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This study was designed to address how earthworm activity influences soil mineral nitrogen (N), plant N uptake and forage yield in grass-based hayfields. Earthworm populations were reduced by applying carbaryl pesticide to the experimental field plots every 2-weeks, effectively eliminating the earthworms for up to 12-weeks from May to August. Grass yields and tissue N concentrations were measured every 2 weeks, and the soil mineral N concentration determined at the final harvest. Reducing earthworm populations for up to 12-weeks did not affect grass yield or N uptake. However, regression analysis showed that plots with undisturbed earthworm populations had higher soil N by 0.8 kg N ha?1 per week, representing mineralization of about 10 kg N ha?1 during the 12-week study. This was a fraction of the fertilizer N recommendation (75 kg N ha?1) for grass-based hayfields in this region. Therefore, the increase in soil mineral N from earthworm activity was small, relative to the N requirements of the hayfield.  相似文献   

To promote conservation tillage in organic farming systems, weed control and ley removal within arable-ley rotations need to be optimized. A long-term field trial was thus established in Frick, Switzerland in 2002 on a clayey soil and with a mean precipitation of 1000 mm/year. The tillage experiment distinguished between conventional tillage with mouldboard ploughing (CT, 15 cm depth) and reduced tillage (RT), including a chisel plough (15 cm) and a stubble cleaner (5 cm). Results of a 2-year grass-clover ley (2006/2007) and silage maize (2008) are presented. Due to dry conditions, mean grass-clover yields were 25% higher in RT than in CT, indicating better water retention of RT soils. Clover cover and mineral contents of the fodder mixture were also higher in RT. The ley was successfully removed in autumn 2007 in RT plots, and a winter pea catch crop was sown before maize. In CT, ploughing took place in spring 2008. Maize yields were 34% higher in RT than in CT, despite a two- to three-fold higher but still tolerable weed infestation. Maize in RT plots benefited from an additional 61.5 kg of easily decomposable organic N/ha incorporated into the soil via the pea mulch. Measurement of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of maize roots indicated a similar mechanical disturbance of the topsoil through the reduced ley removal system compared with ploughing. It is suggested that RT is applicable in organic farming, even in arable-ley rotations, but long-term effects need further assessment.  相似文献   

作物根系层土壤水分模拟的经验-机理模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To predict soil water variation in the crop root zone,a general exponential recession (GER) model was developed to depict the recession process of soil water storage.Incorporating the GER model into the mass balance model for soil water,a GER-based physicoempirical (PE-GER) model was proposed for simulating soil water variation in the crop root zone.The PE-GER model was calibrated and validated with experimental data of winter wheat in North China.Simulation results agreed well with the field experiment results,as well as were consistent with the simulation results from a more thoroughly developed soil water balance model which required more detailed parameters and inputs.Compared with a previously developed simple exponential recession (SER) based physicoempirical (PE-SER) model,PE-GER was more suitable for application in a broad range of soil texture,from light soil to heavy soil.Practical application of PE-GER showed that PE-GER could provide a convenient way to simulate and predict the variation of soil water storage in the crop root zone,especially in case of insufficient data for conceptual or hydrodynamic models.  相似文献   

Chemical reclamation of sodic and saline-sodic soils has become cost-intensive. Cultivation of plants tolerant of salinity and sodicity may mobilize the CaCO3 present in saline-sodic soils instead of using a chemical approach. Four forage plant species, sesbania (Sesbania aculeata), kallar grass (Leptochloa fusca), millet rice (Echinochloa colona) and finger millet (Eleusine coracana), were planted in a calcareous saline-sodic field (ECe = 9·6–11·0 dS m−1, SAR = 59·4–72·4). Other treatments included gypsum (equivalent to 100 per cent of the gypsum requirement of the 15 cm soil layer) and a control (no gypsum or crop). The crops were grown for 5 months. The performance of the treatments in terms of soil amelioration was in the order: Sesbania aculeata ≅ gypsum > Leptochloa fusca > Echinochloa colona > Elusine coracana > control. Biomass production by the plant species was found to be directly proportional to their reclamation efficiency. Sesbania aculeata produced 32·3 Mg forage ha−1, followed by Leptochloa fusca (24·6 Mg ha−1), Echinochloa colona (22·6 Mg ha−1) and Eleusine coracana (5·4 Mg ha−1). Sesbania aculeata emerged as the most suitable biotic material for cultivation on salt-affected soils to produce good-quality forage, and to reduce soil salination and sodication processes.  相似文献   

