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The rationale for this experiment was to determine forage nutrient concentrations as affected by biosolids fertilization. We studied the effects of single applications of two exceptional quality biosolids to bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) pasture with regard to satisfying beef cattle nutrient requirements. Twenty‐five 0.8‐ha pastures were divided into five blocks. Two biosolids were applied as normal and double agronomic rates. The control plot received NH4NO3. Forages were analyzed for calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), sodium (Na), crude protein (CP), and in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD), and soils were analyzed for Mehlich I extractable Ca, P, Mg, and K. Single (agronomic or twice this) applications of biosolids to pastures had little effect on Ca, P, Na, and K forage concentrations, but forage Mg was elevated in several treatments late in the season. Crude protein concentrations were elevated above the control for all biosolids treatments late in the season, whereas only small differences were observed at early sampling times. Trends were similar for IVOMD. In general, all treatments were associated with soils with adequate Ca, P, and Mg concentrations, while soil K was uniformly low. In relation to grazing beef cattle requirements, all treatments resulted in generally adequate forage levels of Ca, P, Mg, K, CP, and IVOMD, however, Na (<0.06%) was deficient.  相似文献   

α-Casozepine is a peptide, corresponding to the sequence 91-100 of the bovine α(s1)-casein, displaying anxiolytic activity in the rat. The α(s1)-casein tryptic hydrolysate containing this peptide decreases stress effects after oral administration in various species including man. Therefore, the stability of this peptide toward gastric and pancreatic proteases has been assessed by using pepsin, chymotrypsin/trypsin, Corolase PP, pepsin followed by chymotrypsin/trypsin or pepsin followed by Corolase PP. α-Casozepine was slowly degraded by chymotrypsin, much more sensitive to pepsin and Corolase PP but not completely destroyed after 4 h kinetics. The bonds in the region 91 to 95 of the α-casozepine were totally resistant to hydrolysis by all studied proteases. Surprisingly, a fragment, corresponding to the sequence 91-97 and found in all the hydrolysis media in significant amount, possessed an anxiolytic activity in three behavioral tests measuring this parameter. This peptide could participate in the in vivo activity of α-casozepine.  相似文献   

Three major oat components, β-glucan, starch, and protein, and their interactions were evaluated for the impact on viscosity of heated oat slurries and in vitro bile acid binding. Oat flour from the experimental oat line "N979" (7.45% β-glucan) was mixed with water and heated to make oat slurry. Heated oat slurries were treated with α-amylase, lichenase, and/or proteinase to remove starch, β-glucan, and/or protein. Oat slurries treated with lichenase or lichenase combined with α-amylase and/or proteinase reduced the molecular weight of β-glucan. Heat and enzymatic treatment of oat slurries reduced the peak and final viscosities compared with the control. The control bound the least amount of bile acids (p < 0.05); heating of oat flour improved the binding. Heated oat slurries treated with lichenase or lichenase combined with α-amylase and/or proteinase bound the least amount of bile acid, indicating the contribution of β-glucan to binding. Oat slurries treated with proteinase or proteinase and α-amylase together improved the bile acid binding, indicating the possible contribution of protein to binding. These results illustrate that β-glucan was the major contributor to viscosity and in vitro bile acid binding in heated oat slurries; however, interactions with other components, such as protein and starch, indicate the importance of evaluating oat components as whole system.  相似文献   

Santa Bárbara association is a group of Andosols widely distributed on the western foothills of the Andes Mountains in the Central Valley of Chile from about 36° to 40° south latitude. The soils of this association may be divided into two groups—south and north—by the characteristics of soil organic matter, although they are much alike in morphology. The line of demarcation between the groups lies at about 38° south latitude.

The potential nitrogen fertility or , the content of easily decomposable organic nitrogen is greater in the south soils than in the north soils of which humic matter is at a more advanced stage of humification, as compared with that of the south soils. Dry summers have caused the north soils to lessen in their potential nitrogen fertility and to stimulate humification of organic matter, altering the organic matter in quantity as well as in nature. It is evident that the analysis of soil organic matter is an effectual measure for the characterization of Andosols, and hence for the classification of the soils.

