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《African Zoology》2013,48(4):293-297
Many highly invasive plant species produce fleshy fruit that are consumed and dispersed by frugivorous birds. However, little is known about assimilation efficiency of invasive fruit by indigenous and invasive avian species. We investigated whether indigenous Knysna (Tauraco corythaix) and Purple-crested (Gallirex porphyreolophus) Turacos and invasive alien Rose-ringed Parakeets (Psittacula krameri) met their energy demands when fed fruits of four fleshy- fruited invasive alien plant species: Solanum mauritianum, Cinnamomum camphora, Psidium guajava and Morus alba. Birds were fed single-fruit diets for two consecutive days and energetic parameters were calculated for all fruit diets. Our results showed that generally both invasive and indigenous avian species managed to gain their daily energy requirements from fruits of the four respective invasive plants, suggesting that they can meet their energetic demands by feeding on them only. The exception was P. krameri, which did not feed on S. mauritianum fruit. These findings may explain why fruits of invasive alien plants are attractive to most avian frugivores and highlight the role of avian frugivores in their dispersal.  相似文献   

Local extinction or population decline of large frugivorous vertebrates as primary seed dispersers, caused by human disturbance and habitat change, might lead to dispersal limitation of many large‐seeded fruit trees. However, it is not known whether or not scatter‐hoarding rodents as secondary seed dispersers can help maintain natural regeneration (e.g. seed dispersal) of these frugivore‐dispersed trees in the face of the functional reduction or loss of primary seed dispersers. In the present study, we investigated how scatter‐hoarding rodents affect the fate of tagged seeds of a large‐seeded fruit tree (Scleropyrum wallichianum Arnott, 1838, Santalaceae) from seed fall to seedling establishment in a heavily defaunated tropical forest in the Xishuangbanna region of Yunnan Province, in southwest China, in 2007 and 2008. Our results show that: (i) rodents removed nearly all S. wallichianum seeds in both years; (ii) a large proportion (2007, 75%; 2008, 67.5%) of the tagged seeds were cached individually in the surface soil or under leaf litters; (iii) dispersal distance of primary caches was further in 2007 (19.6 ± 14.6 m) than that in 2008 (14.1 ± 11.6 m), and distance increased as rodents recovered and moved seeds from primary caches into subsequent caching sites; and (iv) part of the cached seeds (2007, 3.2%; 2008, 2%) survived to the seedling stage each year. Our study suggests that by taking roles of both primary and secondary seed dispersers, scatter‐hoarding rodents can play a significant role in maintaining seedling establishment of S. wallichianum, and are able to at least partly compensate for the loss of large frugivorous vertebrates in seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is globally one of the most important drivers of change in biodiversity. Seed dispersal by birds is crucial for tree regeneration in remnant patchy forests, yet how bird traits affect seed dispersal pattern is still poorly understood. We studied the extent to which bird traits affect seed‐removal networks and whether these traits affect seed deposition and seedling recruitment for 3 co‐fruiting tree species (Taxus chinensis, Cinnamomum bodinieri and Machilus thunbergii) in a patchy forest. A total of 17, 18 and 10 bird species were recorded foraging for seeds of T. chinensis, M. thunbergii and C. bodinieri, respectively. Frequency of bird visitation increased with tail length, wing length and body length. Furthermore, bird body length, bill length, body weight and wing length were important in the strength of the seed removal network. During foraging, 6 bird species exhibited different patterns of microhabitat utilization and their perching frequency increased with bird weight and tarsus length. As a consequence, frequency of habitat use, bird length and tarsus length were important in determining the number of deposited seeds. For seedling recruitment, seedling number increased with bird tarsus length and weight, but decreased with wing length. Overall, our results showed that various bird traits not only affected seed removal, but also influenced the subsequent processes of seed deposition and seedling distribution in a patchy forest. These results thus highlight the importance of large‐bodied birds for plant recruitment and point out the need to prioritize the protection and conservation of these birds in remnant patchy forests.  相似文献   

