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Four treatments (no‐tillage plus subsoiling, no‐tillage, conventional tillage plus subsoiling, and conventional tillage) were continuously in place for 6 yr and a second set of no‐tillage plus subsoiling and conventional plus subsoiling treatments were continuously in place for 3 yr to study the long‐term effects of conventional and no‐tillage corn on soil organic matter (OM) and N contents. Soil samples were taken at random between the rows and in the rows to a depth of 60 cm, in 5‐cm increments to a depth of 30 cm, and then in 15‐cm increments from the 30 to 60‐cm depth for OM and N determination. No‐tillage resulted in A3 and 20% more Kjeldahl N than conventional tillage in the 0 to 5‐cm soil depth after 6 and 3 yr, respectively. after 6 yr, the 0 to 5‐cm depth had 36% more OM in no‐tillage treatments than in conventional tillage treatments, and soil from no‐tillage treatments averaged 27% more OM than the conventional tillage plus subsoiling treatment at the 0 to 15‐cm soil depth.  相似文献   

The partitioning of biomass between aboveground parts and roots, and between vegetative and reproductive plant parts plays a major role in determining the ability of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) to produce a crop in a given environment. We evaluated the single and combined effects of water and N supply on the partitioning of biomass in cotton plants exposed to two N supply levels, 0 and 12 mM of N, and two water regimes, well irrigated and water‐stressed at an early reproductive stage. The N treatments began when the third true leaf was visible, while water deficit treatments were imposed over the N treatments when the plants were transferred into controlled‐environment chambers at a leaf area near 0.05 m2. Both water deficits and N deficits inhibited total biomass accumulation and its partitioning in cotton. Water deficit alone and N deficit alone inhibited the growth of leaves, petioles, and branches, but did not inhibit growth of the stem and enhanced the accumulation of biomass in squares. When water deficit was superimposed on N deficit, leaf growth was inhibited, although to a lesser extent than when it was the sole stress factor, and the accumulation of biomass in squares was also inhibited. Yet, the dry weight of squares in plants exposed to water and N deficits was greater than that of non‐stressed plants. Water and N deficits, either alone or in combination, did not inhibit the growth of the tap root. Growth of lateral roots was not inhibited either by water deficit alone or in combination with N deficit, but was enhanced when plants were exposed to N deficit alone. Exposure to water deficit alone or in combination with N deficit decreased the shoot:root ratio through the inhibition of shoot growth. Exposure to N deficit alone decreased the shoot:root ratio through the combination of shoot growth inhibition and root growth enhancement.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate the response of soil microbial biomass and activity to practices in organic and conventional farming systems. The study was carried out at the Irrigation District of Piauí, Brazil. Five different plots planted with “acerola” orchard (Malpighia glaba) and established at the following management were evaluated: (1) under 12 months of soil conventional management (CNV); (2) under six months of soil organic management (ORG6); (3) under 12 months of soil organic management (ORG12); (4) under 18 months of soil organic management (ORG18); and (5) under 24 months of soil organic management (ORG24). Soil microbial biomass C (Cmic), basal respiration, organic carbon (Corg), Cmic-to-Corg ratio and metabolic quotient (qCO2) were evaluated in soil samples collected at 0–10 cm depth. The highest Corg and Cmic levels occurred in organic system plots ORG18 and ORG24 compared to the conventional system. Soil respiration and Cmic-to-Corg ratio were significantly enhanced by the organic system plots. The qCO2 was greater in conventional than in organic system. These results indicate that the organic practices rapidly improved soil microbial characteristics and slowly increase soil organic C.  相似文献   


