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Macromineral composition of different forage species and soils and forage in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) and crude protein concentrations in three agricultural zones of Benue State were studied. The zones consisted of Tiv zone (Zone A), Igala zone (Zone B), and Idoma zone (Zone C), each of which was made up of three sites. Site I was Fulani cattle migration routes across the state, site II represented grazing sites within home proximity, and site III were grazing reserves. Grazing animals were followed and forages corresponding to that consumed by them, and the corresponding soil samples were collected during the peak of the dry season (December‐January) and analyzed for nutrient composition. Forage IVOMD ranged from 21% to 79%, with values obtained in grass being lowest due to pronounced overmaturity. Only 10% of forage samples (exclusively from grasses), showed protein levels below the critical value of 7%. Most forage samples, as well as their corresponding soil samples were sufficient in calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and potassium (K) concentrations. Soil concentrations of Ca, Mg, and K were particularly high compared to critical requirements in all the zones studied. Approximately 94% and 76% of forages were deficient in phosphorus (P) and sodium (Na), respectively, and the deficiencies were similar in all classes of forage and sites of study for each of the zones investigated. Results of forage‐soil relationships indicated low and nonexisting correlations; therefore soil analyzes are not of great importance in the assessment of available macromineral supplies to grazing livestock. The macrominerals most needed for supplementation of grazing livestock during the dry season are P, Na, and K.  相似文献   


A total of 71 forage samples were analyzed for trace mineral and crude protein concentrations in three Agricultural zones of Benue State, Nigeria. The zones consisted of the Northern, Eastern, and Central zones, each of which was made up of four Local Government Areas. In each Local Government Area, grazing animals were followed and forages corresponding to those consumed were collected during the peak of the wet season (June) and analyzed for the nutrient composition. Deficiencies were observed in copper (Cu) and cobalt (Co) concentrations in all classes of forage, and in forage Cu and zinc (Zn) in all Local Government Areas in the Northern zone. A higher (P<0.05) forage Cu concentration was observed in legumes compared to other classes of forage in the Eastern zone. Concentrations of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) were considered adequate and their contents were not affected (P>0.05) by class of forage or Local Government Areas. In the Eastern zone, the contents of selenium (Se) in grass and tree leaf hay were higher compared to leguminous forage, which in turn was higher compared to Se concentrations in crop wastes. Only about 18% of total forage samples showed protein concentrations below the critical value of 7%. Supplementation of Cu, Zn, and Co would seem to be necessary in the Northern zone, and to a lesser extent in the Eastern zone for optimum productivity of grazing animals.  相似文献   

Two experimental late fall-winter-spring grazing studies, each lasting two years, were conducted at the North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC), Marianna, Florida to evaluate the organic constituents and macromineral concentrations of annual cool season pasture forages grazed by growing beef cattle. Eight 1.32 ha fenced pastures or paddocks were divided into two pasture land preparation/planting methods, four pastures for the sod seeding treatments and four for the prepared seedbed treatments. These pastures were planted with two different forage combinations: rye/oats mix with or without ryegrass for the first two years (Study 1), and oats with ryegrass or ryegrass only for the last two years (Study 2). Each of the four forage/land preparation combination treatments was assigned to two pastures each year, thereby giving two replicates per year. Forage samples were collected at the start of grazing and twice monthly thereafter until the end of grazing season for each year, pooled by month, and were analyzed for calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), sodium (Na), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), dry matter (DM) yield, crude protein (CP), and in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD). Blood plasma samples were also collected from the tester cattle during the spring season of year 2 of Study 2 and were analyzed for Ca, P, and Mg. Month differences were observed in forage concentrations of P and K (P < 0.0001), and Mg (P < 0.05) in both studies, Ca (P < 0.01) in Study 1 only, and Na (P < 0.05) only in Study 2. Year affected P, K, and Mg concentrations in Study 1 and Ca, P, and Na concentrations in Study 2. In Study 2, forage type by month interactions on Ca, K, and Mg concentrations were noticed (P < 0.01). Forage Ca was lower (P < 0.05) than the critical level for all months from the oat plus ryegrass pastures, and for early winter months and late spring months from ryegrass only pasture. Forage Na concentrations were consistently low throughout the grazing season and unaffected by forage type or land cultivation methods used in both studies. Low Mg concentrations of both forage types in Study 2 (also with high K concentrations) were indicative of a potential risk of grass tetany (hypomagnesemia) for grazing ruminants. Forage DM yields were highly variable with fluctuations among the experimental months and were found to be highest in the spring months, with decreasing yields towards the end of the grazing season in both studies (P < 0.0001). The CP concentrations were greater than the required levels and both CP and IVOMD decreased gradually by month in both studies (P < 0.0001). Normal blood plasma concentrations of Ca and P obtained were indicative of a good overall status of these minerals in the animal's body. Plasma Mg concentrations were slightly above the critical level for cattle from both forage types. In summary, the macrominerals most likely to be deficient in North Florida during the cool season would be Ca, Na, and Mg. Special attention should be given to supplementation of Mg since forages reflected a marginal deficiency of this mineral and high K concentrations were found.  相似文献   

