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As a part of a cooperative study initiated to assess bothin vitro andin vivo protein quality methods, the protein efficiency ratio (PER) and net protein ratios (NPR) of 15 different protein sources were determined. Male weanling Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a 10% protein diet. Fourteen-day NPR and relative NPR (RNPR) values and 14- and 28-day PER and relative PER (RPER) values were calculated for each protein source. When protein quality values were expressed relative to ANRC casein, the 14- and 28-day PER data ranked the protein sources essentially in the same order. RPER values of nonfat dried skim milk (unheated) and tuna were more than 100% that of casein; nonfat dried skim milk (heated), chickpeas, and breakfast sausage were between 50 and 70% of that of casein; and pinto beans and rice-wheat gluten cereal did not support substantial growth of the rat. The NPR method did not always rank the protein sources in the same order as the PER method. For the poor quality proteins, RNPR values were much higher than the RPER values; however, the RNPR and RPER values agreed closely for high quality protein sources.A preliminary report of this work was given at the Annual Meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Washington, D.C., March 29–April 2, 1987. Fed. Proc. 1987; 46: 889.  相似文献   

Summary Protein concentrates were prepared from potato haulms by standard, methods. There were distinct differences between potato varieties in chemical composition and nutritive value of their concentrates. The amino acid composition of proteins was similar and deficiency of sulphur amino acids was observed. The biological value of proteins of the best preparations was nearly as good as that of soya bean meal protein but their digestibility was lower.
Zusammenfassung Aus Kartoffelkraut von 8 Kartoffelsorten wurden Eiweisskonzentrate hergestellt. Eine Parzelle der Sorte Uran wurde mit Stickstoff gedüngt (180 kg N/ha). Frisch geschnittenes Kartoffelkraut wurde gemahlen, der Saft ausgepresst, daraufhin das Safteiweiss thermisch koaguliert und nach Filtration getrocknet. Die H?lfte des feuchten Eiweisskoagulats der Sorte Merkury wurde vor dem Trocknen mit Wasser gespült, dat mit HCl auf pH 4,0 anges?uert wurde. Bei Anwendung dieser Methode konnte bis zu 155 kg Eiweiss pro Hektar erzielt werden. Die Konzentrate enthielten ungef?hr 45% Eiweiss, 12 % Fett und 18 % Asche in der Trockenmasse (Tabelle 1). Der Karotingehalt schwankte zwischen 85 mg und 335 mg und der des Solanins zwischen Spuren und 1015 mg pro Kilogramm des Konzentrates. Die Zusammensetzung der Aminos?uren aller Eiweisskonzentrate war ?hnlich (Tabelle 2). Sie enthielten verh?ltnism?ssig viel Lysin, aber wenig Schwefelaminos?uren. Dennoch enthielten sie mehr Methionin als das Sojabohnenprotein, das als Standard benutzt wurde. Es wurden deutliche Unterschiede im N?hrwert der mit Hilfe der Bilanzmethode von Thomas-Mitchell an Ratten bestimmten Proteine festgestellt (Tabelle 3). Der biologische Eiweisswert betrug 39 bis 62 und war für die besten Konzentrate fast so hoch wie für das Sojaprotein, die Verdaulichkeit war jedoch geringer. Wahrscheinlich war dies auf den hohen Aschegehalt in den Konzentraten zurückzuführen. Die Stickstoffdüngung hatte eine Steigerung der vom Hektar erzielten Eiweissmenge zur Folge. Sie hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Zusammensetzung des Eiweisses, aber erh?hte seine Verdaulichkeit. Dies konnte das Resultat eines h?heren Gehaltes an leicht l?slichen, Protein nicht enthaltenden Substanzen im Konzentrat der gedüngten Pflanzen sein. Das Spülen mit Wasser erh?hte den Gehalt aller Aminos?uren im Konzentrat und den biologischen Wert des Eiweisses, vielleicht als Folge des Auswaschens von Stickstoff aus dem Konzentrat, der nicht an Eiweiss gebunden war. Die erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen, da? das Kartoffelkraut einen guten Rohstoff für die Produktion von Eiweisskonzentraten bilden kann. Diese Konzentrate enthalten eine zufriedenstellende Menge an Eiweiss, Karotin und einzelnen Aminos?uren mit Ausnahme der Schwefelaminos?uren. Der biologische Wert des Eiweisses der besten Konzentrate ist nur et was schlechter als der des Sojabohnenproteins.