Organic carbon (OC) in leaves of seven nitrogen (N2)‐fixing trees and fifteen lignite‐based fertilizers was measured by loss‐on‐ignition (LOI at 500°C), wet oxidation by the Walkley‐Black method (CWB), Tinsley Dichromate Method (CTS), and dry combustion method using a LECO SC444 Carbon/ Sulphur Resistance Furnace Analyzer (CTO). There were significant differences in the capabilities of the methods in measuring OC from the organic materials with the quantity measured in the following order: LOI > CTO > CTS > CWB. A highly significant difference between LOI and CTO values suggested that components other than organic carbon (C) were removed by LOI since CTO gives total C value. The result also showed that N content in the organic materials was highly correlated with OC measured by individual methods. The LOI, CWB, and CTS were significantly correlated with CTO. The regression equations which were specific for either plant leaves or lignite‐based fertilizers indicated that any of the methods could be used to predict total C in the organic materials with a high degree of precision. In addition to the regression approach, an estimated correction factor of 1.4550 would be more appropriate to predict CTO from CWB for plant leaves than the 1.30 factor usually used for estimating oxidizable C in soils when CWB method is used. Also, a factor of 0.36180 could be used to estimate total C from LOI method for lignite fertilizers instead of merely regarding the difference in weight loss as the total organic matter.  相似文献   

Three‐week‐old nodulated faba bean plants were subjected to two levels of water stress (0.5 and 0.25 field capacity; soil water content of 20 and 10%) for five weeks. Half of the stressed plants was treated with potassium chloride (KC1) at 10 (K1) and 150 mg (K2)/kg soil at the beginning of water deficit. Nodulation was examined and some nodule activities were assayed. Nodulation, nitrogenase activity, total nitrogen (N), and dry matter yield were significantly decreased by increasing stress but were significantly higher with the two levels of potassium (K) supply. Leghaemoglobin and protein contents of cytosol as well as nodule protease and invertase were severely depressed by drought stress. Soluble carbohydrate contents of nodules, however, was significantly increased. Protein and leghaemoglobin contents and enzyme activities were greater with K fertilization but less soluble carbohydrate was accumulated. The results indicate that K supply, particularly at the 150 mg/kg soil level, increased faba bean resistance to water stress.  相似文献   

Effects of autumn foliar application of N‐urea on N storage and reuse in young apple seedling (Malus Pumila Mill.) were studied. Foliar application of urea‐15 N (3.5%) during autumn enhanced the retranslocation of leaf N to other plant parts and increased stored N. Foliar N sprays increased the proteolytic activities of the leaves; therefore, such activities appear to be a major mechanism of retranslocation of leaf N. Foliar applied N enabled the plant to produce more growth during the following seasons. A considerable portion of the plant total N during second and third years was attributable to the foliarly applied N during the first year.  相似文献   


By restricted access to manure, nitrogen (N) supply in organic agriculture relies on biological N-fixation. This study compares grain yields after one full-season green manure (FSGM) to yields with repeated use of a green-manure catch crop. At two sites in south-eastern Norway, in a simple 4-year rotation (oats/wheat/oats/wheat), the repeated use of ryegrass, clover, or a mixture of ryegrass and clover as catch crops was compared with an FSGM established as a catch crop in year 1. The FSGM treatments had no subsequent catch crops. In year 5, the final residual effects were measured in barley.

The yield levels were about equal for grains with no catch crop and a ryegrass catch crop. On average, the green-manure catch crops increased subsequent cereal yields close to 30%. The FSGM increased subsequent cereal yields significantly in two years, but across the rotation the yields were comparable to those of the treatments without green-manure catch crop. To achieve acceptable yields under Norwegian conditions, more than 25% of the land should be used for full-season green manure, or this method combined with green-manure catch crops. The accumulated amount of N in aboveground biomass in late autumn did not compensate for the N removed by cereal yields. To account for the deficiency, the roots of the green-manure catch crops would have to contain about 60% of the total N (tot-N) required to balance the cereal yields. Such high average values for root N are likely not realistic to achieve. However, measurement of biomass in late autumn may not reflect all N made available to concurrent or subsequent main crops.  相似文献   


