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Zinc (Zn) deficiency in crops, including rapeseed and mustard, is a widespread nutritional disorder especially in alkaline soils. However, plant analysis diagnostic criteria for interpreting Zn analysis in rapeseed and mustard are scarcely reported in the literature. Use of seeds for diagnosing Zn fertility status of soils has certain advantages over foliar analysis—ease of sampling, processing, and chemical analysis. Despite this, mature seeds of these species were hardly evaluated as an index tissue for this purpose. Our study determined Zn requirement in foliar tissues and also evaluated Zn composition of mature seeds as an index of Zn status of soils and plants. Zinc concentration in mature seeds of the test crops reflected the Zn status of the soil where plants were grown. In fact, the range of Zn concentration in grains was almost comparable with the ranges in foliar plant parts. Critical Zn concentration (mg/kg) in diagnostic plant parts of rapeseed was: whole shoots, 29; leaves, 33; and seeds, 29; while the Zn requirement of mustard was a little higher: whole shoots, 35; leaves, 41; and seeds, 33.  相似文献   

The knowledge of nutrient mobility is an important tool to define the best fertilizer management and diagnosis techniques. Patterns of boron (B) mobility in plants have been reviewed, but there is very little information on B distribution and mobility in cotton. An experiment was conducted to study plant growth and B distribution in cotton when the nutrient was applied in the nutrient solution or to the leaves, and when a temporary deficiency was imposed. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum, Latifolia, cv. IAC 22) was grown in nutrient solutions where B was omitted or not for 15 days. Boron was applied to young or mature cotton leaves in some of the minus B treatments. Root growth decreased when the plants were transferred to B solutions, but there was a full recovery when B was replaced in the nutrient medium. Boron deficiency, even when temporary, reduced cotton shoot dry matter yields, plant height and flower and fruit set, and these could not be prevented by foliar application of B. Because of decreased dry matter production, leaves of deficient cotton plants actually showed higher B concentrations than non deficient leaves. This would be misleading when a mature leaf is sampled for diagnosis. If there is any B mobility in cotton phloem, it is very low.  相似文献   


A sodium hypobromite digestion procedure was developed for total boron content of plant tissue. The method completely released total plant boron and took much less time than a dry ash method. The sodium hypobromite digestion was compatible with a modified curcumin colorimetric method. The sodium hypobromite digestion eliminated interference by nitrate, fluoride and iron, which were previously shown to be potential problems with the colorimetric method. Aluminium eliminated the interference of fluoride on boron analyses by the modified curcumin method without the sodium hypobrornite digestion step.

The sodium hypobromite digestion procedure was applied to a number of different soils after the volume of sodium hypobromite to soil sample weight ratio was optimized to release a constant amount of boron. The boron measured did not appear to be total boron in every soil. However, two other methods (sodium carbonate fusion and hydrofluoric acid treatment) recommended for total boron were not entirely successful either for the same soils. Correlations of soil boron values with selected soil chemical and physical measurements suggested that the hydrofluoric acid method was more successful in measuring boron associated with soil organic matter while the sodium hypobromite and sodium carbonate methods were more successful in measuring boron associated with the mineral portion, especially the silt fraction. The sodium hypobromite digestion appeared to be less efficient than sodium carbonate fusion in determining “total”; boron with increasing pH of the soil. The sodium hypobromite digestion boron values of soils may be useful as a boron fraction measurement but should not be considered as total boron.  相似文献   

土壤硼吸附动力学与油菜硼反应的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The boron adsorption kinetic experiment in soil by means a flow displacement technique showed that the kinetic data could be described with some mathematic equations.The average values of the coorealtion coefficeint for zero-order,first-order,parabolic diffusion ,Elovich,power function and eponential equations were 0.957,0.982,0.981,0.984,0.981 and 0.902 ,respectively,The correlation between adsorbed boron or its other expression form and time were the highest for first-order ,parabloic diffusion Elovich,and pwer function equations,the second for the zeroorder equation,and the tlowest for the exponential equation.The parabloic diffusion equation fitted well the expermiental results,with the least standard error among the six kinetic equation,showing that the monvemetn of boron from soil solution to soil colloid surface may be controlled by boron diffusion speed.The boron content of rape seedling obtained from soil cultvation was correlated with the rate constants of the kinetic equations.The constants of first-order ,parabloic diffusion,and exponential equaitions were significanlty correlated with the boron content of the crop of NPK treatment at a 95% probaility level ,with correation coeffecients being 0.686,0.691 and 0.64 and 0.641,respectively.In the case of zero-order equation,it Was significant at 99% probability level(r=0.736),These results showed that the adsorption kinetic constants of soil boron were closely related with the rape plant response to boron.  相似文献   

