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Previous research showed that applying fertilizer phosphorus (P) to the soil in concentrated subsurface bands increased P availability to crops compared to a surface application. Early growth responses of corn (Zea mays L.) plants were measured after 28 days of growth in pots in a greenhouse for single band, two single bands, injection, and surface fertilizer P placement methods. Fertilizer P was applied at the rates of 0, 12, and 24 mg P/kg soil for each method for three different soils. Shoot dry matter weight and nitrogen (N) and P uptake increased for all placement methods regardless of initial soil test P level. However, growth parameters were greater for the banded and injection methods. Response parameters were minimally influenced by the surface P application, but some fertilizer P from the surface application leached through small desiccation cracks after daily additions of water. This probably increased P availability slightly. Shoot dry matter production efficiency and shoot N/P ratio were higher for the surface P placement method and for the unfertilized P treatments. Overall growth responses to fertilizer P rates were less effective in soils with higher initial soil test P levels.  相似文献   

Fertilizer application, particularly nitrogen (N), is important in cool‐season grass forage production. Subsurface (knife) placement of N often has resulted in higher forage yield and N uptake of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) compared to surface‐broadcast fertilization, but further studies were needed to indicate whether soil pH, phosphorus (P), or potassium (K) modifies the response. Experiment I tested responses of forage yield and N and P concentration to N, P, and K amount and placement. Two types of fertilizer placement ‐ broadcast and knife ‐ were used with 13, 112, or 168 kg N; 0 or 19 kg P; and 0 or 37 kg K/ha in a factorial arrangement. Yields increased by 53% as N fertilization went from 13 to 112 kg/ha and by 69% as N increased from 13 to 168 kg N/ha. Forage yield was increased 26% from knife compared to broadcast fertilizer placement. P application increased forage production by 13%, but K application had no effect on yield. Forage N concentrations increased by 25% as N fertilization went from 13 to 112 kg/ha and by 38% as N increased from 13 to 168 kg N/ha. Effects of added P and fertilizer placement on N concentration often resulted in interactions among factors. Forage P generally was increased by added P, with some effects of interactions among N rate, P rate, and placement. In Experiment II, fescue responses to N placement were tested where different soil characteristics had been established by previous lime and fertility treatments. Forage yield, N concentration, and N uptake were highest where 9.36 Mg/ha of lime were applied as compared to the control. Previous fertility treatments had no significant (P<0.05) effect. When N was knifed, forage yield was related positively to available soil P but not to pH or K. Yield and forage N concentration and uptake were increased by 20, 11, and 33%, respectively, as a result of knife versus broadcast N application.  相似文献   

为探究炭基磷肥作为磷源对土壤磷素有效性及形态变化的影响,采用土壤培养试验,将牛粪生物质炭(BC)、重过磷酸钙(TSP)、不同方式制备的炭基磷肥(TSP-1和TSP-2)添加到黑土(高磷)和红壤(低磷)中培养70d,并作空白对照(CK)。研究结果表明,BC处理对黑土和红壤磷素有效性影响很小,但呈现上升的趋势;TSP、TSP-1和TSP-2处理显著增加了黑土和红壤的全磷和有效磷含量。黑土培养前期(0~28d),TSP、TSP-1和TSP-2处理的土壤有效磷含量分别下降了42.21%、16.81%和29.93%,培养中后期(28~70d),TSP-1和TSP-2处理的土壤有效磷含量平均分别比TSP处理高9.47%和9.81%;红壤培养前期(0~28d),TSP、TSP-1和TSP-2处理的土壤有效磷含量分别下降了78.31%、24.64%和57.53%,培养中后期(28~70d),TSP-1和TSP-2处理的土壤有效磷含量平均分别比TSP处理高129.23%和53.10%。BC处理增加了黑土HCl-P的含量及红壤NaOH-P、HCl-P的含量;TSP、TSP-1和TSP-2处理显著增加了黑土和红壤Water-P和NaHCO3-P的含量,对其他磷组分(NaOH-P、HCl-P、Residual-P)也有影响。BC、TSP-1和TSP-2处理显著提高了黑土和红壤的pH值,TSP处理降低了黑土的pH值,对红壤的pH值影响较小。综上所述,相比无机磷肥,以炭基磷肥作为磷源可以减缓磷素在黑土和红壤中的释放速率,避免磷素被土壤大量固定,并影响土壤磷素形态的分布,提高磷肥在土壤中的有效利用率,尤其在红壤中作用效果更为明显。  相似文献   

