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北京地区典型砖木结构农宅抗震加固性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据北京地区农村住宅调研结果,选取最典型的砖木(前檐砖柱支撑)结构,进行了加固前后的振动台试验。针对北京地区农村住宅砖木结构(砖柱支撑)未加固模型的振动台试验结果,提出了抗震加固措施,包括:加设钢筋混凝土窗框,增大前纵墙的抗侧刚度;采用水泥砂浆面层加固两面山墙、砖柱和窗下墙,提高墙体的承载和变形能力;加设钢圈梁,提高结构的整体牢固性。分析了模型加固前后振动台试验的损伤情况、频率和阻尼、加速度动力系数、位移和滞回曲线等结构动力特性参数。上述加固措施显著提高了此类砖木结构农宅的抗震能力,加固模型达到了“小震不坏、中震可修、大震不倒”的抗震设防目标。  相似文献   

按照《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB 50010—2010)设计了6个配置500 MPa纵筋的钢筋混凝土框架顶层端节点,并进行了低周反复加载抗震性能试验,验证了规范规定的抗震措施对配置500 MPa钢筋的顶层端节点的有效性,分析了配置500 MPa级钢筋的顶层端节点的受力特点、节点区的破坏形态以及节点的综合抗震性能,并与受力条件基本相同的配置HRB335级纵筋节点的受力性能进行了对比,对采用不同延性指标评价配置不同强度钢筋节点的延性性能差异进行了讨论。  相似文献   

RC加气混凝土砌块组合墙加固框架抗震性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RC加气混凝土砌块组合墙(简称组合墙)是由混凝土梁柱网格与加气混凝土砌块组合形成的一种轻型网格式抗震墙,可用于框架结构的抗震加固。笔者进行了1/2比例空框架试件、组合墙试件和组合墙加固框架试件的低周反复荷载试验,分析了各试件的主要破坏过程,对比了组合墙加固框架前后试件承载能力、刚度等抗震性能变化。试验结果及分析表明:组合墙加固框架后承载力、抗侧刚度有较大幅度提高,中大震及大震阶段其承载力、等效刚度约为空框架和组合墙单独受力之和的0.9倍,两者具有良好的协同工作性能;加固试件的破坏过程基本上遵循填充砌块混凝土框格外框架的破坏顺序,能够发挥组合墙多重抗震防线的特点,采用RC加气混凝土砌块组合墙加固框架是一种较为经济实用的加固方法。  相似文献   

配置600 MPa级高强钢筋T形柱抗震性能试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
600 MPa级钢筋是一种新型高强度钢筋,为研究该钢筋应用于异形柱结构体系的可行性,对7根不同轴压比、体积配箍率和钢筋强度的混凝土T形柱试件进行低周往复荷载试验,分别对其承载力、位移、滞回曲线、骨架曲线、刚度退化和耗能性能进行研究,综合评估其抗震性能。研究结果表明:配置600 MPa级钢筋的混凝土T形柱具有良好的变形能力和承载能力,提高配箍率能有效提高试件的抗震性能,提高轴压比可以提高试件的承载力,但降低其变形能力。随着钢筋强度的提高,试件的承载力显著提高。  相似文献   

通过对核心区应用X形配筋增强的高强钢筋异形柱边节点和同等条件下未被增强的高强钢筋异形柱边节点进行拟静力试验研究,对比分析异形柱边节点的破坏特征、滞回曲线、承载能力、位移及延性、刚度退化、耗能能力等抗震性能指标。研究结果表明,配置HRB500高强钢筋异形柱边节点比配置600 MPa级的边节点承载能低,但滞回性能好,变形能力强,刚度退化推迟,耗能能力强;在核心区加入X形配筋,均可以改善高强钢筋异形柱边节点的破坏特征,使边节点抗剪能力、变形能力、耗能能力增强,刚度退化推迟,提高异形柱边节点抗震性能,配置HRB500高强钢筋的试件核心区应用X形配筋加强后抗震性能提高效果更好。  相似文献   

