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This paper indicates the need for, and the benefits to be gained by, better standards of avian nursing. The subject is approached by a discussion of the behaviour of birds in general and suggests ways in which stress in the hospitalized bird can be reduced to the minimum. The dangers of young birds becoming imprinted are emphasized. The contrasts between mammalian and avian anatomy, particularly of the respiratory and renal systems, are considered together with the implications when nursing birds. There is a discussion of the avian metabolic rate, the nutrition of sick birds, and some indications for physiotherapy in birds are mentioned.  相似文献   

Most drugs used for the treatment of birds are not formulated for birds. Therefore the availability of drugs for birds and their administration routes largely depend on formulations available for man, mammals and to some extent poultry. The problems with the application of existing formulations, the drug concentrations and the many different avian species are discussed. The desire of the avian veterinarian for the combination of several active compounds presents special problems. This again requires extra data on the interactions in galenic, pharmaceutic, pharmacokinetic and dynamic phases, which are generally not readily available.  相似文献   

Transgenesis and genome editing in birds are based on a unique germline transmission system using primordial germ cells(PGCs), which is quite different from the mammalian transgenic and genome editing system. PGCs are progenitor cells of gametes that can deliver genetic information to the next generation. Since avian PGCs were first discovered in nineteenth century, there have been numerous efforts to reveal their origin, specification, and unique migration pattern, and to improve germline transmission efficiency. Recent advances in the isolation and in vitro culture of avian PGCs with genetic manipulation and genome editing tools enable the development of valuable avian models that were unavailable before. However, many challenges remain in the production of transgenic and genome-edited birds,including the precise control of germline transmission, introduction of exogenous genes, and genome editing in PGCs.Therefore, establishing reliable germline-competent PGCs and applying precise genome editing systems are critical current issues in the production of avian models. Here, we introduce a historical overview of avian PGCs and their application, including improved techniques and methodologies in the production of transgenic and genome-edited birds, and we discuss the future potential applications of transgenic and genome-edited birds to provide opportunities and benefits for humans.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma (T.) gondii is a parasitic protozoon whose life cycle includes a definite and an intermediate host. Besides a wide range of mammals also birds are suitable intermediate hosts. There are a high number of case reports, prevalence data and experimental studies regarding avian toxoplasmosis. In many domestic, wild and zoo bird species which are relevant in Europe the susceptibility for T. gondii infection could be demonstrated though susceptibility for clinical disease often seems to be low, especially in gallinaceous birds. Comprehensive Europe-wide studies concerning the occurrence of avian toxoplasmosis have not been conducted so far. The general infestation ratio of birds on European free-range poultry farms seems to be relatively high. The European wild bird population represents a significant reservoir for the pathogen. When evaluating the seroprevalence it has to be considered that sensitivity and specificity of the detection methods for T. gondii specific antigens which are used frequently in mammals often are not satisfying in birds.  相似文献   

Currently, the factors/toxins responsible for Clostridium perfringens-associated avian enteritis are not well understood. To assess whether specific C. perfringens' toxinotypes are associated with avian enteritis, the isolates of C. perfringens from 31 cases of avian necrotic or ulcerative enteritis submitted between 1997 and 2005 were selected for retrospective analysis using multiplex PCR. C. perfringens was isolated from chickens, turkeys, quail, and psittacines. The toxinotypes of isolates from diseased birds were compared against the toxinotype of 19 C. perfringens isolates from avian cases with no evidence of clostridial enteritis. All C. perfringens isolates were classified as type A regardless of species or disease history. Although many isolates (from all avian groups) had the gene encoding the C. perfirngens beta2 toxin, only 54% produced the toxin in vitro when measured using Western blot analysis. Surprisingly, a large number of healthy birds (90%) carried CPB2-producing isolates, whereas over half of the cpb2-positive isolates from diseased birds failed to produce CPB2. These data from this investigation do not suggest a causal relationship between beta2 toxin and necrotic enteritis in birds.  相似文献   

The infection dynamics of avian haematozoa, which includes the genera Plasmodium, Haemoproteus, and Leucocytozoon, are complicated by a variety of environmental factors and host-parasite interactions. In Japan, the prevalence of haematozoa in wild birds has recently been determined in several local areas. However, no information on the annual prevalence of avian haematozoa in a single study site has been reported. Here, we investigated the long-term infection dynamics of haematozoa in wild birds inhabiting a mountain forest of Japan. Blood samples were collected from 415 wild birds captured in the Chichibu mountains in Saitama Prefecture at an altitude of 1650 m between 2007 and 2010. All obtained samples were examined for haematozoan infection using nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of the cytochrome b (cytb) genes of haematozoa. A total of 62 out of 415 (14.9%) forest birds were PCR positive for haematozoa. Relatively high infection rates of Leucocytozoon were found among several bird species (Parus ater, 64.3%; Parus montanus, 81.8%) and may be due to the host preference of vector black flies and host nestling pattern in this forest. Phylogenetic analysis of amplified cytb sequences revealed for the first time that a variety of lineages of avian haematozoa are distributed among wild bird hosts in a high-altitude forest stand in Japan. Notably, significant seasonal changes of the prevalence of avian haematozoa were not observed; however, continuous investigation will likely provide detailed information on host-parasite interactions, including local environmental factors, that influence the dynamics of avian haematozoan infections.  相似文献   