It is very probable that a considerable water erosion has occurred in the soils of this association, transporting the fine soil particles from the mid-slope to the foot of the hills.  相似文献   


Surface charge characteristics of several Spanish Andosols were investigated. The relationship between these characteristics and the mineralogical composition and organic matter content of the soils were also taken into account.

The electro‐chemical behaviour of the soils was similar to that of many metallic oxides, in which the surface charge is determined exclusively by the activity of potential determining H and OH ions in the bulk solution.

The ZPC of the soils varies between 3.7 and 5.1 and always remains below the zero point of titration (between 0.6 and 10 meq/100g). These low ZPC values seem to be related to the high content of organic matter in the soils, but no clear correlation between both values has been found.

The mineralogical composition and the percentage of amorphous oxides in the soils, on the other hand, had an effect on the charge characteristics’. A correlation coefficient (r=0.801) was found between the Al2O3% and ZPC value of the soils.  相似文献   


Spatial variation of bicarbonate soil test phosphorus (P) and bicarbonate soil test potassium (K) was studied by measuring soil test values for 40 individual soil samples collected from random locations within eight uniform 100 m by 100 m field sites in south‐western Australia. In addition, for five of the sites, spatial variation of the three P sorption indices (ammonium oxalate extractable iron, ammonium oxalate extractable aluminum, and the P retention index) and of organic carbon (C) was measured for 20 individual soils samples. Spatial variation was found to be large, with coefficient of variation (CV) exceeding 20% in most cases, and 50% in some cases. It is therefore essential to collect an adequate number of soil samples from uniform areas in paddocks in order to provide a representative composite sample to measure the soil properties.  相似文献   


An upland rice variety IAC‐47 was grown in a greenhouse to determine the effect of foliar nitrogen (N) supplementation during grain development on the activity of the N assimilation enzymes, nitrate reductase (NR) and glutamine synthetase (GS), on free amino‐N content and leaf soluble sugars, and on grain crude protein content. At 10 and 20 days after anthesis (DAA), the leaves were fertilized with a liquid fertilizer containing 32% N as 12.8% urea, 9.6% ammonium (NH4), and 9.6% nitrate (NO3) in increasing rates corresponding to 0,20+20, 40+40, and 60+60 kg N ha‐1. Leaves were collected twice (at 12 DAA and 14 DAA for GS activity, sugar and amino‐N content, and at 11 and 13 DAA for NRA) after each application of leaf N. The late foliar application of N increased significantly grain crude protein without a corresponding decrease in grain weight. The NR activity (NRA) increased after the foliar application of N. In the flag leaf, 60+60 kg N ha‐1 (21 DAA) resulted in higher NRA (20x over the control), while GS activity was smaller than the control. At 22 DAA there was an increase in GS activity in the flag leaf at 20+20 N level. However, the GS activity decreased as applied N levels increased. Also at the 20+20 level, there were increases in free amino‐N in the flag leaf and second leaf at the final harvest. Throughout the experiment, plants at the 60+60 N level had the lowest levels of soluble sugars. Increases in crude protein were highest at 40+40 N level (27.9%), followed by 60+60 (18.7%).  相似文献   

