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<正>保护晋南牛,主要是保护晋南牛的遗传基因。同时,以晋南牛的遗传基因为基础,将其转型为肉用牛,这样晋南牛的遗传基因就可以持续地保存下去。晋南牛是我国五大地方良种牛中惟一没有启动开发的牛种,需要急起直追。晋南牛的保种工作取得了阶段性的成果,为以后的转型开发提供了条件。一、晋南牛存栏量快速下降改革开放初期,在山西省运城市各县的农村,几乎家家户户都养晋南牛,可谓遍地有牛,巅峰时期晋南牛的存栏接近90万头。但仅仅过了30多年,在运城市的几百里川区已难觅晋  相似文献   

自2012年入春以来,临江市可繁母牛存栏数量不断减少,原以为属季节性正常流动,故未给予足够重视。入秋后,这一现象日趋严重,可繁母牛数量急剧减少。对此,我们组织相关人员进行了详细调查,结果令人大吃一惊。截止到2012年11月末,临江市牛存栏11675头,其中可繁母牛4920头,可繁母牛占存栏牛的  相似文献   

<正>新疆天山畜牧生物工程股份有限公司下属榆树沟良种繁育场现存栏褐牛母牛122头,其中成母牛70头,育成青年牛44头,母犊牛8头。其中52头成母牛为2006年底从乌鲁木齐种牛场购入的褐牛  相似文献   

山西省万荣县通化、荣河两镇被省、地列为晋南牛重点保种区。为了在这两个镇建立核心母牛保种群,更好地开展晋南牛选种选配工作,万荣县畜牧局最近组织全县23名技术干部对这两个镇母牛进行普查鉴定。共鉴定母牛1,426头,其中特级368头,占  相似文献   

1 晋南牛的现状 晋南牛是我国的五大良种黄牛之一,主产于山西省南部运城市,是当地劳动人民长期培育的成果.20世纪80年代初期存栏最高达70万头,进入90年代由于社会经济发展,其役用性能几乎完全丧失,肉用发性能又没有得到充分开发,加之同林、果、蔬菜等经济作物相比,经济效益下降,影响农户养牛的积极性.据2007年8月份统计现存栏纯种晋南牛不足2万头,照这样的势头用不了几年,老祖宗留下这一"国宝"一晋南牛将灭绝,晋南牛的工作我们必须认真考虑,慎重对待,彻底解决.  相似文献   

晋南牛杂交改良效果的调查报告谭年年(山西省平陆县畜牧局044300)李振京(山西省运城地区畜牧局044000)晋南牛是我国5大地方良种黄牛之一。分布于山西省晋南各县(市),存栏约80余万头。山西省科委下达了1992至1994年度研究课题“提高晋南牛肉...  相似文献   

晋南黄牛是我国五大良种黄牛品种之一。“文化大革命”的十年动乱期间,晋南牛选育工作中断,黄牛数量减少,质量下降。据河津县畜牧局1976年对全县2—12岁适龄78头公牛和4.451头母牛进行鉴定,符合晋南牛标准要求的只有公牛16头,母牛801头,合格率分别占20.3%和18%。自从1975年参加全国黄牛选育协作组,特别是粉碎  相似文献   

秦川牛是国之瑰宝,在国内外市场具有相当强的竞争力。目前,全县秦川牛存栏5万头,其中适繁母牛1·5万头。群众养殖秦川牛积极性空前高涨,养殖小区、养殖大户不断涌现,一大批群众靠养殖秦川肉牛走上富裕之路。但当前秦川母牛不孕症比较严重,据对300头成年母牛调查,患不孕症母牛34  相似文献   

<正> 奉节县黄牛杂交改良起步较早,1957年—1978年间,先后从省外引进秦川牛、晋南牛、黑白花奶牛良种公牛58头与本地黄母牛杂交改良,据桂花乡调查5岁秦杂一代牛,未显示出杂种优势。1979年—1983年又用西门塔尔牛杂交改良本地黄牛,配种7898头,存栏西杂牛3015头,出栏西杂牛(1.5岁体重250公斤)130头,仅占存栏西杂牛总数8.87%。更为突出的是云务、三桥、含瑞等5个乡4年配种552头,现无一头西杂牛犁田,在群众中造成了不好影响。 回顾黄牛改良实践,时间长,花钱多,费事大,效果差。其主要原因是杂种犊牛断奶后饲养管理粗放,没有很好进行培育。为了证实这个问题,于  相似文献   

正河南省组织实施2016年肉牛基础母牛扩群增量项目自2016年7月1日到2017年6月30日,河南省将继续实施肉牛基础母牛扩群增量项目。项目采取"先增后补"的方式,即以母牛存栏定主体,新增犊牛定资金,力争通过项目实施,调动全省饲养母牛的积极性,增加肉牛基础母牛数量,逐步解决基础母牛存栏数量持续下降、架子牛供给不足等发展  相似文献   

