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1控制和消灭病原体、切断传播途径1.1使用无污染的水源1.1.1水源条件要求水量充足、清洁、不带病原生物以及人为污染等有毒物质,水的物理和化学特性要符合国家渔业水质标准,适合养殖鱼类的生活要求。1.1.2注排水系统要求注水排水渠道分开,单注单排,避免互相污染;在工业污染和市政污染水排放地带建立的养殖场,在设计中应考虑修建蓄水池,水源经沉淀净化或必要的消毒后再灌入池塘中,这样就能防止病原从水源中带入和免遭污染。1.2水源的净化与消毒一是总进水口加密网(40目)过滤、避免野杂鱼和敌害生物进入鱼池;二…  相似文献   

一.放鸡时观察:开放式带运动场的鸡舍,每天早晨放鸡外出运动时,健康鸡总是争先恐后向外飞跑,弱者常常落在后边,病者不愿离舍或留在栖架上,这样可及早发现,及时治疗和隔离,以防疫病传播。二.清扫时观察:清扫鸡舍或清粪时,观察粪便是否正常。正常粪便应是软硬适中的堆状或条状物,上面覆有少量的白色尿酸盐沉淀物;若粪便过稀,则为摄入水分过多或消化不良;浅黄色泡沫粪便,大部分是由肠炎引起;白色稀便则多为白痢病的象征;球虫病的特征是深红色血便。三.喂料时观察:喂料是观察鸡的精神状态,喂料对健康鸡特别敏感,往往显示…  相似文献   

1放鸡时观察开放式带运动场的鸡舍,每天早晨放鸡外出运动时,健康鸡总是争先恐后向外飞跑,弱者常常落在后边,病者不愿离舍或留在栖架上,这样可及早发现,及时治疗和隔离,以防疫病传播。2清扫时观察清扫鸡舍或清粪时,观察粪便是否正常。正常粪便应是软硬适中的堆状或条状物,上面覆有少量的白色酸盐沉淀物;若粪便过稀,则为摄入水分过多或消化不良;浅黄色泡沫粪便,大部分是由肠炎引起;白色稀便则多为白痢病的象征;球虫病的特征是深红色血便。3喂料时观察喂料时观察鸡的精神状态,喂料对健康鸡特别敏感,往往显示迫不及待感;病弱者不吃食或被挤在一…  相似文献   

一个养鸡能手应当经常不断地观察鸡群饲料和饮水的用量和产蛋情况。并注意观察鸡群的行为、呼吸状况、粪便情况,这是饲养员必须掌握的基本功,也是发现饲养管理、疾病问题的主要途径.应贯穿于整个饲养期。  相似文献   

现代养鸡生产中,疾病的发生越来越多,且较难控制,但如果在日常管理中经常巡视,观察鸡群状况,及时发现鸡群的异常变化,尽早发现问题,就能采取相应对策避免疾病的发展和蔓延.  相似文献   

虽然各个季节都可以发生,但主要在秋冬季节,尤其是重大节日(疏于管理)、气候突变等情况下极易发生。  相似文献   

<正>在养鸡生产中,搞好鸡群日常管理的同时,必须经常深入鸡舍查看鸡群的健康状况,以便及时发现问题,采取相应措施,确保鸡群的健康。对鸡群的观察包括群体观察和个体观察,  相似文献   

品种优良的鸡群,要发挥优秀的生产性能,获取理想的经济效益,来源于正确的饲养管理。如何搞好饲养管理呢认真细致的观察鸡群,及时发现问题,及时采取相应的措施,是诸多因素中重要的举措。1观察的内容1.1观察精神认真察看鸡群体、个体的精神,包括鸡只是否活泼喜动,跳跃嬉斗,抢食争饮,聚散自如,反应敏锐,两眼圆睁光亮有神,叫声清脆,音量适中,此系健康的表现。若是闭目嗜睡,低头垂翅,羽毛蓬松,孤独倦立,萎靡不振,厌食恶饮,叫声低微,声音嘶哑,反应迟钝,惊而不动,行走无力,此为精神不振,或发病预兆或应激。须查找…  相似文献   

经常观察鸡群是肉鸡管理的一项重要工作,养鸡者可随时了解鸡群的踺康与饮食情况,及时挑出病、弱、死鸡,以便加强管理,及早预防疾病。  相似文献   

陶双能 《中国家禽》2002,24(20):19-20
1饮水免疫 1.1饮水不足 如果给鸡免疫用的饮水很快被消耗完,那么其中只有一少部分鸡能饮用足够的水,从而会导致参差不齐的免疫效果.通常用于稀释疫苗的计划用水量应为日常饮水量的30%.  相似文献   

引起鸡群免疫失败的因素透析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
章红兵 《中国家禽》2002,24(21):43-44
疫苗的质量差疫苗不是正规生物制品厂生产,质量不合格或已过期失效。疫苗因运输、保存不当或疫苗取出后在免疫接种前受到日光的直接照射,或取出时间过长,或疫苗稀释后未在规定时间内用完,影响疫苗的效价甚至失效。  相似文献   

