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In this study the development of the bovine Fallopian tube was investigated using light microscopic methods. Formation and differentiation of the Müllerian duct were studied in mesonephroi of 16 embryos and fetuses with a crown-rump lengths (CRL) of 0.9-8.4 cm. The funnel field, the rostral beginning of the Müllerian duct was first observed at a CRL of 0.9 cm. It appears as a thickening of the mesothelium on the craniolateral side of the mesonephros. During later development the Müllerian duct emerges by caudal outgrowth from the funnel field. Formation of a common basal lamina surrounding the caudal tips of Müllerian and Wolffian ducts could be observed at all stages up to CRL of 2.7 cm. The mesothelium and the epithelium of the Wolffian duct adjacent to the Müllerian duct showed a modification of epithelium height in all examined stages. Probably the Wolffian duct influences the growth of Müllerian duct by epithelio-mesenchymal interactions. Fetuses from a CRL of 12.0 to 94.0 cm were used for investigation of the prenatal differentiation of the oviductal mucosa. Folding of the oviductal mucosa started at a CRL of 29.0 cm and continued until birth. Individual primary, secondary and tertiary folds are formed in special proliferation zones and epithelium-folding buds. The cellular differentiation of the oviductal epithelium involves the formation of ciliated and secretory cells during different times of prenatal development. Ciliogenesis was first detected at a CRL of 33.0 cm. Active secretory cells could be observed in the oviductal epithelium from a CRL of 64.0 cm onwards.  相似文献   

Holstein/Friesian embryos, progeny of citrullinaemia heterozygotes, were transferred to recipient cows. The citrullinaemia genotype of the fetus/calf was established, at birth, by estimation of citrulline concentration in plasma or by analyses of argininosuccinate synthetase exon 5 sequences in dna from blood leucocytes. Between 115 and 125 days of gestation amniotic fluid was collected transabdominally from nine recipient cows. The mean citrulline concentration in amniotic fluid from fetuses unaffected with citrullinaemia was 28 μM, SD 9 and range 15 to 38 μM. Citrulline concentration was 107 and 130 μM in amniotic fluid from two fetuses homozygous for the citrullinaemia mutation. Only the normal bovine citrullinaemia sequence was detected in cells cultured from amniotic fluid taken from two homozygous normal and two heterozygous fetuses. Both normal and mutant sequences were found in cells cultured from amniotic fluid collected from three of five heterozygous fetuses. Only the mutant sequence was found in cells cultured from the two citrullinaemia affected fetuses. mhc class II DRB3 haplotyping revealed that in four instances cultured cells were from the surrogate mother, not the fetus, these included samples from two heterozygotes in which only the normal sequence was detected in amniotic fluid.  相似文献   

To answer the many open questions concerning the development of the horse's ovary, first the prenatal development was investigated. It resulted that follicles derive from the germinal epithelium and its cords, whereas the Leydig cells and the rete blastema originate from the mesonephros. In the second third of pregnancy the Leydig cells undergo an enormous proliferation, in the last third they degenerate. However this degeneration is not connected with the postnatal development of the ovulation groove.  相似文献   

Defense mechanisms in the bovine lung   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this article is to examine factors contributing to defense of the bovine lung from microbial infection. Appropriate physical, cellular, and secretory defense components are assessed. Attention is paid to the thin line separating host-mediated defense from host-mediated injury of the lung.  相似文献   

产前应激(prenatal stress,PS)是妊娠期母体受到各种内外界环境因素、社会和心理因素刺激时,所表现出的全身性、特异性适应反应。产前应激不仅影响母体本身,还可能影响胎儿的正常发育,甚至诱发终身疾病。发育中的胎儿对外界刺激具有较高的敏感性和较低的适应性,且产前应激对胎儿的生理和心理上都有较大的危害,致使后代生长发育迟缓、免疫功能紊乱、疾病易感性增加,而产前应激对胎儿的影响取决于应激的类型、时间、强度以及后代的性别,因此本研究主要综述光照应激、束缚应激、冷应激等几种产前应激对胎儿发育的影响,为研究动物产前应激提供理论基础。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the ultrastructural changes during the prenatal differentiation of oviductal epithelium in 16 bovine embryos and fetuses from CRL of 18.0 cm to a CRL of 94.0 cm. Ciliated and secretory cells of bovine uterine tube, a derivative of the Müllerian duct, differentiate to distinct development stages in the prenatal period. The typical cellular pattern, which is generally characteristic for the adult bovine oviduct, is also obtained during fetal life. In the early stages (CRL 18.0/20.4 cm), the bovine oviductal epithelium appears mostly undifferentiated. The epithelial cells show only a few mitochondria, some cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) and a small Golgi-complex. Most of the cytoplasm is filled with a large amount of glycogen, which decreases during later development. Interspersed between the undifferentiated epithelial cells, a few cells undergoing ciliogenesis can be observed. Ciliogenesis increased significantly during the later prenatal developmental stages. At a CRL of 55.0 cm, ciliated cells appear fully differentiated with mature cells covering their luminal surface. Formation of cilia usually use the acentriolar pathway. Fibrous granules occurred initially in association with the Golgi-apparatus and r(ER) in the supranuclear cytoplasm. Fibrous granules later fuse with deuterosomes and give rise to procentrioles, which are translocated to the luminal plasma membrane. There they become arranged in a line just beneath the apical cell membrane and further differentiate to basal bodies from which the formation of cilia and striated rootlets take place. Clear signs of differentiation of secretory cells were first seen in our material in fetuses with a CRL of 51.0 cm and 64.0 cm. These cells contain a well developed rER and Golgi-apparatus with dilated cisterns. In the supranuclear cytoplasm, the number of secretory granules continuously increases during later development and the cells adapt to the morphology of mature secretory cells at the CRL 94.0 cm.  相似文献   

