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Serum samples collected from Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus; n = 472), fallow deer (Dama dama; n = 293) and European wild boar (Sus scrofa; n = 174) in Asturias, Northern Spain, from 1999 to 2005 were examined for antibodies against a reference panel of 14 Leptospira spp. serovars. Positive antibody titres at a microscopic agglutination test cut-off of 1:80 were detected against serovars Pomona (1.6%, 5.8%, 5.2%), Bratislava (1.1%, 0.7%, 4.7%), Grippotyphosa (0.7%, 2.4%, 1.7%), Muenchen (2.6%, 0%, 0%), Pyrogenes (0.4%, 2.4%, 1.2%), Panama (1.2%, 1.7%, 0%), Copenhageni (0%, 0.7%, 0.6%), Autumnalis (0.4%, 0%, 0.6%) and Icterohaemorrhagiae (0%, 0%, 0.6%) in Iberian red deer, fallow deer and European wild boar, respectively.  相似文献   

This study examines milk production and the effect of milk production and sex of calf on body weights and gains of red deer calves and hinds of the Iberian subspecies (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). Milk production was assessed in 14 hinds by weighing calves before and after suckling and by adjusting these values to the Gamma function. Gamma estimates of total milk production up to d 105 were similar to the amounts computed directly from double weighing. Hinds showed two types of lactation curve: 1) the standard mammal lactation curve, with an asymmetrical peak at wk 2 to 4 (Type I) and 2) decreasing curves with no peak (Type II). Although there was great interindividual variability, hinds with Type I curves showed a trend to produce more milk than those with Type II. The type of curve did not seem to affect weight variables of the calf or those of the dam. Calves that gained more weight consumed greater amounts of milk (P<.05). Males were heavier than females at birth (P<.05), but males did not differ from females in their weight at 105 d, milk consumption, and gain. Gender did not affect hind weight, but dams of male calves showed a trend to be lighter (P = .063) at d 105 than dams of female calves. Our results suggest that suckling differences found in other studies between male and female calves may not involve differences in milk production, although other rearing costs seem to affect hind weight losses. They also suggest that the curve type may not depend only, as reported, on the nutrition plane.  相似文献   

This study describes milk production and milk composition of Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) females (hinds) and the effect of calving date and BW change of hinds by milking over 34 wk. All hinds produced milk throughout the 34-wk study period, well over the standard lactation period. Total milk yield was 224.1 +/- 21.1 L, and daily production was 0.91 +/- 0.06 L. Milk yield decreased with lactation stage (P = 0.01) and the later a calf was born (P = 0.008), and it was greater in posterior quarters (P < 0.05). Milk yield was unaffected (P > 0.10) by side position or milking order of the udder. Milk production did not correlate with hind BW (P > 0.1). Hinds lost 4.4% BW during lactation (P < 0.001); losses increased the later a calf was born (P = 0.012). Iberian red deer milk had 11.5% fat, 7.6% protein, 5.9% lactose, and 26.7% DM. Stage of lactation affected fat (P < 0.001), protein (P = 0.002), DM (P < 0.001), and protein:fat ratio (P < 0.001), but not lactose (P > 0.1). These constituents became concentrated as lactation proceeded, and protein was substituted by fat. Calving date had a similar concentrating effect on fat (P < 0.001) and DM (P < 0.001), whereas it decreased lactose (P = 0.015) and protein (P = 0.002), thus producing a substitution of protein by fat (ratio of protein to fat, P < 0.001). Milking order of quarters or their position had no effect on milk composition (P > 0.10). Results suggest that milk production and milk energetic quality might increase by advancing calving date in red deer hinds.  相似文献   