Résumé On a réussi à produire des concentrés protéiques à partir du feuillage de 8 variétés, une partie de la culture d’Uran ayant re?u une fumure azotée (180kg N/ha). Les fanes fra?chement récoltées ont été broyées et pressées. Les protéines contenues dans le jus ont été coagulées par la chaleur et séchées après filtration. La moitié du coagulum protéique humide de la variété Merkury a été rincé avec une eau acidifiée par HCl (pH 4,0) avant séchage. Grace à cette méthode 155 kg de protéines ont été obtenus par hectare. Par rapport à la matière sèche, les concentrés contenaient environ 45% de protéines, 12% de lipides extractibles par l’éther et 18% de cendres. La teneur en carotène variait de 85 à 335 mg/kg et celle de la solanine de quelques traces à 1015 mg/kg de concentré (tableau 1). Les protéines avaient une composition en amino acides semblable (tableau 2). Elles étaient relativement riches en lysine mais pauvre en amino acides soufrés. Cependant elles contenaient plus de méthionine que la protéine du soja utilisée comme témoin. La valeur nutritive des protéines a été déterminée sur des rats par la méthode de bilan de Thomas-Mitchell. Des différences ont été constatées (tableau 3). La valeur biologique variait de 39 à 62 et pour les meilleurs concentrés était presque aussi haute que pour la protéine du soja (VB=66). La digestibilité des protéines de concentrés était relativement basse. Cela était probablement d? à leur teneur élevé en cendres. La fumure azotée a augmenté la quantité de protéines produites à l’ha. Elle n’a pas eu d’effet sur la composition en acides aminés mais a augmenté la digestibilité des protéines. Le lavage augmenterla teneur en amino acides et la valeur biologique de la protéine, peut être parce que le rin?age élimine du coagulum l’azote non protéique. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que les fanes de pommes de terre peuvent être une bonne matière première pour la production de concentrés protéiques. Ces concentrés contiennent des quantités satisfaisantes de protéines, carotène et acides a minés à l’exception des acides aminés soufrés. La valeur biologique de la protéine des meilleurs concentrés est seulement légèrement inférieure à celle de la protéine soja.

设置水培试验对‘16-17’(谷蛋白前体聚合物明显,含量高)和‘16-20’(谷蛋白前体聚合物不明显,含量低)分别进行CK(氮2800 μmol/L,硫80 μmol/L)、N(氮3640 μmol/L,硫80 μmol/L)、S(氮2800 μmol/L,硫260 μmol/L)、N+S(氮3640 μmol/L,硫260 μmol/L)处理,以此改变稻米品质和稻米贮藏蛋白质的组成与含量,从而对稻米蛋白质各组分及相关品质性状进行分析。结果表明:(1)在N、S和N+S的不同处理下均增加了粗蛋白的含量,使‘16-20’的稻米粗蛋白百分含量分别增加2.35%、2.67%和2.73%;(2)在2个品种的各组分蛋白含量变化中,‘16-17’的醇溶蛋白和谷蛋白的百分含量在N、S和N+S下较对照分别增加了9.75%、4.21%和4.67%,3.92%、7.38%和12.92%。‘16-20’的谷蛋白百分含量在S和N+S处理下增加了17.72%和29.38%,醇溶蛋白百分含量在N+S下增加了3.73%,而球蛋白百分含量在N、S和N+S三个处理下降低了2.86%、3.78%和3.69%,清蛋白在N、S处理下显著降低;(3)谷蛋白的2个亚基的相对含量和57 kDa谷蛋白前体及57 kDa以上谷蛋白聚合体的积累在‘16-20’品种中明显增加。(4)稻米品质中,N、S配施对2个参试品种的碾磨品质性状的影响不明显,但有利于2个品种稻米外观品质和食味品质的改善,并使‘16-20’的营养品质显著增加,另外,‘16-20’的千粒重在S和N+S处理下显著增加。故不同N、S配施处理下,不同品种水稻贮藏蛋白质的组成和积累形态差异很大,并改变了含巯基蛋白质组分的积累量和积累形态。尤其是在富S条件下,蛋白质积累过程中形成较多的巯基及二硫键,并通过二硫键来改变含巯基的蛋白质亚基之间的聚合程度,形成不同分子量的谷蛋白聚合体,使蛋白质的积累形态发生明显改变,进而使稻米相关品质性状发生改变。  相似文献   