诊断油菜缺硼的土壤硼素临界范围   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
WEI You-Zhang 《土壤圈》2001,11(3):283-288
Relationships between seed yields of oilseed rape(Brassica napus L.) and extractable boron concen-trations in three soil layers(A,P and W) were investigated through ten experiments on three types of soils(Alluvic Entisols,Udic Ferrisols and Sagnic Anthrosols) in northern,Western and middle Zhejing Province.Among several mathematical models used to described the relationships,the polynomial equation,y=a bx cx^2 dx^3,where y is the yield of oilseed rape seed and x the extractable boron concentration in P layer of soil,was the best one.The critical range of the concentrations corresponding to 90% of the maximum oilseed rape yield was 0.40-0.52 mg kg^-1,The extractable boron concentration of the P layers of the soils was the most stable,The critical range determined was verified through the production practices of oilseed rape in Zhejiang and Anhui provinces.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜硼营养高效的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用土壤有效硼缺乏的田间小区试验 ,研究甘蓝型油菜硼营养高效品种和低效品种间 2个杂交二代群体及其回交一代硼营养性状的分离规律。结果发现 ,硼营养高效受一对主效基因控制。在缺硼胁迫下 ,硼高效性状与抽薹天数和生育天数之间紧密连锁 ,生育期 (抽薹天数和生育天数 )可作为甘蓝型油菜硼高效种质筛选及其杂种后代硼效率鉴定和选育的参考指标。  相似文献   


Canola plants (Brassica napus cv. Eureka) were grown in soil culture with seven levels of zinc (Zn) supply (0, 67, 133, 200, 267, 533, and 1,067 μg Zn/kg soil) for 39 days. Critical Zn concentrations in young leaf blades and petioles were established for the diagnosis of Zn deficiency in canola plants during vegetative growth by assessing the relationship between the Zn concentration in the leaves and shoot dry matter on 22 and 39 days after sowing (DAS). Zinc concentrations in leaf blades and petioles increased with increasing Zn supply, but Zn concentrations were always 50% higher in the youngest open leaf (YOL) than in the youngest mature leaf (YML). The relationship between shoot dry matter and Zn concentrations in leaf petioles exhibited Piper‐Steenbjerg curvature, indicating their unsuitability for Zn‐deficiency diagnosis either alone or by inclusion with leaf blades. By contrast, inclusion of leaf mid‐ribs with leaf blades did not alter the relationship between shoot dry matter and Zn concentrations, nor the critical Zn concentration. Critical Zn concentrations in the YOL, YOL+1, and YOL+2 blade on 39 DAS, corresponding with the stem elongation stage, were 15–17, 9–10, and 7–8 mg Zn/kg dry matter, respectvely. In comparison, the critical Zn concentration in the YOL+2 leaf blades with mid‐ribs was 7–8 mg Zn/kg dry matter. In conclusion, during the vegetative stage up to stem elongation, YOL+2 leaf blades which are also the YML are recommended for the diagnosis of Zn deficiency in canola plants with the critical Zn concentration being 7–8 mg Zn/kg dry matter.  相似文献   

缺硼对脐橙幼苗硼分配及叶片细胞壁组分硼含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
【目的】 硼在维持细胞壁正常结构方面具有重要的作用,前期结果证实缺硼严重的脐橙叶片细胞壁结构改变程度也更大,但这种变化与细胞壁组分中硼的含量变化是否有关尚不清楚。本研究通过分析缺硼对脐橙幼苗各部分硼分配及叶片细胞壁组分硼含量的影响,明确缺硼症状表现及细胞壁结构变化程度与细胞壁各组分中硼含量变化之间的关系。 【方法】 以纽荷尔脐橙幼苗为试材,利用营养液培养方法进行缺硼处理,测定根、砧木茎、接穗茎、上部叶、下部叶、叶片细胞壁以及细胞壁各组分硼含量的变化情况。 【结果】 缺硼处理9周后上部叶出现叶片卷曲及叶片失绿等症状,而下部叶没有出现任何可见的症状。缺硼处理的脐橙幼苗各部位硼含量和硼吸收量均显著降低,缺硼降低了硼向地上部的相对分配比例且上部叶受到的影响程度更大。在硼正常供应条件下,上部叶和下部叶游离态硼、原生质体硼和细胞壁硼的含量和相对分配比例没有显著差异,说明硼在不同类型脐橙叶片细胞各组分中的分配是相对稳定的。缺硼后水溶性硼 (包括游离态硼和原生质体硼) 在脐橙上部叶和下部叶中都降到极低的水平,尤其是原生质体硼百分含量下部叶甚至是低于上部叶的。缺硼后细胞壁硼占总硼的比例则由22%左右增加到80%以上。与叶片中硼含量的变化趋势一致,缺硼以后虽然上部叶和下部叶细胞壁硼含量都显著降低,但上部叶降低的程度远大于下部叶。进一步分析细胞壁组分硼含量变化,发现缺硼显著降低了上部叶细胞壁中离子结合态果胶硼含量而对下部叶的无明显影响,其他组分硼含量的变化趋势下部叶和上部叶一致。 【结论】 原生质体硼含量的高低并不是决定缺硼症状的主要因素,离子结合态果胶与硼的结合能力对缺硼条件下细胞壁的结构及缺硼症状表现起着至关重要的作用。   相似文献   

