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方形高强钢管混凝土叠合柱轴压极限承载力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于新提出的方形高强钢管混凝土叠合柱的极限承载力,基于统一强度理论,考虑中间主应力和材料拉压比的影响,引入有效约束系数和非有效约束系数并考虑箍筋对钢管外混凝土约束作用的不同,把钢管外箍筋约束混凝土划分为有效约束区和非有效约束区,将方形截面等效为圆形截面以考虑钢管核心混凝土受到的钢管和外围钢筋混凝土的双重约束效应,提出了方形高强钢管混凝土叠合柱的一种新的轴压极限承载力计算方法。将所得理论计算结果与文献试验结果进行对比,吻合良好,证明了公式的正确性。对各参数的影响规律分析表明,方形高强钢管混凝土叠合柱的承载力随着侧压系数、中间主应力影响系数、材料拉压比和纵向配筋率的增大而增大,随着钢管径厚比的增大而减小。  相似文献   

为了研究高强冷弯薄壁槽钢受弯构件的力学性能和设计方法,对3种板件加劲形式的G550高强冷弯薄壁型钢槽形截面受弯构件进行了试验研究和有限元参数分析。结果表明,板件加劲形式对高强冷弯薄壁槽钢受弯构件屈曲模式和受弯承载力有显著影响,翼缘V形加劲比腹板V形加劲能够更有效地提高构件抗弯承载力,构件抗弯承载力的变化规律与屈曲模式有关。根据有限元参数分析结果,在已有直接强度法基础上回归出适用于高强冷弯薄壁槽钢受弯构件的直接强度法修正公式。  相似文献   

针对竹筋混凝土结构存在的问题,提出了多种对竹筋的改性方法。在此基础上,对12根采用不同配筋和不同改性方法的受弯构件(11根竹筋混凝土梁和1根钢筋混凝土梁)进行了试验研究,分析了不同改性方法和不同配筋率竹筋混凝土受弯构件的力学性能、破坏形态及其影响因素。研究结果表明:竹筋能有效提高混凝土受弯构件的承载能力;经过适当方法改性后的竹筋能确保竹筋和混凝土之间的有效粘结,其正截面强度计算可以采用平截面假定;竹筋混凝土受弯构件的破坏均为脆性破坏,其破坏形态与其截面配筋率有关。  相似文献   

为研究T形板肋对预制带肋底板混凝土叠合板弯曲疲劳性能的影响,对3块T形肋底板叠合板和1块整浇板进行弯曲疲劳性能对比试验,主要考察T形板肋与疲劳荷载幅值对试件疲劳破坏形态及疲劳损伤程度的影响,得到了在不同疲劳循环加载次数下的跨中动位移、混凝土应变、预应力筋应变、残余变形等,分析了在不同疲劳循环加载次数下的刚度退化情况、荷载-应变分布规律、裂缝分布规律及剩余承载力等。研究结果表明,经历200万次疲劳循环加载后,T形肋底板叠合板无明显的刚度和强度退化,增设T形板肋的叠合板能达到与整浇板相同的弯曲疲劳性能;T形肋底板叠合板正截面弯曲疲劳强度计算可采用普通预应力混凝土受弯构件正截面疲劳应力验算的4个假定,最终以此建立了其正截面弯曲疲劳强度验算方法。  相似文献   

在梁侧或梁底用波形齿横向张拉CFRP片材并锚固的体外预应力加固混凝土结构技术,对3根完全相同的7 m跨T形截面梁进行加固:其中2根梁侧面加固;1根梁底部加固。试验表明:多点锚固体外无粘结CFRP预应力可以依据构件的弯矩来调整各段的加固量从而更有效的利用CFRP材料的高强性能;梁底与梁侧加固对提高构件的抗弯刚度差别不大;波形齿能彻底解决预应力CFRP片材的锚固问题。以该3根加固梁的试验结果为基础,提出了梁体极限状态下塑性绞区长度的体外无粘结预应力碳纤维加固受弯构件的抗弯承载力公式,以及考虑二次效应的有效惯性矩法的挠曲变形的计算公式,通过与试验值的对比分析可知,所提出的方法可供设计参考使用。  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土无腹筋细长梁剪切破坏机理模型研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据现有关于钢筋混凝土无腹筋细长梁剪切破坏机理问题的研究成果,介绍了基于修正压力场理论的抗剪模型、临界剪切裂缝理论、塑性理论、压力路径理论、劈裂破坏理论和基于截面应变分析的抗剪模型的基本假设、核心观点及受剪承载力计算方法,并给出总结、归纳及评析;另一方面,利用相关试验数据和ACI-DAfStb无腹筋细长梁剪切破坏数据库,分别对不同理论模型的受剪承载力计算公式进行了设计参数的影响评估和统计评估;并展望了无腹筋细长梁剪切破坏机理研究的发展方向。研究结果表明:不同理论模型的部分假设缺少直接的试验依据支持,梁腹混凝土的受拉(劈裂)或受剪(骨料咬合)以及受压区混凝土对抵抗剪力的贡献成为抗剪机制的主要分歧;不同受剪承载力计算公式对不同影响因素的考虑方式的合理性和计算结果的准确度均有待进一步提高。后续深入研究应综合考虑剪切破坏问题的随机性和物理属性,利用先进测试技术、应力演化分析方法,进一步揭示剪切破坏机理。  相似文献   

