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Metritis is an important disorder in dairy cows during the early postpartum period. Myometrial contractility is a prerequisite for uterine involution; however, very scanty literature is available about the effect of metritis on this process and endocrine responsiveness. This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of inflammation on uterine contractility in vitro, and the inflammation was induced by incubating myometrial strips with lipopolysaccharides (LPS). Myometrial samples were collected from 17 healthy Holstein Friesian cows during caesarean section. Eight longitudinal strips from each cow were incubated in organ baths with LPS concentrations of 0 (LPS0), 0.1 (LPS0.1), 1 (LPS1) and 10 µg/ml (LPS10). Spontaneous contractility and contractility induced by increasing concentrations of oxytocin (10–10 – 10–7 mol/L) were recorded during nine 30-min intervals (T1 to T9). The minimum amplitude (minA), maximum amplitude (maxA), mean amplitude (meanA) and area under the curve (AUC) were calculated for each time interval. LPS had an effect (p ≤ .05) on maxA, meanA and AUC. In T1, myometrial strips incubated with LPS0.1 and LPS1 had higher (p ≤ .05) maxA, meanA and AUC than the strips incubated with LPS0. In T9 without oxytocin, LPS0 led to higher (p ≤ .05) maxA, meanA and AUC than LPS0.1 and LPS1. In T8 and T9 with oxytocin, LPS1 had lower (p ≤ .05) maxA, meanA and AUC than the other LPS concentrations. Interestingly, the results show that LPS has a transient positive effect on myometrial contractility in vitro and that this effect is dependent on LPS concentration and duration of incubation.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Post operative ileus (POI) in horses is a severe complication after colic surgery. A commonly used prokinetic drug is lidocaine, which has been shown to have stimulatory effects on intestinal motility. The cellular mechanisms through which lidocaine affects smooth muscle activity are not yet known. Objectives: To examine the effects of lidocaine on smooth muscle in vitro and identify mechanisms by which it may affect the contractility of intestinal smooth muscle. Hypothesis: Ischaemia and reperfusion associated with intestinal strangulation can cause smooth muscle injury. Consequently, muscle cell functionality and contractile performance is decreased. Lidocaine can improve basic cell functions and thereby muscle cell contractility especially in ischaemia‐reperfusion‐challenged smooth muscle. Methods: To examine the effects of lidocaine on smooth muscle function directly, isometric force performance was measured in vitro in noninjured and in vivo ischaemia‐reperfusion injured smooth muscle tissues. Dose‐dependent response of lidocaine was measured in both samples. To assess membrane permeability as a marker of basic cell function, release of creatine kinase (CK) was measured by in vitro incubations. Results: Lidocaine‐stimulated contractility of ischaemia‐reperfusion injured smooth muscle was more pronounced than that of noninjured smooth muscle. A 3‐phasic dose‐dependency was observed with an initial recovery of contractility especially in ischaemia‐reperfusion injured smooth muscle followed by a plateau phase where contractility was maintained over a broad concentration range. CK release was decreased by lidocaine. Conclusion: Lidocaine may improve smooth muscle contractility and basic cell function by cellular repair mechanisms which are still unknown. Improving contractility of smooth muscle after ischaemia‐reperfusion injury is essential in recovery of propulsive intestinal motility. Potential relevance: Characterisation of the cellular mechanisms of effects of lidocaine, especially on ischaemia‐reperfusion injured smooth muscle, may lead to improved treatment strategies for horses with POI.  相似文献   