Understanding seasonal soil nitrogen (N) availability patterns is necessary to assess corn (Zea mays L.) N needs following winter cover cropping. Therefore, a field study was initiated to track N availability for corn in conventional and no‐till systems and to determine the accuracy of several methods for assessing and predicting N availability for corn grown in cover crop systems. The experimental design was a systematic split‐split plot with fallow, hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth), rye (Secale cereale L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), rye+hairy vetch, and wheat+hairy vetch established as main plots and managed for conventional till and no‐till corn (split plots) to provide a range of soil N availability. The split‐split plot treatment was sidedressed with fertilizer N to give five N rates ranging from 0–300 kg N ha‐1 in 75 kg N ha‐1 increments. Soil and corn were sampled throughout the growing season in the 0 kg N ha‐1 check plots and corn grain yields were determined in all plots. Plant‐available N was greater following cover crops that contained hairy vetch, but tillage had no consistent affect on N availability. Corn grain yields were higher following hairy vetch with or without supplemental fertilizer N and averaged 11.6 Mg ha‐1 and 9.9 Mg ha‐1 following cover crops with and without hairy vetch, respectively. All cover crop by tillage treatment combinations responded to fertilizer N rate both years, but the presence of hairy vetch seldom reduced predicted fertilizer N need. Instead, hairy vetch in monoculture or biculture seemed to add to corn yield potential by an average of about 1.7 Mg ha‐1 (averaged over fertilizer N rates). Cover crop N contributions to corn varied considerably, likely due to cover crop N content and C:N ratio, residue management, climate, soil type, and the method used to assess and assign an N credit. The pre‐sidedress soil nitrate test (PSNT) accurately predicted fertilizer N responsive and N nonresponsive cover crop‐corn systems, but inorganic soil N concentrations within the PSNT critical inorganic soil N concentration range were not detected in this study.  相似文献   

Rice grown on the organic soils of the Everglades is routinely fertilized with silicon (Si). The objective of this research was to investigate changes in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentration in various plant parts in response to Si fertilization. Two cultivars were grown in lysimeters filled with low‐Si soil. Half the lysimeters were fertilized with calcium silicate to provide 2Mg Si ha‐1 and the other lysimeters remained unfertilized as a control. Nitrogen concentration decreased in all plant parts with Si fertilization. Phosphorus concentration increased with Si. Maturity was earlier in the Si fertilized rice.  相似文献   


Soil bulk density markedly influences hydrolysis of surface‐applied granular urea that is vulnerable to serious ammonia volatilization losses. In order to decrease the ammonia losses by retarding urea hydrolysis, several chemicals have been tested for their soil urease inhibition properties. Phenyl phosphorodiamidate (PPDA) is a potent soil urease inhibitor. Laboratory studies using soil column incubations were conducted to investigate the effect of soil bulk density on inhibition of hydrolysis of surface‐applied urea granules (=20 mg of urea/granule) containing 1% PPDA in unsaturated soils. The increase in soil bulk density (from 0.69 to 1.50 Mg/m3) markedly increased the rate of hydrolysis of surface‐applied urea granules and significantly decreased the apparent urease inhibition by PPDA present in the granules. These results are attributed to the probable spatial separation of urea and PPDA because of the differences in diffusive transports in unsaturated soils caused in part by differences in their solubilities in water.  相似文献   