粘结性能退化是导致锈蚀钢筋混凝土构件力学性能下降的主要因素之一,基于锈蚀构件粘结性能实验研究成果与内聚力模型,建立了有厚度的双线性内聚力单元与分离式钢筋混凝土梁分析模型,引入粘结界面层,研究了粘结性能退化对锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁抗弯刚度的影响。结果表明,双线性内聚力单元可以有效模拟钢筋与混凝土之间的粘结机制,而根据锈蚀深度确定的有厚度的粘结单元能合理描述锈蚀程度对粘结性能的影响。数值分析结果与实验及经验公式对比,表明了文中方法的有效性和合理性。  相似文献   

应用ANSYS有限元,分析了Q460高强钢焊接薄腹工形截面双向压弯构件的稳定性能,提出了可供实际应用参考的设计公式。分析中考虑的主要参数有腹板高厚比,构件长细比,翼缘宽厚比及荷载偏心率。结果表明,对受压为主的构件,腹板局部屈曲对构件稳定承载力影响较大,而对受弯为主的构件,这一因素对构件稳定承载力影响较小。有限元分析结果与现行规范方法计算结果比较表明,目前规范方法尚不能较好地计算高强钢焊接薄腹工形截面双向压弯构件的稳定承载力,因而提出了修正直接强度法,该法精度较好且偏于安全。  相似文献   

通过对全尺寸可拆式钢筋桁架模板在施工阶段的截面力学性能试验,研究了其在单调荷载作用下的破坏形态以及受力机理。并分别采用荷载挠度曲线法和极限弯矩法计算了截面特性。分析表明:施工阶段可以采用上下弦连续的桁架计算模型,荷载挠度曲线法计算结果与理论值偏差较大,其原因是:试件破坏过程由变形控制,而非强度,以及由于连接件与钢筋的相对滑移产生的附加挠度,极限弯矩法计算值与理论值较为吻合。在此基础上,给出了简支或等跨连续(两跨)梁计算模型的最大无支撑长度的建议值。  相似文献   

通过高强钢绞线网聚合物砂浆加固层与混凝土结构的剥离破坏试验,对加固层与混凝土界面的剥离破坏特征进行了研究。探讨了单侧加固、植筋加固及U型加固等不同的加固方式对加固层抗剪承载力及抗剪强度的影响。试验结果表明,采用U型加固等增加粘结面积的方式能有效提高加固层粘结面抗剪承载力,但同时会削弱加固层的抗剪强度,而在界面上植入抗剪钢筋后,能同时提高聚合物砂浆加固层的抗剪承载力及抗剪强度。根据试验结果,提出了最小植筋率的建议值。  相似文献   

Eight concrete beams reinforced with 500MPa steel bars and four reinforced with 400MPa ultra fine grain steel bars were tested under two point symmetrical concentrated static loading to observe the details of crack pattern development on these beams and investigate their cracking characteristics. It was shown that the cracking behavior of the beams with high strength bars was essentially similar to that of common RC flexural members, whereas the computed crack widths using the formula adopted in the Code for Design of Concrete Structures GB 50010 2002 exceeded that of the experiment under the normal service. Furthermore, the formulas for crack spacing and crack width specified in GB 50010 2002 were evaluated through the experimental results and previous studies of sixty seven concrete beams reinforced with high strength bars. On the basis of the calculation model in GB 50010 2002, revised formulas for crack spacing and crack width were proposed. The values calculated by revised formulas were in good agreement with the test results.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the flexural behavior of concrete beams reinforced with high strength hot rolled bars of fine grains, static bending test on four rectangle cross section HRBF400, HRBF500 RC beams was conducted. The results show that the experimental maximum crack width under short term load meets the requirement of current code while calculated value does not meet; mid span deflection of RC beams with HRBF400 under short term load still meets the requirement of current code while RC beams with HRBF500 does not meet. Bearing capacity calculating formula under conditions of crack/deflection control was proposed and conception of component's bearing capacity utilization coefficient (BCUC) was put forward. The influences of reinforcement strength, reinforcement diameter, concrete grade, reinforcement ratio, concrete cover thickness and high span ratio on BCUC were analyzed. Within the range of economic reinforcement ratio, ductility of HRBF RC beams meets the requirement. Energy dissipation capacity of HRBF RC beams is similar to that of normal RC beams at low reinforcement ratio but it decreases faster than normal RC beams with the increasing of reinforcement ratio. Energy dissipation capacity of HRBF RC beams is higher than that of normal RC concrete beams in elastic stage and it enhances with the increasing of reinforcement ratio.  相似文献   