城市绿地生态系统碳交换动态及其与环境控制因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着城市的不断发展,城市绿地面积逐年增加,绿地生态系统潜在的碳汇和碳源功能显得非常重要。2014年1月至2016年1月,基于涡度技术对福州市绿地生态系统进行了碳通量连续两年的定位观测,并探讨了城市绿地生态系统碳交换年际动态特征及其环境调控因子。结果表明,城市绿地生态系统年总生态系统生产力(GEP)、生态系统净生产力(NEP)和生态系统呼吸(R_e)呈现出一致的变化规律,其中生态系统碳交换特征表现为生长季(4月-11月)以吸收CO_2为主,非生长季以释放CO_2为主。城市绿地R_e均与GPP、GEP呈正比关系,并且拟合线性斜率1,受生长季的降水量影响较大。采用指数方程对碳交换和土壤温度(T_a)进行模拟,生态系统日平均净碳交换量(NEE_(day))随T_a的增加呈指数增长模型,T_a可解释80%以上的变异;GEP随着T_a的增加逐渐增加,当T_a达到最高时,并未对GEP产生抑制作用;当气温低于5℃时,城市绿地生态系统以呼吸作用为主导,当气温高于5℃,城市绿地生态系统净吸收大气CO_2为主导。光合有效辐射(PAR)与NEE呈直角双曲线关系,当光补偿点PAR小于350μmol·(m~2·d)~(-1)时,NEE为正值,此时生态系统呼吸大于光合生产;当PAR大于500μmol·(m~2·d)~(-1)时,生态系统呼吸与光合生产持平,其碳吸收量基本达到饱和。生态系统最大光合速率、白天平均生态系统呼吸强度、表观量子效率(α)与温度和PAR的季节变化趋势相一致,均在7月最大和5月最小。相关性分析可知,不同月份NEE残差均与降水量呈负相关关系,与饱和水汽压差(VPD)呈正相关关系。上述研究结果为估算、模拟和预测城市绿地生态系统碳交换提供了基础数据支持和理论基础。  相似文献   

The seed predator satiation hypothesis states that high seed abundance can satiate seed predators or seed dispersers, thus promoting seed survival. However, for rapidly germinating seeds in tropical forests, high seed abundance may limit dispersal as the seeds usually remain under parent trees for long periods, which may lead to high mortality due to rodent predation or fungal infestations. By tracking 2 species of rapidly germinating seeds (Pittosporopsis kerrii, family Icacinaceae; Camellia kissi, family Theaceae), which depend on dispersal by scatter‐hoarding rodents, we investigated the effects of seed abundance at the community level on predation and seed dispersal in the tropical forest of Xishuangbanna Prefecture, Southwest China. We found that high seed abundance at the community level was associated with delayed and reduced seed removal, decreased dispersal distance and increased pre‐dispersal seed survival for both plant species. High seed abundance was also associated with reduced seed caching of C. kissi, but it showed little effect on seed caching of P. kerrii. However, post‐dispersal seed survival for the 2 plant species followed the reverse pattern. High seed abundance in the community was associated with higher post‐dispersal survival of P. kerrii seeds, but with lower post‐dispersal survival of C. kissi seeds. Our results suggest that different plant species derive benefit from fluctuations in seed production in different ways.  相似文献   

石河子紫泥泉种羊场的典型绢蒿荒漠放牧地作为重要的春秋牧场,承担两季的放牧压力,粪甲虫的活动会对粪便内的种子进行二次传播,此行为对草地植被恢复具有重要意义,为研究粪甲虫对粪便内不同尺寸种子水平、垂直传播距离,确定绢蒿荒漠中粪甲虫的季节性变化及物种多样性特征,于2019年4-10月,在石河子紫泥泉种羊场的典型绢蒿荒漠放牧地牛粪中采集到食粪昆虫14797头,其中捕获粪甲虫分属3科17种,蜉金龟科9种、金龟科7种、粪金龟科1种。6月物种丰富度最高,优势种为红亮蜉金龟。10月个体数量最大,优势种为直蜉金龟。在6和10月进行粪甲虫进驻粪便行为观察试验,结果显示6月粪便放置8 h粪甲虫数量到达高峰,10月粪便放置4 h粪甲虫数量到达高峰。随着粪甲虫进驻粪便时间的延长和数量的增加,粪便分解程度不断提高。粪甲虫对粪便中种子的分配与种子大小有关。以小(1.3 mm)、中(3.6 mm)、大(5.8 mm)3种尺寸的珠子作为种子模拟物。结果显示,80%的种子模拟物被埋藏在水平距离20 cm以内及0~10 cm的土壤深度中。有20%的种子模拟物被粪甲虫埋藏到10 cm以下或移动到水平范围20 cm以外。随着种子模拟物大小的增加,埋入种子模拟物的比例逐渐降低。研究结果显示粪甲虫对粪便内种子的二次传播有助于绢蒿荒漠的生态恢复。  相似文献   

