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小灵猫是一种昼伏夜出的野生动物,其夜间摄食量与摄食行为很有规律性.2004年3~10月通过对小灵猫的摄食行为进行观察研究.结果表明,小灵猫夜间摄食高峰期在19:00~20:30之间,其摄食量受温度、湿度的影响,最适摄食温度范围为20℃~28℃,最适湿度在75%左右,其摄食行为反映了动物性饲料是小灵猫日粮中必需的组成成分.  相似文献   

温度是影响变温动物种群行为的最主要的环境因子。在湿度大致恒定、光照相同的条件下,判定变温动物越冬机理是休眠还是滞育的手段,主要是进行温度处理。本试验即是通过温度对越冬桑螟幼虫的处理,经过试验观察与分析,初步得知:桑螟未代老熟幼虫以休眠状态越冬;在20~30℃的温区范围内,桑螟越冬幼虫均能解除休眠,正常生长发育,尤以25℃为最适发育温度。  相似文献   

1水温鱼类属变温动物,体温随水温的变化而变化,水温直接影响鱼的生存、生长及代谢强度,从而影响鱼类的摄食。各种鱼类都有自身生长的适温范围和最适宜的温度范围。北方养殖鱼类主要有鲤鱼、草鱼、鲢鱼、鲫鱼。生长的适温范围在15~32℃,最适生长水温为20~28℃。高于或低于适宜温度都会影响鱼类的  相似文献   

农业生产的实践说明,植物经常地处于各种外界条件(含温度、湿度、光照、风等等)的影响之下。这些条件影响着植物的生活,也影响着植物泌蜜,这是关系着养蜂业兴衰的一个重要问题,现分述如下:1、气温的影响。植物泌蜜需要温暖的气候,大部分植物泌蜜所需要的最低的温度是在10度左右。随温度的升高,而泌蜜量增加。大部分植物泌蜜的最适宜温度为16~25℃之间,其泌蜜的最高温度为38℃左右,超过38℃植物就可能停止泌蜜。高温时,如果湿度大,泌蜜就涌。夜间严寒对植物的泌蜜极为不利,在夏季如果夜间过于寒冷,植物就停止泌蜜。2、湿度的影响。大部分植物…  相似文献   

燕麦散黑穗病菌冬孢子萌发条件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确燕麦散黑穗病菌(Ustilago avenae)冬孢子在自然生境中的萌发条件,研究了疏亲水界面、不同温度、湿度、光照时间、pH、碳源和氮源对冬孢子萌发的影响。结果表明,亲水界面促进冬孢子萌发,在水琼脂培养基上萌发率最高;冬孢子萌发的最适温度为20~25℃,温度过高或过低均抑制其萌发。冬孢子对湿度要求较高,RH≥90%时才可萌发,且萌发率较低。光照对冬孢子萌发的影响不明显,酸性条件有利于冬孢子萌发,最适pH为4~7,葡萄糖和蛋白胨可促进冬孢子萌发。  相似文献   

<正>1.桃树萌芽期:白天13℃~18℃,夜间6℃以上,相对湿度80%以下。花期:白天14℃~17℃,夜间5℃以上,相对湿度50%~60%。果实膨大期:白天15℃~25℃,夜间10℃~15℃,相对湿度70%以下。果实近成熟:白天25℃~30℃,夜间15℃~17℃,相对湿度70%以下。萌芽期和开花期是温度控制的关键时期,萌芽期温度过高降低坐果率,开花期温度过高过低都影响授粉受精。各生育期,白天温度接近最高限定温度时应放风,通常先放顶风,如温度继续升高,可放脚底风。夜间温度降到5℃以下时,如时间较长,用火炉或火盆加温,  相似文献   

正云斑鮰属底栖性鱼类,适宜温度为5~36℃,生长最适温度为18~36℃,正常生长的溶氧量为1.5~2.5 mg/L,正常生长的p H值为6.5~8.9,对盐度的适应范围广。食性属杂食性,除摄食饲料外,还摄食水体中的浮游生物、水生昆虫、底栖生物、啐屑、藻类、水生植物、小杂鱼等。由于其肉味鲜美,外型酷似黄颡鱼,价格又远低于黄颡鱼,所以深受市场青睐,是北方地区农民增收增效的水产养殖好品种。目前北方云  相似文献   

