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Nutritive value of winter cereal forages is one of interested subjects of farmers for animal feeding. Field experiments were established in 2007–2008 and 2008–2009 growing seasons in northeast Turkey to investigate the effect of organic solid cattle manure application (0, 10 and 20 Mg ha?1 yr?1) on nutritive value of three annual cereals for forage. The winter cereal forages were: wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), oat (Avena sativa L.) and rye (Secela cereale L.). ADF (acid detergent fiber), NDF (neutral detergent fiber) CP (crude protein), nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, sodium, zinc and boron (N, P, K, S, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Na, Zn and B) concentrations were researched in this study. Wheat had the highest CP, N, Ca, Cu, Na and Zn concentration, whereas oat had the lowest ADF and NDF and the highest K, Fe and Mn concentrations. The greatest Mg and P concentrations were determined in rye. Organic solid cattle manure applications had no effect on N and CP contents, but it decreased ADF and NDF contents. However, in most cases it positively affected the P, B, Cu, Fe, Mg and Na concentrations, whereas it decreased K, Ca, Mn and Zn concentrations. The results showed that wheat and oat are more nutritive species than rye in terms of animal feeding and the organic solid cattle manure, in some cases increased the nutritive values of wheat, oat and rye under organic agriculture conditions.  相似文献   

Each of 10 collaborating laboratories analyzed 4 blind duplicate pairs of forage samples for nitrate, by using a potentiometric method. Two forage controls and a 100 000 mg KNO3/L standard were also provided. Nitrate was extracted into an aqueous Al2(SO4)3 solution containing 70 mg KNO3/L and quantitated with a nitrate-selective electrode. Standards were prepared using extracting solution as diluent. Nitrate concentrations in forage samples ranged from less than 0.50 to 4.35% KNO3. Repeatability coefficients of variation (CVo) ranged from 1.74 to 3.61%, and reproducibility coefficients of variation (CVx) ranged from 6.92 to 7.66%. Mean recovery of a 0.55% KNO3 spike was 94.5%. The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   


Moderate deficiencies of P, K, Ca, and Mg had no effect on nitrate accumulation in Spinaoea oleracea cv. America, a savoyed‐leaf type of spinach. Nitrogen supply had a marked effect on nitrate concentration in spinach leaves, but deficiencies of the other nutrients did not interact with N deficiency. Length of exposure of plants to nitrate nutrition was an important factor governing nitrate accumulation in the leaves.  相似文献   

施肥对蔬菜硝酸盐累积的影响研究   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:38  
试验研究施肥对福州市多种蔬菜硝酸盐含量影响结果表明 ,农户传统施肥方式蔬菜硝酸盐含量为 5 9.5~374 3.1mg/kg,平均硝酸盐含量为绿叶菜类 >白菜类 >葱蒜类 >根茎类 >瓜类 >豆类 >茄果类 ,且同类不同品种蔬菜硝酸盐含量也存在差异。以WHO/FAO规定的允许值为标准评价绿叶菜类超标最重 ,其次为白菜类和葱蒜类 ,其他 4类未超标。化肥纯N施用量为 4 5 0kg/hm2 时 ,化学N肥对蔬菜硝酸盐累积的贡献率 >85 % ,其中不同品种N肥贡献率依次为NH4NO3 >NH4HCO3 >CO(NH2 ) 2 >(NH4) 2 SO4>NH4Cl。N肥施用量与蔬菜硝酸盐累积量呈正相关 ,双氰胺施用量与蔬菜硝酸盐累积量呈负相关。等N量下蔬菜硝酸盐累积量随基肥所占比例减少、追肥所占比例增大而增大 ,且随追肥后时间推移呈直线下降。配施有机氮可降低蔬菜硝酸盐含量 ,降幅施厩肥 >土杂肥。调整与优化蔬菜品种及施肥结构 ,采用“重头、稳中、控尾”施N方式 ,根据蔬菜食用卫生要求选择N肥用量及其使用安全期与双氰胺用量 ,可降低蔬菜硝酸盐含量。  相似文献   