Renal calculi were found in eight of 325 red deer kidney pairs examined, all eight were females and only one was infected in both kidneys. A further three deer badly infected with urolithiasis were found by chance, two were males. Examples of the calculi found are illustrated to show their range of sizes and shapes. One calculus analysed for chemical composition comprised predominantly calcium carbonate.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 441 red deer (Cervus elaphus) and 161 other wild ruminant species, collected between 1993 and 2005 from six regions of Spain were tested for antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii by the modified agglutination test (MAT). Antibodies to T. gondii (MAT 1:25 or higher) were detected in 15.6% of red deer. Statistically significant differences were observed among sampling sites with seroprevalence in red deer from Catalonia (42.2%) being significantly higher compared with other Spanish regions (8.7%) (P < 0.05). Statistically significant differences were not observed between T. gondii seroprevalence and sex, age or management of hunting estates (open versus fenced). Seroprevalence of T.gondii infection in other ruminants species was 24% of 79 fallow deer (Dama dama), 21.8% of 33 in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), 33.3% of three Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica), 20% of 10 chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica), 10% of 10 barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia), and 14.8% of 27 mouflon (Ovis ammon) in areas not including Catalonia, where no samples from these species were available. Serological results indicated a widespread exposure to T. gondii among wildlife in Spain and suggest that consumption of raw or inadequately cooked meat, as well as handling carcasses of wild game, should be taken into account as a source of infection for humans.  相似文献   

This study examines effects of birth date, hind milk production and its composition, and weight of hind and calf at birth (HBW and CBW, respectively) on calf growth responses born to Iberian hinds (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) and lactating over 34 wk. Males showed daily gains greater than those of females (P = 0.04). Calf birth weight was strongly related to calf gain over a standard (15-wk) lactation (P < 0.01), but HBW did not influence growth or CBW (P > 0.10). After correcting for nutrient supply, birth date did not affect growth, but birth date x total protein yield (TPY), birth date x total fat yield (TFY), and birth date x total lactose yield (TLY) interactions influenced growth (P < 0.001), and early-born calves showed greater growth than those born late for wk 2 to 34 (P < 0.05). Calf birth weight showed the highest correlation with protein-to-fat ratio in milk (P < 0.001), a high correlation with milk protein content (P < 0.05), and a low negative correlation with fat (P < 0.10). Calf gains also showed the highest correlation with protein-to-fat ratio in milk (P < 0.05). Similarly, total milk yield (TMY), TPY, and TFY during lactation affected growth as single factors (P < 0.001). Calves showed not only an overall difference in daily gain between calves born early or late (P = 0.02), but also a greater speed of growth independently of CBW (percentage of weight gained per week, P < 0.001). Early-born calves were heavier at 12 and 18 mo (P < 0.05). Results suggest that selecting hinds of high milk production and nutrient supply and advancing calving date may increase growth of calves and their performance at adulthood.  相似文献   

Summary An adult female wild boar (Sus scrofa) was found moribund in Cabaneros National Park (central Spain). The animal had a markedly emaciated carcass, with body weight of 25.9 kg. At necropsy, most of the parenchymatous organs had widespread variably sized granulomas. Generalized tuberculosis was confirmed by PCR detection of Mycobacterium bovis in the mandibular lymph node. Large amounts of a hyaline, pale eosinophilic material were observed in liver, kidney and intestine. Congo red staining and green birefringence identified amyloid, which was further classified as AA type based on immunohistochemical results. It is speculated that the abundant serum amyloid A derivatives deposited in the tissues as AA-amyloid may be associated with the generalized tuberculosis. This is the first report of amyloidosis in the European wild boar.  相似文献   

Fasciola hepatica is a trematode infecting ruminants worldwide, occasionally reported in a wide range of animal species, including humans. According to the WHO, fasciolosis is recognized as a re-emerging neglected tropical disease, responsible for endemic and epidemic outbreaks in humans. Although the main hosts of the parasite are represented by cattle, sheep and goats, wildlife may be involved in its circulation. Here we firstly report F. hepatica in a wild boar from Italy (southern area) and characterize it both morphologically and molecularly. The nad1 gene analysis of specimens analyzed, revealed a high genetic similarity with those of humans from Iran and Peru, as well as a close phylogenetic relationship to those in ruminants from Brazil, Ecuador and Egypt. Considering the increase in the wild boar populations in urban and peri-urban areas, a potential role of this ungulate in the circulation of this zoonotic trematode is suggested.  相似文献   

