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今年顺义区苗圃绿化、美化苗木达1120多种、1.12亿株。其中油松、白皮松、华山松、雪松、桧柏、侧柏等常绿树13157亩,1650万株,占育苗总面积的23%;连翘、碧桃、榆叶梅、紫叶李、紫蔽、紫荆、月季、玫瑰、黄刺梅、黄杨、女贞等花灌木5468亩,1455万株,占育苗总面积的10%;白腊、元宝枫、栾树、国槐、银杏、合欢、龙爪槐、杜仲、千头椿、金丝柳、各种品种杨等落叶乔木37375亩,8095万株,占育苗总面积的67%。  相似文献   

大丽花块根繁育和栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大丽花(Dahlia pinnata Cav)菊科,大丽花属,多年生草本,原产墨西哥,又名大丽菊、大理花、天竺牡丹、西番莲、地瓜花,具有植株粗壮、花期长、花朵硕大,品种繁多、花色鲜艳、适应性强等特点。是美化公园,布置庭院、花坛、花境以及切花陈设的较好花卉材料。大丽花为世界名花之一,目前世界约有3万多个品种,我国有500余品种。  相似文献   

木棉(Gossampinus malabarica)又名攀枝花、红棉、英雄树、烽火树,属木棉科木棉属落叶高大乔木.木棉广泛分布在我国四川、云南、贵州、广西、广东,生长在江河沿岸、山地阳坡及村边道路旁,喜光、耐高温,对土壤要求不苛刻.在四川攀枝花地区木棉树于1月-2月份开花,先花后叶,花色艳丽,有红色、金黄、淡黄色等颜色,树形高大伟岸,是优良的园林绿化树种.木棉树现是攀枝花市市花和广州市市树,在园林绿化中常作行道树、庭荫树、景园树、盆景树等.木棉经嫁接后2 a-3 a开花,嫁接苗可作盆景矮化栽培,观赏价值高.本文介绍了木棉的嫁接育苗技术.  相似文献   

To improve multi-environmental trial(MET)analysis,a compound method—which combines factor analytic(FA)model with additive main effect and multiplicative interaction(AMMI)and genotype main effect plus genotype-by-environment interaction(GGE)biplot—was conducted in this study.The diameter at breast height of 36 open-pollinated(OP)families of Pinus taeda at six sites in South China was used as a raw dataset.The best linear unbiased prediction(BLUP)data of all individual trees in each site was obtained by fitting the spatial effects with the FA method from raw data.The raw data and BLUP data were analyzed and compared by using the AMMI and GGE biplot.BLUP results showed that the six sites were heterogeneous and spatial variation could be effectively fitted by spatial analysis with the FA method.AMMI analysis identified that two datasets had highly significant effects on the site,family,and their interactions,while BLUP data had a smaller residual error,but higher variation explaining ability and more credible stability than raw data.GGE biplot results revealed that raw data and BLUP data had different results in mega-environment delineation,test-environment evaluation,and genotype evaluation.In addition,BLUP data results were more reasonable due to the stronger analytical ability of the first two principal components.Our study suggests that the compound method combing the FA method with the AMMI and GGE biplot could improve the analysis result of MET data in Pinus teada as it was more reliable than direct AMMI and GGE biplot analysis on raw data.  相似文献   

Natural spruce-fir mixed stand is one of the main forest types in the world,and also has huge ecological,economic and social benefits.According to the structural characteristics and succession laws of natural spruce-fir forest,it is urgent and significant to develop scientific management measures for natural spruce-fir mixed stand in line with local conditions.The article outlined the characteristics of the distribution and structure, regeneration and succession laws of natural spruce-fir forest,and analyzed the current situation and existing problems of natural spruce-fir forest management.The following recommendations were eventually made:1) In no cutting area,all logging activities should be banned.In a restricted cutting area,the cutting intensity should be generally controlled within 15%of the stock volume before cutting.On the commodity forest management area, the appropriate cutting intensity should be determined according to the volume per hectare,determine and classification management should be implemented in accordance with the characteristics of forest,to ensure the scientific selective cutting.2) Closure for afforestation,planting and repair planting should be adopted on vegetation-intensive land,sparse shrubs covered land and harvesting slash,in order to accelerate natural regeneration.3) The in situ conservation should be conducted in nature reserves and scientific experiment stations of rare and endangered species,such as Abies chensiensis,Picea neoveitchii,Abies vuanbaoshanensis,to reduce human destruction.4) It is supposed to collect seeds in time,establish nursery,actively establish forest, expand artificial population and promote natural regeneration.  相似文献   

