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皱纹盘鲍的养殖生物学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要就温度对皱纹盘鲍摄食,生长及代谢的影响,皱纹筋鲍在各生长阶段的消化生理变化,皱纹盘鲍的营养需要与人工饵料的配制,以及皱纹盘鲍的主要细菌性,病毒性,寄生性病害的研究与防治等4个方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

南北接力养殖对皱纹盘鲍营养成分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲍的南北接力养殖是我国的一种常见养殖模式,旨在提高南方鲍鱼在夏季的存活率。鲍鱼通常在4月份从中国南方运至北方,11月返回南方。本实验探讨了这种模式对皱纹盘鲍营养成分的影响。测定方法主要依据GB 5009系列。研究样品于2017年12月采样,为相同饵料喂养(龙须菜)的商品鲍。两组鲍分别为全年于南方养殖(连江)的皱纹盘鲍和南北接力养殖的皱纹盘鲍。结果发现,两组鲍足肌中灰分、胶原蛋白、粗脂肪和糖原含量并没有显著差异,但南北接力组(水分:76.50%WW,蛋白质48.40%DW)相比于全年于南方养殖组(水分:73.70%WW,蛋白质:56.80%DW)有较高的水分含量和更低的蛋白质含量。矿物质含量方面,全年于南方养殖的皱纹盘鲍(0.07 mg/100g)足肌中硒的含量高于南北接力养殖组(0.05 mg/100 g)。呈味氨基酸方面,南北接力养殖方式下的皱纹盘鲍,其足肌谷氨酸、牛磺酸、精氨酸、赖氨酸和呈味氨基酸总量显著低于全年南方养殖组。脂肪酸方面,两组鲍有相似的脂肪酸组成,但南北接力养殖组的脂肪酸营养价值较高。研究表明,南北接力养殖模式对皱纹盘鲍的营养成分既有积极影响,又有消极影响,但总体上看...  相似文献   

根据2009年4、6、8、10和12月5个航次的调查数据,分别采用有机污染指数(A)、营养水平指数(E)、营养盐浓度阈值法和化学计量法对鲍区的水质状况进行了分析。通过与海带区、非养殖区同步调查数据以及鲍区历史数据的比较,研究了筏式养鲍对水环境的影响。结果显示,鲍区溶解性无机氮、磷酸盐及硅酸盐的浓度分别在2.02~9.25,0.086~0.420,0.91~18.35范围内,季节变化明显。4、6、12月A值均<0,水质状态良好;8月和10月A值介于0和1之间,水质状态较好,鲍筏式养殖区尚未受到有机污染。E值介于0~0.5,水质营养水平处于贫营养状态。磷酸盐是鲍区、海带区及非养殖区的主要限制因子。鲍区的氨氮及无机氮浓度在8月出现峰值,显著高于海带区和非养殖区,也高于历史数据,可能与鲍的氨氮排泄有关。虽然鲍区目前的水环境状况较好,但是需要注意的是营养盐的结构和季节性变化趋势发生变化。  相似文献   

苏浩  蒋辰鸣 《水产科学》1994,13(3):21-23
本文用试验方法研究了2cm,4cm,6cm3种规格皱纹盘鲍饲育密度对生长的影响。鲍的生长速度随饲育密度加大而减小,并在某一密度范围内呈显著降低趋势,从而确定出合理的饲育密度。鲍的成活率却无显著变化。随着饲育密度增大而略有减小。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对3种荔枝螺属种类-疣荔枝螺、黄口荔枝螺和瘤荔枝螺的齿舌进行观察.结果表明,荔枝螺齿式为0∶1∶1∶1∶0,即中央齿1枚,侧齿2枚,无缘齿.中央齿三分叉,中央齿尖长,其中黄口荔枝螺中央齿尖较其他2种略宽、短;两侧齿尖内侧各有1个小齿,其外侧具数量不等的小齿.侧齿细长,镰刀状,齿尖朝向与中央尖齿相同,其种间形态无明显变化.3种荔枝螺齿舌形态主要区别为中央齿两侧齿尖外侧小齿数目,其中疣荔枝螺小齿数最少,为5枚,瘤荔枝螺最多,为9~10枚,黄口荔枝螺为8~9枚.  相似文献   