Masting is an evolutionary strategy used by plants to promote seed survival and/or seed dispersal under animal predation, but its effects on seedling establishment in field condition are rarely tested by long-term experiments incorporating combined effects of seed and animal abundance. Here, we tracked seed production, rodent-mediated seed dispersal, and seedling establishment in Armeniaca sibirica from 2005 to 2014 in a warm-temperate forest in northern China, and examined the effects of seed abundance and per capita seed availability on seed fate and seedling recruitment rate. Our results showed that seed abundance or per capita seed availability generally benefited the seedling recruitment of A. sibirica through increasing dispersal intensity, supporting predator dispersal hypothesis. However, seedling recruitment showed satiated or even dome-shaped association with per capita seed availability, suggesting the benefit to trees would be decreased when seed abundance were too high as compared to rodent abundance (a satiated effect). Our results suggest that the predator dispersal and satiation effects of masting on seedling recruitment can operate together in one system and conditionally change with seed and animal abundance.  相似文献   

西北地区基于低影响开发理念的城市雨水花园设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特殊的气候条件造成了西北地区干旱少雨的现状,雨水花园作为海绵城市建设的内容之一,以低影响开发为理念,有效的控制地表径流、收集并储存雨水。这些新理念新措施在一定程度上缓解了西北地区城市普遍缺水的问题,并起到涵养水源、改善城市生态环境的作用。通过对定西昌林花苑小区的雨水花园从用水结构,降雨特征及雨水利用设计深入剖析,提出雨水花园通过空间和景观营造雨水花园集水体系设计,雨水收集利用等具体措施,以期对我国西北地区景观设计提供理论指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

种子虫害严重阻碍了我国北方锦鸡儿属(Caragana)灌木造林和产业化利用工作的开展.为此,本研究通过探究科尔沁沙地结实初期(6月9日)、结实中期(6月18日)、结实后期(6月27日)和结实末期(7月6日)小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylla)植株不同部位(东、南、西和北)的种子虫害情况及其对种子质量的...  相似文献   

Wild bananas are abundant in tropical areas and many ecologists have observed that the succession process is quicker following increased disturbance. This study was conducted to analyze animal-seed interactions and their effects on the seed fate of a wild banana species (Musa acuminata) in tropical southern Yunnan (China) through experiments considering spatial (site and habitat) and temporal (seasons) variation. The largest proportion of fruits (81%) was removed by frugivorous seed dispersers, especially by bats at nighttime. Only 13% of the fruits were removed by climbing seed predators (different species of rats). In the exclosure treatment, rodents accounted for a significantly higher total artificially exposed seed removal number than ants, but with spatial and temporal differences. The highest seed predation rate by rodents (70%) was found in forest with wild banana stands, corresponding with the highest rodent diversity (species numbers and abundance) among the habitat types. In contrast, the seed removal number by ants (57%) was highest in the open land habitats, but there was no close correlation with ant diversity. Seed removal numbers by ants were significantly higher in the dry compared to the rainy season, but rodent activity showed no differences between seasons. The overall results suggest that the largest proportion of seeds produced by wild banana are primarily dispersed by bats. Primary seed dispersal by bats at nighttime is essential for wild banana seeds to escape seed predation.  相似文献   

陈超  黄顶  王堃  张卫华  孙增慧  陈龙 《草地学报》2014,22(4):722-727
公路的建设给原有的生态系统带来人为干扰和影响,公路建筑材料的运输给外来植物的引入带来风险,公路修建以及环境因子则影响外来物种的建植和扩繁。选择北方农牧交错带典型的柏油公路,对草木犀属(Melilotus)外来植物沿公路的入侵状况进行样带调查,以探讨外来植物沿公路分布和扩散的影响因素。结果表明:公路两侧的土地利用方式是影响草木犀属植物分布的主要因素,路旁有农田的地段中,草木犀属植物的分布密度要显著大于有草地的地段(P<0.05)。距离则是影响草木犀属植物分布密度的重要因素,随着从路基到路旁生境距离的增加,草木犀属的分布密度呈显著下降趋势(P<0.05)。此外,公路的走向也影响草木犀属植物的分布,草木犀属在下风向的分布密度显著大于上风向的分布密度(P<0.05);公路两旁高大树木的遮阴同样影响草木犀属植物沿公路的分布,遮阴环境影响草木犀属一年生植物的密度(P<0.05),但对于二年生植株没有显著影响。  相似文献   

