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Use of soil testing for both nutrient and heavy metal interpretations could prove to be a readily available tool for management of calcareous soils amended with solid waste products. The ammonium bicarbonate‐DTPA (di‐ethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) [AB‐DTPA] extradant was used in this study, based on its successful use in other calcareous regions, and existence of interpretations for both nutrients and selected heavy metals. In southern Florida, addition of large volumes of composted waste products to shallow agricultural soils formed from crushed Oolitic limestone appears to be a viable disposal alternative to rapidly expanding lanfills or incineration. For two years, the effects of processed wastes (PW) on selected, AB‐DTPA‐extractable soil mineral element concentrations were determined for tomato (Lycospresicon esculentum Mill.) and squash (Cucurbita maxima Duch. Ex Lam.) grown with three different irrigation rates (3.78, 2.53, or 1.25 L/min). The PW composts were added at supplier‐recommended rates for soil addition, resulting in a range of loading rates varying with source, with which the AB‐DTPA extradant could be evaluated. The PW composts were: i) Agrisoil Compost (processed municipal garbage and yard clippings) applied at 48 Mg/ha, ii) Daorganite (processed sewage sludge) applied at 16 Mg/ha, and iii) Eweson Compost (processed municipal garbage and sewage sludge) applied at 24 Mg/ha, and iv) no PW (control). There were no significant interactions between irrigation and PW treatment or effects of irrigation treatment on any of the soil‐extracted elements following either crop, with the exception of AB‐DTPA‐extractable copper (Cu) following squash in 1991. Treatment with Agrisoil resulted in the greatest increase in mineral element accumulation in the soil followed by Daorganite and Eweson sources for both crops during each year. Although there was variability among crops and years, mineral element concentrations, particularly manganese (Mn), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), and Cu, were generally higher in the Agrisoil‐amended soil than in the other treatments. These observations could be traced to loading rates of individual elements. The lowest mineral element concentrations were in the non‐amended soil. The results of this study indicate that nutrients and selected heavy metals can be monitored successfully using the AB‐DTPA extractant. Accumulation of nutrients, including metals, in PW‐amended soil was minimal when supplied to the soil at manufacturers’ recommended rates, which were well below the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's maximum loading rates.  相似文献   


Insoluble siliceous residues remaining after HNO3/HClO4 decomposition of the plant tissues National Bureau of Standards, standard reference materials spinach (Spinacea oleracea), orchard leaves and tomato leaves (Lycopersicon escuientum), contained varying quantities of the macro and micro elements Na, K, Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn. For the different samples with total element concentrations ranging from 11 μg/g (Cu in orchard leaves) to 45,000 μg/g (K in tomato leaves), residues contained element concentrations ranging from 0.05 to 88 times the respective concentrations in the samples. Contributions of residues to element concentrations in the plant tissues varied from 0.04 to 42% of the total concentrations. Overall, these constituted negligible (ca 0.1% for Mg and Ca), small (0.5% for Zn, Mn, K and 1% for Cu), and large (6% for Fe, 28% for Na) contributions depending on sample and analyte. Residue contributions to total element concentrations of plant tissues must be considered for reliable estimations of macro and micro elements.  相似文献   


Mehlich‐1 and DTPA extractants are frequently used to predict metal availability in soils. Metal extractability by the acid or chelate extractant reflects the metal characteristics and metal‐soil interactions. In this study, samples of eight topsoils from the southeastern United States were incubated with added lead (Pb) at the rate of 40 mg#lbkg‐1. After five months in the greenhouse, Mehlich‐1 and DTPA extractants were employed to extract Pb in both metal‐amended and natural soils. For the natural soils, Pb concentration in the DTPA extractant was always higher than that in the Mehlich‐1 extractant. This indicates that the DTPA chelate extractant is able to dissolve some Pb in soils which is not solubilized by protons. The negative correlation found between Mehlich‐1‐extractable Pb and soil clay content might result from two mechanisms: i) strong association between Pb and soil surfaces, or ii) readsorption of Pb during extraction. None of the correlations between DTPA‐extractable Pb and soil properties was significant, suggesting that the DTPA‐extractable Pb is not heavily dependent on soil properties. The DTPA extractant showed a high ability to solubilize Pb in the natural soils possibly due to a high affinity of Pb for soil organic matter.  相似文献   