Intercropping trials were established in the sandy soils of the Benue River Basins of Nigeria to assess the effect of some food legumes used as cover crops in cassava, yam, and maize based cropping systems. The soil productivity and yield contributions of ground akidi (Sphenostylis stenocarpa), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), local (Kafanji), and improved (IAR‐355) cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) varieties to the main crops were assessed and presented on a fertilizer‐ equivalent basis. The cowpea varieties and ground akidi helped maize to increase the efficiency of nitrogen (N)‐phosphorus (P)‐potassium (K) fertilizer use by producing an additional 2.74 and 1.59 kg grains/kg, respectively. While an additional six tons of yam tubers was contributed by the kafanji intercrop per hectare, only about three tons was contributed by ground akidi. With the exception of pigeon pea, the test legumes were suitable for use as cover crops for cassava, yam, and maize in the Benue River Basins of Nigeria.  相似文献   

Soil from Eutrochrept A horizons under long-term spruce forest (Sf), mixed deciduous forest (Df), permanent grassland (Gp) and arable rotation (Ar) was fractionated according to particle size and analysed for contents of C, N, lignin-derived phenols and carbohydrates. Whole soil from Sf, Df, Gp and Ar contained 84, 59, 73 and 25 g C kg?1 soil, respectively. For all sites, the C content declined and C/N ratio increased in the order: clay (<2 μm), silt (2–20 μm), sand (20–2000 μm). Clay and silt were significantly lower in C in Ar than in Sf, Df and Gp, C associated with sand being substantially lower under arable rotation. The yield of lignin-derived phenols decreased and carboxyl functionality and methoxyl demethylation of lignin derivatives increased with decreasing particle size, indicating a progressive lignin alteration. Whole soil from Sf and Gp was substantially higher in vanillyl (V), syringyl (S) and cinnamyl (C) units (VSC) than soil from Df and Ar. Compared to whole soil, clay was depleted and sand enriched in VSC. Only sand appeared to be affected significantly by land use. Sand from Ar and Df was more enriched in VSC than sand from Gp and Sf. Whole soil carbohydrates decreased in the order: Gp>Ar>Df>Sf. Sand- and clay-sized separates were enriched in carbohydrates compared to silt. Carbohydrates in sand were mainly of plant origin whereas microbially-derived sugars accounted for a larger proportion in the clay. Compared to Sf, Df and Gp, clay from Ar was enriched and sand depleted in microbial sugars. Lignin and carbohydrate distribution patterns indicate that organic matter was in a more advanced stage of decomposition in the sand separates from forest than from agricultural A horizons. The forest soils also show a higher degree of oxidative changes in lignin associated with clay. In contrast, differences between silt from the four A horizons were small.  相似文献   