调查了晋南牛国家级原种场建场发展情况,测量了牛场牛群的体尺,利用肉用指数(Beef purpose index,BPI)研究了牛群的经济类型.结果表明,牛场牛群的主要经济类型为肉役兼用型,现存的23头成年母牛BPI平均为3.99,初步进入肉用型范围,只是牛数太少,应尽快扩大同类型牛数.  相似文献   

Sera from 959 Holstein-Friesian cattle in 7 herds were tested for antibody to bovine leukemia virus, using the agar gel immunodiffusion test with glycoprotein antigen. Seropositive cattle were found in 6 herds; 120 (12.5%) were reactors. In 1 of the herds, the prevalence of seropositive cattle was significantly greater in purebred than in grade cows. Purebred cows raised on the premises and an overall antibody prevalence similar to purchased purebred cows. Purebred cattle more than 2 years old had a significantly greater prevalence of reactors than younger cattle. There was no difference in prevalence by sex.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out in 1975, 1976 and 1977 in 16 dairy herds where leptospiral abortions were suspected and in five other herds where clinical disease was not present. Both Leptospira interrogans serovars pomona and hardjo were isolated from cattle in herds with leptospirosis, but only pomona was recovered from those that had aborted. There was no evidence that hardjo caused clinical disease in dairy cattle in the Waikato district. It was found that 73% of the cows that aborted and 19% of other animals in the same herds had microscopic agglutination test titres to pomona of 1:2,000 or greater. By contrast, only 2% of cattle in herds without clinical evidence of leptospirosis had such titres. One cow retained a titre of 1:2,000 or greater to pomona for 7 months; titres of this order had a shorter duration in other cows. Leptospiruria occurred in 50% of cows that had aborted and in 9% of in-contact cows in the same herds. Only 0.7% of cows had leptospiruria in the herds with no clinical disease. Ten of 35 cows shedding pomona still had leptospiruria one month later. It was concluded that clinical leptospirosis should be diagnosed by testing a sample of the herd, rather than just individual cows, because of the variability and persistence of leptospiruria and serological titres in cows with and without clinical signs. Although hardjo is common in cattle in the Waikato district, it was not found to cause abortion in cattle.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether Neospora caninum serostatus was associated with milk production among Holstein cattle in Ontario. DESIGN: Case-control study and cross-sectional observational study. ANIMALS: 3,702 Holstein cows in 83 herds (case-control study) and 3,162 Holstein cows in 57 herds. PROCEDURE: Herds in the case-control study were grouped on the basis of N. caninum abortion status. Herds in the observational study were considered representative of Ontario dairy herds. The N. caninum serostatus of individual cows was determined with a kinetic ELISA. Milk production was modeled to compare seropositive with seronegative animals while controlling for parity, days since parturition, and herd clustering. RESULTS: In the case-control study, 305-day milk production of seropositive cows was significantly less than milk production of seronegative cows in herds with abortions attributable to N. caninum infection and in herds with abortions attributable to pathogens other than N. caninum, but not in herds without abortion problems. In the observational study, 305-day milk production for seropositive cows was not significantly different from milk production of seronegative cows. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that the association between N. caninum serostatus and milk production in Ontario Holstein dairy cattle may depend on abortion status of the herd. In herds with abortion problems, regardless of cause, N. caninum-seropositive cattle produced less milk, whereas in herds without abortion problems, N. caninum-seropositive cattle produced the same amount of milk as seronegative cattle.  相似文献   

Serums from 4,394 dairy cattle in 100 herds and from 2,794 beef cattle in 50 herds were tested for antibody to the bovine (C-type) leukemia virus (BLV), using the agar gel immunodiffusion test. Reactors were found in 66% of the dairy herds (10.2% of the cattle) and in 14% of the beef herds (1.2% of the cattle). The prevalence of reactors was examined with respect to age, herd size, and sex. Few of the reactors were less than 2 years old. There was a high percentage of reactors in small dairy herds (less than 50 cattle). In 22 dairy herds (1,354 cows and 96 bulls), the rate of infection in cows was compared with that in bulls. In those herds, 13.5% of the cows and 10.4% of the bulls were reactors.  相似文献   