In the San Luis Valley of south central Colorado, winter cover crops (WCC) are used to reduce soil erosion and scavenge residual soil‐N. Some San Luis Valley farmers are beginning to use WCC as a source of over‐winter or early‐spring grazing. Common WCC used by farmers, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and rye (Secale cereale L.) are reported to accumulate high levels of nitrate nitrogen (NO3 ‐N) in aboveground biomass that can be toxic to animals. Evaluation and calibration of a quick Cardy Meter2 Sap Test (CMST) for determination of NO3 ‐N status in the field will facilitate the management of these WCC. Field and growth chamber studies were conducted to correlate the CMST with laboratory procedures and with plant and soil parameters. In field and growth chamber studies, the CMST was correlated with standard dry tissue NC3 ‐N laboratory analysis (P<.001) and with soil inorganic N content (P<.05). These field and growth chamber studies show that the CMST can be a tool in helping farmers identify fields where WCC aboveground biomass is accumulating potentially toxic levels of NO3 ‐N. Additionally, plant parameters such as nitrogen uptake, biomass, and grain yield of WCC grown under growth chamber conditions were correlated with the CMST readings conducted at the growth stage, Feekes five (P<.05). The growth chamber results suggest that if WCC are grown for grain production, the CMST can help identify the needs for additional nitrogen (N) fertilizer application at Feekes five.  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) negatively interferes with the uptake or transport of different nutrients. The aim of our work was to compare the Al tolerance and micronutrient accumulation: iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn), in cereal species (winter wheat, spring wheat, winter rye, oats and barley) contrasting in Fe efficiency. Our previous screening in a calcareous soil showed that oats and barley were more Fe-efficient than spring wheat, winter wheat or winter rye. In Al stress conditions, both oats and barley exhibited more effectiveness in Fe acquisition and translocation from root to shoot in comparison to winter wheat, spring wheat and winter rye. Also, oats and barley responded to Al toxicity by less Al-retarded shoot biomass than other cereal species. A combination of tolerance mechanisms appears to have great importance for Al tolerance including mechanisms underlying Fe efficiency in cereal seedlings.  相似文献   


In the present study, the green synthesized Mo nanoparticles (NPs) were firstly prepared using vermicompost extracts and, then, two experiments were separately carried out in a completely randomized design. The first experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of ammonium nitrate (AN) on nitrate (NO3?) accumulation rates as well as some other vegetative traits in spinach in four treatments and three replicates and the second experiment was done to investigate the effects of elemental Mo and green synthesized Mo NPs on NO3? accumulation, nitrate reductase (NR) activity and some morphological parameters in seven treatments with three replicates. The results of the first experiment indicated that the greatest accumulation of NO3? in the aerial parts of the plants was observed in the 3?M AN treatment. That is why the same concentration was utilized in the second experiment to study the effects of elemental Mo and green synthesized Mo NPs on the NR activity, NO3? accumulation and the other traits. The results of the second experiment indicated that various concentrations of elemental Mo and green synthesized Mo NPs have significant effects on all measured traits including the fresh and dry weights of the plant, NO3? concentration, NR activity, chlorophyll a (Chl a) and chlorophyll b (Chl b) rates, total chlorophyll (Chl a?+?b) and the plant height. Moreover, it was found that the green synthesized Mo NPs, as compared to elemental Mo, have a greater effect on the increase of NR activity and, consequently, significant reduction of NO3? accumulation. Abbreviations AN ammonium nitrate

Chl a chlorophyll a

Chl b chlorophyll b

Chl a?+?b the total chlorophylls

M Molar

Mo molybdenum

NPs nanoparticles

NR nitrate reductase

N nitrogen

NO3? nitrate


蔬菜中的硝酸盐积累除了遗传因素的影响之外,施肥也有很大的作用,特别是氮肥。本文就不同氮肥品种、不同施用量对油菜硝酸盐积累的影响进行了研究,以期为蔬菜施用氮肥提供参考。1材料与方法试验在青岛市农业科学研究院大棚内进行。供试土壤为潮棕壤。供试材料为油菜,品种为苏州  相似文献   