Existing colorimetric methods for determining phosphorus (P) in citrate‐bicarbonate‐dithionite (CBD) extracts from soils and sediments require pretreatments of extracts prior to the determination of the element. A method is proposed for the determination of P in CBD extracts without any chemical treatments. Maintaining the citrate concentration below 2.4 mM, maximum and stable absorbance develops in P‐Mo‐Sb system within one hour and remains stable for 20 hours. An evaluation of potential interference was made by adding varying amounts of P to CBD extracts over a range of extractable iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) levels. Near 100 percent recovery of the added P suggests the applicability of the method to soils and sediments. Major advantages of the method are speed, simplicity, reliability and stability of the colored complex.  相似文献   


Calcareous soils vary considerably in their characteristics which need to be considered in soil test interpretation. Yield data from 22 corn and 13 wheat field experiments were used to relate yield response, expressed in relative terms (Y%), to phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and zinc (Zn) soil test results based on NaHCO3, NH4OAc, and DTPA extraction procedures, respectively. The experiments were conducted for three years on newly reclaimed desert soils in Egypt. Relative infuence of different soil components was evaluated as modifiers of the critical levels (CL) based on 95% of maximum yield. The CL values obtained for corn were close to those for wheat. Therefore, results presented here were based on the combined data of the 35 corn plus wheat experiments. With Olsen P, a backward elimination regression procedure indicated that the variance in Y% that was accounted for increased in significance from 21 to 52% by including the CaCO3 content of the soil. The CL increased from 9 to 17 mg P/kg as CaCO3 increased from 1 to 30%. Coarser textured soils had lower CLs for K than finer textured ones. The critical exchangeable K levels were 200 and 500 mg K/kg for soils having more than 85% and 85 to 45% sand, respectively. With an increase in organic matter content, the response to applied Zn was observed at higher levels of extracted Zn. The DTPA‐critical levels for Zn were found to be 0.5 and 0.8 mg Zn/kg for soils containing less than 1% and 1.7% organic matter, respectively.  相似文献   


A variety of extractants has been used to assess the availability of molybdenum (Mo) in soils. Most of the extractants have been studied from a deficiency aspect rather than for soils with Mo toxicity, and none of them have been used to extract available Mo from mine spoils. The purpose of this study was to examine the potential of different chemical extractants for assessing the availability of Mo in mine spoils and soils. One mine spoil and three soils were treated with sodium molybdate and then subjected to wetting and drying cycles for two months. These spoil/soils were extracted with ammonium bicarbonate DTPA (AB‐DTPA), ammonium carbonate, and ammonium oxalate solution for available Mo. Crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa) were grown in the spoil/soils in a greenhouse to determine plant uptake of Mo. Additionally, four mine spoils and six soils were extracted and analyzed for available Mo as mentioned above. The results obtained by these three extractants were highly correlated. It was found that ammonium oxalate extracts the greatest amount of Mo among the three extractants from spoil/soils since it dissolves some adsorbed Mo from Fe‐oxide and Al‐oxide. The changes in pH of spoil/soils did not have a significant effect on the amount of Mo extracted by any of these methods. The relationships between Mo uptake and Mo extracted by each method were all significant at 1% level. None of the extractants were clearly better or worse than the others. All three methods can be used to assess Mo availability, and potential toxicity from plant uptake of Mo from reclaimed spoils.  相似文献   