Catch crops are generally regarded as an efficient tool to reduce nitrate leaching. However, the benefits need to be balanced against potential adverse effects on the main crop yields. The objectives of the study were to study three contrasting catch crops, that is, dyer's woad (DW) (Isatis tinctoria L.), perennial ryegrass (RG) (Lolium perenne L.) and fodder radish (FR) (Raphanus sativus L.) under three tillage systems. For that, we used a tillage experiment established in 2002 on a Danish sandy loam. The tillage treatments were direct drilling (D), harrowing to 8–10 cm (H) and ploughing (P). Above‐ground biomass production and N uptake were measured in the catch crops and the main crop. Catch crop root growth was studied using both minirhizotron and core methods. Soil penetration resistance was recorded to 60 cm depth. Fodder radish and RG produced up to 1800 kg/ha dry matter and DW 900 kg/ha. The nitrogen uptake in November was 55, 37 and 31 kg N/ha for FR, RG and DW, respectively, when averaged across the 2 yr of study. The yield of the spring barley main crop was in general highest where FR was grown as a catch crop. Ploughing tended to result in highest yields although differences were only significant in 2008. The minirhizotron root measurements showed that the crucifers FR and DW achieved better subsoil rooting than RG. In contrast, the soil core data showed no significant difference between FR and RG in subsoil root growth. Our study highlights the need for further studies on subsoil root growth of different catch crops.  相似文献   

Forage radish is a unique winter cover crop that is relatively new but becoming rapidly adopted in temperate, humid North America. Little is known about how the use of this cover crop may influence subsequent nitrogen availability, soil water accumulation in the soil profile in corn silage production system. In this present work, the average nitrogen uptake by silage corn increased significantly by 11.6% in cover plots compared with the no-cover control plots. The recovery efficiency and agronomic efficiency of applied nitrogen in silage corn declined in cover plots compared to no-cover plots. The average soil water storage in cover plots was significantly higher than in the control after corn sowing and at the harvest stage. With increasing nitrogen application level, the average corn grain yield increased significantly at 56 and 112 kg N ha?1 by 13.1% and 39.8%, respectively. Planting a forage radish cover crop can facilitate growth of silage corn and markedly improve total nitrogen uptake of corn. Consideration should be given to nitrogen application rate and also to avoiding excessive nitrogen input in the subsequent crop following a cover crop, thereby truly improving subsequent fertiliser use efficiency.  相似文献   

土壤水氮动态及作物生长耦合EPIC-Nitrogen2D模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为计算农业区不同作物生长条件下土壤水氮迁移转化过程,该文基于Erosion/Productivity Impact Calculator(EPIC)作物模型建立了作物根系生长子模块,将其进行有限元数值离散,与土壤氮素迁移转化模型Nitrogen2D耦合,使模型能计算作物生长条件下土壤水氮迁移转化过程。该作物生长模块可计算多种胁迫下作物根系对土壤水分和氮素的动态吸收速率,及作物收获时的生物量和吸氮量。采用武汉大学灌溉排水试验场冬小麦生长条件下土壤水氮试验数据对模型进行了率定,并用于土壤水氮分布和作物生物量预测,土壤含水率、氮素的模拟值与实测值的一致性系数分别为0.86~0.97、0.52~0.98,Nash效率系数为0.59~0.90(含水率)、0.44~0.93(土壤氮素),说明模拟结果与实测值吻合度较高。同时,分别采用该文的作物生长模块和简单根系吸收模块计算根系吸氮过程,结果显示,简单根系吸收模型会显著高估作物吸氮量,而作物生长模型则由于考虑了根系生长和各环境因子的胁迫作用,计算结果更符合作物实际吸氮过程,计算的根系吸氮量相对均方根误差为3.4%~46%。  相似文献   

