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便利店销售额在传统零售业中增幅最高,照明在所调研样本总室内能耗中占比为43%。基于全国257家便利店的数据,探讨便利店的照明特征。采用多重线性回归方法建立照明能耗预测模型,采用因子分析方法探讨客观参数与主观评价的联系。研究表明,对便利店,考虑照明节能时需同步关注其主观评价的变化;进行照明设计时需因地制宜;照明能耗预测模型为ln y=0.479 ln x1+ 0.248ln x2-0.217(y为照明功率密度,x1为单位面积照明造价,x2为典型货架位置水平照度平均值);顾客对照明充足度的“敏感性”比照明均匀度高;提高照度平均值有助于提高主观评价。  相似文献   

为研究多因素对不同热工分区办公建筑总负荷指标的综合影响,在分析了单一因素对建筑总负荷指标影响规律的基础上,采用层次分析法对分别位于哈尔滨、兰州、重庆、广州的办公建筑负荷指标进行了评价。得到了窗户传热系数Kw、玻璃遮阳系数Sc、窗墙比R在不同热工分区办公建筑总负荷指标影响因素中的权重值,并对此进行了一致性检验。结果表明:对于严寒地区的哈尔滨和寒冷地区的兰州节能建筑,各因素重要程度为R > Kw > Sc;对于夏热冬冷地区的重庆和夏热冬暖地区的广州节能建筑,各因素重要程度为Sc > R > Kw。在建筑结构优化设计中应根据各热工分区负荷影响因素的比重不同进行优先控制相应因素。  相似文献   

人工环境实验室对温度的控制精度低于工艺性环境要求,但冬季若采用分体式空调制热模式控制,实验室温度的波动范围过大,影响采集实验数据的准确性。提出冬季采用空调制冷模式联合电取暖器稳定人工环境实验室内温度的新方法,在背景实验中将新方法和传统空调制热温度控制方法进行对比,结果表明:采用新方法能大幅度提高人工环境实验房间温度的稳定性。为对新方法中空调的设定制冷温度与电取暖器功率匹配问题做进一步研究而进行探究试验,实验结果表明:空调制冷量Q1、测试房间热负荷Q2、电取暖器功率Q3和测试房间其他设备功率Q4存在匹配关系,当空调设定温度相同时,|Q1+Q2-Q3-Q4|值越小,人工环境实验室内温度波动频率越稳定,振幅越小。  相似文献   

传统边坡可靠度分析往往在岩土参数服从线性Mohr-Coulomb(简称线性M-C)破坏准则的假设条件下进行,并且常常采用极限平衡法或有限元法计算安全系数。然而,岩土介质破坏准则具有一定的非线性。为能更加实际地描述岩土破坏机理和得到严格精确的解,基于非线性Mohr-Coulomb(简称非线性M-C)破坏准则,结合极限分析上限法和蒙特卡洛法,进行边坡可靠度上限分析。当非线性参数m=1时,与等效的线性M-C破坏准则进行对比计算,验证了方法的可行性。同时,将初始粘聚力、内摩擦角arctan(c0/σt)和非线性参数作为随机变量且服从截断正态分布,进行了参数变异性和敏感性影响分析。研究表明:非线性M-C破坏准则下,边坡可靠度随初始粘聚力、内摩擦角arctan(c0/σt)和非线性参数变异性的增大而减小;边坡可靠度随初始粘聚力和内摩擦角arctan(c0/σt)的增大而增大,随非线性参数的增大而减小。  相似文献   

利用一组物料、热量守衡式及其他有关约束关系,建立了氢还原竖炉模拟模型,可定量考察消耗量、生成量和氮气、CO兑入成分、DRI金属化率、入炉煤气温度等的关系。模拟结果表明:兑入CO可使入炉煤气量从纯氢还原的1650 N·m3左右下降到1200 N·m3左右;当CO和H2的体积之比V(CO)/V(H2)约为0.6时,氮气兑入量约为0,竖炉能量利用最佳;当V(CO)/V(H2)体积比为0.3时,最佳氮气兑入成分约为11%;纯氢还原最佳氮气兑入成分约为25%;兑入氮气可以减少入炉氢气的量,但不能减少入炉气体的总量。对氢还原竖炉模拟结果可为其工艺设计、操作和节能等提供参考信息。  相似文献   

采用活性炭涂层改性悬浮填料,在连续曝气的条件下,考察了SBBR反应器脱氮性能。结果表明,SBBR反应器表现出良好的同步硝化反硝化(SND)脱氮性能,对NH3-N和TN的去除率分别为80.7%和63.1%。典型周期内反应器同步硝化反硝化率可达82.7%。单因素试验发现,脱氮率随着曝气时间t的增加而增加,随着溶解氧质量浓度ρDO和填料投加量δ增大而先增大后减小。同时,以溶解氧质量浓度、填料投加量和曝气时间为考察因素,脱氮率为评价指标,采用响应曲面法建立了二次多元回归模型。通过模型求解得出最佳工况:溶解氧浓度为2.37 mg/L,填料投加量为40.10%,曝气时间为5.17 h,此时,脱氮率得到最大值为69.28%。验证试验表明,回归模型的预测值与实测值偏差率为1.57%。  相似文献   