提高土壤中磷素有效性有利于提高农作物产量,减少磷矿资源浪费。试验以郑州市高新区石灰性土壤为研究对象,通过室内埋土试验,研究γ-聚谷氨酸与磷酸一铵配施对土壤磷素有效性的影响,并与常用增效剂草酸、腐殖酸的作用效果进行对比。结果表明:(1)相同添加量的3种增效剂,均能提高磷肥利用率,且γ-聚谷氨酸的作用效果最好;(2)γ-聚谷氨酸可以显著提高土壤磷素有效性,当其与磷酸一铵质量比为1∶1时有效磷含量可提高57.85%;(3)γ-聚谷氨酸能够抑制土壤中Ca_2-P快速向Ca_8-P和Ca_(10)-P转化,土壤有效磷与其它磷形态相关性大小为Ca_2-P(0.871)Ca_8-P(-0.797)Ca_(10)-P(-0.483)Fe-P(-0.414)O-P(0.347)Al-P(-0.102),通径分析表明Ca_2-P(0.759)为主要决策因子,Ca_8-P(-0.087)和Ca_(10)-P(-0.051)为主要限制因子;(4)γ-聚谷氨酸能够降低土壤中碳酸钙的含量,减少石灰性土壤磷的吸附位点。γ-聚谷氨酸能够提高磷肥利用率,在γ-聚谷氨酸与磷酸一铵配施的条件下,限制Ca_2-P快速向无效态磷转化,减少磷的吸附位点是γ-聚谷氨酸提高石灰性土壤磷素有效性的主要途径。  相似文献   

长期施肥褐土不同磷组分对磷素盈余的响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
  【目的】  研究褐土区玉米田长期不同磷源投入对土壤磷素形态和磷素累积的影响,通过对不同磷组分与磷素盈余之间进行相关性分析,研究不同施肥措施对土壤磷素形态转化的影响,为探索合理的磷肥调控措施,促进土壤中磷素向作物易于吸收的水溶态和碳酸氢钠溶解态转化,提高磷素利用效率提供依据。  【方法】  试验依托始于1992年位于山西省寿阳县北坪旱塬上的长期定位试验。9个施肥处理包括:无肥对照 (CK)、N1P1、N2P2、N3P3、N4P4、N2P1M1、N3P2M3、N4P2M2、N0P0M6,其中N1、N2、N3、N4分别为尿素N 60、120、180、240 kg/hm2,P1、P2、P3、P4分别为过磷酸钙P 16、33、49、66 kg/hm2,M为腐熟厩肥,M1、M2、M3、M6分别折合为施P量14、28、42和83 kg/hm2。1992—2016年,收获后取0—20 cm耕层土壤样品,分析土壤磷素形态及盈余量,并计算不同形态磷素与磷盈余量之间的相关性。  【结果】  连续施肥25年后,土壤磷组分发生了不同的变化,不施肥处理除H2O-Pi、Residual-P外,各形态磷较试验初均有降低。施用无机肥各处理主要增加了土壤中HCl-P含量,以N4P4处理提高幅度最大,比试验初提高了127.7%。有机肥投入可以显著提高土壤中的活性磷含量,高量施用有机肥后,H2O-P总含量较试验初提高了8倍之多,NaHCO3-Pi年增加速率为11.50 mg/(kg·a)。不同施肥各处理土壤磷素盈余量为N0P0M6 > N3P2M3 > N4P4 > N4P2M2 > N3P3 > N2P2 > N2P1M1 > N1P1 > CK。磷素盈余是土壤磷组分变化的重要影响因素,各形态磷组分对磷素累积量响应大小为NaHCO3-Pi > NaOH-Pi > HCl-P > NaHCO3-Po > Residual-P > H2O-Po > NaOH-Po > H2O-Pi。  【结论】  长期施肥使土壤各组分磷素含量发生了显著变化,有机无机肥配施有利于土壤中活性磷的转化,过量施磷导致磷素在土壤中大量盈余,高量施用有机肥磷素盈余量最大。当以无机肥投入时,施用过磷酸钙P 33 kg/(hm2·a)基本可以满足作物生长发育的要求。当有机无机肥配施时,施用过磷酸钙P 16 kg/(hm2·a),配施厩肥P 14 kg/(hm2·a) 时,土壤磷素盈余量最小。  相似文献   