The knowledge of soil organic matter (SOM) composition is important for research in soil science. This is why two classical wet chemical extraction procedures were tested and combined to characterize SOM. Twenty‐five samples from typical forest and arable soils in Schleswig‐Holstein, Northwest Germany, were investigated in the laboratory. Lipids were extracted using a pre‐step method. Several polysaccharide fractions were extracted sucessively with inorganic acids in a litter compound analysis (LCA). Proteins and lignins were determined in the bulk soil sample. In a humic compound analysis (HCA), fulvic and humic acids were extracted in the classical way with NaOH, and the non‐humic substances were removed with the aid of the “Sulfacetolysis” from the residues (= usually “humins")‐ The combination of these two wet chemical extraction proce dures (LCA and HCA) permitted quantitative estimations of the SOM composition in several soil horizons. The LCA method produced a better recovery rate (104%±4%) than the HCA methode (95%±15%). The litter compound/humic compound ratio of both analyses, and the combination of both correlated with visible humification grades in a significant way (r = ‐0.733 to ‐0.742***). LCA may be sufficient for solving special pedogenetic problems, because of its high recovery rate and the strong correlation between LCA and HCA.  相似文献   

The organic phosphorus components of leaf litter from a secondary forest in Nigeria were characterized as phospholipids, acid soluble esters, LiOH-extractable esters and residual phosphate. During incubation of the litter at 30°C for 8 months all four organic fractions were synthesized and the content of inorganic phosphate decreased.During cultivation of the same field site over a period of 22 months, the IP5 + 6, content of the soil did not change significantly, but there were significant decreases of phospholipids and of high molecular weight components. The high molecular weight components, which were not identified, represented the most important source of organic phosphorus that became available to plants, but phospholipids may also have been a source.The results indicate that the inositol phosphates in leaf litter were in too low concentration to have provided the amounts found in the soil.  相似文献   

In this study three soil profiles located in the Western Taurus (Turkey) at different altitudes (10, 1900, and 3080 m a.s.l.) were compared with respect to their soil organic matter characteristics. The soil samples were fractionated by density to plant residues, slightly altered plant material, organo-mineral complexes, and organic-free minerals. Bulk samples and fractions were analyzed for C and N, the bulk samples additionally for total sugars, lignin signature, and bulk soil organic matter composition by CP/MAS 13C NMR spectroscopy. The first step of litter decomposition and humification is a very strong degradation of polysaccharides without the loss of O-alkyl structures. This process is slowing down very fast and the polysaccharides are stabilized. Lignin is decomposed as fast or even faster than polysaccharides. The data obtained by wet-chemical analysis and by NMR spectroscopy are not or only weakly correlated to each other. This leads to the conclusion that the two types of methods give complementary rather than equivalent information. For the study of soil organic matter it is important to combine different methods and to draw the advantages of either type.  相似文献   

Soils under intensive cultivation have altered due to water erosion. This study was conducted to determine whether soil organic matter (SOM) composition of the colluvial source (Ap horizons) differs from the colluvial sink (M horizons). The SOM of a sandy Catena with erodic Cambisols and colluvic soils (Colluvisols) in Schleswig-Holstein, Northwest Germany, was investigated. A wet chemical analysis was combined with CPMAS 13C-NMR spectroscopy. In one case a significant correlation between the SOM composition of the Ap horizon of the erodic Cambisol and the M horizon of the Colluvisol was high (r2 = 0.904-), whereas the correlation for the other set was much weaker (r2 = 0.640*). Two possible paths of pedogenesis are discussed. About 70% of the SOM of the colluvial source is decomposed during translocation or after deposition. A selective preservation or new formation of humins in the M material is probable. These humins contain, obviously, large amounts of polysaccharides, which were not detected by the wet chemical analysis. Further investigations of colluvic and erodic soils are necessary in order to specify the SOM quality and its possible modification due to soil translocation and accumulation.  相似文献   

