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Retention of the foetal membranes (RFM) and post‐partal endometritis are common problems in dairy cows. Among other things, the disease is characterized by a bacterial endometritis with aerobic as well as anaerobic bacteria. From an endocrine perspective, cows with RFM have high levels of 15‐ketodihydro‐PGF (PG‐metabolite) immediately after parturition but these levels fall rapidly within 2 weeks post‐partum (early PG‐metabolite elevation). After this decline, the PG‐metabolite levels increase again and the levels (at this time of a lower magnitude) remain elevated during the period of uterine infection (late PG‐metabolite elevation). The aim of this study was to investigate the PG‐metabolite profiles in cows with retained placenta and post‐partal endometritis treated with the prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor flunixin (F), either alone or in combination with oxytetracycline (T). The study was accomplished over 2 years with 12 primiparous cows in each experiment. As a model for RFM, preterm parturition was induced in late‐pregnant heifers by injecting PGF (25 mg i.m) twice with a 24 h interval. In each experiment, the cows were divided into four groups and treated with either T (10 mg/kg b.w. i.m. once daily), F (2.2 mg/kg b.w. p.o. twice per day), a combination of T and F (dosage, as above), or conservatively (0). The treatment periods lasted from day 11 to day 14 post‐partum (pp) in experiment 1 (after placental shedding, groups T1, F1, TF1 and 0) and from day 3 to day 6 pp in experiment 2 (before placental shedding, groups T2, F2, TF2 and 0). Jugular vein blood samples were collected for analyses of PG‐metabolite and flunixin. Uterine biopsies were collected twice weekly for investigation of endometrial microbiology. Rectal palpation and ultrasonographic examinations were performed three times per week for investigations of uterine and cervical involution and ovarian activity. No attempts were made to remove the placentas manually. The experiment lasted until day 56 pp. The induction of parturition was successful in all heifers and 22 of 24 animals had RFM. All RFM cows had bacterial endometritis, based on bacteriological examinations. Flunixin treatment (F1, TF1, F2 and TF2) suppressed PG‐metabolite levels significantly (p=0.006) during the period of treatment in both experiments. However, the early flunixin treatment only suppressed PG synthesis partially. Late oxytetracycline treatment (T1) did not influence the PG‐metabolite levels but oxytetracycline treatment (T2 and TF2) before placental shedding significantly altered the kinetics of the early PG‐metabolite elevation compared with other treatments. Late PG‐metabolite elevation was significantly correlated to duration of uterine infection and cervical involution. In conclusion, flunixin treatment of cows with retained placenta either before or after placental shedding suppresses prostaglandin synthesis. However, early treatment, when the release of prostaglandins is high, might need more intensive treatment in order to prevent the PG synthesis effectively. Oxytetracycline treatment during the period immediately after parturition before placental shedding might influence the PG‐metabolite profile and suggests a bacteriological contribution to the high levels of PG‐metabolite seen during the first 2 weeks pp in cows with retained placenta. In this study, a correlation between prostaglandin release, the final cervical involution and the end of infection was found. This suggests a link between uterine endocrinology, bacteriology and involution in cows with retained placenta.  相似文献   

本文结合本场的生产实际,讨论了母牛胎盘的特点,胎衣不下的症状与诊断;着重讨论了本病的发病率及其影响因素,并将病因分析、归纳成一个示意图;最后综述了多项治疗和预防胎衣不下的措施,如灌服羊水,注射激素,用维生素A、D、E和亚硒酸钠,灌服中药,手术剥离以及电刺激等。  相似文献   

奶牛在产后经常会患上胎衣不下的疾病,可能引发子宫内膜炎和败血症等严重并发症,甚至危及其生命。因此,如果不及时治疗,会对养殖业造成巨大的损失。在奶牛场实习期间,治疗了四头患有胎衣不下的奶牛。采用促进子宫收缩、手术剥离和药物治疗等方法让胎衣成功排出,并防止了感染腐败化脓情况的发生,均取得了比较良好的治疗效果。进一步探索并优化诊断与治疗方案,这对于进一步探究奶牛胎衣不下的诊断和治疗方法具有很大意义。  相似文献   