鲍鱼属海产八珍之一,位于八珍之冠,属腹足纲。全世界已知有90余种,分布在温带、亚热带、热带。中国沿海有皱纹盘鲍、杂色鲍、耳鲍、羊鲍、盘大鲍等品种。鲍肉质细嫩,味道异常鲜美,营养价值高,  相似文献   

筏式养殖是我国北方地区皱纹盘鲍的主要养殖方式之一,当前存在的突出问题是鲍鱼生长速度慢、养成周期长(3年)、海上成活率低(70%左右)、对自然环境的破坏性大。大型海藻和贝类套养对海洋生态环境具有重要的生物修复作用,在增强了养殖水体的自净能力的同时,提高了鲍鱼品质,减少了疾病发生,降低了生产成本,缩短了养殖周期,提高了海区养殖的经济、生态效益。  相似文献   

皱纹盘鲍和盘鲍南方养殖群体遗传变异的微卫星分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用4对微卫星引物分析了皱纹盘鲍Haliotis discus hannai和盘鲍H.discus discus在福建和广东养殖群体的遗传多样性。结果表明,4个养殖群体平均等位基因数为3.750~5.500,平均有效等位基因数为2.941~3.885,平均期望杂合度为0.641~0.698,平均观察杂合度为0.456~0.620,平均多态信息含量PIC值为0.558~0.645,其中惠来盘鲍群体遗传多样性最高,东山盘鲍遗传多样性最低。AMOVA分析表明,群体间的遗传变异仅为总遗传变异的4.78%,但群体间遗传分化显著(FSC=0.048,P<0.001)。群体间NEI氏遗传距离为0.084~0.186,UPGMA聚类分析表明,东山盘鲍与惠来盘鲍群体间亲缘关系最近,并与惠来皱纹盘鲍聚为一类,东山皱纹盘鲍与其它群体间亲缘关系较远。皱纹盘鲍和盘鲍南方养殖群体遗传多样性较高,有利于遗传选育,但与野生群体相比等位基因有所丧失。  相似文献   

为研究不同养殖模式中的皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai Ino)的营养成分与低温胁迫响应的差异,采用南北接力养殖鲍和北方底播养殖鲍作为研究对象,于2021年9月取样测量了肌肉组织中的总糖、蛋白质、有机物总量和氨基酸含量等营养成分和低温胁迫下的耗氧率和心率等生理指标。结果显示,底播养殖个体的总糖含量为(3.20±0.00)%、有机物总量为(27.60±3.70)%、必需氨基酸含量为(4.19±0.09)%,均显著高于南北接力养殖的个体(P<0.05)。低温胁迫条件下,南北接力养殖和底播养殖个体的耗氧率分别为(0.017±0.006)和(0.018±0.009) mg/(g·h),无显著差异(P>0.05);然而,底播养殖个体的心率为(12.82±1.72) BPM,显著低于接力养殖个体[(18.11±2.79) BPM] (P<0.05)。研究表明,不同养殖模式显著影响皱纹盘鲍养殖个体的营养价值及其响应低温胁迫的生理过程,底播养殖个体有着更高的营养价值和低温耐受能力。此外,心率可作为高敏感性的指标应用于研究鲍等贝类响应低温胁迫的生理机制。  相似文献   

附着生物对贝类养殖的影响及其防除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了附着生物对贝类养殖的影响以及附着生物的附着机理研究进展,并从物理、化学、生物方面综述了目前所采取的防除措施,认为采取不同养殖生物混养等生物技术,是安全而彻底地解决附着生物大量附着问题的比较经济、环保的生态方法。同时,阐述了目前有关附着生物对贝类养殖有利影响方面的新观点。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of natural and artificial diets on growth performance and shell pigmentation of cultured abalone. A 7‐month feeding trial was conducted on 12 000 Pacific abalones (Haliotis discus hannai) with four diets including two extruder‐processed test diets (with & without addition of oleopaprika carotenoids), Pacific dulse (Palmaria mollis) and a combination of Pacific dulse and a test diet. The results showed that the two test diets resulted in higher survival of abalone, but with a lower growth rates when compared with Pacific dulse alone (P < 0.05). The combination diet achieved the highest survival and growth rates. The Pacific dulse resulted in abalone with dark‐brown shells, which are preferred by Asian markets. The test diets led to 52% and 55% of the animals with pink coloured shells and the supplementation of oleopaprika did not affect shell pigmentation. The aqueous acidic extracts from both dark‐brown and pink shells showed blue colour; HPLC‐MS chromatography revealed that the pigments in the extracts were consistent with a biliverdin and a cysteine‐biliverdin. These results are valuable for the development of abalone feed and the control of abalone shell colouration.  相似文献   

