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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of acepromazine maleate on the cardiovascular changes induced by dopamine in isoflurane-anesthetized dogs. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, randomized cross-over experimental design. ANIMALS: Six healthy adult spayed female dogs weighing 16.4 +/- 3.5 kg (mean +/- SD). METHODS: Each dog received two treatments, at least 1 week apart. Acepromazine (0.03 mg kg(-1), IV) was administered 15 minutes before anesthesia was induced with propofol (7 mg kg(-1), IV) and maintained with isoflurane (1.8% end-tidal). Acepromazine was not administered in the control treatment. Baseline cardiopulmonary parameters were measured 90 minutes after induction. Thereafter, dopamine was administered intravenously at 5, 10, and 15 microg kg(-1) minute(-1), with each infusion rate lasting 30 minutes. Cardiopulmonary data were obtained at the end of each infusion rate. RESULTS: Dopamine induced dose-related increases in cardiac index (CI), stroke index, arterial blood pressure, mean pulmonary arterial pressure, oxygen delivery index (DO(2)I) and oxygen consumption index. In the control treatment, systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI) decreased during administration of 5 and 10 microg kg(-1) minute(-1) of dopamine and returned to baseline with the highest dose (15 microg kg (-1) minute(-1)). After acepromazine treatment, SVRI decreased from baseline during dopamine administration, regardless of the infusion rate, and this resulted in a smaller increase in blood pressure at 15 microg kg (-1) minute(-1). During dopamine infusion hemoglobin concentrations were lower following acepromazine and this contributed to significantly lower arterial O(2) content. CONCLUSIONS: Acepromazine prevented the return in SVRI to baseline and reduced the magnitude of the increase in arterial pressure induced by higher doses of dopamine. However, reduced SRVI associated with lower doses of dopamine and the ability of dopamine to increase CI and DO(2)I were not modified by acepromazine premedication. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Previous acepromazine administration reduces the efficacy of dopamine as a vasopressor agent in isoflurane anesthetized dogs. Other beneficial effects of dopamine such as increased CO are not modified by acepromazine.  相似文献   

This study evaluated whether acepromazine or methadone reduced behavioral parameters, overall excitement, and activity associated with midazolam administration to healthy dogs. Dogs received midazolam (M) alone [M: 0.25 mg/kg body weight (BW)] or with methadone (MM) (MM: 0.75 mg/kg BW) or acepromazine (MA) (MA: 0.03 mg/kg BW) or saline (S) solution alone, all intramuscularly. Two blinded observers evaluated behavioral parameters using video recordings 30 min before and after injection of drugs. Accelerometery was used to evaluate “total activity counts” (TAC) at baseline and post-treatment. Post-treatment excitement scores were significantly higher in M and MA compared to baseline, M and MM compared to S, and M compared to MA. Behavioral parameters showed significantly higher proportions of “pacing” post-treatment in all groups receiving midazolam, and “restlessness,” “chewing/licking,” and “sniffing” in M. No significant differences were found for TAC at baseline and post-treatment. Midazolam-induced paradoxical behavioral changes (excitation, panting, pacing, restlessness, licking/chewing, and vocalization) were not prevented by acepromazine or methadone in healthy dogs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate effects of carprofen on indices of renal function and results of serum bio-chemical analyses and effects on cardiovascular variables during medetomidine-propofol-isoflurane anesthesia in dogs. ANIMALS: 8 healthy male Beagles. PROCEDURES: A randomized crossover study was conducted with treatments including saline (0.9% NaCl) solution (0.08 mL/kg) and carprofen (4 mg/kg) administered IV. Saline solution or carprofen was administered 30 minutes before induction of anesthesia and immediately before administration of medetomidine (20 microg/kg, IM). Anesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with inspired isoflurane in oxygen. Blood gas concentrations and ventilation were measured. Cardiovascular variables were continuously monitored via pulse contour cardiac output (CO) measurement. Renal function was assessed via glomerular filtration rate (GFR), renal blood flow (RBF), scintigraphy, serum biochemical analyses, urinalysis, and continuous CO measurements. Hematologic analysis was performed. RESULTS: Values did not differ significantly between the carprofen and saline solution groups. For both treatments, sedation and anesthesia caused changes in results of serum biochemical and hematologic analyses; a transient, significant increase in urine alkaline phosphatase activity; and blood flow diversion to the kidneys. The GFR increased significantly in both groups despite decreased CO, mean arterial pressure, and absolute RBF variables during anesthesia. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Carprofen administered IV before anesthesia did not cause detectable, significant adverse effects on renal function during medetomidine-propofol-isoflurane anesthesia in healthy Beagles.  相似文献   

