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Zoonoses, diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans, can pose serious health risks to immunocompromised people. Although pets can carry zoonoses, owning and caring for animals can benefit human health. Information exists about preventing transmission of zoonoses, but not all physicians and veterinarians provide adequate and accurate information to immunocompromised pet owners. This disease prevention/health promotion project provides physicians and veterinarians with information, created specifically to share with patients and clients, about the health risks and benefits of pet ownership. Further, "Healthy Pets, Healthy People" encourages communication between veterinarians, physicians, clients, and patients and can serve as a model program for a nation-wide effort to aid health professionals in making recommendations about pet ownership for immunocompromised people.  相似文献   

Pet ownership affects engagement with animal-related activities and may be related to support of wildlife management. British participants (= 220) completed an online survey providing information on pet ownership, attitudes toward pets, and support for wildlife management strategies. Within this sample, pet owners and individuals with positive attitudes toward pets were less supportive of strategies that put human needs before the needs of wildlife, more supportive of strategies attempting to avoid species extinctions, and opposed to strategies requiring compromises of individual species. Pet owners’ affectionate attitudes toward animals and opposition to their exploitation may be important in dictating attitudes toward wildlife. Conservation planners could apply these findings when seeking support for management strategies that constrain freedoms of pets and wildlife. Utilizing the sympathetic attitudes of pet owners toward animals by focusing on welfare and survival benefits for wildlife species may help foster support for management strategies.  相似文献   

In the context of all causes of human morbidity and mortality, or even within the context of all infectious diseases affecting the public health, pet-associated zoonotic infections are of moderate importance. The data documented in Table 1, however, indicate that they do exact significant human health and economic costs. If complete data were available for all of the infections shown in Table 1, the costs would be considerably higher. Moreover, most of these diseases are preventable through educating the public, particularly pet owners, of the zoonotic potential of these diseases, so that they may take precautions to minimize the risks leading to infection. These measures include appropriate health care of pets to eliminate infectious agents, reducing the number of uncontrolled, ownerless pets as well as unwanted or poorly supervised pets, preventing pets from soiling public places with their feces, excluding animals from areas where children play, enforcing leash laws, and promoting responsible pet ownership. Veterinarians, physicians, and public health agencies can aid in these efforts; ultimately, however, the responsibility lies with the pet owner.  相似文献   

This article is the first to describe the clinical picture and potential human health impact of laboratory-confirmed rabies infection in a pet Vietnamese pot-bellied pig in Maryland. Although cases of confirmed rabies infection have been infrequently reported in pet or agricultural during the past 10 years in the United States, exposure to rabies-positive animals remains a public health concern particularly for veterinarians, pet owners and other animal caretakers. It is important that individuals who are in a high-risk rabies exposure group remain vigilant to this potential public health threat in all mammal species.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey was carried out in Harare to assess pet ownership and public awareness with regard to pet zoonoses. The questionnaire was designed to obtain information on pet ownership, health and welfare of pets, pet owners’ knowledge and awareness of pet zoonoses with particular emphasis on hookworms and roundworms. The results demonstrated that the proportion of pet owners who knew helminths as zoonoses in dogs (21.3%) and cats (1.1%) was low compared to rabies (95.7%) with ancylostomosis (4.3%) and toxocariosis (2.1%) being the specific parasitic zoonoses known to occur in dogs and toxoplasmosis (2.1%) in cats. More than 50% of the pet owners indicated that veterinarians never discussed the potential hazards of zoonoses or discussed it only when asked and 33% indicated that veterinarians initiated discussion of the subject whenever zoonoses were diagnosed in pets. Over 90% of the pet owners indicated that veterinarians should discuss zoonoses with them. Further investigations are necessary to determine the current prevalence of intestinal nematode infections in dogs and cats in the various regions of the country.  相似文献   

