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Rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) is a recent and major threat to rice production in Madagascar. A large scale screening of resistance to RYMV in rice germplasm in Madagascar was conducted by visual symptom scoring and virus-assessment through ELISA tests. The response to virus inoculation of 503 local or introduced rice accessions was assessed. Most of them were susceptible to RYMV. A few cultivars expressed partial resistance at a level similar to the partially resistant Oryza sativa japonica cv. Azucena. Only one O. sativa cultivar expressed high resistance characterised by a lack of symptoms and an undetectable level of virus. It was a Malagasy traditional indica cultivar, named Bekarosaka, which originated from the northwest of the country. It was selected by farmers for its field resistance to RYMV. The response of cv. Bekarosaka to four pathotypes of RYMV was similar to that of cv. Gigante, the only other highly resistant indica cultivar. The sequence of the middle domain of the eIF(iso)4G, the genetic determinant of Rymv1 resistance on chromosome 4, of cv. Bekarosaka was similar to that of cv. Gigante. Subsequently, cvs Bekarosaka and Gigante probably carried the same resistance allele Rymv1-2. Rymv1-2 resistance was efficient against isolates of the major strains of RYMV, but was readily overcome by a pathotype from the northwest of Madagascar.  相似文献   

A partial sequence of Oat mosaic virus (OMV) has been obtained for four isolates of the virus from four European countries. This represents the first available sequence data for this important disease of winter-sown oats. The longest clone of 1699 nucleotides was obtained from infected English oats using a degenerate primer, designed to members of the Potyviridae family. Alignment of the predicted amino acid sequence with members of the Potyviridae showed closest identity with viruses of the Bymovirus genus. The predicted amino acid sequence has one open reading frame corresponding to part of the NIb and capsid protein, with a 3 untranslated region of 351 nucleotides, followed by a poly(A) tail. PCR primers were designed to the coat protein and NIb gene of members of the Bymovirus genus and used to obtain partial sequences of 1441 nucleotides at the 3 end of infected oats from both Wales and France. A specific primer set designed to the English isolate was used to generate a product of 701 nucleotides from OMV-infected oat leaves from Ireland. All four isolates are highly conserved at the amino acid level.The first two authors contributed equally to the work  相似文献   

The multiplication of Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) was studied in mixtures of two winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars, one susceptible (Soissons) and the other resistant (Trémie). Two seed mixtures of susceptible and resistant varieties in ratios of 1 : 1 and 1 : 3 and their component pure stands, i.e. each variety grown separately, were grown in a field infected with SBWMV. The presence of the virus was detected using DAS-ELISA from January to May. The resistant cultivar Trémie showed no foliar symptoms nor could the virus be detected in the leaves or roots. In May, about 88% of plants of susceptible cultivar Soissons grown in pure stands were infected. At this time, the disease reduction relative to pure stands was 32.2% in the 1 : 1 mixture and 39.8% in the 1 : 3 mixture. Optical density (OD) values from ELISA of the infected plants in the two mixtures were consistently lower than that of the infected plants in cultivar Soissons in pure stands. The ELISA index (EI) calculated using three scales of OD values was 65.5% in the susceptible cultivar in pure stands. The value for this index was 19.1% in the 1 : 1 mixture and 7.9% in the 1 : 3 mixture. The plants of the resistant cultivar Trémie infected in the same field and transferred in January to a growth cabinet at 15 °C multiplied the virus and produced viruliferous zoospores. These results show that the resistant cultivar Trémie plays a role in disease reduction in the cultivar mixtures in field conditions. Possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

