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The soil conditions of an abandoned shunting yard in the Ruhr area were studied to find the most important factors influencing plant growth and nutrient cycling. The chemical and physical conditions of five Urbic Anthrosols with different development histories were compared with those of a nearby Calcic Cambisol under agricultural use. In the second half of the 19th century, the ground level of the shunting yard site was raised about 2 m. The soils are now mainly Regosols, mostly well drained in the topsoil. The coarse material contents (>2 mm), which are up to 100% in base layers of railway tracks, and the quality of the man-made substrates (crushed rock, slags, ashes, coke) are the most important factors influencing plant growth. Poor physical structure and low contents of fine fraction (<2 mm) lead to low water storage. Together with a low available nutrient stock, these properties lead to poor establishment of vegetation. The burning of coal by steam engines produced highly polluted ashes that fill pore spaces in the railway ballast layers. All the investigated fine substrata of the shunting yard layers exhibit a higher magnetic susceptibility than the rural soil. The ashes still contain unburned coal so that, although the total organic C content of the man-made soils reaches 37%, the wide C:N ratio does not indicate the actual quality of humic substances. The acid neutralization potential of the topsoil layers of the shunting yard will be consumed by acidic atmospheric deposition within a few decades, whereas in the surrounding Calcic Cambisols, it will take more than a thousand years. This may cause further problems of groundwater quality, as the heavy metals will become more soluble. The low soil quality makes such sites suitable for vegetation species that cannot compete in the surrounding very eutrophic agricultural landscape.  相似文献   

中国人为土的多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Human activities make strong effects on soil formation. Anthropogenic soils are much more intensive and extensive in China for their history of agricultural production can be dated back to more than 7 000 years ago. Owing to different physical conditions and land uses, the anthropogenic soil-forming processes are various. Anthrosols are proposed, and the corresponding soil order is set up in Chinese Soil Taxonomy (CST). Mainly based on 6 Anthropogenic diagnostic horizons, which are anthraquic epipedon, hydragric horizon, irragric epipedon, cumulic epipedon, fimic epipedon and agric horizon, the Anthrosols Order is subdivided into 2 soil suborders and 4 soil groups. Meanwhile the classification of Anthrosols in CST has been basically accepted as the classification of Anthrosols in World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB).  相似文献   

土壤生物活性有机碳库及其表征指标的研究   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
土壤生物活性有机碳库 (C0)的大小和周转可以指示土壤供应养分的能力以及养分的循环状况。对浙江省 11个土壤的研究表明 ,生物活性有机碳库的变化幅度为 184.87~ 3022.41mg/kg ,占土壤总有机碳的2.91%~8.94% ,生物活性有机碳库的周转速率k为0.0070~0.0199d-1。C0与土壤总有机碳、全氮、有效氮、CEC、重铬酸钾易氧化有机碳、微生物生物量碳、微生物生物量氮、水溶性有机碳、热水提取有机碳、轻组有机碳都呈显著性正相关 ,k与这些指标均无相关性。C0与重铬酸钾易氧化有机碳、微生物生物量碳、微生物生物量氮、水溶性有机碳、热水提取有机碳、轻组有机碳占土壤总有机碳的百分比均无相关性 ,k只与水溶性有机碳占土壤总有机碳的百分比呈显著性正相关 (R2=0.4684 ,P0.025)。水溶性有机碳占土壤总有机碳的百分比是表征土壤生物活性有机碳库周转的较好指标。  相似文献   

Abstract. To study the change in soil organic carbon (SOC) since it was recorded during the Belgian National Soil Survey some 40 years ago, we recently revisited 939 locations still under use as arable land. The study area comprised almost the entire province of West Flanders (about 3000 km2) characterized by profound changes in its arable land management. Taking the increased ploughing depth (by 9.8 cm on average) into account, a significant (P= 0.001) increase of the SOC content by 0.2% on average was found. Expressed as an amount, the SOC in the topsoil rose by 9.3 t/ha on average, representing an increase of 25%. This is comparable with the conversion of arable land into grassland for 2 to 3 decades. Geostatistical tools were used to map the SOC at the two times of observation. These showed that most of the spatial variation occurred within about 4 km. Since the community level is the smallest spatial resolution on which agricultural statistics are gathered officially, a detailed modelling of the change in SOC was impossible. However, by selecting communities with extreme changes in SOC, we found indications that the major source of increase in SOC was due to the large increase in pig breeding.  相似文献   