土壤磷固定是影响石灰性磷肥肥效的主要原因。本文在田间滴灌条件下采用连续浸提的方法对液体磷肥和固体颗粒磷肥及其不同施用方法对石灰性土壤各形态无机磷含量动态变化的影响进行了研究,并比较了不同处理下加工番茄磷素营养效应。结果表明:各施肥处理0—20 cm土层Ca2-P和Ca8-P含量随施肥时间明显下降,而Ca10-P含量则显著上升,表明磷肥在石灰性土壤中不断向Ca10-P转化并被固定。液体磷肥追肥处理0—20 cm土层Ca2-P含量在各时期均显著高于其他施肥处理(P<0.05),且液体磷肥追肥可以明显保持土壤0—20 cm土层较高的Ca8-P含量。与其他施肥处理相比,液体磷肥追施可减少石灰性土壤对磷的固定,增加0—20 cm土层Ca2-P和Ca8-P含量(P<0.05),显著提高土壤磷的有效性。液体磷肥追施处理可显著提高加工番茄叶片含磷量和经济产量(91725 kg/hm2)。与传统过磷酸钙颗粒磷肥作基肥处理(CK1)相比,液体肥料全做追肥可使加工番茄经济产量提高26.7%,并明显提高了磷肥利用率。在滴灌条件下石灰性土壤上液体磷肥分次追施比传统的固体颗粒磷肥基施具有明显的优势,是一种非常具有应用前景的施肥方式。  相似文献   


More uniformity in methods of deriving fertilizer P recommendations from crop response data should improve accuracy and precision of fertilization rates. Experimental data that relate crop yields to soil test levels and describe the effect of fertilizer P on soil test levels provide the basis for determining fertilization rates for specific crop‐soil situations. A modification of the Mitscherlich equation was used in derivation of a new equation for calculating fertilizer P requirements as a function soil test levels of P. The equation was applied to response data for 4 crops.

Response curves and fertilizer requirements as calculated for corn, soybeans, alfalfa, and clover‐grass indicated that soybeans yielded relatively more than the other three crops at low soil test levels of P. Corn and alfalfa required higher soil test levels to reach 95% maximum yield and required higher rates of fertilizer P when initial test levels were low.  相似文献   