Approximately 63% of US households have at least one pet, a large percentage of which are considered family members. Pet owners can derive substantial physical and psychological benefits from interaction with companion animals. However, pet ownership is not without risks; zoonotic diseases are increasingly drawing the attention of healthcare professionals, policy makers and the general public. While zoonoses of 'traditional' pets are widely recognized and their prevention and treatment factors are generally known, the growing popularity of 'non-traditional' pets has the potential to facilitate human exposure to novel zoonoses. However, the greatest risk of zoonoses probably arises from animals taken directly from the wild to serve as pets. Non-governmental organizations, state veterinary associations and others have been calling for increased regulation of animal imports, some proposing that all 'exotics' be banned from the pet trade. Because zoonotic diseases of companion animals are influenced by interacting factors of ecological, technical, socio-economic, and political origin, efforts to minimize their impact need be multi-dimensional, simultaneously addressing both the ecological and socio-political drivers of disease emergence and transmission. This study is intended to serve as a primer for animal care professionals seeking to engage with policy makers and the pet industry on the prevention of companion animal zoonoses. We provide background on the human-animal bond, risks of zoonoses associated with groups of companion animals, and the public policy context, as well as identify the factors needed to build a comprehensive approach to companion animal zoonoses risk management. Also included are examples of innovative, non-regulatory initiatives designed to limit the spread and impact of companion animal zoonoses, including a reptile salmonella poster, the National Reptile Improvement Plan, Habitattitude campaign, Pet Zoonoses Committee, and a wildlife disease surveillance initiative known as Project TripWire.  相似文献   

Pets, or companion animals, are said to be good for people. Until recently there has been little serious study of the effects on people's health of their interactions with companion animals. This is in spite of the fact that they have shared human lives for centuries and their beneficial effects have been known for at least 200 years. This paper reviews the ways in which companion animals have favourable effects on human health and behaviour, for example, as guides for blind and deaf people, for enriching the lives of long stay patients and for providing physical activity like horse riding for the severely disabled. Current knowledge of the effects of animals on human psychological, behavioural, physiological and social development is reviewed, including the use of animals in prison programmes. New findings in Australia show that pet owners had marked reduction in risk factors related to cardiac disease compared with non-owners. Other recent work has indicated that companion animals are able to act as 'early warning systems' for acute human conditions such as epileptic seizures.  相似文献   

Pets are not a major source of human infections but they can transmit certain diseases to man. This transmission usually is complex, requiring close contact with pets or their excretions and frequently involves a breach of sound hygienic practice. In some instances, pathogens of animal origin are acquired inadvertently because infectivity can persist after evidence of gross contamination has gone. Veterinarians participate in controlling zoonotic diseases by encouraging rabies vaccination and hygienic treatment of pet feces and urine, by supporting community efforts toward responsible pet ownership and by advising on precautions for handling sick animals. It is recommended that veterinarians discourage the keeping of wild or exotic animals as pets and excess fondling of pets (particularly by children and pregnant women). Clients and kennel workers should be advised to use caution with animals that have aborted.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was used to collect information on attitudes toward dogs and cats as companion animals. Thirty-nine attitudinal questions on dogs were grouped using principal component analysis (PCA) into six independent major factors; whereas, 38 items on cats were grouped using principal component analysis (PCA) into four independent major factors. In addition, 18 items which did not fit the PCA model but that were related to the respondents' attitudes towards dogs and cats as companion animals were analysed separately. The hypotheses tested, using analysis of variance (ANOVA) were that there was no significant relationship between the factors and five variables, i.e., pet ownership, age or sex of the respondents and their like or dislike of either dogs or cats. The respondents' like or dislike of dogs or cats influenced their attitudes towards ownership of companion animals. Furthermore, nonowners stated they derive minimal value from a dog or cat as a pet and viewed the negative characteristics of the animal itself per se as a more important factor in determining ownership. Female respondents were more emotionally involved and younger owners derived more of a feeling of importance-vanity from dog or cat ownership.  相似文献   

