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Zusammenfassung An Hand von Pflanzenzeichnungen aus drei bisher fast unbeachtet gebliebenen Herbaria picta des 16. und 17. Jh. konnte der lückenlose Nachweis erbracht werden, daß die beiden von Linné 1753 aufgestellten Varietätenlaciniata undselenisia der ArtBrassica oleracea auf ein fließendes Merkmal von beträchtlicher Variationsbreite gegründet wurden. Sie stellen die beiderseitigen Endglieder einer kontinuierlichen Merkmalsreihe dar und können nicht mit zwei Namen belegt werden.Da deshalb eine scharfe morphologische Trennung der beiden Varietäten unmöglich ist, wird die lediglich durch grob-fiederlappige Blattspreiten ausgezeichnete var.laciniata L. als Taxon der sehr ähnliche Blattspreiten besitzenden var.viridis L. unterstellt. Die Gesamtheit der kontinuierlich erfaßten, variablen Ausbildungsformen der heute kaum noch in Kultur anzutreffenden Feder- oder Plumagekohle dagegen wird unter der Bezeichnung var.selenisia L. zusammengefaßt.
Summary Pictures of 3 hand-painted Herbaria picta of the 16th and 17th century proved that the varietieslaciniata L. andselenisia L. were based on a running character of a considerable variation. They mark only the ends of a continual fluctuation of this character and might not be designed with two names.A clear morphological separation of these two taxa is therefore not possible. Var.laciniata L. may be submitted var.viridis L., which is characterized by leaves of similar differentiation. The whole of the feather-kale forms — now seldom in cultivation — may be collected in var.selenisia L.

, Herbaria picta XVI XVII . , Brassica oleracea, 1753 ., var.laciniata var.selenisia, , . , var.laciniata var.viridis, . , , , var.selenisia.

A proposal for the division of forest humus profiles developed on solide limestone in the Alps An improved classification of individual layers within forest humus profiles is proposed by means of macromorphological features and results of routine analyses. Symbols and important diagnostic properties of the horizons are: L-layer: litter residues 90–100 %, no roots; subhorizons: Ln (n = new): bright brown colours, no aggregation; high amounts of exchangeable K and Mg; Lv (v = varied, altered): lustreless brown colours, no aggregation, still to be moved by wind; Ld (d = dense): dense packages of litter, consisting of at least 5 individual leaf or needle layers which are densely compressed. O-layer: <90 % litter residues, roots can appear; subhorizons: Of (90–50 % litter residues), Ohf (50–30 % litter residues), Ofh (<30 % litter residues but still detectable), Oh (no litter residues detectable); Od (d = dense): densely aggregated O-subhorizon, i. e. material may be cut to sharp-edged solid fragments using a knife; in addition a Od-layer shows a pH <4,0, contains <50 μg/g EDTA-extractable Mn (MnE) and regarding the MnE-depth-function the subhorizon lies in an extensive MnE-minimum. Depending on the amount of litter residues, Odf, Odhf, Odfh, and Odh horizons may be distinguished further. Oh, Ca (Ca= calcium): the colour is black to very dark brown; the horizon contacts the inorganic parent material and shows an extensive maximum of mobile = oxalate-extractable organic matter; organically bound Ca shows a maximum, too.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Exineskulptur von 42 Arten der GattungenTriticum L. undAegilops L. wurde rasterelektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. In beiden Gattungen wurden sowohl scabrate als auch areolate Skulpturen festgestellt, wobei eine unterschiedliche Zahl von Spinulae an der Bildung der Areolen beteiligt sein kann. Die Skulpturen des einzelnen Pollenkorns zeigen oft eine gewisse Variationsbreite. Die einfacheren Skulpturtypen der GattungTriticum wurden bei den diploiden und den durch ein G-Genom charakterisierten Arten beobachtet, während sich die hexaploiden Weizen durch besonders komplexe Areolenbildungen auszeichnen. Die durch das B-Genom gekennzeichneten tetraploiden Weizen nehmen eine Mittelstellung ein. Bei der GattungAegilops herrschen ebenfalls areolate Exinebildungen vor, die bei der SektionVertebrata durch einfachere, bei der SektionComopyrum durch komplexere Areolen gekennzeichnet sind. Die übrigen Sektionen dieser Gattung zeigen keine einheitliche Tendenz.
Investigations in pollen sculpturing ofTriticum L. andAegilops L.
Summary The exine sculpturing of 42 species of the generaTriticum andAegilops has been investigated with the aid of SEM. Scabrate und areolate sculpturing has been found in both genera. Thereby the areoles may be composed of different numbers of spinules. The single pollen frequently shows some variation in the sculpture type. The most simple sculpture types of the genusTriticum has been observed in diploid species and those, which are characterized by the G-genome. The hexaploid wheats possess the most complex areoles. The exine type of the tetraploid species, characterized by the B-genome, is intermediate. Areolate exine types also prevail in the genusAegilops. The exine of the sectionVertebrata possesses more simple types of areoles, whereas the sectionComopyrum is characterized by more complex areoles. The other sections of this genus do'nt show uniform tendency.