2007年3月至2007年8月,在杭州地区的城区、城乡结合区、农田区、农林交错区和自然林区等不同城市化程度的栖息地内各设置了90条100 m×3000 m调查样线,采用样线法对鸟类种类及其数量进行调查,采用实地调查与查阅文献相结合的方法确定每种鸟类的营巢类型和功能团,采用Shannon-Wiener指数计算鸟类群落的物种多样性和功能多样性.同时,对栖息地的人为干扰、植被盖度、人工设施指数等3项参数进行测定,并以此计算出各样线的城市化综合指数.调查结果显示,研究区内共记录有繁殖鸟类96种,分属于林冠枝干营巢功能团、灌草丛营巢功能团、林冠枝干/灌草丛营巢功能团、自然洞穴营巢功能团、人工建筑营巢功能团、自然洞穴/人工建筑营巢功能团、地面营巢功能团、水面营巢功能团和寄生功能团等9种功能团.对鸟类群落的物种数、物种多样性、功能团丰富度、功能多样性与城市化综合指数进行回归分析发现,城市化对鸟类群落的物种数、物种多样性、功能团丰富度和功能多样性均有着极显著性的影响,并且随着城市化程度的提高这些参数值均明显下降.不过,物种数和物种多样性与功能团丰富度和功能多样性间的下降模式存在明显差异.其中,物种数和物种多样性基本旱线性下降模式,即随着城市化程度的提高,物种丰富度及多样性基本为匀速下降;而功能团丰富度和功能多样性则呈二次函数下降模式,即在城市化初期,功能团丰富度和功能多样性下降不明显,但随着城市化程度的继续提高,功能团丰富度和功能多样性呈现加速下降的趋势.可见,鸟类群落的物种多样性和功能多样性对城市化的响应存在差异.虽然适度城市化可使物种多样性下降,但对功能多样性的影响却不明显;而群落的功能多样性则对高度城市化更为敏感.进一步对鸟类群落功能多样性与物种多样性的回归分析显示,功能多样性与物种多样性亦呈二次函数曲线关系,即在低多样性水平时,功能多样性与物种多样性基本呈线性关系,但随着多样性水平的逐渐升高,功能多样性的增长速度则明显慢于物种多样性的增长速度.由此可见,当群落物种多样性达到一定水平时,物种的增加不会明显地提高群落的功能多样性.  相似文献   

为探明能源型植物柳枝稷(Panicum virgatum)新收获种子的萌发和出苗对环境条件的要求,研究了温度、光照和播种深度对柳枝稷种子萌发和出苗的影响。结果表明,柳枝稷种子萌发的适宜温度为30~35 ℃,此时发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数均明显高于其他温度处理;其发芽率不受光照影响,但光暗交替条件下的发芽速率、发芽势和发芽指数较黑暗条件下显著提高;其适宜的播种深度为2~16 mm,不覆土或播种过深均不利于出苗。  相似文献   

暴发高致病禽流感疫区鸟类禽流感的血清学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究应用血凝抑制试验(H I),2004年初H 5亚型禽流感在中国内地发生前后,于湖北、广西二疫区市县的生态系中,自健康的鹰、鸽子、野鸭和鹌鹑中采集了54份血清,对其进行了血清学检测,并将获得的血清学检测数据进行了统计学分析。分析结果显示,在总共采集的54份血清样品中,抗H 6亚型禽流感病毒(H 6)抗体、抗H 9亚型禽流感病毒(H 9)抗体、抗H 5亚型禽流感病毒(H 5)抗体阳性率分别为64.8%、75.9%、29.6%。推断,这一时期,H 6亚型禽流感病毒(H 6)、H 9亚型禽流感病毒(H 9)和H 5亚型禽流感病毒(H 5)共循环于该生态系中,其中H 9、H 6亚型禽流感病毒长期、稳定循环于该生态系中,为该生态系禽流感主要流行血清型。血凝抑制试验检测结果发现,H 5亚型禽流感病毒抗体滴度较低,最高仅为640×,其阳性率为29.6%,推断其可能为新近传入的病毒或新近重组变异出现的新病毒,可能为与该次禽流感暴发相关的新病毒,这一推断还有待于通过对病毒基因序列的分析而做进一步验证。  相似文献   

