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松栎混交林的形成及其生态功能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确立了油松、辽东栎混交的三种优化模式,对松栎混交林的生态防护功能作了详细分析,充分证明了松、栎混交林结构的稳定性及其巨大的生态防护效益。该文还就大力发展松栎混交林提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

石质山区阳坡辽东栎造林技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
辽东栎喜光,耐干旱,其适生环境与油松大致相同,能与油松形成稳定的松栎混交林,为探讨这一良好的混交树种的造林技术,在太行石质山区阳坡油松幼林地,进行了辽东栎造林试验,试验结果表明,在阳坡播种造林成苗率低于30%,3年生幼枝年均高生长2.5~4cm,通过预整地,选用壮苗,栽植穴覆膜等措施,可取得较好造林效果,造林成活率可达95%以上,幼树新梢高生长亦在12cm以上。  相似文献   

研究了西南桦鲜叶、未分解和半分解枯落叶以及林下表土水浸液对红椎、马尾松幼苗的他感作用。结果表明:仅半分解枯落叶水浸液对红椎地径和苗高以及鲜叶水浸液对马尾松苗高生长具有显著抑制作用,说明西南桦对红椎和马尾松幼苗的他感作用并不强烈。  相似文献   

辽东栎喜光、耐干旱,其适生环境与油松大致相同,能与油松形成稳定的松栎混交林。为探讨这一良好的混交树种的造林技术,在太行石质山区阳坡油松幼林地,进行了辽东栎造林试验。试验结果表明,在阳坡播种造林成苗率低于30%,3年生幼树年均高生长为25~4cm。通过预整地、选用壮苗、栽植穴覆膜等措施,可取得较好造林效果,造林成活率可达95%以上,幼树新梢高生长亦在12cm以上。  相似文献   

马尾松化感作用的生物测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以萝卜和西南桦为受体植物,研究了马尾松鲜叶、未分解枯落叶、半分解枯落叶和林下表土水浸液的化感作用,旨在为马尾松残次林改造中树种选择提供科学依据。结果表明:马尾松林下表土水浸液4个浓度处理间萝卜胚根生长存在显著差异,≤1∶40浓度水浸液对萝卜芽苗生长起促进作用,1∶10浓度水浸液则显著抑制萝卜芽苗生长;鲜叶和未分解枯落叶水浸液对西南桦芽苗生长影响显著(P<0.05),而半分解枯落叶和林下表土对西南桦芽苗生长影响不显著。马尾松的化感作用并不强烈,在选择其林下套种乡土阔叶树种时,化感作用并不是一个关键因素。  相似文献   

在培育健康稳定森林生态系统的同时,提升森林生态系统的多样性供给能力,为全力推进林业供给侧结构性改革和实现辽宁经济社会可持续发展提供强有力保障。该文主要从森林分类经营、分区施策的角度对辽宁省森林进行了区划布局,即东北中温带针阔混交林经营区和华北暖温带落叶阔叶林经营区。东北中温带针阔混交林经营区进一步划分为经营亚区:辽东山地红松阔叶混交水源涵养林、辽西北阶丘平原松阔混交防风固沙林、辽西丘陵油松栎类混交水土保持林、辽河平原北软阔混交农田河岸防护林;华北暖温带落叶阔叶林经营区进一步划分为经营亚区:凌河源丘陵油松栎类混交水土保持林、辽东湾西部丘陵油松栎类混交海防林、辽河平原南软阔混交农田河岸防护林、辽东半岛丘陵油松栎类混交海防林。各经营亚区按照生态区位、森林类型和经营状况,因地制宜地提出各亚区的经营策略,实施森林分类经营。  相似文献   

通过对太岳灵空山四种主要森林类型:油松纯林、辽东栎林、松栎混交林、油桦栎混交林的枯落物生物量及其持水性能的调查分析,总结出不同森林类型的生物量、最大持水量、分解率的大小排序。为研究森林的水土保持、水源涵养功能以及进一步综合评价该区的森林生态功能提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

灵空山主要森林类型枯落物生物量及持水性能   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
通过对太岳灵空山四种主要森林类型 :油松纯林、辽东栎林、松栎混交林、油落桦栎混交林的枯落物生物量及其持水性能的调查分析 ,总结出不同森林类型的生物量、最大持水量、分解率的大小排序。为研究森林的水土保持、水源涵养功能以及进一步综合评价该区的森林生态功能提供了科学依据  相似文献   

