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A series of pot experiments were conducted to test the effect of phosphorus (P) application and liming on early growth performance of Zea mays, Mucuna pruriens and nine woody species (Albizia ferruginea, Cajanus cajan, Dactyladenia barteri, Dalbergia sissoo, Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Flemingia macrophylla, Gliricidia sepium, Leucaena leucocephala, and Pentacletra macrophylla) on an Ultisol. Low reponse to liming and high response to P application were observed in this trial. Early top growth of the eleven species was correlated to seed size and seed nitrogen (N), P, and calcium (Ca) contents. Highest correlation was observed with seed P content (r = 0.896**). Large seeded size species (D. barteri, E. cyclocarpum, M. pruriens, and P. macrophylla) showed the least reponse to P application, while the remaining small seeded size species showed significant responses to P application. The large seeded species also showed relatively less increases in N, P and Ca uptakes with P application and liming. The pot test can be used in prescreening of woody species for use on low P and acid soils. The results also emphasize the need for seed size consideration in multipurpose trees and shrubs selection for establishment in low P and on degraded soils  相似文献   

The yield of direct-seeded and transplanted upland rice was investigated for seven tillage methods for an ultisol in a high rainfall region of southeastern Nigeria. The tillage methods were: two compaction passes of a 6-t roller with and without residue mulch; six compaction passes with mulch; ploughing with and without mulch and no-till with and without mulch. Soil compaction decreased seedling emergence and shoot and root growth. Residue mulching decreased seedling emergence by 35.6% in direct-seeded rice. There were more leaves, productive tillers and dry matter in the ploughed plots. Root densities at 10–20- and 20–30-cm depths were higher by 157 and 47%, respectively, in ploughed treatments. The highest grain yields of 6.3 and 6.1 Mg ha−1 in ploughed plots for the first and second seasons, respectively, were associated with greater uptake of P, Na, Fe and Zn at flowering and of N, Mg, K, Mn and Cu at both maximum tillering and flowering growth stages. The grain yield in the first season was 2.1 and 2.5 Mg ha−1 for two- and six-compaction pass mulched plots, respectively. In the second season, the yields of no-till and compacted treatments were identical and ranged from 1.5 to 2.4 Mg ha−1. Mulching decreased grain yield by 43, 27 and 12% on compacted, no-till and ploughed plots, respectively, due to transient flooding and mechanical impedance to seedling emergence by the mulch cover. Within the unmulched treatments, ploughing increased rice yield by 71 and 35% over two compaction passes and the no-till treatments, respectively. The least bulk density and penetrometer resistance were also observed in ploughed plots.  相似文献   

Differences among rice genotypes demonstrate that root system of upland rice cultivars influences P acquisition and growth performance. We studied root and shoot growth and nutrition of traditional and modern cultivars of upland rice as affected by P availability (three rates). At the highest P rate, the greatest dry mass was obtained with Maravilha, which was on average 180% higher than Caiapo. The modern has exceeded the traditional in growth performance, besides accumulating more nutrients. Maravilha was more efficient in root and shoot growth, and nutrient absorption with P supply, using less photoassimilates for root growth. Traditional cultivars of upland rice may develop better than modern cultivars in low P availability, with facilitates its adaptation in soils with this condition. Modern cultivars are more responsive to P fertilization, which demonstrates a better option in a cropping system with P supply to aim at high yield.  相似文献   

The effects of long-term fertilization of acidic soils on ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB) communities and its ecological implications remain poorly understood. We chose an acidic upland soil site under long-term (27-year) fertilization to investigate ammonia oxidizer communities under four different regimes: mineral N fertilizer (N), mineral NPK fertilizer (NPK), organic manure (OM) and an unfertilized control (CK). Soil net nitrification rates were significantly higher in OM soils than in CK, N or NPK soils. Quantitative analysis of the distribution of amoA genes by DNA-based stable isotope probing revealed that AOA dominate in CK, N and NPK soils, while AOB dominate in OM soils. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and clone library analyses of amoA genes revealed that Group 1.1a-associated AOA (also referred to as Nitrosotalea) were the most dominant active AOA population (>92%), while Nitrosospira Cluster 3 and Cluster 9 were predominant among active AOB communities. The functional diversity of active ammonia oxidizers in acidic soils is affected by long-term fertilization practices, and the responses of active ammonia oxidizers to mineral fertilizer and organic manure are clearly different. Our results provide strong evidence that AOA are more highly adapted to growth at low pH and low substrate availability than AOB, and they suggest that the niche differentiation and metabolic diversity of ammonia oxidizers in acidic soils are more complex than previously thought.  相似文献   