五星形桩是一种横截面异形桩,是在圆桩的基础上向内切割5个圆弧,形成截面类似五星形的异形桩。按其截面性质分为周长最大化五星形桩F1、周长面积比最大化五星形桩F2两种桩型,为掌握五星形桩的水平承载性能进行了与圆桩的对比模型试验研究。试验用土为干砂,砂雨法土样制作,模型桩为预制钢筋混凝土桩,相似比为1∶8。模型试验桩包括:五星形桩F1、五星形桩F2、与五星形桩F2截面周长相同的圆桩C1、与五星形桩F2截面面积相同的圆桩C2。由于五星形桩水平承载性能具有方向性,试验采用理论计算中水平承载力最大的方向施加水平荷载,试验结果表明:F1C1F2的水平极限承载力相当,但F2的截面面积最小,仅为C1的0.44倍;与C2相比,F2的水平极限承载力是其1.63倍,可见,合理截面形式的五星形桩可以提供更大的水平承载能力;五星形桩与圆桩弯矩分布规律基本一致,都在4倍直径左右(五星形桩为外接圆直径)达到最大,但五星形桩截面面积小,抗弯刚度不足,容易折断,总体水平承载性能不及截面周长相同的圆形桩,但优于截面面积相同的圆形桩。  相似文献   

为了研究灰分对煤自燃能力的影响作用,利用绝热氧化实验装置对不同灰分含量煤样进行升温氧化实验,采用R70TCPTB 3种指标表征灰分含量对煤样自发氧化过程的影响。结果表明:1)灰分含量越大,煤样低温氧化阶段温升速率越小,温升加速点温度越高,煤样的自发氧化过程越慢,煤越不易自燃;灰分含量大于40%后,煤自燃倾向性快速减弱。温升加速点是反应微观信息的零活化能温度的宏观累计结果,具有直观且滞后的特点。灰分越大,滞后越明显,温差越大。2)R70TCPTB 3种指标与灰分关系表现为二次函数。R70TCPT两种指标显示灰分越大,自燃倾向性越弱,与实践经验相符。受水分权重影响,B指标显示煤样在灰分小于40%时,灰分越大,煤样自燃倾向性越强,这与实践经验相悖。因此,B在判定灰分对煤样自燃倾向性的影响时具有一定的局限性。  相似文献   

基于CuFe2O4纳米粒子能显著增强Luminol-EDTA体系的发光,首次建立了Luminol-EDTA-CuFe2O4 NPs化学发光新体系。紫外吸收光谱和化学发光光谱表明纳米CuFe2O4注入Luminol-EDTA体系后,未生成新发光物质,结合纳米CuFe2O4的特性,提出了CuFe2O4 NPs参与Luminol-EDTA体系可能的发光机理。研究发现芦丁能抑制Luminol-EDTA-CuFe2O4 NPs体系的化学发光,结合流动注射技术,将此化学发光体系应用于芦丁片中芦丁含量的测定。在优化实验条件下,芦丁浓度在2×10-8~2×10-5 mol/L范围内芦丁浓度的对数和相对化学发光值呈线性,芦丁浓度检出限(LOD)为1.21×10-9 mol/L。将本方法应用于芦丁片中的芦丁含量测定,回收率为97%~102%,RSD为2.54%(c=1×10-7mol/L,n=11)。  相似文献   

地埋管地源热泵换热器的换热性能受到不同地质结构的影响。以武汉和重庆地区的典型地质构成为边界条件,建立了三维地埋管的单孔双U管换热模型,通过模型计算,获得了两种地质条件下的地埋管换热性能,以重庆地区的地源热泵热响应测试结果以及工程运行数据出发,对模型的计算结果进行了验证,结果表明,模型吻合度较好,可以应用于工程分析。以模型为条件,进行地质结构对换热性能的影响度分析,预测了两地地埋管地源热泵的换热性能并计算得到换热器的平均换热系数分别为武汉地区K1=1.65(W/m·K),重庆地区K2=1.51(W/m·K)。  相似文献   

With science and technology developing, the need of energy increases in our lives and industries. Normal energy is lacking in our country, and the average is half of the average of the world. The conflicting between supplying and needing is apparent. So it seems that the energy may be gone. It is necessary that development of recycling energy is considered. The new energy and recycling energy will be the main energy in the future.  相似文献   