施用磷肥对土壤NO3——N累积的影响   总被引:38,自引:9,他引:38  
在黄土高原南部的国家黄土肥力和肥料效益监测基地进行的长期定位试验结果表明 ,在小麦 玉米轮作中 ,当年施氮量为N 352kg/hm2 时 ,单施氮肥或氮钾配合的 0~4m土壤剖面的NO3--N累积量达 1000kg/hm2 以上 ,其中约 50%~60%的NO3--N分布在 2~ 4m以下的土层中 ,而氮磷配合的 0~ 4m土壤剖面的NO3--N累积量仅为 220kg/hm2,且 80 %的NO3--N分布在 0~2m的土层中 ,增施磷肥由于增加了氮的吸收和对水分的利用而有效地降低了土壤中NO3--N的累积。  相似文献   

不同供N水平对花生硝酸盐累积与分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用盆栽试验,研究了不同供氮水平对花生植株硝酸盐累积、分布及产量的影响。结果表明,花生荚果产量随施氮量的增加呈二次曲线变化趋势,当施用量为N.150.9.kg/hm2时产量最高;植株硝酸盐含量、累积量和累积速率基本随施氮量的增加而提高。同一氮素水平,不同器官的硝酸盐含量因生育期不同存在较大差异,幼苗和花针期茎中的含量最高,饱果成熟期地下器官的含量明显高于地上器官;全生育期叶片和茎中的硝酸盐含量随生育进程逐步降低,而子仁和果壳中含量逐步增加;收获时硝酸盐在茎中的分配比例随施氮量的增加而提高,在根中的分配比例下降。在一定的氮素水平内(N135.kg/hm2),硝酸盐在子仁中的分配比例与供氮水平一致,但过量施氮会导致在营养体中的比例上升,子仁中的比例下降,其它器官规律不明显。在本试验范围内,子仁及其它器官中的硝酸盐含量均未超出WHO和FAO制定的标准,未造成硝酸盐污染;但过量施氮能够显著提高花生荚果和耕层土壤硝酸盐含量。因此,综合考虑花生品质、单位肥料的增产量以及生态效应,花生适宜的施氮量为N.90.kg/hm2。  相似文献   

沼气发酵残余物对减少叶菜硝酸盐积累的影响研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
利用沼气发酵残余物(沼液、沼渣,以下简称沼肥)生产低硝酸盐蔬菜的可行性试验表明,与化肥相比,适量沼肥或沼肥配合施用,均可明显减少蔬菜体内硝酸盐的积累,等N量的全沼肥较沼肥与化肥配合施用控制效果更好。油菜喷施沼液比灌施降低硝酸盐含量,而菠菜喷施沼液反而比灌施提高硝酸盐含量。相同施肥量下油菜体内硝酸盐含量上等肥力土壤明显高于低等肥力土教育壤;沼肥或沼肥与化肥配施在高肥力土壤上减少硝酸盐积累的作用比低肥力土壤更明显。施用沼肥对减少大棚油菜积累硝酸盐的作用更明显,而对菠菜作用反之,露地菠菜减少硝酸盐积累的作用明显。  相似文献   

运用内容分析法和文献计量法,对1994~2004年间《中国期刊全文数据库》和《中文科技期刊全文数据库》收录的关于蔬菜硝酸盐累积研究的533篇相关文献进行内容分析和文献计量统计,从文献计量学的视角,揭示了我国蔬菜硝酸盐积累研究的现状及发展趋势,为更加有效、合理、最佳调配科学研究资源提供参考依据。  相似文献   