Baking performance of hearth bread and pan bread were investigated using 10 wheat varieties with variable protein quality. For most varieties, samples were selected at two protein levels, approximately 11 and 13% (d.m.). The effects of flour quality on loaf characteristics were different for hearth bread compared to pan bread, where both protein quality and protein content affect loaf volume positively in an optimised baking test. Hearth bread is more complex as both the form ratio and loaf volume are critical external characteristics. When using fixed proving time, the form ratio was positively affected by dough resistance and mixing peak time at high speed mixing, and negatively affected by dough extensibility. Dough resistance and mixing peak time correlated strongly to the HMW glutenin composition, whereas dough extensibility was related to protein content. In contrast to the form ratio, loaf volume was positively affected by dough extensibility, whereas protein quality had no significant effect. This was seen both for doughs produced at optimal mixing time at high speed mixing (126 rev/min) and for doughs produced at fixed mixing times at low speed mixing (63 rev/min). When proving time was optimised to achieve a defined form ratio, flours of strong protein quality should be proved longer than flours of week protein quality, resulting in higher loaf volume for flours of the strongest protein quality. With respect to protein content, the positive effect of protein content on loaf volume was counteracted due to reduced proving time when aiming for a defined form ratio.  相似文献   

Weanling male rats (45–60 g) were used to compare the supplemental effects to rice protein of bean or crayfish protein. Rats were fed various combinations of rice plus bean (B) or crayfish (C) to provide 1.6 g N/100 g of the daily diet for 28-day growth studies and a 7-day N balance period. Five different diets were fed. Six rats were assigned to each diet on the basis of body weight. Combinations of R:B of 80:20 and of R:C of 80:20 produced food intake, weight gain, PER, N intake, digested and retained N; and liver weight values that were comparable. However, increasing C to 30% of the dietary protein led to reduced value for food intake, weight gain, PER, N intake, digested and retained N, BV, NPU, and liver weight when compared with values obtained when B was increased to 30% (P<0.05). The results appear to indicate that, above a certain level of supplementation, brown bean protein is superior to crayfish as a supplement to rice protein.  相似文献   

赤霉素是开花植物生长发育过程中一个重要的激素,调控种子萌发、茎伸长、叶片扩张、花器官发育,参与各种生物胁迫等多种途径;DELLA蛋白是赤霉素信号途径的抑制因子,DELLA蛋白通过与其他蛋白互作进行相关调控。为研究甘蔗蛋白调控机制,本研究利用原核表达技术体外诱导进行表达。结果表明,ScGAI蛋白全长不表达,但ScGAI-C在pET-28a(+MBP)中能够有效表达,大量诱导蛋白表达后经镍柱纯化,Western blot分析验证ScGAI蛋白被成功诱导出来。  相似文献   

Wilting grass prior to ensiling generally increases the dry matter (DM) intake but the effect of wilting on animal performance is still poorly understood. There is a need to improve understanding of the effects of wilting on the nutritional components and chemical composition of grass silage. This study focused on the effects of the extent and rate of wilting on N components of grass silage. Meadow grass was wilted to four DM contents (200, 350, 500, 650 g kg?1) at two different rates (fast, slow), creating a total of eight silages. Crude protein (CP) fractions were measured using the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System. Utilizable CP at the duodenum (uCP), a measure of feed protein value, was estimated using the modified Hohenheim gas test. Ruminally insoluble, undegraded feed CP (RUP) was measured using an in situ technique. Amino acid (AA) composition prior to and after rumen incubation was also investigated. Utilizable CP at the duodenum, RUP and true protein fractions B2 and B3 were increased by rapid wilting and high DM content (DM > 500 g kg?1), although the increase with DM was only mild for uCP, probably due to lower ME content in the DM‐650 silages. Non‐protein‐N decreased with increasing DM and rapid wilting. The higher RUP content from both DM‐650 silages leads to a higher total AA content after rumen incubation. Treatment also influenced the AA composition of the ensiled material, but the AA composition after rumen incubation was similar across treatments. Rapid and extensive wilting (DM > 500 g kg?1) improved protein value and reduced CP degradability. Increased uCP may result in higher milk protein yield, while reduced degradability may reduce N lost from urinary excretion. The primary effect of wilting on post‐ruminal AA supply from RUP appeared to be quantitative, rather than qualitative.  相似文献   