Household flocks of scavenging chickens were monitored from August 2002 to August 2003 in 27 villages in Lilongwe, Malawi. The objective was to evaluate the local chicken production system by investigating flock structure, utilization, management and constraints. Farmers and researchers jointly obtained data on household flocks. Mean flock size was 12.9, with a range of 1–61 chickens. The flock dynamics of chickens over 8 weeks old constituted 91% migrating out of flocks and 9% into the flocks. Primary functions based on flock dynamics were, in order of importance, household consumption, participation in socio-cultural ceremonies, selling, exchanging breeding stock and gifts. Of the flock exits, 43.9% were due to losses from diseases, predation and theft. Most flocks (85%) were housed in human dwelling units. Scavenging was the main source of feed. The majority (77.6%) of farmers supplemented their chickens erratically with energy-rich feeds, mostly maize bran. Most supplementation took place during the cold-dry season. Village chicken production offers diverse functional outputs but faces animal health (diseases, parasites, predation) and management (feeding) constraints, which require an integrated intervention approach at community and household level.  相似文献   

A sudden increase in mortality, preceded by a short history of respiratory signs and diarrhea, occurred in a backyard flock of 48 game chickens in the Central Valley of California. Necropsy findings included severe generalized linear hemorrhages and/or ulcers in the digestive tract, larynx, and trachea. Histology revealed severe multifocal hemorrhages and necrosis in the mucosa of the respiratory and digestive tracts, vasculitis, and necrosis of lymphoid tissue. The birds were serologically negative to Newcastle disease virus; this was consistent with an acute infection. The avian paramyxovirus type 1 isolated was characterized as velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease virus. A thorough epidemiologic investigation was carried out, and no other premises were found to have birds with clinical signs or evidence of exposure. The entire outbreak was limited to the original backyard flock and resolved within 14 days of the onset of clinical signs.  相似文献   

Campylobacter is the second leading cause of foodborne illness in the United States. Although many food production animals carry Campylobacter as commensal bacteria, consumption of poultry is the main source of human infection. Previous research suggests that the biology of Campylobacter results in complete flock colonization within days. However, a recent systematic review found that the on-farm prevalence of Campylobacter varies widely, with some flocks reporting low prevalence. We hypothesized that the low prevalence of Campylobacter in some flocks may be driven by a delayed introduction of the pathogen. The objectives of this study were to (a) develop a deterministic compartmental model that represents the biology of Campylobacter, (b) identify the parameter values that best represent the natural history of the pathogen in poultry flocks and (c) examine the possibility that a delayed introduction of the pathogen is sufficient to replicate the observed low prevalence examples documented in the literature. A deterministic compartmental model was developed to examine the dynamics of Campylobacter in chicken flocks over a 56-day time period prior to movement to the abattoir. The model outcome of interest was the final population prevalence of Campylobacter at day 56. The resulting model that incorporated a high transmission rate (β = 1.04) was able to reproduce the wide range of prevalence estimates observed in the literature when pathogen introduction time is varied. Overall, we established that the on-farm transmission rate of Campylobacter in chickens is likely high and can result in complete colonization of a flock when introduced early. However, delaying the time at which the pathogen enters the flock can reduce the prevalence observed at 56 days. These results highlight the importance of enforcing strict biosecurity measures to prevent or delay the introduction of the bacteria to a flock.  相似文献   

Anaplasma species are transmitted by ticks and cause diseases in humans and animals. These pathogens infect sheep, an economically important domestic animal worldwide. The current study was designed to characterize in 200 animals the infection with Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Anaplasma ovis and the genetic diversity of A. ovis strains collected from a naturally infected sheep flock with poor health condition. Sheep had 98% seroprevalence to Anaplasma spp. antibodies. PCR results confirmed the presence of A. phagocytophilum and A. ovis DNA in 11.5% and 37% of the sheep, respectively. Concurrent infections were detected in 6.5% of the sheep. Seventy-one adult ticks were collected from 45 sheep with infestations ranging from one to 15 ticks per animal. The analysis of A. ovis msp4 sequences demonstrated a previously unreported polymorphism for this pathogen with 17 different haplotypes in infected sheep. These results demonstrated that, although A. ovis msp4 haplotypes may be less variable when compared with Anaplasma marginale and A. phagocytophilum strains on a global scale, genetic polymorphisms occur in this locus in strains obtained from an infected sheep flock with poor health condition.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify risk factors for the prevalence of hock burn, a common disease of broiler chickens that influences the welfare and profitability of affected flocks, using hierarchical logistic regression analysis of routine flock management data. The study identified an association between hock burn and other diseases detected at slaughter and found that the management of flocks around the slaughter period was of particular importance for the control of hock burn, providing a rational basis for intervention.  相似文献   

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