Triticum L. Aegilops L.
42 , Triticum L. Aegilops L. . , , , , . . Triticum , G, . , B . Aegilops , Vertebrata , Comopyrum . .

Cytoplasmic genomes in most angiosperms are known to be maternally inherited. Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) as a natural amphidiploid species hence may carry the B. oleracea L. or the B. rapa L. cytoplasm, depending on the cross direction. The presence of either the B. oleracea or the B. rapa cytoplasm in oilseed rape has been reported to affect agronomically important traits. However, to date little is known about the cytoplasmic composition and genetic diversity of current winter oilseed rape cultivars and breeding material. The aim of this study was to assess the usefulness of 40 previously published chloroplast cpSSR markers from Brassica species and Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. for distinguishing the cytoplasms of 49 different genotypes of B. napus and its diploid ancestor species. Results showed that only 14 out of the 40 tested primer combinations were suitable to distinguish the cytoplasms of a test set of 8 Brassica genotypes. With the 14 primer pairs 64 different cpSSR alleles were identified in the set of 49 genotypes. Cluster analysis indicated distinct groups for the cytoplasms of B. napus, B. rapa, and B. oleracea. However, an unambiguous identification and classification of the cytoplasm types was not possible in all cases with the available polymorphic set of cpSSR primer pairs.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Spelzenbegrannung der GattungenTriticum L. undAegilops L. wurde vergleichend morphologisch untersucht. Auf Grund der unterschiedlichen Anordnung und Längenentwicklung lassen sich Grannen verschiedenen Grades unterscheiden. Dabei können die Spelzen, wie die Begrannung zeigt, eine symmetrische bis extrem asymmetrische Form aufweisen. Durch entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Längenentwicklung eng mit der Entstehungsfolge der Grannen verbunden ist. Die verschiedenen Begrannungsmuster des untersuchten Verwandtschaftskreises charakterisieren unterschiedliche Entwicklungsstufen eines in wesentlichen Zügen einheitlichen Differenzierungsablaufs der Spelzenentwicklung.
Homology relations in awn growthes of the generaTriticum L. andAegilops L.
Summary The glume awnedness of the generaTriticum andAegilops was investigated by comparing their morphology. On the basis of the different arrangement and length development awnes of different degree can be distinguished. As evidenced by the awnedness, the glumes have symmetrical to extremely asymmetrical form. By ontogenetic investigations it was shown, that the length development is closely connected with the sequence of the awn origin. The different patterns of the awnedness of the genera investigated characterize different developmental stages of an essentially uniform differentiation sequence of the glume development.

Triticum L. Aegilops L.
Triticum Aegilops . . , , . , . , , , .

