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The influence of soil pH on the phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) composition of the microbial community was investigated along the Hoosfield acid strip, Rothamsted Research, UK - a uniform pH gradient between pH 8.3 and 4.5. The influence of soil pH on the total concentration of PLFAs was not significant, while biomass estimated using substrate induced respiration decreased by about 25%. However, the PLFA composition clearly changed along the soil pH gradient. About 40% of the variation in PLFA composition along the gradient was explained by a first principal component, and the sample scores were highly correlated to pH (R2 = 0.97). Many PLFAs responded to pH similarly in the Hoosfield arable soil compared with previous assessments in forest soils, including, e.g. monounsaturated PLFAs 16:1ω5, 16:1ω7c and 18:1ω7, which increased in relative concentrations with pH, and i16:0 and cy19:0, both of which decreased with pH. Some PLFAs responded differently to pH between the soil types, e.g. br18:0. We conclude that soil pH has a profound influence on the microbial PLFA composition, which must be considered in all applications of this method to detect changes in the microbial community.  相似文献   

The distribution of organic carbon, microbial biomass and activity, from the surface down to 70 cm, was investigated through three semiarid Mediterranean soils: (1) a Typic Calcixeroll covered with a native pinewood (NP), (2) a Typic Calcixerept under a mature pine plantation (PP) on abandoned agricultural terraces and (3) a Typic Haploxerept under a grassland (GS). NP and GS had the highest and lowest soil organic carbon (SOC) pools, respectively. Both of them had decreasing SOC contents with depth. PP, which held intermediate SOC levels, showed an increase in total organic C and humic substances C with depth due to their mineralization in the anciently ploughed topsoil layer. The soils were similarly ranked as regards their microbial biomass and activity: NP>PP>GS. In general, the microbial communities were less dense and active towards the deeper horizons. More specifically, PP and GS had a very populated and active top 20-cm layer, which was attributed to the dense root system of their grass cover. NP maintained high microbial biomass and activity levels from 0 to 70 cm, progressively diminishing along with shrub root density (e.g. microbial biomass C dropped from 2342 to 394 mg kg−1 soil). The latter soil presented the sharpest drop of its microbial properties with depth, what was considered an indicator of its quality. Generally decreasing patterns of microbial biomass and activity were not always coincident with previously published gradients of microbial metabolic abilities and genetic structure. This reinforces the need of combining biomass, activity and biodiversity measurements if the ecosystem's functioning is to be fully understood and a real monitoring of degradation processes and restoration strategies is to be achieved.  相似文献   

Isotopic fractionation of dissolved organic carbon percolating through the soil is often interpreted as due to microbial transformation. We investigated the potential effects of sorption on the δ13C of dissolved organic C in field and laboratory experiments. We sampled the organic C in soil water at two forested sites and measured sorption with intact mineral soil and individual minerals (dolomite, ferrihydrite, goethite, and quartz). The dissolved organic C was separated into hydrophilic and hydrophobic fractions using a resin approach. The δ13C values of bulk soils, alkaline‐extractable organic C, and dissolved organic C and its fractions were measured. Hydrophilic and hydrophobic fractions in forest floor seepage water were characterized by 13C‐NMR spectroscopy. At both sites, δ13C of dissolved organic C increased with increasing depth, suggesting that decomposition contributes to the loss of the dissolved organic C. However, there was an enrichment of hydrophilic organic C in the soil solution as the water moved down the soil. The δ13C values of hydrophilic fractions were less negative than those of hydrophobic fractions. The smaller δ13C in the hydrophobic fraction was due to the large contribution of compounds derived from lignin that are depleted in 13C. As the isotope composition of both fractions of dissolved organic C did not change throughout the profile, changes in δ13C of total organic C reflected changes in the relative proportions of its hydrophilic and hydrophobic fractions. The sorption experiments with minerals and soil cores gave similar results. When dissolved organic C came into contact with mineral material, the δ13C of that remaining in solution increased due to preferential sorption of the 13C‐depleted hydrophobic fractions. Moreover, the soils released hydrophilic organic C with large δ13C values, increasing the δ13C of organic C in effluents from soil compared with that in the inflow. Thus, selective sorption of organic C fractions changes δ13C in a way that mimics metabolic transformation and decomposition.  相似文献   

