing two inactivated strains of BVDV, an inactivated strain of bovine herpesvirus-1 and modified-live strains of bovine respiratory syncytial virus and para-influenza-3 virus. The two other calves were kept as controls. The virus neutralising (VN) antibodies induced by vaccination were tested against 22 antigenically diverse BVDV isolates, including reference strains and field isolates, both cytopathic and non-cytopathic, as well as genotypes I and II. The strains were isolated in Belgium, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the USA. While there were variations in the VN titres of the individual calves against all the strains, serum from the seven animals neutralised 20 or more of the strains tested. From the results, it can be concluded that the vaccine can stimulate the production of VN antibodies capable of neutralising a wide range of European and American isolates of BVDV, including genotypes I and II.  相似文献   

Two outbreaks of border disease occurred on farms with sheep flocks and breeding cattle. The infection of the pregnant sheep was probably caused by transmission of virus from calves persistently infected with non-cytopathic bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) which were kept in close confinement with the ewes during mid-pregnancy. Border disease was also induced experimentally in eight lambs by exposing their dams at 38 to 78 days of gestation to a heifer persistently infected with BVDV. Both the natural and the experimental infections were characterised by typical signs such as 'hairy-shaker' lambs and high lamb mortality. The diagnosis was confirmed by virus isolations from live-born lambs, seroconversion and pathology. The study supports the assertion that cattle persistently infected with BVDV and in close contact with pregnant sheep, are an important source of strains of virus capable of causing border disease.  相似文献   

Infection of cattle with bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVD virus) is common throughout the world(1) and the prevalence of neutralising antibodies to the virus reported from surveys ranges from about 40% to 90%(2)(3)(4). The first isolation of BVD virus in New Zealand was reported in 1967(5) and, since that time, evidence of widespread infection in dairy cattle has been presented(6). Whilst the diseases associated with BVD viral infection have been well recognised in dairy herds, there has been a belief that infection of beef herds is less common. Based on this belief has been the fear that the growth of the dairy beef industry could lead to the introduction of BVD virus into an essentially naive beef population with disastrous results such as those reported by MacNeil and van der Oord(7). We decided therefore to sample beef cattle submitted to abattoirs throughout New Zealand for serological evidence of prior exposure to BVD virus.  相似文献   

Thirteen BVDV isolates collected in four geographic regions of India between 2000 and 2002 were typed in 5'-UTR. To confirm results of genetic typing, selected viruses were also analysed in the N(pro) region. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that all Indian BVDV isolates belong to BVDV-1b (Osloss-like group). Despite a long distance between the farms from which the viruses were isolated there was no correlation between the origin of viral isolates and their position in a phylogenetic tree. Higher genetic similarity of Indian BVDV isolates was observed most probably due to the uncontrolled movement of cattle as well as the uncontrolled use of semen from bulls for breeding of local and farm cattle in different states of India.  相似文献   

Reports of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infections in alpacas have been increasing in recent years but much is still unknown about the mechanisms of disease in this species. This report characterizes the transmission of BVDV from persistently infected (PI) alpacas to BVDV naïve alpacas, documents shedding patterns, and characterizes the disease effects in both PI and transiently infected alpacas. Two PI alpacas shed BVDV Type 1b virus in most body fluids, and commonly available diagnostic tests verified their status. Bovine viral diarrhea virus Type 1b transient infections produced only mild signs of disease in BVDV naïve alpacas. Viremia was detected in whole blood, but viral shedding during the acute phase was not detected and antibody appeared to be protective upon re-exposure to the virus.  相似文献   

In cattle, we encountered insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) associated with bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) infection. To estimate the correlation between IDDM and BVDV infection, the distribution of BVDV in the pancreas and islet-cell antibody (ICA) were investigated. The distribution of BVDV in the pancreas was examined by in situ hybridization using two oligonucleotide probes that recognized the gp25- and p14-coding regions of the BVDV gene. ICA was examined by indirect fluorescence antibody assay using the sera from affected cattle and pancreata from normal cattle. In the pancreata of all BVDV-infected cattle, including IDDM-complicated cattle, oligonucleotide probe hybridized portions were recognized. In short, BVDV genes were detected not only in IDDM-complicated cattle but also in uncomplicated cattle. Moreover, there was no hybridized portion in the islet cells. In BVDV-infected and IDDM-complicated cattle, ICA was frequently detected. On the other hand, ICA was not detected in BVDV-infected and IDDM uncomplicated cattle. These results suggest that IDDM associated with BVDV infection is not a direct effect of BVDV on islet cells. Therefore, as BVDV did not induce IDDM in any cases, it appears that BVDV does not induce IDDM directly, but rather may be an autoimmune disease induced by autoantibodies against islet cells.  相似文献   

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