Soil pot culture experiment was conducted on 22 soils of Balewal‐Phaguwala‐Narike (BPN) and 24 soils of Isri‐Langrian‐Narike (ILN) associations using rice (PR 106) as test crop at 0 and 7.5 ppm Zn levels. Chelating extractants 0.005M DTPA, 0.01M EDTA‐(NH4)2CO3 and 0.05M EDTA, extracted more soil Zn than double‐acid and were significantly correlated with each other as well as with soil pH and clay in BPN and only with clay in ILN soil association. Soil CaCO3 governed the double‐acid extractable Zn in these soils. Dry matter yield and Zn uptake by rice significantly increased with 7.5 ppm Zn application. The response was higher in ILN than BPN soil association, The DTPA method gave the highest correlation with Bray's yield and Zn uptake (r =0.72 and 0.55) followed by 0.05M EDTA (r ‐ 0.75 and 0.61) or EDTA‐(NH4)2CO3 (r =0.70 and 0.61). The predictability of rice yield improved from 18–27 to 27–35, 32–43, 34–44 and 51–55 percent as a result of stepwise inclusion of pH, CaCO3, organic carbon (OC) and clay respectively in the regression equation alongwith Zn extracted by chelating agents.

The critical levels of DTPA, EDTA‐(NH4)2CO3 and EDTA extractable Zn significantly differed in the two associations and were 0.69, 0.82 and 1.24 ppm in BPN and O.BC, 1.09 and 1.42 ppm in ILN soil association. Soil properties further affected the critical levels. This for DTPA available Zn was 0.80 and 1.03 ppm in soil containing less and greater than 2% CaCO3, 1.03 and 0.80 ppm in soils containing less and greater than 0.25% OC. These values for EDTA‐(NH4)2CO3 available Zn were 1.09 and 0.91 ppm Zn in soils containing less and greater than 15% clay suggesting that critical levels of Zn for each category of soil properties should be considered while making recommendations of Zn fertilization of crops.,  相似文献   


The extraction of a field‐moist soil with DTPA will result in a level of extractable iron (Fe) lower than that of the air‐dried soil. Soil gas‐phase carbon dioxide (CO2) levels may be considerably higher than ambient atmospheric levels, especially in wet soils in the field. This study was undertaken to determine whether gas‐phase CO2 level influences the quantity of Fe extracted by DTPA. Three moist calcareous soils were incubated for 21 days, each at three different partial pressures of CO2, after which the moist soils were extracted with DTPA. A sample of each soil was also air dried, and was subsequently extracted with DTPA. In each case, DTPA‐extractable Fe from the moist sample was lower than that from the air‐dried sample; however, DTPA‐extractable Fe increased with increasing CO2 partial pressure of in the moist soils. DTPA‐extractable Fe concentration for a given soil following air drying was not significantly influenced by the CO2 partial pressure during incubation of the originally field‐moist soil. DTPA‐extract pH of the moist soils followed the same trend as soil‐solution pH (i.e., as CO2 concentration of the soil gas‐phase increased, soil solution pH and DTPA extract pH both decreased); however, the slope of the pH versus log PCO2 curve was less pronounced in the DTPA extract due to the buffering capacity of the triethanolamine. From this study, it is concluded that elevated soil gas‐phase CO2 partial pressure does not contribute to the lower level of DTPA‐extractable Fe observed when the extraction is performed on a field‐moist versus an air‐dried soil; increased CO2 partial pressure actually resulted in a slight increase in concentration of DTPA‐extractable Fe obtained from a field‐moist soil.  相似文献   


A new soil test procedure using 1M NH4Cl was developed for the extraction of plant‐available cadmium (Cd) from soils. Five grams of soil is weighed into a 50‐mL polyethylene vial to which 30 mL of 1M NH4Cl solution is added. The soil suspension is then shaken on a horizontal shaker for 16 h at 25°C at 180 cycles per min. The suspension is then centrifuged at 2,500g for 5 min and the supernatant filtered through a 0.45 μm nitrocellulose filter under vacuum. Cadmium in the extract is then determined at 228.8 nm on a graphite furnace equipped atomic absorption spectrophotometer. A highly significant correlation was observed between the natural logarithm (In) of 1M NH4Cl‐extractable Cd in soils and the Cd content in the grain of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durutn L.) grown on the same soils (r = 0.974, p = 3.8 x 10‐7). In comparison with several commonly used extradants, such as ABDTPA, CaCl2, NH4OAc, and NH4NO3, the 1M NH4Cl‐extracted Cd from soils was found to be a better index of Cd availability.  相似文献   