正1温、湿度要合理在鸭子的整个育雏阶段育雏室的温度和湿度非常重要。一般情况下育雏室的温度前三天应控制在32℃~33℃,4~7天时为28℃~30℃,8天后每天降低1℃,降至适宜肉鸭的生长范围13℃~20℃。同时,湿度在第一周应控制在70%,第二周后为60%~65%。因此,在育雏时一定要根据季节和鸭舍内环境对育雏室的温度和湿度作出相应的调整,笔者将不同季节的调整措施介绍如下:春季(3~5月份):该季节气候特点为风多,干燥,早晚温差大。所以,要保证育雏室内的温度平稳,以雏鸭不扎堆为宜,增加湿度。在遇到大风天气时关闭顺风窗户,打开相反方向的窗户,防止过度通风对雏鸭造成伤害。  相似文献   

<正>1概述奶牛的最佳温度范围:泌乳期为4℃~24℃;犊牛、干奶牛为4℃~26℃;后备牛为4℃~26℃;其适宜的温度范围与棚舍的湿度、高度有关。热源主要来自环境(温度、湿度、辐射、通风)和采食后的体增热、瘤胃发酵产热、代谢、运动等。热应激体征:正常的温度在38.3℃±  相似文献   

家兔摄食行为的观察与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家兔的摄食行为和其它家畜不同.有其特定行为,也有其规律性,并受品种、年龄、温度、湿度、饲料种类和品质、饲养水平和管理条件等因紊的影响,总的规律一般是不变的。笔者在呼和浩特市自然经济条件和试验场的饲养管理条件下.对家兔摄食行为进行了测定、观察,以期深入摸清家兔摄食性能特点及规律。  相似文献   

影响动物采食量调节的因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
动物采食量高低对动物生长、繁殖和泌乳影响甚大。畜产品的数量和质量也主要取决于采食量。在实际生产中,动物对饲料的采食量往往是动物营养的第一制约因素,因此,弄清影响动物采食量调节的因素对建立采食量的预测模型和调控饲料采食量有着极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

以哈白猪为对照,研究20℃条件下,低(L,750g/d),中(M1050g/d)高(H,1300g/d)三种采食水平(饲料ME含量为12.37KJ/kgCP:16%)对体重20~25kg的民猪产热量的影响,研究结果表明,随采食水平提高,产热量有逐渐增加的趋势,但产不显著(P〉0.05),三种采食水平下,民猪和哈白猪的产热量分别为33.5,34.5,35.9和31.9,33.8,34.9KJ/kg^  相似文献   

综述了断奶应激对仔猪的影响,分析了应激发生的原因,阐述了相应的饲养调控措施,以期为早期断奶应激综合症的防治和科学饲养管理断奶仔猪提供理论依据.  相似文献   

综述了断奶应激对仔猪的影响,分析了应激发生的原因,阐述了相应的饲养调控措施,以期为早期断奶应激综合症的防治和科学饲养管理断奶仔猪提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为了提高汉江上游翘嘴鳜(Siniperca chuasti)苗种培育效率,本研究以鲢(Hypophthalmichehys molitrix)和麦穗鱼(Pseudorasbora parva)作为翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼饵料,对翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼昼夜摄食节律、日摄食强度、其规格与最大可摄食饵料规格的相关性以及翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼同类相残等摄食特性进行了研究。结果表明:(1)翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼属于晨昏摄食型;(2)翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼对饵料鲢日均摄食范围为48.75%~53.75%;(3)翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼规格与摄食麦穗鱼规格呈显著线性正相关:y=0.4146x+0.9256(R^2=0.9869);(4)在饵料缺乏情况下,不同规格翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼均进行同类相残,小规格翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼(1.5~2.0 cm)的相残率为3.33%,大规格翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼(3.0~6.5 cm)的相残率达到15.83%。  相似文献   

1. Serotoninergic and adrenergic systems play crucial roles in feed intake regulation in avians but there is no report on possible interactions among them. So, in this study, 5 experiments were designed to evaluate the interaction of central serotonergic and adrenergic systems on food intake regulation in 3 h food deprived (FD3) neonatal layer-type chickens.