Zusammenfassung DieSolana sind eine der größten Gattungen des Pflanzenreiches. Zahlreiche infragenerische Taxa sind beschrieben worden, doch fehlte bisher eine Grundlage zur Orientierung in der Mannigfaltigkeit. Für die Untergattungen und Sektionen wird ein Bestimmungsschlüssel vorgeschlagen.Da in der Vergangenheit mehrere Sektionen als selbständige Gattungen abgetrennt wurden, ist zu prüfen, ob die beiden traditionell unterschiedenen Hauptgruppen als Abstammungsgemeinschaften in der Rangstufe einer Gattung bewertet werden können. Es gibt aber einige Sektionen, die eine Zwischenstellung einnehmen (sect.Brevantherum, Aculeigerum, Acanthophora, Somalanum, Anisantherum, Irenosolanum, Lepidotum) und gegen einen diphyletischen Verlauf der Evolution sprechen. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Sektionen werden diskutiert, um gleichwertige infragenerische Taxa oberhalb dieser Rangstufe zu erfassen.Einige bislang übersehene Sektionsnamen mußten aus Prioritätsgründen eingesetzt werden (sect.Geminatum, Torvum, Potatoe, Holophyllum, Cryptocarpum, Acanthophora).
Infrageneric taxa of the genusSolanum
Summary TheSolana are one of the largest genera in the plant kingdom. Numerous infrageneric taxa had been described, but till now no basis exist for orientation in the diversity. For the subgenera and sections a key for determination is proposed. Because in the past time several sections have been seperated as own genera examinations are necessary for judging both the traditional distinguished maingroups as taxa in the rank of a genus. But there are some sections with an intermediate position (sect.Brevantherum, Aculeigerum, Acanthophora, Somalanum, Anisantherum, Irenosolanum, Lepidotum), documenting that the course of evolution can not be interpreted as diphyletically. The relations between the sections are discussed to outline equal infrageneric taxa above this rank.Some till now not used names of sections had to be introduced from reasons of priority (sect.Geminatum, Torvum, Potatoe, Holophyllum, Cryptocarpum, Acanthophora).

Solanum L.
Solanum — . ¶rt; , ¶rt; . . , , , , . (sect.Brevantherum, Aculeigerum, Acanthophora, Somalanum, Anisantherum, Irenosolanum, Lepidotum) , ¶rt;. , ¶rt; ¶rt; . (sect.Geminatum, Torvum, Potatoe, Holophyllum, Cryptocarpum, Acanthophora).

Nitrogen uptake of kohlrabi, estimated by growth stages and an empirical growth model Some fertilizer recommendation systems for field vegetables are based on estimated nitrogen uptake curves. The estimation of nitrogen uptake should be as accurate as possible. Therefore 3 estimation methods and their accuracy (standard error of difference between measured and estimated values, sd) are compared. Comparisons were carried out with measured nitrogen uptake curves of kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes L.) from 16 field experiments. The use of observed growth stages resulted in the smallest estimation error (sd = 14 kg N · ha?1). This method is recommendable because it is accurate and easy to use. Estimations by applying an empirical nitrogen uptake model (sd = 16 kg N · ha?1) are more complicated. The estimation based on time after planting is easy to use but showed the largest estimation error (sd = 28 kg N · ha?1).  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Brassica napus L is an important oilseed crops grown throughout many parts of the world. It is well adapted to long day photoperiods. Synthetic B. napus was...  相似文献   

(pp. 9–16)

Nitrate is a major form of uptake and storage of nitrogen for upland plants. However, nitrate is harmful to human health · ingestion of a large quantity can lead to cancer or methemoglobinemia. The effectiveness of drip fertigation for reducing nitrate in spinach was investigated in this study. Fertilizer application can be controlled effectively by drip fertigation. Field experiments were conducted in September 2002 and June 2003 at the National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region. Two spinach cultivars were grown in each cultivation in a plastic greenhouse, and the plants were treated with 4, 8 or 12 g N m?2 of fertilizer applied by drip fertigation, and with 8, 12 or 16 g N m?2 of fertilizer applied as basal application. The nitrogen was applied at the rate of 0.15 g m?2 per day for the first 15 days, and 0.25 g m?2 for the following 23 days in 8 g N m?2 treatment of drip fertigation.

The rate of growth and nitrogen absorption of spinach in the early growth stages was very slow, but they increased quickly from around day 23 after sowing. The amount of nitrogen absorbed by spinach was close to the amount applied in 8 g N m?2 treatment. This treatment resulted in spinach with a low nitrate concentration without reduction in yield. Although the same results were obtained by treatment with 8 g N m?2 of fertilizer by basal application, there was a tendency for nitrate concentration to fall further with drip fertigation. The rate of nitrate-nitrogen to total-nitrogen rose sharply when the total-nitrogen concentration was higher than 42 g kg?1 DW in leaf blade and 18 g kg?1 DW in leaf petiole. The total-nitrogen concentration was lowered a little and for that reason the rate of nitrate-nitrogen to total-nitrogen was lower in spinach treated with 8 g N m?2 of drip fertigation than in spinach treated with 8 g N m?2 of basal application. Thus, drip fertigation was considered to reduce nitrate more stably.  相似文献   

