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Mapping QTLs in breeding for drought tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.)   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Summary Grain yield in the maize (Zea mays L) plant is sensitive to drought in the period three weeks either side of flowering. Maize is well-adapted to the use of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) to identify a tight linkage between gene(s) controlling the quantitative trait and a molecular marker. We have determined the chromosomal locations of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting grain yield under drought, anthesis-silking interval, and number of ears per plant. The F3 families derived from the cross SD34(tolerant) × SD35 (intolerant) were evaluated for these traits in a two replicated experiment. RFLP analysis of the maize genome included non-radioactive DNA-DNA hybridization detection using chemiluminescence. To identify QTLs underlying tolerance to drought, the mean phenotypic performances of F3 families were compared based on genotypic classification at each of 70 RFLP marker loci. The genetic linkage map assembled from these markers was in good agreement with previously published maps. The phenotypic correlations between yield and other traits were highly significant. In the combined analyses, genomic regions significantly affecting tolerance to drought were found on chromosomes 1,3,5,6, and 8. For yield, a total of 50% of the phenotypic variance could be explained by five putative QTLs. Different types of gene action were found for the putative QTLs for the three traits.  相似文献   

大豆重组自交系群体NJRIKY遗传图谱的加密及其应用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作物基因组研究,包括基因或数量性状位点(QTL)定位、图位克隆以及物理图谱构建等,首先必须建立具有丰富标记信息的高密度遗传连锁图谱。由科丰1号和南农1138-2杂交组合衍生的重组自交系群体NJRIKY已经构建了4张大豆遗传连锁图谱,但由于遗传信息和标记数目不够充分,在基因和QTL作图时仍然存在精确度和准确度问题。为增加NJRIKY图谱密度,本研究在967对SSR引物中获得了401个多态性SSR标记。结合其他分子数据,使用作图软件Mapmaker/Exp3.0b,获得一张含有553个遗传标记,25个连锁群,总长2071.6cM,平均图距3.70cM的新遗传连锁图谱,其中SSR标记316个,RFLP标记197个,EST标记39个,形态标记1个。连锁群上大于20cM的标记间隔由原来42个减少到2个。原图谱的3个SMV抗性基因定位于D1b连锁群末端的开放区间上且仅与一个RFLP标记连锁,利用加密图谱对Rsc-3、Rsc-7、Rsc-9、Rsc-13、Rsa、Rn1和Rn3等7个SMV抗性基因重定位,全部位于D1b连锁群,与相邻分子标记距离均小于6cM,其中Rsc-9、Rn1、Rsa的距离小于1cM,Rsc-13与EST标记GMKF168a共分离。对本群体农艺性状进行QTL重定位,获得8个性状相关的42个主效QTL,其中20个QTL遗传贡献率大于10%,与原图谱比较,新定位的各QTL的标记区间明显缩短,与相邻标记的连锁更加紧密。  相似文献   

【目的】鉴定出能够稳定表达的棉花抗黄萎病相关数量性状位点(Quantitative trait loci,QTLs)。【方法】以抗落叶型黄萎病棉花品种常抗棉和感黄萎病品种TM-1为亲本配制的111个重组自交系家系为作图群体,筛选出多态性简单序列重复(Simple sequence repeat,SSR)标记,并用于构建遗传图谱。用完备复合区间作图法对该群体在安阳大田、新疆重病地及病圃等多个环境下的黄萎病病情指数进行QTLs检测。【结果】构建了1张含有12个连锁群、40个标记、总长212.5 cM(厘摩)的遗传图谱。获得了6个与抗黄萎病基因相关的QTLs,对数优势比(Logarithm of the odd score,LOD)分布在2.51~5.55,贡献率最大为20.34%,最小为6.93%。其中,qVR-D05-1能够在安阳大田2015年7月15日和新疆南疆重病地2016年7月9日2个环境中检测到,贡献率分别为12.96%和20.34%。【结论】本研究得到的qVR-D05-1能够为定位出稳定的棉花抗黄萎病相关QTLs提供参考。  相似文献   