通过开展30天的皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai Ino)幼鲍工厂化养殖实验,进一步分析山东省威海金牌生物科技股份有限公司研发的3种鲍配合饲料A、B、C的养殖效果。结果表明:鲍配合饲料A、B、C在水中均具有较好的稳定性,在很大程度上能够满足工厂化养殖对饵料稳定性要求;饲料A、饲料B与对照组饲料C相比,能够明显的促进幼鲍鲍壳生长,平均壳长日增长分别为145.28μm、138.14μm、130.72μm。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the effects of guaiacol on shell biomineralization of abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino. Seven semi-purified diets were formulated with graded levels of guaiacol (0, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 mg kg−1). Abalone (initial weight: 0.29±0.01 g; initial shell length: 8.55±0.27 mm) were fed with these diets in a re-circulated water system for 152 days. The results showed that the contents of calcite in the shell increased significantly with dietary guaiacol levels, but the aragonite content decreased significantly. Dietary guaiacol significantly decreased the contents of calcium and strontium, but significantly increased the magnesium content in the shell. The effects of dietary guaiacol on the contents of phosphorus and zinc in shell were not significant. It was obvious that the ratio of potential acidic/basic amino acids [(Asx+Glx)/(Lys+Arg+His)] in the shell was elevated by dietary guaiacol. In conclusion, dietary guaiacol has effects on both the mineralogy and the amino acid composition in the shell. Furthermore, changes in mineralogy are related to the ratio of (Asx+Glx)/(Lys+Arg+His) in the shell.  相似文献   

Reduced seawater pH and elevated pCO2 are important considerations in tank‐based abalone aquaculture, while sea‐based farms may be at risk to ocean acidification reductions in pH. Juvenile Haliotis iris (5–13 and 30–40 mm shell length) were reared in two, 100‐day experiments at ambient pHnbs (~ 8.1, 450 μatm CO2), pH 7.8 (~1000 μatm CO2) and pH 7.6 (~1600 μatm CO2). Seawater pH was measured and adjusted automatically by bubbling CO2 into water in replicated flow through tanks. Two separate trials were run, in winter (8.8°C) and summer (16.5°C). Survival and growth were monitored every 30 days, and post experiment measurements of morphometrics and respiration rate undertaken. Growth of shell length and wet weight were negatively affected by reduced pH, with a 2 to 3‐fold reduction in growth of both size classes between ambient and pH 7.6 treatments in the summer experiment. For small juveniles, growth reductions were in conjunction with decreases to shell weight, while large juveniles showed greater resilience in shell production. No changes to respiration rate occurred, suggesting that juveniles may maintain physiological functioning while tolerating dissolution pressure or that they are unable to upregulate metabolism to compensate for pH effects. These data show that CO2 driven reductions in pH can impact growth, metabolism and biomineralization of abalone, and indicate that water quality and ocean acidification are of importance in aquaculture of the species.  相似文献   

Cultured free round pearls are produced by implanting a spherical nucleus with a small piece of nacre‐secreting mantle graft from a donor oyster into the gonad of a recipient oyster (host). To examine the possible contribution of host and donor oysters to the colouration of the harvested pearls, the CSE‐1 Imaging and Color‐Measuring System were used to quantitatively measure the L*a*b* values of donor and host shells and the produced pearls in Pinctada martensii. Results showed that the colour of pearls had significant positive correlation (r = 0.1–0.22, P = 0.00) with that of donors, but had no correlation with that of host oysters, thus convincingly confirmed the contribution of nacre colour of donor to the realization of pearl quality of colour. To further clarify the relationship between the donor and the pearl colour, the donors from pearls of good and poor colour quality were further compared and the results demonstrated the significant difference in L* values (P < 0.05) and insignificant difference in a* and b* values, suggesting the necessity of selecting donors with bright and lustrous nacre in pearl production.  相似文献   