通过高强钢绞线网聚合物砂浆加固层与混凝土结构的剥离破坏试验,对加固层与混凝土界面的剥离破坏特征进行了研究。探讨了单侧加固、植筋加固及U型加固等不同的加固方式对加固层抗剪承载力及抗剪强度的影响。试验结果表明,采用U型加固等增加粘结面积的方式能有效提高加固层粘结面抗剪承载力,但同时会削弱加固层的抗剪强度,而在界面上植入抗剪钢筋后,能同时提高聚合物砂浆加固层的抗剪承载力及抗剪强度。根据试验结果,提出了最小植筋率的建议值。  相似文献   

新型土坯墙体房屋抗震性能试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种新型土坯墙房屋,对新型土坯墙房屋承重墙体的受力及抗震性能进行试验研究。设计三片新型土坯墙试件,研究土坯墙体在竖向荷载和反复水平荷载作用下的破坏过程、破坏形态、滞回曲线和骨架曲线特征以及墙体水平承载力和变形能力等,同时,研究新型构造措施对土坯墙抗震性能的作用。试验表明:新型土坯墙体的破坏模式与配筋混凝土小型空心砌块相似,土坯墙体具有良好的承载力和变形能力。新型构造措施对墙体整体抗震性能作用明显,其连接构造至关重要。与计算结果比较得出,在建筑抗震概念设计原则指导下,抗震设防7度区采用新型土坯墙建造二层房屋具有可行性。  相似文献   

预应力装配混凝土复合墙板抗震性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合砌体结构的发展现状和住宅产业化的发展趋势,提出一种“预应力装配混凝土复合墙板”,以期望在中小城镇低层建筑民用房屋中发展一种新的结构形式来对砌体结构进行补充。为了考察该复合墙板的抗震性能,对2块不同预应力度的试件进行了拟静力试验。得到了相应试件的抗震性能指标,显示该墙板具有较好的承载能力和变形性能,分析认为所提出的墙板可以达到8度区低层民用房屋的应用要求,可以作为砌体承重墙的一种替代形式,并且对该墙板相关构造提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

为了防止联肢剪力墙中小跨高比连梁发生低延性剪切破坏,在单连梁中部设置一条通缝,形成开缝连梁改善其抗震性能。试验完成了3个小跨高比带板开缝连梁的低周反复加载,通过与其他配筋形式连梁对比,分析了开缝连梁的破坏形态、滞回特征、承载力退化、刚度退化、延性、耗能等一系列抗震性能。利用软件ABAQUS对试件滞回曲线的骨架曲线进行模拟,并将模拟结果和试验结果相对比。结果表明,小跨高比开缝连梁具有良好的承载能力及变形能力,施工较为方便且经济,能有效防止小跨高比连梁延性较差的剪切破坏,具有较好的抗震性能,可在实际工程中推广。  相似文献   

采用简化的纤维增强混凝土应力应变关系,根据截面变形的平截面假定和截面力的平衡方程,推导出塑性铰区采用纤维增强混凝土柱在不同极限状态时的曲率。根据各极限状态点曲率,求得截面上各分布力,对截面形心轴取距,到塑性铰区采用FRC柱的开裂、屈服、峰值和极限点的弯矩表达式。与试验结果对比表明,计算值与试验值吻合较好。  相似文献   

Referring to the criterion of seismic fortification intensity 8 specified by national seismic design code, a /2 scaled model of single span and two story frame composed of RC beams and T shaped steel reinforced concrete (SRC) columns has been made. A seismic evaluation was performed by the quasi static testing, including failure pattern, stiffness degradation, ductility and energy dissipation. The experimental results show that the frame has good seismic behavior, and section steel in the columns plays an important role in earthquake resistance. On the basis of experimental study and analysis, it concludes that the seismic behavior of frame with SRC special shaped columns can satisfy the requirements of seismic fortification.   相似文献   

The shear design formula for seismic shearwalls in the Chinese standard (Code for Design of Concrete Structures) have not been verified by tests yet, In order to compensate for it, the authors undertake the task of testing on the shear behavior of seismic shearwalls organized by the Code association. After discussing on the particular conditions controlling tests and philosophy in specimen designing, the results of the first group of tests on the seismic shear behavior of shearwalls, which are I-shaped and with relatively large scale and axial force ratio of 0.2 and tested under reversed cyclic horizontal forces, are introduced. The results are analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