In coronary arterial rings isolated from horses, 10--8-10-6 mol/l acetylcholine (ACh) induced concentration-dependent contractions which were potentiated by the removal of endothelium and by pretreatment with I,-nitro-arginine (LNAG) or methylene blue (MB). Relatively lower concentrations of Ach 10-14-10-8 mol/l) induced relaxation when the coronary rings were contracted by phenylephrine (PE). ACh-induced contractions in the coronary rings without endothelium were competitively inhibited by each muscarinic subtype selective antagonist in the following order of potency: 4-diphenylacetoxy-N-methylpiperidine methiodide (4-DAMP) > pirenzepine ≥ parafluoro-hexahydrosiladiphenidol (pFHHSiD) > methoctramine. ACh-induced relaxation in the rings with endothelium was inhibited by LNAG or MB, and by each selective antagonist in the following order of potency: 4-DAMP < pFHHSiD ≥ pirenzepine ≥ methoctramine. These results suggest that the ACh-induced contraction and relaxation in equine coronary arteries are mediated mainly by an M3-receptor located on the smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells, respectively, and that the stimulation of the M3-receptor on the endothelial cells liberates nitric oxide.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether enrofloxacin has detrimental, dose-dependent effects on equine articular cartilage in vitro. ANIMALS: Cartilage explants were developed from 6 healthy horses between 0 and 96 months old. PROCEDURE: Patellar cartilage explants were incubated in 5 concentrations of enrofloxacin (2 microg/ml, 10 microg/ml, 1,000 microg/ml, 10,000 microg/ml, and 50,000 microg/ml) for 72 hours. Proteoglycan synthesis (Na35SO4 incorporation for 24 hours), proteoglycan degradation (Na35SO4 release for 72 hours), endogenous proteoglycan content (dimethylmethlene blue assay), and total protein content were determined. Cartilage explants were evaluated by use of histomorphologic and histomorphometric techniques (toluidine blue stain) for cytologic and matrix characteristics. Quantitative data were analyzed with a one-way ANOVA to compare results among various enrofloxacin concentration groups and the control group. A general linear model was used to determine whether age had an effect. RESULT: Proteoglycan synthesis was excellent in control specimens and in specimens incubated in low concentrations of enrofloxacin (2 microg/ml and 10 microg/ml). High concentrations of enrofloxacin (> 1,000 microg/ml) effectively eliminated proteoglycan synthesis regardless of horse age. Proteoglycan degradation at low concentrations (2 microg/ml and 10 microg/ml) was not different than control. High concentrations of enrofloxacin (> 1,000 microg/ml) caused significant degradation. Different concentrations of enrofloxacin did not affect endogenous proteoglycan. High concentrations of enrofloxacin were associated with a significant increase in number of pyknotic nuclei. CONCLUSION: Concentrations of enrofloxacin that might be achieved following systemic administration did not suppress chondrocyte metabolism in vitro. High concentrations of enrofloxacin (> 1,000 microg/ml) were toxic to chondrocytes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the distribution of muscarinic receptor subtypes M(1) to M(5) and interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) in the gastrointestinal tract of healthy dairy cows. SAMPLE POPULATION: Full-thickness samples were collected from the fundus, corpus, and pyloric part of the abomasum and from the duodenum, ileum, cecum, proximal loop of the ascending colon, and both external loops of the spiral colon of 5 healthy dairy cows after slaughter. PROCEDURES: Samples were fixed in paraformaldehyde and embedded in paraffin. Muscarinic receptor subtypes and ICCs were identified by immunohistochemical analysis. RESULTS: Staining for M(1) receptors was found in the submucosal plexus and myenteric plexus. Antibodies against M(2) receptors stained nuclei of smooth muscle cells only. Evidence of M(3) receptors was found in the lamina propria, in intramuscular neuronal terminals, on intermuscular nerve fibers, and on myocytes of microvessels. There was no staining for M(4) receptors. Staining for M(5) receptors was evident in the myocytes of microvessels and in smooth muscle cells. The ICCs were detected in the myenteric plexus and within smooth muscle layers. Distribution among locations of the bovine gastrointestinal tract did not differ for muscarinic receptor subtypes or ICCs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The broad distribution of M(1), M(3), M(5), and ICCs in the bovine gastrointestinal tract indicated that these components are likely to play an important role in the regulation of gastrointestinal tract motility in healthy dairy cows. Muscarinic receptors and ICCs may be implicated in the pathogenesis of motility disorders, such as abomasal displacement and cecal dilatation-dislocation.  相似文献   