Mapping QTLs for kernel oil content in a tropical maize population   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Maize cultivars often have low kernel oil content. To increase the oil content, efficient maize breeding programs have to be developed, which require the knowledge of the inheritance of this trait. Thus, the objective of this research was to map quantitative trait locus (QTLs) and estimate their effects for kernel oil content in a tropical maize population. Two maize inbred lines, contrasting for kernel oil content, were used to develop an F2 population. Four hundred and eight F2 plants were self-pollinated, and their kernels (F2:3 progenies) were used for kernel oil evaluation. A genetic map with 75 microsatellites was developed, and the QTLs were mapped using the composite interval map (CIM); also, estimates of genetic and phenotypic variances, and heritability coefficient were computed. The map presented 10 linkage groups, spanned 1,438.6 cM in length with an average interval of 19.18 cM between adjacent markers. The kernel oil content averaged 58.40 g kg–1, and the broad-sense heritability was high (h2= 0.98). Thirteen QTLs were mapped, which were distributed into eight chromosomes, and explained 26.64% of the genetic variation. QTLs in chromosomes 1, 5, and 6 contributed the most for kernel oil content. Nine out of 13 QTLs with favorable alleles were from the parental inbred with the highest kernel oil content. The average level of dominance was partial, but gene action of the QTLs ranged from additive to overdominance. Eight out of 13 mapped QTLs were already reported for temperate maize populations.  相似文献   

[Objective] The objective of this study was to identify the stable quantitative trait loci (QTLs) related to Verticillium wilt resistance in cotton. [Method] In this study, a population of 111 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) strains was developed by crossing a highly resistant parental line "Changkangmian" to Verticillium wilt and the susceptible parent TM-1. The complete composite interval mapping method was adopted to detect QTLs by Verticillium wilt disease index in multiple environmental conditions and periods in Anyang and Verticillium wilt affected areas of Xinjiang. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers of polymorphism were screened for genetic mapping. [Result] The genetic map was constructed by 40 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, consisted of 12 linkage groups with total length of 212.5 centimorgan (cM). A total of six QTLs related to the resistance to Verticillium wilt were obtained. The likelihood of odd (LOD) values ranged from 2.51 to 5.55. The maximum phenotypic variation explained (PVE) 20.34%, and the minimum PVE 6.93% were recorded. Among detected QTLs, qVR-D05-1 was detected in both Verticillium wilt affected fields in Anyang and Xinjiang in July 2015 and July 2016 with PVE of 12.96% and 20.34%, respectively. [Conclusion] This study can provide a potential reference for mapping stable QTLs related to resistance to Verticillium wilt.  相似文献   

S. Y. Lee    J. H. Ahn    Y. S. Cha    D. W. Yun    M. C. Lee    J. C. Ko    K. S. Lee    M. Y. Eun 《Plant Breeding》2007,126(1):43-46
Using a population of recombinant inbred lines of the 164 genotypes derived from a cross between ‘Milyang 23’ (indica) and ‘Gihobyeo’ (japonica) in rice (Oryza sativa L.), salt tolerance was evaluated at a young seedling stage in concentrations of 0.5% and 0.7% NaCl. Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) related to salt tolerance was carried out by interval mapping using Qgene 3.0. Two QTLs (qST1 and qST3) conferring salt tolerance at young seedling stage were mapped on chromosome 1 and 3, respectively, and explained 35.5–36.9% of the total phenotypic variation in 0.5% and 0.7% NaCl. The favourable allele of qST1 was contributed by ‘Gihobyeo’, and that of qST3 by ‘Milyang 23’. The results obtained in 0.5% and 0.7% NaCl for 2 years were similar in flanked markers and phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

Using an F1 population from a cross between Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) cultivars ‘Akiakari’ and ‘Taihaku’, we performed quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of seven fruit traits (harvest time, fruit skin color, flesh firmness, fruit weight, acid content, total soluble solids content, and preharvest fruit drop). The constructed simple sequence repeat-based genetic linkage map of ‘Akiakari’ consisted of 208 loci and spanned 799 cM; that of ‘Taihaku’ consisted of 275 loci and spanned 1039 cM. Out of significant QTLs, two QTLs for harvest time, one for fruit skin color, and one for flesh firmness were stably detected in two successive years. The QTLs for harvest time were located at the bottom of linkage group (LG) Tai3 (nearest marker: BGA35) and at the top of LG Tai15 (nearest markers: PPACS2 and MEST050), in good accordance with results of genome-wide association study. The PPACS2 gene, a member of the ACC synthase gene family, may control harvest time, preharvest fruit drop, and fruit storage potential. One major QTL associated with fruit skin color was identified at the top of LG 8. QTLs identified in this study would be useful for marker-assisted selection in Japanese pear breeding programs.  相似文献   

