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Biochemical properties are considered to be the best indicators available at present for assessing soil quality. However, there are still many gaps in our knowledge about how these properties are affected by abiotic factors and how these factors interact with soil management. With the aim of understanding how climate and soil management affect soil biochemical properties in grasslands soils from a temperate-humid area (Galicia, NW Spain), a total of 60 soils were analyzed for several microbial and biochemical properties. Grasslands were divided into groups according to the type of management applied (native compared with intensive) and to the climate in the area where they were sampled (Mediterranean subhumid with centroeuropean drift climate compared with Atlantic climate). We found that management had a greater influence on soil biochemical properties than climate. Altitude, which strongly influences climate in the region where the soils were analyzed, was found to be a significant factor that affected most soil biochemical properties. In conclusion, the results show that microbially-mediated processes are greatly affected by both, management and abiotic factors and that, for some properties (like net N mineralization and cellulase and casein-protease activities), abiotic factors can have an important influence on soil biochemical properties.  相似文献   

The soils of Galicia, NW Spain, developed on gabbro often include one or more buried profiles. In the modern overlying soil, gibbsite is common and the Fe oxyhydroxides include maghemite. In the buried soil interstratified kaolinite–smectite is abundant, gibbsite is present in traces and the Fe oxyhydroxides are mostly formed by goethite. Chemical and mineralogical data show that the modern soil has developed under strongly leaching conditions that contrast with those in which the buried soil formed. We suggest that the interstratified kaolinite–smectite is a relict mineral that helps reconstruction of the pedogenetic history of these soils.  相似文献   

Wakayama Prefecture is one of the important districts of citrus production in Japan. The citrus groves are located in the northern districts of the prefecture along the watershed of the Kii, and Arita rivers. Geologically, the rocks in these districts are classified into crystalline schist, Palaeozoic Upper Chichibu and Mesozoic Cretaceous systems. The associated soils are chiefly members of the Red Yellow Podzolic and Lithosol group.7)  相似文献   

Retention of S04 2? was investigated in Galician soils throughout an intense regime of acidification. Experiments consisted of the addition of an H2SO4 solution (pH 2.7) to columns of 6 soils of contrasting properties over 1, 2, or 5 months. Leachates were obtained continuously throughout the experiment for analysis, and analysis made of the solid fractions after 1, 2 or 5 months. The greatest capacities for retention of S04 2? were found in soil developed from serpentine and micaschist; the lowest in soils from granite, slate and sandy sediments. The surface horizons, especially those rich in organic matter, displayed low retention of 5042-. The amount of S04 2? adsorbed throughout the experiment depended on the content of crystalline forms of Fe and with the Fe and Al extracted with dithionite-citrate.The low retention of S04 2? in the organic horizons and the slightly negative relation with the organic matter suggest an inhibitory effect of the organic matter on the S04 2? retention process. Results of the study show, that under conditions of moderate acidity, SO4 2? retention occurs in the form of adsorption; in strongly acidic conditions, the precipitation of aluminium-sulphate minerals may provide an additional retention mechanism.  相似文献   

亚热带土壤不同矿物组分中铬的吸附   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Safe application of chromium (Cr)-containing organic industrial wastes to soil requires considering the ability of the soil to adsorb Cr.In this study,the maximum Cr adsorption capacity was assessed for the bulk samples and their clay and iron-free clay fractions of four subtropical soils differing in mineralogy.To this end,the samples were supplied with Cr(Ⅲ) nitrate solutions at pH 4.5 or 5.5.The results of Cr(Ⅲ) adsorption fitted to a Freundlich equation and the adsorption capacity was positively correlated with soil organic matter and iron oxide contents.The clay fractions adsorbed more Cr per unit mass than the bulk soils and the iron-free clay fractions.The Cr(Ⅲ) adsorption capacity increased with increasing soil pH due to more charges on adsorbing surfaces.Our results suggest that the soils rich in organic matter and iron oxides and having a pH above 4.5 are suitable for application of Cr(Ⅲ)-loaded industrial wastes.  相似文献   