Two rates of broiler litter (20 and 40 mt/ha) were compared to recommended rates of inorganic nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in a double cropping system of spring sweet corn (Zea mays L. ‘Silverqueen') and fall broccoli (Brassica oleracea L, ‘Southern Comet')‐ Sweet corn matured one week earlier both years when fertilized with 40 mt/ha of broiler litter compared to commercial fertilizer. The early maturity may be due to improved P nutrition. Similar or higher yields of fall broccoli were produced with broiler litter following sweet corn than with commercial fertilizer.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for 3 crop years (July‐June) at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to study the effects of Sesbania and cowpea green manuring (GM) and incorporation of mungbean residues after harvesting grain, Leucaena loppings, FYM and wheat straw incorporation before planting rice and application of 0,40,80 and 120 kg N ha?1 to rice on the soil organic carbon (SOC), alkaline permanganate oxidizable N (APO‐N), 0.5 M sodium bicarbonate extractable P (SBC‐P) and 1N ammonium acetate exchangeable K (AAE‐K) in surface 0–15 cm soil after the harvest of rice and wheat grown in sequence. Green manuring and addition of organic residues prevented the decline in SOC. On the other hand addition of N fertilizer tended to decrease SOC after rice harvest. On the contrary application of green manures, organic residues, FYM and fertilizer N increased APO‐N, which indicates the benefit of these treatments to a more labile soil organic N pool. Also application of green manures, organic residues, FYM and fertilizer N increased SBC‐P. Not much change was observed in AAE‐K by the treatments applied.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) supply increased yield, leaf % N at 10 days after silking (DAS) and at harvesting, the contents of ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase (RUBISCO) and soluble protein, and the activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), and ferredoxin‐glutamate synthase (Fd‐GOGAT), but not of glutamine synthetase (GS) for six tropical maize (Zea mays L) cultivars. Compared to plants fertilized with 10 kg N/ha, plants inoculated with a mixture of Azospirillum sp. (strains Sp 82, Sp 242, and Sp Eng‐501) had increased grain % protein, and leaf % N at 10 DAS and at harvest, but not grain yield. Compared to plants fertilized with either 60 or 180 kg N/ha, Azospirillum‐inoculated plants yielded significantly less, and except for GS activity, which was not influenced by N supply, had lower values for leaf % N at 10 DAS and at harvest, for contents of soluble protein and RUBISCO, and for the activities of PEPC and Fd‐GOGAT. Yield was positively correlated to leaf % N both at 10 DAS and at harvest, to the contents of soluble protein and RUBISCO, and to the activities of PEPC and Fd‐GOGAT, but not of GS, when RUBISCO contents and enzyme activities were calculated per g fresh weight/min. However, when enzyme contents and enzyme activities were expressed per mg soluble protein/min, yield was correlated positively to RUBISCO and PEPC, but negatively to GS. These results give support to the hypothesis that RUBISCO, Fd‐GOGAT, and PEPC may be used as biochemical markers for the development of genotypes with enhanced photosynthetic capacity and yield potential.  相似文献   


Two greenhouse studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of B, Mn and Zn on nodulation and N2‐fixation of southernpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Halp.) cultivars ‘Freezegreen’, ‘Mississippi Silver’ and ‘Pinkeye Purple Hull’. The cultivars were grown in plastic pots with a Norfolk sandy loam (fine, loamy siliceous thermic, Typic Paleudult) soil treated with B, Mn and Zn at rates of 0, 5, 10 and 20 kg/ha each at pH levels 5.5, 6.0 and 6.5. At pH 6.5 all micronutrient treatments significantly increased nodulation and N2‐fixation over the control (no micronutrient applied). The effects of B, Mn and Zn on nodulation and N2‐fixation depended on the cultivar and soil pH. For plants given the 5 kg/ha B and Mn treatments, ‘Mississippi Silver’ produced the highest number of nodules and ‘Pinkeye Purple Hull’ the least. At 20 kg/ha Zn, nodulation of ‘Freezegreen’ was highest and ‘Pinkeye Purple Hull’ the lowest. As a whole, maximum nodulation was at 5 kg/ha B and Mn and 20 kg/ha for Zn. Nitrogen fixation rates responded similarly except that the optimum rate for Zn was 10 kg/ha. Seed yield of plants peaked at 5 kg/ha for B and 10 kg/ha for Zn, indicating a possible relation of N2‐fixation to seed yield.  相似文献   