Molecular markers (RAPD, AFLP and microsatellites) were used to generate a linkage map and to identify QTLs associated to witches' broom (Crinipellis perniciosa) resistance in cacao (Theobroma cacao), using 82 individuals of an F2 population derived from the clones ICS-1 (susceptible) and Scavina-6 (resistant). Fifteen evaluations of the number of brooms have been carried out in six years (1997–2002). In order to increase the precision and accuracy in the measures of resistance, each F2 plant was cloned in three replications in a randomized block design with single-tree plots and evaluated over 2 years. Three hundred and forty-two markers were obtained, being 33 microsatellites, 77 AFLPs and 232 RAPDs. The distribution of the number of brooms in the F2 population was skewed to resistance, suggesting the involvement of major genes controlling resistance and the repeatability estimated for resistance was 44%. A strong putative QTL was detected as being related to witches' broom resistance. Associated to this QTL, the microsatellite mTcCIR35 explained 35.5% of the phenotypic variation in resistance. This marker is being used for marker-assisted selection in Scavina-6 progenies, including those selected in private plantations, as an auxiliary tool to the phenotypic selection.  相似文献   

Ascochyta blight (AB) caused by Ascochyta rabiei, is globally the most important foliar disease that limits the productivity of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). An intraspecific linkage map of cultivated chickpea was constructed using an F2 population derived from a cross between an AB susceptible parent ICC 4991 (Pb 7) and an AB resistant parent ICCV 04516. The resultant map consisted of 82 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and 2 expressed sequence tag (EST) markers covering 10 linkage groups, spanning a distance of 724.4 cM with an average marker density of 1 marker per 8.6 cM. Three quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were identified that contributed to resistance to an Indian isolate of AB, based on the seedling and adult plant reaction. QTL1 was mapped to LG3 linked to marker TR58 and explained 18.6% of the phenotypic variance (R 2) for AB resistance at the adult plant stage. QTL2 and QTL3 were both mapped to LG4 close to four SSR markers and accounted for 7.7% and 9.3%, respectively, of the total phenotypic variance for AB resistance at seedling stage. The SSR markers which flanked the AB QTLs were validated in a half-sib population derived from the same resistant parent ICCV 04516. Markers TA146 and TR20, linked to QTL2 were shown to be significantly associated with AB resistance at the seedling stage in this half-sib population. The markers linked to these QTLs can be utilized in marker-assisted breeding for AB resistance in chickpea.  相似文献   

玉米数量性状基因定位   总被引:30,自引:6,他引:24  
以48-2×5003的166个F2:3 家系作为定位群体,采用13×13a-简单格子方设计,在成都、雅安分别调查了株高、穗位高、穗长、秃尖长、穗行数、行粒数、穗粗、轴粗、粒深、300粒重、出籽率、小区产量等12个经济性状,采用区间作图法对其进行QTL定位分析,共检测出59个QTL,每个性状检测出3~8个QTL,单个QTL的作用可解释表型变异  相似文献   

干旱胁迫下玉米根系性状和产量的QTLs分析   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
以N87-1(耐旱)×9526(敏感)的F2群体为作图群体,构建了包含103个SSR标记的连锁图谱,在干旱胁迫与正常灌溉两种环境下对183个F3家系的初生根数、根干重和产量等3个性状进行表型鉴定,用复合区间法对这些性状进行QTLs检测(LOD>2.5)。结果表明,在两种环境下根数与根重都呈正相关,仅在胁迫环境下根重与产量呈正相关;在  相似文献   

A genetically induced increase in the niacin concentration of maize kernels is important for the improvement of kernels nutrition. In this paper, the correlation, heredity and variation of free niacin concentration and total niacin concentration in maize kernels were analysed. The results showed that a low or moderate correlation existed between free niacin concentration and total niacin concentration, and that the heritabilities of the two traits were approximately 70%. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis showed that qFNA4a‐HC and qTNA4a‐HC were detected to have a common marker, umc1294 (Bin4.02), in different populations. In population A, qFNA8b and qTNA8a were detected in two generations or two sites, qTNA8c‐F2 and qFNA8b‐HC have a common interval. These QTLs explained 9.7%–17.3% of phenotypic variation. In population B, qFNA4a, explaining 9.3%–11.2% of phenotypic variation, was detected in two environments. Two marker intervals, umc1294‐bnlg490 (Bin4.02‐4.03) and umc1959‐umc1562 (Bin8.05), harbored the QTL for free niacin concentration and total niacin concentration. Furthermore, among a total of 78 QTLs obtained from all datasets, 19, 9 and 9 QTLs were located in Bin8.05‐8.06, Bin4.02‐4.04 and Bin10.01‐10.03, respectively.  相似文献   