添加生物质黑炭对红壤结构稳定性的影响   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
叶丽丽  王翠红  周虎  彭新华 《土壤》2012,44(1):62-66
本研究通过室内恒温恒湿控制试验,研究添加黑炭、秸秆在分解过程中对土壤抗破碎性及团聚体稳定性等土壤生物、物理特征的影响。黑炭是在400℃缺氧状态下水稻秸秆焚烧而制成的。实验包括不添加任何物料的对照(CK)、添加黑炭(BC)、黑炭+氮磷钾肥(BC+NPK)、秸秆(Straw)、秸秆+氮磷钾肥(Straw+NPK)等5个处理。研究结果表明,经过55天恒温(25℃)恒湿(田间持水量的40%)培养,黑炭分解速度很慢,通过换算,其周转周期约为1400年,而秸秆周转周期仅为7年,配施氮磷钾能加速黑炭和秸秆的分解。添加黑炭没有提高土壤抗破碎能力和土壤团聚体稳定性(P>0.05),而秸秆则相反(P<0.05)。该研究结果表明生物质黑炭不能像其他有机物料一样提高土壤微生物活性和土壤结构稳定性。  相似文献   

闽东南旱地土壤的24个代表性土样测定结果表明,缺镁土样占71%;花生增施镁肥增产幅度为3.7%~25.8%,大豆和柑桔则为7.5%~15.7%;在钾肥最佳用量基础上配施镁肥,镁肥的增产作用最大,钾镁平衡施肥才能大幅度提高花生、大豆和柑桔产量.  相似文献   


Little attention has been devoted to calibrating soil tests for phosphorus (P) in the field for upland rice in West Africa. The information is needed to improve fertilizer P recommendations. A field experiment was conducted in the rainy season of 1994 to establish the relationship between extractable P by Bray 1 and grain yield of four upland rice cultivars grown on an Ultisol in the forest zone of Ivory Coast. The critical limit of Bray 1 P in the soil at 90% relative rice grain yield varied from 12.5 to 15.0 mg P/kg of soil for the four cultivars tested. The P critical limit in the soil tended to be lower for the cultivars of rice earlier found to be efficient at converting applied P into grain yield.  相似文献   

Effect of calcium and magnesium on zinc absorption by 21‐day‐old rice seedlings and its translocation within the plants was studied in the nutrient solution culture using radioactive zinc. The concentrations of the elements in the nutrient solution were 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 μM zinc and 0, 10 and 20 mM calcium and magnesium. Absorption of 65zinc was studied for 30, 60 and 90 minutes and translocation for 24 hours. Zinc absorption increased with time and increased zinc concentration in the nutrient solutions. Addition of calcium and magnesium reduced zinc absorption by rice seedlings by about 60 and 90% respectively at a concentration of 20 mM. The nature of inhibition of both calcium and magnesium on zinc was non‐competitive as indicated by Michaelis constants. A large fraction of zinc absorbed remained in roots and only 5.3% was translocated to shoots even at 2.0 #GMM zinc concentrations in solution. The effect of cations on translocation of 65zinc within rice seedlings was more at lower( 0.5 μM zinc) than at higher (2.0 μM zinc) concentrations.  相似文献   


Clay mineralogy of thirteen spodic horizon samples from seven Cryorthods developed on diverse materials (peridotite, andesite, lapilli, volcanic ash, slate, granite and granodiorite) in Chubu and Kanto, Japan was determined by successive chemical dissolutions with dithionitecitrate and 0.5 m NaOH-differential infrared spectroscopy in combination with chemical, X-ray diffraction, electron microscopic and thermogravimetric analyses. Thc major part of the soluble iron was found to be crystalline goethite. Presence of allophane (and imogolite) in the lower parts of the spodic horizons, but not in the upper parts, was interpreted as indicating a relatively limited supply of complexing fulvic acid from the overlying organic-rich horizons. The well-developed Al interlayers in the 2 : 1 type minerals associated with gibbsite suggest that the environment of the lower sub-horizons is rich in active aluminium,  相似文献   