 The present research was conducted to determine the relationship between the degradation of rimsulfuron and soil microbial biomass C in a laboratory-incubated clay loam soil (pH=8.1; organic matter=2.1%) under different conditions and at different initial dosages (field rate, 10 and 100 times the field rate). The half-life values varied between 0.4 and 103.4 days depending on temperature, soil moisture and initial dose. Evidence suggested that rimsulfuron could pose environmental risks in cold and dry climatic conditions. Significant decreases in microbial biomass C content in rimsulfuron-treated soil, compared to untreated soil, were observed initially, especially at higher temperatures and low moisture levels, but never exceeded 20.3% of that in control soil. The microbial biomass C content then returned to initial values at varying times depending on incubation conditions. The relationship between herbicide degradation and microbial biomass C content gave parabolic curves (P<0.005 in all cases) under all conditions tested. Generally, maximum biomass C decrease coincided with the decrease in the concentration of rimsulfuron to about 50% of the initial dose, except at 10  °C and 100×, when biomass began to recover as early as 65–70% of the initial dose. The final equations could be useful to deduce the decrease of soil microbial biomass in relation to herbicide concentration. From the degradation kinetics of the herbicide, the time required to reach this decrease can also be calculated. Received: 19 July 1999  相似文献   

Soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen as affected by cropping systems   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
 The impacts of crop rotations and N fertilization on microbial biomass C (Cmic) and N (Nmic) were studied in soils of two long-term field experiments initiated in 1978 at the Northeast Research Center (NERC) and in 1954 at the Clarion-Webster Research Center (CWRC), both in Iowa. Surface soil samples were taken in 1996 and 1997 from plots of corn (Zea mays L.), soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), oats (Avena sativa L.), or meadow (alfalfa) (Medicago sativa L.) that had received 0 or 180 kg N ha–1 before corn and an annual application of 20 kg P and 56 kg K ha–1. The Cmic and Nmic values were determined by the chloroform-fumigation-extraction method and the chloroform-fumigation-incubation method, respectively. The Cmic and Nmic values were significantly affected (P<0.05) by crop rotation and plant cover at time of sampling, but not by N fertilization. In general, the highest Cmic and Nmic contents were found in the multicropping systems (4-year rotations) taken in oats or meadow plots, and the lowest values were found in continuous corn and soybean systems. On average, Cmic made up about 1.0% of the organic C (Corg), and Nmic contributed about 2.4% of the total N (Ntot) in soils at both sites and years of sampling. The Cmic values were significantly correlated with Corg contents (r≥0.41**), whereas the relationship between Cmic and Ntot was significant (r≤0.53***) only for the samples taken in 1996 at the NERC site. The Cmic : Nmic ratios were, on average, 4.3 and 6.4 in 1996, and 7.6 and 11.4 in 1997 at the NERC and CWRC sites, respectively. Crop rotation significantly (P<0.05) affected this ratio only at the NERC site, and N fertilization showed no effect at either site. In general, multicropping systems resulted in greater Cmic : Corg (1.1%) and Nmic : Ntot (2.6%) ratios than monocropping systems (0.8% and 2.1%, respectively). Received: 9 February 1999  相似文献   

The present research was carried out to determine the relationship between the soil microbial biomass content and the persistence of imazamox and benfluralin in three different soils, incubated in the laboratory under different conditions. The half-life values varied between 17.1 and 92.4 days for imazamox and 11.4 and 37.9 days for benfluralin depending on initial concentration, temperature, soil moisture and soil type. Significant decreases in microbial biomass-C content compared to untreated soil were observed initially, not exceeding 25.0% for imazamox and reaching 64.7% for benfluralin. The microbial biomass-C content then returned to initial values at varying times depending on incubation conditions. The relationship between herbicide persistence and microbial biomass-C content gave parabolic curves (P<0.001 in all cases) under all conditions tested. At the time of maximum microbial biomass decrease, the concentration of imazamox was generally about 50% of the initial dose (except for at 10°C for imazamox, when the biomass began to recover as early as the point when the pesticide concentration was at 60-65% of its initial dose). The final equation proposed could be useful to deduce the decrease in soil microbial biomass in relation to the herbicide level.  相似文献   

Labile carbon (C) input to soils is expected to affect soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition and soil organic C (SOC) stocks in temperate coniferous forests. We hypothesized that the SOM...  相似文献   

