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In the mid-1970s, a new apple variety named ‘Meran’ was discovered in South Tyrol (northern Italy), which harbours the largest continuous apple growing area in Europe. The cultivar was registered for varietal protection and patented in several countries, and was declared to be a cross of the varieties ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Morgenduft’ (synonym ‘Rome Beauty’). The parentage of ‘Meran’ has, however, been questioned, and the present study aimed to assess the descent of this cultivar by the combined use of molecular genetic and bioinformatic tools. Five accessions of ‘Meran’ were collected from three different European germplasm collections and analysed at 14 variable microsatellite DNA loci. Subsequently, computer software was used to allocate the most likely parent pair from a set of cultivars representative for the apple growing area of South Tyrol in 1975. The molecular genetic data clearly excluded ‘Morgenduft’ as a gene donor to ‘Meran’ and provided strong evidence that ‘Meran’ is a cross of the cultivars ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Jonathan’, confirming previous assumptions based on morphological traits of the tree and fruit.  相似文献   


In this work quality of tree ripe and commercial ripe ‘Fairtime’ peach fruit was evaluated during fruit maturation and storage. Quality parameters and volatile fraction were monitored at intervals of 7-15 days from pit hardening until 10 days after commercial harvest and after 7, 17 and 24 days of refrigeration. In fruit on the tree, weight increased quadratically, diameter and peel color increased linearly, whereas flesh firmness decreased linearly. Soluble solids (SS) reached maximum levels at commercial harvest, whereas acidity started declining after commercial harvest. In the peel, esters and alcohols showed opposite trends. In the flesh, alcohols decreased quadratically and disappeared in tree ripe fruit. In refrigerated fruit, there were no significant weight changes, flesh firmness decreased linearly, SS reached a minimum around the 10th day, and acidity decreased quadratically. A three day harvest delay followed by two weeks of refrigeration may represent a chance to further extend marketing of optimum flavor ‘Fairtime’ peaches into late fall.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate effects of foliar calcium application on storage of sweet cherry. Different concentrations of CaCl2 (2.4, 3.2, and 4.0 g/l) and Ca(NO3)2 (3.4, 4.6, and 5.8 g/l) were applied six times by foliar spraying on leaves and fruits of the sweet cherry variety ‘0900 Ziraat’. Harvested fruits were packaged in 500 g plastic boxes and stored for four weeks at 0 0C and 90–95?% relative humidity. During the experiment, flesh firmness, titratable acidity value (TA), pH, total soluble solids content (SSC) ratio, and weight losses were weekly assessed. The results indicated that there were positive effects of foliar calcium applications on fruit quality coupled with improved firmness, and enhancement of TA, an additional advantage for consumer acceptability.  相似文献   


Temperature regimes that induce and ameliorate cropping troughs (“thermodormancy”) were evaluated over two seasons for the everbearing strawberry ‘Everest’. When plants were exposed to 26°C for 5, 10, 20 or 30 d in July, heat-induced troughs in cropping were observed in August. An important discovery was that cool (13°C) night temperatures ameliorated the severity of thermodormancy. In this study, thermodormancy appeared to be due principally to flower abortion post-anthesis, as large numbers of flowers emerged in mid-July, during the high temperature treatments, but went on to produce low fruit numbers in mid-August. Flower initiation itself (monitored by crown dissection) was not reduced by high temperatures. The observation that night-time temperature is critical for thermodormancy has significance for commercial production, in which protected cropping tends to increase average temperatures throughout the season, and venting tends to focus on day-time temperatures.  相似文献   