Well‐established stands of three ecotypes of Arachis pintoi (CIAT 17434, 18744 and 18748) were harvested from replicated plots (three blocks, each containing three plots for each ecotype) during the two dominant seasons (dry and wet) of the low altitude, humid tropics of Costa Rica. Each plot was further divided into six subplots so that, within each season, samples corresponding to 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 or 14 weeks of regrowth could be collected. For each harvest, dry matter (DM) yield of the leaf, stem and whole plant, and the leaf:stem ratio, were recorded. Samples of the whole plant were analysed for crude protein (CP), rumen‐degradable (RDP) and rumen‐undegradable protein (RUP) concentrations. DM yield of the leaf, stem and whole plant increased with advancing period of regrowth but the effects of period of regrowth varied somewhat among ecotypes and across seasons. Generally, DM yield was greater during the wet than during the dry season. The greatest difference between ecotypes for stem and total DM yields was evident during the dry season. In general, DM contents were low in the whole plant, leaf and stem samples (<220 g kg?1) and increased with increasing period of regrowth. Increases in leaf:stem ratio were most dramatic during the dry season with greater periods of regrowth, although the ratio was fairly constant during the wet season. Whole‐plant CP concentration was relatively high after short periods of regrowth (up to 279 g kg?1 DM) but declined with longer periods of regrowth; the relative decline was much greater during the dry season. The RDP concentration was relatively constant during the wet season (mean 115 g kg?1 DM), but declined with longer periods of regrowth during the dry season (range 194–111 g kg?1 DM). In general, the concentrations of RDP, on a CP basis, were greater during the dry season and ranged from 590 to 700 g kg?1 CP. Season, ecotype and period of regrowth all exerted an effect on RUP concentrations.  相似文献   

Leaf protein isolate from water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) was prepared and the chemical composition was studied. It contained 49.6% protein, 16.0% total lipids, 26.9% total carbohydrates, 1.7% fibre and 5.8% ash. Calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese and potassium were determined. Nutritional properties of the isolate are discussed in relation to its amino acid composition and to its in vitro digestibility by proteolytic enzymes. Comparison with the FAO/WHO reference pattern showed that all of the essential amino acids were present at high levels in the leaf protein isolate. The limiting amino acid in the isolate was methionine (i.e., methionine + cystine). In vitro digestibility was highest with digestion by pepsin followed by pancreatin and lowest with digestion by pepsin alone. Digestion with pancreatin alone gave intermediate values.  相似文献   

木薯是华南地区重要的经济作物,其块根富含淀粉。解析木薯块根淀粉合成调控机理将有助于木薯高产、高淀粉分子改良。AGPase由大亚基和小亚基构成,催化1-磷酸葡萄糖和ATP形成腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖和焦磷酸,其中腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖为淀粉生物合成的底物。AGPase酶是植物淀粉合成的限速酶,提高AGPase酶活性,有利于作物淀粉的积累及产量的提高。木薯MeAGPS1a基因编码的小亚基是AGPase的催化中心,前期研究表明生长素响应因子MeSAUR1作为转录因子正调控MeAGPS1a基因表达,酵母双杂交筛选木薯cDNA文库显示钙调素类似蛋白(CaM-like, CML)成员MeCML24为MeSAUR1的候选互作蛋白。为了确定MeCML24和MeSAUR1的互作关系,本研究从‘SC8’木薯品种基因组克隆了MeCML24基因,该基因的CDS区长度为492 bp,编码163个氨基酸。MeCML24蛋白的理化性质及二级结构分析显示,该蛋白理论等电点pI值4.38,属于亲水性蛋白,α-螺旋占52.76%,无规则卷曲占30.06%,β-转角结构占11.04%。构建酵母双杂交载体BD-MeCML24,自激活实验表...  相似文献   

We recently developed a method to identify methionine-containing proteins and quantitate their methionine contents [4]. We applied this method to soybeans and identified relatively methionine-rich proteins (MRP) among the albumins. By acidic methanol extraction of the albumins, we obtained a group of low molecular weight methionine-cysteine rich proteins (MCRP) that analyzed 4.0% methionine and 8.8% cysteine. MCRP made up 1–2% of the total protein in soybeans. Reversed-phase HPLC purification of MCRP yielded a protein peak that exhibited a single major band on denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, had a molecular weight of 16kD and contained 6.2% methionine and 18.8% cysteine. We are cloning the gene for this protein. Increasing its level through genetic engineering could increase the methionine-cysteine content of soybeans.  相似文献   