The effect of liming materials was investigated on the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) content of the soil in a pot experiment on an acidic soil using oat (Avena sativa L. ) as an indicator plant. Soil samples were taken three times during the growing season. The lime rates applied were 0, 1, 2, 3 g calcite/pot and 0.92, 1.84, 2.76 g dolomite/pot, respectively. Due to an increase in soil pH and microbial activity the DOC concentration significantly increased with increasing lime doses at all three samplings. An exponential relationship was found between soil pH and DOC concentration: y v = v 0.3733e 0.7893x , r v = v 0.903***. Lime had a significant effect on DON concentration at the first sampling, while for the remainder of the growing period no further significant increases were found. This could be explained by the fact that the biodegradability of DOC and DON differs under conditions of the experiment, resulting in a decrease in the N content of the dissolved organic matter, while the amount of DOM and DOC increased with increasing pH. Because of the above mentioned facts the DOC/DON ratio increased significantly with liming. There were no significant changes in the dissolved organic carbon content of the soil during the 15-week growing period, while DON concentration decreased significantly. It can be explained by the initial addition of N fertilizer, which increased the DON quantity at the first sampling in the soil.  相似文献   

Glucose (C), glucose plus NO3- (C+N) or glucose plus NO3- plus PO43- (C+N+P) were added to an arable and a forest soil at a single dose, or split into four equal doses over 4 consecutive days, and the response of several enzyme activities, ATP content and respiration rate were monitored for 11 days. ß-Glucosidase activity was reduced in the two soils during the first day by substrate addition. Thereafter, this enzyme activity varied only slightly in the arable soil with reference to the non-amended control, while it increased substantially in the beech forest when C+N and C+N+P were added. Casein-hydrolysing activity increased in the C treatment and decreased after C+N+P addition during the first 4 days in the two soils. After 11 days, protease activity was enhanced in the arable soil when C+N was applied in a split dose. Urease activity decreased during the first 4 h, particularly in the arable soil with the addition of C+N or C+N+P, applied in a single dose, and then continuously increased. Thus, urease responded to high nutrient availability, being firstly repressed or inhibited, and stimulated afterwards. Phosphatase activity was only slightly modified in the arable soil but substantially increased in the beech forest by C+N addition. The presence of P usually decreased phosphatase activity. Arylsulphatase activity was repressed after substrate addition, which was particularly evident in the arable soil. In the beech forest topsoil, C added alone increased this enzyme activity. Significant correlations between ATP content and enzyme activity were only observed for urease in the arable system treated with C+N and in the forest when C was applied in a split dose. The effect of C, C+N and C+N+P addition varied between the arable and the forest soil according to environmental conditions and microbial ecophysiology.  相似文献   

Our aim was to determine whether the smaller biomasses generally found in low pH compared to high pH arable soils under similar management are due principally to the decreased inputs of substrate or whether some factor(s) associated with pH are also important. This was tested in a soil incubation experiment using wheat straw as substrate and soils of different pHs (8.09, 6.61, 4.65 and 4.17). Microbial biomass ninhydrin-N, and microbial community structure evaluated by phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs), were measured at 0 (control soil only), 5, 25 and 50 days and CO2 evolution up to 100 days. Straw addition increased biomass ninhydrin-N, CO2 evolution and total PLFA concentrations at all soil pH values. The positive effect of straw addition on biomass ninhydrin-N was less in soils of pH 4.17 and 4.65. Similarly total PLFA concentrations were smallest at the lowest pH. This indicated that there is a direct pH effect as well as effects related to different substrate availabilities on microbial biomass and community structure. In the control soils, the fatty acids 16:1ω5, 16:1ω7c, 18:1ω7c&9t and i17:0 had significant and positive linear relationships with soil pH. In contrast, the fatty acids i15:0, a15:0, i16:0 and br17:0, 16:02OH, 18:2ω6,9, 17:0, 19:0, 17:0c9,10 and 19:0c9,10 were greatest in control soils at the lowest pHs. In soils given straw, the fatty acids 16:1ω5, 16:1ω7c, 15:0 and 18:0 had significant and positive linear relationships with pH, but the concentration of the monounsaturated 18:1ω9 PLFA decreased at the highest pHs. The PLFA profiles indicative of Gram-positive bacteria were more abundant than Gram-negative ones at the lowest pH in control soils, but in soils given straw these trends were reversed. In contrast, straw addition changed the microbial community structures least at pH 6.61. The ratio: [fungal PLFA 18:2w6,9]/[total PLFAs indicative of bacteria] indicated that fungal PLFAs were more dominant in the microbial communities of the lowest pH soil. In summary, this work shows that soil pH has marked effects on microbial biomass, community structure, and response to substrate addition.  相似文献   

Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox process) widely occurs in paddy soil and may substantially contribute to permanent N removal; however, little is known about the factors controlling this process. Here, effects of temperature, pH, organic C, and substrates on potential rate of anammox and the relative contribution of anammox to total N2 production in a paddy soil were investigated via slurry incubation combined with 15N tracer technique. Anammox occurred over a temperature range from 5 to 35 °C with an optimum rate at 25 °C (1.7 nmol N g?1 h?1) and a pH range from 4.8 to 10.1 with an optimum rate at pH 7.3 (1.7 nmol N g?1 h?1). The presence of glucose and acetate (5–100 mg C L?1) significantly inhibited anammox activities and the ratio of anammox to total N2 production. The response of potential rates of anammox to ammonium concentrations fitted well with Michaelis-Menten relationship showing a maximum rate (Vmax) of 4.4 nmol N g?1 h?1 and an affinity constant (Km) of 6.3 mg NH4+-N L?1. Whereas, nitrate addition (5–15 mg 15NO3?-N L?1) significantly inhibited anammox activities and the ratio of anammox to total N2 production. Our results provide useful information on factors controlling anammox process and its contribution to N loss in the paddy soil.  相似文献   

不同橡胶生长期土壤中的微生物生物量碳和有机碳   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:16  
ZHANG Hu  ZHANG Gan-Lin 《土壤圈》2003,13(4):353-357
Soil samples were collected from different rubber fields in twenty-five plots selected randomly in the Experimental Farm of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agriculture Sciences located in Hainan, China, to analyse the ecological effect of rubber cultivation. The results showed that in the tropical rubber farm, soil microbial biomass C (MBC) and total organic C (TOC) were relatively low in the content but highly correlated with each other. After rubber tapping, soil MBC of mature rubber fields decreased significantly, by 55.5%, compared with immature rubber fields. Soil TOC also decreased but the difference was not significant. Ratios of MBC to TOC decreased significantly. The decreasing trend of MBC stopped at about ten years of rubber cultivation. After this period, soil MBC increased relatively while soil TOC still kept in decreasing. Soil MBC changes could be measured to predict the tendency of soil organic matter changes due to management practices in a tropical rubber farm several years before the changes in soil TOC become detectable.  相似文献   

土壤微生物体氮的季节性变化及其与土壤水分和温度的关系   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:34  
以杨陵土垫旱耕人为土(中等肥力红油土)为供试土壤进行田间试验和室内培养试验,研究土壤微生物体氮的动态变化及其土壤含水量和温度的关系。结果表明,田间土壤微生物体氮的变化有明显的季节性;夏季最高,冬季最低,其它时期居中;且与土壤温度有显著或极显著的正相关性,相关系数在0.855以上;试验期间土壤水分含量在10%以上,基本能满足微生物活动所需,因而微生物体氮的变化与水分关系并不密切。应用培养试验结果进一步证明了田间试验结果,即在4~36℃范围内,微生物体氮与温度呈线性相关,而在土壤含水量为6.75%~23.23%范围内,与水分呈指数相关关系,当土壤水分小于10.87%时,水分对微生物体氮有突出结果,当超过10.87%后,几乎没有影响。频繁的干湿交替会使微生物体氮显著减少,但冻融交替却无明显影响。  相似文献   

The interactive effects of moisture and organic amendments (farmyard manure (FYM), crop residue (CR) and green manure (GM) (Sesbania aculeata) on gaseous carbon (C) emission, soil labile C fractions, enzymatic activities and microbial diversity in tropical, flooded rice soil were investigated. The amendments were applied on equal C basis in two moisture regimes, that is, aerobic and submergence conditions. The CO2 production was significantly higher by 22% in aerobic than in submergence condition; on the contrary, the CH4 production was 27% higher under submergence condition. The labile C fractions were significantly higher in GM by 26% under aerobic and 30% under submergence conditions, respectively, than control (without any kind of fertilizer or amendments). Eubacterial diversity identified by PCR-DGGE method (polymerase chain reaction coupled with denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis) was higher under GM followed by FYM, CR, and control and it is pronounced in submerged condition. GM favored the labile C accumulation and biological activities under both submergence and aerobic conditions, which makes it most active for soil–plant interactions compared to other organic amendments. Considering environmental sustainability, the use of GM is the better adoptable option, which could enhance labile C pools, microbial diversities in soil and keep soil biologically more active.  相似文献   