Prevalence of Giardia duodenalis in dairy and beef cattle on farms around Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island (Canada) was determined by analyzing feces using direct immunofluorescence antibody microscopy. Genotypes were determined by 16S-rRNA sequencing. Fecal samples (n = 892) were collected from adult cattle in dairy tie-stall, dairy free-stall, and beef herds (10 herds each), and from calves (n = 183) from 11 dairy farms. Prevalence rates were 38% and 51% in cows and calves, respectively. Giardia duodenalis was present in all dairy herds, in 9/10 beef herds and in calves from 10/11 herds examined. Prevalence rates were 40% and 41% for cows in tie- and free-stall herds, respectively, and 27% for beef cows. Zoonotic Assemblage A was found in 12.2% of calves concomitantly infected with Assemblage E. All successfully sequenced samples (114/128) from cows corresponded to Assemblage E. Giardia duodenalis is highly prevalent in cattle herds in Prince Edward Island and Assemblage A in calves is a potential public health concern.  相似文献   

A survey of South Carolina diary cattle in 12 commercial herds was conducted, using serologic testing to determine the frequency and impact on reproduction of bluetongue (BT) and bovine parvovirus (BFV) infections. Results of the study of serum antibodies titers and dairy cattle health records indicated that the majority of the cattle surveyed was adequately protected against the major reproductive tract diseases through vaccination programs. The frequency of reproductive dysfunction was common in vaccinated herds, however. Six of the 12 herds in the survey had cattle which were BT serotest reactors, although total numbers of these reactor cattle were relatively small. Further, reproductive performance of reactor cows indicated that BT was of little consequence and was not associated with reproductive problems. All herds contained BPV serotest reactors and the latter comprised 59.7% of the total number of cows surveyed. The BPV seroreactor cows were commonly associated with the group of reproductive problem cows which experienced higher rates of embryonic mortality and more services per conception than did nonreactor cattle. The results of the survey emphasize the need for continued investigation and efforts to control BT, and especially BPV infection, in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out in 1975, 1976 and 1977 in 16 dairy herds where leptospiral abortions were suspected and in five other herds where clinical disease was not present. Both Leptospira interrogans serovars pomona and hardjo were isolated from cattle in herds with leptospirosis, but only pomona was recovered from those that had aborted. There was no evidence that hardjo caused clinical disease in dairy cattle in the Waikato district.

It was found that 73% of the cows that aborted and 19% of other animals in the same herds had microscopic agglutination test titres to pomona of 1:2 000 or greater. By contrast, only 2% of cattle in herds without clinical evidence of leptospirosis had such titres. One cow retained a titre of 1:2 000 or greater to pomona for 7 months; titres of this order had a shorter duration in other cows. Leptospiruria occurred in 50% of cows that had aborted and in 9% of in-contact cows in the same herds. Only 0.7% of cows had leptospiruria in the herds with no clinical disease. Ten of 35 cows shedding pomona still had leptospiruria one month later.

It was concluded that clinical leptospirosis should be diagnosed by testing a sample of the herd, rather than just individual cows, because of the variability and persistence of leptospiruria and serological titres in cows with and without clinical signs. Although hardjo is common in cattle in the Waikato district, it was not found to cause abortion in cattle.  相似文献   

The effect of early removal of cows excreting pathogenic Brucella abortus following Strain 19 vaccination of beef cattle herds was determined by comparing cumulative incidence (CI) of brucellosis reactors post-vaccination (p.v.). Adult female cattle in six herds were tested, reactors removed, and vaccinated with 3×109 colony-forming units of B. abortus Strain 19. Cattle were tested at 2 months p.v. and culture-positive cattle were removed from a principal cohort of three herds at approximately 3 months p.v., and removal from a control cohort of three herds delayed until approximately 7 months p.v. Neither CI nor time to eliminate brucellosis was significantly different between cohorts.A review of the parturition data revealed that more of the infected cows in the principal cohort herds terminated gestation before removal. These data suggest that stage of gestation plus diagnostic and management alternatives to prevent parturition of infected cattle in the herd are more important factors in herd plans than early removal of postparturient infected cows following whole-herd Strain 19 vaccination.  相似文献   

This paper contains observations of several sources of variation in reproductive performance on 13 herds of beef cattle in north-eastern Australia. Nearly 15,000 cows were examined, man, on more than one occasion. Variation between herds in pregnancy rate in June or September 1964, was 44 to 75 per cent. Lactating heifers had lower pregnancy rates than lactating cows, which in turn had lower rates than non-lactating animals. Within classes, cows in poor body condition had lower fertility than those in forward-store or fat condition. Losses of calves between pregnancy tests and branding ranged from 6 to 40 per cent in a sample of herds. In herds where year-to-year data were avail-able, the majority of cattle had one calf every two years, or two calves every three years. In one herd, cows that calved before February reared more calves than those that calved later. The main conclusion was that improved nutrition of lactating heifers and cows would be expected to increase pregnancy rates substantially.  相似文献   

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