One preparation of interferon (IF) on 7-day-old bovine embryonic lung cultures free of bovine viral diarrhea virus had titers ranging from 20 to 10,240 in plaque-reduction tests, using bovine vesicular stomatitis virus. Factors believed to contribute to this variation were investigated. Although titers differed on different cell strains, different passages, and on cultures of different ages, variations between the two assays definitely could not be established as a function of these factors. However, IF titers on low passage cultures were usually lower than were titers on subsequent passages of the same cell strain. Calf serum in the diluent for IF reduced the titer one or two twofold dilutions. Over the range of 7 to 24 hours contact of IF with bovine embryonic lung cultures, and titer decreased steadily and was one twofold dilution less at 24 hours than it was at 7 hours. Latent viruses were not found in cultures by electron microscopy. Treatment of cultures with a noncytopathogenic strain of bovine viral diarrhea virus almost eliminated the effect of IF. Naturally occurring production of IF was not a major problem. While IF was on the cells, the pH of IF had a pronounced effect on the titer and may have been responsible for the vatiation observed with different passages, different cell strains, use of cultures of different ages, and use of calf serum in the diluent. Interferon at a low pH had a titer three or four twofold dilutions less than did the IF at a high pH.  相似文献   

Viral contamination of bovine fetal lung cultures and bovine fetal serum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Commercial bovine fetal serum (BFS) and bovine fetal lung (BFL) cells were tested for viruses. The only virus detected in any samples was noncytopathogenic bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). Of 37 BFL cultures initiated, 34 were negative for BVDV, 1 was positive, and 2 were suspicious in that the source of BVDV contamination was not certain. Of 9 lots of irradiated sera tested, 1 (10%) was positive for BVDV; of 21 lots of nonirradiated sera tested, 13 (62%) were positive for BVDV. As judged by intensity of fluorescence in infected cultures, some cell strains were much more susceptible to BVDV than other strains. Heat inactivation of serum at 56 C for 30 minutes was found to be an unreliable method of eliminating BVDV from sera.  相似文献   

The adult anatomy and physiology of the bovine (Bos taurus) stomach have been investigated extensively. Despite the many studies, however, the early development of the stomach has not yet been fully elucidated. The goal of the present study, therefore, was to review the available literature, to visualize the embryonic and early foetal development of the bovine stomach and to shed light on unresolved issues. The stomachs of fifteen bovine embryos and eleven foetuses from 26 to 80 days of gestation were photographed both in situ and after exenteration and critical point drying. A series of photographs was obtained that yielded a contiguous and comprehensive view of all the developmental changes that occurred until the virtually final configuration of the stomach was attained. In addition, the serosal surface was studied by electron microscopy, thus revealing subtle regional differences in the lining of the peritoneal cavity. Our observations corroborate the contention that all the compartments evolve from the fusiform primordium and that no outgrowth at the level of the oesophagus occurs. The greater curvature as well as the attachment line of the dorsal mesogastrium shift to the left, which is similar to the process in monogastrians. The rumen and reticulum develop from separate protrusions, and further compartmentalization results from constrictions and bulges and not from folding. Between 55 and 60 days of gestation, the entire bovine stomach except for the abomasum eventually relocates to its final position. In summary, previously debated key issues were addressed and integrated with current findings.  相似文献   

牛肺疫是比较常见的一种牛接触性传染病症,严重危害着牛机体。随着近些年国内畜牧业的迅猛发展,牛养殖场规模与数量随之不断扩大,我国养殖业呈现繁荣发展局面。然而,牛养殖期间也会突发各种疫病,带给畜牧生产巨大的经济损失。所以,有效的牛肺疫诊断防控措施对我国养殖业的发展极具重要意义。  相似文献   

Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis is a common and highly contagious ocular disease affecting cattle worldwide. The tremendous economic losses attributable to this disease warrant continued investigation into methods of prevention. Multiple virulence factors have been linked to the primary aetiologic agent, Moraxella bovis. Efforts to develop an efficacious vaccine have primarily focused upon the use of surface pili or cytolysin to stimulate host immunity; however, M. bovis possesses other virulence determinants that include proteases, fibrinolysins, phospholipases and other cell surface components such as outer membrane proteins. These potentially conserved antigens provide additional possibilities for vaccine development. Examination of appropriate antigen presentation is necessary to attain an adequate immune response. Further, the potential for antigenic diversity as well as epitope conversion requires continuous epidemiological surveillance of isolates recovered from outbreaks. Current work targeting conserved immunogens provides hope for efficacious vaccines that when used in tandem with proper management may control, if not prevent, infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis.  相似文献   

牛结核病研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结核病是由分枝杆菌感染引起的人畜共患传染病,对人和动物的健康造成极大的危害,具有重要的公共卫生学意义.20世纪80年代以来,该病在全球范围内流行呈急剧回升之势,每年约有1000万新发病人,300万死亡,是单因素所致的感染性疾病中病死率最高者之一.  相似文献   

The morphological picture of Sertoli cells was studied in view of development. The testicular tissue of rams was studied from the 80th to the 140th day of intrauterine development and the testes of ram-lambs were studied from the 1st to the 40th day from birth; further, the testes were studied in adult rams. The development and differentiation of Sertoli cell precursors were examined, including their change into differentiated mature Sertoli cells. The electron-microscopic picture of these cells was described with special emphasis on those morphological changes in cells which are closely related with their functional activity during the development of the testes. The findings obtained so far in this field are incomplete and concern mainly laboratory animals and man. The results of the study extend the theoretical knowledge in the fields of histology, embryology, physiology, endocrinology and andrology. At the same time, they may serve as starting material for the study of the control of spermatogenesis under experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Variables believed to affect the amount of interferon (IF) produced in bovine embryonic lung cell cultures by polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidylic acid (poly (rI:rC)) were investigated. A concentration of 100 micron of poly (rI:rC)/ml consistently induced substantial amounts of IF. Bovine viral diarrhea virus infection of cultures did not interfere with induction of IF by poly (rI:rC). Neither the age of cells nor the passage level of the cultures seemed to affect the amount of IF produced. Priming of cultures with large concentrations of IF before treatment with poly (rI:rC) was more effective than priming with small concentrations of IF. Furthermore, priming for 24 hours was more effective than was priming for 12 hours. The use of 2% bovine fetal serum in the medium, subsequent to treatment with poly (rI:rC) markely enhanced IF production. Practically all IF was produced within a few hours after treatment with poly (rI:rC).  相似文献   

利用添加外源性卵泡抑素或抑制卵泡抑素基因表达的方法,以牛受精胚胎为研究对象,结果显示,胚胎阶段适当的添加卵泡抑素,可以加快胚胎发育,不但提高卵裂率,还可以在受精后7d提高囊胚发育率,这其中10μg/L的卵泡抑素为最佳添加量,达到35%的囊胚率。研究还发现,早期阶段沉默卵泡抑素基因,不会影响囊胚率,与处理组无显著差别。结果表明,可能在早期的胚胎发育的最初阶段,卵泡抑素并不是必须的,但如果外源性的添加适量的卵泡抑素可以在正常的基础上提高发育率。  相似文献   

The development of retina in Indian buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) has not been reported previously. The aim of the present study was therefore to report the major landmarks and the time course in the development of retina. Serial histological sections of Indian buffalo embryos and foetuses were used as group1 (<20.0 cm CVRL), group2 (>20.0 but <40.0 cm CVRL) and group3 (>40.0 cm CVRL). Age estimation was made on the basis of crown vertebral‐rump length (CVRL), which ranged between 36 and 286 days (1.6–94.0 cm). The retina in Indian buffalo was developed in a similar manner to that of the other mammals with the principal differences in the time of occurrence of various layers of this nervous tunic. In 36 days (1.6 cm stage), the foetal retina was composed of pigmented layer and the layer of neuroblasts. Differentiation of layers was first observed in 47 days (4.0 cm CVRL) which became prominent in 52 days (5.1 cm stage). At 120 days (20.5 cm stage), the differentiation of inner plexiform layer and inner nuclear layer was evident. At 143 days (31.0 cm) foetal age, the faint line in neuroblastic layer was the first evidence of the future outer plexiform layer. In foetuses of group III, the retina was comprised of all 10 layers (eight cell layers and two membranes) viz. pigmented epithelium, layer of rods and cones, outer limiting membrane, outer nuclear layer, outer plexiform layer, inner nuclear layer, inner plexiform layer, ganglion cell layer, layer of nerve fibres and the inner limiting membrane.  相似文献   

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