Optimum crop production depends, among other things, on the maintenance of adequate plant nutrients in the root zone. The objective of this study was to find a reliable index for assessing needs for supplemental phosphorus (P) in soils of Morogoro District, Tanzania. Six indices of P availability, namely: Bray and Kurtz No. 1 (BK1), Bray and KurtzNo.2 (BK2), Mehlich 1, Mehlich 3, Olsen and ammonium bicarbonate‐DTPA (AB‐DTPA), were evaluated. Evaluation of the P indices involved relating extractable P contents by different methods with crop response data expressed as relative yields. The response data was obtained from pot trials with soil samples from ten repesentative soils designated as benchmark soils of the district. Treatments were absolute control, 0, 10, 20, and 30 mg P kg‐1 of soil. Correlation of maize relative yields with soil test values by the six indices of P availability resulted in correlation coefficients ranging from 0.65 to 0.90. The Olsen method gave the highest r value suggesting that it was superior to the others. However, using the Cate and Nelson approach, the Olsen and ammonium bicarbonate‐DTPA methods were found to be at par and superior to the others. They each accounted for 76% of the variations observed in maize relative yields, respectively. The critical P levels for the indices were 10.50 mg P kg‐1 for Olsen and 2.80 mg P kg‐1 for the AB‐DTPA method. Phosphorus fertility categories were delineated in relation to Olsen extractable P as: low (<6.50 mg P kg‐1), medium (6.50 to 23.0 mg P kg‐1), and high (>23.0 mg P kg‐1). Based on this classification it was determined that 16%, 25 %, and 59% of the surveyed area had low, medium, and high P levels, respectively. About 40% of the surveyed area may, therefore, require fertilization with P for optimum yields.  相似文献   


There has been a trend toward using sandier growing media on highly trafficked turf areas to combat the detrimental effects of compaction on soil physical properties. Use of sand to modify, or even replace, existing soil also affects the nutrient status of these turf areas and could lead to both macronutrient and micronutrient deficiencies. Greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the effects of natural organic fertilizer (Milorganite) or micronutrient supplement (Esmigran) applied to the surface or incorporated at several rates on the nutrient concentration of ‘Pennfine’ perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) grown on quartz sand, a sand‐peat topdressing mix, and a silt loam soil. Effects of Milorganite rate were most apparent on sand and topdressing, and, with at least one soil for one harvest period, increased rates of Milorganite resulted in increased tissue concentration for phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), sulfur (S), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn). With Esmigran, increases in tissue concentration due to rate were found for Mn, boron (B), and Zn. Interactions among soil, rate, and application method made it difficult to generalize concerning nutrient availability from these fertilizers. Effects tended to be most obvious with sand and were more apparent with surface applications in some cases and with incorporation in others. Tissue analysis was superior to soil testing for assessing the nutrient status of a turfgrass stand.  相似文献   

 Soil P availability and efficiency of applied P may be improved through an understanding of soil P dynamics in relation to management practices in a cropping system. Our objectives in this study were to evaluate changes in plant-available (Olsen) P and in different inorganic P (Pi) and organic P (P0) fractions in soil as related to repeated additions of manure and fertilizer P under a soybean-wheat rotation. A field experiment on a Typic Haplustert was conducted from 1992 to 1995 wherein the annual treatments included four rates of fertilizer P (0, 11, 22 and 44 kg ha–1 applied to both soybean and wheat) in the absence and presence of 16 t ha–1 of manure (applied to soybean only). With regular application of fertilizer P to each crop the level of Olsen P increased significantly and linearly through the years in both manured and unmanured plots. The mean P balance required to raise Olsen P by 1 mg kg–1 was 17.9 kg ha–1 of fertilizer P in unmanured plots and 5.6 kg ha–1 of manure plus fertilizer P in manured plots. The relative sizes of labile [NaHCO3-extractable Pi (NaHCO3-Pi) and NaHCO3-extractable P0 (NaHCO3-P0)], moderately labile [NaOH-extractable Pi (NaOH-Pi) and NaOH-extractable P0 (NaOH-P0)] and stable [HCl-extractable P (HCl-P) and H2SO4/H2O2-extractable P (resisual-P)] P pools were in a 1 : 2.9 : 7.6 ratio. Application of fertilizer P and manure significantly increased NaHCO3-Pi and -P0 and NaOH-Pi, and -P0 fractions and also total P. However, HCl-P and residual-P were not affected. The changes in NaHCO3-Pi, NaOH-Pi and NaOH-P0 fractions were significantly correlated with the apparent P balance and were thought to represent biologically dynamic soil P and act as major sources and sinks of plant-available P. Received: 23 October 1997  相似文献   