The Old Rotation cotton experiment was designed to aid farm managers in implementing rotation schemes that not only increase yield, but also improve soil quality. Six different crop rotation treatments were imposed since 1896. Rotations were: IA, cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) grown every year without a winter legume and without N fertilization; IB, cotton grown every year with a winter legume and without N fertilization; IC, cotton grown every year without a winter legume and with 134 kg N as NH4NO3 ha-1 year-1; IIA, 2-year cotton-corn (Zea mays L.) rotation with a winter legume and without N fertilization; IIB, 2-year cotton-corn rotation with a winter legume and with 134 kg N ha-1 year-1 as NH4NO3; and III, 3-year cotton-corn- alternating soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] or rye (Secale cereale L.) rotation with a winter legume and with 134 g N as NH4NO3 ha-1 year-1. Crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) was the winter legume cover crop. The 2-year cotton-corn rotation with a winter legume and with 134 kg N ha-1 year-1 (IIB) and the 3-year cotton-corn soybean/rye rotation with a winter legume and with 134 kg N ha-1 year-1 (III) had higher amounts of soil organic matter, soil microbial biomass C and crop yield than the other four treatments. The cotton grown every year without a winter legume or N fertilizer (IA) had a lower amount of soil organic matter, soil microbial biomass C and N and cotton seed yield than all other rotations. In 1988 and 1992 cotton seed and legume yield were correlated in positive, curvilinear relationships with soil organic matter (r 2 ranged from 0.72 to 0.87). In most months, soil microbial biomass C and N was lower in the cotton grown every year without winter legumes or fertilizer (IA) than the other five rotations. In 1994, microbial biomass C and the Cmic:Corg ratio correlated in positive, curvilinear relationships with seed cotton yield (r 2=0.87 and 0.98, respectively). After 99 years of management the Old Rotation cotton experiment indicates that winter legumes increase amounts of both C and N in soil, which ultimately contribute to higher cotton yields. Microbial biomass C and the Cmic:Corg ratio are poor predictors of annual crop yield but may be an accurate indicator of soil health and a good predictor of long-term crop yield.  相似文献   

Density fractionation is frequently applied to separate soil organic matter according to the degree and the mode of interaction with minerals. Density fractions are operationally defined by density cut-off and sonication intensity, which determine the nature of the separated material. However, no tests or general agreements exist on the most appropriate density cut-off as well as on method and intensity of dispersion. Numerous variants have been proposed and applied, with results often contrasting each other and being hard to interpret. Here, we aimed at separating two light fractions (free and occluded into aggregates) composed of almost pure organic material, and one heavy fraction comprising the organic–mineral associations. We tested effects of different density cut-offs and sonication intensities, in combination and separately, on fraction yields, as well as on the fractions' organic carbon, total nitrogen and lignin-derived phenols. We tried to find optimum density cut-offs and sonication intensities, providing light fractions with maximum organic material and minimum contamination by mineral material. Under the test conditions, a density of 1.6 g cm?3 gave best results for all test soils, allowing for separation of maximums amounts of almost pure organic material. The density cut-off at 1.6 g cm?3 is well in line with previous studies and theoretical considerations, therefore we recommend the use of this density as most suitable for separation of organic debris. Sonication levels for aggregate disruption to achieve complete separation of occluded light organic matter varied amongst soils. The necessary intensity of dispersion relates to the type of soil, depending on the stability of contained aggregates. The application of one single dispersion energy level to different soils may result either in mineral contamination or in incomplete separation of light and heavy fractions as well as in redistribution of organic material amongst fractions. This means there is no single sonication level that can be applied to all soils. Thus, obtaining a meaningful light fraction residing within aggregates (occluded light fraction) requires assessment of the dispersion energy necessary to disrupt the aggregate system of a given soil without dispersion of organic–mineral associations. This can be done in pre-experiments where the soil is fractionated at different sonication levels. The appropriate dispersion is determined by mass yields and OC content of the obtained occluded fractions.  相似文献   



The application of bio-fertilizers is one of the management practices that can help to maintain or increase the content of organic matter (OM) and improve soil fertility in arable soils. While some results have been obtained in relation to the influence of bio-fertilizers on organic matter content, less in known about the fractional composition of humus.

Materials and methods

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the bio-fertilizer UGmax on soil total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and the fractional composition of organic matter (C of humic acids (CHAs), C of fulvic acids (CFAs), and C in humins) in the humus horizon of an arable field. Measurements were taken in 2005 before the application of UGmax and in 2008, 3 years after its application, which was done in 2005, 2006, and 2007. Forty soil samples were taken in 2005 (the control year without UGmax), while 20 samples were taken after UGmax treatment and 20 from the control in 2008. Samples were always collected after the plants were harvested.