黄土高原蔡家川林场森林质量评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在综合考虑林分结构、群落演替特征和林地生产力水平的基础上,应用层次分析方法,以陕西延安市黄龙山林业局蔡家川林场为例,构建天然次生林森林质量评价模型和指标体系,得到油松林、辽东栎林、白桦林、油松-辽东栎混交林、油松-白桦混交林和辽东栎-白桦混交林的综合质量评分值。结果表明:采用森林结构、演替趋势和林地生产力3大类8个评价指标(郁闭度、物种丰富度、均匀度、枯枝落叶厚度、乔木蓄积量、灌草生物量、幼苗数量及优势种幼树幼苗与乔木数量之比)可以较为全面地反映该地区次生林质量状况,森林结构对森林质量影响较大,群落演替状况次之,林地生产力影响较小,评价指标对森林质量的贡献值由大到小依次为林分郁闭度0.3562,枯枝落叶厚度0.2116,优势种幼树幼苗与乔木数量之比0.1305,均匀度0.1058,乔木蓄积量0.0826,物种丰富度0.0644,幼苗数量0.0372,灌草生物量0.0118;天然林保护工程实施10多年来,蔡家川林场林分综合得分值28.0~92.2,接近一半的森林处于较好水平,质量差和较差的林分极少,油松、辽东栎及油松-辽东栎天然次生林质量相对较好,林分综合得分值65~73,而白桦林、辽东栎-白桦混交林和油松-白桦混交林的林分质量较差,综合评分值均低于60.00;该评价方法操作简单,可以解决森林质量评价中的量化问题,评价模型和指标体系可以在黄土高原其他地区的次生林质量评价中借鉴和应用。  相似文献   

油松—白桦混交林种间关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
聂道平  沈国舫 《林业科学》1997,33(5):394-402
在调查河北隆化县油松-白烨混交林的林木生物量(地上部生物量及根系生物量)、林下草灌木、林地枯落物的总量以及不同混交距离油松地上地下部分生长发育状态的基础上,研究了混交林的种间关系。结果表明,该混交林作为华北地区广泛分布的一种林型,林下草灌木繁茂,林地枯落物分解迅速,有利于土壤理化性质和林分营养状况的改善,种间关系处于基本协调状态。由于林龄及密度原因,混交林生物量略低于油松纯林,在混交林中白桦对油松的生长有一定的抑制作用,抑制作用因混交距离而变化。本文提出了合适的混交距离和混交方式。  相似文献   

火炬松早期性状鉴定技术的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

油松-沙棘混交模式对生境和油松生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区,以油松纯林为对照,对油松与沙棘行状混交、行状混交沙棘平茬、带状混交、宽行混交和宽行混交沙棘平茬林地的沙棘郁闭度、高度、光照强度、土壤水分、土壤密度、土壤空隙度、土壤养分及油松的存活率、高度、地径、顶梢年生长量等进行13年的监测研究.结果表明:行状混交与宽行混交的沙棘郁闭度、高度均高于行状混交沙棘平茬、宽行混交沙棘平茬和带状混交;林地的光照强度为油松纯林的较高,带状混交、宽行混交沙棘平茬、行状混交沙棘平茬的居中,宽行混交和行状混交的较低;土壤储水量在11年后表现为行状混交与宽行混交的较高,行状混交沙棘平茬、带状混交与宽行混交沙棘平茬的居中,油松纯林的较低;土壤密度、土壤空隙度、土壤养分表现为沙棘郁闭度、高度越高,土壤密度越低,土壤空隙度、土壤养分越高.与油松纯林相比,行状混交和宽行混交油松的高度和地径在6年以后明显较低,存活率在7年以后显著降低;行状混交沙棘平茬、宽行混交沙棘平茬与带状混交的油松高度在7年以后较高,行状混交沙棘平茬与宽行混交沙棘平茬的油松高度在10年以后高于带状混交的油松;行状混交沙棘平茬、宽行混交沙棘平茬与带状混交的油松地径在9年以后大于油松纯林的油松地径;行状混交沙棘平茬、宽行混交沙棘平茬和带状混交的油松顶梢年生长量在6年以后较大,行状混交和宽行混交的较小.油松与沙棘混交,行状混交沙棘平茬、宽行混交沙棘平茬和带状混交促进了油松的生长,行状混交和宽行混交降低了油松的存活率,抑制了油松的生长.  相似文献   