Four different fruit thinning severities were tested.The thinning treatments were carried out in October before the occurrence of physiological fruit drop.Different parameters were measured(both qualitative and quantitative) and the results compared among treatments as well as to that of the control.The results showed that wher fruit on ‘Sensation’ mango pani-cles were thinned to two fruit per panicle,a significant difference was obtained for most of the quantitative parameters.The fruits of the treatment where one fruit per panicle was retained and 50% panicles removed,produced the best results for most of the qualitative parameters.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2004,103(1):65-77
Soil and leaf samples were analysed in an attempt to identify the causes of leaf-tip scorch commonly observed in cultivated Protea sussannae and Protea eximia hybrid ‘Sylvia’. Leaf-tip scorch was hypothesised to be caused by nutritional problems. Soil and leaf mineral contents were measured and compared between healthy plants and those suffering from leaf-tip scorch. Leaf-tip scorch was found to be associated with increase electrical conductivity, total cation concentration and the concentrations of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Mn and B in the soil. It was concluded that failed attempts of growers to remedy the problem by foliar spraying of micronutrients might have artificially increased the levels of Mn and B. Leaf-tip scorch was associated with decreased foliar concentrations of Fe and increased concentrations of Na and Mn. No association between leaf-tip scorch and either ∂13C or ∂15N was found. It was concluded that changes in water relations and N acquisition were not associated with the symptoms. The significant decrease in the Ca concentration in the tips of leaves showing advanced leaf-tip necrosis indicated that a deficiency of Ca in the leaf tips may have been the proximal cause of the pathology. Ca deficiency in the leaf tips may in turn be caused by high soil EC.  相似文献   

Severe hand thinning of fruitlets on Cox’s Orange Pippin trees five weeks after full blossom led to a doubling of fruit weight by harvest. Although the rate of cell division was stimulated slightly, the larger fruit size was due mainly to an increased rate of cell enlargement.

The respiration rate of whole fruits was slightly higher after thinning and the onset of the climacteric rise was advanced. Respiration per cell was correspondingly higher in the larger cells of the thinned fruit and respiration per unit protein was similar to that of fruit from unthinned trees.

Potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus contents, expressed on a fresh weight basis, were higher in the cortical tissue of the thinned fruits. Calcium per unit fresh weight was unaffected by thinning and the ratio of calcium to cell surface remained relatively constant throughout development in both types of fruit.

Senescent breakdown and bitter pit developed during storage only in the thinned fruit. Slight differences in the incidence of rotting and low temperature breakdown between the two types of fruit are attributed to the effects of maturity rather than of fruit size.  相似文献   


In a long-term study between 2008 and 2011, effects of various evapotranspiration-based (ETc) irrigation systems on yield and fruit quality attributes of fully matured ‘Autumn Rose Fuji’ apple trees (Malus × domestica Borkh) after 5 months of regular atmosphere storage were examined. Trees with a full sprinkler (FS) system received about 39% more water than those with a full drip (FD) system over the period of 2008–2011. Fruits from trees with FS and FD were larger, while those with 50%FS were smaller than those from all other irrigation treatments. Averaging values over 4 years revealed that applications of any form of deficit irrigation, either by microjet irrigation or by drip, increased fruit-soluble solid concentration and firmness but decreased water core after storage. Trees receiving FS and FD systems (full irrigation systems) had lower fruit firmness reduction after storage than the treatments receiving deficit irrigation systems. Considering yield, and quality attributes in this study, a well-calculated ETc-based FD irrigation system is recommended over any other irrigation regime.  相似文献   


Many people who are allergic to birch pollen are also allergic to apple fruit, due to cross- allergenicity. Since apples are the most extensively consumed fruit in Europe, it is highly relevant to develop a hypo-allergenic apple.Apples with significantly reduced levels of the allergen, Mal d 1, may allow many apple allergics to eat them without an allergic reaction. We are currently collaborating to develop a hypo-allergenic apple within the European Integrated Research Project, ISAFRUIT (www.isafruit.org). Hypo-allergenic apple plants (Malus × domestica Borkh., ‘Elstar’) with decreased levels of Mal d 1 mRNA were produced by RNA interference (RNAi) technology. Ten genetically modified (GM) apple lines were selected. In vitro plantlets were first transferred to a greenhouse, then grafted onto wild-type M.9 rootstock to promote the development of fruit-producing trees. Levels of Mal d 1 gene silencing were measured repeatedly by quantitative real-time PCR. Compared to leaf samples from wild-type ‘Elstar’, two GM lines showed modest levels of gene silencing (up to 250-fold), whereas the other eight GM lines were significantly silenced (up to10,000-fold) in Mal d 1 gene expression. These levels of silencing were unaffected by grafting, and have been stable over more than 3 years, and throughout all developmental stages.  相似文献   