Results and discussion

After the 3-year period of the experiment, the TOC content was 6.3 % higher in plots on which UGmax was applied in comparison to the control, while the DOC content was 0.19 percentage points lower after 3 years of bio-fertilizer use as compared to the initial year of the experiment. The contribution of DOC to TOC decreased significantly after the application of UGmax in comparison with the control. The content of CFAs and its contribution in the TOC pools in soil without UGmax was higher at the end of the experiment compared to the beginning, while there was an inverse relationship in the soil with the bio-fertilizer. In comparison with the control, organic matter in the soil treated with UGmax had a higher content of C of humic acids, C in humins, and higher CHAs/CFAs ratio.


We conclude that the use of a bio-fertilizer that increases the stable fractions of organic matter provides evidence of an increase in the soil OM stability. In turn, the contribution of the organic matter fractions that are more resistant to decomposition is crucial for increasing soil carbon sequestration.

《Soil biology & biochemistry》2001,33(12-13):1599-1611
Aggregate dynamics and their relationship to the microbial community have been suggested as key factors controlling SOM dynamics. Dry–wet (DW) cycles are thought to enhance aggregate turnover and decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM), particularly in tilled soils. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of DW cycles on aggregate stability, SOM dynamics, and fungal and bacterial populations in a Weld silt loam soil (Aridic Paleustoll). Samples, taken from 250 μm sieved air-dried soil (i.e. free of macroaggregates > 250 μm), were incubated with 13C-labeled wheat residue. In one set of soil samples, fungal growth was suppressed using a fungicide (Captan) in order to discern the effect of dry–wet cycles on fungal and bacterial populations. Aggregate formation was followed during the first 14 d of incubation. After this period, one set of soil samples was subjected to four DW cycles, whereas another set, as a control, was kept at field capacity (FC). Over 74 d, total and wheat-derived respiration, size distribution of water stable aggregates and fungal and bacterial biomass were measured. We determined native and labeled C dynamics of three particulate organic matter (POM) fractions related to soil structure: the free light fraction (LF), and the coarse (250–2000 μm) and fine (53–250 μm) intra-aggregate POM fraction (iPOM). In the fungicide treated soil samples, fungal growth was significantly reduced and no large macroaggregates (> 2 mm) were formed, whereas without addition of fungicide, fungi represented the largest part of the microbial biomass (66%) and 30% of the soil dry weight was composed of large macroaggregates. During macroaggregate formation, labeled free LF-C significantly decreased whereas labeled coarse iPOM-C increased, indicating that macroggregates are formed around fresh wheat residue (free LF), which is consequently incorporated and becomes coarse iPOM. The first drying and wetting event reduced the amount of large macroaggregates from 30 to 21% of the total soil weight. However, macroaggregates became slake-resistant after two dry-wet cycles. Fine iPOM-C was significantly lower in soil after two dry–wet cycles compared to soil kept at FC. We conclude that more coarse iPOM is decomposed into fine iPOM in macroaggregates not exposed to DW cycles due to a slower macroaggregate turnover. In addition, when macroaggregates, subjected to dry–wet cycles, became slake-resistant (d 44) and consequently macroaggregate turnover decreased, fine iPOM accumulated. In conclusion, differences in fine iPOM accumulation in DW vs. control macroaggregates are attributed to differences in macroaggregate turnover.  相似文献   


