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General techniques performed on psittacine birds are described in this article, including restraint, handling, and grooming. Procedures to collect diagnostic samples and to administer therapeutic agents are detailed, including fluid therapy and nutritional support.  相似文献   

Rabbits are popular companion animals that present to veterinary clinics for routine and emergency care. Clinics equipped for treat-ing dogs and cats may be easily adapted to accommodate rabbits.This article reviews common procedures performed by the clinician specific to rabbits. Topics include handling and restraint, triage and patient assessment, sample collection, and supportive care techniques. Miscellaneous procedures, including anesthetic delivery, nasolacrimal duct flushing, and ear cleaning, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Venomous reptiles should be handled in a safe and consistent man-ner, even after death. Owners and staff should be warned not to handle the venomous reptile, and one should have emergency protocols in place before the properly bagged and encased reptile is presented. It is important to know what one is treating as well as one's limitations. After being carefully removed from the bag, the venomous reptile may be transferred to a handling container, tubed, or squeezed with the appropriate equipment. The author usually induces injectable or gas anesthesia at this point. Veterinarians who are inexperienced with venomous reptiles should learn how to handle them through a reputable seminar or class before electing to see them in their practice.  相似文献   

Reptiles and amphibians continue to be popular as pets in the United States and throughout the world. It therefore behooves veterinarians interested in caring for these exotic species to continually gather knowledge concerning both their proper husbandry and the conditions that require medical and/or surgical intervention.This article covers husbandry, physical examination, and clinical and diagnostic techniques in an effort to present guidelines for the evaluation of the reptile or amphibian patient. Gathering clinical data will aid veterinarians in arriving at the proper diagnosis,increasing the chances of success with treatment protocols, and educating the clients in proper nutrition and husbandry for their pets.  相似文献   

Wildlife patients have special needs compared with pet patients in regard to handling and restraint, the importance of the stress response, physical examination, and neonatal concerns. Because many wildlife patients present with wounds and fractures, a good understanding of the pathophysiology of these processes is also important. The primary goal of all wildlife rehabilitation procedures is the ultimate release of the animal back into its natural environment.  相似文献   

Although psittacine species represent the majority of avian patients seen in most exotic animal practices, nonpsittacine species such as passerines and galliformes may be presented as pets, as members of zoo collections, or as injured or ill wildlife. Many features of handling, restraint, sample collection, medicine, and surgery are similar in psittacine and nonpsittacine species. In many cases, the equipment required will be similar as well, with a few modifications.  相似文献   

The domestic ferret is an increasingly popular pet in North America and Europe and may easily be incorporated into the structure and workings of most small animal hospitals. Not only does treatment of ferrets provide case diversity and intellectual challenges to the veterinarian but it may increase revenue, because most ferret owners have several ferrets. The diagnostic and supportive care procedures used commonly in ferrets are similar to those used in dogs and cats. This article presents the common diagnostic and supportive care procedures used in ferrets, with special emphasis on some of the unique aspects that make these procedures easier to learn and perform.  相似文献   

Nondomesticated species are commonly being kept as companion animals. These include the African pygmy hedgehog (Atelerix albi-ventris), the North American black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys lu-dovicianus), and exotic rodents such as the degu (Octodon degus)and duprasi or fat-tailed gerbil (Pachyuromys duprasi). Common companion marsupials include the sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps),Bennett's or Tammar (Dama) wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus rufo-griseus and Macropus eugenii, respectively), the Brazilian or South American gray short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica), and the North American Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana).Although many of these animals are now bred domestically and are fairly docile when human-raised, they are essentially wild animals and hence have strong instincts to hide illness and pain.  相似文献   

The main foundation to veterinary medicine is the availability of laboratory tests. These tests may be performed in-clinic or at diagnostic laboratories. In-clinic testing is advantageous in producing quick results, but demands sound technical ability, basic equipment,and access to some routine and special reagents. Laboratory-based testing can back up those routine techniques that mayor may not be available at the clinic level as well as provide specialized testing. The knowledge of commercially available diagnostic services is important as well as preparation and proper shipping of samples for accurate determinations.  相似文献   

Ferrets, rabbits, and rodents are increasingly being presented to veterinarians for evaluation and treatment. The owners of these animals expect high-level medical and surgical care. Consequently, veterinarians are more often required to provide intensive anesthetic management of these animals. The variability of anesthetic agents used and patient responses are addressed. The consequences of size for anesthetic management are discussed. Successful small mammal anesthesia requires following general anesthetic principles, awareness of limitations, and maintenance of high standards of care.  相似文献   

Hemilaminectomy and dorsal laminectomy are the surgical techniques most suited for decompression of the thoracic, thoracolumbar, lumbar, and lumbosacral spine. Hemilaminectomy is preferred for decompressing the spinal cord before applying fixation devices for fractures/luxations. Dorsal laminectomy is the method of choice for exploration of the spinal canal and for decompression of the lumbosacral region. Either method is applicable to removal of herniated intervertebral disc material and fenestration of other disc spaces.  相似文献   

The development of the carbon dioxide (CO2) surgical laser has given veterinarians a new perspective in the field of surgery. Recently developed techniques and improvisations of established procedures have opened the field of surgery to infinite applications never before dreamed of as little as 10 years ago. Today's CO2 surgical laser is an adaptable, indispensable tool for the everyday veterinary practitioner. Its use is becoming a common occurrence in offices of veterinarians around the world.  相似文献   

Common laboratory rodents have always been a favorite choice as a pet. Although diagnostic clinical pathology has not been viewed as practical for the rodent patient, current advances in technology make processing of small samples possible. Cultivation of the technical skills necessary for rodent sample collection has the potential to improve the standard of rodent veterinary care. This article provides an overview of rodent sample collection techniques, hematology, clinical biochemistry, serology, and clinical pathology of other tissues and fluids for laboratory rodents. General principles of clinical pathology can be applied across species. This article emphasizes the subtleties of the different rodent species which may impact diagnostic interpretation.  相似文献   

Several surgical conditions affecting the foot can be successfully managed with the horse standing. Many factors affect the clinician's choice of whether to perform surgery with the horse standing or anesthetized. Temperament or pregnancy of the horse and economics may influence the decision to perform surgery with the horse standing. This article discusses several foot conditions that can be treated successfully in the ambulatory horse.  相似文献   

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