The aim of study was to evaluate the variation of soil microbial biomass carbon (Cmic) and microbial respiration (MR) in three types soil (Chromic Cambisols, Chromic Luvisols and Eutric Leptosols) of mixed beech forest (Beech- Hornbeam and Beech- Maple). Soil was randomly sampled from 0–10 cm layer (plant litter removed), 90 soil samples were taken. Cmic determined by the fumigation-extraction method and MR by closed bottle method. Soil Corg, Ntot and pH were measured. There are significant differences between the soil types concerning the Cmic content and MR. These parameters were highest in Chromic Cambisols following Chromic Luvisols, while the lowest were in Eutric Leptosols. A similar trend of Corg and Ntot was observed in studied soils. Two-way ANOVA indicated that soil type and forest type have significantly effect on the most soil characteristics. Chromic Cambisols shows a productive soil due to have the maximum Cmic, MR, Corg and Ntot. In Cambisols under Beech- Maple forest the Cmic value and soil C/N ratio were higher compared to Beech-Hornbeam (19.5 and 4.1 mg C g–1, and 16.3 and 3.3, respectively). This fact might be indicated that Maple litter had more easy decomposable organic compounds than Hornbeam. According to regression analysis, 89 and 68 percentage of Cmic variability could explain by soil Corg and Ntot respectively.  相似文献   

The aim is to assess whether soil microbial biomass carbon (biomass C) could be used as an indicator of environmental change in natural and semi-natural ecosystems. Biomass C was measured by fumigation-extraction in soils from two sites at Rothamsted. One was a plot from the Broadbalk Wheat Experiment, given inorganic fertiliser and chalk, which has been in continuous cultivation for more than 150 yr. The other was a similar sized area, from Geescroft Wilderness, which has been left to revert to woodland since 1885, after being an arable field. Other soil properties (pH, soil organic C and exchangeable cations) were also measured to compare with biomass C. The coefficients of variation (cvs) of the properties measured were calculated for comparison, little difference was found between the cvs for biomass C from each site: cv=26% for Broadbalk and 23% for Geescroft. The cvs for the other, chemical properties, were mostly <10% for Broadbalk and generally >25% for Geescroft, as expected, given the different cultivation histories. Statistical analysis of the variation in biomass C concentration revealed that such measurements would not be valid indicators of environmental change, without processing impossibly large numbers of samples. To decrease the least significant percentage change to less than 5% after three samplings, 320 samples would have to be taken each time. This would be also be true of the other chemical properties in Geescroft Wilderness, where the measured background variation would mask any subtle environmental change. This indicates that, for some properties at least, statistically significant changes will only be detected in the longer term with regular sampling, e.g. 30-40 yr.  相似文献   

The chloroform fumigation-incubation method was used to measure the soil microbial biomass C (SMBC) and N (SMBN) in 16 loessial soils sampled from Ansai, Yongshou and Yangling in Shaanxi Province. The SMBC contents in the soils ranged from 75.9 to 301.0 μg C g-1 with an average of 206.1 μg C g-1, accounting for 1.36%~6.24% of the total soil organic C with an average of 3.07%, and the SMBN contents from 0.51 to 68.40 μg N g-1 with an average of 29.4 μg N g-1, accounting for 0.20%~5.65% of the total N in the soils with an average of 3.36%. A close relationship was found between SMBC and SMBN, and they both were positively correlated with total organic C, total N, NaOH hydrolizable N and mineralizable N. These results confirmed that soil microbial biomass had a comparative role in nutrient cycles of soils.  相似文献   

A study was carried out in order to establish the relationship between the water extractable organic carbon (WEOC) content of soils and soil microbial activity, and to determine how variations in the extraction procedure might influence the quantity of WEOC recovered. Concentrations of WEOC were determined in soils taken from 12 different sites in the south east of Scotland, using a procedure in which samples were shaken with distilled water, centrifuged at 5000g and then filtered through 0.45 μm Millipore filters. Filtration resulted in between 30 and 400 μg C g−1 being extracted using this procedure and the concentration of WEOC in the resultant extracts correlated with soil microbial production of CO2 and dehydrogenase activity (P<0.001). Without filtration, although more WEOC was extracted (between 31 and 716 μg C g−1), there was no significant correlation with biological activity. There was also no correlation between WEOC and nitrous oxide release during the incubations. Centrifugation at 20,000g for at least 10 min prior to filtration was required to remove particulate organic materials. Storage of samples at 4 °C or for up to 1 week or freezing for up to 3 months was not found to have a large influence on the concentration of WEOC in extracts, although amounts increased with soil:extractant ratio and increasing extraction time (from 15 to 60 min).  相似文献   

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