In northern Spain and elsewhere in the world, many vineyards are located on steep slopes and are susceptible to accelerated soil erosion. Contaminants, notably Cu, originating from repeated application of copper‐based fungicides to the vines to prevent mildew, are transported and stored in the sediments deposited close to valley bottoms. In this study, the contents and distribution of Cu in 17 soil samples and 21 sediment samples collected from vineyard stands were determined. In addition, the effect of pH on Cu release from vineyard soils and sediments was quantified. The total Cu content (CuT) in the soils varied between 96 and 583 mg kg?1, and was between 1.2 and 5.6 times greater in sediment samples. The mean concentration of potentially bioavailable Cu (CuEDTA) in the sediments was 199 mg kg?1 (46% of CuT), and was 80 mg kg?1 (36% of CuT) in the soils. Copper bound to soil organic matter (CuOM) was the dominant fraction in the soils (on average, 53% of the CuT), while in sediment samples CuOM values varied between 37 and 712 mg kg?1 and were significantly greater (P < 0.01) than in the soils. Copper associated with non‐crystalline inorganic components (CuIA) was the second most important fraction in the sediments, in which it was 3.4 times greater than in the soils. Release of Cu due to changes in the pH followed a U‐shaped pattern in soils and sediments. The release of Cu increased when the pH decreased below 5.5 due to the increased solubility of the metal at this pH. When the pH increased above 7.5, Cu and organic matter were released simultaneously.  相似文献   

Emmer and spelt are two species of hulled wheats that once were widely cultivated in Spain. Today on much reduced extension, these crops are still grown in Asturias (Northern of Spain). A recent expedition to this region was made with the purpose of collecting representative samples of the genetic variability, and compares these materials with those collected previously and conserved in Germplasm Banks. During the field trips, 35 populations were collected with a high diversity, although it was lower than that described in the past. The results of this comparison indicated that great part of this diversity is in risk of further losses in the remain native hulled wheat, mainly due to a progressive introduction of foreigner spelt with better harvest characteristics.  相似文献   

The organic matter (OM) of soils with andic properties has long been considered highly stable because of the presence of Al–humus complexes and sorption of organic ligands onto amorphous compounds. In this study, we characterized soils under different land use regimes located within an amphibolitic massif close to Santiago de Compostela (Spain), where soils with andic properties are present. Slash and burn agriculture was a common practice in the area until the second half of the 20th century. Thereafter, modern agriculture was progressively introduced into the area (AGR soils), and the rest of the land was either reforested or abandoned (FOR soils). We found that the mean organic C content of AGR soils (48.7 g kg?1) was ~ 50% that of FOR soils (94.2 g kg?1). Mean soil pH was significantly greater (P < 0.05) in the AGR than in the FOR soils (4.95 compared with 4.63), which is attributed to liming and Ca‐phosphate fertilization of the former. Mean concentrations of the Al forms studied (extractable with CuCl2, sodium pyrophosphate, ammonium oxalate, or NaOH) were significantly smaller (P < 0.01) in AGR (1.4, 4.9, 9.3, 11.0 g kg?1, respectively) than in FOR soils (3.9, 10.2, 16.5, 17.9 g kg?1, respectively). The results show the vulnerability of the OM and Al–humus complexes in these soils to modern agricultural practices, which has led to the attenuation – and in some cases even the disappearance – of andic soil properties in a relatively short time (< 30 years) following changes in land use/management. We propose the inclusion of the formative element ‘andic’ in the criteria for the definition of Umbrisol subunits; this would avoid the abrupt discontinuity observed in the current World Reference Base classification.  相似文献   

The analysis of published data shows that the sequential extraction of heavy metals from soils according to the schemes suggested by Tessier and by the European Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) does not ensure the selectivity of the extraction of heavy metal compounds from certain carriers and can result in the artificial redistribution of heavy metals by fractions. A new approach is based on the assessment of the kinetics of metal extraction from certain carriers. A wide range of heavy metal compounds in soils have been identified using the method of synchrotron X-ray radiation. It is argued that the schemes of Tessier and the BCR are applicable for the determination of the contents of Pb humates, Pb and Zn carbonates, and heavy metals bound with hydroxides of Fe and Al. However, these methods are not suitable for the determination of phosphates and silicates of heavy metals.  相似文献   



The present study deals with the geochemical fractions of Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu and As present on profiles using chemical simple extraction process. This work was conducted on Portman Bay, located in the SE Spain and strongly affected by mining activities.

Materials and methods

Four simple extractions were applied to selected samples in order to evaluate the potential mobility of metals. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was applied to the characterisation of samples and the residues remaining after each extraction, providing additional information about the sediment phases carrying the elements studied.

Results and discussion

The results obtained after the extractions suggested that the highest potentially toxic element (PTE) content was obtained in the oxidising medium. The mineralogical composition is an important factor that should be taken into account in the evaluation of PTE mobility, firstly because the mineral phases react differently in the proposed situations depending on their chemical nature, and secondly, because the presence of a particular phase depends on the degree of weathering.