To achieve higher yields and better soil quality under rice–legume–rice (RLR) rotation in a rainfed production system, we formulated integrated nutrient management (INM) comprised of Azospirillum (Azo), Rhizobium (Rh), and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) with phosphate rock (PR), compost, and muriate of potash (MOP). Performance of bacterial bioinoculants was evaluated by determining grain yield, nitrogenase activity, uptake and balance of N, P, and Zn, changes in water stability and distribution of soil aggregates, soil organic C and pH, fungal/bacterial biomass C ratio, casting activities of earthworms, and bacterial community composition using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprinting. The performance comparison was made against the prevailing farmers’ nutrient management practices [N/P2O5/K2O at 40:20:20 kg ha−1 for rice and 20:30:20 kg ha−1 for legume as urea/single super-phosphate/MOP (urea/SSP/MOP)]. Cumulative grain yields of crops increased by 7–16% per RLR rotation and removal of N and P by six crops of 2 years rotation increased significantly (P < 0.05) in bacterial bioinoculants-based INM plots over that in compost alone or urea/SSP/MOP plots. Apparent loss of soil total N and P at 0–15 cm soil depth was minimum and apparent N gain at 15–30 cm depth was maximum in Azo/Rh plus PSB dual INM plots. Zinc uptake by rice crop and diethylenetriaminepentaacetate-extractable Zn content in soil increased significantly (P < 0.05) in bacterial bioinoculants-based INM plots compared to other nutrient management plots. Total organic C content in soil declined at 0–15 cm depth and increased at 15–30 cm depth in all nutrient management plots after a 2-year crop cycle; however, bacterial bioinoculants-based INM plots showed minimum loss and maximum gain of total organic C content in the corresponding soil depths. Water-stable aggregation and distribution of soil aggregates in 53–250- and 250–2,000 μm classes increased significantly (P < 0.05) in bacterial bioinoculants-based INM plots compared to other nutrient management plots. Fungal/bacterial biomass C ratio seems to be a more reliable indicator of C and N dynamics in acidic soils than total microbial biomass C. Compost alone or Azo/Rh plus PSB dual INM plots showed significantly (P < 0.05) higher numbers of earthworms’ casts compared to urea/SSP/MOP alone and bacterial bioinoculants with urea or SSP-applied plots. Hierarchical cluster analysis based on similarity matrix of DGGE profiles revealed changes in bacterial community composition in soils due to differences in nutrient management, and these changes were seen to occur according to the states of C and N dynamics in acidic soil under RLR rotation.  相似文献   

Application of plant growth‐promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) or the plant to bacteria signal molecule genistein has been shown to increase nodulation and nitrogen (N) fixation by soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] over a range of root zone temperatures (RZTs) and, specifically, off‐sets at least some of the ill‐effects of low RZTs. Two sets of controlled‐environment experiments, one on a growth bench and the other in a greenhouse, were conducted to examine the combined ability of both PGPR and genistein to reduce the negative effects of low RZT on soybean nodulation and N fixation. Each of two the PGPR strains, Serratia proteamaculans 1–102 and Serratia liquefaciens 2–68 were co‐inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 110 preincubated with 17.5 (somewhat inhibitory), and 15°C (very inhibitory). At RZTs of 25 and 17.5°C PGPR strains and genistein in combination increased the number of nodules and the amount of Nn fixed. The most stimulatory effect was observed at 17.5°C for the combination: S. proteamaculans 1–102 plus B. japonicum USDA 110 pre‐incubated in 15 μM genistein under greenhouse conditions. For most treatment combinations the stimulatory effects of PGPR and genistein were additive at RZTs of 17.5 and 25°C. Surprisingly, the combination of these two factors resulted in antagonism at the very inhibitory RZT of 15°C. The results suggest that the negative effects of certain low RZTs could be more effectively off‐set by combined treatments of PGPR plus geneistin pre‐incubation of rhizobial cultures than by their individual treatment.  相似文献   