Hot water treatment (H.W.T.) of narcissus bulbs for three hours at temperatures from 111 °F (43.9 °C) to 114 °F (45.6 °C) failed to give a complete kill of stem nematode. Storage of bulbs at 86–94 °F (30.0–34.4 °C) for some days before H.W.T. resulted in less efficient killing of the pest, but in the following season the bulbs grew more vigorously and produced more flowers. Soaking bulbs for three hours at 65 °F (18.3 °C) before H.W.T. did not improve either the efficiency of nematode kill or the subsequent growth or flowering of heavily infested bulbs, but it improved nematode kill when bulbs were lightly infested. Water temperatures above 114 °F, up to and including 118 °F (47.8 °C), improved the kill of nematode but caused progressively increasing damage to the bulbs.  相似文献   


The influence of three rootstocks, Carrizo citrange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. × Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.), Cleopatra mandarin (Citrus reshni Hort. ex Tanaka) and sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) on the incidence and severity of rind breakdown in ‘Navelate’ sweet oranges was studied over seven years in four orchards. The proportion of affected fruit was greater in trees on Carrizo citrange (60% on an average) followed by Cleopatra mandarin (38%) and then on sour orange (9%). There were also significant differences in the severity of the disorder among rootstocks; more than 35% and 20% of fruit from trees on Carrizo citrange and Cleopatra mandarin, respectively, were rejected for commercialization, whereas only 4% of fruit on sour orange was rejected. Cryo-scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of fruit peduncles showed that average diameter of xylem vessel elements of peduncles of fruits on Carrizo citrange rootstock were 6% and 17% larger than those on Cleopatra mandarin and sour orange, respectively. Defoliation of fruit-bearing branches reduced water loss from fruit, maintained fruit peel water potential at a higher value than that of fruit on undefoliated branches and reduced the proportion and severity of affected fruit. It is concluded that fruit-tree water relationships are related to rind breakdown in ‘Navelate’ oranges and low fruit water content might be responsible for the disorder.  相似文献   


Fruit development and physiological traits were evaluated in ‘Andesu’ netted melon plants grown with and without calcium. Calcium exclusion accelerated softening, alcoholic fermentation and ethylene evolution of fruit compared with those supplied with calcium, but the opposite trend occurred with sucrose accumulation. A significant difference of calcium concentrations in the fruit between treatments was observed at the developing stage of the fruit (P<0.05), but the difference became smaller as fruit matured. In the mesocarp tissue from the basal hemisphere, calcium concentrations in the NaCl soluble fraction at ripe fruit stage differed significantly (P<0.05) between calcium treatments but no significant difference was detected in the inner mesocarp of the distal hemisphere. Calcium exclusion did not lead to the development of water-soaked symptoms in the mesocarp tissue of ripe fruit. Uronic acid concentrations in ionically bound pectin fraction did not differ between calcium treatments throughout fruit development. In covalently-bound pectin fraction, however, uronic acid concentration of ripe fruit was significantly lower in calcium-excluded plants than in calcium-supplied plants (P<0.05). Our results suggest that: first, accelerated fruit softening under calcium deficient conditions might result from promoted ethylene evolution rather than from the shortage of ionically-bound calcium in cell walls, second, calcium deficient condition does not necessarily lead to water-soaked symptoms in tissue of ‘Andesu’ melon fruit.  相似文献   