Many plant–animal interactions can be challenging to directly observe, due to species being small, cryptic and/or nocturnal. Previous research on seed predation and dispersal by rodents in the Fynbos Biome of South Africa has relied on indirect evidence, as methods for directly monitoring rodent–seed interactions were not available. The aims of the study were to determine which resident small mammals scatter-hoard nuts and the geographic, seasonal and taxonomic extent of scatter-hoarding in the Fynbos Biome. We used camera traps focused on seed stations at eight sites in the Fynbos Biome to determine the responses of small mammals to tagged nut-like fruits (nuts) of seven endemic plant species belonging to the Proteaceae (n = 3), Rosaceae (n = 2), Restionaceae (n = 1) and Cupressaceae (n = 1), as well as commercial sunflower seeds. We found Acomys subspinosus and Gerbilliscus paeba scatter-hoarded nuts, which they typically carried and buried individually. Rhabdomys pumilio and Micaelamys namaquensis only consumed nuts. Leucadendron pubescens and L. loranthifolium are added to the list of known plant species that are scatter-hoarded by rodents. Nuts of Cliffortia cuneata and C. phillipsii, and the critically endangered Widdringtonia cedarbergensis, were consumed but not dispersed by small mammals, whereas nuts of Ceratocaryum argenteum were neither consumed nor scatter-hoarded by rodents (within its native range). Gerbilliscus paeba and A. subspinosus scatter-hoarded nuts aseasonally, outside of seed-fall periods. Scatter-hoarding was widespread throughout the Fynbos Biome, although it was highly localised across and within sampled sites. The absence of scatter-hoarding rodents at sites with rodent-dispersed plants remains an important aspect for future investigation.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal and subsequent recruitment is the template on which forest regeneration takes place. Hence, considering the scale over which ecological processes occur is key for understanding the overall impact of various dispersal agents. To explore leafcutter ant (Atta colombica) dispersal effectiveness in space and time, seed movement and subsequent recruitment of a large‐seeded predominately vertebrate‐dispersed tree, Simarouba amara (Aubl. Simaroubaceae), was investigated on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. At each of 218 reproductive‐sized adults (≥20 cm diameter at breast height), presence or absence of a leafcutter ant colony was noted, with extensive checks for Atta activity taking place at or in close proximity to seed and seedling transects, which extended 4 cardinal directions for 30 m from each reproductive female tree (n= 74). Only at 2 S. amara trees were nests observed, and in these areas a dense S. amara seedling carpet was observed. Although nearby nest and dump sites might increase local S. amara recruitment in the short term, mortality at these sites is complete or nearly so. Hence, the seed dispersal effectiveness by leafcutter ants appears to be ephemeral and likely contributes inconsequentially to the long‐term recruitment and distribution patterns of the species. This finding highlights the importance of evaluating disperser effectiveness at ecologically relevant spatiotemporal scales.  相似文献   

在2004年初H5亚型禽流感在中国内地引起暴发前后,于湖北、广西二疫区市县的生态系中,自健康的鹰、鸽子、野鸭和鹌鹑中采集了54份血清,应用血凝抑制试验(HI)对其进行了血清学检测,并将获得的血清学检测数据进行了统计学分析。分析结果显示,在总共采集的54份血清样品中,抗新城疫病毒(NDV)抗体、抗It6亚型禽流感病毒(H6)抗体、抗H9亚型禽流感病毒(H9)抗体、抗H5亚型禽流感病毒(H5)抗体阳性率分别为64.8%、64.8%、75.9%、29.6%。推断这一时期新城疫病毒(NDV)、H6亚型禽流感病毒(H6)、H9亚型禽流感病毒(H9)和H5亚型禽流感病毒(H5)共循环于该生态系中,其中新城疫病毒、H9、H6亚型禽流感病毒长期、稳定循环于该生态系中,为该生态系主要流行血清型。血凝抑制试验检测结果发现,抗H5亚型禽流感病毒抗体效价较低,最高仅为640,其阳性率为29.6%,推断其可能为新近传入的病毒或新近重组变异出现的新病毒、与该次流感暴发相关的新病毒,这一推断还有待于通过对病毒基因序列的分析而做进一步验证:另外,新城疫病毒在该生态系中的稳定循环,构成了对家禽持久、潜在的威胁。对于自1994年以来,长期稳定循环于我国生态系及家禽中的H9亚型禽流感病毒则仍然是以G9-like为优势亚组。本研究结果还提示我们,对我国自主活动鸟类的生态系中抗禽流感病毒抗体的监测是预警、预报我国家禽流感暴发的有效途径,也是十分必要的,同时,血清学的检测结果为我们进一步的分子水平的分析研究提供了明确的靶向。  相似文献   