长期施肥对旱地红壤微生物和酶活性的影响   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:25  
以中国科学院鹰潭红壤生态试验站长期有机肥与无机肥处理的旱地红壤为研究对象,探讨了长期不同施肥处理对土壤中可培养微生物数量、土壤微生物生物量碳(SMBC)及脲酶、酸性磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶、脱氢酶和转化酶等5种土壤酶活性的影响。结果表明,长期施厩肥处理能显著提高土壤有机质含量及SMBC,增加土壤真菌的数量和土壤酶活性。无机肥NK(缺P)处理下微生物数量、SMBC和5种土壤酶活性均显著降低,说明磷元素对维持土壤良好的生化环境至关重要,是供试土壤样点中最主要的限制性营养元素。相关性分析表明,各种土壤酶活性之间均呈显著或极显著正相关; 酶活性与土壤有机质、SMBC和真菌数量之间呈显著或极显著正相关,表明土壤酶活性能够有效地反映旱地红壤在长期施肥条件下土壤质量的变化。  相似文献   

Plants grown on Andisols often have an insufficient phosphorus (P) supply, since active aluminium (AI) and iron bind P in low available forms to the plants. The objectives of the present studies were to examine the differences in growth associated with the P-uptake ability among four Gramineae, to determine which P-forms are utilised, and to relate plant growth to the distribution of nutrients in soil close to the roots. Rhizosphere soil was separated from bulk soil by using a rhizobox system. Shoot and root yields and nutrient contents of maize (Zea mays L.), Sorghum bicolor (L.), Brachiaria dictyoneura (Stapf), and upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) were determined after cultivation in rhizoboxes for 105 d. Soil was sampled at increasing distances from the roots and analysed for P compounds, other nutrients, and pH. Maize gave the highest yield by using P reserves in its large seeds, resulting in the greatest depletion of K in the root soil of maize. Brachiaria showed the highest efficiency while upland rice the lowest in using soil P, respectively. The amounts of Bray-2 P and acetic acid-extractable P were significantly lower in root soil compared to bulk soil. Soil pH increased in the root soil of all crops, mainly around the Brachiaria roots.  相似文献   

红壤地区施入的磷肥很容易被吸附固定而留存于土壤中,降低磷肥利用效率,留存于土壤中的磷对土壤生态功能和作物养分供应的后续效应值得关注。基于旱地红壤长期施肥定位试验,探讨常规施肥处理(CK)以及短期施入不同磷肥量(P2O5,0、50、100、150和1 000 kg·hm-2)多年后土壤养分、土壤氮循环过程和作物产量的变化特征。通过多元统计分析方法探讨不同磷肥处理下,土壤全碳、全氮和微生物生物量碳和氮转化过程的潜在速率以及产量等因子间的相互关系及其与磷的后期效应的关系。结果表明,在短期投入高剂量磷肥(1 000 kg·hm-2, P1000)27年后,土壤全碳、全氮和微生物生物量碳与常规施肥处理相比无明显差异,但显著提高了土壤pH和氮循环相关过程速率,包括氮矿化速率(Nitrogen mineralization rate, Nmin)、固氮酶活性(Soil nitrogenase activity, SNA)、潜在硝化速率(Potential nitrification rate, PNR)(P < 0.05),同时降低了净N2O排放潜能(Net N2O production rate, NN2O)(P < 0.05)。与不施磷(P0)和短期投入低剂量磷肥处理(50,100,150 kg·hm-2)相比,P1000处理中,土壤有效磷(AP)、氮矿化速率、固氮酶活性、潜在硝化速率和潜在N2O产生速率(PN2O)分别增加了33.3%~76.4%、88.2%~388.1%、111.4%~4 826.3%、22.6%~152.4%和13.8%~78.9%(P < 0.05),同时净N2O排放潜能也降低了64.6%~78.9%(P < 0.05),表现出明显的磷后效,且在作物生长季更为明显。相关分析和冗余分析表明AP和pH是影响以上土壤生物化学活性最主要的因子。近三年作物平均产量在所有处理中无显著差异,但与土壤TP、AP和pH呈显著正相关;但在长期尺度上(1992—2019年),P1000处理相对于其他低磷处理累积增产效应达3%~23%。以上结果表明,酸性红壤中短期大量施用磷肥多年后,由于大量磷肥投入导致的土壤pH提升和磷的缓释效应,使得磷肥在促进土壤肥力、微生物活性和土壤氮循环转化活性方面表现出较明显的后期效应。  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important crops in the world, and its production is limited by soil phosphorus (P) deficiencies in many parts of the world. Impacts of long-term fertilization regimes on rice productivity and soil P availability is largely unknown. A long-term (26-year) field experiment in a paddy soil of southeastern China was carried out to study the response of rice grain yield and soil P pools to different fertilization regimes including control without fertilization (CK), nitrogen, P, and potassium (NPK) fertilizer (NPK), NPK fertilizer plus cattle manure (NPKM), and NPK fertilizer plus rice straw (NPKS). Application of fertilizers (NPK, NPKM, and NPKS) increased rice grain yield compared with the CK treatment (on average, by 75%, 97%, and 92%, respectively). Soil P was predominately present in the organic form (51–75% of total P) across different treatments. Most soil inorganic P fractions decreased with time due to continuous depletion by rice plants in the nonfertilized treatment (CK), while they generally increased with time in the fertilizer treatments (NPK, NPKM, and NPKS) due to continued supply of P to soil. On the other hand, soil organic P fractions increased continuously with time regardless of treatment, probably due to the retention of stubble and biological immobilization of inorganic P. Positive relationships between the rice grain yield and most inorganic P fractions in the CK treatment indicated the P limitation for rice production due to no P inputs and long-term conversion of inorganic P into organic P.  相似文献   

