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OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of racing and nontraining on plasma thyroxine (T4), free thyroxine (fT4), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and thyroglobulin autoantibody (TgAA) concentrations in sled dogs and compare results with reference ranges established for dogs of other breeds. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. ANIMALS: 122 sled dogs. PROCEDURE: Plasma thyroid hormone concentrations were measured before dogs began and after they finished or were removed from the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in Alaska and approximately 3 months after the race. RESULTS: Concentrations of T4 and fT4 before the race were less than the reference range for nonsled dogs in 26% and 18% of sled dogs, respectively. Immediately after racing, 92% of sled dogs had plasma T4 concentrations less than the reference range. Three months after the race, 25% of sled dogs had plasma T4 concentrations less than the reference range. For T4, fT4, TSH, and TgAA, significant differences were not detected in samples collected before the race versus 3 months later. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Plasma T4, fT4, and TSH concentrations decreased in dogs that complete a long distance sled dog race. Many clinically normal sled dogs have plasma T4 and fT4 values that are lower than the reference range for nonsled dogs. We suggest that the reference ranges for sled dogs are 5.3 to 40.3 nmol/L and 3.0 to 24.0 pmol/L for plasmaT4 and fT4 concentrations, respectively, and 8.0 to 370 mU/L for TSH.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine how rapidly trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole affects serum total thyroxine (T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations in euthyroid dogs and how quickly hormone concentrations return to reference values following discontinuation of administration. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 7 healthy euthyroid dogs. PROCEDURE: Dogs were given trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (26.5 to 31.3 mg/kg [12 to 14.2 mg/lb], PO, q 12 h) for a maximum of 6 weeks. A CBC and Schirmer tear test were performed and serum total T4 and TSH concentrations were measured weekly. Administration of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole was discontinued if total T4 concentration was less than the lower reference limit and TSH concentration was greater than the upper reference limit or if persistent neutropenia developed. RESULTS: Six dogs had total T4 concentrations less than the lower reference limit within 3 weeks; T4 concentration was decreased after 1 week in 3 of these 6 dogs. In these 6 dogs, TSH concentration was greater than the upper reference limit within 4 weeks. In 1 dog, T4 and TSH concentrations were not affected, despite administration of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for 6 weeks. Neutropenia developed in 4 dogs. In 1 dog, the neutropenia resolved while trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole was still being administered. In the other 3, neutrophil counts returned to reference values 1 week after drug administration was discontinued. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that administration of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole at a dosage of 26.5 to 31.3 mg/kg, PO, every 12 hours can substantially alter serum total T4 and TSH concentrations and neutrophil counts in dogs within as short a time as a few weeks.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo determine effects of anti-inflammatory doses of COX-2 selective NSAIDs carprofen, meloxicam, and deracoxib on platelet function in dogs and urine 11-dehydro-thromboxane B2.Study designRandomized, blocked, crossover design with a 14-day washout period.AnimalsHealthy intact female Walker Hounds aged 1–6 years and weighing 20.5–24.2 kg.MethodsDogs were given NSAIDs for 7 days at recommended doses: carprofen (2.2 mg kg?1, PO, every 12 hours), carprofen (4.4 mg kg?1, PO, every 24 hours), meloxicam (0.2 mg kg?1, PO, on the 1st day then 0.1 mg kg?1, PO, every 24 hours), and deracoxib (2 mg kg?1, PO, every 24 hours). Collagen/epinephrine and collagen/ADP PFA-100 cartridges were used to evaluate platelet function before and during and every other day after administration of each drug. Urine 11-dehydro-thromboxane B2 was also measured before and during administration of each drug.ResultsAll NSAIDs significantly prolonged PFA-100 closure times when measured with collagen/epinephrine cartridges, but not with collagen/ADP cartridges. The average duration from drug cessation until return of closure times (collagen/epinephrine cartridges) to baseline values was 11.6, 10.6, 11 and 10.6 days for carprofen (2.2 mg kg?1 every 12 hours), carprofen (4.4 mg kg?1 every 24 hours), meloxicam and deracoxib, respectively.Conclusions and clinical relevanceOral administration of some COX-2 selective NSAIDs causes detectable alterations in platelet function in dogs. As in humans, PFA-100 collagen/ADP cartridges do not reliably detect COX-mediated platelet dysfunction in dogs. Individual assessment of platelet function is advised when administering these drugs prior to surgery, particularly in the presence of other risk factors for bleeding.  相似文献   

