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无线传感器网络中一种改进的DV-Hop定位算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对DV-Hop算法在无线传感器网络节点分布不均匀时定位误差比较大的问题,提出了一种针对DV-Hop的改进定位算法。该改进算法主要是利用RSSI测量技术增加锚节点;在给定约束下引入“可能存在区域”这一概念,并以该可能存在区域的面积作为目标函数,对未知节点的位置利用非线性共轭梯度法进行逼近,从而使节点定位误差达到最小。通过仿真验证了节点通信半径和锚节点比例对定位误差的影响,结果表明,该改进算法将节点定位精度提高了5%~10%。  相似文献   

基于无线传感器网络的智能粮仓监控系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘宇静 《粮食储藏》2008,37(3):30-33
分析了目前粮仓监控的现状,设计了一个基于无线传感器网络监控系统体系结构.设计了系统的GSM通信模块,给出了系统数据传输数据的设计,及系统端口初始化的核心代码,设计了系统智能监控流程,从而解决了系统开发运行的难题.最后通过系统的试运行,验证了系统的设计与开发思路的正确性.  相似文献   

传感器节点能量是影响无线传感器网络的生存周期的关键因素,基本的GPSR协议所使用的贪婪算法忽略了角度因素对下一跳选择的影响,在转发失败遇到空洞问题时只能进行周边边界转发算法,以损耗节点能量为代价。为了节约节点能量,延长网络生存周期,从改进GPSR协议出发,综合考虑距离和角度这两个因素解决路由过程中的空洞问题。仿真实验表明,改进后的协议是网络节点消耗大大减少,网络生存时间为300 s,长于基本GPSR协议下的200 s。该协议缩短了路径长度,节约节点能量,减少能量的消耗,延长了网络生存时间。  相似文献   

安学武 《中国农学通报》2020,36(16):143-148
为实现分布式测量的农业小气候观测系统设计,需要设计一种体积小、成本相对较低的观测传感器。设计中应用STM32系统,采用现代电子设计技术及智能化的软硬件开发,实现传感器的设计制造。结果表明,应用STM32系统进行主控单元硬件设计,及STM32系统自带的标准库函数开发固化软件,不仅功能上能够满足要求,而且设计及生产成本均较低。设计完成的一体式传感器不仅能够更好地满足农业小气候观测需求,而且较集中控制方式的农业小气候观测系统有安装维护上的优势,其体积小,而且“全无线”设计,不会影响农事活动。基于物联网的智能化传感器设计为实现分布式测量打下了基础。  相似文献   

研究了一种基于工业4.0的多参数粮情检测系统,通过一体机设备,将各种传感器及设备映射为多个网络地址,实现对多种粮情数据的本地可视化感知及网络传输,应用软件插件体系结构技术构建可在线扩展的软件,实现相应的粮情多参数监控插件;制定相关传感器及设备的通信协议标准,实现远程监控现场多种粮情数据、对现场设备进行远程调试和维护工作...  相似文献   

适应性和稳定性是优良品种所必须具备的基本条件。在多个环境下对多个性状进行选择一直是一个悬而未决的难题。基于加性-显性-加加互作以及它们和环境互作的遗传模型,本文提出了两类选择指数:普通选择指数和考虑基因型与环境互作的选择指数(环境互作选择指数)。其中普通选择指数可用于具有广泛适应性品种的选择,环境互作选择指数则可用于具有特定环境适应性的基因型的选择。对于自花授粉作物,本文提出了两类育种值,即普通育种值和基因型与环境互作育种值。其中,普通育种值包括上位性效应和加加上位性效应,基因型与环境互作育种值包括加性、加加上位性与环境的互作效应。应用混合线性模型估算选择指数构建中涉及的方差-协方差分量。以一组陆地棉双列杂交设计试验作为实例,演示了所提出的选择指数的构建过程。本文提出的指数选择方法可望为多环境下多个性状同步选择提供一条有效的途径。  相似文献   

Multi-target tracking is a hot topic of current research on wireless sensor networks (WSN). Based on adaptive sampling interval, we propose a multi-target tracking algorithm in order to save energy consumption and prevent tracking lost for WSN. We contrast the targets moving model by using the position metadata, and predicte the targets moving status based on extended Kalman filter (EKF).we adopt the probability density function (PDF) of the estimated targets to establish the tracking cluster. By defining the tracking center, we use Markov distance to quantify the election process of the main node (MN). We comput targets impact strength through the targets importance and the distance to MN node, and then use it to build tracking algorithm. We do the simulation experiment based on MATLAB, and the experiment results show that the proposed algorithm can accurate predict the trajectory of the targets, and adjust the sampling interval while the targets were moving. By analyzing the experiments data, we know that the proposed algorithm can improve the tracking precision and save the energy consumption of WSN obviously.  相似文献   

K. Werner    B. Pellio    F. Ordon  W. Friedt 《Plant Breeding》2000,119(6):517-519
Based on the RAPD marker OP‐C04H910 which is closely linked to the barley mild mosaic virus (BaMMV) resistance gene rym9 derived from the variety ‘Bulgarian 347’ the marker STS‐C04H910 cosegregating with OP‐C04H910 and generating a single additional band on plants carrying the recessive resistance encoding allele has been developed. Furthermore, the simple sequence repeats (SSRs) WMS6 and HVM67 have been integrated into the genetic map of the rym9 region on chromosome 4HL. Because of their close linkage to rym9 and distinct banding pattern STS‐C04H910 and HVM67 are well‐suited for marker‐ assisted selection, enhanced backcrossing procedures and pyramiding of resistance genes.  相似文献   

Embryogenic calli derived from anther cultures of the two-rowed winter barley cultivar Igri were plated on solid L3 medium containing the proline analogue hydroxyproline (Hyp), 10–20 mmol l–1. Exposure to Hyp caused severe degeneration of most of the calli. Hyp resistant calli, distinguishable by their lighter colour and higher growth rate, and control calli not exposed to Hyp were plated on L3 regeneration medium. From 22,500 anthers exposed to Hyp 46 Hyp resistant regenerates were obtained, which were transferred to soil. After cultivation for 5–10 weeks at normal growth conditions they were cold hardened at 2 C under short day conditions together with control regenerates. Frost tolerance assays with segments of fully grown leaves of unhardened and cold hardened plants revealed that Hyp resistant regenerants were significantly more frost tolerant than the control regenerants. Improved frost tolerance was found also in the progenies R1 to R9, and genotypic segregation in the R1 generation in a 1:2:1 ratio was indicated. Increased proline content was observed in the R2 generation and in subsequent generations and was significantly (P 0.001) correlated with increased frost tolerance in the Hyp lines. Comparative studies of R9 progenies from homozygous R2 plants with the wild type Igri under field conditions in winter at three locations in Europe as well as crossing experiments confirmed the heritable improvement of frost tolerance and winter survival, respectively, in the Hyp lines. The results support the hypothesis that proline accumulation in cold acclimated winter barley plants is causally related to the acquisition of frost tolerance. Moreover, the described biotechnological procedure may be applicable in breeding programs for improved winter hardiness and possibly also for other stress tolerances.  相似文献   

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