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水产常用药物简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前市场上药物种类繁多,根据药物作用对象的不同,可将药物分为以下类型:1.抗病毒药;2.抗菌药;3.杀真菌药;4.杀藻类药和除草剂;5.消毒剂和防腐剂;染料类;6.杀寄生虫药和驱虫药;7.环境改良剂;8.营养制剂;9.麻醉剂;10.抗霉抗氧化剂。  相似文献   

<正> 赣榆县的兴渔富民工程 赣榆县力争在水产养殖业上来一个新的突破:一是理清思路,在实践中强化了6种意识:1.沿海先行发展;2.以市场为导向;3.以产权明晰为重点;4.外向带动开放;5.科技依托;6.提高效益。二是面向市场,初步实现了6个转变:1.单一养虾向多品种养殖;2.潮上带向以下?;3.平面单一向立体混养;4.海水向海淡水;5.被动向主动;6.低值向高值品种。;三是因地制宜,已经形成了6个基地:1.海淡水养殖基地;2.苗种生产基地;3.养殖示范和新品种试验基地;4.加工基地;5.外贸出口基地;6.……。[小野摘自《江  相似文献   

本文论述了1992~2003年中国普通海洋微生物学的研究状况,全文由13部分组成,分别是:1.海洋微生物学状况基本参数的测定;2.分子生物学技术的兴起;3.微生物分类学研究;4.海洋微生物学研究方法的进步;5.环境与生态微生物学研究;6.微生物活性物质的研究;7.硫酸盐还原菌;8.石油降解微生物研究;9.空气微生物;10.极地微生物;11.藻菌关系研究;12.极端环境微生物;13.拓宽思路,不断探索.  相似文献   

杨少闻 《水产学报》2006,30(5):707-712
In this paper, genetic diversity of intraspecies, and genetic relationship of interspecies in Epinephelus spp. (E. merra, E. fario, E. awoara, E. akaara and E. septemfasciatus) were assessed by using mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (mtDNA RFLPs).The samples were collected from the coastal area of Zhanjiang,Guangdong province. MtDNA was extracted from the fresh liver tissue by applying a difference centrifugation procedures. Using 17 restriction enzymes with 5-or 6-bp recognition sites, the purified mtDNA was cleaved by single enzymes. These enzymes included BamH Ⅰ,Bgl Ⅰ,Bgl Ⅱ,Dra Ⅰ,EcoR Ⅰ,EcoR Ⅴ,Hind Ⅲ,Kpn Ⅰ,Mlu Ⅰ,Pst Ⅰ,Pvu Ⅱ,Sal Ⅰ,Sca Ⅰ,Sma Ⅰ,Sty Ⅰ,Xba Ⅰ and Xho Ⅰ. The phylogenetic analysis was done using the Neighbor joining(NJ) method and Unweighted pairgroup method with arithmetic mean(UPGMA) method. Genetic diversity indices such as haplotype diversity (h), average genetic distance between haplotypes (P) and nucleotide diversity (π) were calculated using Nei and Li's segment method to quantify the genetic diversity within species. There were 8, 5, 8, 5 and 2 haplotypes detected within E. merra, E. fario, E.awoara, E.akaara and E. septemfasciatus, respectively. The haplotype diversity (h) was 0.8943, 0.6186, 0.9242, 0.6927 and 0.1820,respectively. The average genetic distance between haplotypes (P) was 0.62%±0.31%, 0.64%±0.37%, 1.12%±0.55%,0.72%±0.42% and 0.45%, respectively. And the nucleotide diversity (π) was 0.22%, 0.13%, 0.46%, 0.17% and 0.04%, respectively. The wild groupers in the Zhanjiang Coastal Area exhibited a relative higher level of genetic diversity. The net genetic distance between species (Pnet) was 0.0694(E. merra - E. fario),0.1337(E. merra - E. awoara),0.1090 E. merra -E. akaara), 0.1286(E. merra - E. septemfasciatus),0.1590(E. fario -E. awoara),0.0825(E. fario -E. akaara),0.1153(E. fario - E. septemfasciatus),0.1131 E. awoara - E. akaara),0.0724(E. awoara -E. septemfasciatus) and 0.1336(E. akaara - E. septemfasciatus). Both NJ and UPGMA methods yielded an identical phylogenetic tree for the five species. The E. merra and E. fario first clustered together, then joined with E. akaara, and finally clustered with E. awoara and E. septemfasciatus.  相似文献   