花椰菜种质资源萌发期耐盐性综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以98份花椰菜自交系资源为试材,测定了盐胁迫下种子的发芽率(GP)、发芽势(GR)、发芽指数(GI)、活力指数(VI)、苗高(SH)和根长(RL)等指标的耐盐系数,采用隶属函数法进行了耐盐性的综合评价。结果表明:花椰菜种质材料萌发期的耐盐性强弱评价结果受多个指标的影响。运用模糊数学隶属函数法,并赋予测定指标以相应的权重,计算出种质材料耐盐性强弱的综合评价D值,对98份种质材料耐盐性的强弱进行了综合评价和排序。综合评价D值与GP、GR、GI、VI、SH、RL的耐盐系数隶属函数值的相关性均达极显著水平(r=0.910**、0.921**、0.955**、0.972**、0.585**、0.686**),综合评价D值可以全面反映供试种质材料的耐盐性。分别对综合评价D值、GP、GR、GI、VI、SH、RL的隶属函数值进行聚类分析比较,发现GR、GI、VI、RL可以作为花椰菜种质材料萌发期耐盐性筛选的指标,而GP、SH不宜直接作为花椰菜种质材料萌发期耐盐性筛选的指标。基于综合评价D值聚类分析,可以将98份种质材料的耐盐性分为强、中、弱、差四大群类,其中有7份材料属于强耐盐性群类的种质,可供花椰菜耐盐性品种选育改良利用及耐盐性机制、耐盐遗传机理等方面研究。  相似文献   

Changes in phenolic compounds, total glucosinolates, and vitamin C were monitored during the productive period along five inflorescence development stages of three broccoli commercial cultivars (Marathon, Monterrey, and Vencedor). In an attempt to identify differences due to agronomic factors, broccoli cultivars were grown under different sulfur fertilization with poor (15 kg/ha) and rich (150 kg/ha) rates. Phenolic compounds and vitamin C concentrations showed, in all broccoli cultivars, a rising trend from the first stage until the over-maturity stage, both for rich and poor sulfur fertilization. Significant differences were detected in the first two stages between rich and poor sulfur fertilization in total glucosinolates for all broccoli cultivars, where the highest concentration was always observed in the second development stage (used as minimally processed product) during poor fertilization. With regard to the last three stages, the glucosinolate concentration in the poor sulfur fertilization started to slope down until the over-maturity stage. Where rich sulfur fertilization is concerned, the highest level was reached during the third stage (used as minimally processed product also), and after that, glucosinolate concentration decreased until the fifth stage.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Wegen einander widersprechender Literaturangaben wurde die Morphologie der mitotischen Chromosomen vonVicia sativa L. (2n=12) überprüft und die Symbolisierung der Chromosomen den Vorschlägen für eine internationale Regelung von Nomenklaturfragen angepaßt.Danach besteht der haploide Chromosomensatz aus einem Chromosom mit submedianer (III) und fünf Chromosomen mit subterminaler Insertion des Centromers. I und IV sind SAT-Chromosomen.  相似文献   

The ability of tronchuda cabbage ( Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC) to act as a scavenger of the reactive nitrogen species nitric oxide and peroxynitrite was investigated. The aqueous extracts obtained from tronchuda cabbage seeds and from its external and internal leaves exhibited a concentration dependent scavenging capacity. The antioxidant potential observed against the two reactive species was as follows: seeds > external leaves > internal leaves. In order to establish a possible correlation with the chemical composition of the extracts, the activity of ascorbic and sinapic acids and kaempferol 3- O-rutinoside was also studied. Among the compounds tested, sinapic acid showed the strongest antioxidant activity against both species.  相似文献   