在黄土旱塬区长期试验(1985-1997年)中,选取对照(不施肥,CK)、磷肥(P2O5.60.kg/hm2,P)、氮肥(N.120kg/hm2,N)、氮磷(N,120.kg/hm2,P2O5,60.kg/hm2,NP)、氮磷有机肥(N.120.kg/hm2,P2O560.kg/hm2,有机肥75.t/hm2,NPM),种植方式为冬小麦连作的5种有代表性的施肥处理,研究了石灰性土壤磷素吸附特性的演变及其与土壤磷素形态、土壤有机碳(SOC)含量的关系。结果表明,P素的最大吸附量(Qm),1997年对照(CK)、N处理比1985年分别提高了18%和14%;而P、NP和NPM处理分别降低了26%、13%和24%。吸附能常数(k值)随时间延长,对照和N处理相对稳定,P和NP处理呈升高趋势,而NPM处理有降低趋势。土壤磷素吸附饱和度(DPS)和零净吸附磷浓度(EPC0)对照和N处理随时间延长呈降低趋势,P、NP和NPM处理呈升高趋势。Qm与Ca8-P、Al-P存在极显著相关关系(P0.001),与Ca2-P、Pe-P存在显著相关关系(P0.05)。Ca2-P、有机磷含量变化与土壤DPS的相关性达到显著水平(P0.05)。EPC0只与有机磷间存在显著的相关关系(P0.05)。Qm、DPS和EPC0变化与SOC存在显著或极显著的线性相关关系(P0.001)。  相似文献   


We compared three methods of estimating soil organic carbon (dichromate oxidation with and without external heating and loss‐on‐ignition) with a method for total carbon measured in an automated resistance furnace. In 38 surface (0–150 mm) podzolized sands the concentration of total carbon ranged from 0.39 to 4.57% and was highly correlated with all three methods (r2=0.99, p<0.0001, in each case). Dichromate oxidation with and without external heating recovered 99.1 and 88.8% of total carbon respectively, indicating that all carbon was organically bound, and that the ‘heat of reaction’ was not sufficient for total oxidation of organic carbon. Because the organic carbon content of the organic matter varied from 38% to 55% a mean value of 46% would be more appropriate for these soils than the Van Bemmelen factor of 58% for converting organic matter to organic carbon concentration The loss‐on‐ignition procedure represents a precise technique for the estimation of organic matter and, when calibrated, organic carbon in surface sandy soils.  相似文献   

The biochemical quality of soil organic matter (SOM) was studied in various profiles under Quercus rotundifolia Lam. stands on calcareous parent material. Special attention was paid to the question of how biochemical quality is affected by position within the soil profile (upper versus lower horizons). The following global SOM characteristics were investigated: (a) overall recalcitrance, using hydrolysis with either hydrochloric or sulphuric acid; (b) hydrolyzable carbohydrates and polyphenolics; (c) extractability by hot water and quality of the extract; and (d) abundance of inert forms of SOM: charcoal and soot-graphite. The recalcitrance of soil organic carbon (OC) decreases with depth, following the order: H horizons>A horizons>B horizons. In contrast, the recalcitrance of nitrogen is roughly maintained with depth. The ratio carbohydrate C to total OC increases from H to B horizons, due to the increasing importance of cellulosic polysaccharides in B horizons, whereas other carbohydrates are maintained throughout the soil profile at a relatively constant level, 12-15% of the total OC in the horizon. Whereas the quality of the hydrolyzable carbon (measured by the carbohydrate to polyphenolic C ratio) decreases with depth from H to B horizons, the quality of the hot-water extractable organic matter is much higher in B horizons than in A or H horizons. The relative importance of both charcoal and soot-graphitic C and N tends to increase with depth. The ratio black/total is usually higher for N than for C, a result that suggests that inert SOM may represent a relevant compartment in the nitrogen cycle. Overall, our data suggest that in Mediterranean forest soils the organic matter in B horizons could be less stable than often thought.  相似文献   