1. 两;两番多;12;30;世界 2.近海资源的保护;管理;适当增殖;合理利用;外海、远洋渔业 3.鲜活鱼;冰鲜鱼;冷冻小包装;方便熟食品。 4.苗种;饲料,技术 5.专业;集约;商品;现代  相似文献   

1.海洋渔业发展与思考; 2.海洋渔业资源研究的现状与思考; 3.远洋渔业发展的现状与思考; 4.海水增养殖业发展的现状与思考; 5.名特优品种养殖业发展现状与思考; 6.渔政管理学研究的现状与思考; 7.渔业科研体制改革的现状与思考; 8.高等水产院校体制改革的现状与思考; 9.水产品加工业发展现状与思考; 10.渔业环境科学的发展与思考; 11.休闲渔业的发展与思考;  相似文献   

<正> 引言近年,国外一直在从事罗非鱼杂交产生全雄鱼的研究,但结果并非全部理想。到目前为止,在许多种间杂交中获得全雄鱼的组合仅限于以下几个: T.mossambca♀×T.hornorum♂,T.nilotica♀×T.hornorum♂,T.nilotica♀×T.macrochir♂,T.nilotica♀×T.aurea♂,T.nigra♀×T.hornorum♂。其中有二个全雄杂交组合(T.mossambica♀×T。  相似文献   

据我们了解,福建省有些地区办理一条渔船出海,需要如下手续: 一、向水产部门办理: 1.省捕捞许可证,每本1元; 2.转浙江捕捞许可证,每本0.5元; 3.转浙江到沈家门办理签许可证,交手续费2元; 4.对讲机使用证,每本3元; 5.买卖渔船申请过户,双方各要按船价交纳1%的手续费; 6.渔盐购买证; 7.渔需物资供应证; 二、向船舶管理部门办理: 1.船舶检验费,一般6元; 2.航行薄,每本2元; 3.每年换技术检验薄,每本10元; 4.职务船员证书,每本2元; 5.代税务所收取渔船税,以吨位  相似文献   

继宇 《海洋渔业》1986,8(5):225-225
<正> 1.There is heavy sea.I require thatgo to……to take shelter fromwind.风浪很大,我要求去××避风。2.You may go to……to take shelterfrom wind.可以到××避风。  相似文献   

近年来,随着养殖环境的不断恶化,水产动物疾病多样化的态势日趋明显,特别是寄生虫病(如指环虫、车轮虫、小瓜虫等)在水产养殖上的危害已十分普遍,给养殖者带来较大的经济损失。目前市场上药物种类繁多,根据药物作用对象的不同,可将药物分为以下类型:1.抗病毒药;2.抗菌药;3.杀真菌药;4.杀藻类药和除草剂;5.消毒剂和防腐剂;染料类;6.杀寄生虫药和驱虫药;7.环境改良剂;8.营养制剂;9.麻醉剂;10.抗霉抗氧化剂。现将水产常用药物的安全性以及在使用中的注意事项予以介绍,以供参考。  相似文献   