Whole grain flour of one variety (HC-4) of pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum L. Leeke) after giving different treatments (defatting, butylated hydroxyanisole, ascorbic acid and thermal) was stored in earthen pots at prevailing room temperature (28–34°C) and relative humidity (70–80%) for 30 days. The flour samples were evaluated for protein quality using rats. Storage of flour for 30 days markedly reduced the protein quality. The values of protein efficiency ratio, true digestibility, biological value, net protein retention and net protein utilisation were significantly (P<0.05) higher in fresh and treated flour than untreated flour. Among treated flours, defatted flour showed best growth followed by butylated hydroxyanisole, thermal and ascorbic acid treated flour.  相似文献   

Protein Efficiency Ratios (PER) have been determined for hybrid potato selections by feeding flake diets to rats; more rapid and inexpensive tests are required by breeding programs which select for improved potato protein. Two more recent methods, in vitro digestibility (IVD) and calculated PER utilizing discriminant computed PER (DC-PER) and computed PER (C-PER), were studied for their potential in evaluation of the nutritional quality of potato. Albumin (A) and two subfractions, acid soluble and insoluble (ASA and AIA), were studied, as well as flakes. The average IVD for albumin was 68.9%, for ASA was 67.5% and for AIA was 77.5%. Digested proteins were identified by electrophoresis before and after enzyme treatment. The higher IVD values for AIA were probably due to the presence of protease inhibitors among the ASA proteins. IVD differences among groups of hybrids were found and a reasonable correlation (r=0.71*) of these values with flake PER values was observed. The DC-PER values ranged from 2.64 to 2.79, these values were larger than those observed in feeding trials; additional genotypes need to be studied before this method can be proposed for potato evaluation. The presence of protease inhibitors in the albumin samples is indicated, because the average IVD value of 68 increased to about 84 after the albumins were heated prior to IVD determinations.Scientific Journal Article 12,095 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. This research was supported by a USDA/SEA Grant.  相似文献   

灵芝免疫调节蛋白基因的克隆和分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用同源克隆方法,分别以6个灵芝品种和1个云芝品种的基因组DNA为模板,进行灵芝免疫调节蛋白基因的PCR扩增。扩增产物克隆进T-载体后,进行DNA测序和BLASTn序列分析。结果表明,从赤芝、紫芝、韩芝和甜芝4个菌株中克隆到的PCR扩增片段,含有灵芝免疫调节蛋白基因编码区全长,顺次编号为gimp01,gimp02,gimp03,gimp04。它们已经在国际GeneBank中登记注册,注册号:AY449802,AY449805,AY449804,AY449803。  相似文献   

Rats lost weight continuously in a feeding trial to evaluate biologically a cassava leaf protein concentrate (LPC). The crude LPC had a high tannin content, 2.2%; 47% protein, and high levels of chymotrypsin and trypsin inhibitors, 27000 and 29500 units of inhibition, respectively. The application of the plastein reaction to the crude cassava LPC yielded a product with 90% protein, brought about a tenfold reduction of the tannin content, and lowered the trypsin and chymostrypsin inhibitors concentration to a non-detectable level. The cassava plastein showed the following value for the biological parameters: PER=2.2, NPR=3.4, TD=82.5%, BV=73.6, and NPU=60.7. The cassava LPC has a deep green colour, is bitter and astringent, and is insoluble in water. The plastein has a bland taste, a pale cream colour, is soluble in water, and has a high capacity of forming emulsions which are stable to thermal processing.  相似文献   

Protein isolate from green gram (Phaseolus aureus) was prepared and the chemical composition was determined. It contained 64.04% protein, 1.8% total lipids, 27.64% total carbohydrates, 1.68% crude fibre and 4.84% ash. Iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, potassium and sodium were determined. The limiting amino acid in the protein isolate was lysine. In vitro digestibility pepsin followed the pancretion was the highest and the lowest was the digestion by pepsin alone. Water absorption, oil absorption, emulsion capacity and nitrogen solubility index (NSI) of the protein isolate were 2.26g/g, 1.24g/g, 31.4g/g and 6.8g/g, respectively. For comparison the same functional properties were determined for the flour of green gram. Replacing 5 and 10% of the wheat flour with green gram flour improved the mixing properties of dough and produced good acceptable bread. However, the addition of 15% green gram flour weakened the dough and lowered the quality of bread. Replacing 2.5, 5 and 7.5% of wheat flour with protein concentrate also weakened the mixing properties of the wheat dough and decreased the bread quality.  相似文献   