Triplets in red deer (Cervus elaphus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A total of 207 teeth belonging to 53 deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) from Sierra Morena (South of Spain) were analysed using histological thin sections and/or polished thick sections. Growth marks were observed in dentine and cementum of incisors, molars and canines. Tooth, region of the tooth, and type of preparation giving the best performance in terms of sharpness and interpretation ease of the growth marks, when used for Spanish deer ageing, were identified. The tissue chosen for the study was the cellular cementum of the inter-radicular pad from molars and the acellular cementum of the root from incisors, both observed through longitudinal cuts. Histological sections obtained with a conventional microtome were optimal for a reliable identification of the first growth marks. In sections thicker than 15 microm the first rest line, when observed in cementum can be confused with the cementum-dentine junction; whereas in the polished sections from molars it will not appear at all. Dentine interpretation was more difficult. Its observation should only be accomplished using cross-sections of the molar root. Secondary or accessory marks were visible in every tooth, being those from the molar pad the easiest to distinguish. Canines were the less suitable teeth for this study.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate experimental Mycobacterium bovis infection of red deer (Cervus elaphus). Three intravenously inoculated deer (dose 10 microg-1000 microg) developed miliary tuberculosis of the lungs and all died within 28 days of being infected. No clinical illnesses were observed in four subcutaneously (dose 1 microg-1000 microg) and three intratracheally (dose 10 microg-100 microg) inoculated deer. At the conclusion of the experiment six weeks post inoculation, these seven animals reacted to 2 mg/ml of bovine purified protein derivative. The principal lesions in the intravenously inoculated deer were in the lungs which had multiple foci of necrosis containing very large numbers of acid fast bacilli. A gradation of changes was seen in the subcutaneously inoculated deer. The animal receiving the 1 microg dose only had lesions at the injection site and the draining prescapular lymph node. Deer receiving higher doses also had histopathological changes in the lungs and liver. Microscopic changes in the intratracheally infected animals were restricted to the thoracic cavity. The ability of the deer to controlled infection was related to the route of inoculation.  相似文献   

Eighteen of 23 red deer (Cervus elaphus) at a deer slaughtering premises were successfully stunned with an apparatus modified from that normally used to stun sheep. The five unsuccessful electrical stuns were associated with poor head restraint and poor head contact by the electrodes. The median stunning current was 0.9 A, and in the majority of cases the duration of stunning was less than 1 second. The signs of the electrically induced epileptiform seizures in the deer were dissimilar to those seen in sheep, cattle and pigs, in that the initial tonic phase was less marked, and of shorter duration. A similar shorter and less obvious tonic phase was noted in four deer shot with a captive bolt pistol. Two animals which were electrically stunned, and bled within 10 seconds, showed no signs of recovery while bleeding. The electroencephalograms of four deer stunned with currents of 1.3 A for a duration of either 0.5 or 1.0 seconds were recorded under more controlled conditions. All four animals developed electroencephalograms typical of an epileptiform seizure. The animals exhibited behavioural reactions similar to the other 18 animals in the trial at the deer slaughtering premises and were rendered unconscious for between 54 and 122 seconds. The electroencephalogram activity amplitude was greater than that recorded immediately before stunning and took between 6 and 9 seconds to build up to maximum value. It is concluded that, providing the heads of deer are adequately restrained, head-only electrical stunning can be incorporated into a humane method of slaughter for deer.  相似文献   

An outbreak of tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis in farmed red deer imported from an eastern European country is described. Twenty-six of the 106 deer examined at autopsy were found to be infected and 19 had visible lesions of tuberculosis. Single comparative intradermal tuberculin tests on 51 deer showed that the test had a specificity of 61.3 per cent and a sensitivity of 80 per cent relative to subsequent biological and cultural tests on tissues taken at autopsy. Three hundred and seventy eight culled fallow and sika deer which had been running in a park in contact with some of the infected animals were found to be free of tuberculosis.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate experimental Mycobacterium bovis infection of red deer (Cervus elaphus). Three intravenously inoculated deer (dose 10µg–1000µg) developed miliary tuberculosis of the lungs and all died within 28 days of being infected. No clinical illnesses were observed in four subcutaneously (dose 1 uµg–100uµg) and three intratracheally (dose lµg–100µg) inoculated deer. At the conclusion of the experiment six weeks post inoculation, these seven animals reacted to 2 mg/ml of bovine purified protein derivative. The principal lesions in the intravenously inoculated deer were in the lungs which had multiple foci of necrosis containing very large numbers of acid fast bacilli. A gradation of changes was seen in the subcutaneously inoculated deer. The animal receiving the 1µg dose only had lesions at the injection site and the draining prescapular lymph node. Deer receiving higher doses also had histopathological changes in the lungs and liver. Microscopic changes in the intratracheally infected animals were restricted to the thoracic cavity. The ability of the deer to control infection was related to the route of inoculation.  相似文献   

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