The formation of bud scales, transition leaves, true leaves, bracts and flower primordia were observed in buds removed from non-flowering sites on one year old shoots of apple ‘Royal Gala’. Buds were sampled from trees in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand (latitude 398S) during six successive seasons. The onset of flower development varied between seasons from 72 to 99.d after full bloom. Floral development was poorly synchronized within the populations of sampled buds, lasting 22 to 50.d. Differences in the onset and duration of flower development could not be related to seasonal differences in heat accumulation from full bloom. There was significant variation between seasons in the minimum number of appendages observed within buds that exhibited doming, which indicates floral development. In the 1998/99 season, doming was observed in buds that had only 15.7 appendages, whereas in the 1999/2000 season the minimum number of appendages within a bud that had initiated flowers was 17.5. When the data from all seasons were considered, the rate of appendage formation within developing buds was not consistently related to heat accumulation.  相似文献   


In a previous study, the apple ‘Jonathan’ was shown to be semi-compatible with the ‘Topred’ sport of ‘Red Delicious’, the main cultivar in Israel. This incompatibility led to reduced pollination potency, explaining the low yield obtained from ‘Topred’ rows adjacent to ‘Jonathan’. Hence, the importance of identifying the level of compatibility for all ‘Topred’ pollinators became apparent. By analysing S-allele by PCR with primers for the various S-alleles of the cultivars in the ‘Topred’ orchard, including S10 and S28, which were cloned in this study, it was evident that apart from ‘Jonathan’, the common pollinators for ‘Topred’ are fully compatible with it. The ability to identify all S-alleles in the ‘Topred’ orchard was also utilized to resolve the observation that, although ‘Topred’ is considered self-incompatible, self-pollinated, net-caged, ‘Topred’ flowers set some fruit. Applying PCR-analysis of S-alleles to the progeny of the suspected self-pollinated ‘Topred’ fruit revealed that the fruit-set was the outcome of cross-pollination, perhaps the consequence of fertilization by wind carried pollen. Hence, the notion that ‘Topred’ is totally self-incompatible was confirmed and the efficiency of progeny PCR S-allele analysis for the determination of the pollen donor was exhibited.  相似文献   


This study investigated the activities of key enzymes in the phenylpropanoid pathway and the accumulation of phenolic products in apple peel in response to infection with Venturia inaequalis [(Cooke) G. Wint.]. We compared healthy apple peel with apple peel showing symptomatic scab lesions, and with peel tissue from 1 – 2 mm around the scab lesions in fruit 1 month before maturity [140 d after full bloom (DAFB)] and at physiological maturity (175 DAFB). Infection with V. inaequalis enhanced the synthesis of some phenolic compounds. Compared to healthy peel, scab lesion tissue had ≤ 3.1-times higher hydroxycinnamic acid content, ≤ 1.3-times higher dihydrochalcone content, and ≤ 3.9-times higher flavan-3-ol content. Scab lesions showed slightly higher phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, chalcone synthase, chalcone isomerase, flavonol synthase, and dihydroflavonol 4-reductase activities. The total amount of phenolics remained relatively stable between the two sampling dates, except for epicatechin and caffeic acid which decreased in amount toward fruit maturity, and levels of catechin which increased in more mature fruit. During fruit maturation, only chalcone synthase and chalcone isomerase activities decreased in all tissues examined. This study showed that the phenylpropanoid pathway in apple fruit peel changed significantly following infection with the apple scab pathogen.  相似文献   