An in vitro detached leaf assay, involving the inoculation of detached leaves with Microdochium nivale, was further developed and used to compare with whole plant resistance ratings to Fusarium head blight (FHB) of 22 commercial cultivars and published information on 21 wheat genotypes, identified as potential sources for FHB resistance. An incubation temperature of 10 °C and isolates of M. nivale var. majus of intermediate pathogenicity were found to be the most suitable for the differential expression of several components of partial disease resistance (PDR), namely incubation period, latent period and lesion length, in wheat genotypes used in the detached leaf assay. There were highly significant differences (P < 0.001) for each component of PDR within commercial cultivars and CIMMYT genotypes. Positive correlations were found between incubation period and latent period (r = 0.606; P < 0.001 and r = 0.498; P < 0.001, respectively, for commercial cultivars and CIMMYT genotypes), inverse correlations between incubation period and lesion length (r = -0.466; P < 0.01 and r = –0.685; P < 0.001, respectively) and latent period and lesion length (r = –0.825; P < 0.001 and r = –0.848; P < 0.001, respectively). Spearman rank correlations between individual PDR components and UK 2003 recommended list ratings were significant for incubation period (rs = 0.53; P < 0.05) and latent period (rs = 0.70; P < 0.01) but not for lesion length (r s = –0.26). Commercial cultivars identified with high resistances across all three PDR components in the detached leaf assay also had high whole plant FHB resistance ratings, with the exception of cv. Tanker which is more susceptible than the results of the detached leaf assay suggested, indicating an additional susceptibility factor could be present. Agreement between resistances found in the detached leaf assay and resistance to FHB suggests resistances detected in detached leaves are under the same genetic control as much of the resistances expressed in the wheat head of the commercial cultivars evaluated. In contrast, high resistances in each of the PDR components were associated with higher susceptibility across 19 CIMMYT genotypes previously evaluated as potential breeding sources of FHB resistance (incubation period: r = 0.52; P < 0.01, latent period: r = 0.53; P < 0.01, lesion length: r = –0.49; P < 0.01). In particular, the CIMMYT genotypes E2 and E12 together with Summai #3, known to have high levels of whole plant FHB resistance, showed low levels of resistance in each PDR component in the detached leaf assay. Such whole plant resistances, which are highly effective and not detected by the detached leaf assay, do not appear to be present in Irish and UK commercial cultivars. The most resistant Irish and UK commercial cultivars were comparable to the genotype Frontana and the most resistant CIMMYT germplasm evaluated in the leaf assay.  相似文献   

Forty-two Brassica rapa and Brassica napus lines were tested for resistance to Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) isolates representing the three major pathotypes in Europe. Of these lines, 11 were susceptible to all pathotypes; nine were resistant to one pathotype; eight were resistant to two pathotypes; and 14 were resistant to all three pathotypes. Of the lines tested, 23 were either able to, or had the potential to, discriminate between two different pathotype-3 isolates. Genetic models for inheritance of resistance were proposed for four B. rapa lines: Jong Bai No. 2 had dominant resistance to pathotype 1 conferred by a single allele; PI418957C and Jin G 55 had recessive resistance to pathotype 4 where a single allele was required; PI418957C also had recessive resistance to pathotype 3 where a model with one of two epistatic, unlinked loci was proposed. Jong Bai No. 1 also had recessive resistance to pathotype 3, apparently conferred by alleles at three loci, where any two of the three loci were epistatic and required for resistance.  相似文献   

Severe rot was found at the base of leaves and stems of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. subsp. pekinensis) in Ibaraki Prefecture every year in early September from 2002 through 2004. The causal fungus was identified as Pythium aphanidermatum (Edson) Fitzpatrick. This is the first report of P. aphanidermatum on Chinese cabbage. A similar disease of Chinese cabbage caused by P. ultimum Trow var. ultimum is known as Pythium rot. We propose adding P. aphanidermatum as a new pathogen of this disease.  相似文献   

Big-vein disease (BV) of lettuce has been attributed to infection by Lettuce big-vein virus (LBVV), vectored by the soil fungus Olpidium brassicae. The finding of a second soil-borne virus in lettuce, Mirafiori lettuce virus (MiLV), led to a re-investigation of the role of LBVV in big-vein disease, with evidence emerging that both MiLV and LBVV are vectored by O. brassicae, and that MiLV, not LBVV, is the cause of BV (Lot et al. (2002), Phytopathology 92: 288–293). The two viruses have coat proteins of similar size but have different morphologies and are serologically unrelated. We tested individual lettuce plants in BV-prone fields and protected crops in France and Italy for the presence of the two viruses, using DAS-ELISA and antisera specific for each virus. Both MiLV and LBVV were found at high incidence, often together but sometimes separately. Symptoms were frequently found to be associated with MiLV alone or both viruses, but rarely LBVV alone. However, no absolute correlation emerged, because sometimes MiLV was present in the absence of symptoms, and vice versa. To clarify the situation, individual lettuce plants were examined over a period of time in two further surveys. In surveys of protected crops in France, plants with big-vein were always ELISA-positive for MiLV, or else symptomless plants positive for MiLV were later seen to develop big-vein symptoms. Presence or absence of LBVV appeared to have no effect on symptom development. In surveys of open fields in Italy, all combinations were found: presence of both viruses, apparent absence of both viruses, or presence of each one alone, in plants that developed BV. At the end of the observation period, nearly all plants had BV and contained both viruses.  相似文献   