高温下钢管约束型钢混凝土柱的受力性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火灾下无防火保护的结构构件温度会迅速上升,从而造成钢材和混凝土的强度明显下降。为了研究火灾下钢管约束型钢混凝土柱的受力性能,考虑火灾下钢管约束型钢混凝土柱的不均匀温度分布及温度对材料力学性能的影响,提出了火灾下受轴心荷载作用的钢管约束型钢混凝土柱承载力的计算方法。利用有限元软件ABAQUS对提出的计算方法进行了验证,结果吻合较好。进而采用该计算方法对影响高温下承载力的参数进行了分析,研究表明:随着构件截面尺寸的增加以及混凝土强度和钢材强度的提高,构件的承载力逐渐增加,而钢管壁厚的改变对承载力并无太大影响。利用有限元软件ABAQUS分析了荷载比、构件尺寸、钢管壁厚等因素对构件耐火极限的影响,发现耐火极限随着荷载比和钢管壁厚的增加而减小,随着构件尺寸的增加而增大。  相似文献   

With an inelastic dynamic analysis program developed by the authors, seismic response analysis of regular RC frames designed to Chinese codes in different earthquake fortification zones are carried out. The results indicate that the displacement responses of structures are improved due to the more rigorous limitation on the inter-story drift under frequent earthquakes in the revised codes. The frames in seismic-intensity-9 zone designed to the former codes and the revised codes form plastic energy-dissipated mechanisms mostly With beam hinges, which can satisfy the requirement of seismic performance expectably. The frame in seismic-intensity-8 zone designed to the former code forms a plastic energy- dissipated mechanisms mostly with column hinges and shows a risk of occurrence of story-sway mechanism, while the frame in seismic-intensity-8 zone designed to the revised codes exhibits a relatively improved seismic performance but still with excessive column hinges, which suggests a need to further increase the column moment amplification measures for this kind of frames. The frame in seismic-intensity-7 zone shows a somewhat improved seismic performance than the frames in seismic-intensity-8 zone, but the protection to columns by the seismic measures is sill insufficient, which indicates that the column moment amplification measures for this kind of frames should be enhanced further.  相似文献   

Earthquake induced dynamic axial force in reinforced concrete (RC) bridge bent columns will not only change the yield strength of the columns but also change their stiffness, which is seldom considered by the common lumped plasticity line model. Based on the fiber element model results that taking into account the influence of dynamic axial force on strength and stiffness simultaneously, the axial force stiffness interaction effect on the seismic responses of RC double column bridges was analyzed. The results show that, axial force stiffness interaction has a large effect on the seismic responses of the double column bridge in the elastic range, and it does not alter the ultimate capacity of the columns. Since the stiffness of the columns under compression and tension dynamic axial forces offset each other, the global displacement of bridge bent with equal columns is relatively unaffected by the axial force stiffness interaction, however, the differences of the column member forces are manifest. For the short column controls the global stiffness, the axial force stiffness interaction has significant influences on both the global displacement and member force responses. The influences become larger as the irregularity of the bridge bent increases, so the interaction between axial force and member stiffness should be sufficiently considered in seismic analyses.  相似文献   

Seismic performance indexes of reinforced concrete high pier   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Performance-based seismic design is now the major development direction of structure seismic design. The quantitative of performance parameter and the definition of performance level are important for seismic performance evaluation of structure. Based on  相似文献   

The reversed cyclic loading tests of 5 nearly full-scale beam-column assembly specimens with high shear-compression ratio under different axial loads in reinforced concrete plane frames have been completed,which cover the shortage in the field of high shear-compression parameter among seismic joint experiments in the world.Based on relatively complete measuring and analyses of the law for the bond and slip of the beam bar through the joint,the stress of the level stirrup legs and hysteretic dissipated energy and the change of rigidity,the characteristic of shear transfer mechanisms and damage development and comprehensive seismic behavior of the assembly are proposed in this paper.It makes it possible to improve design codes and to establish relatively reasonable analytic modes and hysteretic modes in inelastic dynamic response analyses of the frame.  相似文献   

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