In West Africa, two-thirds of upland rice is grown on acidic phosphorus (P)-deficient soils. Phosphorus is one of the most limiting-nutrients affecting crop productivity. A three-year field experiment was conducted on a Ferralsol in Côte d'Ivoire to study the response of four interspecific rice cultivars and a sativa (control cultivar) to Tilemsi phosphate rock (PR) and soluble triple superphosphate (TSP) fertilizer. PR was applied at 0, 150, 300, and 450 kg ha?1 P once in the first year and residual effects were measured in the following years. TSP (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg ha?1 P) was applied yearly. More significant yield increasing (38%) was observed in the second year. Annual application of 50 kg P ha?1 as TSP or a one-time application of 150 kg P ha?1 as PR was the optimum rate for the production of all cultivars. Higher rates of P from TSP (100 and 150 kg P ha?1) gave 2–3 times greater residual P in soil than the optimum rate, inducing no further response of rice. Two interspecific cultivars were identified as the most acid- and low P-tolerant cultivars for improving rice production in West Africa humid forest zone.  相似文献   

The response of greenhouse cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Lolita) to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilizers on a soil high in available P and K was studied during 1986. The greenhouses were located in the Beqa Valley, central Lebanon, and their soil chemical properties before planting were: NO3‐N = 52 ppm, P(NaHCO3 ext.) = 100 ppm, K (ammonium acetate ext.) = 650 ppm, ECe = 1.6 dS/m, pH = 7.5. Nitrogen at 200 kg/ha, P at 85 kg/ha and K at 150 kg/ha were applied in the following combinations: N, N+K, N+P+K and an unfertilized control. The rates were split into four equal weekly applications starting on the fourth week after transplanting the seedlings to the greenhouse. The treatments were applied through the drip irrigation system of the greenhouses. Fruit yield over the two months of harvest was highest in plants receiving N alone, which yielded 57 ton/ha. Yields of the plots receiving N+K, N+P+K and the control were 55.0, 54.0 and 39.5 ton/ha, respectively. Yield during the first month of harvest was comparable in all fertilized treatments and was substantially higher than the control.  相似文献   

The residual values of fertilizer P in six tropical soils were assessed from the response of grass in a pot experiment. The comparison was made between residues of P that had been applied to a previous crop (also grass) and fresh P applied to uncropped soil. Yields of dry matter and P uptakes were fitted to Mitscherlich and linear equations respectively, and the availabilities of fresh and residual P were assessed by fitted parameters of these equations. With sufficient residual P, the maximum yields were close to those obtained with fresh P, but residual P always had a lower availability than fresh P. The residual value was assessed by the ratio of the availability parameters for residual and fresh P and these values showed that there were differences between soils in the decline of P availability. Residual value was not directly related to the initial availability of P. The P uptake responses to both fresh and residual P were correlated significantly with buffer capacity for exchangeable sorption of phosphate and Al extracted by acid oxalate. This suggested that there is an available fraction of residual P, the uptake of which is influenced by the sorption and mobility of phosphate in soil, in the same way as for fresh fertilizer P.  相似文献   

