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Pretreatment D‐dimer levels have been reported to predict survival in several types of malignancies in human patients. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prognostic value of pretreatment D‐dimer level in dogs with intermediate to high‐grade non‐Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). In a prospective, randomized, double‐blind study of F14512 vs etoposide phosphate, we assessed the prognostic value of pretreatment plasma D‐dimer level in 48 client‐owned dogs diagnosed with intermediate to high‐grade NHL. The correlation between pretreatment plasma D‐dimer level and various clinical features, progression‐free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) was analysed. The median value of pretreatment plasma D‐dimer level was 0.4 μg/mL (range: 0.1‐14.3 μg/mL). High pretreatment plasma D‐dimer level (>0.5 μg/mL) was detected in 44% (21/48) of dogs. High D‐dimer levels were not correlated with naive vs relapsed lymphoma, clinical stage, substage, immunophenotype or treatment group. D‐dimer levels >0.5 μg/mL were significantly associated with inferior median PFS (54 vs 104 days, P = .011) and OS (93 vs 169 days, P = .003). In the multivariate analysis, high D‐dimer levels remained an independent predictor for worse PFS (HR: 3.21, 95% CI: 1.57‐6.56, P = .001) and OS (HR: 3.87, 95% CI: 1.88‐7.98; P < .001). This study suggests that pretreatment plasma D‐dimer level can serve as a predictor of prognosis in dogs with intermediate to high‐grade NHL. Further studies are warranted to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

Background: Serum cortisol concentration is often measured in dogs for the diagnosis and monitoring of adrenal disease. An enzyme‐linked fluorescent assay (VIDAS method) on the MiniVidas analyzer has been validated for the measurement of cortisol concentration in human serum and could have applications for canine samples. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare canine cortisol results obtained using the VIDAS method with those obtained using the IMMULITE‐2000 immunoassay, which has previously been validated for canine serum. Methods: The concentration of cortisol in 40 canine serum samples was determined concurrently with the VIDAS and IMMULITE methods, the latter as the reference method. Pearson's correlation coefficient, linear, and Deming regression analyses and Bland–Altman analysis were used to compare the 2 methods. Acceptability of the new method was judged using a medical decision chart (MEDx chart). Results: Cortisol concentrations obtained with the IMMULITE method ranged from 23.1 to 1380 nmol/L. Correlation (r=.977) and simple linear regression (slope=1.0722, confidence interval [CI] 0.996–1.148; intercept=?4.799, CI ?42.838 to 33.240) revealed no proportional or constant error. Based on Deming regression and a Bland–Altman plot the 2 methods gave comparable results. The MEDx chart indicated that performance of the new method was good at decision limits of 40, 132, and 480 nmol/L. Conclusion: Results of the VIDAS method were comparable to those of the IMMULITE‐2000 reference method such that the VIDAS may be used as an alternative assay to evaluate serum cortisol concentration in dogs for the diagnosis of adrenal disease.  相似文献   

Background: Fibrin(ogen) degradation products (FDPs) and D‐dimer are sensitive indicators of excessive fibrinolysis due to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in dogs. To the authors' knowledge, latex‐agglutination–based plasma FDP and D‐dimer assays have not been validated for use in horses. Objectives: To determine: 1) sensitivity and specificity of latex‐agglutination serum and plasma FDP and D‐dimer assays for diagnosis of DIC; and 2) their prognostic value in horses with severe colic. Methods: At hospital admission and 24 hours later, blood was collected from 30 healthy horses and 20 horses with severe colic. Horses fulfilling predefined laboratory criteria of DIC were enrolled, and their data were subcategorized by survival for analysis. Platelet counts were determined and coagulation panel testing was performed. Serum and plasma FDP concentrations were measured using separate latex agglutination kits. Plasma D‐dimer concentration was measured using 3 latex agglutination kits and a card immunofiltration test. Test sensitivity and specificity results were determined for healthy horses and those with colic. Median test values were compared between colic survivors and nonsurvivors to evaluate the prognostic usefulness of all tests. Results: Performance characteristics varied among assays and kit suppliers. The FDP assays had low sensitivity (<40%), whereas the most accurate D‐dimer kit had 50% sensitivity and 97% specificity. High D‐dimer concentration was the third most common hemostatic abnormality in horses with colic. Median antithrombin (AT) activity was significantly lower and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) was significantly longer in nonsurvivors than survivors. Conclusions: Commercial latex‐agglutination D‐dimer assays might prove useful as adjunctive tests for the diagnosis of DIC in horses with severe colic; however FDP assays are invalid for this purpose. Low AT activity and prolonged aPTT at admission are associated with a poor prognosis in this patient population.  相似文献   

Background: Low‐molecular‐weight heparin (LMWH) is being used increasingly in veterinary medicine for both treatment and prophylaxis of thromboembolic disease, but no predictable patient‐side method exists to monitor its effect. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate thromboelastography (TEG) and prothombinase‐induced clotting time (PiCT) assays for detecting hemostatic alterations following in vitro heparinization of canine whole blood with dalteparin (Fragmin). Methods: Citrated whole‐blood samples were collected from 7 clinically healthy dogs. Dalteparin was added at concentrations of 0, 0.156, 0.625, 1.25, and 2.5 U/mL of whole blood. TEG was performed using heparinase cups with tissue factor (TF, 1:50,000) and kaolin as activators. Reaction time (R), clotting time (K), angle (α), and maximum amplitude (MA) were recorded. PiCT and anti‐FXa activity were measured in plasma. Results: With TF, increasing concentrations of dalteparin significantly prolonged R and K and significantly decreased α and MA. K, α, and MA ratios were significantly different from baseline at all dalteparin concentrations and R was significantly different from baseline at concentrations of 0.625, 1.25, and 2.5 U/mL. With kaolin, only R was significantly different from baseline at dalteparin concentrations of 0.625 and 2.5 U/mL. PiCT detected dalteparin concentrations ≤ 0.625 U/mL, with a good linear correlation (r2=.96, P<.0001). Conclusion: These results suggest that TF‐activated TEG and PiCT assays should be further evaluated as promising new methods for evaluating the effect of LMWH, using doses in the recommended clinical range and prospective clinical studies.  相似文献   