The vasomotor effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) on isolated equine basilar arteries were studied. 5-HT induced contractions of equine basilar arteries in a concentration-dependent manner, with a pEC50 value (with 95% confidence limits) of 7.35 (7.08–7.62). Similar results were obtained with endothelium-denuded basilar arteries. Contractions were not competitively inhibited by the 5-HT2 receptor antagonist ketanserin at low concentrations of 5-HT. Conversely, at high concentrations of 5-HT, contractions were inhibited by ketanserin in a concentration-dependent manner, with a pA 2 value of 8.91 (8.62–9.20). The 5-HT1 and 5-HT2 receptor antagonist methiothepin shifted the concentration-response curve of 5-HT downwards and to the right in a concentration-dependent manner. In the presence of 10-6 mol/L ketanserin, however, methiothepin antagonized 5-HT-induced contractions competitively with a pA 2 value of 7.95 (7.59–8.31). The 5-HT3 receptor antagonist MDL 72222 had no effect on 5-HT-induced contractions. The findings of this study indicate that 5-HT1 and 5-HT2 receptors are located in equine basilar arterial smooth muscle cells, and that stimulation of these receptors results in contraction.Abbreviations CR concentration ratio - EC50 concentration producing 50% of the maximal response - 5-HT 5-hydroxytryptamine - MDL 72222 1H,3,5H-tropan-3-yl-3,5-dichlorobenzoate - pA 2 negative logarithm of the molar concentration of antagonist that produces a 2-fold rightward shift of the concentration-response curve - pEC50 negative logarithm of EC50 - PGF2 prostaglandin F2  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of cisapride (CIS), metoclopramide (MET) and bethanechol (BET) on contractility parameters from smooth muscle preparations of the abomasal antrum and proximal duodenum of cows. Smooth muscle preparations were harvested shortly post-mortem from 42 healthy dairy cows, and concentration-response curves were performed by cumulative application of the drugs. Cisapride and MET did not have any significant effect on the contractility parameters studied, while BET induced a significant, concentration-dependent increase in basal tone (BT), mean amplitude (Amean), and area under the curve (AUC) in smooth muscle preparations from the abomasal antrum, but not from the duodenum. The effect of BET on BT was more pronounced in specimens with longitudinal orientation while the maximal obtainable effect (Vm) in Amean was more pronounced in circular-oriented preparations. Atropine (1 x 10-5 m) significantly inhibited the effect of BET, whereas pre-incubation with hexamethonium or tetrodotoxin (TTX) had no effect, suggesting that the effect was mediated by cholinergic receptors on the smooth muscle. The results may be relevant to diseases or disorders associated with gastric emptying and gastric hypomotility. Further investigations are warranted to investigate the potential ability of BET to enhance abomasal emptying of adult dairy cows.  相似文献   

Abomasal displacement has been associated with gastric hypomotility. The supply of prokinetic drugs available to address this problem is insufficient. The goal of the study was to investigate the effect of the muscarinic agonist bethanechol (BeCh) on contractility parameters of smooth muscle preparations from several regions of the bovine abomasum (fundus, corpus, and antrum). Cumulative concentration-response curves were constructed using BeCh in vitro with and without pre-incubation with antagonists targeted at M(2) and M(3) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) subtypes. In all preparations investigated, BeCh induced a significant and concentration-dependent increase in all contractility parameters investigated. The maximal attainable effect (V(max)) was more pronounced in circular specimens, and V(max) of antral specimens in circular orientation were significantly lower when compared to the other preparations. Both antagonists caused a rightward shift of the concentration-response curve, suggesting that the effect of BeCh is mediated at least partly by M(2) and M(3) AChRs.  相似文献   