A calcareous clay nd a calcareous sand, were fractionated densimetrically by dispersion in organic liquids of sp. gr. 1.59–2.06. The N contents of the light fractions decreased with increasing densities of the suspending liquids and were up to 18–23 times higher than those of the whole soils. Light fraction organic-N of both the sandy and clay soils was obtained mainly from silt-size components. However, the efficiency, with which light fraction material was obtained from the two whole soils, varied. With the clay soil, the total yield of light fraction organic-N was increased markedly by applying the densimetric technique to particle size components, rather than to the whole soil.Silt-size and fine clay-size particles from soils, sampled during rapid metabolism of microbial organic-[15N], were further fractionated densimetrically in “Nemagon”, sp. gr. 2.06. The organic-[15N] of the light and heavy subtractions changed markedly (P < 0.05) during periods of net 15N immobilization and mineralization, including a period after soil fumigation when extensive decomposition of [15N]-labelled microbial biomass occurred. Changes in the 15N of complementary light and heavy subfractions followed similar trends. Light subtraction organic-[15N] usually showed the greater relative change but the differences between the subtractions were not statistically significant. It is concluded that when small proportions only of soil organic-N are associated with macroorganic debris, as in these two soils amended wth glucose and 15NO?3, densimetric fractionation at a sp. gr. as high as 2.06 will yield light and heavy fractions, whose nitrogenous components are similarly available to biological attack. Enhanced metabolism of light fraction material is more likely to be demonstrated when such material consists mainly of obvious plant residues, and this may be more easily achieved by fractionation in liquids of sp. gr. <2.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that under hydroponic conditions, spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) plants produce higher grain yields, more tillers, and increased dry matter when continuously supplied with mixtures of NO3 and NH4 than when supplied with only NO3. The objective of this study was to determine if mixed N needs to be available before or after flowering, or continuously, in order to elicit increases in growth and yield of wheat. During vegetative development, plants of the cultivar ‘Marshal’ were grown in one of two nutrient solutions containing either a 100/0 or 50/50 mixture of NO3 to NH4 and, after flowering, half the plants were switched to the other solution. At physiological maturity, plants were harvested, separated into leaves, stems, roots, and grain and the dry matter and N concentration of each part determined. Yield components and the number of productive tillers were also determined. Availability of mixed N at either growth stage increased grain yield over plants receiving continuous NO3, but the increase was twice as large when the mixture was present during vegetative growth. When the N mixture was available only during vegetative growth the yield increase was similar to that obtained with continuous mixed N. The yield increases obtained with mixed N were the result of enhanced tillering and the production of more total biomass. Although plants receiving a mixed N treatment accumulated more total N than those grown solely with NO3, the greatest increase occurred when mixed N was available during vegetative growth. Because availability of mixed N after flowering increased the N concentration over all NO3 and pre‐flowering mixed N plants, it appears that the additional N accumulation from mixed N needs to be coupled with tiller development in order to enhance grain yields. These results confirm that mixed N nutrition increases yield of wheat and indicate that the most critical growth stage to supply the N mixture to the plant is during vegetative growth.  相似文献   


Efficient soil fertility management is essential for sustained production of high crop yields. Field experiments were conducted on an Entisol soil during 1984 to 1987 at Bidhan Chandra Agricultural University, West Bengal, India, to study the changes in soil N, P, and K in sub‐humid tropics under irrigated intensive cropping in rice‐potato‐mung bean (Oryza sativa L.‐ Solanum tuberosum L.‐ Vigna radiatus Roxb.) and rice‐potato‐sesame (O. sativa L.‐ S. tuberosum L.‐ Sesamum indicum L.) cropping sequences. The crops were grown with or without application of farmyard manure and with or without incorporation of crop residues. Different quantities of inorganic fertilizers based on locally recommended practices for fertilization were applied to rice and potato, and their residual effects on succeeding mung bean or sesame crops were assessed. At the end of experimentation, the total N status of soil improved more under the rice‐potato‐mung bean sequence than under the rice‐potato‐sesame sequence. The available phosphorus status of soil showed a positive balance in both sequences except in the treatment receiving 50% of the recommended amounts of N, P, and K. A reduction in the recommended fertilization without a compensating application of manure or crop residues resulted in the depletion of soil‐available K. All treatments reduced nonexchangeable K, and depletion was low wherever manure or crop residues were added into the cropping system. Integration of inorganic fertilizers with organic fertilizers, such as manure or crop residues, maintained soil N, P, and K under intensive agriculture and sustained soil productivity.  相似文献   


Diffusion methods for quantitative determination and isotope‐ratio analysis of inorganic N in soil extracts were modified for use with Kjeldahl digests. The digest was diluted to 25 mL with deionized water, and an aliquot (to 6 mL) was transferred in a shell vial (17 mm dia., 60 mm long) to a 473‐mL (1‐pint) wide‐mouth Mason jar containing 15 mL of 8 M NaOH. The NH3 liberated by overturning the vial inside the sealed jar was collected for 48 h at room temperature (24 h with orbital shaking) in 3 mL of boric acid‐indicator solution in a Petri dish, or in an acidified glass‐fiber disk, suspended from the Mason‐jar lid. Determinations of N and 15N by diffusion were in close agreement with analyses using conventional steam‐distillation and concentration techniques.  相似文献   

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