The study of thanatology has recently taken on increased importance in the field of veterinary medicine. Today, the roles of companion animals have expanded to include beloved pet and family member, provider of social and emotion support, and in the case of service dogs, provider of assistance to owners with special needs. For these reasons, companion animals have taken on greater significance within their human families. Their deaths can be as painful and difficult for their families as the death of human family members. Veterinarians are tasked with working in concert with the pet owner, throughout the lifetime of the pet, to promote the pet’s health and well-being. In critical and or terminal situations, it is the veterinarian’s role to educate the owner so that informed decisions regarding treatment options or a decision to euthanize the pet can take place. In veterinary medicine, euthanasia means to end life painlessly. Veterinarians and owners, working in partnership to make subjective and objective assessments on the pets quality of life, produce the best results. For the veterinarian, the medical approach (including: clinical history, physical exam, laboratory tests, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment) can assist in assessing the pet’s physical health status, any potential treatments, and the likely short and long term outcomes. The owner’s role in the partnership is to subjectively assess overall behavioral changes and the pet’s quality of life. Once owners have decided to euthanize their pet, there are still more factors to consider: where to perform the procedure, which family members will be present, and how the remains will be handled. The veterinarian can do everything possible to minimize any anxiety for the pet during the euthanasia, including administration of a tranquilizer prior to the procedure. The veterinarian will allow the pet’s family time to say goodbye and educate them on what to expect when their pet dies. There is a possibility that other pets that lived in the same household may also experience distress at the loss of their animal family member. The veterinarian can let the owners know what signs may be signaling depression or anxiety in that pet. The grieving process is extremely personal and people must be allowed to grieve in the way that helps them deal with their loss. Veterinarians need to be careful not to minimize the owner’s loss or grief. The owner will count on the veterinarian’s guidance and expertise when making decisions affecting their pet’s well-being. Making an informed decision can help assuage any guilt about opting for euthanasia when done in the best interest of the pet.  相似文献   

The prevalence of human allergy to pet danders has increased rapidly over the past six decades, as a consequence of lifestyle changes that have enhanced ambient exposure to pet allergens. This is a problem of global public health importance, as the morbidity associated with allergic diseases disproportionately affects socio‐economically disadvantaged populations, particularly children. Although the public often seeks advice from veterinary health‐care professionals regarding healthy pet ownership practices, including strategies for reducing residential pet dander exposure, many misconceptions persist in the public domain regarding pet dander allergy, such as the belief that certain dog and cat breeds are ‘hypoallergenic’ due to their hair/coat type. This review considers the epidemiology of human exposure to the major cat and dog dander allergens, Fel d 1 and Can f 1 respectively, and the sensitization mechanisms to them, including the hygiene hypothesis and the putative role of bacterial endotoxin. The literature regarding primary and secondary exposures in different ambient environments is explored including threshold effects that influence allergen sensitization and elicitation of symptoms, and environmental intervention strategies that seek to reduce allergen exposure. Pet‐specific factors, including the aetiopathogenesis of the several cat and dog allergens that have been characterized to the molecular level, individual animal characteristics that influence Fel d 1 and Can f 1 shedding, and pet‐directed interventions intended to reduce allergen dispersal, are discussed.  相似文献   

Owing to the inconclusive findings of research regarding the health benefits of pet ownership, we compared perceived health, stress, life satisfaction, happiness, and psychosomatic symptoms in dog owners and non–dog owners. As an attempt to overcome some earlier methodological issues, the sample consisted of 602 individuals from Mexico aged ≥18 years (377 dog owners and 225 non–dog owners). These 2 groups were equivalent in age, gender, educational level, marital status, employment, parental status, and the presence of chronic illness. The results indicated that, compared to non–dog owners, the dog owners' scores were significantly lower for psychosomatic symptoms and stress and were higher for general health, vitality, emotional role, absence of bodily pain, social functioning, and mental health. No significant difference between groups was found for life satisfaction, happiness, physical functioning, or physical role. Group differences might occur because individuals who perceive themselves to be healthier also choose to have a pet; nevertheless, 273 (72.6%) had owned a pet during the previous 5 years, and 86 (22.8% of the overall sample) reported that they had always owned dogs. In conclusion, the dog owners perceived themselves as healthier—but not happier—than non–dog owners.  相似文献   