The establishment of invasive plant populations is controlled by seed input, survival in the soil seed bank, and effects of soil surface disturbance on emergence, growth, and survival. We studied the invasive vine Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. (Oriental bittersweet) to determine if seedlings in forest understory germinate from the seed bank or from seed rain. We also conducted a greenhouse experiment to investigate the role of leaf litter mass and physical texture on seedling survival, growth, and allocation. In the understory of an invaded mixed hardwood forest, we measured seed input, seedling emergence with seed rain, and seedling emergence without seed rain. Mean seed rain was 168 seeds m−2: mean seedling emergence was 107 m−2, and there was a strong correlation between seed rain and seedling emergence. The ratio of seedlings to seed input (0.61) was close to the seed viability (0.66) leaving very few seeds to enter the seed bank. Seed bank germination under field conditions was low (1 seedling m−2). Soil cores were incubated in a greenhouse to determine seed bank viability, and germination from these soil cores did not occur. To determine how litter affects seedling establishment and growth, we measured seedling emergence and biomass allocation in a greenhouse experiment. Seeds were placed below intact and fragmented deciduous leaf litter in amounts ranging from zero to the equivalent of 16 Mg ha−1. Seedling emergence was not affected by fragmented litter, but decreased to <20% as intact litter increased to 16 Mg ha−1. Increasing litter resulted in greater allocation to hypocotyl and less to cotyledon and radicle, and this effect was greater in intact litter. C. orbiculatus seedlings achieve emergence through forest floor litter through plasticity in allocation to hypocotyl growth. The low survival of C. orbiculatus in the seed bank suggests that eradication of seedling advance regeneration and adult plants prior to seed rain may be an effective control strategy. However, the intact forest floor litter of an undisturbed forest will not prevent seedling establishment.  相似文献   

Arthropod assemblages and decomposition rates were compared in the litter of pure and mixed Quercus(Quercus petraea L.) and Fagus(Fagus orientalis L.)stands.Litter was sampled on a monthly basis for 1 year and stored in litterbags of different mesh sizes.The experimental objective was to test the effect of mesh size on litter decomposition,decomposition rates of litter,and diversity of the invertebrate fauna between the two types of stands.Decomposition rates were measured by filling three fiber litterbags of different mesh sizes with pure Quercus litter(3 g) left in the pure Quercus stand,and litterbags with Fagus litter(3 g) were left in the pure Fagus stand.Mixed litter samples were prepared by mixing of equal amounts of each litter in the same litterbag and leaving them in the mixed stand.The residual mass of litter from the pure Quercus stand was significantly lower in fine-and coarse-mesh bags than in the medium-mesh bags in pure the Fagus stand.Carbon and nitrogen levels in the pure Quercus litter were significantly different among the mesh sizes at the end of the incubation period.Macroarthropods from 27 taxa were collected from pitfall traps every month.Their relative numbers differed significantly between the pure and mixed-stand litter samples.Litter-dwelling Isotomidae(Collembola) and Mesostigmata(Acarina),and soil-dwelling Mesostigmata were the most numerous in the mixed stand.It is significant that the abundance of macroarthropods contributed to the mass loss of litter in both the medium and coarse mesh sizes in the mixed stand,but did not significantly affect the mass of litter in the pure stands.In the mixed stand,there was a negative correlation between litter mass loss and total number of microarthropods in all mesh sizes.Mixed-stand litter decomposed more slowly than pure-stand litter.  相似文献   