The solid waste from two-phase olive oil extraction or "alperujo" was submitted to steam treatment at high pressure or temperature, 200 degrees C for 5 min, in the presence and absence of mild acid catalyst. This treatment made easier the separation of the solid and liquid fractions. Besides the recovery of certain valuable components from the liquid fraction (the antioxidant hydroxytyrosol, low molecular weight oligosaccharides, glucose, mannitol, etc.), the major components of the solid residue could be also exploited. In this study, changes in composition of alperujo due to steam treatment were determined. The process reduced appreciably the hemicellulose concentrations (75-88%), removed a substantial portion of Klason lignin and protein (50%), and led to an extensive solubilization of alperujo (55-67%). Cellulose was very resistant to autohydrolysis and acid-catalyzed hydrolysis, so the solid residue was enriched in fat (13-18 g/100 g of dry steam-treated alperujo) and cellulose (15-25 g/100 g of dry and defatted steam-treated alperujo). The steam-treated material can be efficiently saccharified with commercial cellulase. The best hydrolysis yields were attained, up to 80%, when the treated material was post-treated with NaOH. The possibility of using this steam-treated alperujo in animal feeding was evaluated by an in vitro digestibility test, using the pepsin-cellulase method. The treatment affected positively the nutritional characteristics of alperujo with an increase in its in vitro (dry and organic matter) digestibility (8-10% higher than untreated material). In vitro digestibility and cellulose accessibility to enzymatic hydrolysis were improved by the alkali post-treatment.  相似文献   

Irrigation scheduling of leafy greens generally consists of applying 19 mm of water every four days, which leads to irrigation depths that exceed the soil water deficit, and requires fertilizer applications higher than recommended rates. We determined the influence of irrigation scheduled by class A pan evaporation and a variable crop factor on leaf tissue composition and nutrient removal by turnips using a continuous moisture gradient and different N fertilizer conditions. Irrigation maintained foliar concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg in the sufficiency range. During dry periods, increasing irrigation increased P, decreased Mg, and had little effect on N, Ca, or K foliar concentrations. Micro‐nutrient concentrations in the leaves responded to irrigation rates, but within a narrow range. Excessive water applications, due to rainfall or to irrigation rates higher than the model rate, consistently reduced nutrient crop removal. Since a combination of water applications that did not exceed soil water deficit and current fertilizer applications maintained adequate nutrient status and maximized nutrient crop removal, apparent need for N fertilization in excess of the recommended rate for turnips is due to excessive water applications.  相似文献   

长期施肥对黑土有机质及其组成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以农业部哈尔滨黑土生态环境重点野外科学观测试验站长期定位试验为平台,研究了长期施肥对黑土有机质的影响.结果表明,长期施用不同肥料对土壤有机质含量的影响有较大差异,有机无机肥配合处理>有机肥处理>无机肥处理>无肥处理.长期施肥对深层土壤有机质含量也有影响,施用有机肥作用尤其明显,并随着土层的加深施肥对土壤有机质含量的影响呈下降趋势.施用有机肥对有机质不同密度组分影响很大,对有机质含量增加最有效,而施用无机肥则有机质含量有所降低.  相似文献   

To determine whether there is a relationship between the composition of soil organic matter and the activity of the soil microbial biomass, the composition of the organic matter in 12 typical arable soils in Northwest Germany was investigated by wet chemical analysis and CPMAS cross polarization magic angle spinning 13C-NMR spectroscopy. The data were correlated with the microbial biomass as estimated by substrate-induced respiration. A strong correlation between the microbial biomass and alkylic C compounds was observed (r=-0.960***). Recalcitrant substances were enriched in this fraction, which were classified as humic acids according to the wet chemical procedure. The microbial decomposition of these humic acids is probably retarded, due to their chemical structure and/or physical bonding, when the soil microbial biomass activity is limited.  相似文献   