【目的】为明确水稻矮缩病毒(Rice dwarf virus, RDV) Pns6和P8蛋白在病毒侵染水稻原生质体后的表达动态,【方法】利用PEG介导的病毒侵染原生质体体系,通过免疫荧光和电镜技术分析Pns6、P8蛋白以及病毒粒体在水稻原生质体中的定位;同时,通过Western blot和实时荧光定量PCR分析Pns6和P8蛋白及其RNA在水稻原生质体中的积累量。【结果】病毒接种水稻原生质体48 h后,Pns6蛋白在细胞质中可以形成类似于病毒原质(viroplasm)的点状内含体,P8蛋白也大量的表达。同时,病毒粒体在水稻原生质体中也形成内含体状的结构。病毒接种水稻原生质体12 h后,均可检测到Pns6和P8蛋白的表达,并且在36 h后达到最高值。病毒接种水稻原生质体后,Pns6 RNA在24 h时表达量达到最高,P8 RNA在36 h时表达量达到最高。【结论】RDV侵染水稻原生质体后,Pns6和P8蛋白均有表达,并且病毒也可能通过形成病毒原质来完成病毒在寄主细胞的复制和装配。  相似文献   

Summary Selection for high protein potatoes may be influenced by maturity level at harvest. as well as by genetic capacity. The phosphorus metabolism provided a clue as to physiological maturity. We determined the major phosphorus compounds present in tubers of named cultivars sampled at weekly intervals during the growing season. We also assessed the phosphorus compounds associated with mature tubers of twelve Phureja-Tuberosum hybrid lines varying widely in protein content, and in ploidy. High levels of organic phosphorus, nucleic acid phosphorus, and lipid phosphorus were characteristic of immature tubers. These values declined to a mid-season plateau that was maintained to harvest. Much greater variability in phosphorus balance was found in the hybrid clones analysed than in named cultivars. In some cases high protein levels were clearly associated with delayed maturity of hybrid lines. Other clones appeared to exhibit greater capacity for protein synthesis in the maturing tuber.
Zusammenfassung Untersuchungen über den Gehalt an phosphorhaltigen Inhaltsstoffen in sich entwickelnden Knollen von zwei Kartoffelsorten ergaben ursprünglich hohe Werte an gesamt organischem Phosphor. anorganischem Phosphor, phosphorhaltigen Nukleins?uren und Phospholipiden (Tab. 1, Abb. 1, 2). Diese Gehalte verminderten sich st?ndig bis zu Werten in der Mitte der Wachstumszcit, die bis zur Ernte beibehalten wurden. Der an St?rke gebundene Phosphor, ursprünglich gering, stieg st?ndig bis zu einem bestimmten Wert in der Mitte der Knollentwicklung an (Abb. 3, 6). Der an Phytins?ure gebundene Phosphor zeigte keinen klaren Trend (Abb. 4, 7). Ver?nderungen im Gehalt an Nukleotidphosphor schlugen sich in den Gehalten an anorganischem Phosphor und an St?rke gebundenem Phosphor in der darauf folgenden Woche nieder (Tabellen 2, 3). In Knollen von 12 Phureja-Tuberosum-Hybridlinien, die im Proteingehalt stark variierten und diploide und tetraploide Nachkommen umfassten, wurde der Gehalt der haupts?chlichen phosphorhaltigen Fraktionen bestimmt (Tabellen 5, 6, 7, 8). Zwischen den Hybridklonen bestand eine weit gr?ssere Variabilit?t als zwischen den benannten Sorten, die zu Vergleichszwecken mit untersucht wurden. In einigen F?llen schien diese gr?ssere Variabilit?t durch eine verz?gerte Knollenausreife verursacht zu sein, die sich in den erh?hten Werten für Nukleins?ure-P und Lipid-P zur Erntezeit zeigte. In anderen F?llen schien die Variabilit?t im Phosphorstoffwechsel mit einer gr?sseren F?higkeit zur Proteinanh?ufung verbunden zu sein. Wurden die Werte für Nukleins?uren als Prozent des gesamten organischen Phosphors ausgedrückt. ergaben sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen diploiden und tetraploiden Hybridlinien (Fig. 5. Tabellen 6. 7. 8)., Der Gehalt an St?rke gebundenem Phosphor was in den Hybriden übereinstimmend geringer als in den Sorten. w?hrend der Gehalt an Nukleins?ure-P und Lipid-P in den Hybriden h?her zu sein schien. Wo deutliche Unterschiede im Proteingehalt von Klonen, die zu verschiedenen Zeiten wuchsen, gefunden wurden, konnten sie gew?hnlich mit der Knollenunreife erkl?rt werden. Die h?heren Proteingehalte gingen mit h?heren Nukleins?ure- und Lipid-Phosphorgehalten einher, die für solche Knollen charakteristisch sind.