为了阐明新疆"矮密早"栽培技术下的高密度、矮化陆地棉形态性状QTL的遗传规律,本研究利用新疆不同陆地棉主栽品种(Gossypium hirsutum L.)构建了3个种内作图群体,进行陆地棉形态性状QTL的分子标记筛选.三个遗传图谱的连锁群长度分别为593.6 cM、830.2 cM和743.1 cM.3个遗传图谱的连锁群覆盖了除棉花Chr.22外的所有染色体.在此基础上鉴定、筛选出果枝始节、株高、叶主脉、叶次脉等15个稳定的QTLs:其中2个果枝始节QTL位于Chr.5和Chr.7上;3个株高QTL分别位于Chr.13、Chr.25和Chr.17上;筛选出叶主脉及叶次脉的QTL共10个,位于Chr.7、Chr.15、Chr.17、Chr.19、Chr.21和Chr.23连锁群17、6上,解释表型变异在6.8%~24.4%之间.对没有分配到连锁群上的标记位点的单标记分析,在LOD值大于2的水平下,共检测出9个与棉株形态性状相关的标记,其中与株高相关标记3个,另外6个标记与叶主脉及叶次脉相关.本研究定位在Chr.15、Chr.21、Chr.23和Chr.25上的棉株形态性状QTL,在染色体水平上的定位与前人报道相同,其它QTL在染色体水平上定位与前人研究不同,可能是新检测出的QTL.  相似文献   

Genetic control of seedling tolerance to aluminum toxicity in rice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P. Wu  B. Zhao  J. Yan  A. Luo  Y. Wu  D. Senadihra 《Euphytica》1997,97(3):289-293
An uncomplete diallel analysis was conducted for 56 F1 progenies derived from 8 male × 7 female parents with differential Al tolerance based on root tolerance index (RTI) in a solution culture with Al concentration of 1 mM Al. Remarkable variation in RTI among the parents was observed after 6 weeks in culture. Significant (P < 0.001) general combine ability (GCA) variance for both male and female parents and specific combine ability (SCA) variance were observed. The variance of GCA was much higher than that of SCA, indicating greater additive expression of the tolerant trait. Higher narrow-sense heritability (48%) was detected, indicating the possibility of a genetic gain in selection for Al tolerance based on RTI. The tolerant performance of F1 progenies appeared to be influenced by the susceptible genotype. suggesting the inconsistent dominance effect. The possible mechanisms of the apparent inconsistent dominance was discussed in terms of the genetic background in wheat. Two restore lines, Pedel and 02428, and one sterile variety, XieqinzaoA, were found to be high in the GCA effect and SCA variance in this case. These genotypes may be useful in development of hybrid rice production on acid soils. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We searched for QTLs involved in tolerance to barley yellow dwarf (BYD), a serious viral disease of small grain cereals in two wheat populations, Opata × Synthetic (ITMI)and Frontana × INIA66 (F × I), for which marker data had previously been generated. The populations were evaluated in replicated field trials under artificial inoculation with a BYDV-PAV-Mex isolate and under disease-free conditions. Disease symptoms (yellowing, dwarfism and biomass reduction) were visually recorded and agronomic traits (number of tillers,height, biomass, yield and thousand-kernel weight) were measured on five plants per plot. Phenotypic data on all evaluated traits showed normal distribution with high correlation between visual estimates and measured values. Heritabilities were mostly moderate to high in the 114 lines of the ITMI population, and from low to moderate in the 117 lines of the F × I population. QTL analyses were based on genetic maps containing 443 loci for the ITMI population and 317 loci for the F × I population. Using composite interval mapping, 22 QTLs in the ITMI population and seven in the F × I population were detected, explaining9.8–43.3% of total phenotypic variation (σ2 P)per agronomic trait in the first population, and 4.1–13.7% in the second. Individual QTLs explained less than 15.8%of σ2 P. In the F × I population a minor QTL explaining 7% of σ2 P for yellowing was detected on the short arm of 7D, linked to leaf tip necrosis, a morphological marker for linked genes Bdv1, Yr18 andLr34. A QTL consistently detected for several traits on 2D in the ITMI population and on the short arm of group 6 chromosome(6S) in F × I explained 10–15% of σ2 P. The large number of QTLs having mostly small effects and the continuous distribution of all evaluated traits confirmed the polygenic nature and complexity of BYD tolerance in wheat. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Maize is the most important staple crop worldwide. Many of its agronomic traits present with a high level of heterosis. Combining ability was proposed to exploit the rule of heterosis, and general combining ability (GCA) is a crucial measure of parental performance. In this study, a recombinant inbred line population was used to construct testcross populations by crossing with four testers based on North Carolina design II. Six yield-relevant traits were investigated as phenotypic data. GCA effects were estimated for three scenarios based on the heterotic group and the number of tester lines. These estimates were then used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) and dissect genetic basis of GCA. A higher heritability of GCA was obtained for each trait. Thus, testing in early generation of breeding may effectively select candidate lines with relatively superior GCA performance. The GCA QTL detected in each scenario was slightly different according to the linkage mapping. Most of the GCA-relevant loci were simultaneously detected in all three datasets. Therefore, the genetic basis of GCA was nearly constant although discrepant inbred lines were appointed as testers. In addition, favorable alleles corresponding to GCA could be pyramided via marker-assisted selection and made available for maize hybrid breeding.  相似文献   