Transfer of factors for resistance to white blister disease caused by Albugo candida between Brassica species involving two genotypes each of B. juncea and B. rapa was studied in hybrids. More hybrids were obtained by in vivo than in vitro techniques, although an in vitro phase was a prerequisite for the establishment of in vivo hybrids. Hybrids were identified by PCR-based inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers with both male and female species-specific bands being identified. There was a positive correlation between disease severity and number of days after sowing ( r  > 0·93), the highest being towards pod formation and plant maturity at 110 days after sowing. The plants from F2 and BC1 progeny showed higher resistance to A. candida than either of the parents. Plants of B. juncea and B. rapa with high field resistance (disease index < 1·0) were selected from BC2 and F2BC1 generations. The frequency of plants classified as resistant in BC2 progeny ranged from 4·5 to 39·0% in cross-combinations involving B. juncea genotypes as female parent, compared with 100% in the reciprocal cross involving B. rapa as female parent.  相似文献   

Brassica rapa can be infected with Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) as a result of manual inoculation or aphid transmission, but infected plants have not been found in the field. In this study, B. rapa plants grown from seed collected from two field sites in southern England were mechanically inoculated with one of two distinct isolates (pathotypes) of TuMV under glasshouse conditions. These had either been isolated from Brassica oleracea growing wild in Wales, (GBR 83, pathotype 3) or Dorset (GBR 98, pathotype 1). Use of ELISA as an index of infection in manually inoculated B. rapa showed that although seed provenance had a small effect on the proportion of plants infected, the biggest factor was the virus isolate. Both virus isolates infected both lines of B. rapa , but invaded at different rates, although both resulted in easily discernible symptoms. The severity of symptoms was not related to amounts of virus in the infected plants. A significantly greater proportion of plants were infected with GBR 83 at 45 days post-inoculation (d.p.i.) than GBR 98. but GBR 98 caused significantly more severe and obvious symptoms as well as greater mortality at 119 d.p.i., in plants from both sites than GBR 83.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of clubroot, a disease of cruciferous crops caused by the fungusPlasmodiophora brassicae, starts with infection of the root hairs. This process was studied in 13 accessions ofBrassica oleracea, B. napus and B. rapa with varying levels of plant resitance toP. brassicae. Seedlings were grown in a mineral solution, inoculated with resting spores ofP. brassicae, and the number of plasmodia developing in root hairs was recorded. When compared with the standard susceptible cultivar Septa, both higher and lower resistance to root hair infection was found in the accessions of the differentBrassica species. No complete resistance to root hair infection was found. Over the accessions studied, there was no correlation between the plant resistance estimated from greenhouse tests and the resistance to root hair infection of seedlings. The resistance of all accessions must at least partly be caused by other mechanisms which operate after the root hair plasmodia are formed.  相似文献   

本研究以烟草和TMV为供试对象,评价了114种植物提取物诱导烟草抗TMV的活性,同时测试了这些植物提取物对TMV的钝化活性和抑制病毒粒子增殖的活性。结果表明,山苍子、平姜、苦参、八角、白屈菜、余甘子和五倍子共7种植物提取物对烟草具有显著的诱抗活性,对TMV的诱抗效果分别为78.90%、67.23%、66.82%、58.87%、53.92%、51.56%和51.28%,具有作为激发子诱导烟草抗病毒活性的应用潜力。本研究结果为开发植物源免疫诱抗剂生物农药提供了依据。  相似文献   