硼肥用量对油菜产量与硼养分吸收的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以华油杂9号和中油杂12号为供试油菜品种,在鄂东油菜主产区布置田间试验,试验设置3个硼肥用量梯度,硼砂用量分别为0、3和12 kg/hm2,研究硼肥用量对两种油菜产量、干物质积累量和硼素积累量的影响。结果表明,土壤严重缺硼(有效硼含量为0.12 mg/kg)条件下,施硼显著提高油菜产量和地上部各部位生物量,促进硼素吸收,且其影响随着生育进程的推移而加大。试验条件下最佳硼肥(B含量11%)用量为3 kg/hm2,相比不施硼处理,华油杂9号和中油杂12号分别增产26.8%和38.4%。硼用量为3 kg/hm2时,华油杂9号和中油杂12号的硼肥相对利用率分别为32.2%和19.4%,硼用量进一步增加,利用率显著降低。两个油菜品种相比结果表明,不同品种油菜对硼的吸收利用能力及敏感程度不同,华油杂9号具有较强的吸收、利用硼的能力,而中油杂12号对缺硼更加敏感,增产幅度更显著。研究结果说明,在当前生产条件下,油菜施硼增产效果显著,但目前油菜生产中不施硼和推荐施硼量过大的现象同时存在,应根据实际情况进行调整。  相似文献   


Boron sensitive crops, kidney beans and soybeans, were grown in pots containing soil collected from a beet field and a nearby pasture. Two soil extraction procedures were used to measure boron concentrations in the soils. Dilute acid was used to extract what is believed to be readily available boron. A modified‐Soxhlet apparatus, which employed continuous leaching with hot water, measured what is believed to be slowly available boron. Plant boron status was determined by analyzing the above ground portion of the plants grown in two soils. The amount of boron in the plant tops provides an indication of biologically available boron or that boron actually available to plants. Although kidney beans and soybeans extracted more boron from the beet soil, both soil extraction procedures indicated that the concentration of boron was higher in the pasture soil. Neither extraction procedure proved reliable in predicting plant response.  相似文献   


Nine Colorado soils were treated with sodium borate and were subjected to 3 wetting and drying cycles. These soils were extracted with hot water for boron analysis. Plant samples, including NBS standard reference materials (SRM) 1571, 1570, 1573, were dry ashed and wet digested using nitric acid. All soil extracts and plant digests were analyzed for boron using ICP‐AES and colorimetrically using the Azomethine‐H method.

A high degree of correlation (r2 = .99) was found between boron determination by ICP and the Azomethine‐H method for soil extracts and plant digests. The Azomethine‐H method gave B values 9% higher than ICP‐AES on the average.

Boron levels determined by ICP were similar to NBS boron values for both the dry ashed and wet digested SRM plant samples. Boron levels determined colorimetrically were comparable to the NBS values for dry ashed SRM plant samples. Plant samples digested in nitric acid could not be analyzed for boron by the Azomethine‐H colorimetric method due to interferences resulting from nitrate complexes in the wet digest.  相似文献   


Agricultural Experiment Station researchers can and have played a primary role in the development of the soil testing and plant analysis techniques. Analytical methodology has far outdistanced our ability to use effectively the results of these tests and analyses. Continued research is needed to establish more effective methods of interpreting and utilizing results to prevent or correct uncovered nutrient element deficiencies.  相似文献   

The competitive effects of wild mustard on rapeseed with organic amendments and urea alone or combined were studied for 2 years. Treatments consisted of three Sinapis arvensis densities and fertilizer treatments of composted cattle manure, composted municipal waste, urea nitrogen, a combination CCM+urea, a combination of CMW+urea, and a control. Weed growth was stronger in urea fertilizer and with combined organic amendments than in organic amendments alone. However, application of organic amendments could increase weed competitive ability. In the first year, urea fertilizer alone and combined with organic amendments led to the greatest rapeseed yield, but in the following year, organic amendments alone were able to increase rapeseed yield approximately equal to urea fertilizer and combined with organic amendments. Application of organic amendments alone or combined with N fertilizer could be an efficient method to increase soil productivity.  相似文献   