The effect of organic amendment with sewage sludge composts of varying heavy metal content on the organic matter content and enzymatic activity of an agricultural soil supporting barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) or lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) crops was studied. The organic amendments did not improved lettuce growth, the contaminated composts having a negative effect on yield. However, all organic amendments improved barley straw yields although they did not affect grain yields. The addition of the organic materials increased the total carbohydrate content of the soil although this content decreased with cultivation. There was a clearly observed effect of crop type and the degree of heavy metal contamination of the amendment on the most labile carbon (C) fractions (water‐soluble C, carbohydrates, and polyphenolics). In general, soil enzymatic activities were stimulated by addition of sewage sludge compost with low heavy metal content. The compost containing high level of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn) inhibited protease‐BAA activity with respect to the other composts. After cultivation, urease activity increased in soil amended with the high dose of composts, regardless their degree of metallic contamination. Both crop type and metallic contamination contained in the organic materials added influenced phosphatase and ß‐glucosidase activity.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean ecosystems, forest fires are a common phenomenon. They involve the transformation of vegetation and litter, leaving charred residues and so influencing the carbon cycle by changing (a) the amounts of soil organic matter and (b) the proportions within it of pools with differing stability. In addition to affecting C cycles, fires also affect the amounts of N within soil organic matter, and its availability.  相似文献   

Steam soil disinfestation is efficiently used in the field for pre-planting pest control. Providing steam to the soil must have consequences, either beneficial or detrimental for the soil functioning. We set up a laboratory experiment to quantify the soil quality dynamics induced by this agricultural practice. In steamed and control soil, we monitored the size, the activity, and the genetic structure of the bacterial community in the top 2 cm soil every second day over a 10-day period after the treatment. We also characterized the bioavailable organic matter using fluorescence and ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. We showed that steaming induced the release of twice as much dissolved organic carbon in steamed soil as in the control soil. This extra carbon was much less fluorescent and contained a higher proportion of aliphatic compounds (alkyl chains, primary alcohols). After an initial drop in the bacterial community, we observed a tenfold increase in the number of bacteria, a flush in carbon mineralization, and genetic structure modification, which could be related to the newly released carbon. Steam treatment showed strong but quickly reversible impacts on the soil functioning, enabling farmers to sow approximately 1 week after treatment.  相似文献   

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - Precipitation was collected from May 15, 2001 to November 18, 2002, at the mountain top (620&nbsp;m a.s.l.) and mountain foot (47&nbsp;m a.s.l.) of the...  相似文献   


Chemical fractions of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) in the organic‐rich particles collected from filtered aqueous extracts (<20 μm) of an acid soil were determined. A sequential extraction procedure was used to partition the particulate Cu and Zn into four operationally defined chemical fractions: adsorbed (ADS), iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) oxides bound (FeMnOX), organic matter bound (OM) and residual (RESD). Total extractable concentrations of Cu and Zn in the fine particles were higher than their total concentrations in the original bulk soil. The concentration of particulate Cu was usually much higher than that of particulate Zn. Addition of lime stabilized sewage sludge cake and/or inorganic metal salts markedly increased the concentrations of particulate Cu and Zn in aqueous extracts, especially from limed soil. The proportional distributions of particulate Cu and Zn were quite similar. The two particulate metals were present predominantly in the ADS and FeMnOX fractions, with less (about 20%) in the OM and RESD fractions. Some of the ADS metal fraction was associated with dissolved organic substances. The concentrations of particulate Cu and Zn in the various extractable fractions were significantly affected by the application of lime, lime stabilized sewage sludge cake, or inorganic metal salts.  相似文献   

Polyphenolic extracts from various fruits and vegetables have been shown to exert growth inhibitory effects in cell culture studies. Whereas individual polyphenolic compounds have been extensively evaluated, understanding of the biological activity of polyphenolic extracts from natural sources is limited and critical to the understanding of their potential effects on the human body. This study investigated the absorption and antiproliferative effects of phytochemical extracts from acai pulp and a polyphenolic-enriched acai oil obtained from the fruit pulp of the acai berry ( Euterpe oleracea Mart.). Chemical composition, antioxidant properties, and polyphenolic absorption of phytochemical fractions in a Caco-2 monolayer were determined, along with their cytotoxicity in HT-29 human colon adenocarcinoma cells. Standardized extracts were characterized by their predominance of hydroxybenzoic acids, monomeric flavan-3-ols, and procyanidin dimers and trimers. Polyphenolic mixtures (0-12 microg of gallic acid equiv/mL) from both acai pulp and acai oil extracts inhibited cell proliferation by up to 90.7%, which was accompanied by an increase of up to 2.1-fold in reactive oxygen species. Absorption experiments using a Caco-2 intestinal cell monolayer demonstrated that phenolic acids such as p-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic, syringic, and ferulic acids, in the presence of DMSO, were readily transported from the apical to the basolateral side along with monomeric flavanols such as (+)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin. Results from this study provide further evidence for the bioactive properties of acai polyphenolics and offer new insight on their composition and cellular absorption.  相似文献   