The study reported herein was intended to determine the effect of (i) wet‐incubation and subsequent air‐drying, and (ii) oven‐drying on DTPA‐Fe, Zn, Mn, and Cu.

Analysis of wet‐incubated soils showed significant decreases in DTPA‐Fe, Mn, and Cu at the 1% and Zn at the 10% level of probability. Air‐drying of these moist‐incubated soils increased the levels of Fe, Zn, and Cu to values close to their original levels. Levels of Mn sharply deviated from their original values after air‐drying of incubated soils. Correlation coefficients (r) between the amounts of extractable nutrients in original air‐dry soils and wet‐incubated soils were 0.54, 0.87, 0.91, and 0.13 for Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn, respectively. Oven‐drying increased the levels of DTPA‐extractable micronutrients from 2 to 6 fold.  相似文献   


Twenty‐six garden soils from Aspen, Colorado, contaminated with old silver mine dumps, were extracted with diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) and NH4HCO3‐DTPA (AB‐DTPA). Total soil digests (HNO3‐HClO4‐HF) were carried out on 21 highly contaminated soils. All soil extracts and digests were analyzed for Pb, Cd, and Zn using inductively‐coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICPS). Linear regression equations for DTPA versus AB‐DTPA values gave 0.96, 0.99 and 0.99 “r”; values for Pb, Cd, and Zn, respectively. Linear regression equations for total Pb, Cd, and Zn levels versus their respective AB‐DTPA extractable levels were developed with “r”; values of 0.92, 0.93, and 0.89, respectively. It was concluded that AB‐DTPA test can be used to screen soils contaminated with the above‐mentioned elements.  相似文献   


Estimation of organic‐bound iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) is an important diagnostic technique in pedology. The commonly used sodium pyro‐phosphate method yields somewhat ambiguous results and is inconvenient if an ultracentrifuge is not available in the laboratory. This study showed that 0.1M sodium nitrilotriacetate (NTA) could be used instead of pyrophosphate. The Fe and Al extracted by 0.1 M NTA were highly correlated to that by sodium pyrophosphate with R2 = 0.993 for Fe and R2 = 0.992 for Al, while the dissolution effects on standard mineral samples in NTA was kept at a minimum. NTA has the advantage of not requiring ultrafiltration, ultracentrifugation, or the addition of a flocculating agent as is the case for the pyrophosphate method.  相似文献   


Tests were made to determine the effects of grinding, type of extraction vessel, type of shaker, speed of shaking, time of shaking, time of filtering, soil to solution ratio and other variables on DTPA‐extractable Zn, Fe, Mn, and Cu from soils.

Time of grinding, force of grinding, and the quantity of soil being ground greatly affected the amount of extractable Fe. At the lower grinding force, the quantity of soil being ground only slightly affected extractable Fe, but at the higher grinding force, more Fe was extracted from the smaller sized samples especially at the longer grinding period. Extractable Zn was also increased by longer grinding time and greater grinding force, but increases were much less than increases for Fe. Increasing grinding time tended to increase extractable Mn. The effects of grinding on Cu was inconclusive. Increasing the ratio of extractant to soil increased the amount of extractable Fe from soils and tended to increase Zn, Mn, and Cu but to a lesser extent. Both shaker speed and type of extracting vessel affected the ex‐tractability of all nutrients except Cu. Greatest differences between extracting vessels occurred at the lowest shaker speed, while these differences were smaller or disappeared at the higher shaker speeds. The more thorough the mixing of soil and extracting solution, the higher were the levels of extractable Fe and Mn. A reciprocal shaker extracted more Fe and Mn from soils than a rotary shaker. The rate of dissolution of all four nutrients by DTPA was greatest during the first 5 minutes of extraction. There were large and significant correlation coefficients between levels of nutrients extracted after 15 or 30 minutes of shaking and those extracted after 120 minutes. The findings indicate that the levels of micronutrients extracted under one set of conditions can be related to levels extracted under other conditions by use of a simple linear regression equation for each nutrient.