Changes of the platelet count in liver diseases are described in humans. Thrombocytopenia was observed more frequently than thrombocytosis. There are only a few investigations on platelet counts in liver diseases in dogs. The goal of the present study was to investigate the influence of different liver diseases including degeneration, hepatitis and liver tumours, on the platelet count. Platelet counts of 52 dogs with different liver diseases were measured and compared with 52 healthy dogs. The results showed, that dogs with liver degeneration have thrombocytosis in 41% of the cases and a group of dogs with liver tumours (malignant histiocytosis, hepatoma, malignant lymphoma anaplastic sarcoma, cholangiocarcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma) had thrombocytopenia in 50% of the cases. The dogs with hepatitis showed no specific changes in the platelet count. The statistical comparison of our patients with liver disease and a control group of healthy dogs showed significantly higher platelet counts in cases of liver degeneration (p < 0.0001) and significantly lower platelet counts in cases of liver tumour (p < 0.001). The comparison between the dogs with different liver diseases showed significantly lower platelet counts in dogs with liver tumours when compared to dogs with liver degeneration (p < 0.0001). There was no significant difference between dogs with liver tumours and dogs with hepatitis and between dogs with liver degeneration and dogs with hepatitis. Based on the results of this study the author recommends to assess platelet counts in all dogs with liver disease, especially if liver biopsy is planed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of training and sustained submaximal exercise on hematologic values in racing sled dogs. DESIGN: Cohort study. ANIMALS: 39 Alaskan sled dogs bred for endurance racing. Procedures-Blood samples were collected prior to initiation of a 7-month training regimen (n=39), after completion of the training regimen (19), and after completion of an 1,100-mile race (9), and a CBC, differential cell count, and flow cytometry for leukocyte surface antigens were performed. RESULTS: Both training and exercise caused significant decreases in PCV and hemoglobin concentration and significant increases in total WBC count. In contrast, training and exercise were not found to have significant effects on absolute numbers or fractions of CD4+ or CD8+ lymphocytes, other than a significant increase in the fraction of CD8+ lymphocytes associated with training. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that training and exercise induced changes in several hematologic values in racing sled dogs. Extracellular fluid volume expansion was the likely explanation for the training-induced decrease in PCV, and acute blood loss secondary to gastrointestinal tract bleeding was likely responsible for the decrease in PCV associated with acute exercise.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the effects of racing and training on serum thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations in Greyhounds. ANIMALS: 9 adult racing Greyhounds. PROCEDURE: Serum thyroid hormone concentrations were measured before and 5 minutes after a race in dogs trained to race 500 m twice weekly for 6 months. Resting concentrations were measured again when these dogs had been neutered and had not raced for 3 months. Postrace concentrations were adjusted relative to albumin concentration to allow for effects of hemoconcentration. Thyroid hormone concentrations were then compared with those of clinically normal dogs of non-Greyhound breeds. RESULTS: When adjusted for hemoconcentration, total T4 concentrations increased significantly after racing and TSH concentrations decreased; however, there was no evidence of a change in free T4 or total or free T3 concentrations. Resting total T4 concentrations increased significantly when dogs had been neutered and were not in training. There was no evidence that training and neutering affected resting TSH, total or free T3, or free T4 concentrations. Resting concentrations of T3, TSH, and autoantibodies against T4, T3, and thyroglobulin were similar to those found in other breeds; however, resting free and total T4 concentrations were lower than those found in other breeds. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Except for total T4, thyroid hormone concentrations in Greyhounds are affected little by sprint racing and training. Greyhounds with low resting total and free T4 concentrations may not be hypothyroid.