The recent molecular characterization and sequencing of equine P-selectin (ePsel), and its glycoprotein ligand, P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1), have provided the tools for further investigation into their role in leukocyte trafficking. Here, we report the generation of a genetically engineered chimeric protein (ePsel-IgG) in which the equine P-selectin lectin and epithelial growth factor (EGF) domains were covalently linked to the equine IgG1 heavy chain constant region. The soluble ePsel-IgG was observed to bind to equine monocytes by confocal microscopy and flow cytometry. Furthermore, equine monocytes bound to immobilized ePsel-IgG in a time course and dose dependent manner. Not only did ePsel-IgG act as an adhesion molecule, it was also found to activate ERK1/2 kinase and induce IL-8 mRNA expression in equine monocytes. That all of the aforementioned ePsel-IgG-induced cell binding and cell signaling were abolished by the addition of EDTA, suggested that ePsel-IgG chimera mediated events occurred via the P-selectin ligand, PSGL-1. We were able to demonstrate that 78% of equine monocytes cross-reacted with anti-human HECA-452 antibody, which recognizes the sialy-Lewis X (sLex) epitope, a well-known carbohydrate binding site on human PSGL-1. Pre-incubation of equine PBMC with neuraminidase or O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase (OSGP) reduced ePsel-IgG monocyte binding to 36% or 60%, respectively. Taken together, these data suggest that there might be two ligand recognition sites on P-selectin, one of which recognizes sLex and another which recognizes P-selectin ligand core protein. The ePsel-IgG chimera can be a useful as a reagent for further studies on the role of equine P-selectin and signal transduction in inflammatory events in horse.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the in vitro effects of bethanechol on contractility of smooth muscle preparations from the small intestines of healthy cows and define the muscarinic receptor subtypes involved in mediating contraction. SAMPLE POPULATION: Tissue samples from the duodenum and jejunum collected immediately after slaughter of 40 healthy cows. PROCEDURES: Cumulative concentration-response curves were determined for the muscarinic receptor agonist bethanechol with or without prior incubation with subtype-specific receptor antagonists in an organ bath. Effects of bethanechol and antagonists and the influence of intestinal location on basal tone, maximal amplitude (A(max)), and area under the curve (AUC) were evaluated. RESULTS: Bethanechol induced a significant, concentration-dependent increase in all preparations and variables. The effect of bethanechol was more pronounced in jejunal than in duodenal samples and in circular than in longitudinal preparations. Significant inhibition of the effects of bethanechol was observed after prior incubation with muscarinic receptor subtype M(3) antagonists (more commonly for basal tone than for A(max) and AUC). The M(2) receptor antagonists partly inhibited the response to bethanechol, especially for basal tone. The M(3) receptor antagonists were generally more potent than the M(2) receptor antagonists. In a protection experiment, an M(3) receptor antagonist was less potent than when used in combination with an M(2) receptor antagonist. Receptor antagonists for M(1) and M(4) did not affect contractility variables. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Bethanechol acting on muscarinic receptor sub-types M(2) and M(3) may be of clinical use as a prokinetic drug for motility disorders of the duodenum and jejunum in dairy cows.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Volatile fatty acids, byproducts of carbohydrate fermentation by resident bacteria, have been implicated in causing nonglandular (NG) gastric ulcers. Lactic acid (LA), also produced by stomach bacteria, may cause gastric ulcers when exposed to the equine NG mucosa. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the in vitro effects of LA on equine NG mucosa bioelectric properties, sodium transport and tissue resistance. METHODS: Gastric tissues obtained from 13 mature horses were studied in Ussing chambers. Short-circuit current (Isc) and potential difference (PD) were measured, and electrical resistance (R) and conductance (G) calculated for tissues after addition of HCl and LA (5, 10, 20 and 40 mmol/l) in normal Ringer's solution (NRS). RESULTS: Mucosa exposed to HCl or LA (5, 10 and 20 mmol/l) in NRS (pH 1.5 and to a lesser extent pH 4.0) had a significant decrease in Isc and PD. Mucosa exposed to a high concentration of LA (40 mmol/l) in NRS (LRS) at pH 1.5 showed an increased G, but this increase was not significant. Values returned to baseline after solutions were returned to pH 7.0. Histological changes were consistent with HCl-induced (pH <4.0) acid damage. CONCLUSIONS: HCl induced alteration in bioelectric properties of equine NG mucosa whereas addition of LRS did not, other than those changes seen with HCl alone.  相似文献   

cDNA generated from lipopolysaccharide-stimulated equine peripheral blood mononuclear cells was used to amplify and clone type I and type II equine interleukin-1 receptors (IL-1RI and IL-1RII) using primers derived from semi-conserved regions between human and mouse IL-1RI and IL-1RII sequences, respectively. 5' and 3' terminal sequences of equine IL-1RI and IL-1RII were amplified by 5' and 3' rapid amplification of cDNA ends. The deduced amino acid sequence of equine IL-1RI demonstrated 77, 64 and 63% similarity with human, mouse and rat sequences, respectively. The predicted amino acid sequence of equine IL-1RII demonstrated 70, 60 and 58% similarity with human, mouse and rat sequences, respectively. Recombinant equine soluble IL-1RI and IL-1RII produced in insect cells bound recombinant equine IL-1alpha and IL-1beta. Furthermore, both receptors suppressed the growth inhibitory activities of equine IL-1alpha and IL-1beta toward A375 cells in a dose-dependent manner, indicating that the present equine IL-1RI and IL-1RII cDNA encodes biologically active proteins.  相似文献   