长期施肥与地膜覆盖对棕壤交换性钙、镁的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以沈阳农业大学棕壤长期定位试验站(始于1987年)玉米连作试验为研究对象,探讨了施肥与地膜覆盖对棕壤中交换性钙、镁含量的影响,以及交换性钙、镁和pH之间的相关性。研究结果表明:试验地040 cm土壤交换性钙含量在1.34~2.52 g/kg之间,交换性镁含量在0.30~0.66 g/kg之间,目前都比较丰富,作物基本不会出现缺钙缺镁症状。经过24年的不同施肥处理,施有机肥土壤表层(020 cm)交换性钙和交换性镁含量呈明显增加趋势,施用化肥土壤表层交换性钙和交换性镁含量呈明显下降趋势。无论不覆膜还是覆膜,单施化肥底层(2040 cm)土壤交换性钙和交换性镁含量大于表层;施用有机肥土壤交换性钙含量在两个层次差异不明显,交换性镁含量土壤表层大于底层。覆膜与不覆膜相比,单施化肥土壤覆膜后表层土壤交换性钙和交换性镁含量增加,底层含量降低,而有机肥处理表现的不明显。土壤表层交换性钙和交换性镁与pH之间都有极显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   


Even though Mg is an essential nutrient. the response of upland rice, common bean, and cowpea to Mg application has not been adequately documented in Brazilian oxisols. This study was conducted to examine the influence of Mg application on growth and nutrient uptake by upland rice (Oryza sativa L.), common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) on an oxisol. Magnesium levels in the soil were created at sowing by application of MgO at rates of 0.30, 1.05, 1.15, 1.33, 3.52, and 6.22 cmol Mg/kg of soil. Application of Mg did not have a significant beneficial effect on dry weight of roots and tops of rice and cowpea. Common bean root and top dry weights were increased with Mg applications up to 1 cmol Mg/kg of soil. Uptake of N, P, K, Ca, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn by the three crops was significantly (P < 0.01) decreased by increasing Mg levels in the soil. Results related to changes in chemical properties of soil with the application of Mg are also presented.  相似文献   