为探寻节水灌溉减施磷肥对黑土稻作磷利用及土壤磷平衡的影响,于2020年和2021年开展大田试验,以常规淹灌+常规施磷肥(CK,45 kg/hm2)作对照,节水灌溉模式下设置5个磷肥施用梯度:0(CP0,不施磷肥)、18 kg/hm2(CP1,减磷60%)、27 kg/hm2(CP2,减磷40%)、36 kg/hm2(CP3,减磷20%)、45 kg/hm2(CP4,常规施磷)。分析节水灌溉模式下减施不同程度磷肥对稻田产量、地上部植株吸磷量和土壤剖面各土层有效磷含量的影响,并计算土壤磷素表观平衡量和磷肥利用率。结果表明:2020年水稻收获后节水灌溉减施磷肥各处理表层土壤有效磷含量均显著低于CK处理的土壤有效磷含量(P<0.05);2021年水稻收获后CP3处理表层土壤有效磷含量显著高于CK处理(P<0.05)。CP3处理2020年和2021年的地上部植株磷素积累量显著高于常规施肥CP4处理和CK处理,分别为14.64和15.86 kg/hm2(P<0.05)。地上部植株各器官磷素积累量由大到小为籽粒、茎鞘、叶。与常规施肥相比,2 a年CP3处理均显著提高了磷肥的吸收利用效率、农学利用率,显著降低土壤磷素盈余量(P<0.05)。综合考虑,节水灌溉下减施常规磷肥用量20%为黑土区适宜的磷肥施用量,2 a均提高水稻产量和磷肥利用率,且土壤磷素盈余量低。研究可为黑土区磷肥施用提供理论依据。  相似文献   


Field experiments were conducted in central Alberta to determine the yield response of barley and rapeseed to KCl on soils varying in soil test K levels and to evaluate three methods of K placement for effectiveness. The soil test K extractant was 1M ammonium acetate solution. Placement methods were incorporation, banding with the seed and banding beside the seed row. The percentage of sites that responded to K fertilizer significantly and yield increase of barley from K fertilizer decreased with increasing soil test K in the soil. Rapeseed responded less often to K than barley and K placement was more critical for barley than for rapeseed. Barley yields were greatest when the K fertilizer was banded in the seed row and least when incorporated into the soil. Rapeseed yields on K‐responsive sites were same when the K fertilizer was incorporated or banded beside the seed row, but tended to be greater when banded with the seed.  相似文献   

为了解油菜磷肥施用效果及土壤有效磷丰缺指标,选择安徽省典型油菜产区,开展多年多点田间小区试验,设置不施磷和施磷2个处理,研究施用磷肥对安徽省冬油菜产量、增产效果和经济效益的影响,并通过建立油菜籽粒相对产量和土壤有效磷含量的关系,确定土壤有效磷丰缺指标。结果表明,油菜施用磷肥增产增收效果明显。油菜施磷后的产量平均为2 571 kg/hm~2,增产量和增产率分别为672 kg/hm~2和41.5%。施磷每公顷增收2 012元,89.6%的试验点产投比2.0,施磷收益显著。以相对产量60%,60%~75%,75%~90%,90%~95%和95%为标准,将土壤有效磷分成"严重缺乏"、"缺乏"、"轻度缺乏"、"适宜"和"丰富"5级,对应的丰缺指标为6.5、6.5~13.0、13.0~26.5、26.5~34.0和34.0 mg/kg。该研究结果为水稻田冬油菜的磷肥管理提供依据。  相似文献   

针对南方酸性稻作土壤专性吸附和固定磷素能力强的问题,采用微区试验,以正常施磷(75 kg/hm2)不施生物炭为对照,探讨不同磷肥水平(P2O5 75、60、45、30 kg/hm2)和生物炭配施(40、60、80 t/hm2)对土壤不同形态磷素含量的影响。结果表明:(1)减磷施肥配施生物炭后全磷、有效磷、树脂磷、碳酸氢钠无机磷及稀盐酸磷的含量显著增加,残留态磷的含量显著降低。(2)磷肥水平≥45 kg/hm2时,配施生物炭处理的全磷和有效磷含量较对照分别显著提高17.1%~46.7%和32.5%~76.3%。(3)磷肥水平≥45 kg/hm2时,配施生物炭处理的树脂磷和碳酸氢钠无机磷的含量较对照分别显著增加50.8%~160.3%和36.1%~118.3%。(4)减磷施肥导致氢氧化钠有机磷含量较对照下降38.4%~39.8%;处理间氢氧化钠无机磷的含量无显著差异。(5)配施生物炭后稀盐酸磷含量较对照显著提高57.9%~352.1%;减磷施肥处理的浓盐酸有机磷含量显著低于正常施磷...  相似文献   