The evaluation of PTE mobility and mineralogical composition under different environmental conditions may be very important in the execution of restoration projects which could involve dredging and mobilisation of materials.

This study was performed to identify the environmental factors that control soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation in the Basque Country (Northern Spain) and to evaluate the impact of land use change on SOC budget in this territory. A total of 30 samples of the organomineral horizon were taken under representative vegetation types including native forest, coniferous plantations, scrub, pasture and cultures. The edaphic variables measured were organic C content, pH, total N, available P, exchangeable H+ and Al3+, cation exchange capacity (CEC), texture, and carbonates. The substitution of the original forest with a pasture led to a significant increase in organic C content of the topsoil in all cases studied. Temperature was the main climatic factor affecting the organic C levels in soil, being the two variables negatively correlated. The CEC and texture were other key factors controlling the organic C content, which increased with CEC and decreased with total sand. Average organic C content of the organomineral horizon did not differ significantly (P <0.05) with base content of original substrate nor climate type, but it was more sensitive to climate change in the Atlantic soils than in the Mediterranean ones, where edaphic variables such as CEC and texture were important in regulating C sequestration.  相似文献   

This work presents the results of a study of changes in the soil mineral components and the related modifications of the chemical composition and surface properties of soils in the desert-steppe zone in the southern part of the Ergeni Upland. Burial mounds dating back to the Bronze epoch have been investigated. According to radiocarbon data, their ages are estimated at 5100 ± 50, 4410 ± 100, 4260 ± 120, 4120 ± 70, and 3960 ± 40 years. The substantial transformation of the clay minerals, the molar chemical coefficients, the magnetic mineralogy, and the surface properties of the soils permits us to assess the rates of the mineralogical transformations caused by the climate change during the time interval of less than <∼100 years. The ratio between the content of the mineral phases in the buried soils of different ages testifies to the primary importance of climatic factor in comparison with the total duration of weathering or the soil existence on the land surface prior to its burial, i.e., the soil age.  相似文献   

A study on contamination levels by organochlorinated compounds (pesticides and PCBs) and heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn) in Doñana National Park (Spain) area and its surrounding region has been carried out. Residue levels of xenobiotics were determined in water and soils samples from seventeen sites selected through the park and nearest surrounding farm lands affecting to the inner Park. Also we analyzed some stations along the Guadiamar Basin in the north of Doñana region to determined the movement and influence of one mine situated over 40 km away, in Aznalcóllar, where the commercial expoitation of pyrites ores rich in Zn, Pb and Cu is being operated.  相似文献   


Humus formations from forest and brushwood ecosystems on calcareous substrates in representative sites from Sierra de Gador in Southern Spain were analyzed. The humus composition, as determinated by three independent fractionation procedures, suggests that soil organic matter turnover is not related to the vegetation biotypes, but to a series of local factors among which climatic and soil characteristics predominate. Of the parameters studied, the amount of fulvic acids, and to a lesser extent, the relative proportion of soil perylenequinonic pigments (P‐type humic acids), reflected differences in altitude. The percentage of nitrogen (N) in humic acids was the parameter that was most informative of the characteristics of humus. This finding contrasts with the poorly differentiated patterns of the particulate organic matter fractions, whose evolution is probably independent of environmental factors because of physical protection by soil carbonates. The carbon dioxide (CO2) release curves reproduced under laboratory conditions showed that the intrinsic biodegradability of soil organic matter does not reflect the nature of the plant residues in the sites sampled (170–2240 m), but is weakly dependent on climatic factors. We postulate that the calcium saturation, together with the active participation of inorganic colloids, force the convergent evolution of soil humus by compensating most of the effects of the climatic and biotic factors, and the historic influence of human activity in the area studied.  相似文献   

A specific feature of the soil developing near the edge of a sinkhole in comparison with the soil at a distance of 10 m from the sinkhole is the presence of calcareous horizon from the depth of 116 cm. The soil near the edge of the sinkhole is also characterized by the increased contents of exchangeable calcium and oxalatesoluble iron in the litter layers and in the AE horizon. This may be explained by a more active biological uptake of these elements under conditions of a shallow occurrence of carbonates. With respect to pH values; the contents and distribution of humus and exchangeable potassium, sodium, hydrogen, and aluminum; the mineralogical composition of the clay and fine silt fractions; and the distribution of oxalatesoluble iron compounds in the soil profiles, palepodzolic soils of the Central Forest State Biospheric Nature Reserve developing in karst areas do not differ from similar soils beyond karst areas.  相似文献   

The relationships between rock types and mineralogical properties of volcanic ashes were investigated using many volcanic ash samples from different volcanoes.