Glycosylated kaempferol derivatives from the external leaves of tronchuda cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC) characterized by reversed-phase HPLC-DAD-MS/MS-ESI were kaempferol 3-O-sophorotrioside-7-O-glucoside, kaempferol 3-O- (methoxycaffeoyl/caffeoyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside, kaempferol 3-O-sophoroside-7-O-glucoside, kaempferol 3-O-sophorotrioside-7-O-sophoroside, kaempferol 3-O-sophoroside-7-O-sophoroside, kaempferol 3-O-tetraglucoside-7-O-sophoroside, kaempferol 3-O-(sinapoyl/caffeoyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside, kaempferol 3-O-(feruloyl/caffeoyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside, kaempferol 3-O-sophorotrioside, kaempferol 3-O-(sinapoyl)sophoroside, kaempferol 3-O-(feruloyl)sophorotrioside, kaempferol 3-O-(feruloyl)sophoroside, kaempferol 3-O-sophoroside, and kaempferol 3-O-glucoside. These acylated derivatives are reported for the first time in nature, with the exception of kaempferol 3-O-(sinapoyl)sophoroside. Quantification of the identified compounds was achieved by HPLC-DAD and carried out in samples cultivated under conventional or organic practices and collected at different times. In general, samples from organic production exhibited higher total phenolics content than those from conventional practices collected in the same period.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of soil geochemistry on the concentrations of Ca, K, Mg, P, Co, Ni, Zn, Mn, Cu, and Fe in cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) grown on acid sulfate (AS) soils in Western Finland. A total of 11 topsoil (0–20 cm) and corresponding cabbage samples and three whole‐soil profiles (≈ 0–260 cm) were collected on three agricultural fields. The concentrations of Co and Zn in cabbage were correlated with the NH4Ac‐extractable (easily available) concentrations in the topsoil, indicating that the uptake of these elements in cabbage is largely governed by soil geochemistry. Yet, the concentrations of Co and Zn in cabbage were not in general elevated relative to that of Finnish average values, although some AS soils showed enriched concentrations of these metals in the soil and cabbage. Significant geochemical differences (e.g., oxidation depth, organic‐matter and S content, pH) were observed among the studied AS soils, while, on the other hand, the concentrations of Ca, K, Mg, P, Ni, Mn, Cu, and Fe in cabbage were relatively similar. The hydroxylamine‐extractable concentrations of these elements in the topsoil were not correlated to those in cabbage, suggesting that uptake is not governed by the oxide‐bound fraction of these elements in the soil. Similarly, the easily available concentrations of Ca, P, Ni, Mn, Cu, and Fe in the topsoil were not correlated to those in cabbage, indicating that uptake is independent of the easily available concentrations in the soil. Hence, it is suggested that cabbage can regulate and thus optimize its concentrations of Ca, P, Ni, Mn, Cu, and Fe. Oxidation depth affected neither the easily available concentrations of Co, Ni, Zn, and Mn in the topsoil nor the concentrations in cabbage. However, the subsoil with a lower oxidation depth, which is to a smaller extent affected by leaching, may partly be enriched in these metals. Nevertheless, these showed no increased concentrations in cabbage. Based on these findings, it is suggested that the large amounts of metals mobilized in AS soils are easily lost to drains, subsequently contaminating nearby waterways and estuaries whereas they are only partly enriched in cabbage and other previously studied crops (oat).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Testa-Epidermisskulpturen von weiteren Arten der GattungAllium L. wurden rasterelektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Dabei konnten die bisherigen Befunde über die sektionsspezifische Ausbildung der Testaskulpturen weitgehend bestätigt werden.Die wenig differenzierten Testaskulpturen der sect.Anguinum G. Don exKoch wurden an weiteren Arten der Gattung nachgewiesen. Die untersuchten Arten der sect.Rhizirideum G. Don exKoch entsprechen in der Mehrzahl den charakteristischen granulösen Skulpturtypen dieser Sektion. Besonderheiten ergeben sich bei einzelnen Arten durch spezielle verrucose Skulpturen bzw. deutlich undulierte Antiklinalwände.Die Testaskulpturen einiger Arten der sect.Cepa (Miller)Prokh. konnten den für diese Sektion typischen Skulpturformen zugeordnet werden.Der einheitliche, verrucose Skulpturtyp der sect.Codonoprasum Reichenb. wurde durch weitere Arten bestätigt. Ebenso zeigen die Arten der sect.Caloscordum (Herb.)Bak. übereinstimmende Testamerkmale.Die untersuchten Sippen der sect.Lophioprason Traub entsprechen in ihrer Testaskulptur dem bisher bekannten Merkmalsspektrum der jeweiligen Artengruppe. Hierbei konnte auch der spezielle verrucose Skulpturtyp derAllium acuminatum-Gruppe an weiteren Arten dieser Gruppe nachgewiesen werden. Granulöse Skulpturformen wurden bei einzelnen Arten der sect.Rhophetoprason Traub und sect.Amerallium Traub gefunden.Die der sect.Allium L. und dem subgen.Melanocrommyum (Webb etBerth.)Rouy gemeinsame Testaform, die durch verrucose Skulpturen sowie eine ausgeprägte Antiklinalwand-Undulation gekennzeichnet ist, wurde durch weitere Arten dieses Verwandtschaftskreises bestätigt. Dabei unterscheidet sich der Undulationstyp der SektionenAllium L. undMegaloprason Wendelbo von den untersuchten Arten anderer Sektionen des subgen.Melanocrommyum (Webb etBerth.)Rouy.
SEM investigations on seeds of the genusAllium L. III
Summary The structure of the testa epidermis of additional species ofAllium L. have been studied by means of SEM. Results obtained earlier for different sections of the genus could be confirmed:The less differentiated testa structure of sect.Anguinum G. Don exKoch has been observed in further species of this group.Most of the newly examined taxa of sect.Rhizirideum G. Don exKoch correspond to the already known testa types of this section and are characterized by granulate seed coat surfaces. Deviations have been found in some species which possess either a special type of verrucate sculptures or have distinctly undulated anticlinal walls of the testa cells.The earlier described two testa types of sect.Cepa (Mill.)Prokh. could be observed in some additional species of this section, too.Likewise the uniformly verrucate sculptures of sect.Codonoprasum Rchb. have been found in further species and also the taxa of sect.Caloscordum (Herb.)Bak. agree in their testa characters.Earlier described seed coat types for different species groups of sect.Lophioprason Traub could be confirmed, among them the verrucate sculptures of theAllium acuminatum-group. Granulate testa surfaces have been analyzed in several species of sect.Rhophetoprason Traub and sect.Amerallium Traub. The testa type commonly found in sect.Allium as well as in subgen.Melanocrommyum (Webb etBerth.)Rouy and characterized by verrucate sculptures and strong undulation of the anticlinal cell walls could be observed in further species of these infrageneric groups. The undulation pattern of sect.Allium and sect.Megaloprason Wendelbo however differs from that of other sections of subgen.Melanocrommyum (Webb etBerth.)Rouy.