Leaf architecture traits in maize are quantitative and have been studied by quantitative trait loci (QTLs) mapping. However, additional QTLs for these traits require mapping and the interactions between mapped QTLs require studying because of the complicated genetic nature of these traits. To detect common QTLs and to find new ones, we investigated the maize traits of leaf angle, leaf flagging‐point length, leaf length and leaf orientation value using a set of recombinant inbred line populations and single nucleotide polymorphism markers. In total, 19 QTLs contributed 4.13–13.52% of the phenotypic effects to the corresponding traits that were mapped, and their candidate genes are provided. Common and major QTLs have also been detected. All of the QTLs showed significant additive effects and non‐significant additive × environment effects in combined environments. The majority showed additive × additive epistasis effects and non‐significant QTL × environment effects under single environments. Common and major QTLs provided information for fine mapping and gene cloning, and SNP markers can be used for marker‐assisted selection breeding.  相似文献   

棉花枯萎病抗性的QTL定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
棉花抗病育种是棉花遗传改良的重要内容.本研究以高抗枯萎病的陆地棉品系(Gossypium hirsutum L.)98134和海岛棉(Gossypium barbadence L.)感病品种新海14号为亲本,构建98134×新海14的F2及F2:3分离群体.运用SSR标记构建连锁图谱,用复合区间作图法对F2:3家系的病情指数(RD进行基因组QTL扫描,共检测到4个与棉花枯萎病相关QTL效应,分别位于3、15、23和26连锁群上.经标记值分析,该QTL能解释高值亲本的增效作用,分别解释F2:3家系变异的12.4%、20.96%、4.7%和11.9%.本研究为分子标记辅助选择抗枯萎病棉花育种提供了重要理论依据.  相似文献   

Summary The tolerance of aluminum (Al) of disomic substitution lines having the chromosomes of the D genome of Triticum aestivum L. cv. Chinese Spring individually substituted for their homoeologues in T. turgidum L. cv. Langdon was investigated by the hematoxylin method. The disomic substitution lines involving chromosome 4D were more Al tolerant than Langdon. The tolerance was found to be controlled by a single dominant gene, designated Alt2, that is in the proximal region of the long arm of chromosome 4D. The locus was mapped relative to molecular markers utilizing a population of recombinant chromosomes from homoeologous recombination between Chinese Spring chromosome 4D and T. turgidum chromosome 4B. Comparison of the location of Alt2 in this map with a consensus map of chromosomes 4B and 4D based on homologous recombination indicated that Alt2 is in a vicinity of a 4 cM interval delineated by markers Xpsr914 and Xpsr1051. The Alt2 locus is distal to marker Xpsr39 and proximal to XksuC2. The Altw locus is also proximal to the Knal locus on chromosome 4D that controls K+/Na+ selectivity and salt tolerance. In two lines, Alt 2 and Knal were transferred on a single 4D segment into the long arm of T. turgidum chromosome 4B.  相似文献   

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