奶牛胎衣不下的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奶牛胎衣不下是奶牛场的常见病,多发病。尤其在青粗饲料喂量不足的奶牛场发病率更高。胎衣不下的奶牛容易继发产后子宫内膜炎及其他疾病,导致奶牛不孕,对奶牛场危害极大。奶牛胎衣不下防治方法较多。笔者采用产后肌注雌二醇十催产素进行防治奶牛胎衣不下效果很好,介绍如下:1材料与方法1.1病牛为合肥市两牧场中国荷斯坦母牛。分娩后3- 6小时,检查胎衣不下或胎衣未下尽 134头,随机分组,用药组78头,未用药组56头。l.2药物:苯甲酸雌二醇,南京动物激素厂生产[兽用],批号980520;催产素,蚌埠康达生物医药有…  相似文献   

在奶牛养殖领域有不少牛因为长时间胎衣不下滞留在子宫中造成终身不孕,使奶牛利用年限极大缩短,养殖场淘汰率显著升高。为进一步探明青海省门源县奶牛产后胎衣不下的主要原因,于2020年对门源县养殖的奶牛胎衣不下进行深入调查,并明确了造成胎衣不下的主要原因,提出相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

为了探讨归芎益母散治疗奶牛血瘀型胎衣不下的作用,将40头血瘀型胎衣不下奶牛,随机分为4组,每组10头,分别为归芎益母散高、中、低剂量组(分别为800、400、200 g/头),以及药物对照组(250 g/头,益母生化散),经口灌服给药,每天1次,用药1 d~3 d。另选10头健康奶牛作为空白对照组。结果表明,与药物对照组(治愈率为70%)比较,高、中、低剂量组治愈率为90%、90%、50%(P>0.05),给药后第0天,与空白对照组比较,患病奶牛ET-1、TXB2显著升高(P<0.01,P<0.05),NO、6-keto-PGF显著降低(P<0.01),ET-1/NO、TXB_2/6-keto-PGF显著增大(P<0.01)。用药后第7、14、21天,与药物对照组相比,高、中剂量组ET-1、TXB_2水平降低,NO、6-keto-PGF水平升高,ET-1/NO、TXB_2/6-keto-PGF减小。说明归芎益母散能够通过对抗内皮功能紊乱和血小板功能紊乱,缓解患牛血瘀状态,从而改善子宫血液循环及微循环障碍,调节子宫节律性收缩,促进子宫内滞留胎衣排出,临床推荐使用剂量为400 g/头,经口灌服,每天1次,用药1 d~3 d。  相似文献   

Tissue‐specific protein profile is determined by its function, structure, intensity of metabolism and usefulness. This profile remains under hormonal control. Any disturbance in the general metabolism may be reflected in changes in both protein quantity and quality. These changes can be of low or high specificity, and some can be used as clinical markers of pathological conditions. The aim of this study was to describe and to compare the protein profile of caruncle and foetal villi of bovine placenta that was either properly released or retained. Placental tissues were collected from healthy cows, divided into releasing and retaining foetal membranes, homogenized and subjected to 1D and 2D electrophoresis. Computer‐aided analysis of gel images showed essential qualitative and quantitative alterations in protein profile between tissues that were properly released and retained. Alterations concerned both the number of fractions and spots as well as the intensity of staining. This preliminary study provides a general overview of the differences in the protein profile between released and retained foetal membranes. It may allow for selecting the group of proteins or single molecules, which should be further analysed in detail as possible markers differentiating the retention of foetal membranes in cows from placentas that were released spontaneously. The continuation of the study for the identification of particular spots detected in 2D gels is necessary.  相似文献   

