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氯化胆碱是常用的饲料添加剂,它在动物生长代谢中参与脂肪代谢、传递神经冲动,并促进机体内蛋氨酸的合成。饲料中缺乏氯化胆碱,可造成蛋鸡发育差、脂肪肝及产蛋率下降等。常见的掺假物有无机铵盐。  相似文献   

含足量蛋氨酸的肉仔鸡饲料中添加氯化胆碱的效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在饲料生产实践中,如何有效地添加氯化胆碱和蛋氨酸是许多畜牧科技工作者研究的课题。多数研究表明,这两种物质在一定程度上能提高畜禽的生产性能。特别是蛋氨酸添加剂已在生产中普遍应用。但对添加氯化胆碱的效果尚有争论。1985年NRC的几项研究表明,在含有足量含硫氨基酸的蛋鸡饲料中没有必要再加胆碱。但在含有足够氨基酸的肉鸡饲料中添加氯化胆碱的效果未见报道。本公司对此问题进行了探索。在肉用仔鸡的后期饲料中添加蛋氨酸,使饲料中蛋氨  相似文献   

含抗结块剂氯化胆碱对蛋鸡生产性能的影响@王成章,林东康,韩彪,贾振国,李彦岭¥河南农业大学¥清丰县畜牧局含抗结块剂氯化胆碱对蛋鸡生产性能的影响河南农业大学王成章,林东康,韩彪,贾振国清丰县畜牧局李彦岭氯化胆碱为畜禽用B族维生素,是配合饲料中重要而添加量又较...  相似文献   

在饲料生产实践中,如何有效地添加氯化胆碱和蛋氨酸是许多畜牧科技工作者研究的课题。多数研究表明,这两种物质在一定程度上能提高畜禽的生产性能。特别是蛋氨酸添加剂已在生产中普遍应用。但对添加氯化胆碱的效果尚有争论。1985年美NRC的几项研究表明,在含有适量含硫氨基酸的蛋鸡配合饲料中没有必要再加胆碱。但对含有适量含硫氨基酸的肉鸡饲料中添加氯化胆碱的效果未见报道。我公司对此问题进行了探索。在肉用仔鸡的后期配合饲料中添加蛋氨酸,使日粮中蛋氨酸水平达到NRC标准,此  相似文献   

蛋氨酸、胆碱和甜菜碱在甲基供体中的相互关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张涛  董宽虎 《中国家禽》2003,25(12):39-41
胆碱、蛋氨酸是动物必需的营养物质,而甜菜碱的功效自70年代被发现以来,其应用也越来越广泛,胆碱、蛋氨酸和甜菜碱三者在生产中的关系也在发生变化。1.1蛋氨酸蛋氨酸(分子式为C5H11NO2S)在各种配合饲料特别是禽类饲料中是第一限制氨基酸。大多数动物体内不能合成蛋氨酸或合成数  相似文献   

甜菜碱在蛋鸡养殖业中的研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甜菜碱又名三甲基甘氨酸 ,是一种广泛存在于动植物体内的天然化合物 ,尤以甜菜制糖后的废糖蜜中含量最高。大量试验证明 ,甜菜碱具有促进动物采食和生长 ,改善胴体组成 ,提高肉质 ,缓和应激等多种生物功能。因此广泛利用甜菜碱作为鸡、猪、鱼和宠物等的饲料添加剂。近年来化学合成甜菜碱的研制成功和生产 ,极大地提高了产量 ,降低了生产成本。甜菜碱在蛋鸡养殖中的研究应用日益受到养鸡业者的关注和重视。1 甜菜碱的作用机理1 1 作为甲基供体 ,部分取代蛋氨酸和胆碱蛋鸡体内蛋白质和脂类代谢反应 ,需要甲基的参与 ,而蛋鸡本身不能合成甲…  相似文献   

蛋鸡脂肪肝综合征是一种营养代谢性疾病,主要是由于鸡产蛋高峰期机体代谢旺盛,引起脂肪代谢紊乱,导致极低密度脂蛋白合成及转运受阻,使肝脏中合成的脂肪酸不能排出,造成甘油三酯在肝细胞内过度沉积。甜菜碱作为一种多功能新型饲料添加剂,具有调节蛋鸡脂肪代谢、改善蛋鸡的生产性能等疗效。本文综述了甜菜碱的理化性质、蛋鸡的脂肪代谢、甜菜碱促进脂肪代谢、甜菜碱对蛋鸡脂肪肝防治的应用,为甜菜碱在养鸡生产上的广泛应用和进一步理论研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