Improving fallow quality in upland rice-fallow rotations in West Africa through the site-specific use of leguminous cover crops has been shown to sustain the productivity of such systems. We studied the effects of a range of residue management practices (removal, burning, mulching and incorporation) on fallow biomass and N accumulation, on weed biomass and yield response of upland rice and on changes in soil physical and chemical characteristics in 2-year field trials conducted in three agroecological zones of Côte d'Ivoire. Across fallow management treatments and agroecological zones, rice yields were on average 20–30% higher in legume than in natural fallow plots. Weed biomass was highest in the savanna zone and lowest in the bimodal forest and tended to be less following a legume fallow. Regardless of the type of fallow vegetation and agroecological zone, biomass removal resulted in the lowest rice yields that varied from 0.5?t ha–1 in the derived savanna zone to 1.5?t ha–1 in the Guinea savanna zone. Burning of the fallow vegetation significantly increased yield over residue removal in the derived savanna (0.27?t ha–1, P<0.05) and bimodal forest zones (0.27?t ha–1, P<0.01), but not in the Guinea savanna. In both savanna environments, residue incorporation was superior to the farmers' practice of residue removal and rice yield increases were related to amounts of fallow N returned to the soil (r2=0.803, P<0.01). In the forest zone, the farmers' practice of residue burning produced the highest yield (1.43?t ha-1 in the case of legumes) and resulted in the lowest weed biomass (0.02?t ha–1). Regardless of the site, improving the quality of the fallow or of its management had no significant effects on either soil physical or soil chemical characteristics after two fallow cycles. We conclude that incorporation of legume residues is a desirable practice for rice-based fallow rotation systems in savanna environments. No promising residue management alternatives to slash-and-burn were apparent for the forest zone. Determining the possible effects on soil productivity will require longer-term experiments.  相似文献   



The amelioration effects of crop straws and their biochars on an acidic ultisol were compared in incubation experiments to determine suitable organic amendments for acid soils.  相似文献   

A study on balanced fertilization was conducted by means of long-term field experiments,and a conve-nient table for balanced fertilization was compiled.The experimental results about the effect of fertilization on water use efficiency of upland wheat showed that the input of inorganic fertilizer should be reduced in dry years.  相似文献   

水稻秸秆在旱作土壤中的降解过程及降解菌剂施用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以水稻秸秆为试验材料,在温室盆栽和大田小区环境下,设置秸秆纤维素降解菌剂A、B、C为处理,以不施用菌剂为对照(CK),通过测定秸秆失重率(RW)、秸秆纤维素(RCD)和半纤维素降解率(RHCD),探讨水稻秸秆在旱作土壤中的降解过程及秸秆纤维素降解菌剂对秸秆降解的影响。结果表明:水稻秸秆在旱作土壤中的降解过程依据秸秆降解率可以划分为初期、前期、中期和后期4个阶段;秸秆纤维素降解菌剂对秸秆降解促进作用主要在初期阶段,且施用效果受环境温度影响很大:在温室盆栽(20℃)条件下,3种菌剂处理秸秆的初期阶段降解需要10 d,均比CK提前15 d左右;大田低温(10℃)环境下,菌剂B和菌剂A处理秸秆的初期阶段降解需要45 d,而CK需要60 d,菌剂C则没有明显效果。  相似文献   

Liming and phosphorus (P) applications are common practices for improving crop production in acid soils of the tropical as well as temperate regions. Four greenhouse experiments were conducted on an Oxisol (clayey, kaolinitic, isothermic, Typic Haplustox) to evaluate response of liming (0,2, and 4 g/kg) and P application (0, 50, and 175 mg P/kg) in a factorial combination on growth and nutrient uptake by upland rice (Oryza sativa L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and corn (Zea mays L.). Phosphorus application significantly (P<0.01) increased dry weight of tops of all the four crop species as well as dry weight of roots of wheat and corn. Liming significantly (P<0.01) improved growth of common bean and corn but had significant negative effects on rice growth. Maximum dry weight of tops of rice and wheat was obtained at 175 mg P/kg without lime. Maximum dry weight of tops in common bean was obtained at 4 g lime/kg with 175 mg P/kg of soil. In all the crops, increasing levels of applied P significantly increased nutrient uptake. With some exceptions, increasing levels of lime tend to reduce uptake of P, zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and iron (Fe) and increase the uptake of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) in all the crop species. Decrease in potassium (K) uptake, due to high lime, is probably due to antagonistic effects of Ca and Mg and reduced micronutrients uptake is probably due to increased soil pH resulting in decreased availability of these elements to plants. Therefore, in these types of acid soils, one should avoid over liming.  相似文献   

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