通过田间长期定位试验,分层采集冬小麦-休闲种植体系0—40 cm土层的土样,研究了常规、地表覆膜和覆草栽培对土壤有机碳、无机碳和轻质有机碳的影响。结果表明,覆膜或覆草可以显著增加地上部小麦生物量和子粒产量。不同地表覆盖对0—40 cm土层的无机碳含量和分布无显著影响,但与常规栽培相比,地表覆膜使0—5 cm土层的有机碳含量显著降低,0—40 cm各土层轻质有机碳表现出明显降低趋势,平均降低 C 6.1~74.5 mg/kg;地表覆草却表现出明显增加土壤轻质有机碳的趋势,0—5,5—10,10—20 cm土层的轻质有机碳含量分别增加C 235.2、190.0和144.9 mg/kg,相当于常规的38.7%,32.9%和34.5%。同时,覆草栽培还表现出降低0—10 cm土层轻质有机质含碳量的趋势,并使0—20 cm土层轻质有机碳占有机碳的比例显著高于常规栽培和地表覆膜处理。可见,地表长期覆膜不利于旱地土壤有机碳累积,覆草不仅可以增加表层土壤的轻质有机碳累积,还可改善土壤碳氮组成。  相似文献   

Summary Previous work in our laboratory indicated that the slow rate of denitrification in Iowa subsoils is not due to a lack of denitrifying microorganisms, but to a lack of organic C that can be utilized by these microorganisms for reduction of NO 3 . This conclusion was supported by studies showing that drainage water from tile drains under agricultural research plots contained only trace amounts of organic C and had very little, if any, effect on denitrification in subsoils. Aqueous extracts of surface soils promoted denitrification when added to subsoils, and their ability to do so increased with increase in their organic C content. Amendment of surface soils with corn and soybean residues initially led to a marked increase in the amounts of organic C in aqueous extracts of these soils and in the ability of these extracts to promote denitrification in subsoils, but these effects were short-lived and could not be detected after incubation of residue-treated soils for a few days. We conclude from these observations that water-soluble organic C derived from plant residues is decomposed so rapidly in surface soils that very little of this C is leached into subsoils, and that this largely accounts for the slow rate of denitrification of nitrate in subsoils.  相似文献   

This study aimed to gain insight into the generation and fate of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in organic layers. In a Free Air CO2 Enrichment Experiment at the alpine treeline, we estimated the contribution of 13C-depleted recent plant C to DOC of mor-type organic layers. In an additional laboratory soil column study with 40 leaching cycles, we traced the fate of 13C-labelled litter-DOC (22 and 45 mg l−1) in intact Oa horizons at 2 and 15 °C. Results of the field study showed that DOC in the Oa horizon at 5 cm depth contained only 20 ± 3% of less than six-year-old C, indicating minor contributions of throughfall, root exudates, and fresh litter to leached DOC. In the soil column experiment, there was a sustained DOC leaching from native soil organic matter. Less than 10% of totally added litter-DOC was leached despite a rapid breakthrough of a bromide tracer (50 ± 7% within two days). Biodegradation contributed only partly to the DOC removal with 18-30% of added litter-DOC being mineralized in the Oa horizons at 2 and 15 °C, respectively. This was substantially less than the potential 70%-biodegradability of the litter-DOC itself, which indicates a stabilization of litter-DOC in the Oa horizon. In summary, our results give evidence on an apparent ‘exchange’ of DOC in thick organic layers with litter-DOC being retained and ‘replaced’ by ‘older’ DOC leached from the large pool of indigenous soil organic matter.  相似文献   

黑土颗粒态有机碳与矿物结合态有机碳的变化研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
确定管理措施下土壤有机碳(Soil organic car-bon,SOC),尤其是土壤团聚体稳定过程中表现活跃的有机碳组分的动态变化,对于正确评估农业管理措施对土壤结构和质量的影响作用至关重要[1]。土壤颗粒态有机质(Particulate organic matter,POM,>53μm)库是相对新形成的和对微生物有吸引力的物质,代表很大比例的“慢”分解有机碳库,其周转时间介于活性库和惰性库之间[2]。土壤POM包含有部分分解的动植物残体,是微生物活动的重要碳源[2]。增加土壤颗粒态有机碳(POM-C),有利于土壤生物活动,增加微生物生物量碳、氮,改善土壤结构及其他土壤性状[3]。土壤PO  相似文献   