海湾扇贝个体间单向人工授精的分子生物学验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙博 《水产学报》2006,30(5):713-719
Hybrid family of Argopecten irradians irradians was created by fertilization between two northern bay scallop individuals. Two families were analyzed in this study. The first family, Pa-Pb, is a pair mating between two scallops named Pa and Pb, while the second one crossed by individuals of Y1 and P0. Marker inheritance and segregation were studied in the 10 progenies of each family by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. 102 RAPD primers were first screened by parental animals of both families. Only the primers with polymorphisms between the two parental animals in each family were select ed for further analysis. In both families, parents and 10 progeny were nalyzed with selected primers. In family Pa-Pb, a total of 122 bands generated from 12 selected primers. 37 of them were polymorphic between two parents. The maternal Pa of this family had 17 molecular markers while paternal Pb had 20 markers. In Y1-P0,95 bands were produced by 10 selected primers. 32 bands were polymorphic between maternal Y1 and paternal P0, who had 17 and 15 molecular markers respectively. In both families, each progeny analyzed in this study had at least 8 maternal markers and 5 paternal markers. Based on segregation patterns at all markers analyzed, we concluded that none of the progeny analyzed were from self-fertilization, and oneway hybridization between two individuals was successful in both of the two bay scallop families.  相似文献   

<正>2014年十大海洋新闻揭晓2014年是海洋事业大发展大繁荣的一年。由中国海洋报发起并邀请海洋领域专家共同评选的2014年十大海洋新闻最近揭晓:1.南极泰山站建成,"雪龙"船救援俄籍船舶;2.海洋区首次纳入全国生态保护与建设规划;3.中外各方积极参与马航MH370失联客机搜救;4.中国坚决回应越南在南海海域的挑衅;5.李克强访问希腊期间首次阐述中国海洋观;6.中国首次参加"环太平洋"军演;7.中国首次举办APEC海洋部长会议;8.习近平考察"雪龙"船慰问科考队员;9.中央经济工作会议提出  相似文献   


线纹尖塘鳢的形态生物学与核型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈永乐 《水产学报》2006,30(4):562-565
This paper reports the morphological character and karyotype of Oxyeleotris lineolatus. Oxyeleotris lineolatus is native in Australia and call ed sleepy cod. It belongs to Oxyeleotris, Eleotridae, Gobioidei, Perciformes in taxonomy. Recently, it was introduced to China and local people were not familiar with it. So we carried out this study. 30 individuals have been observed and some data were recorded. It has a large mouth that is in front and up. The mandible stands out and is longer than the up jaw. There are many rows of thin teeth in up and down jaws. The pelvie fins are located in chest and pectoral fins are large and fanlike. There are two dorsal fins. The tail fin is circular. Gill rakers are sparse and the number of gill rakers is 8-12+3-4. The gas bladder belongs to physoclistaus and its stomach is strong and I-like. The intestine is thick and short and no pyloric caecas. The length of the digestive path is 48.1%-80.3% of the length of body. Its liver has two lobes and the liver weight is 4.1%-7.2% of the body weight. The digestive organs characters are same as the trait of flesheater fish. Its scale belongs to ctenoid scale and its body surface shows several long lines. There is not lateral line in the body. The number of vertebra is 26-27 and it has 10-11 pairs rib. The number of diploid chromosome is 2n=46 and the karyotype formula is 2sm+8st+36t,NF=48. The relative length of chromosome is from 1.37% to 3.48% and it is continuity. No strange size chromosomes relation to sex was observed. The karyotype of Oxyeleotris lineolatus is similar to that of Oxyeletris marmoratus Bleeker from South East Asia and both of them belong to Oxyeleotri. It testifies the correctness of traditional classification on cytology.  相似文献   

吴绍栋 《海洋渔业》1992,14(5):237-237,236
<正> 加工试验在虾蟹捕获后立即进行。冷冻前,先把各组虾蟹按下列方案加工:1.对照组(不加工);2.淡水冲洗;3.淡水冲洗并在3%山梨醇溶液中煮3分钟;4.淡水冲洗并煮1分钟;5.喷水预煮30秒钟;6.淡水冲洗并喷水预煮30秒钟;7.淡水冲洗并深度预煮30秒钟。在-20℃的温度下冷藏1个月,研究各组冷冻虾蟹主要化学成份的含量。  相似文献   