Rapid soil degradation occurring under intensive vegetable cultivation, an increasingly common agricultural strategy in China, is characterized by soil acidification, salinity, and NO3 accumulation. However, to date, the reasons for rapid NO3 accumulation in soils at the nitrogen (N) levels have not been completely understood. In this study, we explored the underlying mechanisms for rapid NO3 accumulation in soils used for intensive vegetable cultivation and implications of altered gross N transformation rates on soil properties and sustainable cultivation.  相似文献   

Several different methods using different numbers of plants and observations have been used for characterisation of germplasm. In this study, two different observation strategies for characterisation were tested in order to determine the minimum number of observations and plants per accession whilst still obtaining accurate results using eight forage legume species, eight forage grass species multiplied from seeds and eight clonally propagated forage grass species. In most cases, 10 observations, with 1 observation per plant would be sufficient to reach an acceptable error percentage. Observations taken on a plant basis with one observation per plant appears to be the most efficient way of scoring morphological characters. If less than 10 plants per accession are available, the reduced number of plants can be compensated by taking more observations per plant. An acceptable error percentage can often not be reached when the number of plants is less than four or five, even if many observations per plant are taken.  相似文献   

间作对气雾培生菜生长和硝酸盐积累的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文对生菜与樱桃萝卜间作和生菜单作模式下气雾培生菜相关指标进行了对比研究,并结合营养液中矿质元素含量的变化规律进一步分析了生菜与樱桃萝卜间作模式下生菜地上部分硝酸盐积累的主因素。结果表明:生菜与樱桃萝卜间作有利于提高生菜地上部分鲜质量,促进生菜叶片的展开以及生菜植株根总长度、根系表面积和根系体积等植株根系形态学参数的增大;生菜与樱桃萝卜间作增加了生菜SPAD值、净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率等光合指标,而对胞间CO2浓度无明显规律性影响;生菜与樱桃萝卜间作不同程度地降低了生菜硝酸盐含量,随着气雾培时间的推进,总体呈先降低后增加的趋势,而硝酸还原酶活性的变化趋势与硝酸盐含量的变化趋势相反;进行相关性分析得出,生菜与樱桃萝卜间作模式下生菜硝酸盐含量降低主要是由于硝酸还原酶活性的增加导致的,并且营养液中硝态氮消耗量、铵硝比和锰消耗量对硝酸还原酶活性影响较大,相关系数分别为0.882、0.762和0.851。研究结果揭示了生菜与樱桃萝卜间作模式对气雾培生菜生长和硝酸盐积累的影响,并探究了该模式下生菜硝酸盐积累的主因素,为生菜与樱桃萝卜间作模式的作用机理研究提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

该文旨在通过向厌氧氨氧化反应器中投加海绵铁来减轻厌氧SBR(sequencingbatchreactoractivatedsludge process)反应器中的硝酸盐积累,试验研究了海绵铁与硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐在静态条件下的反应。在静态条件下,部分硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐被海绵铁还原成了氨。对比动态试验表明投加海绵铁可以将SBR出水硝酸盐质量浓度控制在25~30 mg/L左右。相同条件下不投加海绵铁出水硝酸盐质量浓度不断累积,直至超过55 mg/L。这可能是由于铁将硝酸盐还原为亚硝酸盐并与厌氧氨氧化进行了耦合。采用高通量测序发现投加海绵铁的反应器中厌氧氨氧化菌在微生物群落中所占的比例(22.55%)约为不投加反应器(8.85%)的3倍,表明投加海绵铁有利于反应器中厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX)菌的生长和厌氧氨氧化反应器的启动。  相似文献   