Computerized gas chromatography/mass spectrometry was applied to the analysis of organic compounds in air at a National Air Surveillance Network station in Kansas City. Sampling approaches used included particulate sampling, adsorption on XAD-2 resin followed by solvent elution, and adsorption on Tenax GC followed by direct desorption onto a gas chromatography column. Eighty-two compounds were identified. Unusually large amounts of phenol and phenolformaldehyde resin intermediates were found.  相似文献   

基于土壤剖面测定数据计算中国土壤有机碳贮量   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Soil organic carbon (SOC) storage under different types of vegetations in China were estimated using measured data of 2 440 soil profiles to compare SOC density distribution between different estimates, to map the soil organic carbon stocks under different types of vegetation in China, and to analyze the relationships between soil organic carbon stocks and environmental variables using stepwise regression analyses. Soil organic carbon storage in China was estimated at 69.38 Gt (1015 g). There was a big difference in SOC densities for various vegetation types, with SOC distribution closely related to climatic patterns in general. Stepwise regression analyses of SOC against environmental variables showed that SOC generally increased with increasing precipitation and elevation, while it decreased with increasing temperature. Furthermore, the important factor controlling SOC accumulation for forests was elevation, while for temperate steppes mean annual temperature dominated. The more specific the vegetation type used in the regression analysis, the greater was the effect of environmental variables on SOC. However, compared to native vegetation, cultivation activities in the croplands reduced the influence of environmental variables on SOC.  相似文献   

Reclamation of disturbed soils is done with the primary objective of restoring the land for agronomic or forestry land use. Reclamation followed by sustainable management can restore the depleted soil organic carbon (SOC) stock over time. This study was designed to assess SOC stocks of reclaimed and undisturbed minesoils under different cropping systems in Dover Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio (40°32·33′ N and 81°33·86′ W). Prior to reclamation, the soil was classified as Bethesda Soil Series (loamy‐skeletal, mixed, acid, mesic Typic Udorthent). The reclaimed and unmined sites were located side by side and were under forage (fescue—Festuca arundinacea Schreb. and alfa grass—Stipa tenacissima L.), and corn (Zea mays L.)—soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) rotation. All fields were chisel plowed annually except unmined forage, and fertilized only when planted to corn. The manure was mostly applied on unmined fields planted to corn, and reclaimed fields planted to forage and corn. The variability in soil properties (i.e., soil bulk density, pH and soil organic carbon stock) ranged from moderate to low across all land uses in both reclaimed and unmined fields for 0–10 and 10–20 cm depths. The soil nitrogen stock ranged from low to moderate for unmined fields and moderate to high in some reclaimed fields. Soil pH was always less than 6·7 in both reclaimed and unmined fields. The mean soil bulk density was consistently lower in unmined (1·27 mg m−3 and 1·22 mg m−3) than reclaimed fields (1·39 mg m−3 and 1·34 mg m−3) planted to forage and corn, respectively. The SOC and total nitrogen (TN) concentrations were higher for reclaimed forage (33·30 g kg−1; 3·23 g kg−1) and cornfields (21·22 g kg−1; 3·66 g kg−1) than unmined forage (17·47 g kg−1; 1·98 g kg−1) and cornfield (17·70 g kg−1; 2·76 g kg−1). The SOC stocks in unmined soils did not differ among forage, corn or soybean fields but did so in reclaimed soils for 0–10 cm depth. The SOC stock for reclaimed forage (39·6 mg ha−1 for 0–10 cm and 28·6 mg ha−1 for 10–20 cm depths) and cornfields (28·3 mg ha−1; 32·2 mg ha−1) were higher than that for the unmined forage (22·7 mg ha−1; 17·6 mg ha−1) and corn (21·5 mg ha−1; 26·8 mg ha−1) fields for both depths. These results showed that the manure application increased SOC stocks in soil. Overall this study showed that if the reclamation is done properly, there is a large potential for SOC sequestration in reclaimed soils. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