 This study was conducted to determine whether separation of particulate organic matter (POM) that is biologically labile from aggregate entrapped material improves the usefulness of POM as an index of soil C and N dynamics. The effects of conventional (CT) and no-tillage (NT) practices on POM were assessed using soils from three 10-year trials in Illinois. Loose and occluded POM in the 0–5 cm depth were separated from 1994 samples. Use of NT practices increased C and N contents at 0–5 cm relative to CT practices and those increases were most apparent in the occluded POM fraction. The correlation between total POM-N and potentially mineralizable N (PMN) was stronger than that between PMN and either the loose or occluded-POM fractions. In 1995, both the microbial biomass, estimated as chloroform-labile C (CFEC), and PMN were correlated with POM-C and N, but the relationship was weak when data (from different tillage and depth combinations) were not treated in aggregate. POM-C and CFEC were most strongly correlated in surface depths and in CT treatments. In NT 0–5 cm samples, PMN contents were similar (≈27 mg N kg–1 soil) at all sites despite notable differences in POM-N concentrations; PMN was not related to POM-N in CT samples. There was no consistent relationship between PMN and POM-N contents in 5–30 cm samples. DRFTIR spectra indicated that carbohydrates were most abundant in POM at 0–5 cm. Relatively low PMN rates and enrichment of polysaccharides in POM in the sicl soil suggest that physical protection of labile organic substrates was more important at that site than at sites with lighter textured soils. Improved fractionation and incubation techniques and alleviation of laboratory artifacts will improve our ability to relate POM quantity, distribution and composition to biologically mediated C and N dynamics occurring in the field. Received: 2 December 1999  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of the physical state of emulsified lipids on their in vitro digestibility by pancreatic lipase. A 10 wt % tripalmitin oil-in-water emulsion stabilized by sodium dodecyl sulfate (0.9 wt % SDS) was prepared at a temperature (>70 degrees C) above the melting point of the lipid phase (T(m) approximately 60 degrees C). A portion of this emulsion was cooled to a temperature (0 degrees C for 15 min) well below the crystallization temperature of the emulsified lipid (T(c) approximately 22 degrees C) and then warmed to 37 degrees C so as to have completely solid lipid particles. Another portion of the emulsion was directly cooled from 70 to 37 degrees C (which is above the T(c)) to have completely liquid (supercooled) lipid particles. Pancreatic lipase (8 mg/mL) and bile extract (5.0 mg/mL) were then added to each emulsion at 37 degrees C, and the evolution of the particle charge, particle size, appearance, and free fatty acid release were measured over a period of 2 h. It was found that the rate and extent of lipid digestion were higher in the emulsion containing liquid particles but that appreciable lipid digestion still occurred in the emulsion containing solid particles (i.e., >35% lipid digestion after 2 h). These results may have important consequences for controlling the digestion rate of lipids or for developing solid lipid particle delivery systems for lipophilic functional components.  相似文献   

Agricultural soil samples were collected about 1 km apart over 21 km from 32 tilled/cultivated plots of yam, rice, and cassava in urban, rural, and the derelict Enyibga lead-zinc mine (EM) in the Abakaliki area, Nigeria during the rainy season in September, 1992. In the derelict mine, mean elemental contents increased in the order Cd < Ni < Cu < Mn < Pb < Zn; while in the urban, rural, and all soils combined, the order increased as follows: Cd < Cu < Ni < Pb < Zn < Mn. The overall mean distribution of all soils shows Mn and Zn to approach and exceed toxic levels, respectively. In all soils, the total mean concentrations of Cu and Ni are well below toxic levels. The Abakaliki area is less likely to be subjected to Cd-contaminated soils. Pb was excessively high at EM and, moderately high at Mgbowo Street in the urban area, but very less so in the rural areas. The rural agricultural areas of Agbaja, Nkwaegu, and Amaegu, including the isolated Ezza Road as well as the peripheral Expressway had relatively lower levels of heavy metals, pH and organic matter content than the urban conglomeration of Mile 50, Mgbowo Street, and Azuiyiokwu including the derelict mining village of Enyigba and EM; except that Ezza Road had pH and organic matter as high as the densely populated urban cultivated areas. The relationship between bulk density and organic matter was highly dependent on pH.  相似文献   

No-till (NT) system for grain cropping is increasingly being practised in Australia. While benefits of NT, accompanied by stubble retention, are almost universal for soil erosion control, effects on soil organic matter and other soil properties are inconsistent, especially in a semi-arid, subtropical environment. We examined the effects of tillage, stubble and fertilizer management on the distribution of organic matter and nutrients in the topsoil (0–30 cm) of a Luvisol in a semi-arid, subtropical environment in southern Queensland, Australia. Measurements were made at the end of 9 years of NT, reduced till (RT) and conventional till (CT) practices, in combination with stubble retention and fertilizer N (as urea) application strategies for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping.