蛋鸡脂肪肝综合征是一种营养代谢性疾病,主要是由于鸡产蛋高峰期机体代谢旺盛,引起脂肪代谢紊乱,导致极低密度脂蛋白合成及转运受阻,使肝脏中合成的脂肪酸不能排出,造成甘油三酯在肝细胞内过度沉积。甜菜碱作为一种多功能新型饲料添加剂,具有调节蛋鸡脂肪代谢、改善蛋鸡的生产性能等疗效。本文综述了甜菜碱的理化性质、蛋鸡的脂肪代谢、甜菜碱促进脂肪代谢、甜菜碱对蛋鸡脂肪肝防治的应用,为甜菜碱在养鸡生产上的广泛应用和进一步理论研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

胆碱是动物生长发育必不可少的营养素,具有维持细胞膜完整性、参与脂肪代谢、参与乙酰胆碱合成等多种生理功能。饲料中通常是以氯化胆碱的形式添加,但是普通的氯化胆碱具有吸湿性强、易被瘤胃微生物降解、破坏其他营养物质活性等缺陷。通过包膜处理的氯化胆碱克服了普通氯化胆碱的缺陷,广泛应用于反刍动物生产中。本文就氯化胆碱保护的必要性、氯化胆碱保护方法及包膜氯化胆碱对反刍动物的营养作用进行综述,以期为包膜氯化胆碱在反刍动物生产中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

本试验应用纤维素酶、胰蛋白酶和胃蛋白酶按不同比例制成混合酶制剂以及用氯化胆硷做为非营养性饲料添加剂,研究其对笼养蛋鸡生产性能的影响。试验结果表明,混合酶制剂可使430日龄以上的星杂“579”商品代笼养蛋鸡产蛋率提高7.48%,饲料消耗降低5.91%。氯化胆硷对提高产蛋率的作用效果不明显,高剂量添加反而会使产蛋率和蛋重明显下降。国内,目前对笼养蛋鸡应用酶制剂和氯化胆碱等非营养性饲料添加剂的试验研究报道较少。国外,Leong 及其同事在华盛顿洲大学试验研究指出,在含美国西部各洲半干旱条件生产的大麦的饲料中,添加从真菌发酵中分离出的酶制剂,其代谢能值提高。康涅狄格洲大学的 potter’SStarz 和MatterSon 的试验研究也证明,蛋鸡饲粮中按4.4克/公斤添加真菌酶的商品制剂可使代谢能值提高18%。为了探讨酶制剂等非营养性饲料添加剂对我省农村笼养蛋鸡生产性能及饲料利用率的影响,做了本项试验研究。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the metabolic products of chlorocholine chloride (CCC) in eggs and meat of laying hens fed a diet containing (15)N-CCC. Ten brown laying hens were randomly divided into two groups of five each. One group was offered (15)N-CCC free diet while the other group received a diet with 100 ppm (15)N-CCC for 11 days. Samples of eggs and meat from the laying hens were collected. Egg yolks and albumen were separated. Meat was collected from the breast and femur. The metabolic products of CCC were measured using ion trap electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ion trap-ESI-MS/MS). Determination of CCC or its metabolites in eggs and meat showed that CCC was metabolised to choline. Corresponding MS/MS spectra were obtained for m/z 104 (choline) or 105 ((15)N-choline), whereas nothing was detected at m/z 122 (CCC) or 123 ((15)N-CCC). The results from this study indicate that CCC will be metabolised in tissues of laying hens.  相似文献   

蛋鸡对光照周期的变化极为敏感,适宜的光照周期可使蛋鸡达到最佳生产性能,不良的光照周期对蛋鸡的生产性能会产生负面影响,降低经济效益。文章综述了近年来有关光照周期对蛋鸡生产性能影响的研究进展,并结合光照周期对蛋鸡生产性能的作用机理,阐述了实际生产中通过调节光照周期提高蛋鸡生产性能的措施。  相似文献   

165 laying hens per group received 3.0, 3.5, or 4.0 g methionine, 29 or 59 g fat and supplements of 0, 108, 217, 434 or 868 mg choline per kg feed resp. (3 X 2 X 5) over a period of 336 days. The average laying performance was 70% and was not influenced values by the content of the feed. The methionine supplements significantly increased the weight of the eggs by 0.6 and 1.1 g resp. The higher fat content increased the weight of the eggs by 0.6 g. Feed expenditure was not influenced by the subject of the experiment. The results of the experiment show that laying hens do not require choline as feed supplement and that therefore no interactions between choline and the fat and methionine content of the ration are to be expected.  相似文献   