蚊子、苍蝇、螳螂、臭虫、蜘蛛、蚂蚁之类害虫,在家庭、工厂、办公室、医院、学校、酒店等地,随处可见,无处不入.这些昆虫不但给人们的生活带来很多烦恼,更重要的是,他们导致疾病传播,从而严重危害人们的身体健康.所以,根除害虫,改变居住环境,早已成为人们关注的问题.  相似文献   

肥胖是一种常见的慢性疾病,它是由于生理化机能的改变而引起的体内脂肪沉积量过多,造成体重增加,导致机体发生一系列病理、生理变化的病症.肥胖症是一种全身性代谢疾病,除引起身体外形的改变外,过多的脂肪可带来物理性的负荷,还是各种疾病的"培养箱".肥胖人群平均寿命明显低于正常体重的人群,同时肥胖症还是心血管疾病、糖尿病、脂肪肝、肿瘤的温床,它是一种营养代谢性疾病.减肥首先必须从能量的摄入入手,减少热能的吸收.  相似文献   

当前现代化的航天、航空、汽车、机械、电子、民用建筑、化工等行业迫切要求具备很高的力学性能及耐热、耐磨、耐化学性能的材料.因此高分子材料发展的一个重要方向就是通过对现有聚合物进行物理和化学改性,使其进一步高性能化、结构化、工程化.北京化工大学研制的聚氯乙烯合金是通过挤出机的力学、化学作用及接枝、复合技术使聚氯乙烯塑料工程化,成为物理性能可与ABS相比拟的新材料.聚氯乙烯合金具有高流动性、高韧性,完全可以代替ABS注塑计算机、电视机、冰箱、照相机、仪表等外壳.聚氯乙烯合金还具有良好的耐寒性,可制作各种规格的异型材,包括门窗、上水管道等.产品市场前景好,具有很强的竞争力,有很好的经济效益和社会效益.  相似文献   

According to the unification principle of system structure and system function of the Water Resource Conservation Forests,seven factors were selected from stand spatial structure,trees structure and healthy of woods,the multifunction management optimization model target was confirmed by using nonlinearity multi-objective programming approach, and the target function-stand spatial structure homogeneity index was defined to establish spatial optimization models with restraining conditions set up in diversity of stand structure and spatial structure.The spatial structure of available typical stand in the wet land area in southern Donting Lake was optimized by means of selective cutting and reinforcement planting.The results showed that the spatial structure was improved obviously and trees diversity and stand health were not weakened.It’s suggested that the established optimization model can effectively guide multifunction management,stand structure optimization and the steadiness of ecological ecosystem and it is convenient and operable in practice,and it’s very important to protect and recover ecosystem of Water Resource Conservation Forests.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an automatic method of pore combination recognition,which is an important feature to hardwood recognition.After extracting edge from wood microscopic cross-section, based on area histogram of the similar circle regions,the method classifies all regions into two classes with maximum between-class variance,so as to distinguish the pore from other textures,which are similar in shapes but different in sizes.Meanwhile, second objective function about average area of closed regions is used to improve the pore segmentation performance.At last,the method uses adjacency degree of pore set to judge pore combination.The experiments demonstrate that the task of pore segmentation can be completed successfully for all kinds of pore distribution and combination,and also the correct combinations of pores are given.  相似文献   

To discuss the role of the gelatinous layer (G-layer) on the origins of the physical properties peculiar to the tension wood fiber (TW fiber), the deformation process of an isolated TW fiber caused by a certain biomechanical state change was formulated mathematically. The mechanical model used in the present formulation is a four-layered hollow cylinder having the compound middle lamella (CML), the outer layer of the secondary wall (S1) and its middle layer (S2), and the G-layer (G) as an innermost layer. In the formulation, the reinforced matrix mechanism was applied to represent the mechanical interaction between the cellulose microfibril (CMF) as a framework bundle and the amorphous substance as a matrix skeleton in each layer. The model formulated in the present study is thought to be useful to investigate the origins of extensive longitudinal drying shrinkage, large tensile growth stress, and a high axial elastic modulus, which are rheological properties peculiar to the TW. In this article, the detailed process of the mathematical formulation is described. In a subsequent article, some TW properties from a 70-year-old Kohauchiwakaede (Acer sieboldianum Miq.) will be analyzed using the newly developed model.  相似文献   