Retained placenta is a worldwide recognized clinical condition in puerperal cows, which can significantly affect their health and fertility. Available treatment modalities are often of questionable efficacy or associated with time constraints, practicality or monetary considerations for their wide application in a routine dairy practice. The objective of this study was to compare and assess the efficacy of different treatment options, including a novel ozone treatment, for the retained placenta. Two hundred cows diagnosed with retained placenta were divided into five treatment groups, each receiving a different treatment option. Group A (n = 40) was given a combination treatment of intrauterine ozone and parenteral cephalexin; group B (n = 40) was given intrauterine ozone; group C (n = 40) was given a combination of parenteral cephalexin and intrauterine antibiotic tablets; group D (n = 40) was given only parenteral cephalexin and group E (n = 40) was given parenteral prostaglandins in 11‐day intervals. The control group (group Z, n = 200) included cows that gave birth without assistance and were not diagnosed with a retained placenta. The ozone treatment (groups A and B) was found to be the most effective modality resulting in the shortest period of days open, the smallest number of artificial inseminations until pregnancy, the smallest number of animals diagnosed with fever within 10 days post‐calving, the highest percentage of animals pregnant within 200 days after calving and the smallest number of animals culled because of infertility, when compared to the other treatment groups. The intrauterine ozone flush therefore has a potential as an efficacious and cost‐effective treatment option for retained placenta, with an overall positive effect on puerperal health and fertility in cows.  相似文献   

近几年来国内外治疗奶牛子宫内膜炎的主要方法有7种.化学药物治疗法具有疗效好、成本低的特点,但是对细菌容易产生耐药性和药物易在牛奶和肉中残留.中药治疗法具有低残留、低毒和对细菌不易产生耐药性的优点.中西医结合治疗法既能发挥中药的调节治疗作用,又可发挥西药较强的抗菌消炎能力.微生物学治疗方法采用子宫内接种微生物可以调节子宫内环境,抑制相关微生物的生长,但是要预防微生物引起再次感染.用免疫学治疗法和激素治疗法防治该病是比较新的方法.由于该病病情复杂,所以首先要辩证论治,然后制定出合理的治疗方案,才能够获得理想的治疗效果.  相似文献   

通过对包头地区4个奶牛场开展奶牛子宫内膜炎临床用药调查研究和病原菌的耐药性分析,分析不同诊疗方法的治疗效果。采用常规微生物学技术分离了包头地区子宫内膜炎患牛的病原菌,采用微量肉汤稀释法测定了病原菌对临床上常用抗菌药物的敏感性和耐药性,在此基础上选用敏感性高的药物进行治疗试验,比较传统治疗组与治疗试验组两者的临床疗效。传统治疗结果显示,使用13种抗菌药物治疗160例子宫内膜炎病例,其中糜宫速康(氟苯尼考)最有效,青霉素类效果最差。治疗试验结果显示,金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、链球菌等是引起子宫内膜炎的主要病原,且分离菌株对庆大霉素、头孢噻吩等抗菌药物敏感。统计分析结果显示,治疗试验组与传统治疗组疗效差异极显著(P<0.01)。采用药敏试验筛选的敏感药物进行针对性治疗,能获得满意的治疗效果,且该方法可避免药物滥用。  相似文献   

In 4 dairy farms located in Baotou area, clinical medicine investigation and drug resistance of pathogenic bacteria were conducted, and then curative effects of different treatment methods were analyzed.Epidemic materials were collected from diary cows infected by endometritis, from which pathogenic bacteria were isolated using conventional microbiology technologies.Broth microdilution method was used to detect the sensitivity and resistance of pathogenic bacteria to antibiotics commonly used in clinic.On this basis, the sensitive drugs were used to treat mastitis or endometritis, the clinical curative effect of traditional treatment group was compared with that of therapeutic test group.The result of traditional treatment group showed 13 antibiotics were used to treat 160 cases of endometritis, florfenicol was most effective, penicillin was most ineffective.The results of therapeutic test group showed that Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Streptococcus were the main pathogenic bacteria of endometritis, which were sensitive to gentamicin and cefalotin, etc.The results of statistical analysis showed that the curative effect of therapeutic test group was extremely significantly different from that of traditional treatment group(P<0.01).Sensitive drugs screened by drug sensitive test could be used to target therapy, and obtain satisfied curative effect.Moreover, this approach could avoid antibiotic abuse.  相似文献   

子宫内膜炎是奶牛养殖过程中常见的繁殖类疾病,会推迟奶牛的发情时间,影响配种率。本文首先对急性、慢性奶牛子宫内膜炎的临床症状及其直肠检测结果进行概述,然后从中西医结合、内外兼治的角度提出奶牛子宫内膜炎的治疗方法,该方法能有效缩短疗程,提高治愈率,最后提出加强日常管理、做好产后护理、中药调理精血、掌握好发情规律、适时配种和准确输精,为奶牛子宫健康调理提供理论参考。  相似文献   