Opioids used in the pre‐operative period may frequently induce vomiting. Acepromazine is commonly combined with opioids as a pre‐anesthetic drug, and has antiemetic properties. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antiemetic properties of acepromazine in dogs receiving opioids as a pre‐anesthetic. One hundred and sixteen dogs (ASA I or II), 58 males and 58 females; purebreds and mixed breeds; 3 months?13.4 years of age; weighing 1.8–57.7 kg admitted for elective surgical procedures, were randomly assigned to one of the three groups. All groups received acepromazine (0.05 mg kg?1 IM). Group I (n = 40) received acepromazine 15 minutes prior to opioid administration. Group II (n = 38) received acepromazine in combination with the opioid. Group III (n = 38) received acepromazine 15 minutes after opioid administration. One of the three different opioids was administered IM to each dog: morphine at 0.5 mg kg?1, hydromorphone at 0.1 mg kg?1, or oxymorphone at 0.075 mg kg?1. Statistical analysis included a χ2‐test for the incidence of vomiting and a Kruskal–Wallis nonparametric test for the sedation comparison between groups. The dogs receiving acepromazine before the opioid (Group I) had significantly lower incidence of vomiting (18%) than those in Groups II (45%) and III (55%). The degree of sedation assessed 15 minutes after administration of the last drug (s) in each group was significantly lower in the dogs receiving the combination of acepromazine and opioid (Group II) than in those receiving opioid as the first drug (Group III). Time to vomiting was less than 8 minutes in all groups. In conclusion, acepromazine administered 15 minutes before opioid reduces the incidence of vomiting induced by opioids.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics and the biliary and urinary excretions following intravenous administration of furosemide (5 mg/kg) were investigated in the anesthetized dogs with normal and experimentally reduced renal function. After the administration, furosemide caused diuretic and choleretic response, and was excreted into urine and bile at almost similar rate to plasma concentration decay in normal dogs. Half maximum diuretic response was obtained at 1.5 micrograms/ml of plasma concentration and 100 micrograms/min of urinary excretion rate of furosemide. Acute renal failure was produced in dogs by the intravenous administration of mercuric chloride (HgCl2, 2 mg/kg). In HgCl2-treated dogs, the prolongation of half life (T1/2 beta) and the decrease in plasma clearance were noted with the decreased diuretic response. These changes in parameters appeared to be associated with the decrease in excretion of furosemide into the urine, but not into the bile. Plasma level-diuretic response relationship was extensively shifted to the right in HgCl2-treated dogs, while urinary dose-response relationship did not change significantly between two groups. These results suggest that the decreased response to furosemide in HgCl2-treated dogs seems to be due to the decreased renal clearance rather than to the subsensitivity to furosemide on the site of action.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate renal function in healthy dogs undergoing general anesthesia and ovariohysterectomy without concurrent IV administration of fluids. ANIMALS: 35 healthy client-owned dogs. PROCEDURE: Dogs were medicated with promazine hydrochloride (0.05 mg/kg of body weight, SC) approximately 45 minutes before induction of anesthesia with thiopental sodium (10 to 15 mg/kg, IV). Anesthesia was maintained with 2% halothane in oxygen. Ovariohysterectomies were performed by senior veterinary students under the direct supervision of a veterinary surgeon. Renal function was assessed (serum urea and creatinine concentrations, fractional clearance of sodium, urine alkaline phosphatase [ALP] and gamma-glutamyltransferase [GGT] activities, urine specific gravity, and enumeration of renal tubular epithelial cells in urine sediment) prior to and 24 and 48 hours after surgery. RESULTS: Duration of general anesthesia ranged from 80 to 310 minutes. Urine specific gravity and ALP activity and serum urea and creatinine concentrations did not change over time. Fractional clearance of sodium decreased 24 and 48 hours after surgery, whereas urine GGT activity and the ratio of urine GGT activity to urine creatinine concentration increased 24 hours after surgery, compared with presurgery values. Renal tubular epithelial cells increased in number in urine sediment from 11 of 35 (31.4%) dogs and 5 of 35 (14.3%) dogs 24 and 48 hours after surgery, respectively. However, this increase was not clinically relevant. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Intravenous administration of fluids to healthy dogs undergoing general anesthesia and elective surgery may not be necessary for maintenance of renal homeostasis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of meloxicam on renal function in dogs anaesthetized and rendered hypotensive with acepromazine-thiopental-isoflurane. ANIMALS: Eight healthy beagles, four males and four females, 25.6 +/- 19.3 months old and weighing 12.8 +/- 2.0 kg. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Either meloxicam suspension at a dose of 0.133 mL kg(-1) (0.2 mg kg(-1)) or 0.133 mL kg(-1) saline solution (control), were given by mouth (PO) in a randomized, cross-over fashion. The treatment or control was given 3 hours before anaesthesia. Dogs were sedated with intramuscular acepromazine 0.1 mg kg(-1). Anaesthesia was induced with intravenous thiopental, followed by tracheal intubation and maintenance with isoflurane in oxygen and air, delivered using a semi-closed breathing system. Renal function was quantified using serum biochemistry, urinalysis and glomerular filtration rate measured by scintigraphy. Analysis of variance or Friedman anova were used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: Values (mean +/- SD) for mean arterial blood pressure did not differ significantly between treatments but was low (54 +/- 7 mmHg) during anaesthesia. Glomerular filtration rate did not differ significantly between treatments or over time, and results of urine and serum analysis were within reference ranges after meloxicam treatment. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Meloxicam caused no adverse effects on renal function when given to healthy dogs anaesthetized and rendered hypotensive with acepromazine, thiopental and isoflurane.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the anti‐emetic properties of acepromazine in dogs receiving opioids as pre‐anesthetic medication. Study design Randomized prospective clinical study. Animals One hundred and sixteen dogs (ASA I or II), admitted for elective surgical procedures. The dogs were a mixed population of males and females, purebreds and mixed breeds, 0.25–13.4 years of age, weighing 1.8–57.7 kg. Methods A prospective clinical trial in which the dogs were randomly assigned to one of three groups. All groups received acepromazine (0.05 mg kg?1 intramuscularly (IM)). Group I received acepromazine 15 minutes prior to opioid administration. Group II received acepromazine in combination with the opioid. Group III received acepromazine 15 minutes after opioid administration. One of three different opioids was administered IM to each dog: morphine sulfate at 0.5 mg kg?1; hydromorphone hydrochloride at 0.1 mg kg?1; or oxymorphone hydrochloride at 0.075 mg kg?1. Results Dogs receiving acepromazine before the opioid (group I) had a significantly lower incidence of vomiting (18%) than dogs in groups II (45%) and III (55%). The degree of sedation was significantly lower in the dogs receiving the combination of acepromazine and the opioid (group II) than in dogs receiving the opioid as the first drug (group III). Conclusions and clinical relevance Acepromazine administered 15 minutes before the opioid lowers the incidence of vomiting induced by opioids.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate effects of IV administered carprofen on indices of renal function and results of serum biochemical and hematologic analyses in dogs anesthetized with acepromazine-thiopentone-isoflurane that had low blood pressure during anesthesia. ANIMALS: 6 healthy Beagles. PROCEDURE: A randomized crossover study was conducted, using the following treatments: saline (0.9% NaCl solution)-saline, saline-carprofen, and carprofen-saline. Saline (0.08 ml/kg) and carprofen (4 mg/kg) were administered IV. The first treatment was administered 30 minutes before induction of anesthesia and immediately before administration of acepromazine (0.1 mg/kg, IM). Anesthesia was induced with thiopentone (25 mg/ml, IV) and maintained with inspired isoflurane (2% in oxygen). The second treatment was administered 30 minutes after onset of inhalation anesthesia. Blood gases, circulation, and ventilation were monitored. Renal function was assessed by glomerular filtration rate (GFR), using scintigraphy, serum biochemical analyses, and urinalysis. Hematologic analysis was performed. Statistical analysis was conducted, using ANOVA or Friedman ANOVA. RESULTS: Values did not differ significantly among the 3 treatments. For all treatments, sedation and anesthesia caused changes in results of serum biochemical and hematologic analyses, a decrease in mean arterial blood pressure to 65 mm Hg, an increase of 115 pmol/L in angiotensin II concentration, and an increase of 100 seconds in time required to reach maximum activity counts during scintigraphy. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Carprofen administered IV before or during anesthesia did not cause detectable significant adverse effects on renal function or results of serum biochemical and hematologic analyses in healthy Beagles with low blood pressure during anesthesia.  相似文献   

