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In order to optimize design and operation, it is necessary to calculate accurately hydraulic characteristics large central air-conditioning systems. Simplified Model can not be applied to hydraulic calculation of large pipe network topological structure for its large calculation error. Taking into account the regulating characteristics of terminal branch temperature regulating valve, a direct-return chilled water system is studied, an accurate mathematical model of pipe network hydraulic characteristics has been established and a computer logic algorithm with virtual flow has been given. A direct-return pipe network with ten AHU branches is used as simulation calculation object, the pipe network supply-return water pressure difference is calculated, and also the temperature regulating valve opening and actual flow of each branch are calculated in the condition of different supply-return water pressure difference. The calculated results accord with the natural characteristics of high pressure difference unbalanced for direct-return pipe network. The calculation method can ensure calculation convergence.  相似文献   

变流量冷冻水系统温差控制法的适用性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了末端设置通断控制阀的一次泵变流量系统在温差控制下的水力特性,并结合风机盘管与房间的非线性换热耦合特性,进一步探讨了温差控制的适用条件以及变温差控制温差值的设定方法。结果表明:末端设置通断控制阀的系统,当管网整体负荷分布均匀且各开启用户的负荷变化规律相近时,温差控制同样是较为适用的,此时系统的水力失调对室内温湿度的影响较小;采用变温差控制时,仅以不同的总负荷率分段设置温差值,并不能获得良好的室内温湿度控制效果,建议以优先保证风盘除湿能力和室内干球温度为原则设定温差值,相比于目前的方法,在同等的室内相对湿度波动下,室内温度的稳定性可以得到保证。  相似文献   

A coking plant extended many times, and its capacity of the cooling water system is not match with it, the consumption of new water is much more than that used by others in the same industry. The water system renovation is addressed for an extended coking plant. The installation of two 600 m3/h cooling towers and restoration the existing two cooling towers are to promote the cooling capacity so that the amount of discharge and feed could be reduced. At the same time, the pipe net for waste water reutilisation is installed, by which part of the waste water is reused as supplement water for quenching hot coke and the other was piped to ironworks for reuse. With the field test, the water consumption per ton of coke production is cut down from 9.03 m3 to 3.21 m3. And the annual water saving is more than 6×106 m3. Furthermore, the electric consumption is reduced by 2×106 kWh and about 3×106 yuan of annual running cost is saved.  相似文献   

管网水力模型是实现供水系统现代化管理的重要工具,要使水力模型能比较准确地反映管网真实运行状态,达到预期使用目的,其中的参数需要校核。将管网节点流量校核作为优化问题,采用加权最小二乘法逐步迭代求解,与已有研究相比,采用矩阵分析法推导供水管网雅克比矩阵解析式,引入水量分配矩阵聚合节点流量,将欠定问题转化为超定,提高了校核的计算效率和结果的可靠性。采用简单管网阐明了雅克比矩阵的计算、节点流量的聚合及梯度向量的构造,利用实际管网验证了方法的实用性。  相似文献   

According to the experiments which concern about nonlinear loads in low voltage distribution systems,the voltage crest factor has a crucial effect on the establishment of nonlinear load harmonic Norton model,and it is verified by a large number of measured data. In the low voltage system that voltage waveform presents a flat characteristic,the nonlinear load can be simplified by the Norton model. Experimental and simulation results also show that different reference voltages can lead to different mean values of Norton model parameter which is obtained by fluctuation quantity method. The differences don’t have any effect on harmonic load flow analysis,but it affects the accuracy and credibility of the assessment load harmonic contribution level.  相似文献   

【研究目的】为比较分析对虾工厂化养殖与池塘养殖环境的差异及探讨简易水处理系统的处理效果;【方法】试验借住常规的水质检测方法,对比两系统水质因子,分析处理系统废水处理前后各水质因子的变化。【结果】工厂化养殖排放废水DO含量的变化范围为7.1 mg/L ~ 12.6 mg/L;池塘养殖排放废水DO含量的变化范围为2.9 mg/L ~ 4.8 mg/L,远低于工厂化养殖。池塘养殖废水TSS含量的变化范围为100.4 mg/L ~ 140.0 mg/L;工厂化养殖废水TSS含量的变化范围为172.6 mg/L ~ 220.4 mg/L。方差分析表明,工厂化养殖废水的TSS含量显著高于池塘养殖 (F=126.393, P=0.000<0.01);工厂化养殖排放废水的总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)含量显著高于池塘养殖(F=17.009, P=0.001<0.05)。经沉淀池处理后,TSS含量降低了66.9;经栽培有裙带菜的养殖槽,废水中TAN、NO2-N、NO3-N和PO4-P分别降低了58.1.0%、43.0%、55.9% 和29.1%。【结论】来自工厂化养殖的废水含有较多的污染物质,直接排放可能对环境的危害更大;该实验设计的简易水处理系统具有较好的处理效果。  相似文献   