The heavy mineral fraction was dominated by two pyroxenes and ferromagnetic minerals In almost all the felsic and Intermediate volcanic ashes. Therefore, It was difficult to determine the rock types of felsic and intermediate volcanic ashes according to their heavy mineral composition. It was assumed that the presence of a large quantity of hornblende was related to the origins of the volcanic ashes. On the other hand, the predominant mineral in the heavy mineral fraction of mafic volcanic ashes was volcanic glass (refractive index about 1.59), followed by olivine.

The refractive indices (γ) of plagioclases and orthopyroxenes were 1.553–1,570 and 1.703–1.715 in the felsic volcanic ashes, 1.558–1.580 and 1.705–1,715 in the intermediate ashes, and 1.565–1.576 and 1.697–1.705 in the mafic ashes, respectively. These results indicate the difficulty of determining the rock types of volcanic ashes according to the optical properties of these minerals.  相似文献   

We have selected seven profiles located in a diapiric formation in the North of Spain. The profiles have been analyzed for the mineralogy and the chemical composition of original materials, soils developed above them and clay fractions. Three soils formed on basic rock of volcanic origin (ophite) and rich in alterable minerals, three others formed on clay marl and one soil formed on gypsiferous marl. Plagioclases, pyroxenes, vermiculites, and biotites are the main minerals found in the soil samples and ophitic rocks. Biotite, smectite, chlorite and interstratified chlorite–vermiculite make up the predominant mineralogical association in the clay fraction of the soils. Calcite, biotite and on top of all chlorite are the main minerals in the marls and the soils developed on them, with gypsum predominant in the gypsiferous marl. The mineralogy of its clay fraction is comprised mainly of chlorite and biotite. The variations in content of Al2O3, TiO2 and Na2O in the ophites are considered to be associated with the differences in the evolution of the pyroxenes. The variability of the chemical composition of the Keuper sediments and the soils is attributed more to the chaotic disposition of the Triassic materials in the formation of the diapir than to intense chemical weathering. The low concentrations of silica, iron, and aluminum extractable with ammonium oxalate indicate the low proportion of non-crystalline products. Fundamentally, it is the semiarid conditions in the study zone, together with the processes of extrusion and hydrothermal activity affecting the formation of the diapir, that are responsible for the genesis of the minerals.  相似文献   

To clarify whether a particular group of soils of Archangelsk region (European N Russia) with humus‐rich topsoils exceeding the plowing zone supports an anthropogenic formation, four exemplary profiles were investigated. The investigation sites are characterized by distinct elevated surfaces, and the soils show thick toplayers of up to 60 cm with enrichment of soil organic matter and artifacts like brick, charcoal, and peat fragments, all indicating an anthropogenic origin. Increased phytolith amounts and high P contents of up to 800 mg kg–1 citric acid–soluble P and up to 1,400 mg kg–1 total P in the top horizons support an anthropogenic influence. These properties are very similar to the Plagganthrepts of NW Europe. The same is true regarding the main management aims: increasing soil fertility and overcoming the need of bedding materials. Having the required depths of the anthropogenic topsoil, the properties of the soils of the Archangelsk region allow a classification as Agrozems (Russian classification), Plaggenesche (German classification), and Plagganthrepts (US taxonomy). Since the high base saturation of the topsoil excludes a designation as plaggic horizon, the topsoil has to be considered as terric horizon, which leads to a classification as Terric Anthrosol according to WRB.  相似文献   


Determinations were made of total soil organic matter (SOM), stable and labile organic fractions, biomass carbon (C), and chemical composition of several humus‐soil‐fractions in Chilean volcanic soils, Andosols and Ultisols. Their physico‐chemical properties and humification degree at different stages in edaphic evolution were also assessed. In addition, organic matter models were obtained by chemical and biological syntheses and the structures and properties of natural and synthetic humic materials were compared with SOM. Results indicate that Andosols have higher SOM levels than Ultisols, but the fraction distribution in the latter suggests a shift of the more stable fractions to the more labile ones. Moreover, contents of humines, and humic and fulvic acids suggest that Chilean volcanic soil SOM is highly humified. On the other hand, among the SOM labile fractions, carbohydrate and biomass are about 15% of the SOM which are one of the most important fractions in soil fertility.  相似文献   

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