The static tests on hybrid fiber (steel fiber and polypropylene fiber) reinforced high performance concrete deep beams according to the orthogonal experimental design were conducted. The shear capacity and calculation method of deep beams were discussed as well. The contributory factors such as the characteristic parameters of steel fiber (types, volume fraction, aspect ratio), the volume fraction of polypropylene fiber, the ratio of web horizontal reinforcement and the ratio of web vertical reinforcement were analyzed. Results show that the shear failure mode of deep beams is changed with adding a reasonable volume of hybrid fibers, and hybrid fiber can greatly increase the diagonal cracking strength and shear strength of HPC deep beams. The diagonal cracking strength is increased by 45.2% averagely while the shear strength is increased by 25.6% averagely. A satisfied result is obtained when the plasticity theory is used to analyze shear behavior of hybrid fiber reinforced HPC deep beams. The contribution of web horizontal reinforcement and web vertical reinforcement to shear strength of deep beams is not obvious but the former plays a major role. After analyzing the strengthening mechanism of hybrid fiber, a formula to calculate the shear capacity of hybrid fiber reinforced HPC deep beams is presented based on spatial strut-and-tie mode and splitting failure.  相似文献   

Experimental research on flexural behavior of the different grade RC beams strengthened with ferrocement mortar through six RC beams is carried out. The matching of original component concrete to the composite mortar strength rank is studied and its influence on bending strength, the crack-resisting capacity and the bending stiffness of RC beams is analyzed. Based on plane cross-section assumption and the experimental results, the formulas of the theoretical ultimate strength capacity and stiffness are brought forward. The calculated results fit well with the experimental results, to provide a theoretical reference for actual engineering designs.  相似文献   

In order to study the mechanical behavior of corroded reinforced concrete beams strengthened with bolted steel plates, this paper designed 12 reinforced concrete beams. These beams were corroded by using accelerated electrochemical corrosion method with a designed corrosion ratio of 10%. The pre-compression experiments were performed for all RC beams before strengthening and the maximum crack width was controlled as 0.2 mm. According to the thickness of concrete cover, the beams were divided into 3 groups. Each group was composed of one comparative beam and three tested beams strengthened by steel plates bolted with study according to the thickness of steel plates which were 3 mm, 4 mm and 5 mm, respectively. It was shown that the strain distributions along the height of the strengthened beams at middle-span were in good agreement with the plain section assumption basically. The serviceability performances of corroded RC beams were significantly improved and these ultimate bearing capacities increased obviously. The steel plate bolted with stud effectively reduced the crack width and the extension height of reinforced concrete beams. It was indicated that an increase of steel plates with 35 mm resulted in a decrease of deflection by 13%51% when beams had the same thickness of concrete cover and corrosion ratio. Influence of the thickness of concrete cover on the ultimate bearing capacity was not obvious.  相似文献   

The Quasi static tests of one steel frame and two the composite deep beams infilled steel frames were carried out. The effects of the deep beams on the load capacity, ductility, hysteretic property and energy dissipation of pure steel structure were analyzed. It is found that the hysteresis curve is a straight line with the constant of the stiffness at the beginning and without residual deformation. And the hysteresis curve of specimen was full after yielding, and the skeleton curves had a clear plastic flow phase with triple linear. The lateral drifts of the beam specimens at failure were 1/25 and 1/22. The composite deep beams enhance the initial stiffness, yield load and maximum load bearing capacity of steel frame. Therefore, seismic performance of the composite deep beams is better.  相似文献   

Considering the large negative bending moment at the end of frame beam and low tensile strength of concrete,a new composite steel-concrete frame beam(CSCFB),reinforced by a T shape steel beam at the negative bending regions,was brought forward.Through two full-scale of single-layer CSCFB frame models experiment,the load-displacement curves of CSCFB and strain distribution at cross section were obtained.Compared with the ordinary composite beam,the T shape reinforcing section can enhance the beam stiffness effectively,and make it distribute reasonably.The segment flexural rigidity method is presented and validated.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the fire resistance of high strength steel beams made from Q460, the method to compute temperature distribution of high strength Q460 steel beams was derived and the temperature distribution was calculated by using finite difference method. The modified equations of temperature for components of steel beam were proposed. According to critical moment at room temperature and mechanical properties of high strength Q460 steel at elevated temperature, the critical moment and stability checking coefficient were obtained by analysis. The load bearing capacity and critical temperature as well as stability factor were studied by using equivalent stiffness method through considering the effect of temperature gradient on stiffness.  相似文献   

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