The causative agents of avian mycobacteriosis in pet birds are rarely identified. The aim of this study is to add information about the etiology of avian mycobacteriosis. The identification of mycobacterium species in 27 cases of avian mycobacteriosis in pet birds was investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing of a rRNA hypervariable region. Avian mycobacteriosis appeared to be an infrequent diagnosis. Interestingly, a few cases of avian mycobacteriosis were recorded in very young birds. The most commonly affected species were the canary (Serinus canarius), the Eurasian goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) and the red siskin (Spinus cucullatus). All but one bird were infected with Mycobacterium genavense. Mycobacterium avium was identified only in one case.  相似文献   

Endoscopic examination is described as a valuable diagnostic method in birds. In the introduction, reference is made to the literature on this subject. Apart from the classical approaches, alternative sites to enter the thoraco-abdominal cavity in birds are discussed. The basic equipment for endoscopy in birds is described and a new biopsy forceps which makes a secondary puncture redundant is introduced. After a discussion of the indications and complications, the value of the endoscopic examination is compared with other diagnostic methods for the diagnosis of avian tuberculosis in birds.  相似文献   

Disorders of the reproductive system represent a large portion of both large and small domestic animal medicine. Although some disorders of this system have been extensively studied in birds, this science is still in its infancy, when compared to mammalian reproductive medicine. This may be due to several reasons, but the simple fact that birds are oviparous renders knowledge of mammalian reproductive anatomy, histology, physiology, and disease process, inapplicable to avian patients. Nevertheless, several specific diseases or conditions affecting the reproductive system of birds have been described. By integrating information about the comparative anatomy and physiology of birds, reports of the most common reproductive diseases of birds and utilizing the latest diagnostic techniques, especially videoendoscopy, the avian practitioner should be able to diagnose and properly treat a high percentage of the avian reproductive diseases.  相似文献   

An epidemiological prospective (longitudinal) study design was used to evaluate the association of Congo red positive Escherichia coli and avian colisepticemia. High and low risk exposure groups of chickens were identified at hatching, and placed in separate identical houses on the same farm. Approximately 14,000 birds were placed in each house for the seven week grow-out period, during which all birds which died were necropsied and cultured, together with a representative sample of birds which were culled weekly. The findings implicated Escherichia coli as the etiological agent of avian colisepticemia. A relative risk of 6.5 and attributable risk of 73.5% supported the hypothesis that the Congo red medium identifies a virulent form of Escherichia coli which causes airsacculitis-colisepticemia in poultry.  相似文献   

Although nonpsittacine avian species comprise many different groups of birds, basic medical and surgical principles common to wound management in many vertebrate species are still applicable. This article will delve into examination and wound assessment along with therapeutic stabilization of wounded nonpsittacine birds. An overview of common case presentations that lead to a necessity for wound care are included, and may focus on one particular avian group, but the information can be used on a variety of avian species.  相似文献   

Geophagy, the ingestion of earth varying in particle size from stones to soils rich in clay, is a relatively widespread behaviour across avian taxa. We reviewed its occurrence in birds and its hypothesised adaptive functions in birds. Of the ~30 avian orders, 23 exhibit geophagy. However, it has only been documented in ~260 species (~2% of birds) and therefor is relatively uncommon. Ingestion of stones and other large particles (grit) is recorded in 54 extant families across the avian phylogeny and appears to be ancient in birds and has evolved several times. Clay ingestion is recorded in 14 phylogenetically scattered families and might have evolved repeatedly. Furthermore, at least nine families exhibit both clay and grit ingestion. Six hypothesised functions of avian geophagy involve digestion and nutrition. Ingested grit might provide (1) essential minerals, particularly sodium or calcium, but it appears to primarily (2) improve mechanical digestion of food in the gizzard, where ingested stones and sand particles are known as gastroliths. Consistent with this gastrolith hypothesis, ~86% of species ingesting grit consume “hard” food: seeds, leaves, insects or other animals. In contrast, ingested clay appears to be for sodium or other nutrient intake and/or protecting birds from ingested plant secondary compounds, by (3) protecting the digestive tract and (4) adsorbing these compounds. Consistent with this, ~88% of species ingesting clay eat fruit that is often rich in secondary compounds and low in sodium, and clay ingestion is associated with frugivory in a representative sample of genera of which many have been shown to source sodium. The other two hypotheses are buffering gastric pH (5) and acquiring antidiarrheal agents (6), but no documentation of this in birds was found. We suggest additional tests of these hypotheses and additional investigation of these proposed benefits of geophagy in birds.  相似文献   