The results of this study demonstrate the importance of standardizing the methods of preparation and extraction of soils used in the DTPA micronutrient soil test. A standard method for soil grinding and extraction is proposed for DTPA soil test.  相似文献   


Hakea francisiana and H. laurina were grown in soilless media based on pine bark, to which had been added one of the following phosphorus (P) sources: crushed bone, rock phosphate, calcined rock phosphate, sewage sludge, or sludge compost. Available P was assessed through extraction with unbuffered 2 mM DTPA. Similar regression equations between shoot P content and P in 2 mM DTPA extracts of the media at potting were obtained for both total P in the extract (determined by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry) and PO4‐P. The difference between them was small compared with the variation caused by different rates of dissolution of P the various sources during the growing period. Extractants give only an approximate guide to plant P uptake when the medium contains sources that slowly dissolve during the growing period. Nevertheless, the data indicate that, irrespective of P source, the maximum P concentration in a 2 mM DTPA extract (1:1.5 v/v) of the medium that is tolerated by P‐sensitive plants is 3–4 mg/L. This is similar to the concentration found previously for superphosphate as the source of P.  相似文献   


A statistical comparison of data collected from two cotton production fields with a history of either commercial fertilizer or sludge amendments showed significantly different nitrate‐nitrogen (N) concentrations in time and space. The sludge‐amended field had high nitrate concentrations in the root zone (1.5 m) throughout the season. Whereas, the fertilized field showed low nitrate‐N concentrations during the same period. Both fields showed significant increases in nitrate‐N following pre‐plant irrigation events, and significant decreases of nitrate‐N in the root zone during the growing season. Following harvest, the sludge‐amended field had very large reserve of nitrate‐N in the profile. The spatial variabilities, as determined by the % coefficients of variations (CVs) of eight cores per sampling event, of nitrate‐N distributions where large in both fields, 69% and 90% for the sludge and fertilizer field, respectively. The estimated nitrate‐N leaching losses were much higher in the sludge‐amended than the fertilized field. Significant leaching losses in the sludge‐amended field were likely the result of year‐to‐year sludge residue accumulations that mineralize and release nitrate‐N in the zone of incorporation (0–30 cm).  相似文献   


Development of a nitrate quick‐test for use by fanners or field consultants would likely encourage the use of plant tissue and soil nitrate tests as a means to improve nitrogen management. To evaluate a quick‐test method, nitrate concentrations in plant tissue and soils were measured using commercially available nitrate test strips and a hand‐held reflectometer. The results were compared with those obtained with standard laboratory methods. Test strip accuracy and precision and reflectometer precision were determined over a 10 day period using standard KNO3solutions and colored paper strips. Coefficients of variation ranged from 22.4 to 9.5 percent for the test strips and from 3.5 to 1.6 percent for the reflectometer. Quick‐test results were highly correlated with laboratory results for both plant tissue nitrate (r=0.87) and soil nitrate (r=0.98) concentrations. Results indicated that test strips provide a rapid, reasonably accurate and precise method to determine nitrate concentrations in both soil and plant material  相似文献   


The effect of liming on mineralization and soil nitrifier activity (NA) was investigated with Brookston clay (pH 5.7) and Haldimand clay (pH 4.7). Liming increased the rate of mineralization in both soils but at a rate about 4‐times greater in Haldimand clay than Brookston clay. A significant increase in N mineralization due to liming occurred in both soils only when pH was raised above 6.0. The rate of mineralization was greater than nitrification in the Haldimand soil resulting in NH4 + accumulation. Nitrifier activity increased with liming of Brookston clay, but decreased in Haldimand clay after 15 days of incubation. There was a significant increase in nitrifier activity due to liming from 15 to 60 days in Haldimand clay. After 60 days nitrifier activity in limed treatments increased by five times over the unlimed control.