A conceptual model is proposed to facilitate understanding of the effects of soil and crop management practices on soil properties, yields, economics and political interference in production from heavy clay oxisols of the Brazilian developed regions. This model was developed for illustrative purposes, and was established by qualitative and quantitative analyses of data and observations on the rates of change of soil structure, the susceptibility of soils to this changes, and its effects on different cropping systems. Rates of production, technological aspects of production, production efficiency and profitability are compared. In general, the model is presented as a hypothetical function for characterizing and facilitating understanding of the impact of soil degradation on several aspects of crop production from oxisols in Brazil.  相似文献   

滴灌土壤湿润体与作物根系优化匹配研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
研究滴灌土壤湿润体与作物根系优化匹配结果表明 ,滴灌土壤湿润体是滴灌系统对作物根系的作用区域 ,滴灌土壤湿润体和作物根系合理匹配是滴灌系统优化的关键  相似文献   

Resource use in crop production is analysed with reference to the concept of potential yield, based on the relationships between the balances of energy and mass in plant growth. Three models of the production process are proposed: a bio-physical model which looks at the conversion of energy and mass into a potential yield of biomass, a business model which assesses the economics of the conversion process and a feed-back model which points the way towards on-line optimisation. The impacts of environmental, nutritional and physiological constraints on potential yield are discussed. The business model emphasises the importance of scale of operation in reducing the costs of crop production by spreading the fixed costs of machinery. The contributions of additional energy inputs in the form of fertilisers, agrichemicals and machinery in improving the overall efficiency with which solar energy is converted into biomass, together with the pivotal role of nitrogenous fertiliser in increasing yields, are examined. Nitrogenous fertilisers underpin high yields and account for about half the energy supplied by the farmer to a cereal crop. Tillage helps in ameliorating the environmental constraints on crop growth. The implications of sustainability, and climate change, for resource use in crop production are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Intensive agricultural activities could affect the dynamics and leaching of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrate from agricultural soils to receiving waters. This study investigated soil DOC dynamics immediately (0–12 days) after spraying a hill country perennial pasture with agrochemicals to establish a winter forage crop for supplementary feed production. Two treatments were examined—perennial pasture (without agrochemicals) and swede (Brassica napobrassica Mill.) cropping (after spraying with agrochemicals), both growing on a Typic Eutrudept. Soil samples were collected from various depths down to 1 m, before the application of agrochemicals (day 0) and 1, 6 and 12 days thereafter. Dissolved organic carbon concentration below the surface soil (<5 cm) was generally not altered by the agrochemicals. This was further proved by the isotopic monitoring of DOC leaching on this soil. Conversely, the agrochemicals significantly (= 0.03) increased DOC concentration within the 0–5‐cm soil depth on day 1, due to the direct contribution of organic molecules and/or displacement of organic compounds at adsorption sites by the agrochemicals; and on day 6, due to root necromass decomposition. The increase of nitrate in soil solution at this depth (0–5 cm) on days 6 and 12 suggests that the agrochemicals may have also enhanced nitrogen (N) mineralization in the surface soil. However, the significantly (= 0.04) higher DOC/nitrate (molar ratio) of the agrochemical treatment suggests that the agrochemicals used for clearing out pasture before forage crop establishment could lead to a short‐term increase in surface soil denitrification.  相似文献   

Fine root (diameter < 2 mm) production, mortality and decomposition have been poorly estimated at ecosystem scales due to technical limitations. The soil coring method can accurately assess fine root biomass and necromass, but the concurrent growth, death and decomposition processes were not reasonably assessed during the sampling period, leading to greatly biased rate estimates. We developed a dynamic-flow method with two variations to address these processes by combining the soil coring method with an improved decomposition experiment. For a certain interval i (1 ≤ i) in the growing season, the dead fine roots were classified into fine roots dying before the start of interval i (GⅠ-i) and those dying during interval i (GⅡ-i). The decompositions of GⅠ-i and GⅡ-i were separately quantified and integrated into a modified mass balance model to estimate the production, mortality and decomposition. An example study conducted in a secondary Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica Fischer ex Ledebour) forest showed that fine root production, mortality and decomposition were greatly underestimated by conventional soil coring methods failing to address the simultaneous growth, death and decomposition processes but overestimated by the method in which the decompositions of GⅠ-i and GⅡ-i were not separately determined and the decomposition rate was assumed to be constant. The dynamic-flow method greatly improved the accuracy of fine root estimates and can be widely applied to forests.  相似文献   