通过对胎盘组织中IL-2的含量检测,探讨奶牛发生胎衣不下的免疫学机制。将20头奶牛分为健康对照组和胎衣不下组,采集健康奶牛和胎衣不下奶牛的胎儿胎盘,制备胎盘组织匀浆液,用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测其中的IL-2的含量。结果表明,胎衣不下组奶牛胎盘组织中IL-2的含量极显著高于健康组(P0.01),说明胎盘组织中IL-2含量与奶牛发生胎衣不下有密切关系。  相似文献   

This study outlines a new approach to reproductive tract treatment using ozone foam spray for certain ovine obstetrical problems, such as retained foetal membranes and possible uterine infections following obstetric assistance (OA), in comparison with classical antibiotics treatments. The study was conducted on 256 ewes from 11 sheep farms in north‐western Croatia. A total of 139 ewes were diagnosed with dystocia (DT) and 49 with retention of placenta (RP). Ewes with RP were treated either with ozone foam spray (Riger spray G; Novagen®) applied into the body of the uterus for 2–3 s (first or RPO group; n = 24) or with two foaming, intrauterine tablets of oxytetracycline hydrochloride (Geomycin® F) (second or RPA group; n = 25). The third and fourth groups consisted of ewes that received OA for dystocia (including ringwomb, foetal oversize and assistance of abnormal position and posture). The third group (DTO; n = 70) was treated with ozone foam spray, while ewes in fourth group (DTA; n = 69) were treated with antibiotics. The ewes in the control group (CTL) with physiological puerperium were randomly selected (n = 70) from all herds. Transrectal ultrasonography (transversal diameter of uterine horns) was used for the control of uterus regression on days 2 and 25 after parturition. There was a difference in transversal uterine horn diameter in the RP groups, that is RPO and RPA (5.40 ± 0.53 cm vs. 5.43 ± 0.40 cm), ewes with dystocia, that is DTO and DTA (5.37 ± 0.49 cm vs. 5.54 ± 0.60 cm) and ewes from the CTL group (4.98 ± 0.35 cm) one day after parturition. Average transversal uterine diameter of all groups at day 25 post‐partum was 1.80 ± 0.15 cm. The intrauterine ozone treatment in ewes with RP and after manual obstetrics attained similar results to spontaneously delivered ewes (CTL group), showed as the physiological regression of the uterus with a similar transversal diameter without the presence of lochia in the uterine lumen, indicating that this could be a novel potential alternative therapy.  相似文献   

产复康预防产后奶牛子宫内膜炎的临床试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为观察奶牛产前服用产复康中药散剂对产后预防子宫内膜炎的效果,试验分为预试验和扩大试验。预试验将66头临产奶牛随机分成试验1组、试验2组和对照组,各22头。从产前1d开始喂服产复康,添加量为试验1组每天200g/头、试验2组每天300g/头、对照组不添加。结果显示,试验1组和试验2组奶牛各项指标基本相似,且2个试验组较对照组胎衣不下和子宫内膜炎发病率明显降低。说明每天200g/头的剂量可以达到促进子宫复旧和预防子宫内膜炎的效果;在预试验的基础上,对不同地区的6个奶牛场352头奶牛进行了扩大试验,试验方法、观测指标和预试验类似,产复康的添加剂量为每天200g/头。结果显示,试验组与对照组相比胎衣不下和子宫内膜炎发病率分别下降9.92%和18.23%,产后85d妊娠率提高10.85%,产后第1次发情时间和第1次配种时间平均提前约10d。扩大试验的结果进一步证明服用产复康可降低子宫疾病发病率,促进奶牛子宫机能恢复,使奶牛提早发情配种,提高受胎率,对奶牛产后子宫内膜炎具有良好的预防作用。  相似文献   