The nitrification of urea powder (1000 mg N.kg‐1) mixed into the soil was also studied in several soils incubated at 15°C for 28 days. There was evidence up to 14 days that nitrification of urea was correlated with initial nitrifier activity. Between 14 and 28 days, other factors such as soil pH and possible ammonia toxicity in coarser textured soils as well as nitrifier activity were important. Accumulation of nitrite occurred mainly in soils with a pH above 7.0 up to 28 days especially where nitrifier population enrichment was not done.  相似文献   


Cation‐exchange capacity (CEC) of 30 Alabama soils was estimated by two different methods based or routine soil‐test results consisting of soil‐water pH, Adams‐Evans buffer pH, and Mehlich‐1 extractable cations (K, Mg, and Ca), which were obtained automatically by a computerized data acquisition system. In one method, CEC was calculated by solving a quadratic equation involving soil‐water and buffer pH's; in the other, CEC was estimated as the summation of extractable cations and exchangeable acidity. The two estimated CEC's agreed well with each other and also had the same magnitude as CEC determined by the normal NaOAc, pH 8.2 method. By averaging the two calculated values, an even closer estimation of the measured CEC was found. These calculations and comparisons can be accomplished quickly and efficiently by a minicomputer via a simple FORTRAN program.

In addition, a discrepancy between the two estimated CEC's would indicate possible errors in analytical determinations and/or the inadequacy of the soil testing procedures. Therefore, an additional means for quality control in a routine soil‐test operation can be obtained by comparing the two CEC values.  相似文献   


Effect of incubation and microbial inhibition at field capacity level on changes in DTPA‐extractable Mn in acidic, neutral, and alkaline soils was examined. Incubation decreased and microbial inhibition increased the level of Mn in soils with high pH (>5.7) and high microbial activity. The change was apparently partially associated with microbes since the level of Mn did not change in soils with low microbial activity and/or low pH.  相似文献   


The NH4HCO3‐DTPA (AB‐DTPA), 1 MNH4HCO3, 0.005 M DTPA, pH=7.6, was proposed as a multi‐element extractant, for evaluating macro and micronutrients availability to plants. AB‐DTPA was also evaluated as a soil test, for assessing boron availability and toxicity to alfalfa. In a pot experiment, ten soils of Northern Greece were used to assess AB‐DTPA as an extractant of available boron to wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Yecora), in comparison with hot water and saturation extract. Boron (B) was added as borax (Na2B4O7*10H2O) to the ten soils, at rates equal to 0, 3, and 5 mg B kg‐1. Wheat was grown in pots containing the boron amended soils to the stage of tillering, and dry aboveground biomass, B concentration and B uptake by wheat were determined. AB‐DTPA extractable B was significantly greater than saturation extract and similar to hot water at each B application rate, and was correlated significantly with hot water (r=0.84), or with saturation extract (r=0.48). Extractable boron by all extractants, boron concentration in wheat and boron uptake were significantly affected by the soil x B application rate interaction. In assessing B availability to wheat using AB‐DTPA as a soil test, CEC should be included in the regression equation for B concentration, or pH for B uptake. However, the corresponding adjusted coefficients of determination for B concentration (adjusted R2=0.46) and B uptake (adjusted R2=0.48) were similar or lower to those of hot water (adjusted R2=0.45 and 0.60, respectively) and the saturation extract (adjusted R2=0.70 and 0.49, respectively), when the latter two soil tests were used in the regression equations without the inclusion of any soil property.  相似文献   

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