Equine satellite cells are responsible for muscle healing and regeneration in the mature horse. We describe the in vitro cell culture conditions required for clonal populations of equine satellite cells to undergo both proliferation and differentiation. Our hypothesis is that these in vitro conditions model regeneration of muscle and can be used to evaluate potential therapeutics. In this study, 2 areas of satellite cell response were tested: proliferation of clones induced by growth factors, and fusion induced by culture conditions. Equine satellite cell clones showed differences in their response to growth factors as well as accumulation of cellular protein concentrations. Equine satellite cells proliferate in response to both human and bovine FGF. IGF-1, a powerful mitogen of other satellite cell culture systems, was not as effective for inducing equine satellite cell proliferation. Protein concentrations were also measured in satellite cell cultures. Clones differed in cellular protein produced depending on growth conditions. Conditions inducing differentiation into myotubes was also determined for a 96 well assay and can be used to study the final stage of functioning muscle production. This in vitro model is the first step in identifying potential therapeutics to speed wound healing and promote muscle regeneration in horses.  相似文献   

The effects of various concentrations of furosemide and pentoxifylline on equine RBCin vitro were evaluated to facilitate better understanding of the potential effects of these drugs on blood flow properties. Furosemide induced increased mean cell volume (MCV), increased RBC potassium concentration, increased whole blood viscosity, and decreased the RBC filtrability. These data indicate that furosemide may block the RBC membrane transport pathways resulting in potassium and water retention. The increase in size and the resultant decrease in the surface-area-to-volume ratio may have caused the impaired RBC filtrability and increased blood viscosity. Pentoxifylline improved RBC filtrability without changing the RBC size or the potassium or chloride concentrations, suggesting that pentoxifylline may increase the deformability of the RBC membrane. The study indicated that pentoxifylline has potential therapeutic applications for improving microvascular blood flow but that furosemide may have adverse effects on blood flow.Abbreviations cP centipoise - EIPH exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage - MCV mean cell volume - Na-K-2Cl sodium potassium 2-chloride - PCV packed cell volume - RBC red blood cell  相似文献   

Molecular cloning and characterization of equine Toll-like receptor 9   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Innate immunity relies on a series of germline-encoded pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs), to detect conserved microbial components. TLR9 is typically expressed intracellularly in immune cells such as dendritic cells and recognizes unmethylated bacterial or viral cytosine-phosphate-guanine DNA (CpG-DNA). To investigate innate immune responses through TLR9 signaling pathway in horses, we cloned and characterized equine TLR9. Protein sequence analysis shows that equine TLR9 has a typically conserved cytosolic Toll/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain, three leucine-rich repeat (LRR) motifs, with greater than 82% identity to human, monkey, bovine, canine, feline, porcine and ovine orthologs. Equine TLR9 mRNA expression was characterized for spleen, lymph node, and peripheral blood leukocyte samples. Flow cytometric analysis of equine TLR9 expression using a cross-reactive TLR9 mAb identified high constitutive expression of equine TLR9 in PMNs, CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-lymphocytes as well as other leukocytes; similar to human TLR9 expression. The conservation of equine TLR9 and high expression profile in leukocytes suggests that equine TLR9 is a frequent target for unmethylated CpG-DNA, an essential mechanism for the activation of innate immunity.  相似文献   