不同有机物料对苏打盐化土有机碳和活性碳组分的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
【目的】在大同盆地苏打盐化土上,研究不同有机物料对春玉米产量、土壤有机碳及活性碳组分的影响,明确土壤有机碳及活性碳组分与主要盐碱指标的相关关系,为苏打盐化土改良及有机物料资源化利用提供理论支撑。【方法】2016-2017年在山西省北部怀仁县开展田间定位试验,设对照(CK)、风化煤、生物炭、牛粪和秸秆5个处理,各处理有机物料施用量按照每年9000 kg/hm^2等有机碳投入量折算,收获时对春玉米进行测产。2017年春玉米收获后,采集土壤样品测定土壤有机碳总量(SOC)和水溶性有机碳(WSOC)、易氧化有机碳(EOC)、轻组有机碳(LFOC)含量,分析土壤活性碳组分占有机碳的比例、土壤有机碳及活性碳组分与盐碱指标之间的关系。【结果】与CK相比,生物炭和秸秆处理春玉米产量无明显差异,而风化煤和牛粪处理春玉米产量则分别显著提高30.2%和30.3%。添加有机物料促进了0-20 cm土层SOC累积,其中以风化煤和牛粪处理效果最佳,较CK分别提高47.6%和36.1%。在有机碳组分方面,风化煤和牛粪处理提高WSOC、EOC含量的效果显著高于生物炭、秸秆处理;风化煤、牛粪和秸秆处理的LFOC含量显著高于生物炭处理。四类有机物料处理的WSOC占总有机碳的比例差异不显著,牛粪处理的占比显著高于CK。EOC占总有机碳的比例以牛粪处理最高,风化煤次之,且二者均显著高于CK处理;LFOC占总有机碳的比例则表现为秸秆、牛粪>风化煤、生物炭> CK。此外,添加有机物料能有效降低0-20 cm土层土壤pH、电导率(EC)和碱化度(ESP),其中以风化煤和牛粪处理降幅最大。相关分析表明,土壤SOC与pH、EC和ESP呈显著负相关。【结论】通过有机物料改良效果比较,发现牛粪和风化煤处理能促进苏打盐化土有机碳累积,提高可溶性、易氧化态及轻组有机碳组分在总有机碳中的占比,降低土壤pH、EC和ESP,明显提高春玉米产量。因此,风化煤和牛粪是山西北部苏打盐化土良好的改良剂。  相似文献   


A detailed study was made of the well‐known organic carbon determination that is based on measuring the absorbance of the green chromium(III) complex generated when organic matter is oxidized by potassium dichromate in acidic medium. The green chromic colour proved to be unstable, turning slowly to a violet colour. It was also found that chromic sulphate exerts a catalytic influence on the decomposition of excess dichromate. Based on this work, a modified method was developed which is simple, rapid, and very accurate when working under carefully controlled conditions.  相似文献   


A simple procedure is described for the rapid determination of organic carbon content in a large number of soil samples using an automated segmented flow analyser. The method is a modification of the wet oxidation/ digestion methods based on potassium dichromate combined with a colorimetric method for determination of chromic oxide (Stevenson and Clare, 1962). Using a segmented flow analyser for the colorimetry, the procedure is capable of automated routine analyses of large numbers of samples and was shown to give high and repeatable recoveries of organic carbon from a range of compounds. Organic carbon values for a range of soils analysed by the reported method and by the dry combustion technique showed a high correlation.  相似文献   

Estimating organic carbon in the soils of Europe for policy support   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
The estimation of soil carbon content is of pressing concern for soil protection and in mitigation strategies for global warming. This paper describes the methodology developed and the results obtained in a study aimed at estimating organic carbon contents (%) in topsoils across Europe. The information presented in map form provides policy-makers with estimates of current topsoil organic carbon contents for developing strategies for soil protection at regional level. Such baseline data are also of importance in global change modelling and may be used to estimate regional differences in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and projected changes therein, as required for example under the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, after having taken into account regional differences in bulk density. The study uses a novel approach combining a rule-based system with detailed thematic spatial data layers to arrive at a much-improved result over either method, using advanced methods for spatial data processing. The rule-based system is provided by the pedo-transfer rules, which were developed for use with the European Soil Database. The strong effects of vegetation and land use on SOC have been taken into account in the calculations, and the influence of temperature on organic carbon contents has been considered in the form of a heuristic function. Processing of all thematic data was performed on harmonized spatial data layers in raster format with a 1 km × 1 km grid spacing. This resolution is regarded as appropriate for planning effective soil protection measures at the European level. The approach is thought to be transferable to other regions of the world that are facing similar questions, provided adequate data are available for these regions. However, there will always be an element of uncertainty in estimating or determining the spatial distribution of organic carbon contents of soils.  相似文献   