A trial at the Grove Research Station, southern Tasmania in 1989-90 examined the thinning of mature ‘Golden Delicious’ apple trees. High-volume sprays were applied at 6,0001 ha-1 as air blast or vertical boom using NAA at 10mg l-1 4d after full bloom (AFB) and 18 d AFB. Carbaryl at 1,000 mg l-1 and thiram at 1200 mg l-1 were also applied as combined sprays, 30 and 38 d AFB. These high-volume sprays were compared with unsprayed controls and Micron and Micronair low volume sprayers at 200 and 1,1000 l ha-1. The dosages of the low volume applications were equilibrated to apply the same rates of chemical per hectare as the high-volume sprays, and the timing was the same. All spray treatments reduced crop load to acceptable levels when compared with the overcropped controls. There were no consistent differences between treatments for number of fruit per cm2 limb area except that the lowest volume Micron spray thinned significantly less than most other treatments. Considering the number of fruit per 100 blossom clusters the airblast spray was the only treatment to be significantly better than the Micron at 2001 ha-1. These numbers were reflected in mean fruit weight with the control fruit being significantly lighter than any sprayed fruit. The air blast treatment produced significantly heavier fruit than all other treatments, apart from the other high volume treatment. Fruit size distribution (FSD) showed significant differences between the control and all the spray treatments. The airblast treatment produced significantly more fruit in the 80 mm or larger category than all treatments, apart from the vertical boom application. These preliminary results suggest that although low-volume sprays can thin apple trees, the use of ultra low volumes (ULV) should be explored using machines capable of controlled droplet application (CDA). This may ultimately lead to less chemical being applied per hectare.  相似文献   


Losses of apple fruit due to sunburn damage under South African climatic conditions can reach up to 40% per annum for specific cultivars in certain years. Various approaches to reduce the incidence and severity of sunburn resulted in temporary effects but, at present, no single remedy is available to provide a significant and consistent reduction in sunburn damage on a commercial scale. ‘Golden Delicious’ apple trees that received both calcium (Ca) and boron (B) as foliar applications on a weekly basis, when applied from approx. 21 – 70 d after full bloom (DAFB), showed significantly less sunburn in two consecutive seasons (P = 0.0500 and P = 0.0247 respectively) than untreated control fruit, or treatments based on Ca alone. The minerals were applied as supplements of sugar-alcohol complexed with Ca and B, trading as Manni-Plex® Ca [10% (w/w) Ca] and Manni-Plex® B [3.3% (w/w) B], respectively. The mode of action by which the incidence of sunburn was reduced using combined sprays of Manni-Plex® Ca plus Manni-Plex® B remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   


Bitter pit fruit in commercial consignments of apples still poses an economic threat to exporters from South Africa. Mineral analysis of fruit has been used with variable success to predict bitter pit prior to harvest. The possibility of increasing the accuracy of existing predictive models by using analysis of individual fruit rather than pooled samples was investigated. By improving the normality of the distributions of the different minerals and decreasing the overlap between pitted and non-pitted fruit classes, we attempted to improve the reliability of predictions based on variable threshold values. Even though our model produced a correct classification of 85% for non-pitted fruit which can be useful, this was still below the required tolerance expected on the market which, at present, is less than 2% bitter pit in an overseas consignment. The classification for pitted fruit, 63%, was not satisfactory.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2001,88(4):289-298
The objective of our work was to determine how fruit position on the tree affects flavonoid and chlorogenic acid contents. Light was measured at different positions within the canopy of 10-year-old ‘Jonagold’ apple trees on M.9 rootstock raised as slender spindles. Fruit from the top of the canopy contained the highest percentage of blush and the highest levels of cyanidin 3-galactoside (anthocyanin) and quercetin 3-glycosides, followed by fruit from the outside of the canopy, and then those from the canopy interior. There were no significant differences in the levels of catechins, phloridzin and chlorogenic acid among fruit from the different canopy positions. Light level was directly correlated with the levels of cyanidin 3-galactoside and quercetin 3-glycosides and with the percentage of blush in the fruit skin. Light in the interior of the canopy was poorer in UV-A, blue, green and red but richer in far-red light than at all other positions. Consequently, the FR/R ratio was much larger at the interior of the canopy than at all other positions. Both anthocyanin and quercetin 3-glycoside concentrations were clearly related to light level, and there was a critical FR/R ratio of about 1 below which no anthocyanin and only minimal quercetin 3-glycosides were formed.  相似文献   

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