Field experiments were conducted for periods of 14 or 15 years at four sites on Thin Black Chernozemic soils in south‐central Alberta to determine the effect of source and time of N application on dry matter yield (DMY), protein yield (PY), protein concentration, N use efficiency and recovery of N applied to bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss.) grown for hay. Two sources of N (urea and ammonium nitrate ‐ A.N.) were applied at four times (early fall, late fall, early spring and late spring) at a rate of 112 kg N ha1. Urea was generally less effective in increasing DMY, PY, protein concentration, N use efficiency and % N recovery than A.N. The average, DMY, PY, protein concentration, N use efficiency and % N recovery with A.N. were 4.38 t ha‐1, 445 kg ha‐1, 104 g kg‐1, 21.2 kg DM kg‐1 N ha‐1 and 40.2%, respectively. In the same order, the values with urea were 3.90 t ha‐1, 376 kg ha‐1, 99 g kg‐1, 16.9 kg DM kg‐1 N ha‐1 and 30.2%, respectively. The DMY was greatest with early spring application for A.N., while the protein concentration, PY and % N recovery were greatest with the late fall application for both urea and A.N. The increase in DMY or recovery of applied N with urea as a percentage of the increase with A.N., was greatest with application in late spring and least with application in early fall. In conclusion, urea was less effective than A.N. as a forage fertilizer and early spring application was most effective for increasing DMY.  相似文献   

Microbial biomass, β-glucosidase and β-glucosaminidase activities, and availability, storage, and age of soil organic C were investigated after 26 years of conversion from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) to forest (Eucaliptus robusta or Leucaena leucocephala), pasture (mixture of tropical grasses), and to vegetable cropping (agriculture) in a vertisol in Puerto Rico. Soil organic C (SOC) at 0–100 cm was similar under Leucaena (22.8 kg C/m2), Eucalyptus (18.6 kg C/m2), and pasture (17.2 kg C/m2), which were higher than under agriculture (13.0 kg C/m2). Soil organic N (SON) at 0–100 cm was similar under the land uses evaluated which ranged from 1.70 (under agriculture) to 2.28 kg N/m2 (under Leucaena forest). Microbial biomass C (MBC) and N (MBN) of the 0–15-cm soil layer could be ranked as: pasture > Leucaena = Eucalyptus > agriculture. The percentages of SOC and SON present as MBC and MBN, respectively, were nearly 1% in pasture and less than 0.50% in forest under Leucaena or Eucalyptus and agricultural soil. The activity of β-glucosidase of the 0–15-cm soil layer could be ranked as: Leucaena = Eucalyptus > pasture > agriculture; while β-glucosaminidase activity was ranked as: Eucalyptus > Leucaena = pasture > agriculture. The soil δ 13C changed from 1996 to 2006 in forest under Eucalyptus (18.7‰ to 21.2‰), but not under Leucaena (20.7‰ to 20.8‰). The soil under Leucaena preserved a greater proportion of old C compared to the forest under Eucalyptus; the former had an increased soil mineralizable C from the current vegetation inputs. The soil under agriculture had the lowest enzyme activities associated with C cycling, lowest percentage of SOC as MBC, highest percentage of SOC present as mineralizable C, and highest percentage of MBC present as mineralizable C compared to the other land uses.  相似文献   

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