We examined whether pet ownership increased the risk for tick encounters and tickborne disease among residents of three Lyme disease‐endemic states as a nested cohort within a randomized controlled trial. Information about pet ownership, use of tick control for pets, property characteristics, tick encounters and human tickborne disease were captured through surveys, and associations were assessed using univariate and multivariable analyses. Pet‐owning households had 1.83 times the risk (95% CI = 1.53, 2.20) of finding ticks crawling on and 1.49 times the risk (95% CI = 1.20, 1.84) of finding ticks attached to household members compared to households without pets. This large evaluation of pet ownership, human tick encounters and tickborne diseases shows that pet owners, whether of cats or dogs, are at increased risk of encountering ticks and suggests that pet owners are at an increased risk of developing tickborne disease. Pet owners should be made aware of this risk and be reminded to conduct daily tick checks of all household members, including the pets, and to consult their veterinarian regarding effective tick control products.  相似文献   

The human/animal relationship exhibited by the elderly and their pets has limitations as well as potentials. The functions of a pet as a companion and social facilitator in pet-facilitated psychotherapy include serving as a cotherapist for facilitation of rapport, providing companionship, substituting for close interpersonal relationships (ie, significant others), enhancing the health status of a variety of target groups, increasing opportunity for sensory stimulation, and providing emotional support and a sense of well-being. Available information was limited because few studies have been replicated, data were not validated, and previous studies were restricted mainly to institutionalized or therapeutic environments. Implications for future research include use of animals for companionship and to promote the physical, social, and emotional health of the elderly.  相似文献   

奇异变形杆菌为人兽共患病原菌,多为继发感染.本研究从潍坊地区宠物医院的犬瘟热患病犬眼鼻分泌物和犬细小病毒感染患病犬直肠粪便中,共采集样品39份,进行奇异变形杆菌分离鉴定和耐药性检测.结果显示:分离鉴定出11株奇异变形杆菌,分离率为28.20%,其中犬细小病毒感染犬的奇异变形杆菌分离率为47.37%;16S rRNA序列...  相似文献   

Keeping backyard poultry in urban areas is a burgeoning trend in the United States. As such, we believe urban pet poultry owners are increasingly likely to seek veterinary services from urban companion-animal practitioners. Traditionally, poultry species have been classified as production animals. Most small-animal practitioners have limited experience or knowledge of these species and hesitate to accept these animals at their practices. We developed a one-day course to train veterinarians in pet poultry (as opposed to commercial poultry) medicine. The course covers poultry examination, diseases, and treatments and provides an introduction to poultry breeds and behavior and the basics of nutrition and husbandry. We believe this type of continuing education program is important for veterinarians because they are often on the front line of human public health issues. In addition, courses of this type increase the number of veterinarians trained to spot serious avian diseases, including foreign diseases and diseases with zoonotic potential. Most important, veterinarians with this training develop the knowledge to contribute to the health and well-being of pet poultry along with their clients' other companion animals.  相似文献   


Aims: To describe the demographics of and predictors for pet ownership, reasons for visiting a veterinarian, and pet-related expenditure in pet owners in New Zealand.

Methods: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted from 18–22 June 2015 using a permission-based panel of New Zealand residents aged ≥18 years. Questions included demographics of respondents, number of pets and reasons for owning or not owning pets, number of visits and reasons for visiting a veterinarian, and pet-related expenditure.