Zoonotic agents challenging the world every year afresh are influenza A viruses. In the past, human pandemics caused by influenza A viruses had been occurring periodically. Wild aquatic birds are carriers of the full variety of influenza virus A subtypes, and thus, most probably constitute the natural reservoir of all influenza A viruses. Whereas avian influenza viruses in their natural avian reservoir are generally of low pathogenicity (LPAIV), some have gained virulence by mutation after transmission and adaptation to susceptible gallinaceous poultry. Those so-called highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIV) then cause mass die-offs in susceptible birds and lead to tremendous economical losses when poultry is affected. Besides a number of avian influenza virus subtypes that have sporadically infected mammals, the HPAIV H5N1 Asia shows strong zoonotic characteristics and it was transmitted from birds to different mammalian species including humans. Theoretically, pandemic viruses might derive directly from avian influenza viruses or arise after genetic reassortment between viruses of avian and mammalian origin. So far, HPAIV H5N1 already meets two conditions for a pandemic virus: as a new subtype it has been hitherto unseen in the human population and it has infected at least 438 people, and caused severe illness and high lethality in 262 humans to date (August 2009). The acquisition of efficient human-to-human transmission would complete the emergence of a new pandemic virus. Therefore, fighting H5N1 at its source is the prerequisite to reduce pandemic risks posed by this virus. Other influenza viruses regarded as pandemic candidates derive from subtypes H2, H7, and H9 all of which have infected humans in the past. Here, we will give a comprehensive overview on avian influenza viruses in concern to their zoonotic potential.  相似文献   

珠三角地区H7N9禽流感传播途径具有复杂性和特殊性。为进一步明确传播途径,基于家禽产业链视角,在H7N9禽流感最为严重的广州市、深圳市、佛山市,采用分层抽样法选取有代表性且能反映整体情况的养殖场、批发市场、屠宰场、农贸市场,调查H7N9禽流感的动物防疫和个人防护情况。结果显示:养殖场的生物安全隔离仍不完善,存在活禽接触候鸟感染禽流感的风险;批发市场和屠宰场防疫水平高,人感染风险较低;农贸市场的动物防疫条件和个人防护不充分,易扩散病毒;最有可能的传播途径是与候鸟接触后携带病毒的活禽,通过"养殖—批发—零售"产业链蔓延。该结论在明确"禽传人"、"活禽市场环境暴露"观点上深化了产业链各环节间的传播路径。因此,珠三角地区H7N9禽流感的防控重点要加强养殖环节的生物安全隔离,并做好零售环节中活禽与人之间的防控。  相似文献   

野生鸟类是生态系统中不可缺少的组成部分,近年来频频发生的禽流感事件及其流行特点显示禽流感的发生与野鸟活动存在一定关系。本文介绍禽流感及近期流行特点与野生鸟类关系,并就防控禽流感保护野生鸟类提出一系列建议和方法。  相似文献   

Based on a review of the literature, a comparison is made of the pharmacokinetics of penicillins, aminoglycosides, and chloramphenicol in birds and mammals. Penicillins in birds are likely to be more dependent for their elimination on biotransformation than in mammals. Amoxycillin had a relatively low availability (0.34) after p.o. administration. Higher doses (2 to 8 times) were needed to achieve the same peak levels in birds and mammals. Aminoglycosides, which for their elimination largely depend on renal excretion by glomerular filtration, show only minor differences in pharmacokinetics between birds and mammals. Chloramphenicol is mainly excreted after biotransformation and large differences in pharmacokinetic parameters are to be found, not only between birds and mammals, but also between avian species.  相似文献   


Endoscopic examination is described as a valuable diagnostic method in birds. In the introduction, reference is made to the literature on this subject. Apart from the classical approaches, alternative sites to enter the thoraco‐abdominal cavity in birds are discussed. The basic equipment for endoscopy in birds is described and a new biopsy forceps which makes a secundary puncture redundant is introduced.

After a discussion of the indications and complications, the value of the endoscopic examination is compared with other diagnostic methods for the diagnosis of avian tuberculosis in birds.  相似文献   

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