长期定位试验研究了黄土高原西部旱农区不同耕作措施(传统耕作T、免耕+秸秆覆盖NTS、免耕NT、传统耕作+秸秆翻埋TS、传统耕作+地膜覆盖TP和免耕+地膜覆盖NTP)对黄绵土土壤总有机碳和易氧化有机碳的影响。结果表明, 土壤有机碳含量随土壤深度的增加而降低, 10~30 cm土层土壤有机碳含量的下降较为明显, 并且在0~5 cm、5~10 cm和10~30 cm土层中, 均表现为由研究初期各处理相对差异较小到试验中后期各处理出现显著差异的变化。不同耕作措施下0~30 cm土壤总有机碳和易氧化有机碳在2002-2012年的平均含量均为NTS>TS>NTP>NT>T>TP。与传统耕作相比, 免耕各处理和传统耕作秸秆翻埋处理可增加1.2%~7.2%的土壤总有机碳, 5.3%~16.6%的土壤易氧化有机碳含量, 而传统耕作覆膜处理分别降低4.3%和2.7%。免耕和秸秆覆盖处理均有利于黄绵土土壤有机碳和易氧化有机碳的积累, 免耕结合秸秆覆盖效果最佳, 而多年传统耕作覆盖地膜后有机碳明显降低。免耕秸秆覆盖处理土壤总有机碳和易氧化有机碳含量平均值在2004年、2006年、2008年、2010年及2012年分别较2002年提高9.5%和42.9%、13.2%和67.6%、21.5%和71.5%、1.1%和15.9%、2.7%和12.6%。因此, 在西部黄土高原黄绵土区, 采用免耕结合秸秆覆盖的保护性耕作措施有利于土壤总有机碳和易氧化有机碳含量的提高, 从而有利于土壤质量的持续改善。易氧化有机碳对不同耕作措施的响应比总有机碳更灵敏, 可以将其作为指示黄绵土有机碳变化的早期指标。  相似文献   

长期施肥下褐土易氧化有机碳及有机碳库的变化特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本研究探讨了24年长期施肥对褐土土壤有机碳(TOC)、有机碳储量(TOCs)、净固碳效率(NCSE)和碳库管理指数(CPMI)的影响,为评价褐土土壤碳库变化与质量及科学施肥提供理论依据。研究以褐土肥力与肥料长期定位试验为平台,通过9个处理[A组:不施肥处理(N_0P_0、CK);B组:单施无机肥处理(N_1P_1、N_2P_2、N_3P_3和N_4P_4);C组:有机肥与无机肥配施处理(N_2P_1M_1、N_3P_2M_3和N_4P_2M_2);D组:单施高量有机肥处理(M_6)]测定土壤TOC与易氧化有机碳(ROOC)含量,并计算TOCs、NCSE及CPMI等相关指标。结果表明,在不同土层不同时期施用较高量有机肥配施无机肥及施用高量有机肥(N_3P_2M_3、N_4P_2M_2和M_6)均可提高TOC和ROOC含量,且随土层深度加深提升作用减弱。TOCs、NCSE与0~20 cm土层TOC含量在时间和空间上的变化规律基本一致。施用高量有机肥(C组、D组)可有效提高TOCs,A组、B组的TOCs均值分别比C组、D组低76.77%与17.36%。长期施肥处理可提高NCSE,尤其是施用有机肥处理可显著提高NCSE。NCSE为D组C组A组=B组;D组NCSE为1 152.27 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),是C组的2.51倍,B组的16.20倍。与试验前相比,C组和D组的CPMI无显著变化,且C组与D组间差异不显著,但A组与B组比试验前降低16.38~40.02。与A组(CK)相比,B组中N1P1处理与C、D组处理显著影响CPMI,提高了23.30~45.67。在0~40 cm土层CPMI与ROOC含量呈显著正相关,CPMI可以很好地指示有机碳的变化。可见,施用高量有机肥或者较高量有机肥与无机肥配施可极显著提高褐土土壤TOCs、NCSE和CPMI,即施用高量有机肥或者较高量有机肥与无机肥配施(N_3P_2M_3和N_4P_2M_2)有利于褐土有机碳的固存,可减少无机肥的施用量,使土壤性质向良性方向发展,培肥土壤。  相似文献   

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