Results: Of the 1,572 respondents who completed the survey, 1,013 (64.4%) owned ≥1 pet. Of these, 443 owned dogs, 696 cats, 32 horses, 103 birds, 55 rabbits, and 159 owned fish. Companionship was the most common reason for getting dogs, cats, and birds; horses were mostly owned as a hobby, rabbits to provide fun for children, and fish as a source of relaxation. The majority of dog, cat, and rabbit owners considered their pets to be family members; horse owners almost equally considered their horses a hobby or a family member. The odds of pet ownership increased for respondents from a rural region, having a higher household income, having children and being female. Overall, 711/1,013 (70.2%) pet-owning respondents had taken ≥1 animal to the veterinarian in the previous year, with the most common reasons being for vaccination or annual check-ups or health issues. Respondents who considered their pets trusted companions, had a higher income, and owned dogs or cats compared with other species, were most likely to have taken their pet to a veterinarian. The greatest pet-related expenditure for all species was food. The median yearly veterinary expenditure was $200–499 by dog owners, $100–199 by cat owners, and <$100 by horse, bird, rabbit, and fish owners. The best source of information for pet-related issues was considered to be veterinarians by 724/1,001 (72.3%) owners, and the internet by 509/1,001 (50.8%) owners.

Conclusions: Among survey respondents, pet ownership was common and pets filled a variety of roles in the household. Pet owners reported spending considerable amounts of money on their pets each year, but some of them may be underutilising veterinary services despite veterinarians being considered as valuable sources of information about pet-related issues.  相似文献   

介绍了宠物的定义与分类,宠物与人类健康的新理念,宠物福利与保健等与宠物相关的常识。重点阐述了宠物保健品特别是宠物生物制品的研发现状,并对宠物保健品的监管提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

In keeping of pets accessories play an important role. They serve to improve the conditions of pet keeping or even help to make it possible at all. Beyond that, accessories enrich activity of the animals and thus may increase their well-being. But accessories can endanger health and life of the pets due to deficient quality or due to inadequate use. This paper demonstrates the sources of danger potentially arising from accessories by pointing out examples. On the other hand exemplary paraphernalia and ways of pet keeping are presented which are qualified to increase well-being of the pets and to avoid physical impairment.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Salmonella spp. was determined in 970 animals comprising 423 pet birds, 485 fish aquaria water and 62 other pets (40 pet mammals, 14 reptiles, eight others - crustaceans, snail, stingray) from both pet shops and households throughout Trinidad. The serotypes of Salmonella spp. isolated were identified and the resistance to various antimicrobial agents was determined. Overall nine (0.9%) of 970 pet animals were positive for Salmonella spp. Six isolates of Salmonella spp. were recovered from all pet birds with two isolates of serotype Aberdeen and one isolate each of Thompson, Rubislaw, Panama and Newport. The prevalence of Salmonella spp. in birds was 0.9%. Four isolates of Salmonella spp. were recovered from fish aquaria water, serotypes included Panama (two isolates), Newport (one isolate) and Virchow (one isolate). Prevalence of Salmonella spp. from fish aquaria was 0.4%. No isolate of Salmonella spp. was detected in pet mammals sampled while two isolates were recovered from reptiles, S. Enteritidis and S. Montevideo. One isolate of Salmonella spp. was recovered from a stingray, serotype unknown. Antimicrobial resistance was present is all animal types. The highest prevalence of resistance was to streptomycin among isolates from birds (83.3%) and other pets (100.0%) while isolates from fish aquarium water exhibited comparatively high resistance to cephalothin (50.0%). It was concluded that the isolation of Salmonella spp. from apparently healthy birds, fish aquarium water and other pet animals may pose a health risk to their owners and contacts as all serotypes are known to be potentially pathogenic depending on the oral dosage of the organism and the immune status of those in contact. The high prevalence of resistance to antimicrobial agents among Salmonella isolates across pet species may pose chemotherapeutic consequences to their owners and contacts.  相似文献   

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