子宫内膜炎是奶牛产后普遍发生的一种生殖疾病,可导致奶牛产犊间期延长、产奶量降低、淘汰率增加、治疗期间奶源废弃、管理及治疗成本增加,也是导致奶牛不孕症的重要原因之一。目前国内外防治奶牛子宫内膜炎的诊断技术和治疗方法众多,主要有阴道镜检查、Metricheck装置评估、子宫细胞学检查、抗生素疗法、中药疗法、中西医结合疗法、激素疗法、臭氧新型疗法等诊疗技术。阴道镜检查是一种可视化检查方法,利用内窥镜直观评估奶牛阴道内分泌物性状确定子宫内膜炎严重程度;Metricheck装置是根据阴道内分泌物含量和性状,设置不同评分值评估产后奶牛子宫内膜炎和繁殖性能;子宫细胞学检查通过子宫细胞刷、灌洗或活检技术确定子宫内膜细胞和中性粒细胞(PMN)的比例,设定奶牛产后不同时期PMN最佳阈值诊断子宫内膜炎;抗生素疗法通过宫内灌注、皮下注射、静脉注射抗生素等途径治疗奶牛子宫内膜炎,治疗成本低,见效快,是目前治疗奶牛临床子宫内膜炎最常用的疗法;中药疗法筛选不同组分的中药复方制剂,通过调节奶牛机体免疫系统,改善子宫内血液循环,抑制致病菌繁殖,促进子宫恢复正常生理机能;中西医结合疗法兼具中药辩证治疗的优点和西药见效快的特点,临床治疗奶牛子宫内膜炎具有广泛应用价值;激素疗法中前列腺素通过诱导黄体溶解,消除黄体酮产生和免疫抑制,刺激子宫复旧,降低产后奶牛长期子宫感染和炎症的风险;臭氧新型疗法是将臭氧制作成泡沫制剂、油制剂等产品通过宫内灌注杀灭病原菌。这些诊疗技术在治疗奶牛子宫内膜炎的过程中均取得了不同程度的效果,对评估产后奶牛繁殖性能和生产性能具有良好的指导作用。文章通过介绍这些诊疗技术在奶牛子宫内膜炎中应用的研究进展,以期为该病的防治提供参考。  相似文献   

奶牛子宫内膜炎研究新进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
子宫内膜炎是奶牛较为常见的一种产科疾病,病牛不仅产奶量下降,还会因繁殖能力丧失被迫淘汰。研究证实,健康奶牛产褥期子宫内容物的细菌检出率为100%,产后中期为50%,产后末期为20%,说明在分娩过程中,母牛子宫被细菌污染的现象非常普遍。Phelps等研究结果表明,在产后2周内,奶牛子宫被细菌污染极为常见,产后15d内有93%的奶牛发生子宫内细菌污染,产后30d感染率降至79%,60d降至9%,若产后细菌污染严重,很易引发子宫内膜炎。难产、胎衣不下、  相似文献   

杜光波 《中国奶牛》2007,(10):40-43
奶牛子宫内膜炎是最常见的奶牛产科病之一。为了查清淮安地区奶牛子宫内膜炎的发病规律及相关原因,以便有目的地进行综合防治。在淮安市的6个县区,每个月每个地区抽样30头、12个月共抽样2160头2~8岁的成年母牛进行调查,结果发现,淮安市成年母牛的子宫内膜炎平均发病率为34.1%,奶牛子宫内膜炎发病和季节、地区、饲养方式、奶牛年龄及胎衣滞留等因素相关。  相似文献   

探讨急性相蛋白(C-反应蛋白、结合珠蛋白、血清淀粉样蛋白A)和细胞因子(IL-6)在不同程度的子宫内膜炎中的变化及其对子宫内膜炎的诊断意义.选用产后健康荷斯坦奶牛10头(N)为对照组;亚临床型子宫内膜炎组(SE),共28头;临床型子宫内膜炎组(CE),共30头,经颈静脉、子宫腔内分别获取血液样本及子宫分泌物,对其进行急性相蛋白和细胞因子的检测.结果表明,CE组和SE组血清和子宫分泌物中C-反应蛋白(CRP)、结合珠蛋白(Hp)、血清淀粉样蛋白A(SAA)和IL-6水平明显高于对照组(P<0.01),且CE组比SE组变化明显;在对照组子宫分泌物中未检测到Hp和SAA.随着子宫内细菌污染程度的加重,CRP、Hp、SAA、IL-6的水平也随着升高,血清和子宫分泌物中CRP、Hp、SAA、IL-6水平均可作为诊断子宫内膜炎的敏感指标.  相似文献   

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