The occurrence of phosphorus (P) deficiencies in small grain crops are normally predicted through the use of preplant soil analysis and verified by tissue analysis for total ? often at the beginning of reproductive growth. Few studies have addressed the potential use of tissue phosphate (PO4‐P) tests to characterize the ? status of grain crops during early vegetative growth which could allow for correction of ? deficiency in irrigated production systems during the current season. Three field experiments were conducted in southeastern Arizona from 1986–89 to examine the effects of ? applications, and residual soil ? on tissue phosphate (PO4‐P) concentrations and yield of irrigated durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var durum cv. Aldura). Fertilizer ? additions resulted in significant increases in basal stem and leaf tissue PO4‐P concentrations at GS 2, 6 and 10. Fertilizer ? applications of up to 40 kg P/ha increased extractable ? levels in the soil by 82% at the beginning of the next growing season but had no significant effect on grain yields or tissue PO4‐P concentrations of the succeeding wheat crop. Band applications of ? resulted in higher tissue PO4‐P concentrations versus broadcast applications. While both basal stem and upper leaf tissue PO4‐P concentrations were responsive to differences in ? availability, routine use of basal stems for nitrate testing and significantly higher PO4‐P levels in basal stems at GS 2 and GS 6 favor its use in diagnosing ? deficiency. Basal stem tissue PO4‐P analysis seemed to accurately reflect ? nutrition of durum wheat from GS 2 to 10. Preliminary critical levels of PO4‐P in basal stem tissue of irrigated durum wheat were 2000, 1200 and 500 mg/kg at GS 2, 6 and 10, respectively.  相似文献   


Boron analysis of plant tissue by the quinallzarin procedure has been adapted to the Technicon AutoAnalyzer system. Results obtained are comparable to those by the curcumin method for evaluating the boron status of the plant. Details of the mechanical assembly are presented and precautions to be observed are discussed. The suggested procedure permits the analysis of 30 samples of plant ash extract per hour.  相似文献   

This study investigated the variation of nitrogen to sulphur ratios in rapeseed (N/S)t and in rapeseed protein (N/S). Under S‐sufficient conditions the (N/ S)t ratios varied considerably between different varieties, with low glucosinolate varieties having higher ratios than high glucosinolate varieties. In contrast, (N/S)p remained relatively constant at about 11.5 for all varieties tested, though significant effects of N and S nutrition on the (N/S) ratio were present. The ratio increased in the S‐deficient samples. Results of yield responses to S fertilizer and (N/S)(from six field experiments were used to see if (N/S)t could indicate the S status of the crop. Although yield losses due to S shortage tended to occur when (N/S)t was greater than 10, the relationship was not sufficiently reliable for use in diagnosis.  相似文献   

采用岛津 ICP- 10 0 0 型真空单道扫描发射光谱仪测定了土壤及肥料中的硼含量 ,方法经标准土壤样品验证 ,并与肥料测定的国家标准方法相比较 ,结果均十分符合。同时给出方法的精密度、检出限等参数 ,说明该方法准确度、灵敏度高 ,操作简便快速  相似文献   

In several areas of Japan, rape plants (Brassica napus) show a boron deficient smyptom, resulting in a seed-maturation obstacle. And in these areas, early supply of boron before transplanting were required5,6.  相似文献   

Since life is inevitably dependent on the assimilation and dissimilation of carbon, and since most of the organic carbon is bound in soil humic matter, the mineralisation and humification of plant carbon in soil should be monitored, so as to evaluate soil quality and avoid ecological risks. For this reason we suggested an incubation test of thirty days in duration with soil samples amended or not with lucerne meal as a source of plant carbon. During the incubation period, CO2 release is to be measured repeatedly, and thereafter contents of humic acids (HA) and fulvic acids (FA) should be estimated and compared with those determined in the original soil samples. Our results obtained with samples from non-fertilized or long-term (?>?40 years) fertilized plots of two field trials indicate that fertilization by NPK?+ farm yard manure resulted in (i) a slight enhancement of C mineralisation, i.e., CO2 release from soil, and (ii) a significant increases of HA and FA contents. Soil samples from a reclaimed mine spoil, and either fertilised or not with sewage sludge did not show distinct differences in the same parameters. The practicability of the incubation test as a tool in the monitoring of soil quality should be further proved using samples from differently affected soils.  相似文献   

聚类分析在测土配方施肥中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对浙江省慈溪市2007 ~ 2009年2 043个耕地土样的有机质、全氮、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量进行了聚类分析,将慈溪市耕地养分划成5个类型区,根据各类型区特点,提出了相应的作物配方施肥建议.  相似文献   

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