2. In Experiment 1, chickens received intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of control solution, serotonin (56.74 nmol), prazosin (α1 receptor antagonist, 10 nmol) and co-injection of serotonin plus prazosin. In Experiment 2, control solution, serotonin (56.74 nmol), yohimbine (α2 receptor antagonist, 13 nmol) and co-injection of serotonin plus yohimbine were used. In Experiment 3, the birds received control solution, serotonin (56.74 nmol), metoprolol (β1 receptor antagonist, 24 nmol) and co-injection of serotonin plus metoprolol. In Experiment 4, injections were control solution, serotonin (56.74 nmol), ICI 118.551 (β2 receptor antagonist, 5 nmol) and serotonin plus ICI 118.551. In Experiment 5, control solution, serotonin (56.74 nmol), SR59230R (β3 receptor antagonist, 20 nmol) and co-administration of serotonin and SR59230R were injected. In all experiments the cumulative food intake was measured until 120 min post injection.

3. The results showed that ICV injection of serotonin alone decreased food intake in chickens. A combined injection of serotonin plus ICI 118.551 significantly attenuated serotonin-induced hypophagia. Also, co-administration of serotonin and yohimbine significantly amplified the hypophagic effect of serotonin. However, prazosin, metoprolol and SR59230R had no effect on serotonin-induced hypophagia in chickens.

4. These results suggest that serotonin-induced feeding behaviour is probably mediated via α2 and β2 adrenergic receptors in neonatal layer-type chicken.  相似文献   

为了掌握花鼠(Eutamias sibiricus)日食量和食物种类的关系,在实验室饲养条件下对花鼠的日食量和食物种类的关系进行了研究。结果表明,花鼠的平均日食量为(15.35±1.09)g,性别间平均日食量无显著差异,花鼠体重与日食量呈正相关,y=0.0487x+90.102。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate effects of glucagon intracerebroventricularly administered on feed intake and endocrine changes in sheep. Four male sheep (48–55 kg BW) were used. The animals were acclimatized to be fed alfalfa hay cubes at 12.00 hour. Human glucagon (40 and 80 µg/0.5 mL) was injected into the lateral ventricle at 12.00 hour. Blood samples were taken every 10 min from 30 min before to 180 min after the glucagon injection. Soon after the injection, the animals were given alfalfa hay cubes, and the amounts of the feed eaten within 2 h were measured. Feed intakes were significantly (P < 0.05) suppressed by 80 µg of glucagon. Plasma glucose levels in control animals were gradually decreased after the feeding, whilst those in glucagon‐treated animals were temporarily elevated just after the feeding and then kept higher than control levels. Plasma insulin was abruptly elevated after the feeding and was maintained at higher levels than before the feeding in all treatments. Plasma NEFA concentrations were decreased after the feeding in all treatments. A tendency of increase in plasma cortisol levels occurred in glucagon‐injected animals. The present study provides the first evidence that glucagon directly acts on the brain, then inhibiting feeding behavior and inducing endocrine responses in ruminants.  相似文献   

The neurotransmitter histamine is thought to be involved in the homeostatic regulation of energy balance. The present study was conducted to examine whether the central histaminergic system is involved in the regulation glucose metabolisms and food intake in ruminants. Thioperamide, a presynaptic H3‐receptor antagonist, was intracerebroventricularly infused at a rate of 68 μg/min for 3 h, beginning at 11.00 hours, into castrated Suffolk rams (48–55 kg bodyweight) accustomed to being fed alfalfa hay cubes (2% of body weight) at 12.00 hours. The food intake was measured every 60 min for 2 h after the commencement of feeding (12.00 hours). Blood samples were taken through a jugular vein catheter every 10 or 20 min during the experiment. Plasma glucose levels were significantly (P < 0.05) greater in the thioperamide‐treated group than in the control. The post‐prandial insulin increment was significantly (P < 0.05) greater in the thioperamide‐treated group than in the saline‐treated control. The food intake of the thioperamide‐treated group was significantly (P < 0.05) less than that of the control in the period from 60 to 120 min after feeding. In conclusion, the central histaminergic system is involved in the regulation of glucose metabolisms and food intake in ruminants.  相似文献   

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