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the platelet count, coagulation time and platelet activity in dogs experimentally infected with Rangelia vitalii during the acute phase of the disease. For this study, 12 young dogs (females) were used, separated in two groups. Group A (uninfected control) was composed by healthy dogs (n=5), and group B consisted of R. vitalii-infected animals (n=7). After being inoculated with R. vitalii-infected blood, animals were monitored by blood smear examinations, which showed intra-erythrocytic forms of the parasite five days post-inoculation (PI). Blood samples were collected on days 0, 10, 20 and 30 PI. The material collected was placed in tubes containing EDTA for quantification of platelets, citrate anticoagulant platelet aggregation, and measuring the clotting time. Right after blood collection on days 10 and 20 PI, dogs were anesthetized for collecting bone marrow samples. A significant reduction (P<0.01) of the number of platelets was observed in R. vitalii-infected blood, when compared with uninfected dogs on days 10 and 20 PI. Additionally, macro-platelets were observed only in infected dogs. Prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time did not differ between infected and uninfected dogs. The megakaryocyte count increased (P<0.01) significantly in infected dogs when compared with uninfected ones on days 10 and 20 PI. Platelet aggregation decreased (P<0.01) significantly in infected dogs in comparison to the control on days 10 and 20 PI. Therefore, rangeliosis in dogs causes a severe thrombocytopenia during the acute phase of infection. This platelets reduction probably occurred due to splenic sequestration and/or immune-mediated thrombocytopenia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bleeding disorders in patients with normal coagulation test results are frequently reported in Greyhounds. The purpose of this study was to compare Greyhounds to non-Greyhounds by thromboelastography (TEG). HYPOTHESIS: TEG parameters in Greyhounds are different from those in non-Greyhounds. ANIMALS: Forty-three healthy dogs (28 Greyhounds and 15 non-Greyhounds) based on the results of physical examination, CBC, activated partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin time, fibrinogen, and platelet count. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Recalcified citrated native TEGs were performed in both groups; data were compared using Student's, Mann-Whitney, and Pearson's statistical tests. RESULTS: In Greyhounds, mean +/- SD were as follows: R-time 4.3 +/- 1.7 minutes, K-time 3.8 +/- 1.4 minutes, angle (alpha) 50.0 +/- 8.0 degrees , maximum amplitude (MA) 47.6 +/- 5.6 mm, clot strength (G) 4,647 +/- 1,097 dyn/cm2, and percent lysis at 60 minutes (LY60) 2.8 +/- 5.0%. In the non-Greyhounds they were R-time 3.7 +/- 1.6 minutes, K-time 2.5 +/- 0.9 minutes, angle 59.8 +/- 7.0 degrees , MA 53.1 +/- 5.6 mm, G 5,811 +/- 1,256 dyn/cm2, and LY60 3.1 +/- 2.5%. All parameters were significantly different between the groups, except for R-time and LY60. CONCLUSION: In Greyhounds, clotting kinetics are slower and clot strength are weaker than in non-Greyhounds, supporting the increased tendency to bleed observed after minor trauma or surgical procedures in the breed. The findings may also be attributed to blood viscosity or to the concentration of citrate in the sample (ie, Greyhounds have higher hematocrit and less plasma per unit volume).  相似文献   

Human and equine athletes are reported to have a high prevalence of gastric disease, and anecdotal evidence suggests a similar phenomenon applies to racing sled dogs. To investigate the prevalence of gastric disease in racing sled dogs, we conducted 2 gastroscopy studies on dogs competing in the annual Iditarod Sled Dog Race. A pilot study of dogs that were either dropped from the 2000 Iditarod Sled Dog Race because of illness or that finished the race indicated that, approximately 5 days after competing, 10 of 28 dogs (35%) had endoscopic evidence of gastric ulceration, erosion, or hemorrhage. The next year, an endoscopic study of 73 dogs participating in the 2001 Iditarod race was performed in order to evaluate a larger population of dogs. Data from 70 of these dogs could be used; 34 (48.5%) had ulceration, erosion, gastric hemorrhage, or some combination of these findings. When this group of 70 dogs was compared retrospectively to a control group of 87 dogs presented to the Texas A&M University (TAMU) Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, the Iditarod sled dogs had a significantly higher prevalence (P = .049) of gastric lesions. These findings suggest that, similar to athletes of other species, elite canine athletes have an increased prevalence of gastric disease compared to the canine population at large.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure the lymphocyte proliferation response in horses 12 to 16 hours after completion of a race. ANIMALS: 8 Thoroughbreds that competed in 14 races and 3 control Thoroughbreds that did not race. PROCEDURE: Horses participated in races during the late afternoon or evening. Venous blood samples were collected on a morning before a race (1 or 2 days before the race or on the day of the race), on the afternoon of a race (40 to 60 minutes after the race), and on the morning of the day after a race (12 to 16 hours after the race). Lymphocyte proliferation responses and WBC count were measured in samples obtained in the mornings. Plasma cortisol was measured in all samples. RESULTS: Lymphocyte proliferation responses were significantly reduced and WBC counts significantly increased 12 to 16 hours after a race. Plasma cortisol concentrations were significantly increased 40 to 60 minutes after a race. In samples from the control horses, lymphocyte proliferation responses, WBC counts, or plasma cortisol concentrations did not differ significantly among time periods. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A decrease in proliferative responses of circulating lymphocytes can be found as late as 12 to 16 hours after a horse participates in a race. Although the clinical consequences of these exercise-related alterations of the immune response are not yet known, managers of horses should take into account that the immune system of a horse may be affected by racing.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of short-term oral administration of propranolol on tear secretion in 15 clinically normal crossbreed dogs. The treatment group (n = 8) received propranolol (2 mg/kg q8h) orally for 7 days. The control group (n = 7) received placebo during the study. Schirmer I tear tests were performed on both eyes 1 d prior to drug administration (T(0)), at 1 (T(1)), 3 (T(3)), and 7 (T(7)) days of treatment. Tear production in dogs, measured by STT, was not significantly reduced in both groups.  相似文献   

Examination of faeces from 572 dogs, blood samples from 270 animals, and post mortem material from 27 dogs, confirmed the view that racing greyhounds in the British Isles are heavily infected with a range of helminth parasites. Dipylidium caninum and Uncinaria stenocephala were most common. Also frequently encountered were: Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina and Trichuris vulpis. One dog harboured Angiostrongylus vasorum. Five of the 27 animals examined at post mortem were infected with Filaroides osleri and 5.6% of the blood samples contained unidentified microfilariae, possibly of an unknown Dipetalonema species.The infections were not evenly distributed throughout the population; variations were associated with the sex and age of the host, and the season of the year. The prevalence of ascarid and hookworm infections declined with the increasing age of the host, and more male dogs harboured patent T. canis infections than females. Seasonal variations during the 13 months of the study were noted for T. leonina and U. stenocephala; the faecal egg output peaked during the winter months, with lower values recorded in the spring and early summer.  相似文献   

In human athletes significant changes in cytokine concentrations secondary to exercise have been observed. This prospective study evaluated the effect of a multi-day stage sled dog race on plasma concentrations of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-2 (IL-2), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-8 (IL-8), and interleukin-10 (IL-10). Samples from 20 dogs were harvested prior to and on days 2 and 8 of an 8-day race. Exercise resulted in significantly decreased TNF-α and IL-8 as well as increases of MCP-1, IL-6, and IL-10 concentrations (P-value between 0.01 and < 0.0001 for all parameters). The proportion of values for IL-2 that were below the detection limit increased from 40% on day 0 to 75% on day 2 and decreased on day 8 to 40% (P = 0.04). Racing sled dogs show cytokine-concentration changes that are different from those in humans.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether platelet clumps are homogeneously distributed in blood samples, and whether platelet concentrations (PC) obtained by use of impedance and buffy coat analysis can be considered minimum values when platelet clumps are present. DESIGN: Prospective study. SAMPLE POPULATION: 50 blood samples obtained from 30 dogs. PROCEDURE: 10 blood samples containing platelet clumps were used and 10 smears were made from each sample; amount of platelet clumping was graded for all 100 smears. Blood from each of 20 healthy dogs was divided between 2 EDTA tubes before and after platelet clumping was induced by adenosine diphosphate (ADP). The PC for each ADP-treated and untreated sample were measured, using impedance and quantitative buffy coat analyzers. RESULTS: Platelet clumps were evident in all 100 blood smears, but the amount of clumping varied considerably within some samples. Using the impedance analyzer, the PC of ADP-treated samples were significantly lower and never higher than the PC of untreated samples. Using the buffy coat analyzer, some ADP-treated samples had increased PC; however, significant differences were not detected between treated and untreated samples. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Platelet clumping was not homogeneous within blood samples. When platelet clumps were identified by direct examination of blood smears, the PC detected by use of the impedance analyzer could be considered minimum values. In contrast, the PC detected by use of the buffy coat analyzer were sometimes increased. Useful information can be obtained by measuring PC in blood with platelet clumps; values obtained by use of impedance can be considered minimums, and values obtained by use of buffy coat analysis may be either minimum values or reasonable estimates of PC.  相似文献   

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