集约化种植条件下典型潮土区土壤氮素的演变特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对集约化种植制度下黄淮海平原7个典型潮土区土壤N素的调查,结合第二次全国土壤普查资料,对20年来潮土N素含量、分布及其演变特征进行了全面的分析和评价.结果表明:土壤N素较20年前有所积累,其中全N含量除个别地区有所下降外,其他地区都呈上升趋势,增幅在0 ~ 56.54% 之间;各地土壤碱解N含量普遍上升,增幅在2.03% ~ 81.52%之间.但总体上典型潮土区N素水平依然较低,其中,92% 以上面积的土壤全N含量低于1 g/kg,90% 以上面积的土壤碱解N含量集中在30 ~ 90 mg/kg之间,都处于偏低及以下水平.  相似文献   

Based on experience from 35 years of tillage research in Sweden, future development of soil tillage is discussed and some research problems are identified. Tillage and seeding methods must be more carefully adapted to conditions at individual sites and occasions. Low-pressure typres, better weed control and improved seed coulters favour the increased use of reduced tillage. In order to diminish the impact of agriculture on the environment, it is necessary to develop methods for establishment of crops in the early spring or immediately after harvest, even in soils with large amounts of crop residues or high moisture content. The roles of tillage methods, and of soil compaction and structure on environmental impact of agriculture must be investigated. World food production must increase, since the world population is rapidly increasing. Therefore, it is necessary to develop improved crop production systems, including crop establishment systems, which favour efficient use of basic crop growth factors, while protecting or increasing soil productivity. Compaction, decreased organic matter content, and erosion are important long-term threats to soil productivity.  相似文献   

Abstract. The most important root diseases of wheat in southern Australia are take-all, rhizoctonia bare patch and cereal cyst nematode. Control of grasses in annual pastures in the year preceding wheat crops decreased take-all on wheat and the amount of the take-all fungus in soil, decreased the damage caused by Rhizoctonia , and gave yield increases. Fumigation of cereal-growing soils gave yield increases in wheat of 0.75 to 2.8 tonnes per hectare, indicating that in southern Australia soil-borne root diseases impose a major constraint on productivity. Residues of the herbicide chlorsulfuron one year after application to an alkaline soil increased root damage by Rhizoctonia in barley and decreased grain yields by 1.5 tonnes per hectare. Root damage by cereal cyst nematode was decreased by direct drilling wheat and also by having a barley cultivar resistant to the pathogen as a preceding crop. The number of cysts of cereal cyst nematode on wheat roots was increased by the application of superphosphate in bands with the seed. These results show that in southern Australia soil management strategies which decrease the levels of root disease greatly increase grain yields.  相似文献   

Fifty-six sites throughout the Wimmera region of Victoria were sampled to 1 m depth, and 1:5 extracts analysed for pH, conductivity and cation content. The relationship between conductivity measured in saturated extracts and 1:5 extracts at five sites was used to calculate cation concentrations expected if saturated extracts had been prepared. Soils were generally alkaline and cations at depth were dominated by sodium. The ratio of sodium to calcium varied from <2.6 (10% of samples) to >85.5 (10%) to a maximum of 247.1. It exceeded 12.8 in 40% of samples, and exceeded 45.6 in 20% of samples, levels which are likely to reduce root growth and ability of roots to exclude sodium. Higher ratios were associated with depth, pH and conductivity. The ratio of magnesium to calcium exceeded 1 in 80% of samples, 2 in 55% of samples, 3 in 30% of samples and the maximum measured was a ratio of 7.6, suggesting plant growth may be reduced. The issues of extrapolating from experiments in solution culture to soil, and errors likely in using 1:5 extracts are discussed.  相似文献   