外来树种火炬树化感作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
以盐肤木和黄栌为参照树种,用火炬树树叶水浸提液、林下土壤水浸提液浸种24 h,研究了浸提液对侧柏、油松、香椿、臭椿、小麦、小白菜种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响,研究了火炬树的化感作用。结果表明:火炬树完整鲜叶水浸提液处理小白菜种子,其发芽率和发芽势分别为88.0%、82.5%,与对照发芽率(94.0%)和发芽势(91.5%)无显著差异,而破碎鲜叶水浸液则极显著影响小白菜的发芽率和发芽势,分别降低为24.8%和5.0%;火炬树完整鲜叶和破碎鲜叶水浸液都能促进小白菜苗高生长,但都抑制小白菜胚根的伸长。与鲜叶相比,火炬树干叶水浸提液的化感作用明显降低。火炬树破碎鲜叶水浸提液极显著影响小麦发芽率,分别比对照的发芽率和发芽势降低11.0%和83.5%,干叶水浸提液则不影响小麦的发芽率,为95.0%,但发芽势比对照降低23.0%。与盐肤木和黄栌相比,火炬树破碎鲜叶水浸提液对小麦幼茎及胚根生长的抑制作用最强。火炬树破碎鲜叶水浸提液对4个乡土树种的种子萌发产生了不同程度的抑制作用,对香椿及臭椿发芽率的抑制作用极显著。火炬树破碎鲜叶水浸提液对4个树种的苗高以及油松苗胚根的伸长没有显著影响,但却极显著地抑制了侧柏、香椿及臭椿胚根的伸长。火炬树林下表层土壤水浸提液对小麦幼苗的生长没有抑制作用,能明极显著促进香椿的生长;处理55 d时,香椿苗平均高为8.63 cm,极其显著高于对照(5.14 cm)。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if seedbed substrates consisting of F and H organic matter and Ae and Bf mineral material inhibited seed germination and subsequent seedling growth of black spruce. The study was conducted with seedbed substrates collected from eight pure blackspruce stands of four age classes (15, 30, 45 and 60 years) in central Newfoundland.No significant effect on percentage germination or primary shoot growth of seedlings was obtained when grown on F and H organic matter, Ae and Bf mineral material. However, growth and development of primary roots was significantly reduced in the F and H organic matter and Ae mineral material compared to the controls (washed sand). The inhibitory effect increased with stand age. The affected seedlings did not produce normal primary roots with root hairs. The primary root cells of the affected seedlings were significantly broader and shorter compared to the control seedlings. Mineral material from the Bf horizon did not have any significant effect on primary root growth of black spruce seedlings.  相似文献   

The effects of microhabitat (shrubs and herbs), plant litter, and seed burial on the regeneration of Liaodong oak (Quercus wutaishanica Mayr) and Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) were studied in three typical stands (Liaodong oak forest, Chinese pine plantation, and grassland) in the Loess Plateau, China. We monitored the establishment and growth of seedlings of these two woody species in sown experimental plots, in which shrubs and herbs, plant litter, and seed burial were manipulated. In the grassland, shrubs and herbs facilitated Liaodong oak establishment, with no effect on the establishment of Chinese pine. In the two forest stands, shrubs and herbs primarily had an inhibition effect on the establishment of these trees. The effects of plant litter were facilitation or inhibition, depending on the target species and the habitat. Seed burial had a positive effect on seedling establishment. In all three habitats, shrubs and herbs had inhibition effects on seedling growth of both tree species. Plant litter and seed burial did not influence seedling growth in either species. Liaodong oak and Chinese pine use different regeneration strategies during early stages of succession and similar strategies during late stages of succession.  相似文献   

银杏半同胞家系种苗性状变异及苗期选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨银杏家系主要性状的遗传变异规律,为苗期选择提供依据,对40个银杏半同胞家系的种苗性状进行了研究。结果表明:银杏半同胞家系种苗性状遗传力较高,不同家系间存在着不同程度的变异,家系内变异较小,种苗性状作为苗期选择的指标是可行的。随苗龄的增长,家系间在生长性状上的变异和分化有加大的趋势,银杏分枝类型的数量比例也会发生变化,由幼龄时长枝占优势会逐渐转变为成龄短枝占优势。银杏家系种子大小能反映该家系在苗期的生长表现,种子愈大,苗期生长量愈大。  相似文献   

试论火与兴安落叶松种子发芽条件的关系   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
单建平  徐振邦 《林业科学》1990,26(6):545-549
兴安落叶松(Larix gmelinii)自然分布区大兴安岭的立地条件和种子发芽条件的特殊性,导致了兴安落叶松天然更新的特殊性。瘠薄的棕色针叶林土,生长季短、冬季漫长以及土壤表层较厚的死地被物层增加了天然更新的难度。然而兴安落叶松的天然更新效果却是令人满意的。兴安落叶松在母树林冠下更新良好,只是在某些林型如草类落叶松林的成熟林冠下更新不良;而在3—10年的择伐迹地和火烧迹地上平均每公顷有13500株幼树。大兴安岭地区兴安落叶松火烧迹地天然更新良好的奥秘何在?火灾后兴安落叶松的种子发芽条件如何?火灾在这方面的作用是什么?作者从天然更新的关键之一——种子  相似文献   

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