依据2014年5月和8月2个航次走航和定点连续调查资料,分析了桑沟湾水域叶绿素a的空间分布及海带养殖区叶绿素a(Chl.a)的昼夜变化特征,同时结合所调查的温度、盐度 、pH和营养盐等分布特征,分析了桑沟湾水域Chl.a浓度与理化因子的关系,探讨了海带收获前后Chl.a的变化及其影响因素。(1)走航调查的结果显示,桑沟湾夏季Chl.a浓度显著高于春季。桑沟湾春季表、底层总Chl.a浓度均值分别为(0.67±0.39)和(0.50±0.31)μg/L,表层Chl.a浓度高于底层,春季表层整体表现出自湾内向湾外逐渐降低的趋势;夏季表、底层总Chl.a浓度均值分别为(3.39±1.53)和(3.12±1.43)μg/L,表层Chl.a浓度高于底层。桑沟湾夏季表层Chl.a高值区出现在海带养殖区,低值区出现在贝类养殖区,夏季底层Chl.a高值区出现在贝类和海带养殖区,低值区出现在外海区。(2)定点连续监测结果显示,春季海带养殖区Chl.a浓度变化范围在0.24~0.95 μg/L,均值为(0.70±0.19)μg/L,昼夜波动较小。而夏季海带养殖区Chl.a浓度变化范围在2.01~4.66 μg/L,均值为(3.04±0.82)μg/L,昼夜波动较大。桑沟湾海带养殖区夏季Chl.a浓度显著高于春季。春季海带养殖区营养盐平均浓度及硅磷比、氮磷、硅氮比均显著低于夏季。(3)桑沟湾春季表层Chl.a浓度主要与温度、硅酸盐呈显著正相关,而夏季底层Chl.a浓度与盐度呈显著正相关。桑沟湾海带收获前后Chl.a的变化及分布受温度、硅酸盐、盐度、养殖环境状况和水文环境的共同影响,多元的贝藻养殖模式是影响Chl.a变化及分布的重要因素。  相似文献   

<正>内容范围1.生态养猪模式与综合生产配套技术研究及经验;2.地方优良品种猪的开发与生产研究与相关技术及经验;3.农户养猪合作组织的有关研究、探索和经验;4.保健饲料、无抗生素饲料配方与绿色饲料添加剂研究与相关新成果、新进展综述;5.生猪养殖的动物福利问题与改善措施研究与经验;  相似文献   

黑龙江浮游动物群落结构特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20 0 3年5、7、9、1 1月对黑龙江浮游动物的种类组成结构特征进行了研究。结果表明:浮游动物共计4门64种,以原生动物、轮虫为主,分别占35 . 94%和42 . 1 9% ;前节晶囊轮虫、锥形似铃壳虫、螺形龟甲轮虫、尖削叶轮虫、萼花臂尾轮虫、多足变形虫、单缩虫等为优势种。浮游动物数量为685. 9 8ind . /L ,以原生动物为主;数量为5 875ind . /L ,占85 .64% ;生物量为0 .91 6mg/L ,轮虫最高,为0 . 5 91mg/L。浮游动物季节变化比较明显,数量春季最高为1 1 .897ind . /L ;生物量以秋季最高1. 5 6mg/L ;水平分布勤得利江段最高,平均为8430ind . /L和1 . 2 34mg/L。黑龙江浮游动物多样性指数变化是秋季>夏季>冬季>春季。均匀度指数变化是秋季>夏季>冬季>春季。  相似文献   

1.承包到户,渔家添翠色; 政策落实,水乡染春光。2.渔家幅幅春联传暖意; 湖区声声爆竹谢党恩。3.春到渔村户户欢声起; 喜临湖乡处处捷报传。4.政策入心,人欢水笑; 科技生翼,鱼肥莲丰。5.门对青山花似锦; 户迎绿水鱼满塘。6.集约经营,塘能出百宝; 科学养鱼,堰可流万金。水产生产春联@夏民安~~  相似文献   

自古以来海参就被人们列为海味之首.古代认为海参可与人参媲美,如在&lt;五杂俎&gt;中就有记述海参“辽东海滨有之,其性温补,足敌人参,故日海参“.从记述可知,将海参誉为海中人参.古代医学家的预言已为现代科学所证实.人参是山上的植物,海参是海洋里的动物.它们之间的化学成分确有共同之处.……  相似文献   

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