Objective – To evaluate the stability of canine and feline hemostatic proteins in freeze‐thaw‐cycled (FTC) fresh frozen plasma (FFP). Design – Prospective study. Setting – Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Animals – Nine blood donor dogs and 10 blood donor cats. Interventions – Whole blood was collected and separated into packed RBC and plasma units according to standard methods. Each unit of plasma was divided into 2 equal aliquots and frozen (?41°C). One aliquot from each donor (FTC) was then thawed and then refrozen (?41°C) until time of analysis. The second aliquot (nonfreeze‐thaw‐cycled; NFTC) remained frozen until time of analysis. The hemostatic proteins assessed included coagulation factors, anticoagulant factors (antithrombin and Protein C), and adhesive proteins (fibrinogen and von Willebrand Factor). The coagulant activities of factors II, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII were measured in modified one‐stage activated partial thromboplastin time or prothrombin time assays. Antithrombin and Protein C activities were measured in chromogenic substrate assays. Clottable fibrinogen was measured via the Clauss method, and von Willebrand Factor concentration (vWF:Ag) was measured in an ELISA. A paired t‐test was utilized to identify differences in factor activity or concentration between FTC FFP and NFTC FFP. Measurements and Main results – No clinically or statistically significant differences (all P>0.05) were identified between FTC FFP and NFTC FFP. Conclusions – Refreezing FFP within 1 hour of initial thawing appeared to have no deleterious effects on the hemostatic protein activity or content of that unit. Transfusion of FTC FFP is expected to provide the recipient with comparable replacement of hemostatic proteins as FFP that has remained frozen.  相似文献   

The DMAC protocol (dexamethasone, melphalan, actinomycin‐D, cytarabine) has been evaluated in American studies for the treatment of relapsed canine lymphoma, comparing similarly to other rescue protocols. The aim of this study was to evaluate efficacy and toxicity of DMAC, in a larger UK cohort of resistant canine lymphomas. Medical records of dogs with resistant non‐Hodgkin high‐grade lymphomas that received DMAC as a rescue protocol were reviewed from 2007 to 2017. Response, time from initiation to discontinuation (TTD) and toxicity (Veterinary Cooperative Oncology Group criteria) were assessed. One hundred dogs were included; 86 received CEOP (modified CHOP including epirubicin) as first‐line treatment. Thirty‐five dogs (35%) responded: 21 complete responders (CRs) and 14 partial responders (PRs). Responders had significantly longer TTD (P < 0.001) compared with non‐responders: 62 days (range 28‐952) for CR vs 32 days (range 20‐70) for PR. Six CR received more than six cycles of DMAC (range 7‐36 cycles) and experienced a longer TTD (median 508, range 126‐952 days). Thrombocytopenia occurred in 45% (24 grade 1‐2, 21 grade 3‐4) and neutropenia in 36% of cases (29 grade 1‐2, 7 grade 3‐4). Gastrointestinal toxicity occurred in 42% of dogs (40 grade 1‐2, 2 grade 3‐4). Owing to chemotherapy toxicity, treatment was discontinued in five, and hospitalization required in six cases. In this study, response to DMAC was lower and of generally shorter duration than previously reported. Toxicity was high, but infrequently led to hospitalization or discontinuation of treatment.  相似文献   

Background: Myelin‐like material in canine cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimens has been attributed to demyelinating or myelomalacic conditions. In our experience, myelin‐like material is observed frequently, especially in lumbar samples, and in a variety of disease conditions. Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine if there are associations between the presence of myelin‐like material and CSF collection site, body weight, underlying disease, and patient outcome. Methods: Wright–Giemsa‐stained cytocentrifuged specimens of CSF from the cerebellomedullary cistern (n=51) and lumbar cistern (n=47) of 98 dogs with neurologic disease were evaluated retrospectively for the presence and amount of extracellular myelin‐like material. Results were compared based on collection site, body weight, type of neurologic disease, and outcome. Results: Myelin‐like material was observed in 20/98 (20%) samples and was more frequently observed in lumbar (17/47, 36%) than cerebellomedullary samples (3/51, 6%) (P=.0028). Samples from dogs <10 kg were more likely to contain myelin (14/36, 39%) compared with dogs ≥10 kg (5/60, 8%) (P=.0052). Larger amounts of myelin‐like material were observed in CSF from dogs with intervertebral disk disease compared with other diseases (P=.045). No association was found between myelin‐like material and outcome. Conclusion: The association of extracellular myelin‐like material in canine CSF samples with sampling site and body weight suggests it is more often an artifact of collection technique and anatomy rather than the result of neurologic disease. Myelin‐like material in CSF is not associated with a poorer prognosis.  相似文献   

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