Components of resistance to powdery mildew (latent period, pustule density and conidium production) were analysed on glasshouse-grown artificially inoculated plants of wheat mutants (n = 11) derived from either induced mutagenesis or adventitious regeneration of cv. Guardian. These mutants had previously been shown to be partially resistant to the disease in the field over a two-year period. Analyses were carried out at three stages of development: seedling, tillering and heading. None of the mutants exhibited a latent period significantly different from that of the susceptible parent Guardian at any stage of development tested. With respect to pustule density, one mutant (M61) was significantly more resistant than Guardian at all stages of development, two mutants (M19 and SC100) were more resistant at tillering and heading, and two (M156 and SC267) were more resistant only at heading. Significantly reduced conidium production per pustule (as a measure of pustule size) over a 24h period was observed on three mutants (M61, SC100 and SC231) at tillering and heading, while mutant SC68 exhibited this trait at heading only. On the basis of resistance components and relative grain yield in the presence of mildew, the eleven mutants were categorised into five categories. Tests for associations between field resistance score and components of resistance measured in the glasshouse, both measured at heading, revealed a significant positive correlation only between pustule density and field score. To assess the effects of combining different components (i.e. pyramiding different partial resistance genes), mutants were crossed. Transgressive segregation for at least one component was observed in the F2 generation in crosses between mutants with complementary modes of action (i.e. involving different components of partial resistance), but not in cases where the parents exhibited the same component of resistance.  相似文献   

Cassava mosaic virus disease (CMD) is prevalent and causes serious losses in cassava (Manihot esculenta) in southern India and in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa. The disease is caused by viruses of the Geminiviridae that are transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci and disseminated in the stem cuttings used routinely for propagation. The main approach to control is through the use of virus-resistant varieties, but suitable ones are not always available and susceptible varieties are still widely grown. This explains why CMD continues to be a problem in many areas.CMD-resistant varieties have several features which are considered in this review:- They are not readily infected, even when exposed to large amounts of vector-borne inoculum. When infected they develop symptoms that tend to be inconspicuous and not associated with obvious deleterious effects on growth or yield. Moreover, the symptoms become even less conspicuous as growth proceeds and plants may eventually recover and become symptomless. Infected plants support a low virus content and they are likely to be a poor source of inoculum from which further spread can occur. Virus is not fully systemic within infected plants which can be a source of uninfected planting material when stem cuttings are collected for further propagation. This phenomenon is referred to as reversion and it has an important cleansing effect in restricting or preventing the progressive deterioration in health status that would otherwise occur during successive cycles of vegetative propagation.The available information on the different components of resistance is discussed and it is concluded that they are inter-related features of the same basic mechanism that restricts virus entry, replication and movement within the host. It is argued that the effectiveness and durability of virus-resistant varieties are likely to be influenced by the way in which they are deployed. However, this topic has received little attention from researchers and there is continuing uncertainty on the effects of CMD on the yield of resistant varieties and on the role of phytosanitation. This involves the use of virus-free planting material and the removal (roguing) of any additional diseased plants that occur. Some consider that these procedures complement the use of virus-resistant varieties and should be adopted, whereas others argue that they are unnecessary and inappropriate. It is concluded that there is considerable scope for utilizing resistant varieties more widely and more effectively than at present, but in doing so it is important to avoid eroding the genetic diversity that is currently such a marked feature of cassava cultivation in Africa.  相似文献   

葡聚六糖诱导烟草抗花叶病毒病的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别采用酶联免疫吸附技术(Fab’)2-ELISA和温室盆栽试验测定了葡聚六糖诱导烟草对花叶病毒病的抗性,结果表明,葡聚六糖诱导烟草抗花叶病毒病的最佳有效浓度为10 μg/mL,最佳诱导间隔期为7 d,持效期约为28 d,诱导抗病的防病效果与诱导次数呈正比。  相似文献   

Bacterial soft rot caused by Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora is a major disease in Zantedeschia spp., particularly in cultivars from the section Aestivae. The disease can be partly controlled by cultural measures, but by combining cultural methods with resistant plant material a promising strategy for control of soft rot can be developed. No tests are available for resistance testing in breeding Zantedeschia spp. Therefore, three tests developed for use in potato breeding were adapted for use on eight cultivars of Zantedeschia spp. Variation was found in all three tests. Resistant control cultivar Zantedeschia aethiopica Crowborough scored most resistant in all three tests. Within the section Aestivae, degrees of susceptibility were identified that were in agreement with each other and with field observations, indicating reliability of two of the methods in which tubers were used. The correlation coefficient of these two tests was high. A new non-destructive test method was developed for use on seedlings which involved immersion of leaf disks in a bacterial suspension. The percentage of decayed leaf area was a measure of resistance and results were in general agreement with the other tests. These methods will be useful for breeding for soft rot resistance and performing genetic analyses.  相似文献   

Southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV) has been identified as the cause of a new disease in greenhouse-cultivated common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), in the south-east of Spain. The identification was based on host range comparisons, morphological and serological characteristics of the virus, the size of its dsRNA species and the nucleotide sequence of an 810-bp fragment from ORF2. The virus could be clearly discriminated from the related sobemovirus Southern cowpea mosaic virus. This is the first report of SBMV in Spain.  相似文献   

A rapid resistance/susceptibility test for Peronospora parasitica (downy mildew) was established by inoculating leaf-disks of four Brassica oleracea accessions. Several conditions were tested: disk disinfection or not, agar medium with or without nutrients and with 50 or 100 ppm of benzimidazole. Using disinfected disks placed on agar (no nutrient and benzimidazole at 50 or 100 ppm), the responses of leaf-disks to four isolates were similar to those obtained using the classical cotyledon test, whereas undesired contaminations occurred in all other conditions. The possible effect of the particular leaf used for obtaining the disks was also studied. In each incompatible interaction tested, disks were resistant whatever the leaf used. In compatible interactions, susceptible phenotypes were observed on disks derived from the six lowest leaves, but disks from upper leaves were resistant. The genetic basis of resistance in a F1 hybrid broccoli was assessed, by testing six isolates on an F2 population derived from this hybrid. The cotyledon test only allows inoculation of two isolates per seedling, whereas many isolates can be tested on each plant by using leaf-disks. The segregation of the resistance to each of the six isolates was analysed: two dominant genes (tightly linked) control resistance to all isolates (one to five isolates; the other to only one isolate).  相似文献   

To investigate the susceptibility of hairy root lines of Brassica species to Plasmodiophora brassicae, hairy roots were induced in a number of Brassica species with Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Turnip hairy root was highly susceptible to P. brassicae; infection rates were high and large galls formed. In contrast, the rates of root hair infection and gall formation on intact Brassica plants did not differ significantly from the control. To induce resting spore formation, turnip hairy roots were incubated at 15°, 20°, or 25°C after 3 weeks of incubation at 25°C. The number and fresh mass of the galls per hairy root were higher and formation of resting spores was greatest after a 7-week incubation at 20°C. To subculture P. brassicae using turnip hairy root, turnip hairy roots were reinoculated with resting spores and gall with resting spores then formed on the hairy roots. In this way, P. brassicae using hairy roots could be subcultured in vitro two or three times on three single-spore isolates of P. brassicae. This is the first report of in vitro subculture of P. brassicae using hairy root.  相似文献   

Black pod, caused by Phytophthora spp. is one of the most important diseases of cacao occurring worldwide. Losses due to black pod caused by P. palmivora are still moderate in Côte d'Ivoire but P. megakarya causes high losses in Ghana and other Central African countries. Variation in field attack has been observed between cacao genotypes, but evaluation of pod losses is unsuitable for obtaining rapid progress in breeding. Results of inoculation tests using young detached leaves, twigs and roots, obtained from field and nursery plants, are presented here and compared to field resistance of similar genotypes observed over a 10-year period. Nine different Upper Amazon Forastero genotypes were tested together with progenies obtained by crossing these with the susceptible check IFC5 (Amelonado genotype). Rank correlations between the early screening tests and the level of field attack were positive and mostly significant (r=0.58–0.95). The coefficient of correlation was slightly higher for leaves (r=0.88) and roots (r=0.89) than for twigs (r=0.76). Also, resistance of the different plant organs was correlated (r=0.6–0.9). Resistance of the Upper Amazon parents was well correlated with the resistance of their cross progenies (r=0.7–0.9), suggesting that resistance is highly heritable. Resistance of leaves and twigs from the nursery was better correlated with field resistance than resistance of leaves and twigs from the field, which might result from more uniform growing conditions in the nursery. Inoculation of leaves appears the most suitable early screening method for black pod resistance. Application of this test in breeding more resistant cacao cultivars is discussed.  相似文献   

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