沈从文先生不仅是一位“乡土文学”大师,而且其创作的都市文学也独特而深刻,成为他所构筑的文学世界中又一坚实的轴心。作家的都市文本以独特的透视视角、鲜明而激切的批判姿态,书写都市人在畸形的现代文明围困中生命力萎缩退化与人性被异化扭曲。沈从文试图用一种“生命哲学”去探究重建民族文化的途径,呼唤自然人性的复归,其都市小说在整个现代都市文学中彰显出独异而深远的价值和意义。  相似文献   

耿晓东  旭日 《草业科学》2017,34(12):2407-2415
高寒草甸是青藏高原主要的草地生态系统类型,对气候变化非常敏感,研究高寒草甸生态系统碳交换对升温的响应具有重要的理论和现实意义。在青藏高原中部地区的高寒草甸,使用开顶箱法(open-top chambers,OTCs)设置不增温对照(T_0)以及4个不同程度的增温处理(T_1、T_2、T_3、T_4),采用CO_2红外分析仪对生长季期间的碳交换进行连续3年的观测。结果表明,4个增温处理的5cm土壤温度较之于不增温对照分别增加1.73(T_1)、1.83(T_2)、3.03(T_3)以及3.53℃(T_4);土壤水分没有发生梯度变化。观测期间,净生态系统碳交换(net ecosystem carbon exchange,NEE)基本为负值,因此高寒草甸表现为碳汇。增温小于2℃促进总生态系统生产力(gross ecosystem productivity,GEP),但对生态系统呼吸(ecosystem respiration,ER)影响较小,因而促进NEE,即促进高寒草甸的碳吸收;但增温大于3℃则抑制GEP,对ER影响较小,因而总体上对NEE产生抑制作用。综上所述,在高寒草甸生态系统,适度增温促进碳吸收,增温过度则降低碳吸收。  相似文献   

Commensal rats (Rattus spp.), which are globally distributed, harbour many pathogens responsible for significant human diseases. Despite this, we have a poor understanding of the epidemiology and genetic diversity of some recently neglected zoonotic pathogens, such as Leptospira spp., Bartonella spp. and hepatitis E virus (HEV), which constitute a major public health threat. Thus, we surveyed the occurrences, co‐infection and genetic diversity of these pathogens in 129 urban rats from China. For Rattus tanezumi, the prevalences of Leptospira spp., Bartonella spp. and HEV infection were 6.67%, 0% and 46.67%, respectively. The prevalences of Leptospira spp., Bartonella spp. and HEV infection were 57.89%, 9.65% and 57.89% for Rattus norvegicus respectively. Leptospira spp. and HEV infections were more likely to occur in mature R. norvegicus. Phylogenetic analyses showed that pathogenic Leptospira interrogans and Leptospira borgpetersenii might exist. We also found that Bartonella spp. showed high similarity to Bartonella elizabethae, Bartonella rochalimae and Bartonella tribocorum, which are implicated in human disease. Dual and triple infections were both detected. Moreover, dual infections with Leptospira spp. and HEV represented the most frequent co‐infection, and there was a significantly positive association between them. High genetic diversity was observed in genes segments from Leptospira, Bartonella and HEV. Our results first discover the occurrence of multiple co‐infections and genetic diversity of Leptospira, Bartonella and HEV in commensal rats from China. Altogether, the present study provides an insight into evaluating the risk of rat‐borne zoonoses in urban China.  相似文献   

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