When large damage, such as rupture and leakage, occurs in buried pipeline, a steel pipeline extrusion throttle device is applied to crush the pipeline and block the oil flow quickly in a short time. An extrusion model under uniformly distributed radial load is established based on the theory of plastic deformation and the principle of virtual work. The pipeline plastic deformation is analyzed and computed and the pipeline extruding load is obtained. The extrusion of X60 steel tube of 325 mm diameter and 6 mm thickness loaded by indenter of 18 mm width is examined. The load-deformation curve of pipeline extrusion is obtained. The results of the comparison between experimental data and theoretical data show that the model is in good agreement with the experiment. This model can be used to calculate the extruding load of pipelines of different sizes and provide the theoretical and practical reference for urgent repair of pipeline leakage.  相似文献   

Summary The adaptability of wheat varieties to precise environmental conditions is known to be influenced to a large extent by photoperiod sensitive genes determining ear emergence time and by the gibberelic acid insensitive dwarfing genes that are regularly used to reduce plant height. A range of European winter wheat varieties were examined to establish whether breeders in different countries have selected genotypes carrying allelic variants of photoperiodic and dwarfing genes that would be expected to provide the best levels of adaptability. In most areas modern cultivars were seen to carry the genotypes predicted to promote good levels of adaptability. Varieties cultivated in Germany however are still predominately of conventional height and late flowering lacking genes that would be expected to enhance adaptability and yield.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of nitrogen sludge load and dissolved oxygen(DO) on nitrite nitrification system. The following conclusions have been drawn based on the experimental data and analysis results: 1) The ammonium degradation rate and the nitrous accumulation rate of high concentration nitrous nitrifying system decline with the increase of NH+4-N sludge load. When HRT is less than two days, the ammonium degradation rate rapidly declines to 25%~29% with the increase of NH+4-N sludge load. When HRT is beyond two days, the ammonium rate of the system slowly falls to 50%~60% with the NH+4-N sludge load increased. When HRT is 2.5 days or 3 days, the declined trend of the system nitrous accumulation rate is not obvious with the NH+4-N sludge load increased. When HRT is 5 days, the decrease of nitrous accumulation rate is caused by the adaptation of sludge. So the NH+4-N sludge load of high concentration nitrous accumulation system should not be too high; 2)With the increase of DO, the ammonium degradation of high concentration nitrous nitrifying system is gradually increased. When the DO is less than 0.7 mg/L, it is not conductive to the ammonium degradation. When the DO is higher than 2 mg/L, the oxide of NH+4-N is changed into the increased of NO3-N and the nitrous accumulation rate declined. If the concentration of DO is controlled within 0.7to 1.3 mg/L, the high concentration nitrous nitrifying system can have a good NH+4-N degradation rate and nitrous accumulation rate.  相似文献   

节水减氮对土壤硝态氮分布和冬小麦水氮利用效率的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
针对当前关中平原冬小麦生产中氮肥投入过量、灌溉水资源不足的问题,研究节水减氮栽培模式下冬小麦籽粒产量、水氮利用及硝态氮淋失情况,能为确定冬小麦节水减肥环保增效的生产模式提供理论依据。于2017—2019年在陕西杨凌开展冬小麦节水减氮田间栽培试验,采用二因素裂区设计,施氮量为主处理,灌水量为副处理,设施氮量处理N300 (300 kg hm–2)、N225 (225 kg hm–2)、N150 (150 kg hm–2)、N75 (75 kg hm–2)、N0 (不施氮)和灌水量处理W2 (1200 m3 hm–2)、W1 (600 m3 hm–2)、W0 (0),分析小麦产量、水氮利用效率及土壤硝态氮淋失情况。结果表明,2017—2018年和2018—2019年小麦季灌水处理较不灌水处理分别增产14.88%~15.01%和4.11~4.16倍,但处理间差异不显著,而越冬期灌水600 m3 h...  相似文献   

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