蛋白质饲料原料资源紧张和养殖氮排放污染是我国蛋鸡业面临的主要难题。为此,蛋鸡低蛋白日粮在近年来应运而生,逐渐成熟。相关研究多以标准回肠可消化氨基酸为依据来配制蛋鸡低蛋白日粮,以期减少蛋白质饲料原料消耗、降低养殖成本、减少氮排放。本文简述了低蛋白日粮技术的理论基础及其在蛋鸡上的研究进展,旨在为低蛋白饲料在蛋鸡生产上的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

肝脏是鸡进行脂质代谢的重要场所,脂肪肝综合征是产蛋期母鸡常见的一种亚临床生理性代谢综合征,脂肪肝综合征呈渐进性发展,特别是进入产蛋后期会严重影响母鸡的健康和生产性能,给养殖业带来经济损失.雌激素水平与母鸡产蛋和肝脏脂肪代谢功能密切相关,雌激素的作用主要由雌激素受体(ER)介导.大量的数据表明,ERα和ERβ在哺乳动物的...  相似文献   

Feather pecking and cannibalism are still major problems in alternative systems for laying hens. Literature and practical experience indicate that unfavourable rearing conditions might be important risk factors for the occurrence of these behavioural disturbances during the laying period.Typical rearing conditions of laying hens from 50 rearing units in Germany and Austria are presented. Obvious risk factors during rearing for feather pecking and cannibalism during the laying period were found. Most flocks were kept under high stocking density (mean: 15 pullets per m' useable area) and some flocks had access to litter only after the second week of life or access to raised perches after the fourth week of life. Plumage condition of pullets and laying hens varied widely in non-beak-trimmed as well as in beak-trimmed flocks.The percentage of pullets with damaged plumage was higher in beak-trimmed than in non-beak-trimmed flocks (medians: 53 % versus 30 %, p = 0,022). In laying hens there was a higher percentage of hens with plumage damage in non-beak-trimmed flocks compared to beak-trimmed flocks (medians: 23 % versus 50 %, p = 0,007). Data analysis will be continued, especially with regard to particular risk factors.  相似文献   

Upon contact with laid eggs, avians initiate incubation behavior and stop laying additional eggs. This phenomenon suggests that the productivity of laying hens in free-range facilities may decrease because of frequent contact with laid eggs. Here, we examined whether hens of a commercial breed exhibit incubation behavior in a free-range facility and whether egg productivity subsequently decreases. One-hour observations were performed twice weekly for 3 weeks, during which 9 of 129 hens (7.0%) exhibited incubation behavior (i.e., sitting on eggs) in the free-range facility and were defined as incubating hens. During 4 d of continuous behavioral observation, incubating and non-incubating hens laid the same number of eggs statistically (4.6 and 3.6, on average, respectively); however, incubating hens spent significantly more time on average incubating the eggs (2071.9 min) than did the non-incubating hens (20.9 min; P<0.05), indicating a clear behavioral difference. Subsequently, the incubation behavior and egg productivity of incubating hens and a Silkie Fowl breed hen, which is known to exhibit typical incubation behavior and cessation of laying, were continuously compared for 27 d. The average minutes spent incubating eggs during the observation period increased in both the incubating hens and Silkie Fowl hen and the total time was almost the same (18,088.5 and 23,092 min, respectively). However, the Silkie Fowl hen stopped laying on day 17 after laying 17 eggs, whereas the incubating hens continued laying throughout the observation period. Incubating hens laid an average of 24.5 eggs, indicating that some hens (at least those of the commercial breed used in our study) can continue laying while exhibiting incubation behavior. A single-nucleotide polymorphism associated with incubation behavior was detected on chromosome 4 through genome-wide association analysis.  相似文献   

蛋鸡产蛋后期精准的营养调控可延缓蛋鸡的衰老,延长产蛋期,提高经济效益。本文从能量、蛋白质、维生素、矿物元素的营养需要等方面对蛋鸡产蛋后期的营养调控进行总结,以期能够对产蛋鸡后期的营养调控提供参考。 [关键词] 产蛋后期|营养|蛋壳质量|产蛋率  相似文献   

夏季高温应激会对高产蛋鸡的生产性能产生不利影响。综述了高温对蛋鸡采食量,营养物质的代谢、消化和吸收,产蛋量和蛋品质,免疫机能等方面的影响,并提出了应对高温应激对蛋鸡不利影响的策略,以期为蛋鸡养殖业的发展提供参考意见。  相似文献   

不合理使用抗菌药严重威胁到蛋鸡养殖健康,引起鸡蛋中药物残留和细菌耐药性产生风险,影响鸡蛋食品安全和公共卫生安全。本文基于我国自2018年起开展的涵盖蛋鸡养殖的兽用抗菌药使用减量化行动,从蛋鸡养殖的减量化现状、问题、对策等方面进行综述,以期为推动蛋鸡兽用抗菌药使用减量化养殖提供参考。  相似文献   

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