In the top 30 cm depth, the mean amount of organic C increased slightly after 9 years, although it was similar under all tillage practices, while the amount of total N declined under CT and RT practices, but not under NT. In the 0–10 cm depth, the amounts of organic C and total N were significantly greater under NT than under RT or CT. No-till had 1.94 Mg ha−1 (18%) more organic C and 0.20 Mg ha−1 (21%) more total N than CT. In the 0–30 cm depth, soil under NT practice had 290 kg N ha−1 more than that under the CT practice, most of it in the top 10 cm depth. Microbial biomass N was similar for all treatments. Under NT, there was a concentration gradient in organic C, total N and microbial biomass N, with concentrations decreasing from 0–2.5 to 5–10 cm depths.

Soil pH was not affected by tillage or stubble treatments in the 0–10 cm depth, but decreased significantly from 7.5 to 7.2 with N fertilizer application. Exchangeable Mg and Na concentration, cation exchange capacity and exchangeable Na percentage in the 0–10 cm depth were greater under CT than under RT and NT, while exchangeable K and bicarbonate-extractable P concentrations were greater under NT than under CT.

Therefore, NT and RT practices resulted in significant changes in soil organic C and N and exchangeable cations in the topsoil of a Luvisol, when compared with CT. The greater organic matter accumulation close to the soil surface and solute movement in these soils under NT practice would be beneficial to soil chemical and physical status and crop production in the long-term, whereas the concentration of nutrients such as P and K in surface layers may reduce their availability to crops.  相似文献   

The objective was to examine the chemical composition, in vitro fermentation characteristics, and in vivo digestibility responses of fiber-rich corn coproducts resulting from corn wet milling. Native corn fibers, native corn fibers with fines, hydrolyzed corn fibers, and hydrolyzed extracted corn fibers were analyzed chemically and their capacity to produce short-chain fatty acids determined. Ash content was low (<1.2%), crude protein content varied little, but fat and fiber concentrations varied widely. Most fiber was in the insoluble form, with glucose being predominant followed by xylose. Total short-chain fatty acid production ranged from 211.6 to 699.52 micromol/g of dry matter, whereas branched-chain fatty acid production was low. Four corn fibers (native and processed) were included in a canine diet matrix at the 7% inclusion level. Nutrient digestibility, food intake, and fecal characteristics were not affected by corn fiber inclusion in canine diets, suggesting that they should be considered as potential dietary fiber sources in dog foods.  相似文献   

Global warming in the Arctic may alter decomposition rates in Arctic soils and therefore nutrient availability. In addition, changes in the length of the growing season may increase plant productivity and the rate of labile C input below ground. We carried out an experiment in which inorganic nutrients (NH4NO3 and NaPO4) and organic substrates (glucose and glycine) were added to soils sampled from across the mountain birch forest-tundra heath ecotone in northern Sweden (organic and mineral soils from the forest, and organic soil only from the heath). Carbon dioxide production was then monitored continuously over the following 19 days. Neither inorganic N nor P additions substantially affected soil respiration rates when added separately. However, combined N and P additions stimulated microbial activity, with the response being greatest in the birch forest mineral soil (57% increase in CO2 production compared with 26% in the heath soil and 8% in the birch forest organic soil). Therefore, mineralisation rates in these soils may be stimulated if the overall nutrient availability to microbes increases in response to global change, but N deposition alone is unlikely to enhance decomposition. Adding either, or both, glucose and glycine increased microbial respiration. Isotopic separation indicated that the mineralisation of native soil organic matter (SOM) was stimulated by glucose addition in the heath soil and the forest mineral soil, but not in the forest organic soil. These positive ‘priming’ effects were lost following N addition in forest mineral soil, and following both N and P additions in the heath soil. In order to meet enhanced microbial nutrient demand, increased inputs of labile C from plants could stimulate the mineralisation of SOM, with the soil C stocks in the tundra-heath potentially most vulnerable.  相似文献   

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