Spinach was grown in the greenhouse in soil with the pH adjusted to 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, and 7.0, N fertilizer rates of 0, 50 and 200 mg N/Kg soil, and Mo fertilizer rates of 0, 0.3 and 1.2 mg Mo/Kg soil. The NO3‐N concentration of the tissue increased with fertilizer N or a rise in pH from 5.0 to 7.0. The addition of Mo at either rate reduced the NO3 concentration of spinach grown at pH 5.0 and 5.5 but had no effect on plants grown at pH 6.5 or 7.0. At pH 6.0 the 1.2 mg Mo/Kg soil rate was effective at the 50 and 200 mg N/Kg soil fertilizer rates but had no effect on spinach grown without a N application. At the same pH, the 0.3 mg Mo/Kg soil rate had no effect on NO3 content of spinach grown with the 50 mg N/Kg rate but did reduce the NO3 content of spinach grown without N added or with the 200 mg N/Kg soil. The 1.2 mg Mo/Kg soil rate was more effective than 0.3 mg Mo/Kg rate in reducing NO3 content of spinach grown with 200 mg N/Kg soil at pH 5.0–6.5 inclusive but gave variable results when no N or 50 mg N/Kg soil was added. Molybdenum did not affect the total N or NO2 concentrations of the plants.  相似文献   

小白菜适当增铵下硝酸盐累积机理研究   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:14  
利用NO3--N/NH44+-N为100∶0和75∶25的营养液对两个硝酸盐累积能力显著不同的小白菜品种(上海青和亮白叶1号)进行培养,测定了小白菜叶片、叶柄及根系硝酸盐含量、硝态氮和铵态氮吸收量及各部位硝酸还原酶活性,以探讨适当增铵降低小白菜硝酸盐含量以及小白菜不同品种和不同器官累积硝酸盐能力差异的机理。结果表明,适当增铵使叶片、叶柄和根系硝酸盐含量分别降低了22%、15%和22%,而硝态氮吸收量则降低了7.5%。小白菜各器官硝酸盐含量为叶柄叶片根系。叶片硝酸还原酶活性分别是叶柄和根系的27和9倍,呈现叶片根系叶柄,叶片是硝态氮的主要还原器官。亮白叶1号叶片、叶柄及根系硝酸盐含量分别较上海青高3%、38%和34%,硝态氮吸收量仅较上海青高11%;而叶片、叶柄及根系硝酸还原酶活性则分别较后者降低44%、56%和38%。适当增铵减少硝态氮吸收量是增铵降低硝酸盐含量的主要原因。不同器官的功能与结构的不同决定其累积硝酸盐能力的不同;不同品种硝酸盐累积的差异取决于还原硝态氮能力的差异。  相似文献   

不同水肥耦合对西芹收获期土壤硝酸盐累积的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张洁瑕  刘树庆  宁国辉  崔邢涛 《土壤》2009,41(4):641-648
采用三因素五水平二次通用旋转组合设计,研究了冀西北高寒半干旱区不同水肥耦合对旱棚西芹收获期0 ~ 40 cm土层中硝酸盐累积的影响.结果表明:①在高中低不同水肥处理组合中,较高肥在较高水下可减少0 ~ 40 cm土层土壤硝酸盐的累积,较高肥在较低水下可使土壤硝酸盐相对累积增多;综合因子效应分析表明:随着单因子水平增加,N、P和水(W)对0 ~ 40 cm土层土壤硝酸盐的相对累积依次表现为:增加、不明显和减少.②三因子其他组合下,0 ~ 40 cm土层土壤硝酸盐的累积效应表现为: 在PW一致下,随N量的增加而增加;在NP一致下,随灌水量增加而减少;在NW一致下,随施P量增加而有不确定性.各处理硝酸盐的累积均随土壤深度的增加而增加,体现了水对土壤硝酸盐淋洗的特点.  相似文献   

研究了陕西关中主要蔬菜产区设施栽培蔬菜的硝酸盐累积现状,探讨了施氮量对蔬菜硝酸盐累积的影响。结果表明,宝鸡、杨凌、咸阳、西安四地的新鲜大棚蔬菜硝酸盐污染严重,部分对硝酸盐敏感的蔬菜如萝卜、芹菜等硝酸盐含量超过无公害蔬菜卫生限量标准。施氮对蔬菜硝酸盐累积量的影响显著,随施氮量的增加,蔬菜可食部分的硝酸盐含量增加。  相似文献   

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