江苏农村家庭能源消费研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王效华 《中国农学通报》2012,28(26):196-200
农村家庭能源消费是国家能源消费的重要组成部分,对农村社会、经济及生态环境有重要的影响。在江苏9个典型县3645家庭能源消费及其相关问题入户调查数据分析的基础上,给出了江苏典型地区农村家庭人均能源消费水平和最终用能消费结构,比较研究了苏南、苏中、苏北三地区能源消费结构和有效热中商品能所占比例的差异,分析了能源消费与家庭纯收入的变化关系。研究为认识农村经济发展过程中家庭能源消费特征,建立能源供需平衡体系和生物质资源的规模化利用有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

Solar heating system is a promising sustainable energy source for buildings. Simulation models using EnergyPlus and TRNSYS were used to optimize the solar heating building enclose thermal insulation. The sensitive analysis of active solar heating system design parameters and energy consumption was conducted to study the influence of building envelope thermal performance on the active solar heating system. The two object functions, investing cost and lift time cost, were used to optimize the building envelope insulation. The results show that not only the energy consumption can be reduced by increasing the building envelope thermal performance, but also can minimize the investing cost.  相似文献   

This study doing statistics of energy consumption and energy auditing of state organs buildings and large public building in Chongqing, then according to the buildings use function classification, analysis problems in energy management and give advices, provides theoretical foundation for establishing state organs buildings and large public building energy-saving system and improving level of building energy-saving management.  相似文献   

According to the principles of various methods and energy consumption characteristics in Chongqing, new method of energy saving calculation is proposed for public buildings. It's shown that building envelope, facilities and energy management play the key role in energy saving reconstruction. Considering the difficulty of measuring adjustment quantity, the calculation should be under some certain prerequisites (design conditions), also the prevailing industry standards can be fully utilized. During the energy saving calculation, another key point is how to reflect the contribution rate of the single technologies for energy saving reconstruction.  相似文献   

Discussion about Saving Energy in Refrigeratory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Food refrigeration is regarded as a high energy consuming trade. Under the long period system of state operated enterprise,there are many phenomenons of ignoring energy management and wasting energy. Energy consuming is not very clear for production.Consuming in our country is far more than the international standard and there is a distance between the middle_westland and the eastland. As a enterprise that faces the international market,it is important for it to strength the management so that the cost can be reduced. Considering those phenomenons of ignoring energy management and wasting energy in refrigeratory at present, some measures such as improved the unreasonable operation process, strengthening the energy management and automation to realize automatizing operation are improved to reduce the cost for refrigeratory trades.  相似文献   

Based on the model proposed by Tiwari and Patil, we improved the calculation method for surface energy, and calculated the vacancy formation energy for typical metals such as fcc, bcc and hcp metals. The calculated results and experimental values agree with each other when an energy modification coefficient is introduced. The energy modification coefficients of fcc, bcc and hcp metals are 1.292, 1.265 and 1.357, respectively. The proposed method can calculate and predict the vacancy formation energy of metals efficiently.  相似文献   

Solar Ventilation System is unstable and uncontrollable, so a new technology is proposed to get a system that takes solar energy as heat source and applies phase change material in daytime to store energy which is used to keep ventilation in nighttime by thermal pressure. This new system is helpful to get the ideal ventilation effect for buildings. Through the experiments on ventilation with PCM of 63℃ and 44℃, ventilation rate change curve is obtained to analyse ventilation system efficiency. The results indicate that using the PCM of 63℃ and 44℃, the total ventilation of the solar ventilation system in 10 hours are respectively 8066 m3 and 6154 m3 at night, and the average ventilation per hour and area are 538 m3/h and 41 m3/h. Based on the experiment, when PCM is palmitic acid, the ventilation effect is superior than that of lauric acid. To sum up, the system of conventional solar rooftop ventilation system combined with phase change materials can intensify the nature ventilation effectively in nighttime for buildings, improve indoor thermal environment and reduce the energy consumption in air conditioning building.  相似文献   

This paper and studied the energy economy in the light of the system theory and method. An energy input-output table has been compiled and an energy input-output model has been set up to analyse in a broad sense the energy consumption in Chongqing with a new generalized method.  相似文献   

杂交狼尾草作为能源植物的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杂交狼尾草(Pennisetum americahum×P.Purpureum)系美洲狼尾草(P.americahum)与象草(P.Purpureum)的种间杂交种,是多年生高大C4草本植物,已作为造纸、饲料原料等被广泛应用,是中国有前景的非粮能源植物之一。笔者以非粮生物质原料生产和生物质转化利用为中心,针对杂交狼尾草的生物学特征、遗传特性与良种选育、产量、品质特征和生物质转化利用、生态适应能力和生态效益、栽培及管理技术等方面的研究进展和存在的问题进行了详细阐述,并展望杂交狼尾草作为能源植物的研发前景。认为虽然杂交狼尾草存在对土壤条件要求高、在北方地区不能越冬等缺点,但较其他能源植物具有显著的产量优势,在条件较好的边际土地和污染农田上具有广阔的利用前景。  相似文献   

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