Allium L. . III.
Allium L. . , - . Anguinum G. Don exKoch . Rhizirideum G. Don exKoch , . . Cepa (Miller)Prokh. . Codonoprasum Reichenb. . Caloscordum (Herb.)Bak. . Lophioprason Traub , . , Allium acuminatum- . Rhophctoprason Traub Amerallium Traub. Allium L. Melanocrommyum (Webb et.Berth.)Rouy, , , . Allium L. Megaloprason Wendelbo Melanocrommyum (Webb etBerth.)Rouy.

Einige der untersuchten Arten konnten während der gemeinsamen Expeditionen in der Georgischen SSR gesammelt werden, die von Frau Dr.R. K. Beridze, Botanisches Institut der Georgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, in bewährter Weise organisiert wurden. Dieses ist eine willkommene Gelegenheit, ihr diesen Beitrag anläßlich ihres 70. Geburtstages zu widmen.  相似文献   

Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC leaves and Pieris brassicae L. larvae aqueous extracts were assayed for their potential to prevent/induce DNA damage. None of them was mutagenic at the tested concentrations in the Ames test reversion assay using Salmonella His(+) TA98 strains, with and without metabolic activation. In the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase mutation assay using mammalian V79 fibroblast cell line, extracts at 500 μg/mL neither induced mutations nor protected against the mutagenicity caused by methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). In the comet assay, none of the extracts revealed to be genotoxic by itself, and both afforded protection, more pronounced for larvae extracts, against MMS-induced genotoxicity. As genotoxic/antigenotoxic effects of Brassica vegetables are commonly attributed to isothiocyanates, the extracts were screened for these compounds by headspace-solid-phase microextraction/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. No sulfur compound was detected. These findings demonstrate that both extracts could be useful against damage caused by genotoxic compounds, the larvae extract being the most promising.  相似文献   

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