对岷江上游干旱河谷荒坡20个植物种群生态位进行了测定。结果表明:1)岷江上游干旱河谷主要植物种群生态位的测定以采用Simpson指数和重要值为宜,而生态位重叠则宜应用Pianka生态位重叠指数和综合优势比。2)垫状卷柏生态位宽度最大,它与高山韭、披针苔草、多茎景天、细柄草5个种群形成了共优群落。生态位宽度值分别为32.34,25.89,29.30,22.92和25.77。3)植物种群间有着较为普遍的生态位重叠但整体而言重叠值又比较小。植物生态位发生分离的程度还不够高,群落各种群间在竞争、互惠等种间相互作用上还没有达到较好的协调。  相似文献   

王甡 《绿色科技》2020,(4):79-80
在分析了大连市中心区声环境功能区划调整必要性的基础上,全面评估了现有区划实施效果,以问题为导向提出了区划调整的方法体系,并阐述了区划调整结果的可行性,为城市环境噪声管理和防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   

对岷江上游干旱河谷荒坡主要植物种群种间关联性分析进行研究,结果表明:20个植物种群整体存在显著的正关联性,种间关联程度虽然不显著但是普遍存在,负关联种对数明显多于正关联。  相似文献   

南京城市湖滨公园植物应用现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实地调研的基础上,对南京城市湖滨公园的植物种类特征、植物类型组成、树种的季相结构、树种重要值、植物景观现状进行分析,并提出今后发展建议。可为今后南京城市湖滨公园植物景观的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

采取清水浸泡、药物蒸煮、干燥和PC树脂浸渍处理等措施,对易裂难干、易发生翘曲变形、使用价值较低的枫香木材进行改性处理,可以显著降低其干缩差异,减少翘曲变形,实现均匀干燥.从而大大改善其加工性能和耐腐程度,提高利用价值.实践证明,以浸泡时间为6个月,蒸煮时间为48h,药量配比为1号药液:2号药液=0.5%:1.5%进行改性处理的效果最为理想.  相似文献   

以中华槭为研究对象,研究了中华槭花粉离体培养萌发最佳测定时间,中华槭花粉活力快速测定的方法,蔗糖、硼酸、氯化钙浓度以及不同贮藏温度(室温、4℃、-20℃)对中华槭花粉活力的影响。试验结果表明:中华槭花粉离体培养16h后,再进行其花粉活力的测定较为适宜;用离体培养萌发法测定的花粉活力,最接近于中华槭花粉的真实活力。适于中华槭花粉萌发的蔗糖、硼酸、氯化钙浓度分别为:100g/L、50mg/L、50mg/L。中华槭花粉在4℃下可以存活60d,在-20℃下可以保存120d,在室温下仅可以存活7d。  相似文献   

本文以YZR系列电机为对象,探讨了原木门式起重机起升机构电机容量的合理选择与配区问题.通过起升速度的优化设计,获得最佳起升速度值,并以此值作参数选择电机容量.同时,设计了起升机构电机容量的选择程序.为改善门式起重机的性能,合理匹配其起升机构的电机容量提供了依据.  相似文献   

对转入多拷贝rolB、rolC基因的三倍体毛白杨进行高生长量、生根率和内源激素(IAA、ABA)含量等指标的测定,以研究多拷贝rol基因在转基因植物中的表达。结果显示:转Ri质粒三倍体毛白杨再次分别转入rolB、rolC基因后,部分株系试管苗的生长受到了抑制,但各株系生根率均有不同程度提高;rolB基因转化植株的内源IAA平均含量高于rolC基因转化植株,其IAA/ABA值亦高于rolC基因转化植株。试验结果表明rol基因的多拷贝促使转化植株快速大量生成毛状根。  相似文献   

论建设长江上游生态屏障   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
本文对四川建设长江上游生态屏障的背景、意义、内容、途径进行了论述,指出“把四川建成长江上游生态屏障”的战略目标是认识上的一次飞跃。提出了建设长江上游生态屏障应当包括森林、草地、农田、城市和河流五个子系统内容,采取牢固树立可持续发展观念,大工程治理战略,构建生态经济产业群,发展无公害农业,建设山水园林城市,依靠科技和法制的建设途径。  相似文献   

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