Through physical manipulation, oyster growers can modify the morphological features of young oysters in order to improve their robustness and resiliency to predation. In this study, the efficacy of a novel passive culturing technique using floating buckets that “bounce” oysters prior to the benthic grow-out phase for enhancing shell thickness and strength, while not compromising oyster shape, was investigated. Using a field experiment, we quantified and compared the shell thickness (mm), compressive strength (Newtons), and shape (fan ratios and cup ratios) of juvenile oysters subjected to this bouncing technique with oysters grown in floating bags, the current industry standard. Results indicated that bouncing increased shell thickness and strength for oysters >45 mm shell height compared to control oysters, but also decreased shell thickness and strength for oysters <45 mm shell height compared to control oysters. There was no difference in shell shape between bounced and control oysters, with both groups having similar fan and cup ratios. Ultimately, our results suggest that the size at which bounced oysters are released to the benthos for grow out will dictate the usefulness of bouncing technique for reducing predation-related mortality.  相似文献   

实验采用复合净水菌、复合芽孢杆菌、光合细菌与空白对照比较了三种微生物制剂对有机物废水中氨氮及亚硝酸盐的处理效果。结果显示:清除氨氮方面:利用微生态制剂微生物制剂净化7d,三种微生物制剂对有机物污染水体中氨氮的清除率均极显著大于对照组(P〈0.01),处理组之间复合芽孢杆菌的氨氮降解率56.58%,显著大于降解率分别为42.64%和44.02%的复合净水菌和光合细菌组(0.01〈P〈0.05)。清除亚硝酸盐方面:三种微生物制剂对亚硝酸的降解率均极显著大于对照组(P〈0.01),而复合芽孢杆菌对亚硝酸的降解率68.84%,显著大于复合净水菌47.70%及光合细菌组37.17%(0.01〈P〈0.05)。结果表明:三种微生物制剂对有机物污染的水体中的氨氮及亚硝酸盐均具有降解效果,其中复合芽孢杆菌对于降低水体中氨氮和亚硝酸盐效果最佳。  相似文献   

The effects of immersion salinity on the food properties [water content, salinity, and free amino acid (FAA) content] of shucked oysters were analyzed. Results of a laboratory immersion experiment suggested that the molluscous parts (other than the adductor muscle) swelled in lower salinity and shrank in higher salinity. Higher FAA content was observed in oysters immersed in higher-salinity water. In the adductor muscle, water content increased and FAA content decreased markedly following immersion, regardless of salinity, probably because of intake of immersion fluid and leakage of FAAs across the cut end of the adductor muscle. Immersion salinity ranged from 0.17 to 1.54 % in shucked oyster products on the retail market. Tissue salinity was strongly correlated with immersion salinity (r = 0.904), and tissue water content was correlated negatively with immersion salinity (r = ?0.668). In addition, total FAA and taurine content of oysters were correlated with immersion salinity (r = 0.629 and 0.865, respectively). These results clearly indicate that immersion salinity is an important factor affecting the food components of shucked oysters.  相似文献   

三种大型海藻吸收营养盐的动力学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究大型海藻孔石莼(Ulva pertusa)、条浒苔(Enteromorpha clathrata)和巨角叉菜(Chondrus nipponicus)对氨氮、硝酸态氮和磷酸盐磷的静态吸收动力学。三种海藻对氨氮的吸收可用一级动力学方程描述,孔石莼、条浒苔和巨角叉菜的吸收速率常数分别为:0.244/h(R2=0.992)、0.124/h(R2=0.962)、0.096/h(R2=0.951)。孔石莼和条浒苔对氨氮的吸收分快速、平稳和缓慢吸收3个阶段,而巨角叉菜对氨氮的吸收开始较慢,随后加快,最后缓慢;三种海藻吸收硝酸态氮规律相似,可用一级动力学方程描述。巨角叉菜对硝酸态氮吸收最好,条浒苔则吸收不理想。三种海藻对硝酸态氮的吸收速率远低于氨氮。孔石莼和巨角叉菜对磷酸盐磷有吸收,孔石莼的吸收速率高于巨角叉菜,条浒苔对磷酸盐磷吸收不明显。  相似文献   

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