An in vitro model of the upper respiratory tract of the horse was developed to investigate mechanisms of respiratory diseases. Four tissues of the upper respiratory tract of three horses were collected. Explants were maintained in culture at an air–liquid interface for 96 h. At 0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h of cultivation, a morphometric analysis was performed using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The explants were judged on morphometric changes of epithelium, basement membrane and connective tissue. Viability was evaluated using a fluorescent Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP Nick End Labelling (TUNEL) staining. No significant changes in morphometry and viability of any of the explants were observed during cultivation. Hence, the in vitro model may be useful to study infectious and non-infectious diseases at the level of the equine respiratory tract, with potential application to the development of vaccines and treatments for diseases of the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine effects of reactive oxygen metabolites (ROMs), with and without flunixin meglumine, on equine right ventral colon (RVC) in vitro. ANIMALS: 18 healthy horses and ponies. PROCEDURES: In 3 groups of 6 animals each, short-circuit current and conductance were measured in RVC mucosa in Ussing chambers. The 3 groups received physiologic saline (0.9% NaCl) solution, IV, 10 minutes before euthanasia and tissue incubation in Krebs-Ringer-bicarbonate (KRB) solution; flunixin meglumine (1.1 mg/kg, IV) 10 minutes before euthanasia and tissue incubation in KRB solution; or physiologic saline solution, IV, 10 minutes before euthanasia and incubation in KRB solution with 2.7 x 10(5)M flunixin meglumine. Incubation conditions included control (no addition) and ROM systems, including addition of 1 mM xanthine and 80 mU of xanthine oxidase (to produce the superoxide radical), 1 mM H(2)O(2), and 1 mM H(2)O(2) and 0.5 mM ferrous sulfate (to produce the hydroxyl radical). RESULTS: All ROMs that were added or generated significantly increased the short-circuit current except in tissues coincubated with flunixin meglumine, and they induced mild epithelial vacuolation and apoptosis, but did not disrupt the epithelium nor change conductance, lactate dehydrogenase release, or [(3)H]mannitol flux. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Responses to ROMs could be attributed to increased chloride secretion and inhibited neutral NaCl absorption in equine RVC, possibly by stimulating prostaglandin production. The ROMs examined under conditions of this study could play a role in prostaglandin-mediated colonic secretion in horses with enterocolitis without causing direct mucosal injury.  相似文献   

The vasomotor effects of histamine on isolated bovine and equine basilar arteries were examined. Histamine induced contractions in both these preparations. The maximal response to and pEC50 value for histamine of the equine artery were larger than those of bovine tissue. Similar results were obtained with endothelium-denuded basilar arteries. Diphenhydramine (H1-receptor antagonist) inhibited histamine-induced contractions of the basilar arteries from both species in a concentration-dependent manner and its pA 2 values (with 95% confidence limits) were 7.61 (7.39–7.83) and 8.15 (8.01–8.29) for the bovine and equine preparations, respectively. Cimetidine (H2-receptor antagonist) slightly potentiated histamine-induced contractions of bovine, but not equine, basilar arteries. 2-Thiazolylethylamine (H1-receptor agonist) induced contractions in both preparations, whereas impromidine (H2-receptor agonist) induced weak relaxation of the bovine, but not the equine, tissue. These findings indicate that bovine basilar arterial smooth muscle cells possess H1- and H2-receptors. Stimulation of the former results in contraction, whereas stimulation of the latter results in weak relaxation. Equine basilar arterial smooth muscle cells possess H1-receptors, stimulation of which results in contraction.Abbreviations CR concentration ratio - EC50 concentration producing 50% maximal response - pA 2 negative logarithm of the molar concentration of antagonist that produces a twofold rightward shift of a concentration-response curve - pEC50 negative logarithm of EC50 - PGF2 prostaglandin F2 - PGI2 prostaglandin I2  相似文献   

The use of cultured tissue has not yet become widespread in research involving equine disease, and this may be attributable in part to the scarcity of published reports concerning tissue culture methods for this species. We report here the isolation of equine microvascular endothelium (EMVE) from fresh omental tissue of horses and ponies. Fresh donor tissue was minced, subjected to collagenase digestion, and filtered. Cells were layered on 5% bovine serum albumin for gravity sedimentation, the bottom layer was collected, and the cells were plated onto fibronectin-coated flasks. Medium consisted of Dulbecco modified Eagle medium with 10% whole fetal bovine serum (wFBS) and 20 micrograms of endothelial cell growth supplement/ml. The EMVE grew readily in culture, had the cobblestone morphologic feature at confluence, stained positively for factor VIII-related antigen, and metabolized acetylated low-density lipoprotein. Fibroblast and smooth muscle cell contamination was minimal in primary cell cultures, which were successfully passed and maintained in culture for 3 to 5 serial passages, using various media and substrates. Preliminary studies were undertaken to determine optimal growth conditions with a range of variables: serum concentration, extracellular matrix components, and growth factors, Optimal conditions were achieved with a minimum of 10% wFBS, and with either fibronectin or laminin as extracellular matrix substrates. The EMVE grew adequately in Dulbecco modified Eagle medium plus 10% wFBS, and the added growth factors or serum supplements did not appear necessary for growth of EMVE.  相似文献   

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