根系水质模型中土壤与作物参数优化及其不确定性评价   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
房全孝 《农业工程学报》2012,28(10):118-123
农业系统模型参数优化存在很高的不确定性,是模型应用研究的重点和难点。该研究利用自动优化程序PEST(parameter estimation software)对根系水质模型(root zone water quality model,RZWQM)中土壤参数(土壤水力学参数和根系生长参数)和作物遗传参数进行了优化,结果表明PEST优化模拟结果明显优于传统试错法的校正结果,且具有较高的参数优化效率。模型参数优化不确定性评价表明校正数据和参数初始值的选择、土壤水力学参数估算方法、不同类型参数间的相互作用以及优化目标方程(误差来源计算)都明显影响模型模拟结果。以上过程中土壤水力学参数优化值差异较小,但其土壤水分特征曲线却明显不同。通过以上评价分析提高了RZWQM相关参数优化结果的可靠性及其模拟功能,降低了模型参数优化的不确定性,为PEST优化其他模型参数提供了重要支持。  相似文献   

Water management in various crop production systems related to soil tillage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil tillage, of different types and intensity and performed at different antecedent soil moisture conditions, is an important tool for agricultural water management. Tillage systems have important applications for increasing irrigation efficiency, enhancing the effectiveness of drainage systems, improving water quality, decreasing runoff losses and minimizing soil erosion, increasing runoff losses for water harvesting and supplemental irrigation, and decreasing percolation losses and creating aquatic environments for rice cultivation. The versatility and diversity of applications of tillage systems depend on the choice of tillage techniques. No-tillage methods with residue mulches are useful to conserve soil water. Chisel tillage and subsoiling methods along with ridge-tillage techniques are useful in increasing irrigation efficiency. No-tillage systems are useful in decreasing sediment density and transport of sediment laden pollutants in runoff, and puddling and wet tillage techniques or soil compaction are used in rice cultivation. Finally soil compaction and techniques to increase water repellence are useful for water harvesting for subsequent use in supplemental irrigation.  相似文献   

Plants capture atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) for carbon (C) assimilation through photosynthesis, with the photosynthates stored as plant biomass (above- and below-ground plant parts). The C stored as living biomass is a short-term C sequestration strategy, whereas soil organic carbon (SOC) is a long-term C sequestration strategy. In this regard, plant roots are the primary route of C entry into the SOC pool. Through establishing a recalcitrant SOC pool, long-term sequestration can potentially offset the C losses caused by soil degradation in industrial and pre-industrial eras. Over the next 50–100 years, implementing effective agricultural practices could sequester 80–130 GT (109) C as SOC. Carbon, as the primary elemental component of soil organic matter, plays a significant role in shaping the soil’s physical, chemical, and biological properties, ultimately influencing soil biomass productivity. By enhancing crop productivity and biomass production, farmers can increase C sequestration, creating a positive feedback loop that contributes to overall C sequestration. Carbon sequestration has numerous co-benefits, including climate change mitigation, ecosystem health, food security, and farm profitability. Adopting conservation agriculture and site-specific practices and developing crop and pasture genotypes with high yields and C sequestration potential should significantly improve crop productivity and C sequestration simultaneously. This opinion article delves into the nexus between photosynthesis and soil C sequestration, highlighting its significance in enhancing farm productivity while mitigating climate change.  相似文献   


Throughout the Great Plains, wheat (Triticurn aestivum L.) is utilized for grain and forage production. Triticale (Triticum aestivum L. x Secale cereale L.) is known for its ability to produce large quantities of high quality forage. With recent improvement in winter hardiness, interest in and acreage of triticale is spreading north in the central Great Plains. The forage production potential of wheat and triticale is essential to many livestock producers. Very few data are available concerning the effects of sulfur (S) fertilization on production and quality of wheat or triticale forage. Greenhouse research was conducted to evaluate the addition of S as either ammonium thiosulfate (ATS) or ammonium sulfate (AS) on production and quality of wheat and triticale forage on four different soils. Sulfur fertilization increased forage yields and S concentrations of both crops on all soils, and in many cases, resulted in higher N concentrations in the forage. Sulfur fertilization also increased in vitro digestibility of wheat, but had little effect on triticale digestibility. Both S sources performed similarly. Application of S after the first clipping was effective in increasing second clipping forage production on three of the four soils, and forage S concentrations were dramatically increased for both crops on all soils. Although the magnitude of response varied, S fertilization was effective in increasing production and quality of wheat and triticale forage grown in the greenhouse.  相似文献   

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