Résumé L'étude des teneurs en constituants phosphorés contenus dans les tubercules de deux variétés durant leur croissance a révélé l'existence de hauts taux initiaux de phosphore organique total, phosphore inorganique et phosphore associé aux acides nucléiques et aux phospholipides (tableau 1, figures 1 et 2). Ces taux ont diminué progressivement jusqu'à un plateau situé à la mi-saison, et se sont maintenus ensuite jusqu'à la récolte. Le taux de phosphore associé à l'amidon, initialement faible, a augmenté fortement et atteint un plateau au milieu de la période de croissance des tubercules (figures 3 et 6). Le phosphore associé à l'acide phytique n'a pas montré une tendance aussi nette (figures 4 et 7). Les variations en phosphore nucléotidique ont été le reflet de l'évolution des teneurs en phosphore inorganique et en phosphore associé à l'amidon trouvées la semaine suivante (tableaux 2 et 3). Les taux des principales fractions phosphoriques ont été déterminés pour les tubercules de douze hybrides. Phureja-Tuberosum variant largement dans leurs teneurs en protéines et comprenant des lignées diplo?des et tétraplo?des (tableaux 5. 6. 7 et 8). Une beaucoup plus grande variabilité existait entre les clones hybrides qu'entre les variétés étudiées en comparaison. Dans quelques cas, cet accroissement de la variabilité apparaissait être d? au retard de la maturation des tubercules, ce que montrait le taux élevé en phosphore associé aux acides nucléiques et aux lipides lors de la récolte. Dans d'autres cas, la variabilité dans le métabolisme du phosphore apparaissait être en relation avec la plus grande capacité d'accumulation de protéines. Les teneurs en acides nucléiques, exprimées en pourcentage du phosphore organique total, n'ont pas montré de différences significatives entre les lignées hybrides diplo?des et tétraplo?des (figure 5, tableaux 6, 7 et 8). Le phosphore associé à l'amidon a présenté une teneur sensiblement plus faible dans les hybrides que dans les variétés tandis que le taux de phosphore des acides nucléiques et des nucléotides tendait à être plus élevé dans les hybrides. Partout où des différences au niveau du taux de protéines ont été trouvées dans les lignées hybrides cultivées durant plusieurs années (tableau 8) il a été normalement possible d'expliquer ce fait par une absence de maturité dans l'un des cas. Les plus hautes teneurs en protéines ont été accompagnées d'une élévation des taux d'acides nucléiques et de phospholipides caractéristique de tels tubercules.

Soy protein concentrate (Promosoy R Plus) was mixed with water to form a thick paste and autoclaved at 121°C for 10 min, 30 min, 2 h, or 4 h. Unautoclaved SPC served as a control. Nitrogen solubility measurements and SDS-PAGE analysis indicated that autoclaving resulted in the formation of soy protein aggregates, with a MW of 1 million daltons, held together by non-covalent and disulfide bonds. The 10 min, 30 min, 2 h, and 4 h SPC samples contained 6, 20, 27 and 39% less cysteine, respectively, than the SPC control. No significant differences were found in the PERs, 2.6-2-7, of a casein control, unautoclaved SPC control and 10 min and 30 min autoclaved samples. PERs of the 2 h and 4 h autoclaved samples, 2.0 and 1.9 respectively, were significantly lower than the other four diets. No significant differences were found in the apparent digestibility of the 10 min, 30 min, and 2 h autoclaved samples; the 4 h autoclaved sample however was significantly less digestible. Decreased PERs of autoclaved SPC samples were likely due to (1) crysteine destruction, (2) decreased protein digestibility, and (3) decreased food intake.  相似文献   

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