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On-farm implementation of the concept of precision livestock farming requires the design and development of new, advanced and often complex equipment. This article proposes an agent-based simulation framework to meet the challenges of designing, testing and evaluating the performance of the new, automated precision feeding equipment for farms. In this context, an agent is a piece of software performing defined system functions such as exchanging information or requesting services to other agents via a high-level agent communication language. The proposed approach sees each main component of the actual precision feeding system represented by a virtual domain agent. The agents are then assembled within a multi-agent system that models the automatic precision feeding equipment as a whole. The operational capacity of the virtual prototype is achieved through communication and collaboration between the multiple agents that make up the system. The capacity for dynamic modification of parameters such as workload during the simulation process helps analyze the behavior, robustness and performance of the system prior to its actual use and thus providing a computer-aid tool helping in the design process. One case study shows that agent-based composable simulation can predict the behavior and performance of the system as a whole.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design and testing of a wearable position recording system for workers in orchards or in protected cultivation environments, where GPS data are typically unavailable. The major goal of the wearable system is to track worker position in relation to trees. This system consists of a pedometer and a small barcode reader and utilizes barcode tags permanently attached to fixed objects of known location (e.g., individual trees in an orchard). The pedometer computes a worker’s relative displacement with respect to a known starting position, and the barcode provides the absolute (starting) position information at regular intervals to keep the localization error at an acceptable level. Evaluations of the accuracy and reliability of the pedometer revealed a 2-3% accumulated error in the estimation of the worker’s position. The use of the pedometer alone was insufficient and could not establish correctly the association between trees and workers. The prototype system was implemented and tested during manual harvest in two commercial peach orchards. The fruit pickers’ movements were captured accurately and the association between producing tree(s) and fruit picker, as well as the sequence of the trees which the picker visited, were established correctly.  相似文献   

奶牛养殖管理定位系统在无线传感器网络的监测范围内布置非常多的传感器节点来收集周围的环境信息,并将收集到的信息处理后发送出去。该研究在分析RSSI测距误差影响因素和RSSI测距均值校正的基础上,提出了基于RSSI均值校正的三边测量定位优化算法,并进行了Matlab仿真试验。最后将此改进算法应用于奶牛健康监测和定位系统的设计,结果完全满足奶牛健康状况监测和定位要求。  相似文献   

农田精确施肥决策支持系统的设计和实现   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
 采用GIS组件Mapobjects,以作物管理知识模型为智能决策支撑,将GIS、GPS和模型进行耦合与集成,建立基于田区作物产量、土壤养分和苗情监测的农田精确施肥决策支持系统。本系统可接受GPS信号、录入与修改属性数据,查询和分析农田信息的时空差异,生成基于田区差异的肥料运筹和播种密度处方。系统在南京六合水稻示范区进行了模拟应用。结果表明,该区在产量提高的同时,施氮量由采用农户常规管理220 kg·ha-1减少为183.4kg·ha-1,在空间尺度上,既有效补充了严重缺氮的地块,也避免了在不需再投或只需少投  相似文献   

渔业环境自动监控预警系统建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对国家关于食品质量安全工作对渔业环境监控和预警的重大需求,结合国内外环境自动监测理论基础及系统,建设渔业环境自动化监控预警系统,以适应当地渔业主管部门对渔业环境监管的需求。从系统建设目标、系统技术构成和系统监控要素与功能等方面详述渔业环境自动监控预警系统的建设,就系统建设过程中遇到的问题进行讨论。通过渔业环境自动监控预警系统建设,积累更多的渔业环境自动监控预警系统建设经验,为以后渔业环境自动监控预警系统建设的全面铺开奠定基础。  相似文献   

精确农业导论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不管农田固有的空间差异,采用单一方法进行管理,是当前普遍采用的一种传统管理方式。由于农业机械化的需要,地块越来越大,这就使这种管理方式的弊端日趋严重。精确农业(precision farming)是在信息技术支撑下的一种新型管理方式,它可以使经营者更深刻地理解和精确地控制农场的生产状况。精确农业的核心是对变化因素进行管理。最明显的变化因素有三个:空间(spatial)、时间(temporal)和预  相似文献   

参与式监测与评估是对项目实施效果及实施过程所开展的评价活动。以"贵州省望谟县参与式扶贫"项目中的社区人畜饮水设施的受益者为主体,对其修建及管理进行了参与式监测与评估。结果表明,项目实施后,社区缺水问题得到解决,建立了有效的管理制度,村民管理能力和对水资源持续利用的意识得到提高。但同时项目实施进度缓慢,出现了挪用资金及帐务不公开等问题。  相似文献   

Lack of knowledge about the effects of herbs in pastures and the frequency of their use by today's organic farmers has limited the development of new methods to improve animal health compatible with organic farming principles. Understanding farmers' agricultural practices is an early step in a participatory research process. With this in mind, we conducted a two-tiered, semi-structured survey of Danish organic farmers with dairy cattle to begin documenting their practices. Out of 350 farmers, 255 completed a mailed questionnaire – a response rate of 73%. Of these participating farmers, 66 (26%) confirmed their use of herbs in pastures. Caraway was sown at an average rate of 500 g of seed per hectare by 60 (91%). Of these, 32 used solely caraway, while 7 used it in combination with parsley. Twenty-one used caraway together with herbs other than parsley. Six used one or more herbs, not including caraway, such as chicory, chervil, dill, fenugreek, great burnet, and salad burnet. Further details concerning cultivation, convictions, observed effects, and information sources were obtained through telephone interviews. The results of this study would indicate that more research in this field is called for. Naja W. Smidt is a M.Sc. student in agricultural sciences at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark. Leon Brimer is an Associate Professor of chemical food safety at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark. His research focuses on the interface between chemistry and biology with special emphasis on aspects of cultivation, processing, and use of plants with physiologically active components (toxins).  相似文献   

In order to achieve the computerization and digitization of the daily system of stud-farm, the immunization system technology, racecourse health monitoring technologies and the stud-farm prevention technologies were combined to built the studfarm daily management system. By using Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft Office Access 2003, an immunization information system was developed based on Client/Server structure and combined with the key immunization link of horses. The system included studfarm immune management and racecourse health monitoring system. The immune management contained immunization information input, the inquiry of immunization information, immunization statistics, immunization-reminding and system management. The racecourse health monitoring system included stud-farm monitoring, horses monitoring and inquiry and statistics of health monitoring. The software realized the analysis and tips of the daily information in stud-farm. The software could record the appropriate data and carry on the statistics. The stud-farm daily management system greatly improved the efficiency of the expanded program about immunization and horses' healthy rearing technique.  相似文献   

通过集成计算机网络技术、数据库技术、3S技术(RS、GIS、GPS)和射频IC技术等,以电信增值服务和网站建设为纽带,建立一个辐射示范蔗区农户、制糖企业、糖业生产主管部门的公共信息技术服务体系的方案.实践结果表明:初步建成的甘蔗糖业信息技术服务体系能较好地提升蔗区原料蔗的产量和品质,保证了入厂原料蔗的新鲜度,较好地实现了企业与蔗农的双赢.  相似文献   

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