选择8条健康杂种犬进行腹腔镜下肝部分切除,于麻醉前、术后4h及术后第1、3、5、7、9、11、13、15天采取静脉血进行肝肾功能指标监测.结果显示,天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶、丙氨酸氨基转移酶及碱性磷酸酶于术后第1天升到高峰;尿酸、尿素氮和肌酐于术后4h即达到高峰;白蛋白和总蛋白略微有所下降,于术后第1天降到最低;而r谷氨酰基转移酶术后变化不大.结果表明,犬腹腔镜肝部分切除术仅仅短期内对肝、肾功能产生影响,且肝、肾功能在术后一段时间内可恢复.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of preventive angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor treatment with ramipril in dogs with progressively severe experimentally induced heart failure. ANIMALS: 20 dogs. PROCEDURES: Dogs were randomly allocated to receive no treatment (control) or ramipril (0.125 mg/kg, PO, daily) for 7 weeks. Physical examination, repetitive catheterization of the right side of the heart, and echocardiography were performed before the study (day 0) and weekly for 7 weeks. Renal plasma flow (RPF) as determined by para-aminohippuric acid clearance and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) as determined by creatinine and iohexol clearances were measured on day 0 and at weeks 4 and 7. RESULTS: Overpacing induced a progressive increase in right atrial pressure (RAP) and pulmonary artery pressure, occluded (PAPO), with a decrease in systemic arterial pressure. There were progressive alterations of echocardiographic indices of diastolic and systolic ventricular function. The RPF and GFR decreased before cardiac output decreased, and filtration fraction increased. The logarithm of the urinary sodium-to-potassium concentration ratio (log(10)[Na(+)/K(+)]) decreased. Significant effects of ramipril included a delay in clinical signs of heart failure, a late decrease in RAP and PAPO, and increases in the sodium excretion fraction and log(10)(Na(+)/K(+)). There was a satisfactory agreement between the creatinine and iohexol clearance measurements. Conclusions AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that, in this rapid-evolving, dilated cardiomyopathy, activation of the renin-angiotensin system contributes to the pathophysiology of heart failure late in the disease and essentially by an activation of renal salt and water retention.  相似文献   

Cystometry was performed in 12 dogs under oxymorphone and acepromazine restraint. A detrusor reflex occurred in 10 of 12 dogs (83%). Mean threshold pressure and volume were 31 cm H2O and 22 ml/kg, respectively. Tonus limb II varied inversely with threshold volume. Threshold volume varied directly with body weight; threshold pressure was independent of body weight.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to qualify and quantify the femoral artery blood flow by duplex Doppler ultrasonography (DDU) in healthy dogs, before and after the administration of a combination of acepromazine maleate and buprenorphine hydrochloride (ACP-BPN). Seven healthy adult mongrel dogs and three adult beagles were used. Heart rate, arterial blood pressure and measurement of femoral artery blood flow by DDU were also recorded. The DDU measurements were: femoral artery diameter (FAD), peak systolic velocity (PSV), early retrograde (EDV) and end diastolic velocities (EnDV), mean velocity (BMV), pulsatility index (PI), flow velocity integral (FVI) and femoral blood flow (FBF). After 30 min, combination ACP-BPN was administered intramuscularly, and all the measurements were recorded again. The ACP-BPN protocol induced a significant decrease in systolic, mean, and diastolic arterial blood pressure, and heart rate. A significant increase in peak systolic velocity and integral flow velocity integral of the femoral blood were obtained. The Doppler spectra of the blood flow in the femoral artery revealed a spectral dispersion pattern after ACP-BPN administration in all the dogs. These results demonstrate that despite quantitative and qualitative changes, the overall femoral blood flow (FBF) is not significantly modified.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo determine the effects of intravenous (IV) premedication with acepromazine, butorphanol or their combination, on the propofol anesthetic induction dosage in dogs.Study designProspective, blinded, Latin square design.AnimalsA total of three male and three female, healthy Beagle dogs, aged 3.79 ± 0.02 years, weighing 10.6 ± 1.1 kg, mean ± standard deviation.MethodsEach dog was assigned to one of six IV treatments weekly: 0.9% saline (treatment SAL), low-dose acepromazine (0.02 mg kg–1; treatment LDA), high-dose acepromazine (0.04 mg kg–1; treatment HDA), low-dose butorphanol (0.2 mg kg–1; treatment LDB), high-dose butorphanol (0.4 mg kg–1; treatment HDB); and a combination of acepromazine (0.02 mg kg–1) with butorphanol (0.2 mg kg–1; treatment ABC). Physiologic variables and sedation scores were collected at baseline and 10 minutes after premedication. Then propofol was administered at 1 mg kg–1 IV over 15 seconds, followed by boluses (0.5 mg kg–1 over 5 seconds) every 15 seconds until intubation. Propofol dose, physiologic variables, recovery time, recovery score and adverse effects were monitored and recorded. Data were analyzed using mixed-effects anova (p < 0.05).ResultsPropofol dosage was lower in all treatments than in treatment SAL (4.4 ± 0.5 mg kg–1); the largest decrease was recorded in treatment ABC (1.7 ± 0.3 mg kg–1). Post induction mean arterial pressures (MAPs) were lower than baseline values of treatments LDA, HDA and ABC. Apnea and hypotension (MAP < 60 mmHg) developed in some dogs in all treatments with the greatest incidence of hypotension in treatment ABC (4/6 dogs).Conclusions and clinical relevanceAlthough the largest decrease in propofol dosage required for intubation was after IV premedication with acepromazine and butorphanol, hypotension and apnea still occurred.  相似文献   

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