研究了高寒半干旱区8年肥料定位试验中,磷肥和有机肥在莜麦上的产量效应、土壤磷素的平衡、土壤Olsen-P及各形态无机磷的变化。结果表明,单施磷肥(N0P1)莜麦增产30.8%、单施氮肥(N1P0)增产109.4%、氮肥和磷肥配合(N1P1)施用莜麦增产314.0%;NP间表现出显著正交互作用,NP(N1和P1)交互作用增产86.9%;施用22.5和45.0.t/hm2有机肥分别比N0P0处理增产115.1%和220.1%;施用有机肥基础上增施磷肥无明显增产效应。不同施肥处理土壤Olsen-P和各形态无机磷的增减取决于土壤磷素的积累与消耗量,7年不施磷肥土壤Olsen-P降低3.3mg/kg。施用磷肥和有机肥土壤各形态磷库均有不同程度的积累;土壤磷素积累以无机磷为主,其中Ca2-P和Ca8-P的积累量分别占土壤无机磷变化总量的19.3%和25.4%,Al-P和Fe-P分别占23.8%和14.8%,O-P和Ca10-P共占13.0%。依据土壤磷素收支平衡状况计算出维持土壤磷素平衡的P2O5用量为45.0.kg/hm2。根据肥料效应函数计算出有机肥用量为0、22.5.t/hm2时,P2O5的最高产量用量分别为98.4.kg/hm2和87.4.kg/hm2。  相似文献   

云南省甘蔗增施黄磷炉渣肥的肥效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云南省甘蔗区主要分布在南亚热带、热带北缘,土壤多为砖红壤、赤红壤等,是易受冲刷淋洗的地区;加上多年连作,又未施硅肥,造成土壤缺硅面积日益扩大.  相似文献   

为阐明施磷对不同质地棉田土壤磷素有效性及磷肥利用率的影响,以盆栽试验为基础,在不同质地(粘土、壤土、砂土)上设计5个磷素水平(P0、P150、P300、P600、P1200)研究棉田磷素状况和棉花磷素积累及磷肥利用率。结果表明:不同质地棉田土壤有效磷含量在苗期和蕾期均随施磷量的增加而增加,苗期时粘土、壤土、砂土的土壤有效磷含量在P1200处理下与对照相比分别增加了80.94%、85.78%、94.41%,蕾期则分别增加了76.82%、85.10%、94.20%。苗期时,土壤全磷含量分别在粘土P600、壤土P1200、砂土P600处理下达到最大值;蕾期时粘土、壤土和砂土的全磷含量均在P1200处理达到最大值,土壤磷素活化系数在苗期时表现为粘土砂土壤土,蕾期磷素活化系数在粘土和砂土基本呈持续递增状态,最大值与对照(P0)相比分别增加了34.22%、85.71%。植物整株干物质积累在不同土壤质地表现为粘土砂土壤土。植物全磷含量则是壤土略低于粘土,砂土最低。棉花整株磷素积累量在不同土质上表现为粘土最高,壤土次之,砂土最低,且分别在P600、P300、P600处理时达到最大值。不同磷水平下,磷肥表观利用率在3种土壤质地上表现不同,粘土、壤土、砂土分别在P150、P300、P600时达到最大值,与P0相比分别提高了16.84%、29.19%、10.68%。同一磷水平下不同土壤质地磷素生理利用率表现为砂土壤土粘土。因此,在生产中应针对土壤质地合理施磷,粘土土质下棉田施磷量应控制在约150 kg/hm~2,壤土土质应控制在150~300 kg/hm~2,砂土土质施磷量总体应控制在300~600 kg/hm~2,才能促进土壤中磷的有效性和棉花磷素吸收,从而提高磷肥利用率。  相似文献   

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